What Is Tripartism?: Tripartism Refers To The Consultative Process

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1. What is Tripartism refers to the consultative process.


The Philippine government adopted tripartism as a state policy by

virtue of the following:

• Article XIII, Section 3 (Social Justice and Human

Rights) of the Philippine Constitution.

• ILO Convention No. 144 (Tripartite Consultations to

Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards) –
Ratified on 10 June 1991

• Article 275 (Tripartism and Tripartite Conferences) of

the Labor Code of the Philippines, as amended, declares
tripartism as a State policy.

• Republic Act No. 10395, An Act Strengthening

Tripartism, Amending for the Purpose Article 275 of Presidential
Decree No. 442, as amended, otherwise known as the "Labor
Code of The Philippines"
There are four (4) types of tripartite bodies in the Philippines,
2. What are the performing different functions, namely:
different types 1. Consultative Bodies (national and local levels)
of tripartite 2. Policy-making bodies
bodies in the 3. Quasi-Judicial Bodies
Philippines? 4. Quasi-Legislative Bodies

Tripartite bodies according to type:

a. Consultative Bodies (national and local levels)
• Tripartite Industrial Peace Councils (TIPCs)
• Industry Tripartite Councils (ITCs)
b. Policy-making bodies
• Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA);
• Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA);
• Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC);
• National Wages and Productivity Commission (NWPC);
• Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA)’
• Employees Compensation Commission (ECC); and,
• Tripartite Voluntary Arbitration Advisory Council (TVAAC);
Except for the TVACC which recommends actions for the Secretary’s approval, the
above mentioned bodies are chaired by the Secretary of Labor and Employment.

Other bodies with policy-making functions where the DOLE as well as the labor and
employer sectors are represented include the following:

• Social Security Commission (SSC);

• Home Mutual Development Fund (HDMF);
• Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA);
• Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC); and,
• National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC).

c. Quasi-Judicial Bodies

• National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC)

• National Wages and Productivity NWPC

d. Quasi-Legislative Bodies
• Regional Tripartite Wage and Productivity Boards (RTWPBs)
The National Tripartite Industrial Peace Council (NTIPC) is
3. What is the the main consultative and advisory body mechanism lodged
National with the Department of Labor and Employment functions
Tripartite primarily as a consultative body where the social partners –
Industrial labor, employers and government – are provided a venue to
discuss relevant policy issuances on labor and employment.
Representatives for the labor and employer sectors are
Council? appointed by the President, through the nomination of their
respective sectors and the Secretary of Labor, while
representatives from other government agencies are called
depending on the issues at hand.
The National TIPC was formally created by virtue of the following
4. What are the Republic Act 10395 (2012) – An Act Strengthening Tripartism, Amending
legal bases for for the Purpose Article 275 of PD 442, Otherwise Known as the Labor Code
of the Philippines)
the creation of
Department Order No. 111-11 (2011) – Guidelines in the Creation
the Tripartite Guidelines in the Creation and Institutionalization of Coordination of
Industrial National Industry Councils, Regional Tripartite Industrial Peace Councils
Peace and Regional or Local Industry Tripartite Councils
Council? Executive Order No. 97 (1999) – Amending E.O. No. 49, further expanding
the functions of the TIPC
Executive Order No. 49 (1998) – Amending E.O. No. 383 for the purpose
of reconstituting and expanding the membership of the TIPC
Executive Order No. 383 (1996) – Reorganizing and strengthening the
DOLE Department Order No. 8 (1995) – Guidelines in the constitution and
institutionalization of national industry councils, Regional TIPCs, and
regional or local ITCs under the national TIPC
Executive Order No. 25 (1992) – Amending E.O.403, Further
Strengthening the TIPC
Executive Order No. 403 (1990) – Establishing the TIPC
The criterion for representation in the TIPC is the “most representative
5. What is the organizations of employers and workers” status.
criterion for
“Representative Organisations” refers to the most representative
representation organizations of employers and workers enjoying the right of freedom of
to the TIPC? association. Article 1 of ILO Convention No. 144

“The most representative organizations of employers and workers”

in Article 1 of Convention 144 “does not mean only the largest
organization of employers and the largest organisation of workers.
If in a particular country there are two or more organisations of
employers or workers which represent a significant body of
opinion, even though one of them may be larger than the others,
they may all be considered to be 'most representative
organisations' for the purpose of the Convention. The government
should endeavour to secure an agreement of all the organisations
concerned in establishing the consultative procedures provided for by
the Convention, but if this is not possible it is in the last resort for the
government to decide, in good faith in the light of the national
circumstances, which organisations are to be considered as the most
The National TIPC has 20 representatives each from workers and
employers sectors who have been appointed by the President.
6. What is the Government is represented by the DOLE and other various
composition agencies. The Secretary of Labor and Employment heads the
and frequency National TIPC.
of meetings of The National TIPC is convened on a quarterly basis. Special
the TIPC? meetings may be called upon by the Secretary of Labor during

7. How long
would the
representative Until term recalled by nominating organization.
8. What is the
• One of the functions of the TIPC is to formulate proposals
and recommendations on labor, economic and social concerns and
of the TIPC to to monitor the full implementation and compliance with provisions of
industrial tripartite instruments and social accords.
peace &
harmony? • Major DOLE issuances and issues on labor and employment
are being processed in the TIPC.
The TIPC has regional, city/municipal and provincial and
9. What is the industry bases. Also, TIPCs are replicated at the industry
organizational level otherwise called as Industry Tripartite Councils (ITCs),
structure of the which can both be located at the national and local levels.
At the national level, the TIPC is supported by the TIPC
Monitoring Body and the National Tripartite Advisory
Committee (NTAC), the Tripartite Executive Committee (TEC)
and TEC Monitoring Body.

All these tripartite councils, whether national, regional, local

or industry-based, serve as subcommittees of the National
• Republic Act 10395 (An Act Strengthening Tripartism,
10. What are the Amending for the Purpose Article 275 of PD 442, Otherwise
bases for the Known as the Labor Code of the Philippines)
constitution of
Industry • Department Order No. 111-11, (Guidelines in the
Tripartite Creation Guidelines in the Creation and Institutionalization of
Councils Coordination of National Industry Councils, Regional
(ITCs)? Tripartite Industrial Peace Councils and Regional or Local
Industry Tripartite Councils)

• Executive Order No. 25, series of 1992, provides for

the creation of regional or industry wide tripartite councils.

• DOLE Department Order No. 8, series of 1995,

provides for guidelines in the constitution and
institutionalization of national industry councils, and regional
or local industry tripartite councils under the national TIPC.
11. What is the
DOLE’s policy The DOLE promotes the creation of ITCs pursuant to ILO
on the creation Convention 144 which institutionalizes tripartism by providing
of ITC? a continuing forum for tripartite advisement and consultation
empowering workers’ and employers organizations,
enhancing their respective rights, attaining industrial peace
and improving productivity.
A national ITC is chaired by an Undersecretary of the DOLE
12. What is the and is composed of such number of workers and employers’
composition of representatives as the needs of the industry may warrant.
an ITC?
A regional or local ITC is chaired by the Regional Director of
the DOLE; provided, however, that consistent with the
principle of respecting local autonomy, the Governor or
Mayor in the local unit concerned shall be given priority in
heading the ITC. It is composed of regional of local industry
representatives from the workers’ and employers’ sectors
and other government agencies directly involved with the
specific industry.
The functions of the TIPCs/ITCs are as follows:
13. What are the
a) Serve as an information network specifically on
functions of the labor relations issues and industry configurations
TIPCs/ITCs? in the appropriate level;

b) Monitor compliance with sectoral commitments as

embodied in national, regional, local or industry
tripartite accords;

c) Ensure implementation of the action plan relative

to the Philippine Decent Work Common Agenda;

d) Assist concerned agencies in the identification of

industries or establishments with potentials for
growth, as well as industries and establishments
which are likely to experience labor disputes or in
need of appropriate responses with respect to
industry-specific concerns;
e) Lend support to DOLE agencies in the
resolution of industrial disputes;
What are the
f) Undertake project toward the formulation of
functions of the
tripartite views, policy and program proposals,
TIPCs/ITCs? legislative proposals, and appropriate
(con’t) recommendations on labor, economic and
social concerns for submission to concerned
g) Coordinate with and render technical
assistance/advice to the appropriate agencies
or councils in matters relating to labor and
h) Promote the active participation of workers and
employers in policy formulation and
development; and
i) Perform such other functions as may be
required by the Secretary of Labor and
Employment or by law.
14. What are the There are currently eight (8) national ITCs, as follows:
national ITCs
and the  Automotive Assembly Industry Tripartite Council (AAITC)
frequency of  Construction Industry Tripartite Council (CITC)
 Banking Industry Tripartite Council (BITC)
meetings?  Clothing And Textile Industry Tripartite Council (CTITC)
 Hotel and Restaurant Tripartite Consultative Body, Inc. (HRTCB)
 Sugar Tripartite Council (STC)
 Maritime Industry Tripartite Council (MITC)
 Overseas Landbased Tripartite Consultative Council

Meetings of ITC vary. Some ITCs meet every month while

others have agreed to meet bi-monthly or quarterly.
The TIPC, by virtue of TIPC Resolution No. 1, series of 2010, was
15. What is the TIPC constituted as the High Level Tripartite Monitoring Body tasked to
Monitoring look into ILO cases/complaints. This is in response to the ILO
Body, its High Level Mission’s recommendation on the “four areas for
functions and future action on Convention No. 87” which include the setting-up
of a high-level tripartite, inter-agency monitoring body for
composition? complaints on violations of International Labor Standards,
particularly on freedom of association and protection of the right
to organize.

The TIPC Monitoring Body is tasked to: (1) facilitate “out of the
box solution” to long-standing CFA cases; (2) monitor and report
progress on active CFA cases; and (3) facilitate gathering of
relevant information on complaints submitted to the ILO and
evaluate and recommend appropriate action/s. It is supported by
a TEC Monitoring Body, which is primarily tasked to look into ILO
cases/complaints prior to submission of the same to the TIPC
Monitoring Body. The TIPC Monitoring Body is composed of the
regular members of the National TIPC.
The National Tripartite Advisory Committee (NTAC) serves as
16. What is the the Oversight Committee on the Philippine Labor and
National Employment Plan (PLEP) 2011-2016. It is mainly responsible
Tripartite for coming out with programs and projects along the four
Advisory decent work pillars (rights at work; employment; social
Committee protection and social dialogue) and ensuring the
implementation of the Philippine Decent Work Common
(NTAC), its
Agenda. It is composed of the tripartite plus partners,
functions and including the informal sector, and is lodged at the Institute for
composition? Labor Studies.
17. What is the The TEC serves as the workhorse and technical working
Tripartite group of the TIPC. It is tasked with the effective day-to-day
Executive functioning of the TIPC, the performance of activities and
Committee? projects approved by the TIPC, and such other specific
assignments delegated to it by the TIPC. It is created among
the regular members or representatives as agreed upon by
the members of the TIPC.
To date, the TIPC was able to process 43 policy issuances. These
18. What major are the following:
policy issuances
1. Department Order No. 9, series of 1997, the new rules
were processed implementing Book V of the Labor Code;
by the TIPC from 2. Department Order No. 10, series of 1997, the new
its rules on subcontracting;
establishment 3. The new rules implementing the Paternity Leave Act, ,
series of 1997, R.A. No. 8187
under President 4. Department Order No. 10, series of 1998, Guidelines
Corazon on the imposition of double indemnity for non-
Aquino’s compliance with the prescribed increases or
administration adjustments in wage rates;
5. Memorandum Circular No. 2, , series of 1998,
up to the Technical guidelines for classifying hazardous and
present? non-hazardous establishments, workplaces and work
6. Department Order No. 4, series of 1999, Hazardous
work and activities to persons below 18 years of age;
7. Department Order No. 7, series of 1999, The rules
implementing the PESO Act;
What major policy 8. Department Order No, 14, series of 2001, Guidelines
issuances were governing the employment and working conditions of
processed by the security guards and similar personnel in the private
security industry;
TIPC from its
9. Department Order No. 15, series of 2001, Rule 1160:
establishment boiler; Rule 1170: unfired pressure vessels Rule 1180:
under President internal combustion engine; and Rule 1240: power
Corazon Aquino’s piping lines of the Occupational Safety and Health
administration up
10. Department Order No. 16, series of 2001, Rule 1030
to the present? on training and accreditation of personnel on
(con’t) occupational safety and health;
11. Department Order No. 18-02, Rules Implementing
Articles 106 to 109 of the Labor Code, as amended;
12. Department Order No. 40-03, Amending the
Implementing Rules of Book V of the Labor Code of
the Philippines;
13. Department Order No. 53-03, Guidelines for the
17. What major policy Implementation of a Drug-Free Workplace Policies and
issuances were Programs for the Private Sector;
processed by the 14. Department Order No. 40-B-03, amendment to D.O.
TIPC from its 40-03;
15. Department Order No. 57-04, Labor Standards
establishment under Enforcement Framework;
President Corazon 16. Department Order No. 40-B-03, amendment of Section
Aquino’s 2(E), Rule III, on the requirement for the registration of
administration up to chartered locals;
17. Department Order No. 65-04, the implementing rules
the present? (con’t) and regulations of Republic Act No. 9231, “An Act
Providing for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of
Child Labor and Affording Stronger Protection for the
Working Child, amending for this purpose Republic Act
No. 7610, as amended, otherwise known as the
Special Protection of Children against Child Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination Act”;
18. Department Order No. 68-04, the guidelines on the
implementation of the Kasanayan at Hanapbuhay
17. What major policy Program - An Apprenticeship and Employment
issuances were Program;
processed by the 19. Memorandum Circular No. 02, Adoption of Fixed Start
TIPC from its Working Hours in the Private Sector during the
Christmas Season;
establishment under 20. Department Advisory No. 02, series of 2004,
President Corazon Implementation of Compressed Workweek Schemes;
Aquino’s 21. Department Order No. 71-04, Occupational Safety and
administration up to Health Standard Rule 1190 on Steam Turbine)
22. Department Order No. 73-05, Guidelines on the
the present? (con’t) Implementation of Policy and Program on TB
Prevention and Control in the Workplace
23. Department Order No. 40-F-03, Amending Rules III, V,
VIII, IX, XIV and XV of the Implementing Rules of Book
V of the Labor Code of the Philippines;
24. Department Advisory No. 2, Guidelines on the
Adoption of Flexible Work Arrangements
1. Department Order No. 40-G-03, series of 2010,
Recent Issuances: Amending Rule XXII of the Implementing Rules of Book V of
From 2010-2013 the Labor Code of the Philippines;

This issuance is an interim measure which addresses the

perceived arbitrariness in the exercise of the assumption
power. The D.O. provides that the Secretary of Labor may
assume jurisdiction over the dispute and decide or certify the
same to the NLRC for compulsory arbitration.

2. Department Order No. 107-10, series of 2010, Guidelines on the Single Entry
Approach (SEnA) Prescribing a 30-Day Mandatory Conciliation-Mediation
Services for All Labor and Employment Cases)

This Guidelines seek to provide a speedy, impartial, inexpensive and

accessible settlement services for unresolved issues/complaints arising from
employer-employee relations and uses conciliation-mediation as the primary
mode of settlement. From the time of its implementation, SEnA has been
used as a mode to prevent labor disputes from escalating into labor cases.
3. Department Advisory No. 5, s. 2010, Guidelines for the Implementation of a
Workplace Policy and Program on Hepatitis B

The advisory requires all private workplaces to implement a rights-based

policy and a program on Hepatitis B that incorporated human rights standards
and principles. It also covers all workers regardless of their employment
status. It requires vaccination to all occupations with a conceivable risk of
Hepatitis B transmission in the workplace such as health care workers and
other workers whose occupation involves the potential exchange of bodily
fluids. It also encourages all establishments to provide Hepatitis B
immunization for all its workers.

The advisory also requires firms to include a policy on non-discriminatory,

confidentiality, work accommodation, and arrangements for workers with
Hepatitis B status.
4. Department Order No. 109-11, Creation of Efficiency and Integrity Boards in the
Department of Labor and Employment;

The DOLE Efficiency and Integrity Boards are the Department’s contribution
to the Aquino administration’s fight against corruption. A DOLE integrity
Development Plan is being formulated and subjected to review.

5. Department Order No. 111-11, Guidelines in the Creation Guidelines in the

Creation and Institutionalization of Coordination of National Industry Councils,
RTIPCs and Regional or Local ITCs;

This Guidelines was created to ensure better coordination or the national and
regional TIPCs. To further strengthen the capacities of the TIPC, capacity-
building seminars with TIPC, ITC, and Regional TIPC monitoring bodies
secretariats were done.
6. Department Order No. 112-11, Guidelines Governing the Implementation of the
Special Leave Benefits for Women Employees in the Private Sector”

Under the Republic Act 9710, otherwise known as “The Magna Carta of
Women“, a woman employee shall be entitled to a special leave benefit of two
(2) months with full pay based on her gross monthly compensation following
surgery caused by gynecological disorders. As guidelines for the
implementation of special leave benefits for women in the private sectors, the
Department of Labor and Employment issued this Department Order.

A supplemental D.O. on the implementation of the special leave benefits was

issued this 2012.

7. Department Order No. 115-11, “Guidelines on the Implementation of the

Incentivizing Compliance Program (ICP)”;

The Incentivizing Compliance Program (ICP) converges DOLE programs on

labor law compliance and awards a tripartite seal of excellence on compliant
companies and their products. Tripartite Certification Committees (TCC) were
created and oriented in the Regional Offices. A total of eighty (80)
establishments were enrolled under the ICP.

8. Joint DOLE-PNP-PEZA Guidelines in the Conduct of PNP Personnel,

Economic Zone Police and Security Guards, Company Security Guards and
Similar Personnel During Labor Disputes;

The Guidelines was jointly issued by the DOLE, PNP and PEZA on 23 May
2011 to ensure proper coordination in responding to cases of a
strike/lockout/picket or any labor dispute within or outside the economic
Seventeen (17) advocacies for the Joint DOLE-PNP-PEZA Guidelines were
done for the following: Security guards under PNP-SOSIA, MMDA personnel,
PEZA security agencies & HR personnel, and PMAP members.
9. Department Order No. 18-A, The Rules Implementing Articles 106-109 of the
Labor Code, as Amended;

The track of this issuance is to curb abuses and ensure full compliance with
workers’ rights to security of tenure, labor standards and occupational health
and safety standards by tightening the requirements for legitimate

As of June 2012, there are 14, 588 registered contractors/subcontractors

nationwide. Aside from orientation seminars, the BLR caters walk-in and
phone clients seeking information on the implementation of the aid D.O.

10. Department Order No. 118-12, on Bus Transport

The D.O. introduces the two-tiered wage systems on the Bus Transport
industry. This was issued on 13 January 2012.
11. D.O. 112-A, Supplemental Guidelines on the Implementation of Special Leave
Benefits for Women;

This D.O. was issued to supplement the special leave benefits for women in
the private sector.

12. D.O. 119-12, Implementing Rules on RA 10151 (An Act Allowing the Employment
of Night Workers, thereby Repealing Art. 130 &131 of LC)

13. Guidelines on the Conduct of the DOLE, DILG, DND, DOJ, AFP and PNP
Relative to the Exercise of Workers’ Rights and Activities

This Guidelines was signed on 07 May 2012. A simplified Q & A could be

browsed at the BLR website

14. Department Order No. 125-13 – Revised Guidelines on the Conduct of Time &
Motion Study
15. Department Order No. 126-13 – Revised Guidelines on the Conduct of Facility

16. Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10361 or Batas

17. Department Order No. 128-13 – Amending Rule 1414 on Scaffoldings of the
1989 OSH Standards, as amended (signed on April 30)

18. Department Order No. 129-13, Rules and Regulations Governing the
Employment and Working Conditions of Seafarers Onboard Ships Engaged in
Domestic Shipping (signed on June 7)

19. Department Order No. 130-13, Rules and Regulations on the Employment of
Filipino Seafarers Onboard Philippine Registered Ships Engaged in International
Voyage (signed on June 07)
To date, the NTIPC has supported a total of 6 policy or
reforms agenda pursuant to the 22-point agenda of the PNoy.
19. What are the DOLE- Among these reforms are:
initiated reforms
supported by the a. TIPC Resolution No. 3, “Endorsing and Extending
National TIPC that Tripartite Support to the DOLE initiated Reforms in Labor
are consistent with Arbitration and Adjudication System and in Strengthening
the 22-point agenda Tripartism and Social Dialogue”
of President
Benigno Aquino III? b. TIPC Resolution No. 3-A, “Supporting the Creation of
(a-f items) a National Efficiency and Integrity Board under the National
Tripartite Industrial Peace Council as Monitoring and
Oversight Body over the Tripartite Efficiency and Integrity
Boards to be Established DOLE-wide”

c. TIPC Resolution No. 3-B, “Recommending Pro-Active

Involvement in the Implementation of Tripartite Certificate of
Labor Standards Compliance under the Labor Standards
Enforcement Framework”
d. TIPC Resolution No. 3-C, “Providing a Criteria for Nomination and Selection
of Sectoral Representatives and Procedure for Nomination to Philippine
Tripartite Bodies”

e. TIPC Resolution No. 3-D, “Supporting the Creation, Strengthening and/or

Reactivation of Industry Tripartite Councils in Priority Industries and the
Promotion of Voluntary Code of Good Industry Practices”

f. TIPC Resolution No. 3-E, “Adopting a Uniform Procedure in Decision-Making


Resolutions 3, 3-A and 3-B were approved on 2 September 2010; Resolutions

3-C and 3-D on 14 September 2010; Resolution 3-E on 17 November 2010.
20. How many Regional,
City/Municipal, ITCs for local level
Provincial TIPCs
and ITCs are
Regional TIPCs 16
Municipality/city TIPC 53
Provincial TIPCs 62
Total ITCs 131
Existing TIPCs and ITCs ny Region (as of June 2013)





TIPCs 14 7 5 2 8 17 5 13 6 6 5 11 7 10 7 7
ITCs 7 28 17 13 14 14 6 25 5 10 6 7 7 6 8 7
It is a set of Guidelines or a set of voluntary minimum
21. What is a Voluntary standards on the social and employment aspects of the
Code of Good industry. It may deal with: hiring and firing of employees;
Practices? education and training; health and safety; enforcement of
labor standards or improvement of working conditions; dispute
settlement; social dialogue or in area to be determined by the
social partners.

The objective is to allow the industry social partners to

voluntarily self-regulate their engagement and for DOLE to
assume a facilitative role.
At present, there are eighty-five (85) VCGPs across various industries nationwide.





VCGPs 8 2 6 2 14 5 4 2 4 5 7 3 7 4 7 5
1 NCR Education ITC “EITC Code of Good Practices (for Academic 9 November 2010
2 NCR Hospital ITC “Voluntary Code of Good Practices on Decent 14 December 2010
Work + in the Hospital Industry in National
Capital Region”
3 NCR Bus (Transport) ITC Voluntary Code of Good Practices on Decent 23 June 2011
Work + in the Bus Transport Industry NCR
4 NCR Broadcast ITC Voluntary Code of Good Industry Practices on 23 June 2011
Decent Work +
5 NCR Cargo Handling & Logistics ITC Voluntary Code of Good Industry Practices on 23 June 2011
(CHLITC) Decent Work + for the Cargo Handling and
6 NCR Education ITC Code of Good Practices for the Non-Academic 23 June 2011
Personnel of the Education ITC
7 NCR Hotel and Restaurant 2012
8 CAR Academe 2012
9 CAR ITC for Hotel and Restaurant – Kalinga Code of Voluntary Compliance and Good 19 December 2012
Practices – Hotel and Restaurant - Kalinga
10 Region I ITC Hotel and Restaurant Industry Voluntary Code of Good Practices in ITC Hotel 13 May 2011
and Restaurant Industry (Dagupan City)
11 Region I ITC Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism- Voluntary Code of Good Practices in ITC Hotel, 18 November 2011
Related Industry Restaurant and Tourism-Related (Ilocos Norte)
12 Region I ITC Hotel and Restaurant Industry Voluntary Code of Good Practices in ITC Hotel 7 December 2011
and Restaurant Industry (Eastern Pangasinan)
13 Region I ITC Hotel and Restaurant VCGP in Hotel and Restaurant (Western 2012
*Decent Work + achieved through the implementation of the ILO’s four strategic objectives, with gender equality as crosscutting objective
14 Region I ITC Hotel and Restaurant VCGP in Hotel and Restaurant (La Union) 2012
15 Region I ITC Hotel and Restaurant VCGP in Hotel and Restaurant (Ilocos Sur) 2012
16 Region I ITC Tobacco VCGP in Tobacco 2012
17 Region II Security and Janitorial Services Agreement to Foster Industrial Peace and 17 June 2011
Stability Among Security and Janitorial Service
Agencies in
Region 2
18 Region II ITC for the Hotel, Restaurants and VCGP in the Hotel, Restaurant and Resort of 29 December 2012
Resorts in Sta. Ana, Cagayan (NEW) Sta. Ana, Cagayan
19 Region III ITC for Hotels, Restaurants and Voluntary Code of Good Practices in ITC Hotels, 19 October 2011
Resorts (ITC-HRRO) in Olongapo City Restaurant and Resorts in Olongapo City
20 Region III Bataan Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Voluntary Code of Good Practices in Tripartite 18 October 2011
– ITC (BHRT-ITC) Council – Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism
Industry (Bataan)
21 Region III BPO VCGP in BPO and ITC TC (TC-BPO-ICT) in 29 September 2011
Clark, Pampanga
22 Region III School VCGP in Education in Tarlac 2011
23 Region III Tripartite Council for Hotel, Restaurant VCGP in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism in 23 August 2011
and Tourism-Related Industry in Bulacan
24 Region III Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism VCGP Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism in in 2011
25 Region III Bataan Construction ITC Voluntary Codes of Good Practices of Bataan August 2012 (/)
Construction Industry Tripartite Council (BC-
26 Region III Aviation ITC VCGP in Aviation Industry 30 September 2012 (?)
27 Region III Zambales Mining ITC VCGP for Zambales Mining Industry (17 January 2013) 2012
28 Region III Tripartite Council of IT-BPO Tech Novo VCGP in Tripartite Council of IT-BPO Tech 06 September 2012
Ecijanos Association, Inc. Novo Ecijanos Association, Inc.
29 Region III School Institutions VCGP in School Institutions – Nueva Ecija (2011) 24 November 2012
30 Region III Bulacan Construction ITC (BULCON- VCGP in Bulacan-ITC 28 November 2012
31 Region III Zambales Construction ITC (ZC-ITC) VCGP in Zambales ITC 15 November 2012
32 Region III ITC on Construction in Aurora VCGP in Industry Tripartite Council on 2012
Province (NEW) Construction in Aurora Province (ITCCAP)
33 Region IVA Electronics and Semiconductor VCGP on Decent Work in the CLABARZON 27 July 2011
Industries Electronics and Semiconductor Industries
34 Region IVA CALABARZON Transport TIPC VCGP on Decent Work in the Transport Industry 22 September 2011
35 Region IVA Marine VCGP in Marine in Batangas 2011
36 Region IVA Subcontracting (with PALSCON) VCGP for Contracting / Subcontracting Industry December 2012
37 Region IVA Sugar NEW 2013
38 Region IVB Mining VCGP in the Mining Industry - Palawan July 2012
39 Region IVB Tourism VCGP in Tourism in Palawan July 2012
40 Region IVB Tourism VCGP in Torusim in Oriental Mindoro September 2012
41 Region IVB Security 2012
42 Region V Power Industry Voluntary Code of Good Practices in the Power 27 July 2012
Industry Bicol Region
43 Region V Hotel and Restaurant and other VGP in Hotel and Restaurant Industry 15 November 2012
tourism and related establishments
44 Region VI Tripartite Council in Business Process Voluntary Code of Good Practices for Business 29 May 2012
Outsourcing (NEW) Process Outsourcing (BPOs) Industry (Negros
45 Region VI Hospital 2012
46 Region VI Hotel 2012
47 Region VI Manufacturing NEW 2013
48 Region VII Labor Tripartite Council in Education “Voluntary Code of Good Practices in School 6 December 2010
49 Region VII Tripartite Council for Hotel/Restaurant “Voluntary Code Of Best Practices In Hotels, 6 December 2010
and Tourism Industry Restaurants And Tourism Industry”
50 Region VII Tripartite Council for BPO/Call Center “Voluntary Code of Good Practices in Business 6 December 2010
and IT Industry Process Outsourcing and Information
Communications Technology”
51 Region VII Maritime NEW 2013
52 Region VII Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Voluntary Code of Good Practices in 14 November 2012
Shipbuilding and Shiprepair Industry
53 Region VIII Power Industry Tripartite Council Resolution No. 1 7 October 2011
“Adopting the Power Industry Voluntary Code of
Good Practice on Dispute Settlement and Other
Industry Concerns”
54 Region VIII Southern Leyte Hotel, Restaurant and Resolution No. 1 4 November 2011
Tourism ITC “Adopting the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism
Industry Voluntary Code of Good Practices”
55 Region VIII Biliran Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Resolution No. 1 December 2011 (?)
Industry Tripartite Council “Adopting the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism
Industry Voluntary Code of Good Practices”
56 Region VIII (Western Leyte) HRT Industry Resolution No. 1 December 2011 (?)
Tripartite Council (HRT-ITC) “Adopting the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism
Industry Voluntary Code of Good Practices”
57 Region VIII Eastern Visayas Hotel Restaurant and Resolution No. 1 25 November 2011
Tourism Industry Tripartite Council “Adopting the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism
(HRT-ITC) Industry Voluntary Code of Good Practices”
58 Region VIII Academe 2012
59 Region IX Fishing and Canning ITC VCGP on Decent Work in the Fishing and 30 March 2011
Canning Industries in Zamboanga Peninsula

60 Region IX Zamboanga City Construction ITC Voluntary Code of Good Practices in the 6 June 2012
(ZCCITC) (NEW) Construction Industry of Zamboanga City

61 Region IX Hotel and Restaurant 2012

62 Region X Banana ITC Voluntary Code of Good Practices in the August 2011
Banana Industry
63 Region X BPO ITC Voluntary Code of Good Practice in ICT BPO August 2011
64 Region X Pineapple ITC Voluntary Code of Good Practice in the August 2011
Pineapple Industry
65 Region X DOLE-Bukidnon Provincial Office Code of Conduct on the Elimination of Child 1 May 2012
(sugar industry) Labor in the Sugar Industry in Bukidnon
66 Region X Construction VCGP for Construction Industry 2012
67 Region X Hotel and Restaurant 2012
68 Region X Maritime NEW 2013
69 Region XI Banana ITC “Voluntary Code of Good Practices on Decent 20 December 2010
Work + in the Banana Industry in Region 11
70 Region XI BPO/ICT “Voluntary Code of Good Practices on Decent 11 November 2010
Work + in the ICT/BPO Industry
71 Region XI Academic ITC Voluntary Code of Good Practices On Decent 9 September 2011
Work in the Academic Industry
72 Region XI Construction 2012
73 Region XII Banana ITC Resolution No. 1 20 September 2011
“Adopting the Banana Industry Voluntary Code
of Good Practices on Safety and Health /
Continuing Education and Skills
Upgrading/Observance of the Single Entry
Approach (SENA) and Local Government Unit
Mediation Procedures / Displacement
Management Program”
74 Region XII Fishing Industry and Allied Services Resolution No. 1 20 September 2011
Tripartite Council “Adopting the Fishing Industry and Allied
Services Voluntary Code of Good Practices in
75 Region XII Rubber 2012
*Decent Work + achieved through the implementation of the ILO’s four strategic objectives, with gender equality as crosscutting objective
76 Region XII Pineapple 2012
77 Region XII Abaca 2012
78 Region XII Hotel and Restaurant 2012
79 Region XII Education NEW
80 CARAGA Mining ITC “Mining Industry Voluntary Code of Good 29 September 2010
Practice on Dispute Settlement and Other
Industry Concerns
81 CARAGA Wood-Based ITC Wood-Based Industry Voluntary Code of Good 09 March 2011
Practices on Dispute Settlement and Other
Industry Concerns
82 CARAGA Eco-Tourism ITC Resolution No. 1 8 December 2011
“Adopting the Eco-Tourism Industry Voluntary
Code of Good Practice on Dispute Settlement
and Other Industry Concerns”
83 CARAGA Plantation ITC Resolution No. 1 14 November 2012
VCGP of the Plantation Industry
84 CARAGA Maritime 2012
85 CARAGA Education NEW
86 NCMB Banking ITC (national level) BITC Resolution No. 1, Series of 2011, Adopting 01 December 2011
the Banking Industry Voluntary Code of Good
Practices on Dispute Settlement,
Outsourcing/Subcontracting of Certain Bank
Establish ITC in remaining KEGs and Strengthening of existing
ITCs in KEGs through productivity improvement programs.
22. Way Forward • Facilitate the process of arriving at mutually agreed
upon work arrangement at the ITCs.
Established ITCs Formulated VCGPs

Tourism All 11 identified Regions All except Region 4a

Agribusiness CAR,1,2,7,9,10,11,12,13 1,9,10,11,12,13
Construction 1,2,3,5,7,9,10,11 3,9,10,11
Manufacturing 2,6 6
Cyberservices 11 11
Transport NCR,4A,10 NCR,4A,10
Wholesale and Retail 1,10 -
Health & Wellness NCR,6 NCR,6
Mining 3,4B,13 3,4B,13
Real Estate - -
- -

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