Floating LNG Technology For Abadi Field Development: IPA09-E-158
Floating LNG Technology For Abadi Field Development: IPA09-E-158
Floating LNG Technology For Abadi Field Development: IPA09-E-158
Akinori OGAWA*
Yoshiro NIIHO*
• Flexibility for future development – The future Liquefaction Process: The dual mixed refrigerant
development plans for installing additional train (DMR) system, consisting of a warm mixed
and/or tie-in to the 1st Phase FLNG can be refrigerant (WMR) cycle and a cold mixed
flexibly accommodated after evaluating the refrigerant (CMR) cycle, is used for liquefaction.
upside potential of the entire Abadi field. The process was selected with the following criteria,
among existing liquefaction processes:
Based on the above development concept, INPEX
Masela plans to commence the Front End • Safety and Reliability
Engineering Design (FEED) within 2009, and is • Floating LNG Application
projecting the start-up of production around 2016. • Baseload LNG Application
required for the process as well as the motive force of gaseous hydrocarbon releases and to reduce
for the STGs. The waste heat out of the GTG the effects of explosive overpressures.
exhaust stacks and the auxiliary boilers generate the
required steam. The system improves thermal • Primary and secondary escape routes within
efficiency of the total system. each equipment module and area are linked to
the main escape routes, leading to the safe area
The numbers of generators is designed based on and the Temporary Refuge (TR).
N+1 sparing philosophy. A GTG and a STG are
spared to be capable of full LNG production even • The safety and operability of the marine and
during maintaining a GTG or a STG. logistic operations, such as the LNG offloading,
the condensate offloading, the supply boat and
Indirect Water Cooling: The closed loop cooling the helicopter operations, are considered.
water system is used to remove process heat. It is • Vessel motion, material handling (crane
selected: location and laydown area), location of LNG
tank domes and spaces for maintenance are all
• to enhance availability and reliability taken into account in the design.
• to reduce CAPEX by allowing carbon steel
piping and tubing in heat exchangers, • Main operating deck levels above the hull,
minimizing the use of Titanium creating an air gap which accommodates the
• to prevent the pollutants out of the process hull storage tank piping manifolds, topside
flowing to the sea directly, through leakage facilities drainage system, etc.
The topside general arrangement is considered the The challenges regarding the FLNG are
key design consideration for the FLNG. The facility characterized as the integration of proven
is designed on the principle of maximizing the technologies, such as FPSOs, baseload onshore
segregation of hydrocarbon processing equipment, LNG plants, LNG carriers (LNGCs).
turret area and the flare system from the
accommodation area. Power generation and The following critical aspects must be assessed to
non-hazardous utilities are located between the confirm the feasibility of the FLNG under the
hydrocarbon processing plant and the site-specific conditions, design and operational &
accommodation area, to afford segregation and maintenance philosophies.
provide a buffer zone.
• Safety
The general arrangement of the topside process • Marinization of Process and Equipment
plant is designed, as shown in Figure 7, based on • Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
the following philosophies: (RAM)
• LNG Offloading Operation
• Process and utility equipment will be installed
within module structures or pre-assembled 2.1 Safety
The inherent safety factor is the foremost
• Local equipment rooms are placed in the major consideration and requirement for the FLNG. The
process modules to reduce hookup work following activities were performed:
• Issuing safety design philosophies
• Living quarters are placed at the stern of the • HAZID
FLNG to achieve maximum separation from the • Consequence Analysis (Fires & Explosions)
flare stack and the high pressure turret located
at the bow. Hazardous Identification (HAZID)
• The naturally ventilated open deck concept is HAZID is the first part of assessing safety aspects.
adopted to encourage and maximize disperion Comprehensive identification of all hazards is
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required to ensure that the potential consequences filling the volume of three modules in a line.
of those hazards are reviewed and an appropriate • Mixed Refrigerant explosion in the process area
level of risk reduction considered. The Major –same as the above
Accidental Events (MAEs) are identified and
qualitatively assessed as to whether the risk • LNG explosion under process deck –same as
reduction measures reduced the level of risk to “As the above
Low as Reasonably Practicable” (ALARP). As the
results of the qualitative assessment, there are no • LNG explosion between FLNG and LNGC
showstopping hazards identified. during LNG offloading – the worst case release
scenario was taken as filling the volume
between FLNG and LNGC
Consequence Analysis (Fires and Explosions)
The key findings are as follows:
The following MAEs are identified as inherent
safety risks for the FLNG concept, to conduct the
• The maximum overpressures in Feed Gas /
consequence analysis.
LNG and MR explosions in the process area are
estimated significantly lower compared to
• Gas Dispersion, Flash Fires, Jet Fires, Pool
conventional congested platforms. This is due
Fires and Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor
to the relatively open nature of the topside
Explosions (BLEVEs)
layout of the FLNG.
• Vapor Cloud Explosions (VCEs)
• Explosion overpressures are unlikely to impinge
The explosion following the release and delayed
upon accommodation and the TR. This is
ignition of hydrocarbon flammable gases and
because a relatively long buffer zone, over
vapors is a significant part of the overall safety
100m wide at the utility area, exists between the
assessment. At this stage, explosion risks could not
accommodation and process area.
be fully quantified, due to the absence of levels of
• Any explosion overpressures are unlikely cause
detail design information, such as P&ID, isolatable
damage to the essential system, such as the
hydrocarbon inventories, detailed pipework
GTGs and High-pressure knockout drum.
isometrics, etc. The goals of the explosion risk
analysis here included gaining confidence on the
current design basis with regard to management of • Whilst a representative level of pipework was
potential explosion overpressure without included in the 3D model, a sensitivity study
overturning the basic layout. There was also a was undertaken on adding additional pipework
requirement to provide further considerations in to the model. The results indicate that the
design with regard to the topside module layout, the overpressures may increase by a factor of 2 to 3.
optimum gap spaces between the modules, the need Even in such a case, expected overpressures
for a blast wall, the lifeboat location, etc. still remain relatively lower compared to the
conventional congested platforms.
Although only 2D drawings showing the layout of
the major equipment were available, the 3D model • The overpressures in LNG explosions under the
was constructed (Figure 8). All relevant geometry process deck are unlikely to cause damage to
was incorporated into the model, from equipment the LNG tank dome, hull and deck structure
and support structures to the decks and module (Figure 10).
supports. In order to increase the amount of
congestion in each module, major piping was • The overpressures in a LNG explosion between
assumed, based on the representative piping FLNG and LNGC during offloading are
schematics. unlikely to cause damage to the hull plates, due
to the relatively open nature between the FLNG
The consequence scenarios, such as vapor cloud and LNGC.
sizes, ignition point, etc., were chosen in order to be
conservative (Figure 9). The chosen scenarios are as In summary, the current FLNG conceptual design
follows: has no inherent safety risks compared to
conventional congested platforms. It represents a
• Feed gas / LNG explosion in the process area – robust, safe and environmentally-friendly sound
the worst case release scenario was taken as design for proceeding to the FEED Phase.
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• The inclination angle is unlikely exceed 1 • high reliability of the electric drives
degree. • short downtime for the GTGs maintenance
under applying N+1 sparing philosophy
The study even used relatively conservative • Short startup duration through using VSDs
assumptions as usual in the absence of detail design
information at this stage. The motion characteristics 2.4 LNG Offloading Operation
of the FLNG are relatively small compared to
conventional FPSOs operating under harsh The side by side offloading using the loading arm is
environments, such as North Sea, GOM, etc., due to applied to LNG transfer from the FLNG to LNGC.
the benign MetOcean conditions and its large vessel The safety and availability of the offshore
size. offloading operation is governed by many factors,
including the performance of the assisting tug boats,
In such conditions, the process technologies and MetOcean conditions, the mooring line and fender
equipment installed on the FLNG can be designed arrangement, the loading arm operational envelope,
and be tolerant in terms of the process performance LNGC maneuverability, etc.
as well as mechanical strength and fatigue.
The LNGC maneuverability was evaluated in
2.3 Reliability, Availability and Maintainability various MetOcean conditions covering nearly a
(RAM) 1-year return period (Figure 11). The objectives of
this study are the high-level screening and
The RAM analysis was conducted to evaluate the evaluation of maneuvering methods. All the
production efficiency for the current design of the maneuvering operations are successful through the
FLNG. The following assumptions are made: use of a FLNG thruster, 2 tug boats and a LNGC
thruster. Although detail maneuvering operation
• The RAM of the FLNG is evaluated over a procedures will be developed in the later phase of
30-year life cycle. the project, we have become confident of its
operational feasibility.
• The planned maintenance and plant turnaround
are considered based on: The LNG transfer takes place while the manifold of
the LNGC stays within the operational envelope of
· Indonesian Regulation Requirements, the loading arm, with the given mooring line and
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fender arrangement. The relative motion of the two • All the process technologies and equipment can
floating bodies, such as FLNG and LNGC, were be marinized under the Abadi field conditions.
simulated under various MetOcean conditions,
covering nearly a 1-year return period. The results • The FLNG conceptual design is adequate to
show that the relative motion of the FLNG and meet the production efficiency target and
LNGC is unlikely to go outside the operational compares favorably with standard onshore LNG
envelope with proper heading control of FLNG by ones.
• Although the LNG offloading procedure with
Although the LNG offloading procedure with optimized mooring, fender and assisting tugs
optimized mooring, fender and assisting tugs arrangement will be developed in the future
arrangement will be established at a later stage, the stage of the project, the availability of the LNG
availability of the LNG offloading operation is offloading operation is estimated to be unlikely
unlikely to lead to loss of production. to lead loss of production.
The following major conclusions have been
INPEX Corporation kindly permitted the authors to
• The Floating LNG has been conceptually present this paper. MIGAS and BPMIGAS are also
designed successfully to satisfy the safety and gratefully acknowledged for providing their
functional requirements for developing the authorization for publication.
Abadi field.
The authors wish to express our appreciation to
• The inherent safety has been assessed based on everybody involved in the Pre-FEED activities of
the FLNG conceptual design. It represents the Abadi project, particularly to Masayoshi
robust safe and environmental friendly sound Watanabe, Shozo Tanaka, Shinichi Akaishi,
design, compared to industrial standard Masashige Kato, Yoshikazu Ichimaru, Tetsuya
conventional FPSOs, for proceeding to the Ikeda and Takeshi Terashima who all contributed to
FEED Phase. complete the study.
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Banda Sea Sea Islands
0 200km Islands
Saumlaki Indonesia
Masela Is
Arafura Sea
East Timor g h
ro u
Timor or T
Tim Masela PSC Block
Figure 2 - Schematics of Development Concept for Abadi field (The field development of the Abadi gas
field consisting of subsea production system and a single Floating LNG plant)
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Flare Stack
Accommodation Utility
Stern Swivel
LNG Loading Tank Turret
Rich MEG
Lean MEG Gas
Water to
Treatment Sea Condensate
CONDENSATE offloading
Fuel Gas Power Instrument Nitrogen &
System LP FG Generation & Plant Air Inert Gas
System System System
HPS Flue Gas
Closed Utility &
SW Cooling Potable Fire Water Fuel Oil
Water Water System System
System System
GTG x5 HRSG x 5
STG x4 S/S
Other Users
Water Treat
Flare Stack
Hull (Tank)
Quarter Utility Area Process Area Turret
Figure 9 - Gas Dispersion Simulation (Left-side: Vapor Cloud of Leaked Mixed refrigerant at 1.3 sec after
leak start, Right-side: The one at 3.0 sec after leak start)
Figure 10 - Explosion Overpressure Contours (The explosion simulation overpressure counters in a case
of LNG explosion under the process deck)
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About 250m to go
Figure 11 - Maneuvering Simulation (a case of the simulation maneuvering the LNGC along side of the