Generational Values - Edited
Generational Values - Edited
Generational Values - Edited
1. If you were stranded on a deserted island, which would you rather have with you?
_2_the Bible
_2_corporate executive
_2_lung cancer
_1_declining vision
4. Which would you prefer to give up if you had to?
_1_economic freedom
_3_religious freedom
_2_political freedom
5. Which of these problems do you think is the greatest threat in the near future?
_3_global warming
_3_march on Washington
7. Which of these people would you have the most difficulty introducing to your parents?
_3_an atheist
_2_a terrorist
9. If your friend had written a lousy book and asked you for your opinion, you would tell him/her
History of relationship
The partner in this report is my mathematics teacher. He taught me when I was in school, and I
know him for many years now. He is also 20 years older than me. He was not only my teacher
In the third statement, both of us are concerned about our declining vision due to old age. This is
due to the reason that vision is the most important thing in a person's life. Loss of vision is feared
by everyone. In the fifth statement, both of us feel that overpopulation poses a big threat to the
future as it is the root cause of all other problems in the economy. Since my partner's generation,
the problem of overpopulation is rising and has caused many problems till now. Both of us feel
that a traitor is more harmful than anybody else because he carries more information than the
In the first statement, I preferred to take a Bible with me as I feel that I have poor knowledge of
the religious values, but my partner said that he will study the history of civilization as he is of
other generation and is more interested in remembering the past. In the second statement, I
preferred to be a corporate executive but my partner said that he will like to be a director. There
is a difference between his career goals and my career goals. In the fourth statement, I am willing
to give up my freedom of religion more easily, but my partner is willing to give up his economic
freedom more easily. This may be due to the fact that he places more value to religion and he
cannot change his faith and believes for anything but I believe that practicing any religion does
not matter much. My partner believes that joining the service will end the war, but I feel that a
march will be louder as it will involve more people that those who joins service. My partner says
that it will be more difficult for him to introduce a Muslim extremist to his family as he and his
family may be orthodox but I feel that it will be more difficult for me to introduce a convicted
fellow to my parents. My partner says that the spouse who keeps the house messy is more
difficult to deal with, but I feel that the one who interrupts is more difficult to handle. This is due
to the reason that the people in my generation need more freedom and does not like anyone
Importance of values and generational differences in defining the nature of this relationship
This shows that there are more differences between the two of us. We have the generation gap,
and we think differently. Also, our priorities, values, beliefs are very different from each other.
Since we have been brought up and taught differently, so we carry varied opinions, and this