Test Questions Mapeh 9 First Rating
Test Questions Mapeh 9 First Rating
Test Questions Mapeh 9 First Rating
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Danao City
P.G. Almendras St., Suba, Danao City
Name:_________________________Year and Section:_________________Date:_______
1. Madrigal is one of the secular music during the Renaissance period, Which of the following musical
element is represented by Madrigal being polyphonic?
a. Textuture b. Harmony c. Rhythm d. Tonality
2. Which of the following stated the practices during the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Periods?
a. Music during the Baroque Period was for the middle classes
b. Gregorian chant was used in the early Christian church
c. The music was not performed in front of the lower class citizens
d. The Medieval music was composed by the riches people from the Western countries
3. The event that paved the way for a wide distribution of Renaissance period ‘s composition was
a. The ivention of printing
b. Martin Luther’s protestant reformation
c. The discovery of earth’s actual position in the solar system
d. The invention of compass that enhanced navigation
4. Which of the following describes correctly the piece “Fire,Fire, My Heart” by Thomas Moley?
a. English,Vocal, Syllabic. Polyphonic c. Greek, Vocal, melismatic, Homophonic
b. Latin, Instrumental, Neumatic, Monophonic d. Greek, Instrumental, Neumatic, Homophonic
5. What do you call the form of orchestral music during the Baroque period wherein the music is
between a concertinos and tuttis?
a. Concerto b. Concerto Grosso c. Oratorio d. Fugue
6. A Baroque musical style developed mainly by imitative counterpoint
a. chorale b. Fugue c. Oratorio d. Toccata
7. What music where imitative polyphony is distinctive in their compositions?
a. Baroque b. Medieval c. Primitive d. Renaissance
8. A through-composed vocal music composition written and expressed in a poetic text.
a. Cantata b. Mass c. Madrigal d. Troubadour
9. It is the most substantial ancient funery structure of the world, were made highly confusing and with
many tunnels to create confusion for grave rubbers.
a. Manunngul Jar b. Parthenon c. Pyramids d. Sphinx
10. It is a method of applying pigments mixed with beeswax and fixed with heat after its application.
a. Encaustic b. Fresco c. Acrylic d. Tropme-l”-oeil
11. It is carved from limestone with excessively heavy breast and abdomen used as charm to ensure
a. Empress Theodora b. Venus of Wilendorf c. Venus of Brassempoy d. Rose Window
12. The greatest Classical temple, ingeniously engineered to correct an optical illusion. The columns were
slightly contorted.
a. Empress Theodora b. Colosseum c. Pyramids d. Parthenon
13. What period of art movement where their sculptures shows perfect human anato,y and proportions.
a. Ancient Egypt b. Byzantine c. Pre-historic d. Greek Classical
14. A stone coffin, often inscribed or decorated with sculpture.
a. Tomb b. Megaliths c. Pyramid d. Sarcophagus
15. In this period emperors erected a huge halls and arenas for public games, baths and procession.
a. Ancient Egypt b. Greel Classical c. Pre-historic d. Roman Classical
16. What stle first evolved in the first third of the 12th century. It is a complete realization of religious and
social functions and had an architectural program with a wealth of sculptural decoration subordination
to the architectural frame.
a. Ancient Period b. Greek Classical c. Pre-historic d. Romanesque
17. It refers to the abilty of the heart , lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and
tissues as well as the ability of those muscles to utilize oxygen.
a. Agilty b. Cardiovascular Endurance c. Power d. Speed
18. What Physical Fitness activity that measures Speed?
a. 40 km walk/ run b. 50 meter sprint c. Zipper test d. Sit and reach
19. It is defines as the heat required to raise the tempearature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius.
a. Calorie b. Cholestrerol c. Fats d. Weight
20. Running is important in officiating especially in running continuosly for long minutes. Sports officials do
not have the luxury of a time out if they want to hydrate their body, what’s the best drink to take?
a. Energy drink b. Soft drinks c. Sports drink d. Water
21. If you want to gain weight you need to eat more foods and not to exercise. For this reason what will
you gain?
a. You will gain the right amount of weight c. You would only fats and not lean muscles
b. You will be physically fit d. A and B
22. What lifestyle realted disease will an official have if he/she continues to smoke and eat without
cholesterol rich foods?
a. Cancer b. Diabetes c. Heart Disease d. Stroke
23. Women are not allowed to do a physical activity during her menstrual period.
a. False b. Partly false c. True d. Partly true
24. In which games require the official to run continuosly, what fitness component should the official
A. Balance B. Endurance C. Power D. Strength
25. It is defined as the art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all the
members of the community through organized and sustained and community efforts.
A. Community b. Communityhealth c. Environmental Health D.Health Science
26. Which of the following programs of Department of Health promotes community health?
A. Control of Communicable Diseases
B.Child Health
C. Maternal Health
D. Primary Health Care
27. Refers to the discipline associated with the control associated with the control of generation , storage,
collection, transfer and transport and disposal of solid waste.
A. Proper Disposal
B. Improper Disposal of Waste
C. Solid Waste Management
D. Proper Waste Management
28. What environmental problem reduces the ability of soil to store water and support plant growth?
A. deforestation B. Illegal mining C. Oil spill D. Soil erosion
29. Why do we ensure community health in planning for community development?
A. To attain luxury in life
B. To keep the safety of the community
C. To live in clean, safe and comfortable home
D. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle
30. Which does not describe a healthy community?
A. A clean and safe environment
B. An environment that meets everyone’s basic need
C. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone