Su27 Eng 1
Su27 Eng 1
Su27 Eng 1
Book 1
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
3.3. Activities of the pilot before the landing in cabin 14
3.4. Activities of pilot after landing in cabin 14
3.5. Starting of engines 21
3.6. Inspection of aircraft systems with operating engines 22
4.1. Preparation for the taxiing and taxiing 26
4.2. Takeoff 26
4.3. Landing 28
4.4. Drift to second circle 30
4.5. Special features of flights “by pipeline” and sequential ----------------------------------takeoff
and landings 30
4.6. Landing with the failure of the exhaust system of flaps 31
4.7. Landing with the failure of automatic control of the leading edges of wing 31
4.8. Flight in the maximum modes according to the velocity and the Mach number 31
4.9. Flight to service ceiling 31
4.10. Flight to pilotage 32
− turn 33
− dive 33
− roll 36
− Nesterov's loop [nesterova]-------------------------------------------------------------- 37
− loop and rolloff 39
− oblique loop 40
− chandelle by 40
− zoom 41
− upward spin 42
− barrel 43
− spiral 43
4.11. Low-speed flight 43
4.12. Aircraft handling with its entry into wake turbulence 46
4.13. Pilotage with the use SAU 46
4.14. Enroute flight with the use [PNK] during automatic control of 48
4.15. Enroute flight with the use [PNK] with the director and manual steering of aircraft 51
4.16. Return and landing approach on the programmed airfield during automatic control of aircraft
with the use OF [PNK]------------------------------------- 52
4.17. Return and landing approach on the programmed airfield with the director and manual steering
of aircraft with the use OF [PNK]---------------------------- 54
4.18. Drift to the second circle and the landing approach in the mode repeated approach with the use
OF [PNK]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55
4.19. Flight to the unprogrammed airfield and the landing approach and by the use OF
[PNK]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
9 Section 1
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Limitations Reason
1. Maximum speed and flight Mach number:
− of the V = 1400 km/h. Mode is unconfined on the time. On the durability.
− M = 2,35. With M = of 2,15 – 2,35 not more shch of On the cockpit glass.
2. Maximum operational overloading with the estimated gross
weight of 21400 kgf:
− PU max = 8,0 with [M]≤0,85 On the durability.
− PU max = 6,5 with 0,85<[M]≤1,25 On the durability.
− PU max = 7,0 with [M]>1,25 On the durability.
For the weights, which differ from estimated gross weight, the
g-force is established from the detachment:
− m•PU max = const = of 171000 kgf with [M]<0,85, but
not are more than PU = 9,0
− m•PU max = const = of 139000 kgf with 0,85<[M]≤1,25,
but not are more than PU = 7,0
− m•PU max = const = of 150000 kgf with [M]>1,25, but
not are more than PU = 7,5
3. Minimum negative g-force:
− PU min = - 2,0 with [M]<0,85 On the durability.
− PU min = - 1,0 with [M]>0,85 On the durability.
− PU min = - 0,5 with V≤300 the km/h To avoid entry into spin
4. The minimum speed of the level flight of – 200 km/h. From the stability
At the height it is more than 6000 m of – 300 km/h. condition and
5. Permissible angles of attack:
A) for the aircraft without the suspensions or with [UR] On the stability and the
M 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 2,0 controllability in [VPK].
24° 23° 22° 20° 19° 18° 8°
On the stability and the
B) for the aircraft with the bomber weapons of destruction and controllability in [VPK].
10 Section 2
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Limitations Reason
6. Maximum takeoff mass of 33000 kgf (with the installation of On the durability of
wheel KN -41 with the busbar of the model of 017[A] and wheel KT wheels and tires.
-156[d] with the busbar of the model of 2[A]).
Maximum takeoff mass of 28000 kgf (with the installation of
wheel KN -27 with the busbar of the model of 016[A] and wheel KT
-156[d] with the busbar of the model of 2[A]).
Estimated takeoff mass of 23250 kgf (2[khR]-27 + of
2[khR]73[E], estimated reserve 5090 kgf, complete set of fixed onboard
equipment, ammunition load to [GSH]-301 of 150 shells).
Takeoff mass with the rockets of 2[khR]-27 + of 2[khR]73[E],
from G[t] = 9220 kgf (γ[t] = 0,785) of – 27380 kg.
Maximum mass of the suspensions of rockets R -27 and R -73[e]
of – 1950 kg.
7. Maximum permissible ground speed of aircraft on the takeoff: On the durability of the
− with the disengagement of the front wheel of – 320 km/h. tires of wheels.
− with the disengagement of the fundamental wheels of –
360 km/h.
8. Maximum landing mass 23000 kg. On the durability of
Maximum landing mass of 21000 kgf, in this case the fuel wheels and tires.
remainder without the rockets of – 3560 kgf, with the rockets of
2[khR]-27 + of 2[khR]-73[E] of – 2840 kg.
Landings with masses of 21000 kgf, but not are more than
23000 kgf, they are allowed, as exclusion, but not more than 3% of the
total number of landings.
9. Takeoff and landing with the side component of wind of more Because of the
than 15 m/s IS FORBIDDEN. difficulties in
maintaining of direction
on the takeoff and
landing run.
10. The maximum speed of the reversals of the safety device of air ducts (ZU), and On the durability of
also flight with closed ZU is not more than 500 km/h. safety device.
11. Maximum permissible ground speed of aircraft on the landing: On the durability of the
− with the contact by the front wheel of – 270 km/h. tires of wheels.
− with the contact by the fundamental wheels of – 280
12. The maximum speed of the beginning of braking – 265 km/h. On the energy content of
13. The maximum speed of the release of the drag chute of – 300 km/h. On the durability of
14. Release, retraction, and also wheels-down flight to execute at the velocity not On the durability of
more than 500 km/h. landing gear doors.
15. The maximum altitude of output and wheels-down flight of – is not more than Because of the possible
4000 m. rocking of aircraft in the
longitudinal channel.
16. Flight with the deflected flaperons in the mode of flaps on the takeoff and the On the durability of
landing at the velocity not more than 600 km/h, PU not are more than 2,0. flaperons.
17. The production of speed brake and flight with the released speed brake at the On the durability of fins.
velocity not more than 1000 km/h ([M]≤0,9), in this case on the V > 600 km/h slip
not is more 2nd X of the diameters of ball.
11 Section 2
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Limitations Reason
18. At the flight speeds it is more than 600 km/h with the pedal deflexion not to On the durability of fins.
allow the overriding of spring stop.
19. The time of the continuous work of engines on the earth in the afterburning Due to the temperature
regimes is not more than 20 s. condition of engine
20. Maximum permissible temperature of gases behind the turbine: On the durability of the
− on M of ≤ 1,9 in the maximum and afterburning combat turbines of engine.
modes of – of 750°[S];
− on M > 1,9 in the maximum and afterburning combat
modes of – of 765°[S];
− in the combat training afterburning regime - 700°[S].
21. Is forbidden to create slip angles more it is 2nd X of the diameters of ball on M To avoid the flutter of air
of ≥ 2,0. ducts.
22. Flight with the near-zero and negative g-forces (PU = 0 ÷ - 2) is permitted: From the condition for
− in the afterburning regimes of the work of engines is not the provision of supply
more e s. at the heights to 15000 m, not more than 8 s. at of fuel to the engines.
the heights more than 15000 m;
− in the nonafterburning regimes of the work of engines is
not more than 10 s. at the heights to 8000 m, not more
than 15 s. at the heights more than 8000 m.
The repeated creation of the g-forces indicated is permitted not
earlier than in 30 s. flight with PU of ≥ 1,0. Flights with the g-force PU
= 2 ÷ - 2 to execute with the fuel remainder more than 1500 kg.
12 Section 2
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Limitations Reason
Depending on the type high-altitude of the equipment used:
− in the crash helmet [ZSH] with the omitted light filter and the put
on oxygen mask at the velocity not more than 1300 km/h;
− in the crash helmet [ZSH] with the raised light filter
and the put on oxygen mask at the velocity not
more than 700 km/h.
24. All flights, independent of velocities, to execute with the use of oxygen For life support.
equipment, and the flights above the aqueous surface, furthermore, with the use of sea
rescue equipment, in this case, depending on mission for the flight, to use following
special equipment:
− at the heights from 11000 to 20000 m of – [ZSH]
with the oxygen mask (KM) and pressure suit
− at the heights is less than 11000 m of – [ZSH] with
the oxygen mask, and with the flights with the g-
forces it is more e un. of – VKK ([PKK]).
25. Takeoff, landing, flights with the g-forces and at the velocities more than 700
km/h to execute with the required locking of shoulder straps.
26. The start of automatic modes SAU with M > 2,0 IS FORBIDDEN. The rocking of aircraft is
observed on M > 2,0.
27. With the failure of control system of the noses edges of α[dop] = of 10°. On stability and aircraft
28. When unsymmetric suspension of two is present, and more than rockets (one of On stability and aircraft
which R -27) on one wing of α[dop] = of 15° ([OPR] for this limitation it is not tuned). handling.
13 Section 2
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
14 Section 2
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
15 Section e
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
On the united control panel of the complex of the means of communications [k]- [DlAE]:
− the switch [PSH] OF VHF is included;
− the switch OF EMERGENCY PRM is included;
− regulators IS LOUD VHF and IT IS LOUD KV in the position of maximum
− switch CUT RS is disconnected;
− switch CUT SPU is disconnected;
SYSTEM is disconnected;
− the switch OF VHF – KV in the position OF VHF;
− switch [PSH] in the position, which ensures the suppression of noise.
16 Section e
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
3.4.3. To check the work of the complex of oxygen equipment, for which:
− to ascertain that the gate of oxygen power-supply system is opened and the level
of the blue duct of cylinder on the indicator [IKZH] of – Of [p]1 was established
in digit 1 or between digits 1 and 0,5 (that correspond to pressure 190 or 150 [kgs]/
− to put on mask;
− handle 100% [o] is 2nd MIXTURE on RPK -52 to establish to the position
− to make 2-3 deep inhalations also of expiration, in this case in the window of
indicator [IKZH]-[P]1 must be the black colour (respiration must be free);
− to translate handle 100% [o] is 2nd MIXTURE to the position 100% [O]2, to delay
respiration and to ascertain that the excess pressure in the oxygen mask does not
− to make 2-3 deep inhalations also of expiration, in this case in the window of
indicator [IKZH]-[P]1 must be the alternation of black and blue colour (with the
inhalation of – of blue, during the expiration of – black);
− to establish knob ACCIDENT on RPK -52 to the position INCLUSIVELY.
It will ascertain that the pressure in the oxygen mask does not increase, the jet supply of
oxygen is perceived, but in the window of indicator is visible blue colored.
− to press to the button of the start of the continuous feed of oxygen on RPK -52
THE CONTROL Of [o]2 VKK and to be convinced of the filling of the cameras
of tightener VKK. After the termination of the large supply of oxygen, without
expecting pressure relief from the cameras OF VKK, to release button THE
CONTROL Of [o]2 VKK and to press the button CONT. of inspection on the
pressure regulator RD -15. After ascertaining that in the mask is created the
excess pressure, to release button. With the presence of the leakage of oxygen in
the obturator to increase the pull of mask with the aid of the cross bars.
After the termination of inspection to establish on RPK -52 handle ACCIDENT to the
position OF OFF, and handle 100% [o] it is 2nd MIXTURE to the position MIXTURE.
3.4.4. To check the work of oxygen equipment set together with the automatic pressure
control AD-15, for which:
− is short-term (to 1 – 1,5 it flogged) to press to the head of automatic machine AD-
15 and to be convinced of the simultaneous creation of excess pressure in the
cameras PPU VKK ([PPK]) and in the oxygen mask;
− to release the head of automatic machine and to be convinced of the release of
excess pressure from mask and cameras PPU VKK ([PPK]);
− to set the knob [DAVL] of – OF OFF on RD -15 to the position OF OFF;
− to short-term press to the head of automatic machine AD-15 and to be convinced
of the creation of excess pressure only in the cameras [PPK] VKK ([PPK]);
− to release the head of automatic machine and to be convinced of the pressure
relief from the cameras PPU VKK ([PPK]) (in the cameras it will remain
insignificant backwater).
After inspection the knob [DAVL] of – OF OFF on RD -15 to establish to the position
17 Section e
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
1. With the flights with the oxygen mask without VKK IT IS FORBIDDEN to execute
testing under the excess pressure.
2. With the pressure buildup in the oxygen mask with the [nenazhatoj] button CONT.
on the regulator RD -15 or the impossibility of its creation with the pushing of the
knob of inspection on RD -15 accomplishing flight IS FORBIDDEN.
3.4.5. By setting the switch of voltmeters CONTROL to the position LEO, THE LAWS
with the switch oned switch [AER] [PIT] to check the presence of voltage from the airfield power
sources, which must be:
− of the direct current of – 27-29 [v];
− of alternating current of – 115-120 v.
On the energy-shield to include the switches: GENERATORS ~ OF CURRENT LEO, THE
3.4.6. To include all switches on the flap of distributors, feed [PNK], and also all switches
on the flap of feed of systems, with exception of switches [OPS] and [OPOZNAVAN] (they are
included after engine starting).
WARNING. In flight switches AIRCRAFT and POWER № 1 and № 2 (the I and THE II), RADIO-
ELECTRONIC of № 1 and № 2 (the I and THE II) on the flap of distributors
3.4.7. Before the flight at night to check and to control external and internal lighting
equipment, for which:
− to include and to control the brightness of illumination in the cabin by handles
− to control the direction of the luminous flux from the lamps of floodlight;
− to control the necessary intensity of the glow of signals on the signal panel with
the aid of the handle THE BRIGHTNESS OF TUBES ON THE BOARD, the
tubes of the signalling of panels with the aid of the switch THE BRIGHTNESS
OF TUBES ON THE FLAPS THE NIGHT of – THE DAY also of the tubes of
− to establish the switch necessary brightness ANE to the position and to check the
work OF ANES;
− to check proper working order of taxiing and landing lights.
3.4.8. To check proper working order of all light signals and tubes on the signal panel and
the flaps by pushing of knob THE INSPECTION OF TUBES, to after which press the pushbutton
indicator S OF SIGNAL PANEL, in this case it must go out.
3.4.9. To check on the built-in control the fitness for work of the fuel-level gauge- flow
metre 1-2 min after its switching on, for which:
− on [PKU]- " to press button ZERO, in this case the index of scale T on [ISTR]
must descend to the value of 0 ± 100 kg. during a change in the indications of
scale T it must catch fire signal OST 1,5, whiches indicate proper working order
of the unit [BKS] of 2-4[K]. to release button, in this case the index of scale must
be raised to the value of a quantity of fuel, measured by fuel-level gauge;
− to check on the fuel-level gauge- flow metre a quantity of filled fuel according to
mission for the flight and to establish on onboard hours exact time.
18 Section e
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
WARNING. If the disagreement between the indications of pressure (height) on the instrument and
the pressure (height) according to the data of meteorological station exceeds
2 mm Hg (25 m), the sortie, a also unscrewing the nut of the rack of
instrument for eliminating the disagreement IS FORBIDDEN.
3.4.11.To check the readiness of complex [PNK] from the luminescence of signals, the
position of controls on the panels and readings of the instruments, which must be the following:
− on the leftist and by law digital indicators luminesces digit 1;
− on the signal signal panel luminesce signals PPM, CONTROL, IS PATH, [RM],
− of button ψ + 180°, NT [RUCH], [RM] [RUCH] are not pressed;
− switch is LIGHTHOUSE [NENAPR] - FOR EXAMPLE in the position, which
corresponds to the mode of the work of surface radio beacon;
− the switch of modes in the position [PROGRAM].
19 Section e
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
[USK] and [PODG] OF STANDARDS, and indicator will fluoresce on the button
− on [ZMS] is established the magnetic variation of airfield.
To ascertain that the button MK is not pressed (indicator in button it is extinguished).
3.4.12. To be convinced of the fact that on PNP the current course is equal to parking
course, the predetermined course, TO EVIL and distance they are equal to course and distance to
selected PPM ([AER]), blinker KS is retracted.
On KPP are indicated the tail clearance angles of listing and pitch.
3.4.13. In the mode WORK to check on instruments PNP and KPP the course indication,
listing and pitch from duplicating IKV, for which:
− to press the button IKV OF THE TANBARK (button IKV OSN it is not pressed,
the indicator of button it went out, the indicator of the button IKV OF TANBARK
it caught fire) in this case the indication of great-circle course, listing and pitch
must not differ from indications to fundamental IKV;
− to return the button IKV OF TANBARK to the initial position, to for which press
it for a second time, in this case the indicator of button goes out, and the indicator
of the button IKV OSN will catch fire;
− to press the button IKV OSN, in this case the indicator of button continues to
luminesce, and the indication of great-circle course must be equal to the true
course (with the pulled button);
− to return the button IKV OSN to the initial position, to for which press it for a
second time, in this case the true course must remain before.
3.4.16. To check the correctness of the input of flight program in BTSCVM $$RTBQVM
20 Section e
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
3.4.18. To check distance and predetermined courses on the programmed airfields, for
− to press button [AER], in this case on the signal signal panel signal [AER] will
luminesce in the flashing mode, and signal PPM will go out;
− to press button with digit 2, in this case on PNP must be indicated distance and
the predetermined course on [AER] 2, on the left digital indicator digit 2, and
signal [AER] will pass into the mode of a constant luminescence;
− to analogously [provorit] the performance of distance and of predetermined
course; on [AER] e; after testing of the input of program to all PPM and [AER] to
press button [PP]M and button about by digit 1, in this case on the signal panel
will luminesce the signal PPM, and on the left digital indicator digit 1, and on
PNP will be worked out distance and predetermined course on PPM -1.
3.4.19. To [provorit] the fitness for work of the communications radio station.
3.4.20. To [provorit] pressure in the pneumatic system, one must be 185 – of 200 .
3.4.21. To check the pressure of the charging of hydroaccumulators (95 – of 100
), after pressing button THE CONTROL [GIDROAKK] on the instrument panel.
To give aircraft technique the command: “To set firing handle to are operating the position
and to remove from it surface safety device”. To control the removal of surface safety device and to
be convinced of the reliable fixation of firing handle in the operating position.
3.5.1. Engine starting on the earth to execute from the airfield power sources, and if
necessary from onboard storage accumulators, with switch oned onboard accumulators with any
starting. After obtaining permission to the starting, to give command the aircraft technique: “From the
21 Section e
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Engine starting to accomplish in the following order:
− to establish three-position switch on the flap of engine starting to the position
− to establish RUD started an engine for the stop IDLING to 10 – 15 mm, and then
to the stop IDLING;
− to press button STARTING LEO (LAWS) to 1–2[s], in this case must fluoresce
Is permitted to if necessary execute starting of the simultaneously two engines by
simultaneous or sequential pushing of knobs STARTING LEO and STARTING OF LAWS.
3.5.2. Moment of starting to monitor on noise of the working turbostarter and increase in
the engine revolutions.
In the process of starting to monitor:
− the temperature of gases behind the turbine, which must be not more than 600°[S]
(not more than 630°[S], if the temperature of the gases before the starting on the
indicator is more than 40°[S]) to the period not more shch it flogged;
− the extinction of signal STARTING LEO (LAWS) after 50 flogged from the
beginning of starting or on the revolutions of 52 – 54%;
− turning off of turbostarter on revolutions 52–54% (it is determined by sound
WARNING. If on revolutions 54% did not occur turning off of turbostarter, to discontinue starting by
the installation of ores to the stop “STOP” and by pushing of knob “STOP”.
Engine after turning off of turbostarter automatically leaves for idle r.p.m.; the maximum
temperature of gases behind the turbine must not exceed on the idling of 460°[S].
3.5.3. If during shch of – " s. turbostarter it was not launched (there is no characteristic
noise, they do not grow engine revolutions), to discontinue starting by installation RUD to the stop
OF FEET and by pushing of knob STOP, to after which execute the warming up of turbostarter in the
following order:
− to set three-position switch to the position THE WARMING UP OF STARTER;
− to press button STARTING.
At the termination of warming up to execute engine restart.
3.5.4. If through 20 – 25 flogged after pushing of knob STARTING is engine it was not
launched (revolutions they do not increase more than 20% and it does not grow the temperature of
gases), to discontinue starting by installation RUD to the stop OF FEET and by pushing of knob
STOP. Subsequent starting to execute after the explanation of the reason for [nezapuska].
1. Engine restart is permitted to execute after the termination of the rotation of rotors.
2. To stop engine by closing fire plug, if this is not caused extremely by need, IS
3. In the process of the output of engine to THE IDLING on the revolutions of more
than 55% can luminesce the signals on THE MOUTHS: “REVOLUTIONS LEO
(LAWS) LOWER than 90%” and short-term (not more e it flogged) “DUMP
4. Engine starting to cease by transfer RUD into the stop “STOP” in the cases (besides
those indicated earlier):
− a increase in the temperature of gases behind the turbine than higher permitted
or in the absence indications on the instruments for monitoring of revolutions
or temperature;
− of the onset of flutter or buffeting;
22 Section e
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
3.6.1. After starting of both of engines and their output for idle r.p.m. to be convinced in
the absence on THE MOUTHS of any signals.
To include switches [OPS] and [OPOZNAVAN].
engine to THE IDLING it did not go out, then to avoid of the breakdown of
drive to stop engine.
3.6.2. Testing aircraft systems to execute with the work of engines on idling.
For inspecting the fuel system to press button PUMPS on [PKU]- " n 3. shch flogged, in
this case the green light above this button must fluoresce.
To ascertain that the pressure in 1 and 2 hydraulic systems is within the limits of 260 – of
300 [kgs]/[sm]2 .
To check the systems of the fundamental, emergency and starting braking of – is monitored
on the pressure indicators in the wheel brakes. (Must be respectively 105 – 120, 90 – 110 and 175 –
of 220 [kgs]/[sm]2 ).
3.6.3. At a temperature of surrounding air lower than – of 30°[S] for the warm-up of
working fluid to produce consecutively on 2 – 4 complete reversals of stabiliser, rudder, flaperons,
leading edges of wing and speed brake and so many the starts of fundamental emergency and starting
With the aid of the control knobs of flaps to check on the indicator IP (INTERNET
PROTOCOL) -52 their release and retraction, to check work of speed brake.
To ascertain that the signals of the green colour luminesce on the instrument panel:
− [TRIM].[ST]. NEUT.;
3.6.4. Before the inspection of control system by aircraft to be convinced of the fact that:
− the indicator Of [ksh] shows the value Of [ksh] in the limits of 0,9 – 1,1;
− the indicators of the position of stabiliser show the position of its consoles, which
corresponds to the deflexion of control stick;
− the indicator of the position of noses edges shows the position of noses edges.
After engine starting on the panel [SDU] is possible the ignition of the knob-lights of the
failures of subchannels. By sequential pressure of knob-lights to include the disconnected
To check the fitness for work of control system, for which:
− on the control panel [SDU] to include switches [DEMPF] COURSE and
23 Section e
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
WARNING. To carry out takeoff with the luminescence of signal [SDU] IS FORBIDDEN.
With the carrying out of all inspections [SDU] indicated the knob-lights on the panel
[SDU] must not luminesce.
The luminescence of knob-light indicates the failure of the element of the corresponding
subchannel, in this case the knob-light luminesces in the blinking mode e of – shch it flogged, after
this time it continues to burn with even light to the moment of switching on of subchannel.
If failure in the subchannel fluoresces with any of the inspections, then for including the
rejected subchannel it is necessary to press the burning knob-light. With the start of subchannel the
tube goes out. After this, to twice repeat the inspection, with which is discovered the failure.
If failure is not removed by the pressure of knob-light, or it appears again with the
retesting, flight IS FORBIDDEN.
Functional test of control by aircraft to complete by the inspection SAU, for which:
24 Section e
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
3.6.5. To check the fitness for work of responder [SRO], for which with the switch oned
on the flap of feed switch [OPOZNAVAN] (luminesces the signal [SRO] on MOUTHS on the
instrument panel, which must disappear through 1 – 2 min).
3.6.6. To check the work of responder A -511, to for which begin button CONT., in this
case must fluoresce tube ANSWER [SO].
Tube ANSWER [SO] lights up also with the answer to the inquiring signals of ground
If tube already luminesces to the pushing of knob CONT. (it blinks), then the brightness of
its luminescence increases with the pushing of knob CONT. and blinking ceases.
25 Section e
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
26 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
4.3. Landing.
4.3.1. Before the landing approach to check and to ascertain that pressure in the hydraulic
systems 260 - 300 [kgs]/[sm]2 .
4.3.2. On the straight line before the third turn at the velocity not more than 500 km/h to
lower landing gear. In this case automatically are deflected the leading edges of wing (if the switch
HO[SKI] OF WING is located in the position [AVT]). Small moment to the dive appearing in this
case it is easily sultry by control stick. Extension of landing gear to monitor on the ignition of green
signals on KP -52 and on the luminescence of the signal panel OF CHASSIS IS RELEASED, and
also on the pressure recovery in the first hydraulic system to 260-300 [kgs]/[sm]2 , while the release of
noses edges on the indicator.
Switch of landing gear valve to leave to the positions RELEASED.
4.3.3. Before the fourth turn to release flaps. Extension of flaps to monitor on the ignition
of green signal on IP (INTERNET PROTOCOL) -52.
In the case of extension of flaps with the retracted landing gear on IP (INTERNET
PROTOCOL) -52 the central red indicator, which works in the flashing mode, luminesces. The
luminescence of signal is escorted by vocal information “by chassis retracted”.
4.3.4. Fourth turn to execute at the velocity of 350 km/h with the listing not more than
OUTER MARKER BEACONS to pass at the height of 200 m and velocities of 310-320
km/h. Reduction to execute with a vertical velocity of 5-3 m/s. BPRM $$RTBPRM - CLOSE-IN
HOMING BEACON to pass at the height of 60 m and velocities of 290-300 km/h.
During the gliding after passing boundary marker beacon to decrease the gliding speed so
that at the beginning of alignment it was equal to 260-270 km/h (depending on landing weight of
4.3.5. Alignment to begin from the height of 8-10 m, the rate of the selection of knob to
itself to maintain in accordance with the approximation of aircraft to the earth. After finishing
alignment at the height not more than 1 m, to smoothly retract RUD to the stop of idling and,
continuing to drive out knob to itself (in proportion to by descending aircraft), to create normal
landing angle, equal 10-12°. The expenditure of control stick for compiling of landing angle is 4-5
WARNING. In the landing process the sharp movements by control stick can lead to the rocking of
aircraft on the pitch.
4.3.6. Landing speed, landing run with the let-down flaps and the wing leading edges and
with the application of wheel brakes immediately after lowering of front wheel depending on landing
mass, are given in the nomograms ([ris].7, 8 book 2).
Landing speeds and landing runs of aircraft with the bomb suspension and [NRS] it
increases respectively by 5-10 km/h and 50 m.
After the contact RUNWAY(S) by fundamental wheels, to release drag chute, to lower
front wheel and to completely press brake pedals. Negative pitching moment with the production of
27 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
4.3.7. With the landing approach with the crosswind to struggle with the drift, up to the
contact, by the selection of course. After the contact RUNWAY(S) by fundamental wheels, without
lowering front ear, by the smooth pedal deflexion to establish the aircraft along the axis
RUNWAY(S), holding it from the attachments by the deflexion of control stick against the wind. The
expenditure of pedals and control stick with the corrective turn of aircraft composes 1/3 and 1/2
motions respectively.
During lowering of the front wheel of pedal to set to the position, close to the neutral and
to begin braking. Drag chute to release if necessary after lowering of front wheel. On the landing run
with the omitted front wheel tendency toward the turn against the wind it to be sultry with the aid of
the guided wheel of front rack and if necessary with the aid of the fundamental brakes.
After landing run or upon command with KP to dump drag chute and to unplug shoulder
1. Emergency braking system on the landing run to use and the cases of the malfunction
of primary system, for which at the velocity not more than 220 km/h the handle of
emergency braking is smooth for 2-3 to extend to itself to the complete motion and to
hold in this position to the stopping of aircraft, in this case minimum landing run is
ensured with the application of a drag chute.
2. With the landing on RUNWAY(S), partially covered with ice, at the end landing run at
the velocity less than 30 km/h it is necessary to decrease the pressure in the brakes for
preventing the appearance of a skid of wheels.
4.3.8. After taxiing with RUNWAY(S) to disconnect the switches of heating PVD THE
RESERVE, PPD and PVD IS FUNDAMENTAL BY THE DOWS, to retract flaps and wing leading
4.3.9. After taxiing to the parking, to disconnect [PNK], to open lamp and to disconnect
engines, to for which establish ores to the stop OF FEET.
1. If the afterburning of fuel in the afterburner occurs after engine shutdown, it is
necessary to execute the warming up of engine, and in the case of active combustion to
launch engine. For the warming up of engine with the position RUD to THE STOP the
WARMING UP OF STARTER” to establish to the position “WARMING UP OF
ENGINE” and to press button “STARTING”. Time of the warming up of engine 50- of
55 s.
2. Before the discovery of lamp to ascertain that the excess pressure in the cabin (drop)
does not exceed 0,06 [kgs]/[sm]2 (between two green points on [IKZH]). With the height
difference of the pressure indicated to unseal cabin by the crane of depressurisation.
After setting RUD to the position OF FEET to disconnect all users of electric power,
except the sources of power, which to disconnect after the complete stop of the rotor of engine.
To disconnect the switches of the squibs of seat and to give command the aircraft
technique: “To supply the surface safety devices (safety device) on the levers of the locking of firing
handle” and “to set firing handle to the off-position”.
Drift to the second circle is possible from any height, up to the contact RUNWAY(S) by
wheels. Drift to the second circle without the contact RUNWAY(S) is ensured from height 20-15 m.
After making a decision about the drift to the second circle, to set RUD of engines to the
28 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
position MAXIMUM, to discontinue reduction and, without allowing the speed loss of less than 270-
260 km/h, to translate aircraft into the climb, retracted landing gear and flaps.
1. The accelerating ability of engines from the idling to the maximum nonafterburning
regime is equal to 4-5 s.
2. The minute fuel consumptions in flight in the circle in the takeoff and landing layout
at the velocity of 450 km/h comprise with the extended gear 65 kgf/min.
4.5. Special features of flights “by pipeline” and sequential take-off and landings.
Flights “by pipeline” to execute on the airfields with the length OF RUNWAY(S) not less
than 1800 m on the aircraft without the suspensions for the performance of takeoff and landing in the
daytime and at night. First landing to execute with the fuel remainder not more than 3000 kg.
With the remainder of the fuel 3000 - 2000 kgf takeoff “by pipeline” to execute in the
maximum (combat) mode of the work of engines.
With the fuel remainder not more than 2000 kgf the takeoff “by pipeline” is permitted to
execute in the maximum (combat training) mode of the work of engines.
Technology of accomplishing landing in accordance with p. 4.3.
After the contact RUNWAY(S) and stable landing run on the fundamental wheels during 3-
4 it flogged to establish the normal takeoff bearing of aircraft, to translate RUD for 1- 2 flogged to
the position MAXIMUM and, maintaining takeoff bearing, to produce takeoff.
WARNING. If in the process of a increase in the engine revolutions to the maximum appears the
energetic turning moment, for countering of which is required the steady
deflexion of pedals of more than 1/2 motions, to be guided by
recommendations p. 6.6.
A maximum quantity of flights “by pipeline” must not exceed four. The fuel remainder
before the final takeoff must be not less than 1200 kg.
Is permitted also accomplishing two sequential landings, in this case the first landing must
be executed with a maximum landing mass not of more than 20000 kgf, without the application of a
drag chute since the beginning of the braking to V ≤ 200 km/h.
Landing run with these conditions is 1450-1500 m. the time of taxiing between the
termination of landing run after the first landing and the beginning of takeoff in the second takeoff
must compose not less shch of the minutes, necessary for cooling the wheel brakes.
The second landing is executed with the application of a drag chute and wheel brakes as
indicated into [p].4.3.
If they were not released with the pressure of the flap lowering button also on IP
(INTERNET PROTOCOL) -52 does not luminesce the signal of extension of flaps, to press button to
their retraction, landing to execute with the retracted flaps.
In this case to maintain gliding speed after the fourth turn to 15-20 km/h greater than with
the landing approach with the let-down flaps.
Landing speed and landing run of aircraft with the retracted flaps increase by 10-15 km/h
and 50- 60 m respectively.
29 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
4.7. Landing with the failure of automatic control of the wing leading edges.
If after the extension of landing gear of the wing leading edge they are not deflected (it is
monitored on the indicator), to deflect them by hand, after setting the switch of noses edges to the
With the landing with the undeflected leading edges of wing (with the failure of control of
the wing leading edges) the switch OF THE WING LEADING EDGE to set to the position THEY
ARE RETRACTED. Gliding speed after the fourth turn and landing run of aircraft increase by 10 15
km/h and 50-60 m, correspondingly, α of dopa on the landing not more than 10°.
4.8. Flight in the maximum modes according to the velocity and the number M.
For achievement maximum Mach numbers the acceleration of aircraft to execute with the
work of the engines of under the conditions full afterburner.
With the trial target flight for the acceleration of velocity to the maximum Mach number
without the suspensions or from 2[khR]-27 and 2[khR]-73[E] to execute according to the following
− the gain of altitude to 12000 m on the maximum, higher than 12000 m in the
afterburning regimes of the work of engines on the V is true = 850-800 km/h,
[M]= 0,8-0,85;
− the acceleration of aircraft on full afterburner in the level flight at the height of
13000 m to the maximum Mach number;
− the deceleration of aircraft to M = 0,8-0,85 or V so on = of 500 km/h. With the
low removals from the airfield reduction to execute at the high velocities.
During throttling of engine to the idling in the range of the numbers Of [m]=0,9-1,0 is
possible rumbling air ducts, which does not influence the stable work of engines.
Flight to the airfield to execute to [vysote]12000-13000 m with the Mach number = 0,8-
0,85. At the removal 150-170 km to translate aircraft for the reduction and to execute it at the velocity
of 500 km/h with the work of engines under the conditions SMALL OF NEWSPAPERS.
Flight to the service ceiling with the trial target to execute on the aircraft without the
suspensions or from 2[khR]-27 and 2[khR]-73[E] according to the following program:
− the acceleration of aircraft the earth has to V[pr]=650-670 km/h to the height
200 m in the afterburning or maximum ratings of the work of engines,
the climb before the reaching M = 0,8-0,85;
− the gain of altitude of 11000-12000 m on M = 0,8-0,85;
− to [vysote]1000-12000 m acceleration to the Mach number = 1,6 under the
full afterburner and on the Mach number = 1,6 climb before the reaching
the vertical velocity of 3-5 m/s;
− turning off of afterburner, installation RUD to the stop IDLING and reduction to
the height of 12000-13000 m with the decrease of Mach number to 0,8-0,85;
− flight on M = 0,8-0,85 at the height of 12000-13000 m to the line of reduction (to
the distance 150-170 km);
− reduction on V so on = of 500 km/h with the work of engines under the conditions
IDLING to the flight altitude in the circle.
The service ceiling of under the conditions full afterburner (during production by 50%
of fuel from the normal reserve) without the suspensions is 18500 m.
In the combat training mode of the work of engines maximum Mach number = 1,75,
service ceiling 16300 m.
General instructions
On the aircraft it is permitted to execute the figures of the simple, complex and aerobatics
over a wide range of velocities and flight altitudes within the limits of the permissible angles of
attack and g-forces with respect to [UAP] (on the operation OF [OPR]) taking into account the
special features, presented in the present subsection.
In the present subsection it is examined to pilots on the aircraft with the suspensions,
which are conditionally divided into the groups:
1 group - aircraft without the suspensions either from 2[khR]-73[E] + of 2[khR]-27[R]1 (P
-27T1), or from 2[khR]-73[E] + to 2 AB of calibre to 500 kgf, either 2[khR]-73[E] + of 2[khS]-25 or
of 2[khR]-73[E] + of 2[khB]-8[M] (2[khB]-13[L]);
2 groups - aircraft from 4[khR]-73[E] + of 6[khR]-27[R]1 (P -27T1) either of 2[khR]-
73[E] + to ' OF AB of calibre to 500 kgf, or 2[khR]-73[E] + of 4[khB]-8[M] (4[khB]-13[L]) or of
2[khR]-73[E] + of 4[khS]-25;
e group - aircraft from 2[khR]-73[E] + to 8 AB of calibre to 500 kgf or 2[khR]-73[E] + to
16 AB of calibre to 250 kg.
The characteristics of the figures of pilotage in the combat and combat training modes of
the work of engines with [UR] in practise do not differ, with exception of the climb for the zoom.
Pilotage to execute only with the switch oned limiter of bearings α and PU. Output to the
critical angles of the attack of [pli] g-force is escorted “by stop” (by stepped increase in the efforts on
the knob on 15 kgf) and by buffeting of control stick. In this case luminesces signal “α, PU OF
CRIT.”, the escorted by vocal information “critical angle of attack, the G tolerance”.
System [OPR] with its correct operation ensures the high maneuverability of aircraft with
the safe pilotage on the boundary of the critical angles of attack and g-force.
WARNING. The overriding “of stop” with accomplishing of the figures of the pilotage of a
noticeable increase in the maneuverability does not give, but it is possible to
lead to stalling of aircraft or to the height difference PU of add.
With the creation of the given g-force with a rate of less than 2 flogged [OPR] it operates
at the small angles of attack and g-force. The rate of output to the permissible angles of attack and g-
force is determined “by stop” with the retention of the pulling stick forces.
With the flights at the heights less than 5000 m and the high indicated speeds, which
correspond to Mach numbers = 0,95-1,2, can occur the stops of control stick along the listing and
pedals because of the undercapacity of the hydraulic drives of flaperons and rudders; however,
controllability in this case remains sufficient and composes 25-30° per second.
Before accomplishing of pilotage it is necessary to tighten (to plug) shoulder straps. To
check on RD -15 the position of the handle OF [DAVL]- OFF, which must be in the position PRESS.
change in the listing. Output from the turn to carry out with the coordinated movements of knob and
pedals with the simultaneous decrease of the engine thrust with the rate, which ensures the retention
of velocity.
With the execution of the steady turns with the roll angles it is more than 65-70° (η[u] =
2,5 - e) the preset mode to additionally monitor in the value of the normal load factor.
The dependence of the g-force of the steady turns on height and flight speed is shown in
Fig. e, 4. In this case the maximum angular speeds of the steady turn of aircraft are achieved at the
velocities, that correspond to the maximum g-forces of the steady turn.
The forced (unsteady) turns of in the range subsonic flight speeds it is permitted to
execute, without exceeding the permissible angles of attack and maximum operational overloading
with respect to [UAP] or [OPR].
The presence of suspensions does not exert a substantial influence on the technology of the
execution of turn.
Dive is permitted to execute with the bearings to 60° in the nonafterburning regimes of the
work of engines.
Input into the dive depending on the previous manoeuvre and required (preset) dive angle
to carry out from the turn or with roll.
Acceleration to every 1000 m of the lost height comprises on the dive from the height of
3000-5000 m with the retracted speed brake with the dive angles of 20-30°:
− 130-140 km/h - with the work of the engines of under the conditions idling;
− 250-270 km/h - with the work of engines under maximum conditions.
Pullout to carry out without the listing and the slip with the energetic (for 2-3 it flogged)
creation of required (preset) g-force.
Velocity the beginning of pullout with the work of the engines of under the conditions
idling must be less than maximum permissible for this version of suspensions to 50-160 km/h, with
the work of engines under maximum conditions - to 150-200 km/h.
PU of the mouths of
Н=1000 м
Н=3000 м
Н=5000 м
4 Н=8000 м
Н=11000 м
2 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 V km/h
1 Fig. e.
G-forces of the steady turns, aircraft from 2[khR]-73 + of 2[khR]-27, with 50%
fuel remainder from the normal servicing under the standard temperature
conditions, the mode of the work of engines MAXIMUM (for another mass of
η[uf] = of η[ust]. of [vir]. • 20000/m[f]).
32 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Зона неустойчивых
Пу=8,0 показаний приборов
Н=1000 м Пу=6,0
7 Ө пик=60° Н=3000 м
Н=5000 м
Ө пик=50° Пу=4,0
5 Ө пик=40° Н=8000 м
Ө пик=30°
Н=11000 м
Ө пик=40°
Ө пик=30°
The loss of height for roll and velocity of output from it they depend:
− from velocity and height of input;
− from the mode of the work of engines;
− from the position of speed brake;
33 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
ΔN (M)
4 shch 2 e 1
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 V the rest of substances (km/h)
Fig. "
Loss of height for roll, executed from the minimally permissible
height, the law of control To [peu] max, α add.
1, e, 4 – aircraft from 2[khR]-73 + of 2[khR]-27
14000 2 – aircraft from 4[khR]-73 + of 6[R]-27
shch of – aircraft with the bomb and unguided rocket armament.
М=0,65 М=1,5
4000 34 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
e 4
s 2
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 V the rest of substances (km/h)
Fig. 8
Region of the feasibility of rolls. Law of control To [peu] max, α
add. 1, e, 4 – aircraft from 2[khR]-73 + of 2[khR]-27; 2 – aircraft
from 4[khR]-73 + of 6[khR]-27; shch of – aircraft with the bomb
and unguided rocket armament.
Input into the loop, from provision conditions at the upper point of given speed, to execute
in the maximum or afterburning regime of the work of the engines in the range of heights and speeds,
shown in Fig. 9 and 10.
The minimum speed of input into loop and rolloff or Nesterov's loop, shown in the figures,
are determined of provision condition in the trajectories of the velocity not less than 300 km/h for
50% of remainder of normal propellant loading in the standard temperature conditions. With a
increase (decrease) in the fuel remainder on 500 kgf the minimum speed of input increase (they
decrease) to 20 km/h.
Before the input into the loop to establish the given ones the mode of the work of engines,
velocity and flight altitude, then by the taking of control stick to itself to create for 2-3 flogged g-
force 4,5-5,5, monitoring its value on the indicator, without exceeding operational overloading for
this version of suspensions.
The rate of the selection of control stick on the ascending unit of loop must be so as to
maintain the g-force before reaching of the angles of attack of 14-16° indicated, to and then maintain
these angles of attack to the approach of aircraft to the upper point of loop.
At the upper point of loop the velocity must be not less than 300 km/h.
With the passage of the upper point (nose of aircraft “it lies down” on the horizon) to
disconnect afterburner and to smoothly decrease, if this is provide ford by mission, the engine
revolutions, to rate height and flight speed.
If we at the upper point of loop the height less than the minimum for accomplishing roll,
finish figure by half-roll.
After the passage of the upper point of loop and lowering of the nose of aircraft lower than
the horizon for purposes of the decrease of the loss of height is permitted to pilot on the boundary of
the operation OF [OPR]. Further pilotage to accomplish just as with accomplishing of roll.
With accomplishing of the formed loops and loop and rolloffs (with the minimum radius)
necessary for 3-4 it flogged to create g-force or angle of attack, close to maximum permissible for the
given velocity of input and version of suspensions, and subsequently to maintain these values it was
fragile attack and g-force, without overpowering [OPR] up to the termination of figure.
To [ris].9 is shown the region of the feasibility of the forced Nesterov's loops and loop and
35 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
The climb on the ascending unit of loop composes 1000-2000 m depending on height,
rates of input into the loop and g-forces.
Note. With accomplishing of loops and loop and rolloffs in the supersonic region of
the in the range transonic speed is observed “the pickup”.
With accomplishing of loops and loop and rolloffs in the supersonic region at the heights
of more than 11000 m with the passage of supersonic speed range with the completely undertaken
control stick “to itself” is possible the throw on the angle of attack than higher permitted, up to α SV
To avoid throw on the angle of attack with [dobiranii] of control stick “to themselves” in
the process of braking at the moment of decreasing the g-force (stabiliser it is located on the stop) to
fix control stick (without driving out “free motion”) and with the approach to the Mach number = 1,0
to return it “from themselves” to 1/are 5th 1/4 motions.
Full afterburner
2хР-73 + 2хР-27
7000 Закон управления П эу макс, α доп
Минимальная скорость на
траектории 300 км/ч
6000 2 группа
1 группа
3000 Зона неустойчивых
3 группа показаний приборов
М=0,85 М=0,9 М=1,1
0 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 V the rest of substances (km/h)
5000 Fig. 9
Region of the feasibility of the Nesterov's loops and loop and rolloffs for
the aircraft with 50% remainder of normal propellant loading under the
standard temperature conditions. Law of control PU = 4,5-5,5; α = 14°-16°.
4000a increase (decrease) in the fuel remainder on 500 kgf the minimum
speed of input increase on (they decrease) to 20 km/h.
Минимальная скорость на
1000 траектории 300 км/ч
36 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
1 группа
2 группа
3 группа
Loop and rolloff it is permitted to execute at the same modes of the work of engines,
heights and velocities, that also Nesterov's loop. The order of activities and the distribution of the
attention of pilot to the approach to the upper point of figure are analogous to activities and
distribution of attention with accomplishing of loop.
With the approach to the upper point (nose of aircraft “it lies down” on the horizon) at the
velocity not less than 300 km/h by the coordinated movement of the control stick and pedals to
execute half-roll in time 3-4 flogged to derive aircraft in the level flight.
If the velocity of aircraft with the approach to the upper point proved to be less than 300
km/h, it is necessary, without allowing a increase in the angle of attack of the more allowed values
and the deflexion of control stick in lateral sense, to set pedals to the neutral position and to fix them.
After lowering of the nose of aircraft are lower than the horizon increases in the velocity of flight to
350 km/h to execute half-roll and to derive aircraft into the level flight.
The climb for the loop and rolloff with the input on full afterburner from the height of
3000 m and velocities of 800 km/h is 3000 m with PU = 4 and 2000 m with PU = '.
Input into the oblique loop is permitted to execute at the same modes of the work of
engines, heights and velocities, that also into the Nesterov's loop, but in this case one should consider
that the climb for the ascending unit of figure will be less than on the Nesterov's loop.
Before the input into the oblique loop it is necessary to outline reference point, to establish
given speed, to create the required listing and to fix it, with the neutral position of control stick along
the listing without the slip to introduce aircraft into the oblique loop just as into the Nesterov's loop.
In the process of accomplishing the oblique loop the listing continuously changes. The
inclination of the plane of oblique loop is determined by initial roll angle and is monitored on KPP
and natural horizon. On KPP to monitor initial roll angle in the lower and upper units of the oblique
37 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
loop, on which ascends and descending the units of oblique loop with the bearings of the turn of 90°
and 270° the listing must be 90°.
At the upper point of oblique loop and before the output from the oblique loop to monitor
listing additionally on the natural horizon.
Near the upper point of oblique loop to rate height. With the limiting value of the height of
the beginning of the descending manoeuvre it is necessary to execute output from the listing to the
side of listing and to move out in the level flight. After recovery in the level flight to retract listing.
With the deficiency of height on the output it is necessary to retract listing and to eject
aircraft from the dive with the maximum permitted g-force and the angle of attack.
With accomplishing of loops and loop and rolloffs at the moment of output to the pitch
angles of 90±5° occur the short-term (≈ 1 it flogged) fallout of blinker KS on the instrument PNP, the
resetting to zero of information on ILS from the parameters γ, the V, Ψ so on, escorted by vocal
information “the failure of course system”, with its documentation in the system “screen”.
Chandelle is permitted to execute in the maximum and afterburning regime of the work of
Before the input into the chandelle to establish the required mode of the work of engines,
to accelerate aircraft to the given speed, by the after which smooth deflexion of control stick of itself
and to the side of chandelle to translate aircraft into the climb on the ascending spiral with the initial
listing of 10-15°, after creating for 3-4 it flogged g-force in the limits of that permitted and
monitoring its value on the indicator. With the turn to the bearing of 110°-120° not to exceed the
listing of 65°-70°. In proportion to a decrease in the velocity of flight in the process of chandelle to in
proper time decrease the g-force and to monitor the value of angle of attack on the indicator in order
not to exceed its maximum permissible values.
After the turn of aircraft by 110°-120° to gradually decrease the angles of bank and pitch
by the simultaneous deflexion of the control stick (along the diagonal from itself) and pedals,
coordinating their deviations so as to derive aircraft in the level flight after turn on 180° with the
velocity not less than 300 km/h. Rate of input into the chandelle, executed by g-force 5,0-5,5, must be
not less than 700 km/h with the work of engines under maximum conditions and not less than 550
km/h on full afterburner.
The height, collected for the chandelle, substantially depends on the manner of pilotage
and initial roll angle. With the input from the heights not more than 1000 m and at the rates of input
from 550 to 700 km/h it is from 1200 to 6000 m depending on the velocity of input, g-force, mode of
the work of engines and version of suspensions.
If it is necessary to execute chandelle in the minimum time independent of of the value of
the collected height, it is necessary energetically, but without allowing overriding [OPR] (height
difference of the permissible angles of attack and g-force), to execute first half of oblique loop with
the initial listing of 15°-45°, but with the approach of the nose of aircraft to to the horizon derive it
from the listing. Input into such chandelle is permitted to execute at the same heights and velocities
as into the Nesterov's loop.
Zoom it is permitted to execute with the bearings to 60° in the maximum and afterburning
regime of the work of engines in entire operating altitude range of flight at the velocities, which do
not exceed maximum allowable.
Rate of input must be not less than 550 km/h on full afterburner and not less than 700
km/h under maximum conditions of the work of engines.
Input into the zoom to execute by the smooth creation of g-force 3,5-5,0 with the bearings
to 45° and 5,0-6,0 with the bearings is more than 45°. Value of the bearing of zoom and the absence
38 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Δ of the V (km/h)
Full afterburner
0 30 40 50 60 Ө deg
Fig. 11
12000 Speed loss for the output from the zoom (V head vyv. = V rear
vyv. + ΔV).
Full afterburner
[Uch]- combat PF
[Uch]- combat the Max 1 группа
1 группа
2 группа
1 группа
υ = 60°
2 группа
1 группа
υ = 45° 3 группа
39 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
1 группа
υ = 45°
2 группа
1 группа
3 группа
Input into the zoom for accomplishing roll on it to accomplish at the same heights and
velocities as input into the zoom without roll taking into account a altitude margin for accomplishing
of the descending unit of figure.
After the acceleration of aircraft to the given speed to create the necessary bearing of
zoom and to fix it. On reaching of the velocity (not less than 350 km/h) for the beginning of output
from the zoom by the coordinated deflexion of the control stick and pedals to turn aircraft relative to
longitudinal axis to 180° and by the taking of control stick to itself to lower the nose of aircraft to the
horizon, piloting on the boundary of the operation OF [OPR] and without allowing a increase in the
angle of attack of the more allowed values. Further accomplishing of the descending unit of figure is
not differed from accomplishing of the descending unit of loop.
Accomplishing the descending unit of figure is permitted, if height at its upper point not
less minimum height, [rekomendovannoj] for accomplishing roll. If at the upper point of figure flight
altitude will less than the minimum height, [rekomendovannoj] for accomplishing roll with the given
velocity, after lowering the nose of aircraft lower than the horizon execute the second half-roll.
On the aircraft it is permitted to perform the rapid and deferred-action single and repeated,
horizontal, ascending and descending slow rolls.
For the execution of snap roll at the velocity not less than 500 km/h to create the bearing
of the pitchup of 10°-25° (the greater the velocity, the less the bearing), to fix by its and coordinated
movement of control stick along the diagonal to the side of rotation and from itself and pedals to the
same side to revolve aircraft relative to longitudinal axis with the rate one turn in 6-8 s. with the
approach of aircraft to the position of level flight to supply controls on the conclusion, but after the
termination of the rotation of – is neutral.
For the execution of the deferred-action (guided) barrel at the velocity not less than 600
km/h to create the bearing of the pitchup of 10°-20°, to fix by its and smooth deflexion of control
stick to the side of rotation to begin accomplishing figure with the rate of rotation one turn in 10-12 s.
In the process of the execution of barrel by the deflexions of control stick and by pedals to
hold the nose of aircraft from the lowering, in this case the unit of figure is executed at the positive
angles of attack, and the unit of – on the negative and pilot tests alternating g-forces.
Dual (repeated) barrels are coalescent accomplishing of two and more than barrels.
Repeated snap rolls are executed at the velocity not less than 600 km/h with “the score” of
40 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
20°-25. With their accomplishing the controls to the output after sequential barrel are not placed.
The repeated slow rolls are executed at the velocities not less than 700 km/h and in the
technology of accomplishing do not differ from the single slow roll.
The horizontal, ascending and descending slow rolls in the technology of accomplishing
are identical and are characterised by only the path inclination of flight.
On the aircraft it is permitted to execute small (with the roll angles to 45°) and deep (with
the roll angles of more than 45°), gently sloping (with the flight path angles to 30°) and steep (with
the flight path angles of more than 30°) spirals.
Input into the spiral to carry out from the mode of the steady reduction with the
coordinated movement of the control stick and pedals.
In the process of accomplishing the spiral the aircraft is stable, tendencies toward a
increase in the angles of bank and pitch it does not have.
Output from the spiral is carried out by the coordinated actions of control surface. In order
to translate aircraft into the level flight, at first should be retracted listing, and then decreased the
pitch angle with a simultaneous thrust augmentation of engines.
The loss of height for the turn of spiral depends on the flight speed, angle of bank, flight
altitude and mode of the work of engines. The average loss of height with accomplishing of the turn
of spiral with the listing of 45° of under the conditions idling at the heights of 5000-8000 m is 2500-
3000 m with the velocity of 550 km/h and 4500-5000 m with the velocity of 650 km/h.
With the pitch angles it is less than 60° and listing it is more than 60°, and also with the
pitch angles of 60°-80° and any listing to establish the angle of attack of 10°-15°, simultaneously
increasing listing to 180° (to the transfer of aircraft into the inverted flight position), to nose down of
aircraft it is lower than the horizon, to collect the velocity of 300 km/h, to execute half-roll and to
derive aircraft in the level flight, without exceeding α add.
With the pitch angles it is more than 80° (in the position, close to the vertical) to set
control stick along the listing to the neutral position, to create the angle of attack of 10°-15° and to
maintain it before lowering of the nose of aircraft of lower than the horizon, to collect the velocity of
300 km/h, to execute half-roll and to derive aircraft in the level flight, without exceeding α add.
With a drop in the velocity to 100 km/h in the process of lowering nose in the inverted
flight position of aircraft it to be sultry tendency toward the transition to the negative angles of attack
by the taking of control stick “on itself” up to the complete motion, preserving the angle of attack of
With the speed loss of less than 100 km/h in the process of accomplishing the zoom at the
41 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
pitch angles of more than 75° the aircraft has a tendency toward a spontaneous increase in the pitch
angle, after which follows th lowering of nose (“signaling”) e progressive on the rate with the passage
through the perpendicular position and the transition to the negative g-forces. For the transfer into the
positive overloads and preventing the development of the inverted spin it is necessary to completely
deflect control stick to itself and to hold it in this position before the appearance of the positive
overloads. With the appearance of the positive overload ([Pu]=0,5-1,0) to set control stick on the
pitch to the neutral position, to increase velocity to the V = 300 km/h and to derive aircraft from the
dive, without exceeding α add.
Aircraft leaves to the modes of stalling only as a result following errors in the pilotage:
− of overriding [OPR] and of height difference α of add.;
− of speed loss of less than 200 km/h with the nonperformance of the
recommendations of point 4.11.1.
With the height difference α of add. n 3. appear the involuntary fluctuations of small
amplitude on the listing and the course. With accomplishing of energetic maneuvering with reaching
of these angles of attack on the flight speeds of less than 450-500 km/h the tilt of the nose of aircraft
appears. Further increase in the angle of attack leads to a increase in the intensity of the phenomena
indicated. At the angles of attack, which exceed the permissible bearings on 8°-14°, occurs stalling
(considerably it increases the amplitude of fluctuations or the tilt of aircraft in the listing and the
Recovery from stall to perform by the immediate installation control stick on the pitch to
the trimmed position (1/4-1/3 motions for the neutral position from itself), along the listing of – to the
neutral position with the neutral position of pedals. The transition of aircraft into the spin is possible
with the recovery from stall.
Normal spin
With the delay with the activities according to the recovery from stall or under the
erroneous effects (installation of control stick “to itself” to the complete motion or against the rolling)
the aircraft goes into spin.
Upon transfer of aircraft into the spin to smoothly translate engines to the idling
The vertical velocity of reduction in the spin is 80-100 m/s. Rotation on the course occurs
simultaneously with the insignificant fluctuations along the listing (less ± 20°) without the sensation
of the transverse accelerations.
Normal spin can be three types:
− is unstable in the direction of rotation (of type “drop by sheet”);
− steep been steady from the direction of rotation about by pitch angles from - 50°
to -30° and by the angles of attack of 32°-45°. It flogged the time of one turn 15-
− flat been steady from the direction of rotation with the pitch angles is less - 30°
and by angles of attack is more than 45° (pointer [UAP] on the stop). Time of one
turn 6-8 s.
Any of the types of spins indicated can be obtained in one and the same flight conditions
with one and the same surface position during the input.
Output from the unstable spin (of type “drop by sheet”) to perform by the installation of
pedals and control stick along the listing to the neutral position, and on the pitch to the trimmed
position (1/4-1/3 motions for the neutral position from itself).
42 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Spin recovery with the steady rotation on the course to execute by the pedal deflexion
completely against rotation and control stick along the listing completely to the side of rotation with
its trimmed pitch attitude.
At the heights less than 8000 m for decreasing the time of spin recovery are permitted to
additionally use “[raznotjag]” of engines. For this with by the law spin to establish RUD of right, and
with the left spin - port engine to THE MAXIMUM.
At the heights less than 6000 m is permitted the application “of [raznotjaga]” up to the
start of full afterburner. During the application “of [raznotjaga]” it is necessary to bear in mind, that
its effectiveness at the heights less than 6000 m (especially with the start of full afterburner) is high.
Therefore the belated decrease “of [raznotjaga]” of engines can lead to the transition into the spin of
another direction of rotation.
The delay of the output of aircraft in the level flight from the moment of the installation of
controls to the output at the heights of less than 11000 m composes 15-20 it flogged, the loss of
height with this 2500-3000 m. during the termination of the rotation of aircraft to set controls to the
neutral position, after the decrease of angle of attack it is less α add. to increase the velocity to 300
km/h and to derive aircraft into the level flight, without exceeding α add. (on the boundary of the
operation OF [OPR]).
After the termination of the rotation of aircraft is possible its “hovering” (not the decrease
of angle of attack) at the angles of attack of 38°-40°. For the drift from “the hovering” it is necessary,
holding by the appropriate pedal deflexion from the transition into the rotation with the neutral
position of control stick along the listing, to take control stick for 1-2 it flogged completely to itself,
and then completely n 3. I it flogged from itself. If we from the first attempt leave from “the
hovering” could not be, the activities indicated repeated.
Inverted spin
WARNING. With the nonappearance of aircraft from the spin or with the entry into it at the height N
of ≤ 3000 m to be ejected.
43 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
44 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
4.13.1. Modes of the automatic stabilisation of the angular positions of aircraft and
Mode is permitted to include at the roll angles not more than 60°. For including the
automatic stabilisation of the angular positions of aircraft it is necessary:
− controlling by hand, to establish the required (necessary) position of aircraft in
the space;
− to press the button AUTOMATIC on the flap SAU, in this case must catch fire
indicator next to the button.
SAU from the moment of its switching on will stabilise the instantaneous value of the
angular positions of the aircraft (with the listing of more than 7° it is stabilised listing, with the listing
of less than 7° it is stabilised course and pitch angle to 40°).
Turning off of the mode OF AUTOMATIC to carry out with buttons JETTISONING or
OFF SAU. In the case of the impossibility of turning off of automatic mode by these buttons to
execute turning off by application to the control stick of efforts shch kG on the longitudinal or e kG
along the by-pass. In this case turning off SAU can be escorted by a rapid (short-term) change in the
g-force, angle of attack and rate of roll up to the maximum values.
WARNING. With the execution of flight in the automatic mode not to allow the application of force
to the aircraft control stick, since they can cause malfunction SAU or its
turning off.
For including the automatic stabilisation Of [nbar] it is necessary with the vertical velocity
less e m/s to press the button Of [nbar]. In this case catch fire the indicators OF AUTOMATIC and
[Nbar] and from this point on, in the longitudinal channel occurs the stabilisation Of [nbar], and in
the lateral - roll stabilisation (if listing is more than 7°) or of course (if the listing of less than 7°).
With the start of the mode of the stabilisation Of [nbar] is possible the transition of aircraft
into the climb or for the reduction with a vertical velocity of up to 10 m/s.
45 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Turning off of the mode Of [nbar] to carry out with buttons JETTISONING or OFF SAU.
With the start of modes [PRIVED] to [GORIZ], [Nrv], [NAVED], and also during the intersection of
glide path in the mode SETTLEMENT and the intersection of programmed line of descent in the
mode [NAVIG] the mode Of [nbar] are removed.
With the angles of bank and pitch of more than 80° after the release of the trigger switch of
combined control occurs turning off SAU, in this case on the instrument panel luminesces the signal
To disconnect SAU with the pressed trigger switch of combined control is possible of
button JETTISONING or by the button OF OFF SAU.
After the reduction of aircraft to the horizon automatically is included the mode of the
stabilisation Of [nbar], catches fire the indicator Of [nbar] and continues to luminesce signal
To disconnect mode [PRIVED] to [GORIZ] by the pushing of the knob OF OFF SAU or
46 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
button JETTISONING. For the renewal of the mode Of [nbar] it is necessary to again press the button
1. With the accelerations and the braking in the mode Of [nrv] is possible a change in the
height to 50 m.
2. With the changes To δ[Pu], that exceed ± 1, the start of the mode Of [nrv] IS
FORBIDDEN with “the turbulence”.
4.14. Enroute flight with the use [PNK] during automatic control.
It is necessary after takeoff:
− in the process of the climb by the manoeuvre of aircraft by hand to combine the
index of the predetermined course with the index of reading;
− at the height is not below 300 m on the panel SAU to press button [NAVIG], but
switch INDICATION to set to the position ROUTE, in this case the flag “to” KPP
will leave from the field of sight, but on ILS will luminesce the information,
which corresponds to mode ROUTE ([ris].15);
− holding on KPP vertical director pointer in the limits of central circle, to balance
aircraft on the stick forces and on the panel SAU to press the button OF
AUTOMATIC. In this case the aircraft will automatically maintain the
predetermined course, while in the longitudinal channel - stabilise the
instantaneous value of pitch angle;
− at the moment, when aircraft collects a given height, to press the trigger switch of
combined control on the knob and to by hand translate aircraft into the level
flight, to after which release trigger switch;
− for including the mode of the automatic stabilisation of barometric height is
necessary with the vertical velocity not more e m/s, to press the button Of [nb]ap,
with the low-altitude flights and if necessary to stabilise [Nist] – to press the
button Of [nrv], but switch THE INDICATION to set to the position Of [nrv], in
this case on ILS will luminesce the information, which corresponds to mode
47 Section 4
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48 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
RADIO SYSTEM to press button UPR and button P, in this case will luminesce the signals
CONTROL and PATH, and on the panel SAU press button [NAVIG] by the manoeuvre of aircraft
establish on KPP vertical director pointer within the limits of central circle, after which include
automatic control of the button OF AUTOMATIC. In this case the aircraft will automatically maintain
the predetermined course on PPM, in the longitudinal channel will be stabilised the instantaneous
value of pitch angle, and with the pressed button Of [nbar] of – the barometric height. In flight at the
low altitude and if necessary to stabilise [Nist] – to press the button Of [nrv].
If necessary the execution of flight on sequential PPM from the preset (programmed)
direction a output to the specified track can be accomplished in the combined mode of the flight
control or in the route mode.
For output to the specified track in the combined control mode on PU BTSCVM $
NAVIGATION RADIO SYSTEM to press button UPR and button [k], in this case will luminesce the
signals CONTROL and [KOMBIN], and on the panel SAU press button [NAVIG], by the manoeuvre
of aircraft establish on KPP vertical director pointer within the limits of central circle and include
automatic control of the button OF AUTOMATIC.
In this case on PNP will be indicated BY [ZPU] for the output to LZP with the preset
direction, predetermined course on point of contact of tangency the circles with the centre, separated
from PPM (target) along the specified track (particular arc of great circle) up to the distance of 20 km
and displaced relative to LZP to the value of the radius of turn (R) of aircraft, and also the distance to
PPM (target).
Maintaining the current course equal to the given one, aircraft will execute flight to this
point in the path control mode. At the distance 10 km from it will fluoresce signal THE ZONE, and at
the point of contact of tangency it will go out. At the same point on KPP the vertical plank of position
will show lateral evasion from the particular arc of great circle (Z), and on PNP will be worked out
[ZPU], equal to the direction of particular arc of great circle, and the predetermined course for the
output to the specified track. From the turn-off point (point of contact of tangency) and to PPM
(target) the flight will be executed in the route control mode, at the distance 20 km to PPM (target)
signal THE ZONE will fluoresce for the second time and will go out after its passage, when on PNP
are worked out distance, [ZPU] and predetermined course on subsequent PPM (airfield).
Output to PPM and further enroute flight will be executed according to the program in the
automatic mode, as it is described above.
For output to the specified track in the route control mode on PU BTSCVM $$RTBQVM
RADIO SYSTEM to press button UPR and button M, in this case will luminesce the signals
CONTROL and [MARSHR], and on the panel SAU press button [NAVIG], by the manoeuvre of
aircraft establish on KPP vertical director pointer within the limits of central circle and include
automatic control of the button OF AUTOMATIC. In this case on PNP they will be indicated the
predetermined course for the output to the particular arc of great circle on the shortest distance
(perpendicular to arc of great circle), [ZPU], equal to direction LZP (particular arc of great circle) and
distance to PPM, on KPP of – lateral deviation from LZP (Z).
SAU, maintaining the current course, equal to the given one, will derive aircraft on the
particular arc of great circle and will ensure flight on the arc of great circle on sequential PPM in the
route control mode.
Output to PPM and further enroute flight they will be executed according to the program in
the automatic mode, as it is described above.
Activities in flight on extraordinary PPM or target in the path, combined or route mode of
the flight control, and also with the return to the fundamental or spare landing airfield are analogous
to the activities, described above.
For accomplishing the repeated approach to the newly discovered target, it is necessary
at the moment of its flight on PU BTSCVM $$RTBQVM - HIGH SPEED DIGITAL COMPUTER
(PZ OF LAWS) and to control the ignition of flasher in button. On the light and digital signal panel of
49 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
panel will fluoresce the signals PPM, CONTROL, [KOMBIN], while on the left digital indicator digit
“9”. The start of mode will occur 10 it flogged after pushing of knob PZ LEO (PZ OF LAWS). If
during 10 it flogged flight it will not be preset the direction of approach to target, then approach will
be accomplished at the angle of 90° to the current course at the moment of pushing of knob PZ LEO
With the approach to target from another direction necessary during 10 it flogged on PU
RANGE NAVIGATION RADIO SYSTEM to press the button of the input of the bearing of corrective
turn (UD) and button with the digit to the multiple of 30° for this bearing of corrective turn into the
interval of 0°-180° (for example: with [UD]=120° to press button 4).
The mode of repeated approach to target abolishes automatically after the flight of target at
the distance 2 km (if the button Of [nTruch] is not pressed), or by pressure on PU BTSCVM $
NAVIGATION RADIO SYSTEM of button JETTISONING. In this case is restored the previous
control mode and the corresponding to it information. For restoring the indication of number [RM] it
is necessary to press button [RM] and button with the number [RM].
4.15. Enroute flight with the use [PNK] with the director and manual
steering of aircraft.
The replacement PPM, the performance of the predetermined course and distance to
sequential PPM, and also framing and replacement of the frequency channels of navigation [RM]
depending on the stage of flight along the programmed route is carried out BY BTSCVM $
It is necessary after takeoff:
During director control:
− in the process of the climb by the manoeuvre of aircraft by hand to combine the
index of the predetermined course with the index of reading;
− at the height is not below 300 m on the panel SAU to press button [NAVIG], but
switch INDICATION to set to the position ROUTE.
Aircraft handling to execute by hand, holding vertical director pointer KPP in the central
circle; flight altitude to maintain in accordance with the mission.
In this case the aircraft will execute enroute flight with the predetermined course, put out
BY [PNK], in the path mode of control of – of course method, and in the route mode of – along the
specified track. Turn on sequential PPM to execute according to the throw of vertical director pointer
after the extinction of signal ZONE with the listing not more than 40°. In this case on the left digital
indicator the number of sequential PPM will luminesce, and on PNP will be worked out BY [ZPU],
predetermined course and distance to sequential PPM.
During maintaining of vertical director pointer in the limits of central circle the flight
along the preset route will be executed analogously with flight in the automatic control mode of
On the panel SAU to if necessary press the button Of [nbar]. In this case red flag T will
leave from the field of sight and the director stabilisation of height will be provide ford.
With the manual steering:
− in the process of the climb by the manoeuvre of aircraft to combine the index of
the predetermined course with the index of reading. To hold the current course,
equal to the given one, in this case aircraft will execute flight along the
programmed route in the path mode of control of – of course method, and in the
route mode of – along the specified track; flight altitude to maintain in
accordance with the mission.
Turn on sequential PPM to execute after performance on PNP [ZPU] of predetermined
course and distance to this by turning point, and also the extinction of signal ZONE and appearance
50 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
In flight along the preset route during automatic control of aircraft after the flight last PPM
[PNK] automatically passes into the mode RETURN to the fundamental landing airfield (A[E]P 1), in
this case on the left digital indicator will luminesce digit 1, and on the signal signal panel signals
[AER], B03BP, CONTROL, [KOMBIN], [RM], CRUSTS [RM] with the presence of frequency
control, on by law the digital indicator of – number [RM] (1).
For the flight to the spare programmed landing airfield after the flight last PPM and the
transition [PNK] into the mode THE RETURN to press button [AER] and button with the number
alternate, in this case on the left digital indicator will luminesce the number of this airfield.
For the operational start of mode RETURN on PU BTSCVM $$RTBQVM - HIGH SPEED
to collect [AER]1 (2, e) and to press button [VOZVR].
In the mode THE RETURN, which is included automatically after flight PPM ' or by
pushing of knob [VOZVR], at the distance to the airfield of return of more than 200 km is formed
With ψ back in the centre RUNWAY(S). At the distance to the airfield less than 200 km on PNP are
indicated the predetermined course into the point of the third (fourth) turn. Distance in both cases is
put out to the centre RUNWAY(S) of landing airfield. [ZPU] is indicated by equal Ψ RUNWAY(S),
the azimuth (a) of – relative to [RM].
Programmed line of descent is formed from the removal 200 km from the landing airfield
relative to cruising flight altitude 13000 m and has a angle of the slope of 4° with its subsequent
increase to 6° at the removal 120 km for height 11000 m.
They are indicated on KPP:
− by the horizontal plank of the position of – deviation from the line of descent
− by the vertical plank of the position of – course-line deviation (ΔΨ) to the point e
(4) of turn, and after the flight of its – the lateral deviation of Z from the specified
track to the entry aircraft into the equisignal sector of heading-slope [RM] in the
mode “landing”.
Mode RETURN is included with the presence of frequency control (signal OF CRUSTS
[RM] it luminesces), and also with its absence, if the signal OF CRUSTS [RM] does not luminesce
up to the moment of switching on of mode [VOZVR] not more than 2,5 min.
The mode RETURN is removed with the extinction of the signal OF CRUSTS [RM] to the
period of more than 2,5 min, signal [VOZVR] and [KOMBIN] they go out, ceases the transmission of
signal Δ[N] (SAU it is disconnected, it catches fire by signal panel CONTROL BY HAND,
descending aircraft it ceases – the horizontal plank of position on KPP it will be found in the mid-
position), luminesces signal IT IS PATH, on PNP are indicated [ZPU] and Ψ back for the output in the
programmed centre RUNWAY(S). In this case reduction to the height of the circle of landing airfield
to carry out by hand.
In the case of the appearance of a signal OF CRUSTS [RM] for restoring the mode
RETURN it is necessary to press button [VOZVR], in this case the signal IS PATH it goes out, and
signals [VOZVR] and [KOMBIN] will fluoresce, on PNP will be indicated BY [ZPU] equal Ψ
RUNWAY(S), and Ψ back into the point of the third (fourth) turn, and on KPP of – deviation relative
to line of descent (Δ[N]).
In the mode RETURN at the distance to the landing airfield of more than 150 km the
correction of the coordinates of the place of the position of aircraft occurs according to the data of the
nearest radio beacons, at the distance of less than 150 km occurs the switching to the radio beacon of
the airfield of the return, whose number must luminesce on by law the digital indicator PU BTSCVM
51 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
With the start SAU in dependence on the position of aircraft relative to programmed flight
path there can be the following versions of reduction:
A) the horizontal plank of position on KPP is found above the zero mark:
With the start of mode RETURN in SAU automatically is included the stabilisation Of
[nbar], flag “T” on KPP will leave from the field of sight.
During the continuation of flight with the stabilised barometric height, after the
intersection with the aircraft of programmed line of descent the horizontal plank of position on KPP
will descend below zero mark, will go out indicator on the button Of [nbar] of panel SAU, horizontal
director pointer will be deflected down and SAU will translate aircraft to the reduction along the
programmed trajectory with the height difference above it of 100-200 m. SAU, holding director
pointers KPP in the limits of central circle, will carry out with the presence of frequency control
descending aircraft to the height of prelanding manoeuvre ([Nzad]) into the point of the third (fourth)
The height of prelanding manoeuvre for [AER] 1 is input into the calculator with
preparation for the flight in the range from 600 to 1500 m through 100 m, and for [AER] 2 and e
height is constant and equal to 600 m;
b) the horizontal plank of position on KPP after transition [PNK] into the mode
RETURN is located below zero mark, will go out indicator on the button Of [nbar] and SAU of
[perevedjot] aircraft for the reduction to the output of aircraft to the cruising altitude, equal to 13000
m, or to the line of descent it will ensure flight along the line of descent as in the first case. In this
case the vertical velocity must not exceed 50 m/s, but velocity - 600 km/h. With the height difference
of data of values to disconnect SAU and to pass to the manual steering, holding the current course,
the equal to the given one, and the vertical velocity of 50-60 m/s to the height of 2000 m and 20-10
m/s to height 600 m.
On leaving aircraft into the point of the fourth turn at the height of more than the
permissible height of the start of landing attitude, flight will continue with the reduction to the height
of circle with the flight of centre RUNWAY(S) and the automatic start of mode PZ at the distance
from the centre RUNWAY(S) of more than 8 km and to the height not less than 1100 m, in the side,
with which the aircraft left to the axis RUNWAY(S), in this case will catch fire the indicator of button
PZ LEO (LAWS) and on PNP will be indicated By ψ back for the output into the point of the third
For the manual start of mode PZ it is necessary at the distance not less than 8 km to press
the appropriate button PZ LEO (LAWS).
With the airport approach to request the flight operations officer has barometric pressure at
the level RUNWAY(S) and to establish him on the setting device of the pressure of the panel of
setting device and on the altimeter VD -20.
If necessary landing approach with the course, reverse programmed, to press on PU
RANGE NAVIGATION RADIO SYSTEM the button Of ψ+180°, in this case on the button must
luminesce indicator (for turning off of the mode Of ψ+180° to press button for a second time).
With the distance to the point of the third turn, equal to 10 km, luminesces signal THE
ZONE (it will go out with its passage).
During automatic control and reaching in the process of reduction in the height Of [nzad]
SAU will be derived the aircraft in the level flight and [nachnjot] to execute manoeuvre for the
landing approach.
On the panel SAU switch THE INDICATION to establish to the position SETTLEMENT,
in this case on ILS will luminesce the information, which corresponds to landing attitude (Fig. 17).
With a difference in the current course of aircraft from the course RUNWAY(S) not more
than 45°, the lateral removal from the axis RUNWAY(S) not are more than 1500 m, distances to the
centre RUNWAY(S) from 10 to 20 km, to flight altitude in the limits Of [daer] · tg1° < N < Of [daer]
52 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
· tg 2°40' (at removal 20 km from the centre RUNWAY(S) flight altitude it must be within the limits
of 350-930 m), the presence of signals [VOZVR], THE ZONE also of the signal OF CRUSTS [RM]
or its absence up to the moment of switching on of landing attitude not more than 2,5 min
automatically is included landing attitude, in this case on the panel SAU will fluoresce the signal
SETTLEMENT, on the signal signal panel is gone out signals [RM], CRUSTS [RM], № [RM] on by
law digital indicator, on PNP will operate blinkers and will be set in operation the vertical and
horizontal planks of position.
Upon automatic transfer from the mode NAVIGATION into the landing attitude they are
possible 2-3 dying oscillations along the listing, in this case the listing can achieve 40°.
If landing attitude at the removal 10-20 km from RUNWAY(S) automatically was not
included, then on KPP the horizontal plank of position will continue to indicate signal Δ[N] relative
to [Nzad], on PNP will be mastered By ψ the back for the output in the centre RUNWAY(S) and, with
the flight of centre RUNWAY(S) to the removal it is more than 8 km and to flight altitude not less
than 1100 m, automatically will be included mode PZ, in this case on the button PZ LEO (LAWS)
will catch fire indicator.
For the manual start of landing attitude the switch of modes on PU BTSCVM $$RTBQVM
RADIO SYSTEM to set to the position SETT.
On the signal THE LANDING is included the indication of heading angle OUTER
MARKER BEACON from ARK. In this mode on PNP will be indicated distance to the retranslator
the landings (touchdown point of aircraft), [ZPU] = OF Ψ[VPP], Ψ back for the output on the axis
RUNWAY(S) and the position of the equisignal sectors of course and glide path relative to aircraft.
On KPP the horizontal plank of position before the intersection of glide path indicates Δ[N] relative
to a given height Of [nzad], and after the intersection of the glide path of – relative to glide path, the
vertical plank of position indicates deviation (Z) from the axis RUNWAY(S).
SAU in the horizontal plane will derive aircraft on the course RUNWAY(S), in the vertical
plane will be accomplished the stabilisation of a given height ([Nzad]) before the intersection with
the glide path, after which aircraft will descend on the glide path.
With the disappearance of course or glide zone (fallout of the blinkers of course or glide
path after the capture of glide path) in SAU is disconnected landing attitude and luminesces signal
CLOSE-IN HOMING BEACON with the flight above the distant marker point with the extended gear
and setting of the switch OF [BLIZHN]-[AVT]-[DALN] to the position [AVT] occurs automatically,
in this case lights up the tube [BLIZHN] INCLUSIVELY at the moment of the flight above the
marker beacons it catches fire indicator lamp MARKER and in the telephones it is heard out bell.
At the height of 50 m to disconnect SAU and to land visually, piloting by hand.
Landing attitude can be if necessary abolished by pushing of the knobs:
− of the button PPM and one of the buttons 1-8;
− of the button [AER] and one of the buttons 1-3 with the number, different from
that airfield, to which is accomplished the flight;
− of button PZ LEO (PZ OF LAWS).
WARNING. Instrument landing approach with the work RSBN $$RTRSBN - SHORT-RANGE
NAVIGATION RADIO SYSTEM on frequency-code channels 17… 20 is
executed by hand without the use SAU, in the case of the nonperformance of
requirement, the approach will be escorted by the fluctuations of aircraft on
the course.
4.17. Return and landing approach on the programmed airfield with the
director and manual steering of aircraft with the use [PNK].
With the automatic or manual start of mode RETURN in the director or manual steering of
53 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
aircraft indication on the signal signal panel, and also indication [ZPU], the predetermined course,
distance on PNP in flight to the fundamental or spare programmed landing airfield of representation it
is analogous with flight in the automatic control mode of aircraft.
In the case, when aircraft will be located lower than the cruising altitude (13000 m) or the
predetermined trajectory of reduction, the horizontal plank of position KPP will be deflected upward.
During director control on KPP red flag “T” will leave from the field of sight and to the
intersection with the aircraft of programmed line of descent is ensured the director stabilisation of
With the manual steering height to maintain in accordance with the mission.
Horizontal director pointer KPP during director control and horizontal plank of the
position KPP of – with the director and manual steering droop after the intersection of line of descent.
In the case, when upon transfer [PNK] into the mode RETURN director pointer KPP
during director control and horizontal plank of position KPP with the director and manual steering
droop, to execute reduction to the programmed flight path. After which, holding director pointers
KPP in the limits of central circle during director control or horizontal plank of position KPP on the
zero mark, and the current course, equal to the given one of – with the manual steering, to execute
flight along the line of descent to the height of prelanding manoeuvre.
With the distance 10 km to the point of the third turn catches fire signal THE ZONE (it
will go out with its passage).
With the airport approach of landing to request barometric pressure at the level
RUNWAY(S) and to establish it on the setting device of the pressure of the panel of setting device
and on the altimeter VD -20[k], and to also refine approach direction.
At the height Of [nzad], continuing pilotage in the director or manual mode, to derive
aircraft to the course of landing.
With a difference in the current course of aircraft from the course RUNWAY(S) not more
than 45°, the lateral removal from the axis RUNWAY(S) not are more than 1500 m, distances to the
centre RUNWAY(S) from 10 to 20 km, to the height of flight in the limits Of [daer].· tg 1° < N < Of
[daer]. · tg 2°40', the presence of signals [VOZVR], THE ZONE also of the signal OF CRUSTS [RM]
or its absence up to the cutoff of landing attitude is not more than 2,5 min, [PNK] will pass into the
landing attitude, in this case on PNP they operate to blinker “to” and “G” and will be included in
work vertical and horizontal planks of the position (on KPP of the plank of position they will indicate
deviations from the equisignal sector with respect to the course and the glide path), the pointer of
heading angles ARK it will indicate KUR OUTER MARKER BEACON, but in director control, in
addition to this, on the panel SAU will fluoresce the signal SETTLEMENT.
If landing attitude at the removal 10-20 km from RUNWAY(S) was not automatically
included, to include it by hand, for which switch of modes on PU BTSCVM $$RTBQVM - HIGH
SYSTEM to establish in position SETT.
In the course of landing to in flight hold director pointers KPP during director control or
vertical plank of position PNP with the manual steering within the limits of centre, in this case the
horizontal plank of position PNP will approach a central point.
With the approach of the horizontal plank of position to to position to smoothly translate
aircraft to the glide-slope descent. Automatically it is disconnected with the disappearance of the
course or glide zone (after the capture of glide path) OF SAU, on KPP fall out the corresponding
At the height of 50 m to disconnect director control, after pressing to the button
JETTISONING on PU SAU, to refine approach to visually and execute landing.
4.18. Drift to the second circle and the landing approach in the mode
Mode REPEATED APPROACH adapts on the programmed airfield and only in the mode
54 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
RETURN at the distance is not more than 20 km from the centre RUNWAY(S), in this case with the
landing approach (before the drift to the second circle) on PU BTSCVM $$RTBQVM - HIGH
SYSTEM must be pressed the button PZ LEO (PZ OF LAWS)
The luminescence of indicator on the pressed button testifies about the start of mode THE
REPEATED APPROACH, on signal of which is removed landing attitude. After [nakatija] of button
PZ LEO (PZ OF LAWS) on the signal signal panel PU BTSCVM $$RTBQVM - HIGH SPEED
will luminesce the signals [AER], [VOZVR], CONTROL, [KOMBIN], [RM], CRUSTS [RM], on the
left indicator will be indicated the number [AER], and on by the law of – the number [RM] of landing
airfield. At the distance 20 km from the centre RUNWAY(S) to the horizontal plank of position KPP
will be put out the signal Of δ[N]-[Nzad]-[Ntek]. With the height more than 30 m on KPP is indicated
the lateral deviation relative to axis RUNWAY(S) Ψ back for the output to the point of the third turn;
the azimuth of aircraft will be indicated relative to radio beacon, the distance of – to the centre
− controlling aircraft by hand, to maintain the current course, equal to the given
one, to execute left (right) turn with the listing not are more than 30° and to move
out into the point of the third turn at the height Of [nzad];
− to if necessary include director or automatic control, for which on the panel SAU
at the height not less than 300 m to press button [NAVIG] for director control,
and then the button OF AUTOMATIC for automatic control.
The indicators must luminesce with the pushing of knobs. In this case if the aircraft at
moment of switching on SAU is found below the supporting height ([Nzad]), the stabilisation of
barometric height will be ensured.
If at moment of switching on SAU aircraft is found above supporting height, then the
stabilisation of supporting height will be ensured.
In the absence the signal OF CRUSTS [RM] of more than 2,5 min after pushing of knob
PZ LEO (PZ OF LAWS) occurs the cancellation of modes RETURN and REPEATED APPROACH,
in this case go out the signals [VOZVR], [KOMBIN] and indicator on the button PZ LEO (PZ OF
LAWS), will fluoresce signal IT IS PATH, on PNP will be indicated By ψ the back for the output in
the centre RUNWAY(S).
If necessary mode PZ is removed by pushing of knob JETTISONING on PU BTSCVM $
NAVIGATION RADIO SYSTEM. In this case goes out indicator on the button PZ LEO (PZ OF
LAWS), luminesces signal [VOZVR], [KOMBIN], on PNP is indicated By ψ the back for the output
to the axis RUNWAY(S); mode PZ (it goes out indicator on the button PZ LEO (PZ OF LAWS))
automatically is removed, flight will continue in the mode RETURN. In this case continue to
luminesce the indicators [VOZVR], [KOMBIN], on KPP is put out the signal of lateral deviation (Z)
relative to axis RUNWAY(S), and on PNP are mastered [ZPU] = Ψ RUNWAY(S) and Ψ back for the
output to the axis RUNWAY(S).
With switch oned SAU the aircraft will be automatic turned havock to the course of
landing with the listing of 40°, maintaining the current course, equal to the given one. After the
switching on of landing attitude on the panel SAU listing will not exceed 30°.
For the output to the course of landing in the manual steering it is necessary to maintain
the current course, equal to the given one, and in director control of – director pointers in the limits of
central circle;
− with a difference in the current course of aircraft from the course RUNWAY(S) is
not more than 45°, the lateral removal from the axis RUNWAY(S) not are more
than 1500 m, distances to the centre RUNWAY(S) from 10 to 20 km, to flight
altitude in the limits Of [daer].· tg 1° < N < Of [daer]. · tg 2°40', the presence of
signals [VOZVR], THE ZONE also of the signal OF CRUSTS [RM] or its
absence up to the moment of switching on of landing attitude not more than 2,5
min automatically is included landing attitude, in this case (if SAU is included on
55 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
in director or automatic control) on the panel SAU the indicator will catch fire
SETTLEMENT, on signal signal panel PU BTSCVM $$RTBQVM - HIGH
NAVIGATION RADIO SYSTEM it is gone out signals [RM], CRUSTS [RM], on
PNP will operate blinkers “to” and “G” and will be set in operation the vertical
and horizontal plank of position.
If landing attitude at the removal 10-20 km from RUNWAY(S) was not automatically
included, to include it by hand, for which switch on PU BTSCVM $$RTBQVM - HIGH SPEED
to establish in position [POS];
− in flight in the course of landing activity the same as with the landing approach in
the mode RETURN to the programmed airfield.
At the height of 50 m to disconnect SAU (if it was switch oned) by the pushing of the knob
OF OFF SAU on the control stick, to refine visually approach and to execute landing.
4.19. Flight to the unprogrammed airfield and the landing approach with
the use [PNK].
In flight to the unprogrammed airfield, equipped with navigation radio beacon, to establish
the frequency channel of the navigation radio beacon of airfield, for which:
− the switch of modes on PU BTSCVM $$RTBQVM - HIGH SPEED DIGITAL
SYSTEM to establish to the position [NAVIG];
to the position INPUT [CHK]. in this case on the signal panel luminesces the
signal [CHK], and all the remaining signals go out;
NAVIGATION RADIO SYSTEM, by and then sequential pushing of knobs to set
up the number of the frequency channel of the navigation radio beacon, whose
value will luminesce on the digital signal panel. In the position of switch
[NAVIG] occurs the inhibit of the correction of the counted coordinates relative
to this radio beacon.
Landing airfield, it is necessary with the location of aircraft out of the zone of action of
radio beacon and PRS (if frequency is tuned):
− knowing the location of aircraft relative to PPM on the remained distance and the
predetermined course, to determine flight course to the airfield and to establish by
its rack of the predetermined course on PNP, to for which preliminarily
disconnect SAU by button JETTISONING on PU SAU, and on PU ARK and IR-
VK to press the button [ZK] OF MANUAL;
− by the manoeuvre of aircraft to combine by those established on PNP the
predetermined course with that flowing and to execute flight in the manual
steering of aircraft for the entry into the zone of action of radio beacon (PRS).
After the entry into the zone of action of the radio beacon (PRS) of airfield, it is necessary:
− to hear the numbers of the radio beacon (PRS) of airfield;
− with the presence of indication on PNP of azimuth and distance of aircraft to the
radio beacon to execute flight along the azimuth or on [KUR]=0 of the homing
− with the airport approach to request the flight operations officer has the magnetic
heading of landing, meteorological condition and barometric pressure at the level
RUNWAY(S), which to establish on the scale of pressure on the panel of setting
device and on the altimeter VD -20[k];
56 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
− to pass to the indication of the magnetic heading, for which on the setting device
of the magnetic variation ([ZMS]) to establish declination, equal 0°, in the level
flight on PU ARK and THE IR- VK to press the button IKV OSN and by n 3.
shch flogged button MK (they will catch fire indicators), to after which for a
second time press button MK (indicator it will go out);
− depending on flight altitude with the airport approach to begin reduction at the
distance, which ensures output to the radio beacon (PRS) at a given height;
− after the passage of radio beacon (PRS) to execute landing approach according to
th diagram e accepted for this airfield or on the instruction of flight operations
With accomplishing of landing approach in the manual steering it is necessary:
− the switch of modes on PU BTSCVM $$RTBQVM - HIGH SPEED DIGITAL
SYSTEM to establish to the position [POS], to press button JETTISONING on
this panel and by sequential pushing of knobs to set up the number [CHK] of the
landing beacon, whose value will luminesce on the digital signal panel;
− to establish on PNP the predetermined course of landing, equal to course
− in the process of the execution of the fourth turn with reaching of the course,
which differs from landing by 10°-12°, on PNP operate blinkers “to” and “G” and
are set in operation the vertical and horizontal planks of position, the pointer of
heading angles ARK will indicate KUR OUTER MARKER BEACON.
In flight the horizontal plank of position PNP will approach a central point of scale on top
in the course of landing at the flight altitude in the circle (holding the by hand vertical plank of
position PNP within the limits of centre). With the approach of the horizontal plank of position to the
central point to smoothly transfer aircraft to the glide-slope descent. At the height of 50 m to refine
approach and to land visually.
With accomplishing of landing approach in director control, it is necessary:
− after the switching on of landing attitude and the operation of blinkers “to” and
“G” on PNP to press button SETTLEMENT on the panel SAU with the listing is
not more than 30°, in this case on the button the indicator must catch fire, on KPP
the flags “to” and “T” must be retracted from the field of sight, but control
commands will enter the director pointers;
− holding director pointers in the limits of central circle, to execute reduction to 50
For the landing approach in the automatic mode it is necessary additionally to pA PU SAU
to press the button OF AUTOMATIC, in this case on the button the indicator must catch fire;
− at the height of 50 m to disconnect SAU by the button OF OFF SAU on the
control stick, to refine visually approach and to execute landing.
With the disappearance of course zone or by glide (after the capture of glide path) during
automatic control SAU is disconnected the automatic control mode and luminesces signal panel
CONTROL BY HAND; during director control of – SAU it is disconnected also on KPP fall out the
blinkers “to” and “T”.
1. With the flights in the modes NAVIGATION (enroute flight and return), LANDING
and REPEATED APPROACH the switch INDUCTION [AVT]-[RUCH] on the panel
of setting device must be established to the position AUTHOR.
2. Aircraft handling in the modes indicated to execute only on the predetermined course
(without taking into account drift angle).
3. During automatic and director control of aircraft so that on PNP constantly would be
indicated Ψ back and Ψ [tek].[ist], output from BTSCVM $$RTBQVM - HIGH
57 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Extension of landing gear and flaps with the landing approach with the use [PNK] to
execute after the output of aircraft to the landing pattern on removal 18-20 km from RUNWAY(S).
2 4 5 7
Fig. 13. Mode is TAKEOFF.
10 11 12
700 1500
1 – the tendency of a change in the velocity (index it blinks with the passage r. k. Of v[pr].
[maks].[dop]). 6
2 – velocity is instrument.
e of – the scale of angle of attack with the limiting values. 8
4 – the 4scale of course.
3 2 1 6 9
2 2
2 4
3 2
Fig. 14. [IPV]. Mode is ROUTE.
58 Section 4
7 5 6 3 8
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
* In the system “[Nartsiss] of – M” its aircraft are indicated by symbol, and its own V[ist]. –
by symbol (counter within the frame in by law the lower bearing of screen).
2 3 4 5 7
Fig. 15. Mode is ROUTE.
10 11 12
1300 13500
1 – the tendency of velocity change.
2 – velocity is instrument. 8
59 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
2 5 3 4 7
10 11 12
470 500 р
1 – the tendency of velocity change.
2 – velocity is instrument. 8
2 4 5 7 9
Fig. 17.
10 Landing
11 attitude
12 is. 6
370 500 р
1 – the tendency of velocity change. 10
2 – velocity is instrument.
e of – the scale of3 angle of attack with the limiting values. 8
4 – the scale of course.
shch of – the current course.
' of – the label of
13deviation from [kursoglissady]. 12
16 15 14
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
9 – geometric height.
10 – the index of aircraft.
11 – the scale of listing.
12 – the scale of the vertical velocity with the instantaneous value.
13 – the line of pitch with the digit counter of instantaneous value.
14 – the readiness of the sensor of glide path.
15 – distance to RUNWAY(S).
16 – the readiness of course selector.
At the height of the preset echelon level to move out on THE OUTER MARKER BEACONS.
The moment of passing outer marker beacon is determined by a change of reading the pointer
ARK from 0° to 180° (on the operation on the aircraft of light and sound communication MRP (at the
heights less than 2000 m)). With the passing outer marker beacon to include seconds counter, to turn
aircraft to the predetermined course (bearing of turnaway), to establish the velocity of 500-600 km/h and
to follow during the estimated time.
After the estimated time of flight from THE OUTER MARKER BEACONS with the
predetermined course to execute turn to the landing pattern with the listing of 30°. In the process of turn
to lose 200-300 m of height and by a change in the value of listing to attain exact output to the landing
After output to the landing pattern on the height not more than 4000 m to establish the velocity
not more than 500 km/h, to release by chassis.
To translate aircraft to the reduction, maintaining from the height of 600 m the flight profile,
indicated in the table.
After fulfillment of assignments with the course, preset with KP, to follow to the line of the
beginning of reduction at the velocity of 500-600 km/h (or preset KP).
At the moment of output to the estimated line upon command with KP to turn aircraft to the
predetermined course and to translate it for the reduction with the established (preset) mode. In the
61 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
process of reduction upon commands with KP to in proper time introduce the corrections into flight
course and the vertical velocity of reduction.
Direction of reduction (course) is given so that aircraft it moved out into the point of turn to
the landing pattern on the height of 2000 m (or another height, established for this airfield). The mode of
reduction establishes the detachment KP.
At the height of 2000 m to translate aircraft into the level flight and then with the listing of 30°
to execute turn (corrective turn) to the landing pattern.
In the process of the turn by a change in the value of listing to attain exact output to the
landing pattern. Precision of approach to monitor upon commands from the earth and queries of radio
direction finder. On the landing pattern to establish the velocity not more than 500 km/h, and at the height
less than 4000 m, to release by chassis, at the removal 20-18 km (at the height of 600 m) to release flaps,
to establish the velocity of 340-320 km/h and to translate aircraft to the reduction. Reduction to the
landing to carry out just as with the approach taking into landing calculation with the straight line.
After drift to the second circle after 1 min 30 it flogged after passing outer marker beacon (1
min after passing boundary marker beacon) at the established height (climb to carry out with a vertical
velocity of 15 m/s), at the velocity of 500 km/h to execute turn with the listing of 30° to the course,
reverse landing. After turn to if necessary introduce correction into flight course for the drift angle.
Abeam OUTER MARKER BEACONS to include seconds counter and to report on the radio
about the passage of beam. After the estimated time of flight from the beam to execute turn to the landing
pattern, varying by listing with the bearing to 45°.
On the landing pattern to establish the velocity not more than 500 km/h, to release by chassis
and flaps and to translate aircraft to the reduction. Reduction to the landing to carry out just as with the
approach with the straight line.
the beginning of alignment, in this case instrument flying not to cease before the confident detection
RUNWAY(S) (end lamps or the rays of searchlights).
The adjustment of lateral course deviations of landing to carry out with the corrective turn of
aircraft with the listing not more than 35°, and after the passing boundary marker beacon of – is not more
than 15°.
WARNING. Flights, landing approach and landing under icing conditions with closed ZU are
63 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
include by setting the switch of lamps in position THE LANDING (to the period but more shch min).
4.23.2. Takeoff.
It is necessary after taxiing to the runway and installation of the aircraft along the axis
− to disconnect lamps;
− to include the heating of fundamental and emergency PVD;
− to rate the illumination of instrument panel, boards and panels of cabin;
− to ascertain that readings of navigation and pilotage instruments correspond to the
position of aircraft on RUNWAY(S).
The technology of accomplishing takeoff is at night the same as in the daytime. Direction
on the takeoff to maintain, being oriented on the fires of takeoff and landing strip. On the light night
the value of the incline of front wheel in the second-half of takeoff to evaluate according to line of
horizon and runway lights, into the dark only on the runway lights. The pitch angle of aircraft with
the normal incline of front wheel must be near 10°.
Before the disengagement of aircraft to transfer view on the runway lights from the left
side. After disengagement, without allowing listing and slip, to carry out the acceleration of aircraft
with the gradual withdrawal from the earth, preserving pitch angle by the approximately equal to the
bearing of disengagement. Aircraft to pilot, being oriented on the runway lights, to the artificial
horizon of instrument KPP to speed indicator.
On the height of 15 m to establish landing gear valve to the retraction.
After landing gear retracting to pass to the instrument flying.
In the case of the disengagement of aircraft near the end RUNWAY(S) and the absence of
fires abroad RUNWAY(S) (takeoff seaward, lake, etc) it is necessary immediately after the stable
disengagement of aircraft, without allowing listing and slip and by preserving pitch angle by the
approximately equal to the bearing of disengagement, to pass to the instrument flying.
Visual circling flight to execute at the same modes, velocities and heights as in the
daytime. With the refinement of landing approach on the fourth turn not to heel over more than 45°.
Output of the fourth turn must be finished to the passage OUTER MARKER BEACON at the height
not less than 200 m.
The technology of accomplishing landing calculation and landing itself at night to that
illuminated by searchlights RUNWAY(S) with the lamps and without them, in essence, the same as in
the daytime, with exception of the fact that the gliding speeds and beginning of alignment must be
increased to 10 km/h in comparison with the flight in the daytime. After passage OUTER MARKER
BEACON, at the height not less than 100 m to include lamps. After passage BPRM $$RTBPRM -
CLOSE-IN HOMING BEACON the aircraft must descend into the illuminated by searchlights point,
separated by 150-200 m from the beginning RUNWAY(S), so that exclude leveling-out to the ray of
the first searchlight.
From the height of 30-20 m to transfer view to the earth, illuminated by searchlights, after
concentrating attention in the determination of the height of the beginning of alignment. From the
height of 12-10 m to begin alignment with the detachment in order to conduct aircraft to the earth at
the height not more than 1 m.
During the maintaining, with the touchdown and on the landing run to perform as with the
landing in the daytime.
Direction to preserve on the runway lights.
After the termination of landing run the switch of lamps to set to the position TAXIING, to
disconnect heating and to taxi to the parking.
Landing with the lamps on RUNWAY(S), not illuminated by searchlights, is more complex
and requires the increased attention of pilot in the determination of the height of the beginning of
alignment and maintaining.
After passage OUTER MARKER BEACON, at the height not less than 100 m to include
lamps. After passage BPRM $$RTBPRM - CLOSE-IN HOMING BEACON the aircraft must plan
into the equalising point, as which serve intake runway lights.
From the height of 30-20 m to shift gaze to the earth, illuminated by lamps, and entire
attention to concentrate on the determination of the height of the beginning of alignment. Leveling-
out and to land analogously with landing on RUNWAY(S), illuminated by searchlights.
4.24. Flight of two interacting aircraft for the rendezvous with the use of
in the mode [MSN] ISM -[RETr].
The flight of two interacting aircraft in the mode [MSN] is executed with a altitude
difference between them not less than 300 m.
Before the approach the height of the interacting aircraft to refine by queries along the
Upon command of pilot of one of the interacting aircraft, transmitted on the radio, on both
aircraft the switch of modes on the flap PU -187 is set in position ISM -[RETr] and is collected the
established number [CHK] (setting switch UPR TSCVM $$RTQVM - DIGITAL COMPUTER-
INPUT [CHK] into the position INPUT [CHK] by pressure on the buttons of the numbers of setting
After transition to the mode THE ISM -[RETr] on the aircraft is removed the mode of
frequency control (if it was begun to operate) and it goes out the light signal panel OF CRUSTS
After setting of switch to the position ISM -[RETr] on the instrument PNP falls out blinker
[k] and is closed the shutter of the counter of distance.
The blinker [k] is removed after setting of the interrelation of equipment of the interacting
aircraft in the mode [MSN], the shutter of the counter of distance is opened.
The pilot of the being converged aircraft accomplishes pilotage on the course plank PNP,
holding it in the zero position (in the centre of cross lines), ensuring flight to the towards interacting
aircraft. Approach to carry out up to the distance 1-2 km on the counter of distance on PNP, is and
then visual.
After the termination of flight in the mode [MSN] upon command of one of the pilots "
pass to the initial mode” the switch of modes to establish to the initial position ([PROGRAM] or
[NAVIG]) and to continue flight in accordance with the mission.
If flight occurs in the zone of action of navigation radio beacon, then frequency control is
restored in one minute, luminesces the signal panel OF CRUSTS [RM], and on the counter of
distance PNP is removed the error, accumulated in the process of flight in the mode [MSN].
For interaction in the mode [MSN] with the aircraft, equipped with equipment RSBN $
SHORT-RANGE NAVIGATION RADIO SYSTEM -2[s], the switch of modes it is necessary to set in
position [VSTR] and to perform as in the mode ISM -[RETr].
In this case mode THE ISM and mode [RETR] are not used, but interaircraft
communications is accomplished on [CHKK] from 1 through 8 channel.
65 Section 4
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
66 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
With reaching of range to target is less than 15 km or with the pushing of knob THE
INPUT on RUD at the distances of more than 15 km, [RLPK] automatically accomplishes a target
lock-on and it passes from the mode [KVO] into the mode [RNP].
The range [RLPK] in the free space and against the background the earth is practically
identical and depends on the flight altitude of aircraft, hemisphere of attack and comprises on the
fighters (σ = e of [m]2):
In the mode THE SURVEY in PPS can be observed the disappearance of the target in the
range of the distances of 100 – 70 km to the period to five cycles of survey (failures on D).
[RLPK] ensures the detection of the aerial target, which flies with a speed of more than
210 km/h in PPS and [ZPS]. The targets, which fly with the lower speed (for example, helicopter), are
not detected. [RLPK] ensures detection and capture of the moving with the low speed helicopter with
the attack in PPS. Detection and capture of the hanging helicopter and with the attack in [ZPS] is not
With the attack of target in [ZPS] from bottom to top on the flight altitudes more than 8500
m [RLPK] ensure target acquisition with the approach with it with the velocity of more than 300
km/h. In the remaining cases with the attack in [ZPS] [RLPK] ensures the target acquisition with the
approach with it with the velocity of 180 km/h and more, and also with the lag from the target with a
velocity of 100 km/h and more. The detection is not ensured at the equalised and by close one to them
Target tracking is ensured with the approach with it with the velocity not of less than 150
km/h. For maintaining the indicated velocity with the attack in [ZPS] it is necessary the label of the
rate of closure to hold in the middle between the marks of zero and its own velocity. With the
blinking of the scale of rate of closure to increase the velocity of aircraft.
In the mode THE VERTICAL LINE is ensured capture and the accompaniment of the
visually visible target at the distances is less shch km on all aspect angles, except 4/4, in entire speed
range of approach (lag). The unstable target lock-on is possible at the equalised velocities. For the
stable capture it is necessary to ensure a difference in the velocities of fighter and target not less than
67 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
150 km/h.
The aspect angle of the target, detected BY [RLPK], is limited to the radial component of
its velocity. At subsonic speeds the aspect angle does not exceed 70° independent of of hemisphere
and condition of attack.
With the attack of target, which accomplishes the manoeuvres on the aspect angle, with
which can change the hemisphere of attack, switch PPS -[AVT]-[Zps] set to the position AUTHOR.
In the mode of continuous direction finding [RLPK] ensures in the free space all-sight
target tracking, which accomplishes the manoeuvres: turn, turn with the angle of sighting are more
than 3° (at the distances of less than 30 km).
With the attack of target, which manoeuvres on the aspect angle at the bearings it is less
than 3° and against the background the earth in PPS ([ZPS]), is ensured accompaniment to the rate of
closures BO of ′ [lshikh] (smaller) of its own velocity to 150 km/h, which at subsonic speeds
corresponds to aspect angle near 80°.
With BO of ′ the [lshikh] aspect angles or the bearing of bearing of more than 60° the
target is dropped from the accompaniment.
With the attack of target in PPS can be observed the multiplication of targets along the
distance and the azimuth.
With the attack of targets in [ZPS] on ILS in the mode of survey are observed false labels
at different azimuths and distances, especially in flight at the low altitude, above the forest and above
the city, and also the shortest-term possible (5-10 it flogged) appearance of a signal AP. The label of
true goal is indicated on the specific azimuth with the decrease of distance in proportion to approach.
At the distances of less than 20 km the label of target “is multiplied” along the azimuth. Furthermore,
in the mode of survey the appearance of false labels of the identification above the labels of targets
and interferences is possible.
With the work [RLPK] in the mode of survey it is necessary to adjust the position Of
[drud] in such a way that the onset of a target would coincide with the luminescence of the second or
third number of line.
In the absence information with KP about the range to target to advance the value Of
[drud] of ≈ 0,8 · [Dobn] under the given conditions of attack; if with the attack from bottom to top
target is detected on the first line, and with the attack from top to bottom of – on the fourth line, to
decrease the value Of [drud].
With the installation by potentiometer INPUT [DALN] on RUD of the value of distance of
more than 70 km the size of the zone of azimuth coverage composes ± 20°, with the smaller rating
value of the distance of – ± of 30°.
The range of detection of the fighter under maximum conditions of the work of the engines
of against the background clean sky in [ZPS] under the aspect angle of 0/4 – 2/4 composes about 50
km, against the background cloudinesses, the earth and the aqueous surface of 20 – 35 km, and in the
afterburning regime of the work of engines in PPS under aspect angle 1/4 composes 90 – 100 km the
distance of the target lock-on it is of about 70% of the detection range. The distance of the target of
lock-ons under maximum conditions of the work of engines in PPS under the aspect angle of 5° - 15°
composes about 10 km for the provision of a long range of the target of high-speed lock-ons in PPS
necessary to increase the aspect angle of attack of more than 15°.
With the work [OLS] in the survey by large and low field the interference elimination from
the background gatings (from the clouds, the earth, the aqueous surface, the sun) on ILS is carried out
by potentiometer REINFORCING TP.
During the rotation of potentiometer REINFORCING TP to the left proceeds sinking
sensitivity [OLS] the disappearance of labels from the interferences. A change in the position of the
labels of targets in the large field occurs with delay 4-6 it flogged, and in the low field with the delay
1 s.
The target of lock-on [OLS] it is expedient to execute during the elimination on ILS of
marks from the background. Automatic capture is recommended to carry out when in field of view
[OLS] of one label of target is present.
With the target designation [NASU] and the identification of target from [NASU] and
[OLS] is carried out the automatic target of lock-on assigned.
In the absence the identifications of the target of – its capture is not carried out.
In the absence support on the distance from [RLPK] or [NASU] (range to target from
[NASU] it comes discretely) distance in [OEPS] is input by hand.
The disruption of capture can occur:
− on leaving of target from the zone of accompaniment;
− with the entry of target or fighter into the cloudiness;
− with the sharp decrease of the temperature of the coming-out gases of the engine
of target (at the long range);
− during shading of target by the nose section of aircraft.
With the attack of target with [NPO] (before the input of distance) the scale of scale is
equal to 10 km and on it the symbol of the maximum effective range is indicated (OTHER). After the
input of distance the scale of scale will change.
Laser range finder LD works in two modes:
69 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Control system of weapon is the component part of control system of the armament [SUV]
and is intended for preparation and applying all types of weapon and accomplishes the following
− the indication of the presence of weapon on the points of suspension and
readiness for the application;
− a selection of the type of weapon, version of its application;
− the indication of the selected and remained in the reserve weapon;
− the transmission of signals into the acquisition system and elimination of the
surge of engines during the application of a weapon;
− the transmission of signal for shaping of tone sound signal with the frequency of
400 Hz into the telephones of the pilot during capture of target by rocket from
[TGS] or readiness of rocket with [RGS] with the [vkljuchjonnom] switch OF
− providing safety with the operation of weapon by blocking the chains of starting
on the gear down position on the earth, and also by the off position of the switch
OF CHAPTERS VKL on the earth and in air.
With obtaining [TSU] and single commands by rocket with [TGS] the ready signal from it
of [vydajotsja] after direct capture [TGS] of target, but by rocket with [RGS] the readiness of
[vydajotsja] is not earlier than 2 (after performance [TSU], fine adjustment in the frequency and
inspection of the channel of frequency control).
For the provision of a minimum time of the formation of readiness [RGS] is necessary the
carrying out [VSK] of rockets R -27[ER]1 (P1) in the composition [SUV] before the flight.
In the case of the simultaneous target lock-on by rockets R -73[e] on all points unloading
rockets will be accomplished according to the logic, realised in [SUV], i.e., of 7→8→5→6→3→4
(5→6→3→4), in this case, if some one of them will not be in the capture, then the launches
(gatherings) of the first finished rockets on the same sequence with the passage of rockets unready to
the starting will be carried out.
If are selected to the application sister rockets with [RGS], the like of their general
readiness their unloading is accomplished according to the logic of 3→4→9→10→2→1.
70 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
The rockets (for example, R -27[ER]1 (R -27[R]1) of different types and R -27[ET]1 (P
-27T1)) they are unloaded according to the same logic, only beginning from th type of rockets e
selected by hand.
If during the launch of rockets the switch of the version of the application of a weapon is
located not in the position UNIT, but in any other position, the like to the pressure of trigger switch P
will descend ready to starting rockets on one with each pressure.
If during the application of a weapon on the ground targets the switch of the version of
application remained in the position UNIT, then unloading suspension weapon will be carried out by
a series with the time interval of 0,1 s.
The launch of rockets, with the presence of command PR, is carried out by the pressure of
trigger switch P and does not depend on the duration of its retention. If with the launch of rockets
occurred [neskhod] of rocket and trigger switch P remained still pressed, then firing order passes to
the following finished rocket of this type, in this case the [nesoshedshaja] rocket automatically is de-
energised and subsequently is excluded from the number of those selected.
With the launch of rockets R -27[ER]1 or P -27P1 in the version THE UNIT and
[neskhode] of one or two rockets of this pair, starting commands to the ready to application rockets of
the same type of the following pair with the retention trigger switch P do not pass.
For starting of the subsequent pair (or one in version ONE) to release and to again press
trigger switch p.
With the launch of rockets P -27P1 to the period of the pressure of trigger switch P on the
screen ILS the symbol PR disappears and it appears again after the release of trigger switch (if there
are conditions for its appearance).
In all modes of the application of rockets R -73[e] it is necessary to include cooling [TGS]
by the switch OF CHAPTERS VKL or 73-[OKhLAZhD] previously, not less than 2 min prior to
If necessary the maintenance of the readiness of rocket R -73[e] with the execution of
flight with that switched off OF CHAPTERS VKL cooling [TGS] to carry out with the start of the
switch of 73-[OKhLAZhD] for all remained time of flight.
During the application OF [VPU] the symbol PR on the screen ILS does not luminesce.
With the firing from [VPU] without the cutoff the duration of firing is determined by the
time of the pressure of trigger switch [o] (second motion) with the provision of a remainder of
ammunition load into 50 shells ([NZ]).
With the firing with the cutoff with each pressure ([dozhatii]) of trigger switch [o] are fired
25 shells. In this case tempered it must be only to the value of the second motion in order not to
disconnect aiming indication. After the shooting of each unit on ILS in the small square is relieved
the index of remainder (, and). 3 2 1 А О
71 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
After the termination of firing from [VPU] trigger switch [o] to set to the initial position.
Unloading weapon on the ground targets is accomplished depending on installation on
[PVI]-10[PE]2 of the switch of versions of application and type of weapon as follows:
A) with position ONE:
− are unloaded BY AB on one with each pressure of trigger switch P in the
sequence with 9, 10, 2, 1, e, 4, shch, ' of the points of suspension;
− are unloaded two symmetrical units B -8[M]-1 by salvoes with interval of 0,08 it
flogged with the pressure and the retention to the end of unloading the units of
trigger switch p.
For unloading the following two units it is necessary to release and to again press trigger
switch P;
− B -13[l] are charged analogously WITH B -8[M]-1 only the interval between
salvoes 0,16 it flogged;
− S -25 are charged on one shell with each pressure of trigger switch P;
With setting of the switch of the versions of the application of a weapon to the position
− are unloaded all units of – on 8 rockets S -8 on two rockets from each unit, with
each pressure of trigger switch P;
− are unloaded all the units of – of 4 rockets S -13 on one of each unit, with each
pressure of trigger switch p.
TRAINING WORK to the position IT IS TRAINING with setting of switch and to setting
the switch of the modes of operation [VPU] to the position CUTOFF on the flap [PVI]-10[PE]2 of –
72 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
with each pressure of trigger switch [o] (second motion) is fired on ' of shells.
With the carrying out [VSK] [SUV] (stage of capture RLS) simultaneously with the
inspection [RLPK] is performed the control of selected to the application of rockets R -27 (3) [R]1 or
R -27 (3) Of [t]1. During the performance of program [VSK] by the rockets R -27 (3) Of [r]1, R -27
(3) Of [t]1 at the flap OF PI -10[p] appear the corresponding green blinkers of readiness.
In all modes [SUV], except mode THE NAVIGATION, on the indicators [SEI] is indicated a symbol
of the type of the suspension weapon, selected to the application
On the control panel [SUV] of the left side of cabin are located the following organs:
1. Seven-position switch of the modes of operation [SUV] with the positions:
− of φ0 of – is ensured application on the visually visible target of rockets with [TGS] with the failure
[RLPK] and [OEPS];
− [NAVIG] of – for mapping onto ILS of navigation information from [PNK];
− [OLS] of – by the leading channel is assigned [OEPS];
− RLS of – by the leading channel is assigned [RLPK];
− [VERT] of – is ensured the capture mode of the visually visible target in the close combat by the
manoeuvre of aircraft;
− WHOLESALE of – is ensured the target of visually visible lock-on with the aid of the joystick OF
KU -31;
− THE HELMET of – is ensured the target of visually visible lock-on with the aid of [NSTS].
4. Switch Δ[N] for 11 positions (0.2, 4, ', 8, 10, 2, 4, ', 8, 10) for the installation of the
centre of the zone of survey [RLPK] or [OLS] on the angle of elevation with the
manual steering.
8. The switch OF [APK]-AP- OFF , is used with the work [RLPK] under the conditions of
interferences. The selection of the position of switch is accomplished after the analysis
of the radar situation, represented on ILS.
− PPS of – is assigned the mode of the high frequency of the repetition ([VCHP]) of sounding pulses
and the sign of forward half sphere into the rocket with the incomplete instrument provision ([NPO]);
− [ZPS] of – assigns the mode of the medium frequency of the repetition ([SCHP]) of sounding pulses
and the sign of rear cone into the rocket with [NPO];
− [AVT] of – the repetition frequency of sounding pulses is established automatically with the
alternation [VCHP] and [SCHP]. It is used in the absence information about the hemisphere and the
For [OEPS] the sign of target is determined by the position of switch with [NPO] or
automatically according to the data OF [RLPK].
On the control panel [RLPK] of the left side of cabin are located following the organs:
1. Switch is PROGRAM for five positions (1, 2, e, 4, shch) for the selection of the range
(sector) of the carrier frequencies of transmitter [RLPK].
2. Switch OF CHARACTER RLS for six positions (1, 2, e, 4, shch, ') for the selection of
the carrier frequency of transmitter inside the sector.
Installation of character [RLPK] to perform in accordance with the table:
The following organs are located on the flap of target assignment and support of group
operations of the starboard of cabin:
1. Ten buttons with the indicators OF TARGET (1-10) for the selection of the transmitted
target and destination of target to the attack.
2. Five buttons with the indicators FIGHTERS (1-4 and GR) for the selection of the
number of slave user or number of the interacting group (it is pressed button GR).
3. Button is INPUT for the input of th numbers e selected with buttons.
4. Button is JETTISONING for removing the target from the attack or from the transfer.
Designation and order of the use of controls of the systems of telecode
communications, utilised under the group effects, are presented in the section
“operation of systems” (book 2 [RLE]).
5. Switch FKP [MLP] OF [AVT]-OFF- MANUAL with the positions:
− [AVT], for the start FKP and [MLP] before the attack;
− OF OFF – for turning off FKP and [MLP] between the attacks;
− OF MANUAL – for the control UVD is not used.
74 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
6. Switch [VSK] Of [sh]101, for including the mode of the built-in test control [SUV].
On the left upper flap of instrument panel on [PVI]-10[PE]2 are located the following
controls and indication:
− of signal panel THE WORK of – for the indication of the type of weapon,
selected for the application;
− of two signal panels THE RESERVE of – for the indication of the type of weapon,
which is located in the second and third turn of application;
− of signal panel THE REMAINDER [VPU] of – for the indication of the remainder
of ammunition load [VPU];
− of signal panel THE EMPTY UNITS of – for the indication of the presence of
empty units [NRS];
− the switch OF CHAPTERS VKL with the fixation, for blocking the chains of
starting, tactical jettisoning and firing, and also the start of cooling [TGS] rockets
R -73[e];
− the switch of the versions of the application of a weapon with the positions:
A) ONE – is accomplished starting [UR] on one with each pressure of the
trigger switch of suspension weapon, it is carried out bomb release or
starting [NRS] in the routine;
b) THE UNIT of – is accomplished starting [UR] on two with each
pressure of the trigger switch of suspension weapon;
c) SERIES 01 (02, 04) is carried out bomb release or starting [NRS] with
the established interval (series);
− switch AIR-SURFACE of – is set in the appropriate position during the
application of armament on the air or ground targets;
− the switch [P]P [AVT]-[RUCH] , for the formation in [SUO] of command PR
according to the information from [SUV] ([AVT]) or forced ([RUCH]) (for [VPU]
command PR it is formed always independent of the position of switch);
− the switch (with the fixation) OF [NEUPR] STARTING (pressure), for the
unguided (emergency) starting of rockets [UR] with [APU];
− switch (with the fixation) EMERGENCY JETTISONING (pressure), for the
emergency jettisoning of weapon with [AKU] or [BD];
− switch is CUTOFF , for the fire in bursts for each pressure of trigger switch [o] on
1/4 units (25 shells) of the combat set of shells;
− button is JETTISONING , for jettisoning the empty units [NRS];
− war-peace switch is (with the fixation), for the platoon of fuse with bomb
jettisoning to THE BURST.
On the panel of the indication OF PI -10[p], established on the instrument panel, are
located two rows of the blinkers, intended for the representation of the presence of the suspended
weapon (blinkers of a upper number of yellow) and its readiness for the application (lower number of
the blinkers of green colour).
coordinates BASICS- D and THE A[Z]- V with the leading channel [RLPK] and
A 3- the angle of elevation of – with the leading channel [OEPS] along the field
ILS and for the start LD in the mode of emission with the work along the ground
The following potentiometers are located on the left panel of instrument panel:
− REINFORCING TP for eliminating the marks of decoys on ILS with the work
[OEPS] in the mode of survey;
− THE BASE OF TARGET (B with M) for the mission of the base size of target with the use [VPU] in
the mode THE PROGNOZ-[DOROZHKA] and sign of target (B of – large, from – average, M of –
low) during the application of all air-to-air missiles;
− BRIGHTNESS [NSTS] for the selection of the necessary brightness of the symbols of aiming in
On the flap of feed of the right panel of cabin is located the switch [OPS] for the start
[RLPK] and [OEPS].
The system of national recognition ensures the determination of state belonging with target
from the principle OF FRIEND-FOE.
With the leading channel [RLPK] in the mode THE SURVEY above the label “its” target
appears the label of identification.
THE SURVEY identification is not ensured with the leading channel [OEPS] in the mode,
but in the mode of target tracking identification is ensured only after transition [RLPK] into the mode
With the joint operation [RLPK] and [OEPS] the selection of the leading channel is
accomplished by hand or automatically according to the logic of work [SUV] and depends: from the
position of the switch of modes [SUV], from the positions of switches [IZL] and LD and selected
76 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
type of rockets. With the pressure of trigger switch [VPU] [o] (first motion) occurs the automatic
selection of the leading channel [OLS] independent of of the position of the controls and selected
type of rocket indicated, on ILS is indicated the mode of aiming [VPU] (PROGNOZ-[DOROZHKA]
1. In the mode VERTICAL LINE [OLS] carries out survey in the zone of ≈3°[kh]60°, and
[RLPK] in the zone of ≈5°[kh]60°, in this case by the leading channel it is assigned [RLPK], if switch
oned [IZL] is disconnected LD, and also with th rockets with [RGS] independent of of the position of
switch LD e selected to the application. In all remaining cases by the leading channel it is assigned
If slave channel first took target, catches fire the signal panel [ZAKHV] PJIC (3[AKhV]
[OLS]), and on ILS remains survey information VERTICAL LINE. If the leading channel first took
77 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
target, at ILS appears the capture information of the leading channel (but slave channel it passes to
the target designations from the leading channel) and it occurs the target lock-on without the
supplemental pushing of knob INPUT on RUD.
2. In the mode THE HELMET [RLPK] is assigned the leading channel after the target
lock-on with switch oned [IZL] and off LD, and also with th rockets with [RGS] independent of of
the position of switch LD e selected to the application. In all remaining cases by the leading channel
it is assigned [OEPS].
During capture target by any channel (leading or slave) on ILS luminesces the capture
information of the taken channel and catches fire the corresponding signal panel [ZAKHV] [OLS]
([ZAKHV] RLS), and another channel passes to the tracking of target designations from the taken
If first took target slave channel, and by the second of – leading, after the target lock-on by
the leading channel the capture information of slave channel changes by the capture information of
the leading channel.
3. In the mode OPTICS the logic of interaction is analogous to the logic of interaction in
the mode HELMET.
With the pressure of trigger switch [o] (first motion) occurs the priority selection of the
mode of aiming [VPU] NONSYNCHRONOUS FIRING (with the presence of capture [OLS] and of
range to target from LD or [RLPK]) or THE PROGNOZ-[DOROZHKA] (in the absence the
measurement of range to target or capture [OLS]).
With the presence of capture [RLPK] and [OLS] the absence of distance from LD for the
accomplishment of aiming mission are used the angular coordinates from [OLS] and distance from
[RLPK], in this case the precision characteristics of firing from [VPU] are reduced.
5.1.7. Special features of work [SUV] with the complete ([PPO]) and with the incomplete ([NPO])
instrument provision.
79 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
sighting error.
In the presence [NOP] it is possible to launch rocket R -73[e]; however, in this case the
probability of kill of target is reduced.
In [BMB] also it is possible to introduce distance by hand by the method, indicated above.
With [NPO] and selection [VPU] realises the aiming by the method THE PROGNOZ-
In this mode the distance can be rated by the comparison of the size of the visually visible
target with the width of mouth of funnel; the widest (upper) unit, approximately, corresponds to 200
m, while narrowest (lower) – 600 m with the base of target of less than 30 m. with a increase in the
base of target by every 10 m the range scale increases respectively by 100 (for example, with the base
of target 30-40 m wide unit corresponds to 300 m, and narrow – 700 m).
5.1.9. In flight is ensured the control of proper working order [SUV] as a whole and of its
individual subsystems with the transmission of the signals of failures into the system “screen” and the
indication of recommendations on OBSOLETE.
80 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
1. Limitations on the velocity in the dependence on the version of the arrangement of the
− of 1-2 – is not more than 1300 km/h;
− of 3-7 – is not more than 1200 km/h.
2. With any version of unsymmetric suspension maximum positive overload decreases by
Δ[Pu]=2, and output to the negative g-force is forbidden.
3. In the version of fundamental suspension (2[khR]-73[E] on the points ", 8 of 2[khR]-
27[ER]1 (2[khR]-27[R]1) on points 1, 2) – without the limitations on the velocity.
4. The incomplete ammunition loads of rockets can be used in all versions of suspension.
5. Are allowed the versions of the unsymmetric suspension of rockets, with exception of
complete one-way and versions with the disbalance of the takeoff mass not more than
450 kg.
6. The suspension only of sister rockets is allowed on the symmetrical points.
7. The built-in gun adapts in all versions with the suspension weapon and without it.
8. For training and training session of flying personnel on the application of combat
missiles of the type R -27 in all modes [SUV]. with exception of mode φ[o] for the
rockets with [TGS], are used training rockets R -27[Ut], manned by different types
[GSN]. Rockets adapt in the modes: 470-1[UTM] from [RG]C, 470-[ZUTM] with
[TGS]. The installation of mode is produced with surface preparation by rejoining the
break, located in the end unit of rocket. The readiness of rocket for the repeated attack
is ensured automatically in 1-2 minutes from the moment of jettisoning the target
9. In the training rocket flights R -73[e] to use only shch, ' or e, 4 points of suspension
(for the exclusion of the destruction of glazing ANES).
10. Is allowed the [poparnaja] symmetrical suspension of rockets R -27[ER]1 and P -27P1 simultaneously on the
different pairs of points.
R -73[e]
1. Permissible Out of the cloudiness in the daytime and at night against the background of clouds, earth and aqueous s
meteorological not less than 15 and the bearing of moon not less than 4°, including on the ground heat-contrasting target
conditions and the
time of day.
81 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
R -73[e]
depending on the
conditions of
attack, km
e. Range of In PPS from 1,5 to [Np]+0,5 In PPS
distances with their In [ZPS] from 0,6 to (Np/2) +2 In [ZP
visual evaluation
(according to the
information with
KP), km
4. Altitude range of
the flight of target, 20 – 2000
shch. Permissible
value of height
difference (vertical
± (1,5+0,2[Nts])
separation) between
the target and
interceptor, km
'. The permissible
overloads of
aircraft with the 0 – 8 (" with the slip not more it is 2nd X of the diameters of ball) 0–"(
starting (0 – shch with [VSU]) diame
Points of the
Type of the rockets Range of the rockets
R -73[e] e, 4 N of ≤ 15000 m to V ≤ of 300 – 1000 km/h (to M = 2,2)
N = of 15000 – 18000 m to V ≥ 650 km/h (to M = 2,35)
R -73[e] shch, ', ", 8
N < of 15000 m to V = 300 – 1100 km/h (to M = 2,2)
R -27[ER]1 N = of 15000 – 18000 m to V ≥ 650 km/h (to M = 2,2)
(R -27[ET]1, R -27[R]1, R 3,4 N < of 15000 m to V = 300 – 1100 km/h (to M = 0,6-
-27[T]1) 2,2)
R -27[ER]1 (R -27[R]1) 9, 10, 2, 1 In entire range of combat employment on M of ≥ 0,6
The launches of rockets R -73[e] along the target la -17 to execute in [ZPS] with the
vertical separation relative to target with the aspect angles not more than 2/4 at the distances not are
less than 1000 m.
Firing from the gun to carry out on N 15000 m of – at velocity 300 – 1100 km/h (M of ≤
1,7), on N = of 15000 – 16000 m of – at the velocity from 450 km/h to M = 1,7 with the g-forces of 0
– ', with the slip not more than two diameters of ball in all modes of the work of engines.
WARNING. For the provision of heat resistance and life it is onsetter gun [GSH]-301 firing from
[VPU] to execute only in the cutoff conditions. After the shooting of 50
shells the break in the firing is not less e of minutes.
82 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
(surface) targets with the rockets R -73[e] on the points shch and ', with the containers publ.
[L]203[IE] on the points " even 8.
5 R -73[e] + +
8 R -73[e] + +
3 R -73[e] + +
75 R -73[e] + + + + + +
00 R -73[e] + + + + + +
K]- R
R -73[e] + + + + + +
++ + ++ + ++ R
50 R -73[e] +
+ + + + + -73[
500 R -73[e] + + + + + +
++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
00 R -73[e] ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
– the versions of arrangement with the load on one unit [NRS] on the points e and 4 are
used for the trial targets, in this case the indication on [SHCHNP]-10[P] of
installation [PUS]-36-71 in [BDZ]-[USK]- B is not provide ford.
sio shc
" e 9 1 2 10 4 '
R -73[e] ++ ++
R -73[e] ++ ++
R -73[e] ++ ++
5 R -73[e] + + + + + + + +
83 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
00 R -73[e] ++ + + + + ++
R -73[e] ++ + + + + ++
- -73
++ ++ ++
50 R -73[e] + ++ + ++ +
+ + + -73
++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
00 R -73[e] + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ +
+ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
1. Limitations on the velocity and the g-force (G[t] of ≤ 4200 kgf) for the versions:
− of 1-4 – of V ≤ 900 km/h (M of ≤ 0,85), PU of ≤ 6,0;
− of 5-8 – of V ≤ 900 km/h (M of ≤ 0,85), PU of ≤ 5,5;
The maximum speed of jettisoning [ZB] – 750 km/h.
In flight with [BDZ]-[USK]- B, [MBDZ]- U 6-68 and by the girder- dual-control
M of ≤ 0,85, of PU = 6,5;
V ≤ 900 km/h 0,85 < M of ≤ 1,25, of PU = 5,0;
1,25 < M of ≤ 1,5, of PU = 6,0;
2. Maximum negative g-force with any fuel remainder in all versions PU = - 1,0.
3. Can be used versions with the incomplete symmetrical load by ammunition and the
unsymmetric suspension of ammunition with the disbalance is not more than 750 kg.
4. Jettisoning [ABSP] (including finished [RBK]) at the velocity more than 700 km/h to
carry out only with the repulsion (forced squad).
5. Takeoff masses tables give with the cartridges [VPU], APP -50.
5.1.14. Conditions of starting [NRS] and firing from the gun at the ground (surface)
S -8 (A, ACE, B, [v], TO, M, [OF], P,) S -13 (T) S -13[Of]
Altitude range in
the beginning of 500 – 3500 500 – 4000 550 – 4000
attack, m
84 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
Range of dive
10 – 40 10 – 40 10 – 40
angles, °
Altitude range of
starting (firing), m 300 – 1700 300 – 1800 350 – 1800
Range of the
ground speeds of
550 – 900 550 – 900 550 – 900
starting (firing),
launching range 2300 3000 3000
(firing), m
Minimum safe
distances of the upon upon
beginning of upon command [OTV] command command
output from [OTV] [OTV]
attack, m
Minimum height
of the flight above
exploded 350 350 550
ammunition, m
Time of firing to
the total
2 3,5 3,5
consumption of
ammunition load,
5.2. General sequence of actions with the execution of flight with the application of a weapon.
After starting [UR] either [NRS] or firing from [VPU] to control the mode of the work of
engines. With unstable operation and inadmissible changes in the parameters of engines to perform in
accordance with the recommendations, given in the section “special cases in flight”.
In the case of the undermining of rockets after their starting in the flight path of aircraft to
pilot aircraft in such a way as to traverse the centre of the cloud of the undermining of rocket or from
the safe side depending on the distance of the undermining of rocket. In the case of [neskhoda] from
[APU] or [nesbrosa] with [AKU] of rocket after the pressure of trigger switch P in the presence PR to
continue fulfillment of assignments with th weapon e remained aboard.
After the termination of accomplishing to disconnect the switches OF CHAPTERS VKL,
LD, [IZL], FKP, [MLP].
After landing with th ammunition load e remained aboard, and also in the case of
[neskhoda] of rockets or delay in the firing from [VPU], observing safety measures, to taxi into the
specially reserved place for the preliminary examination of armament and installation of surface
safety pins, to after which prolong taxiing to the parking.
For the execution of training flights, in the case of the absence of practise rockets, is
allowed the use of cap- imitators [ZI]-470[KE].
With the flights to the combat employment is allowed short-term luminescence on THE
MOUTHS of signal [SUO] WORK [VPU], which does not require of the pilot of any activities.
5.2.1. Stages of fulfillment of assignments with the application of a weapon.
The process of the execution of flight is subdivided into the following stages:
− preparation for the flight;
− output into the combat contact with the target (command control, onboard induction, onboard search,
85 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
5.3.3. After landing in the cabin to ascertain that the controls [SUV] are located in the initial positions:
5.4.1. With the interception of aerial targets, depending on velocity and heights of their
flight, can be used the following standard programs (profiles), Fig. 18, 19:
− afterburning of – with the near interception;
− nonafterburning or combined of – with the remote interception.
Flight according to the given programs (profiles) is executed in the automatic, director and
87 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
manual steering of aircraft during the induction from surface ASU. The programs indicated are
optimum for the consumption of fuel and time and are used for achievement the maximum boundaries
of interception of aerial targets. With the guidance of fighter to the aerial target voice with [PN] the
flight profiles to the interception can be characterised by from those indicated.
5.4.3. Nonafterburning flight program to the interception of aerial targets adapts for
achievement the maximum boundaries of interception and is executed along the following profile:
− takeoff under the conditions MAXIMUM and the gain of altitude of 11000 m on
V[ist] = 860 km/h;
− acceleration to the Mach number = 0,9, the climb and cruising flight on M = 0,9
(cruising-climb flight) to the command VERTICAL LINE.
5.4.4. The combined program provides for takeoff, climb, cruising-climb flight under the
conditions MAXIMUM with the subsequent start of afterburning program.
5.4.5. Reduction to the height of the attack of the target to execute on the single command
VERTICAL LINE -1 with [Nzad] Of [npoleta].
N km
б Н3 г
д 3 а в 5
м 4
к к’
V=1250 км/ч
2’ 2
0,5 1 1,5 2,0 2,5 M
Fig. 18.
88 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
1- it is 2nd 3- 4- of 5-6 – the program of the gain of altitude and velocity on full
afterburner with the near version of interception;
1-2'-3'- d e of – the framing of the cruising height under maximum conditions of
the work of engines;
1-2'-3'- 4- of 5-6 – the program of the gain of altitude and velocity with the
remote version of interception;
d e, and b, in g of – gatherings from the base program;
N 1- of m, N is 2nd m, N 3- N 3. of [k]'- to – of the program of reductions.
Н км
Vц; Нц
30 Fig. 19. Standard flight profiles with the interception of aerial targets.
Vц; Нц
1, 2 – the attack of targets in PPS and [ZPS] with the near version of interception in the
Vц; Нц
stratosphere. Vц; Нц
e, 4 – the attack of targets in PPS and [ZPS] with the remote version of interception in the
shch, ' of – the attack of targets in PPS and [ZPS] at the large, average and low altitudes with the
4 3
remote interception.2 6 6
" – the attack of targets in PPS and [ZPS] with the limited detection range.
Включение форсажа 5
10 6
Vц; Нц
L (км)
89 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
2. In the case, when V[istzad] > Of v[istpol], to execute reduction with the acceleration to
V[istzad] (micrometer(s)), after which reduction continues just as to V[prib] of ≈ 1150 km/h.
In the stabilisation phases M ([Mpol] in the case of 1 or [Mzad] in the case of 2) reduction
to execute as follows:
− with [Mpol] of ≈ 0,9 to establish idling conditions to gradually increase (from ≈ 30 m/s on N = of 12 km to
50 m/s on N = of 10 km and 90 m/s on N = shch km);
− Vy = 100 m/s with N > of 12
with [Mpol] of ≈ 1,3 to establish idling conditions and to move out on
km; with N of ≤ 12 km to increase Vy to 140 – 150 m/s even further to maintain it;
with N of ≈ 10 km to establish mode MAXIMUM;
− with [Mpol] of ≈ 1,8 to establish mode MAXIMUM, to move out to Vy 140 – 150 m/s and to hold it;
− with [Mpol] of ≈ 2,0 to establish mode MINIMUM AFTERBURNER, to move out to Vy ≈ of 140 – 150
m/s and to hold it;
In the process of reduction to maintain the number M.
With its decrease (more than to ≈ 0,05), to increase position RUD by 1/4 – of 1/2 complete
With the acceleration of – to decrease the position RUD by ≈ of 1/4 complete motions.
Reduction to [Nzad] to begin for ≈ 1 km with M = 0,9 and for ≈ 1,5 km with M of ≈ 1,3-
1,8-2,0. In this case to translate RUD into the position MAXIMUM (with M of ≈ 0,9) and before the
position MINIMUM AFTERBURNER (with M of ≈ 1,3-1,8-2,0).
At the large removals from the landing airfield after the termination of the attack of the
target flight on the landing airfield to accomplish at height 11000 – 12000 m on the Mach numbers =
After the attack of the target a reduction to N = of 12000 m to accomplish on the V = 500
km/h with the work of engines on IDLING.
After the attack of the target, which flies on N < of 11000 m to execute the gain of altitude
11000 – 12000 m on V[ist] = 860 km/h with the work of engines under maximum conditions.
Reduction from the height of 12000 m to the height of landing approach to execute to
V[pr] = of 500 km/h.
Output into the combat contact with the target during the induction with [NASU] to be
accomplished by accomplishment of manoeuvres in the horizontal and vertical plane during manual,
director or automatic control of aircraft according to the information, taken along the channels of the
radio link of control in the modes of command control (KN), onboard induction (BN) and onboard
search ([BP]).
KN of – the mode, when control commands are formed and are transmitted with [PN]
90 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
BN of – the mode, when control command they are formed in [SUV] according to the
regular coordinate information about the target with [PN] ASU.
[BP] of – the mode, when control commands are formed in [SUV] according to the single
(irregular) coordinate information about the target with [PN] ASU.
Mode [BP] can be assigned with [PN] [NASU] or arise automatically of the mode KN
(with the coordinate support) or of the mode BN in the absence of information from ASU more than
60 s.
Induction in the modes BN and [BP] is carried out only with the leading channel [RLPK]
(switch of modes [SUV] in the position RLS). If with the leading channel [OEPS] (switch in the
position [OLS]) on ILS begins to blink symbol BN or [BP], then it is necessary the switch of modes
[SUV] to set to the position RLS.
5.5.1. Guidance to the aerial target with the off mode OF SAU- AUTOMATIC upon
commands with [NASU] is accomplished in the following order:
− in the climb to establish communications with [PN];
− to establish the switch of modes [SUV] from the position [NAVIG] to the position RLS ([OLS]), and
the switch [IZLUCH]-[EKV]- OFF in the position [EKV];
− to set the knob of potentiometer THE BASE OF TARGET (B with M) to the position, which
corresponds to the type of the target, indicated with [PN], or in accordance with the mission (extreme
left – target low, extreme right – target large, the mid-position of – target average);
− to set the switch [NAVED] [AVT]- MANUAL on the control panel [SUV] to the position [AVT] and
to pilot aircraft upon commands of induction in the horizontal and vertical planes in the manual
control mode of aircraft;
− lateral guidance to execute by the combination of the label of induction (ring of low diameter) with
the cross lines on ILS or the combination of the index of course-line deviation with the fixed label on
the upper edge of screen [IPV] ([ris].20);
− the climb to execute in accordance with the flight programs to the interception. Height of the attack of
the target to drive out independently, after luminescence on ILS of index [v] (vertical line), using
information about the height of target.
Direction of vertical manoeuvre to determine according to the value of its own height and
height of target.
In the horizontal plane to continue accomplishing the course commands:
− with the luminescence on ILS of index F to include the afterburner of engines and to run afterburning
program, accomplishing acceleration before the given speed (on ILS they are indicated the true preset
and its own flight speed);
− after entrance with [PN] of command EMISSION at ILS appears symbol [IZL].
To establish the switch OF [IZL]-[EKV]- OFF to the position [IZL], in this case on ILS the
symbol “OF [IZL]” ceases to blink with the indication on ILS of signal lamp flicker [IZL]. With the
start of emission automatically or by hand luminesces the signal panel [IZLUCH] on the instrument
In the mode IS INDUCED BY [AVT] the symbol “OF [IZL]” on ILS it blinks only with
the leading channel [RLPK].
To establish the switch [ZAKHV] [AVT]- MANUAL to the position [ZAKHV] AUTHOR.
With the leading channel [OEPS] before setting switch to the position [ZAKHV] ABT, one
should be convinced in the absence background (from the clouds, the earth, the aqueous surface, the
sun) interferences on the screen ILS.
When the labels of their interferences are present, should be retracted by potentiometer
Control of the centre of zone is carried out automatically. With the detection of its target
above the label of target is indicated the label of identification (with leading [RLPK]).
In the mode KN (leading [RLPK]) on ILS is indicated the strobe of the capture, which is
moved along the screen in accordance with the distance, transmitted with [PN] (indication in the
mode of induction it is shown in Fig. 21). With the appearance of a target in the strobe automatically
occurs its capture and transition [RLPK] into the mode of continuous direction finding ([RNP]).
In the modes of onboard induction and onboard search (leading channel [RLPK]) is carried
91 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
out the automatic target of lock-on with its entry assigned to the attack into the zone of the possible
launches of rockets or with reaching of range to target of less than 40 km in PPS and less than 20 km
of – in [ZPS].
If necessary the target lock-on at the long range to press button INPUT on RUD. In the
absence automatic target lock-on to produce its capture by hand.
In the mode KN (with the leading channel [OEPS]) the first discovered target is captured
automatic and it becomes to the automatic tracking.
With the interception of the nonafterburning (V[ts] of ≤ 700-800 km/h) low-altitude ([Nts]
of ≤ 2,5 km) aerial targets in the mode KN with the leading channel [OEPS] control to accomplish on
the label of induction with the reduction to the height Of [nzad] = Of [nts]+1,5 km with its
subsequent maintaining.
5.5.2. During the redirection of aircraft to another aerial target on ILS will appear the
symbol “!” (command of redirection).
5.5.3. During the induction is possible the transfer of control of induction from one [PN]
to another and the replacement of radio data. With the automatic reconstruction of radio data on the
control panel of 11[G]6 lights up the tube [AVT], and in indicators will be reflected radio data,
obtained from new [PN]. In the telephones the signal is heard out.
With the manual replacement of radio data according to the information with [PN] it is
necessary switches WAVE, SEPARATION and CODE to set to the positions, which correspond to the
given values and to press the buttons of the selection of modes [SPK] ([ALM]).
5.5.4. Guidance to the aerial target by a voice with [PN] is accomplished in the following
− to select the leading channel ([RLPK] or [OEPS]);
− upon command with [PN] to set switch PPS -[AVT]-[Zps] to the appropriate position. In the absence
information about the hemisphere of – to the position [AVT];
− to pilot aircraft by hand, executing manoeuvres upon commands of induction with [PN] on the course,
to height and velocity;
− according to the information with P.O. azimuth to establish by hand the position of the centre of zone,
after pressing the necessary button [TSZ];
− by switch Δ[N] to establish the height difference (vertical separation) of target relative to aircraft
(according to the data OF [PN] about the flight altitude of target). Since value Δ[N] is advanced with
the discreteness 2 km, then round off Δ[N] to the large side;
− by potentiometer INPUT [DALN] on RUD to establish the value of range to target, transmitted with
[PN]. Control of the established value to accomplish on the digits, indicated in the lower unit ILS
(digit with the feature);
− on leaving to the combat course upon command with [PN] to include the switch OF CHAPTERS
− upon command with [PN] to establish the switch [IZLUCH]-[EKV]- OFF to the position [IZLUCH],
in this case on ILS will fluoresce symbol [IZL], and on the instrument panel of – of signal panel
[IZLUCH]. The destination of target to attack and target lock-on occurs automatically or in the
manual mode.
5.5.5. In the absence automatic target lock-on on distances 40-35 km with the attack in
PPS and 20-15 km in [ZPS], target lock-on to execute by hand.
With the chaotic transfer of the strobe of automatic lock-on on the screens [SEI] from one
target blip to others, which is possible with the attacks of targets in [ZPS] above the complex
underlying surface (mountain, the large populated areas), and also with the formation flights of
aircraft, for the exclusion of the automatic capture of spurious signals is recommended the target
lock-on to carry out in the manual mode at the distances not more than 25 km.
For the manual target lock-on the switch [ZAKHV] OF [AVT]- MANUAL to set to the
position OF MANUAL and to execute the following:
− with the induction by voice and the leading channel [RLPK] by joystick to apply the strobe of capture
on the mark from the target and to press button INPUT on RUD. If occurs the target of lock-on
[RLPK], on ILS will occur the replacement of indication (Fig. 23), and on the instrument panel will
92 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
fluoresce signal panel CAPTURE RLS MEASUREMENT [DALN]. After the target of lock-on
[RLPK] can occur the target of lock-on [OLS] (slave channel) and on the instrument panel will
fluoresce the signal panel CAPTURE [OLS].
With the high rate of closures, if gating target in the coordinates azimuth range is hindered,
to establish the switch BASICS- D of – [OBN] of – OF THE BASICS- V to the position BASICS- V
and to execute the target lock-on as is stated above.
With the difficulty of the target of too “multiplied” lock-on to execute repeated capture,
moving strobe in the limits “multiplied” label;
− with the induction by voice and the leading channel [OEPS] joystick to apply the strobe of large field
to the label of target, so that it would be nearer to to position strobe (Fig. 22) and press button INPUT
on RUD, in this case on ILS will be changed into the indication of survey in the large field to the
indication of survey in the low field (Fig. 24).
By joystick to apply the strobe of capture on the label of target, which must be located in
the centre section ILS, and press button INPUT. If occurs the target of lock-on [OLS], on ILS of
[proizojdjot] the replacement of indication (Fig. 25) and on the instrument panel will fluoresce the
signal panel [ZAKHV] [OLS].
If with the manual target lock-on on ILS together with the label of target are indicated the
labels of background interferences, to retract by their potentiometer REINFORCING TP.
In the mode of the survey of low field instead of gating of target it is repeated, it is
possible to switch over to automatic capture, after setting switch to the position [ZAKHV]
AUTHORS with this [OEPS] it captures the first discovered target.
For the return from the survey by low field into the survey by large field to press button
JETTISONING on RUD. For jettisoning of capture [OEPS] and [RLPK] and transition into the mode
of survey it is necessary to also press button JETTISONING on RUD.
5.5.6. Interception of aerial targets under the conditions of the effect of electronic jamming. The analysis of the radar situation is carried out with the attack of target in the
conditions of active jamming:
− in the survey of – according to the appearance on ILS of signal AP, the characteristic
gaps of in the form broken vertical lines (zones), “of sowing” of screen by false
labels, the sign of hemisphere, with the chaotic measurement (or to the absence of
measurements) of distance, “the smearing” of [tsdeli] on the velocity, the
− in the accompaniment of – on the appearance on ILS of signal AP, the position of the
pointer of aspect angle, the sign of hemisphere, other min, other max, rate of
closure, range scale, presence or absence Of [drud].
Depending on the location of jammer relative to target the interference can be
[sovmeshchjonnoj] (target of – jammer) or [nesovmeshchjonnoj] (target he is covered by jammer), in
this case it can be seized either target or jammer, depending on their permission in the bearings, to
Doppler shift and the relationship of the level of the [otrazhjonnogo] from the target signal and
interference level from the jammer (with the height difference of interference level above the level of
the reflected from the target signal target it is not revealed and it is not indicated on ILS).
Depending on the form of interferences there can be the following versions of indication
on ILS ([ris].42). To the versions of the indication “and”, “of b”, “in” it can give the effect of
interferences of the type [SHPN], [SHPI], [DSH]. To determine according to the indication, which of
these forms of interferences activates, is impossible.
In the versions “and”, “in” occurs either the combination of target with the jammer, or
[nevskrytie] of target because of the height difference of the power of noise signal above the power of
the signal, [otrazhjonnogo] from the target.
In versions “b”, “g” the target and interference are resolved relative to each other and
simultaneously they are indicated on ILS.
The versions of the indication “of d”, “e”, “zh”, “z”, “and” appear under the influence of
interferences of the type [LDCH], US, UD. In this case luminesces the symbol AP, distance is not
measured or is measured chaotically, the label of target “is spread” on the velocity with [LDCH], the
label of target “is spread” on the velocity with US (with AP or without it), the label of target “is
spread” on the distance with UD (with AP or without it). Under the influence of interferences of the
type [LDCH], US and UD can occur the multiplication of the labels of target (interference) along the
azimuth up to the width of scanning ILS. The capture of noise interference is carried out by the imposition of strobe
along the azimuth of interference and on the distance in the centre of bearing or on the assumed
distance to the jammer.
Under the influence of a interference of the type [SHPI] and [DSH] the capture is
analogous to the target lock-on. Accompaniment is accomplished with the complete information
about the target (D, the V, bearings, aspect angle).
Under the influence of interferences of the type [SHPN] after capture occurs the transition
into the accompaniment of interference only on the angular coordinates, on ILS luminesces [Drud],
the scale 100 km (PPS) or 50 km ([ZPS]) with distance mark on the upper limit ([NPO]).
Upon transfer [RLPK] in [NPO] is included the algorithm of kinematic determination of
distance ([KMOD]), at ILS appear the recommendations to the accomplishment of vertical
manoeuvres ([G]↑, [G]↓). At the termination of the [rekomendovannykh] manoeuvres the pointer on
the range scale is established on the distance, designed on the algorithm [KMOD]. With the
impossibility of the accomplishment of the [rekomendovannogo] manoeuvre the assumed distance to
the jammer can be introduced from the potentiometer Of [drud] by pushing of knob INPUT on RUD,
in this case the algorithm [KMOD] is disconnected.
If target luminesces simultaneously with the vertical lines of interferences and they are not
permitted along the azimuth, one should establish the switch [APK]-AP- OFF to the position AP. This
Of [bri] the activity of a interference of the type [DSH] is blocked also on ILS there remains only
target. Setting the switch [APK]-AP- OFF to the position [APK] can lead to the disappearance of
target on ILS. The position [APK] of [dajot] good results during the detection [SHPN] and [SHPI] of
interferences, since they are revealed with [APK] in each cycle of survey, and in the positions AP and
OFF in each second cycle survey (this especially importantly with the interception of the producer of
weak and unstable in the time discontinuous interferences). In the mode [APK] it is not possible to
carry out a interception of jammer [DSH].
With the appearance on ILS “of that washed away”” target or symbol AP the capture can
be produced in coordinates BASICS- D (for the interference US) or A 3- of the V (for the
interferences [LDCH] and UD), depending on stability and stability of labels on ILS. This
recommendation is caused by the fact that with the interferences UD in the coordinates BASICS- D
can be observed the strong multiplication of targets on distance or absence of measurements D; with
the interferences US in the coordinates A 3- of the V unstably is measured the velocity; with the
interferences [LDCH], when producer forms simultaneously several labels of velocity, indication in
the coordinates A 3- of the V takes the form of columns, and in the coordinates BASICS- D random
and unstable rangings.
For the capture the strobe must be placed in the centre of the disposition of labels on the
distance (velocity) and along the azimuth. If noise signal " drives in” entire span of screen ILS along
94 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
the azimuth, it is necessary the switch OF [APK]-AP- OFF to set to the position AP, a if this does not
help – to the position [APK]. With obtaining of the detection of interference with the azimuth to
apply strobe in the centre “of the deck” of signal and to produce capture. Capture and accompaniment
of interferences of the type [LDCH] and US is not differed from capture and target tracking (symbol
AP it does not luminesce, [NPO] it does not appear). With accomplishing of capturing the
interference of the type UD the type of the indicator of the same as with the presence of target, with
exception of the instability of the fundamental parameters, besides angular position. The disruption of
accompaniment is possible. With the disruption of accompaniment to execute recapture. [UR] adapt
at the distance, close to other min taking into account the instability of the values other min and other
In the process of accompanying the interferences of the type [SHPN], [SHPI], [DSH], UD
can occur “the dissection” of target. In this case on ILS can be refined distance, the hemisphere,
aspect angle, V[sbl], disappear the signs of the accompaniment of interference (range scale 100 km of
– in PPS, 50 km of – in [ZPS], [Drud], AP).
The probability of the dissection of target in the mode [APK] is low; therefore is
recommended the switch OF [APK]-AP- OFF after capture and entry into the accompaniment to set
in the position OF OFF. The same is recommended to execute if necessary the target lock-on after the
termination of attack according to the jammer.
5.6.1. The attack of aerial target begins from the moment of the stable target lock-on by
the leading channel [RLPK] or [OEPS], in this case at ILS appears capture indication and index a.
After being convinced in the stable target lock-on by the leading channel to include the
switch OF CHAPTERS VKL (for the period of accomplishing attack n 3. shch min).
If control of aircraft is accomplished in the automatic mode, then upon transfer to the
attack to disconnect SAU and control of aircraft to accomplish in the manual mode on the director
ring, combining it with the fixed cross lines on ILS.
In this case the label of induction shows sighting errors and gradually it is moved to the
cross lines. Maintaining given speed to accomplish by a change in the mode of the work of engines in
accordance with the information on ILS. With the leading channel [OEPS] on ILS luminesces the
director label of throttle control and single command F to the start of afterburner. With the leading
channel [RLPK] on ILS luminesces only the command F, which appears recommendation to a
increase in the mode of the work of engines.
If director ring is held on the cross lines, and the label of induction is located above cross
lines and does not descend, it is necessary to increase the mode of the work of engines. If the label of
induction is located below cross lines and does not rise, it is necessary to decrease the mode of the
work of engines.
In the process of accomplishing the attack possible the abrupt change in the given speed
(indicated on ILS) to ± 80 km/h. Therefore with reaching of the velocity, close to the given one, one
ought not to track its change by a change in the mode of the work of engines.
The first stage begins from the moment of the beginning of attack before the appearance
command “zoom” (symbol Of [g]↑ or [G]↓). Level flight at the height of the beginning of attack with
the subsequent output on a given height is accomplished in this stage. With the leading channel
[RLPK] a given height with the attack of target in PPS on 3000 m, while with the attack in [ZPS] on
1600 m higher than height of target.
With the leading channel [OEPS] a given height with the attack of target in PPS and [ZPS]
is equal to the height of target.
95 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
5.6.2. After the target lock-on by rockets from [TGS] or readiness of rockets with [RGS]
and the achievement of the zone of the possible launches of rockets and in the presence PR to execute
the launch of rocket (rockets).
With the starting is 2nd X of rockets (in the version of starting on one ONE) in one attack
one should the first rocket release with reaching of the distance of other [maks]1, and second – with
reaching of the distance of other [maks]2.
5.6.3. During the decision of starting only one rocket or two (in the version UNIT)
accepted one should starting carry out with reaching of other [maks]2.
After gathering of rockets with [RGS] control of aircraft to accomplish on the director ring
in such a way as to ensure the height difference (vertical separation) of 500 m on N of ≤ 8000 m and
1000 m on N > of 8000 m relative to the flight altitude of target, without allowing the output of the
96 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
label of position beyond the limits of screen ILS until rocket strikes target or it will not be copied the
time, which was remained to the encounter of rocket with target.
With the launch of rockets with [RGS] in the mode [NPO] [RLPK] it passes into the mode
[DNP] to 60 it flogged, during which it is necessary to continue to track target, if target will not be
casualty earlier.
5.6.4. After gathering is 2nd X of rockets from [RGS] in mode ONE (two series in the
mode UNIT), released on one target by two pressures of trigger switch P, depending on starting
conditions, the symbol OF OTHERS can abruptly move for the smaller distance, it is maximal,
approximately, at 0,5 initial distances. If we accomplish launch of the third rocket with [RGS] (before
the reaching by the first rocket of target), then it will go to the target without the frequency control.
5.6.5. With the disruption of the target of lock-on [RLPK], after gathering of rocket with
[RGS] and the repeated target of the same lock-on, the mode [DNP] for the released rocket is not
5.6.6. With the manual target lock-on at the short distances with the attack of targets with
[ZPS] (leading channel [RLPK]), when with the work ILS in the coordinates BASICS- D it is not
possible to apply strobe on the label, which is been located below screen and displaced relative to
centre, it is necessary by the manoeuvre of aircraft to the side of the target to attain the shift of the
label of the target speck of light to the centerline of screen ILS to to execute the target lock-on.
With the attack in [ZPS] (leading channel [RLPK]) after reaching of distance of less than
3,5 km [RLPK] automatically without jettisoning of capture passes into the mode [BMB] and on ILS
disappears director label. If before this moment was released rocket from [RGS], then automatic
transition [RLPK] into the mode [BMB] is held up by the period of achieving th goal (to the writing
off of the index of the time of flight of rocket) e released by rocket.
With the leading channel [OEPS] and the off switch LD, upon transfer [RLPK] into the
mode [BMB] on ILS will be replaced the capture indication of the leading channel [OEPS] to the
capture indication of the leading channel [RLPK], and after the disruption of accompaniment [RLPK]
the indication of the leading channel [OEPS] is restored.
5.6.7. After gathering ([neskhoda]) of last (from the selected type) rocket occurs the
automatic re-election of rockets to th type e following on the unloading, in this case the conditions for
the launch of rockets are solved anew; after the consumption of rockets with [TGS] and automatic re-
election to the rockets with [RGS] will occur the automatic re-election of the leading channel with
[OEPS] to [RLPK].
5.6.8. For the exclusion of the cases of recapture with the restarts of rockets with [TGS]
of the engines of the released rocket the time interval before the restart through the same target after
gathering of the rockets R -27[T]1 ([ET]1) of – 7-6 flogged, and the rockets R -73[e] of – 3-4 s.
5.6.9. If rocket did not descend, then the corresponding yellow blinker of presence on PI
-10[p] blinks during I it flogged, and then it goes out, and if trigger switch P it remained pressed, then
automatically it flogged after 2-3 (if be available uniform ready to starting rocket) will descend the
second rocket, besides the case with the rocket [RGS] in the version of application UNIT.
If with the [nesoshedshej] rocket with [AKU] remained open lock, then the yellow blinker
of the presence of this rocket will blink always (rocket of [zavisla]).
With switch oned SAU upon command [OTV] the output from the attack is accomplished
automatically and, if in this case director ring stands not in zero, then if necessary the provision of a
more intensive turnaway it is possible additionally, controlling aircraft to by hand " drive in” ring into
The index of ← [OTV] ([OTV] of →) luminesces:
− with the leading channel [RLPK] with [PPO];
− with the leading channel [OEPS] with [PPO];
− with the leading channel [OEPS] with [NPO] command [OTV] luminesces after
the pressure of trigger switch P with the starting, in this [sluchav] command
[OTV] it is only recommendation also regarding the distance it can not
correspond to the actual distance of turnaway.
Upon command [OTV] director ring displaces into the upper bearing, that corresponds
with the combination of director label with the fixed cross lines to the given g-force to " un. in this
case turnaway to execute in [rekomendovannom] by director ring direction, without exceeding in this
case the allowed values of the angle of attack and g-force.
After output from the attack to disconnect the switch OF CHAPTERS VKL, the switch OF
[IZLUCH]-[EKV]- OFF to establish into the position OF OFF, the switch AIR-SURFACE of – to the
position AIR and trigger switch [o] to the initial position, if was carried out firing from [VPU] at the
ground targets; to set the switch PR [AVT] to the position [AVT], if it was included in position
[RUCH] during the application of a weapon in the mode GRID.
To check the remained in the presence weapon and the expenditure of ammunition load.
With the drive of aircraft to the airfield upon command with [NASU] control to accomplish in terms
of the values Of v[zad], Ψ[zad] and [Nzad], which are indicated on ILS, with the simultaneous
indication of signal T (command “drive”).
Close maneuverable combat is executed on the visually visible target in the modes
VERTICAL LINE, OPTICS, HELMET and φ0 with the installation to the appropriate position of the
switch of modes [SUV]. Before the attack to include switches LD and [IZLUCH] (if necessary), to
include CHAPTERS VKL (with the attack by rockets R -73[e] not later, than 2 min prior to starting).
If time to the starting remained less than 1,5 min, then it is better to make re-election of rockets with
R -73[e] to another type, if it is located in the presence, to set switch PPS -[AVT]-[Zps] to the
position, which corresponds to the hemisphere of attack; after determining of the dimension of the
target to set potentiometer THE BASE OF TARGET to the corresponding to the type of target
position (B with M).
5.8.1. Target lock-on from the mode VERTICAL LINE.
By manoeuvre of aircraft to introduce target into the zone of capture [OLS] or RLS,
concluded between the vertical lines ([ris].27).
To press button INPUT on RUD and to hold it to the target of lock-on [RLPK] or [OEPS],
before the appearance of capture information.
With the appearance on ILS of index PR to produce the launch of rockets in the selected
version of application. Further to perform as in [DRB].
5.8.2. Target lock-on in the mode HELMET.
To establish view-finder [NSTS] against the eye, after which in the field of sight [NSTS]
are indicated two aiming rings. By the turning of head or by the manoeuvre of aircraft to combine
aiming rings with the target to press button INPUT on RUD, holding it to the target of lock-on
[RLPK] either [OEPS] or [TGS], in this case it is necessary to also hold aiming rings [NSTS] on the
target to the capture. During the application of rockets R -27[ET]1 (R -27[T]1) and the target of lock-
on only OF [TGS] button INPUT to hold by that pressed before gathering of rockets. The target of
98 Section shch
Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
lock-on [OLS], [RLPK] and [TGS], in the absence PR is indicated in [NSTS] by the blinking of
aiming rings with a frequency of 2 Hz (Fig. 28). During capture the target only OF [TGS] on [NSTS]
immediately additionally to the rings appears cross lines (command PR), the symbol THE REST for
the rockets R -27[ET]1 (R -27[T]1) also appears at the screen ILS signal PR is put out with the
pressed button INPUT on RUD and presence of capture [TGS]. In the case of the release of button
THE INPUT of in the absence information support [SUV] signal PR is removed.
With the appearance in [NSTS] or on the screen ILS of symbol PR to produce the launch
of rockets in the selected version of application. Further to perform as in [DRB].
5.8.3. Target lock-on in the mode OPTICS.
By joystick on RUS or by the manoeuvre of aircraft to apply aiming ring to the target and
to press button INPUT on RUD, holding its pressed to the capture target [OLS], [RLPK] or [TGS] (to
hold aiming ring on the target to the capture). With the application of rockets R -27[ET]1 (R -27[T]1)
and the target of lock-on only OF [TGS] button INPUT to hold by that pressed before gathering of
rockets. During capture target [OLS] or [RLPK] on the screen ILS will appear the indication, which
corresponds to capture mode.
During capture the target only OF [TGS] on the screen ILS immediately will fluoresce
index PR (Fig. 29).
For the rockets R -27[ET]1 (R -27[T]1) the signal PR is put out with the pressed button
INPUT on RUD and presence of capture [TGS]. In the case of the release of button THE INPUT of in
the absence information support [SUV] symbol PR is removed.
During capture the target only some [TGS] of rockets R -73[e] in the modes HELMET or
WHOLESALE after appearance on the screen of index PR to produce the launch of rockets in the
selected version of application. Further to perform as in [DRB].
During capture target only by some rockets with [TGS] of rockets R -73[e] in the modes
HELMET or WHOLESALE after the release of button INPUT [TGS] is disconnected from [TSU]
[SUV] and passes into the autonomous target tracking, not controlled by pilot, and can independently
pass to any other (not attacked) fallen in the field of confirmation [TGS] target. Therefore it is in such
cases necessary with the appearance PR to immediately produce the launch of rockets. But if for
some reasons rocket nevertheless some time to the starting was located in the automatic tracking, to
produce its redirection through the button JETTISONING.
5.8.4. Target of lock-on [TGS] in the mode of φ[o].
Mode φ[o] adapts with the rockets with [TGS] with the failure TSCVM $$RTQVM -
DIGITAL COMPUTER [RLPK] and [OEPS]. For destruction of target in the mode φ[o] is necessary:
− to set the switch of modes [SUV] to the position φ[o], the switch PR [AVT]-
[RUCH] of – into the position [RUCH] and the switch NIGHT-DAY- GRID to the
position GRID;
− by the manoeuvre of aircraft to apply cross lines - 2° OF GRID on the target, to
press after capture [TGS] of rockets R -27[ET]1 (R -27[T]1), R -73[e] of target
and to hold trigger switch P before gathering of rocket (Fig. 33).
5.9.1 during the application OF [VPU] in the mode NONSYNCHRONOUS FIRING it is necessary:
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Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
5.9.3 aerial gunnery from [VPU] in the mode GRID are carried out in [ZPS] in the trimmed
flight conditions with the zero aspect angle as follows:
− to set switch DAY-NIGHT- GRID to the position GRID;
− the switch of modes [SUV] to set to the position WHOLESALE;
− by the manoeuvre of aircraft to combine with the target the scale division of motionless grid into ILS,
which corresponds to the required correction angle of firing (see the Table), and to press trigger switch
[o] by one motion to the end.
Range to target is determined visually with the aid of the ranging primes (Fig. 33) “extra-
base” method by the following relationship:
Á 100
f øòð
The correction angles of firing from the gun in the mode OF GRID (in mrad).
Training camera gunneries with the charged gun to execute only with the off switch OF
With accomplishing of training camera gunneries on the aerial target before the attack to
produce one control turn with camera gunnery in the safe direction (with the pressure BK).
WARNING. Nonafterburning framing to execute only with the installation RUD to the position
MAXIMUM. The start of afterburning programmed framing (RUD in the
position FULL AFTERBURNER) is permitted with G[t] of ≥ 4,5 t to V ≤
600 km/h; when G[t] < of 4,5 t or the V > 600 km/h of – on N of ≥ 6000 m.
If necessary accomplishing afterburning framing from the conditions: V > 600 km/h or
G[t] > of 4,5 so-called 6000 m to first execute framing according to the nonafterburning program, and
then on N of ≥ 6000 m to translate RUD into the position FULL AFTERBURNER.
Engine control is accomplished by a pilot upon command F on ILS, which comes from
[NASU] (KN) or in accordance with the given speed of flight on ILS (with [BP] and BN), and also on
the director label of throttle control and the commands MH, MAX, F, which are put out on ILS from
SAU after the entrance of commands [v] or! (redirection).
Deviation by the directory of label is escorted by vocal information " control engines”.
5.11.2. The input of the given values of velocity and course during the induction is accomplished automatically
upon commands [NASU] (KN) or [SUV] (BN, [BP]), in this case the switch INDUCTION [AVT]-[RUCH] on PU [PNK] must
be established to the position AUTHOR.
For the manual data input the switch is THE INDUCTION [AVT]-[RUCH] to set to the
position [RUCH]; the given values of velocity and height to introduce by hand with the aid of the
setting device M and N on PU [PNK], and the value of course with the aid of the rack on PNP.
Control of the engine thrust with accomplishing of programmed framings, reductions (with the
pressed button [VERT] on the panel SAU) and braking is accomplished according to the deviations of
the horizontal plank KPP, which fulfills the functions of the director label of throttle control (on ILS
it in this mode it is absent). With the climb and the acceleration with the [nenazhatoj] button [VERT]
on the panel SAU the mode of the work of engines MAXIMUM or AFTERBURNER drives out the
5.11.3. After the entrance of command [v] from [NASU] (KN) or from [SUV] (BN and [BP]) is executed the
output to the height of the attack of target, which is driven out in the limits of 4-17 km with the height difference relative to
target Δ[N]=1,4 km with [RVD] (manual data input) this command is input by pushing of knob [VERT] on the panel SAU after
installation on the setting device of the value of a given height (new value of Mach number in this case to input after pushing
5.11.4. After the passage of command A (target of lock-on [RLPK] or [OEPS]) begins the stage of homing,
control of aircraft is accomplished upon commands [SUV]. In this case besides the automatic and director control modes is
possible the use of combined control (joint operation SAU pilot - SAU in the automatic mode and the manual interference of
pilot in the control of aircraft).
Combined control ensures the creation of required g-force of more than 4 due to the
supplemental deflexion of control stick to the side of the deviation of label with the target of its
reduction into the centre. With the attack in [ZPS] with the leading channel RL of the target, which
flies at the low altitude, with the passage of the height of 2000 m occurs automatic turning off SAU
and luminesces signal panel CONTROL BY HAND.
Further reduction to the height of 500 m and its maintaining to accomplish in the director
SAU automatically is disconnected with the delay of entrance D and rate of closure with
the target of [RLPK] more than 18 it flogged, and also with the attack in [ZPS] with the leading
channel [OEPS] at the distances of less than 3500 m if rocket was not released earlier.
Turning off of modes SAU is accomplished by a pushing of knob JETTISONING on the
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Leadership on the flight operations of aircraft Su-27[SK]
1. Automatic control mode of aircraft during the reductions in terms of the programmed
value of Mach number = 2 not to use.
2. With the luminescence on THE MOUTHS of signal " DECREASE REVOLUTIONS”
or “THERE IS NO ADDING” to press button “OFF SAU” and to control aircraft by
hand with the positive overload.