Q 1 T Q Q 1 T 1 T Q 1 T 1 1 2
Q 1 T Q Q 1 T 1 T Q 1 T 1 1 2
Q 1 T Q Q 1 T 1 T Q 1 T 1 1 2
Abstract. Let (Pd ) be any prime of Fq [t] of degree d and consider the space of Drinfeld cusp forms of level Pd ,
i.e. for the modular group Γ0 (Pd ). We provide a definition for oldforms and newforms of level Pd . Moreover,
when the dimension of the vector space of oldforms is one and P1 = t we prove that the space of cuspforms of level
t is the direct sum of oldforms and newforms and that the Hecke operator Tt acting on Drinfeld cusp forms of
level 1 is injective, thus providing more evidence for the conjectures presented and stated in [2] and [3].
arXiv:1908.09768v1 [math.NT] 26 Aug 2019
1. Introduction
Let K be the global function field Fq (t), where q is a power of a fixed prime p ∈ Z, fix the prime 1t at ∞ and
denote by O ∶= Fq [t] its ring of integers (i.e., the ring of functions regular outside ∞). Let K∞ = Fq (( 1t )) be
the completion of K at 1t with ring of integers O∞ = Fq J 1t K and denote by C∞ the completion of an algebraic
closure of K∞ .
The Drinfeld upper half-plane is the set Ω ∶= P1 (C∞ ) − P1 (K∞ ) together with a structure of rigid analytic space
(see [7]). The group GL2 (K∞ ) acts on Ω via Möbius transformation
a b az + b
( ) (z) = .
c d cz + d
Let Γ be an arithmetic subgroup of GL2 (O), then Γ has finitely many cusps, i.e. equivalence classes for the
a b
action of Γ on P1 (K). For γ = ( ) ∈ GL2 (K∞ ), k, m ∈ Z and ϕ ∶ Ω → C∞ , we define the ∣k,m γ operator by
c d
modular forms of fixed weight and type are finite dimensional vector space over C∞ ; for details on dimensions
the reader is referred to [8].
Fix an ideal m and a monic irreducible element Pd of degree d in O. Assume (Pd ) does not divide m (which is
the case we shall usually work with): we have the following Hecke operators acting, respectively, on Sk,m (Γ0 (m))
and Sk,m (Γ0 (mPd )):
Pd 0 1 Q
TPd (ϕ)(z) ∶= Pdk−m (ϕ ∣k,m ( ))(z) + Pdk−m ∑ (ϕ ∣k,m ( 0 P ))(z)
0 1 Q∈O d
deg Q<d
1 Q
UPd (ϕ)(z) ∶= Pdk−m ∑ (ϕ ∣k,m ( 0 P ))(z).
Q∈O d
deg Q<d
We recall that the operator UPd is commonly called Atkin-Lehner operator, or simply Atkin-operator.
Using Teitelbaum’s representation of cusp forms as cocycles (see [14] or [4], a brief account of the formulas
relevant for our computations is in [2, Sections 2.3 and 2.4]), in [2] we were able to compute the matrix associated
with the Atkin operator Ut acting on Sk,m (Γ1 (t)) (where, as usual,
a b
Γ1 (t) ∶= {( ) ∈ GL2 (O) ∶ a, d ≡ 1 (mod t) and c ≡ 0 (mod t)} )
c d
and to isolate inside it the blocks referring to the action on the subspace Sk,m (Γ0 (t)) (see [2, Section 4]). In [1]
(for Γ1 (t)) and [3] (for Γ0 (t)) we studied the properties of such matrix as a tool to investigate the analogue of
several classical (characteristic zero setting) issues related to Drinfeld cusp forms. In particular, we considered
problems like the structure of cusp forms of level t, the injectivity of Tt , diagonalizability and slopes for Ut , i.e.
t-adic valuation of eigenvalues of Ut . Moreover, we collected data on the distribution of slopes (available on
the web page https://sites.google.com/site/mariavalentino84/publications) as the weight varies, which led us
to formulate various conjecture à la Gouvêa-Mazur (see [10]) and on the existence of families of Drinfeld cusp
forms. For details see [2, Section 5] and [3, Section 6].
We would like to mention that, building on such results, Hattori has recently proved a function field analogue of
Gouvêa-Mazur’s conjecture (see [11]) and has made relevant progresses in the construction of (p-adic) families of
Drinfeld modular forms (see [12]). It is worth mentioning that, following a completely different (more geometric)
approach, Nicole and Rosso in [13] have provided deep results on the existence of families of modular forms in
characteristic p.
In the present paper we shall address the following issues.
i) Structure of Sk,m (mPd ). A major and basic topic in the study of classical modular forms is the splitting
of Sk (Γ0 (N )), for a general level N ∈ Z, as oldforms, those coming from a lower level M ∣N , and
newforms, i.e. the orthogonal complement of the space of oldforms with respect to the Petersson inner
product (see [6, Chapter 5]). In the positive characteristic setting we do not have an analogue of such
product, therefore we need a different approach. In [2, Section 3] we defined oldforms and newforms of
level t and we also conjectured, and proved in some particular cases, that Sk,m (Γ0 (t)) is direct sum of
newforms and oldforms. Here we generalize all definitions to a general prime level Pd and also prove
some further results for the case P1 = t.
ii) Injectivity of Tt . Building on the data mentioned above, we observed a phenomenon that has no
analogue in the characteristic zero setting, namely that the Hecke operator Tt acting on Sk,m (GL2 (O))
seems to be injective, and this would have consequences also on the diagonalizability of Ut acting on
the space of oldforms (see [2, Section 3.2]). In the paper [3] we already gave evidence of this conjecture
for some special cases, here we shall extend the cases in which we can prove the injectivity of Tt .
2.1. Degeneracy maps and oldforms. Let m be any ideal in O and consider the spaces of Drinfeld cusp
1 1
forms Sk,m (Γ0 (m)) and Sk,m (Γ0 (mPd )) of levels m and mPd respectively. We have two maps which produce
oldforms in Sk,m (Γ0 (mPd )):
1 1
Sk,m (m) → Sk,m (Γ0 (mPd ))
δ1 ϕ = ϕ
Pd 0
δPd ϕ = (ϕ ∣k,m ( ))(z) = Pdm ϕ(Pd z)
0 1
Proposition 2.1. Assume that (Pd ) does not divide m, then the map
(δ1 , δPd ) ∶ Sk,m (Γ0 (m))2 → Sk,m
(Γ0 (mPd ))
(ϕ1 , ϕ2 ) ↦ δ1 ϕ1 + δPd ϕ2
is injective.
Proof. The proof works exactly as in [2, Proposition 3.1], just replace the tree Tt used there with the Bruhat-Tits
tree TPd at Pd associated with GL2 (KPd ) (KPd being the completion of K at the prime Pd ).
1,old 1
Definition 2.2. The space of oldforms of level m, denoted by Sk,m (Γ0 (m)), is the subspace of Sk,m (Γ0 (m))
1 2
generated by the set {(δ1 , δPd )(ϕ1 , ϕ2 ) ∶ (ϕ1 , ϕ2 ) ∈ Sk,m (Γ0 (m/(Pd )) , f or all (Pd )∣m}.
Let ϕ ∈ Sk,m (Γ0 (m)) and assume that Pd does not divide m so that we have “different” Hecke operators TPd
and UPd on the levels m and mPd respectively. Then the relations between the maps δ1 and δPd and the Hecke
operators are the following:
Pd 0 1 Q
(4) UPd (δPd ϕ) = Pdk−m ∑ (ϕ ∣k,m ( 0 1 ) ( 0 P ))(z)
Q∈O d
deg Q<d
1 Q Pd 0
= Pdk−m ∑ (ϕ ∣k,m ( 0 1 ) ( 0 P ))(z)
Q∈O d
deg Q<d
= Pdm ∑ ϕ(z) = 0.
deg Q<d
Proof. Let (δ1 , δPd )(ϕ, ψ) be an old eigenform for UPd of eigenvalue λ. Then
λ(δ1 , δPd )(ϕ, ψ) = UPd ((δ1 , δPd )(ϕ, ψ))
= UPd (δ1 ϕ)
= δ1 (TPd ) − Pdk−m δPd (ϕ)
= (δ1 , δPd )(TPd ϕ, −Pdk−m ϕ)
UPd ((δ1 , δPd )(ϕ, − ϕ)) = UPd (δ1 ϕ)
= δ1 (TPd ϕ) − Pdk−m δPd ϕ
= λδ1 ϕ − Pdk−m δPd ϕ
= λ(δ1 , δPd )(ϕ, − ϕ).
We have just seen that the behaviour of UPd on oldforms is analogous to the classical case: the eigenvalues for
UPd verify equations like X 2 − λX = 0 where λ is a nonzero eigenvalue for TPd (in the classical case the equation
was X 2 − λX + pk−1 = 0 which reduces to our one modulo p, see [10, Section 4]).
Remark 2.4. Let ϕ be an eigenvector for TPd of eigenvalue λ, then the matrix for the action of UPd on the
λ −Pdk−m
couple {δ1 ϕ, δPd ϕ} is ( ). Hence it is easy to see that, assuming (Pd ) does not divide m, the operator
0 0
UPd is diagonalizable on oldforms if and only if the operators TPd are diagonalizable at lower levels and are
injective. We believe UPd is diagonalizable in odd characteristic (and, for P1 = t, we provided evidence for it in
[1] and [3]) and this motivates our investigation on the injectivity of the Hecke operators TPd .
The next proposition describes Ker(TPd ) and will be crucial in the proof of Theorem 3.2.
Proposition 2.5. Let ϕ ∈ Sk,m (Γ0 (m)) such that Pd ∤ m, then ϕ ∈ Ker(TPd ) if and only if δ1 (ϕ) ∈ Ker(U2Pd ).
Proof. By (3), for any ϕ ∈ Ker(TPd ) one has U2Pd (δ1 ϕ) = −Pdk−m UPd (δPd ϕ) = 0.
Now let ϕ ∈ Sk,m (Γ0 (m)) be such that δ1 ϕ ∈ Ker(U2Pd ). Then
0 = U2Pd (δ1 ϕ) = UPd (δ1 (TPd ϕ) − Pdk−m δPd ϕ)
= δ1 (T2Pd ϕ) − Pdk−m δPd (TPd ϕ)
= δ(T2Pd ϕ, −Pdk−m (TPd ϕ)).
Since δ is injective we have TPd ϕ = 0.
2.2. Trace maps and newforms. From now on we take m = 1 and denote (δ1 , δPd ) ∶ Sk,m (GL2 (O))2 →
Sk,m (Γ0 (Pd )) simply by δ. The reason for this is the crucial role played by the Fricke involution in the definition
of the twisted trace and of newforms (see below): the trace map should be easily generalizable to any level m
just considering representatives for Γ0 (mPd )/Γ0 (m) but we are still looking for the correct generalization of the
Fricke involution. We recall that a system of coset representative for Γ0 (Pd )/GL2 (O) is
0 −1
R = {Id, ( ) s.t. Q ∈ O and deg Q < d} .
1 Q
For details on some of the maps defined in this section see [15].
Definition 2.6. We have the following maps defined on Sk,m (Γ0 (Pd )):
● the Fricke involution, which preserves the space Sk,m (Γ0 (Pd )), is represented by the matrix
0 −1
γPd ∶= ( )
Pd 0
and defined by ϕF r = (ϕ ∣k,m γPd );
● the trace map is defined by
1 1
T r ∶ Sk,m (Γ0 (Pd )) → Sk,m (GL2 (O))
ϕ ↦ ∑ (ϕ ∣k,m γ)(z);
0 −1 1 Q 0
(6) T r(ψ) = ψ + ∑ (ψ ∣k,m ( )( ) ( Pd 1 )) (z)
P d 0 0 Pd 0 Pd
deg Q<d
= ψ + Pd−m UPd (ψ F r );
0 −1
(8) (δ1 ϕ)F r = (ϕ ∣k,m ( ))(z)
Pd 0
0 −1 P 0
= (ϕ ∣k,m ( )( d ))(z) = δPd ϕ;
1 0 0 1
Pd 0 0 −1
(9) (δPd ϕ)F r = (ϕ ∣k,m ( )( ))(z)
0 1 Pd 0
0 −1 P 0
= (ϕ ∣k,m ( )( d ))(z) = Pd2m−k δ1 ϕ;
1 0 0 Pd
(11) UPd ((δPd ϕ)F r ) = Pd2m−k [δ1 TPd ϕ − Pdk−m δPd ϕ];
(12) T r(δ1 ϕ) = ∑ ϕ = ϕ;
Pd 0
(13) T r(δPd ϕ) = ( ∑ ϕ ∣k,m ( ) γ)(z)
0 1
0 −Pd
= (δPd ϕ)(z) + ( ∑ ( ))(z)
1 Q
deg Q<d
= Pdm−k TPd ϕ.
As an application we have an explicit description of the kernel of the Hecke operator UPd .
Proposition 2.7. We have Ker(UPd ) = Im(δPd ).
Proof. We have already seen that Ker(UPd ) ⊇ Im(δPd ). Now let ϕ ∈ Ker(UPd ) and note that, by (7), T r′ (ϕ) =
ϕF r ∈ Sk,m
(GL2 (O)). Then it is easy to check that, with ψ ∶= Pdk−2m ϕF r ∈ Sk,m
(GL2 (O)), one has δPd (ψ) =
Definition 2.8. The space of newforms of level Pd , denoted by Sk,m (Γ0 (Pd )) is given by Ker(T r)∩Ker(T r′ ).
Remark 2.9. From formulas (3) and (4), it is easy to see that UPd preserves the space of oldforms (of any
level). For any newform ϕ of level Pd we have T r(ϕ) = T r′ (ϕ) = 0, hence (7) yields UPd (ϕ) = −Pdk−m ϕF r . Thus
it immediately follows that T r(UPd (ϕ)) = T r′ (UPd (ϕ)) = 0, i.e. UPd preserves newforms as well.
Remark 2.10. The trace alone is not enough to isolate newforms: indeed let ϕ ∈ Sk,m (GL2 (O)) be such that
TPd ϕ = λϕ with λ ≠ 0. Then one can check that
ψ1 ∶= δ1 ϕ − δPd ϕ ∈ Ker(T r)
ψ2 ∶= δ1 ϕ − Pdk−2m δPd ϕ ∈ Ker(T r′ )
(recall that, by the proof of Proposition 2.3, ψ1 is an UPd -eigenvector of eigenvalue λ). In general, ψ1 ∉ Ker(T r′ )
and ψ2 ∉ Ker(T r) unless λ = ±Pd .
The values ±Pd (i.e. the slope k2 in the sense of [2, Definition 3.4 and Remark 3.5]) are the only possible
eigenvalues for newforms and we actually believe that they identify newforms, i.e. there are no oldforms with
such eigenvalues (this would have relevant consequences also on other conjectures like the one discussed in
Section 3, see [3, Remark 5.3]).
1 k/2
Proposition 2.11. Let ϕ ∈ Sk,m (Γ0 (Pd )) be a new UPd -eigenform of eigenvalue λ, then λ = ±Pd .
Proof. By (6) and (7)
ϕ = −Pd−m UPd (ϕF r ) and ϕF r = −Pdm−k UPd (ϕ).
It follows that
λ2 ϕ = λ(UPd ϕ) = U2Pd ϕ
= UPd (−Pdk−m ϕF r )
= −Pdk−m UPd (ϕF r ) = Pdk ϕ.
Hence λ = ±Pd .
The following important criterion is the analog of [3, Theorem 5.1].
1 1,old 1,new
Theorem 2.12. We have a direct sum decomposition Sk,m (Γ0 (Pd )) = Sk,m (Γ0 (Pd )) ⊕ Sk,m (Γ0 (Pd )) if and
k−2m ′ 2
only if the map D ∶= Id − Pd (T r ) is bijective.
Proof. (⇐Ô) We start by proving that the intersection between newforms and oldforms is trivial.
Let η = δ(ϕ, ψ) ∈ Sk,m (Γ0 (Pd )) be old and new. The following facts hold:
● η = ϕ + ψ F r since ϕ and ψ are both of level 1;
● 0 = T r(η) = T r(ϕ) + T r(ψ F r ) = ϕ + T r′ (ψ), so that T r′ (ψ) = −ϕ;
● 0 = T r′ (η) = T r′ (ϕ) + T r′ (ψ F r ) = 0.
From the last two equalities we get
0 = −T r′ (T r′ ψ) + T r((ψ F r )F r ) = −(T r′ )2 (ψ) + Pd2m−k T r(ψ).
(T r′ )2 ψ − Pd2m−k ψ = 0
(Id − Pdk−2m (T r′ )2 )ψ = Dψ = 0.
Since, by hypothesis, D is invertible, this yields ψ = 0 and ϕ = −T r′ (ψ) = 0 as well.
1 1
Now we have to prove the sum condition. Given η ∈ Sk,m (Γ0 (Pd )) it is sufficient to find ϕ1 , ϕ2 ∈ Sk,m (GL2 (O))
such that η − δ(ϕ1 , ϕ2 ) is new, i.e. we need to solve the following
T r(η − δ(ϕ1 , ϕ2 )) = 0
T r′ (η − δ(ϕ1 , ϕ2 )) = 0
{ .
● if TPd ϕ = Pd ϕ then
k/2−m k/2 k/2−m
UPd (δ1 ϕ − Pd δPd ϕ) = Pd (δ1 ϕ − Pd δPd ϕ)
and δ1 ϕ − Pd δPd ϕ is old and new;
● if TPd ϕ = −Pd ϕ then
k/2−m k/2 k/2−m
UPd (δ1 ϕ + Pd δPd ϕ) = −Pd (δ1 ϕ + Pd δPd ϕ)
and δ1 ϕ + Pd δPd ϕ is old and new.
3. Special case: P1 = t.
For the level P1 = t we explicitly computed the matrices associated to the operator Ut , the Fricke involution
and the trace maps (see [2, Section 4] and [3, Sections 3 and 4]): for the convenience of the reader we are going
to briefly describe here these matrices.
We recall that, in order to have Sk,m (Γ0 (t)) ≠ 0, we need k ≡ 2m (mod q − 1). Moreover, it is always possible
to find a j ∈ {0, 1, . . . , q − 2} and a unique n ∈ Z⩾0 such that k = 2(j + 1) + (n − 1)(q − 1) (j is related to the type
m by the relation m ≡ j + 1 (mod q − 1), see [2, Section 4.3]). From now on, the letters j and n will always
be linked to the weight k by the previous formula, giving us information, respectively, on the type m and the
dimension of the matrix U associated to Ut acting on Sk,m (Γ0 (t)).
We have
⎛ t1 ⋯ 0 ⎞
(17) U = M D ∶= M ⎜ ⋱ ⎟
⎝ 0 ⋯ tsn ⎠
n n+1
where, for 1 ⩽ i ⩽ n, we put si = j + 1 + (i − 1)(q − 1) (so that si + sn+1−i = k for 1 ⩽ i ⩽ 2 or 1 ⩽ i ⩽ 2 according
to n being even or odd) and, for even n, the matrix M is
3.1. Injectivity of Tt .
Proof. By Proposition 2.5, Ker(Tt ) = Ker(M A) ∩ Ker(M DM D). Thanks to our assumption on the dimen-
sion of Im(δ1 ) = Ker(M A) and to the fact that the entries of M A are in Fp , we have dimC∞ (Ker(M A) ∩
Ker(M DM D)) ⩽ 1 and we can fix a generator a = (a1 , . . . , an ) ∈ Fnp . Our goal is to prove a = 0.
We prove the even dimension case, for odd n the argument is exactly the same: the vector a satisfies the
following equations coming from M Aa = 0:
⎪ (m1,1 − 1)a1 + m1,2 a2 + ⋯ + m1, n2 a n2 + (−1)j+1 m1, n2 a n2 +1 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m1,1 an = 0
⎪ m2,1 a1 + (m2,2 − 1)a2 + ⋯ + m2, n2 a n2 + (−1)j+1 m2, n2 a n2 +1 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m2,1 an = 0
⎪ ⋮
⎪ m n2 ,1 a1 + m n2 ,2 a2 + ⋯ + (m n2 , n2 − 1)a n2 + (−1)j+1 m n2 , n2 a n2 +1 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m n2 ,1 an = 0
(24) ⎨ .
⎪ m n2 +1,1 a1 + m n2 +1,2 a2 + ⋯ + m n2 +1, n2 −1 a n2 −1 − a n2 +1 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m n2 +1,1 an = 0
⎪ ⋮
⎪ mn−1,1 a1 − an−1 + (−1)j+1 mn−1,1 an = 0
⎩ an = 0
Note that in (26) we have polynomials in Fp [t], from now on we shall basically use the identity principle for
polynomials to solve the equations in the ai . From the last row in (26) we get p1 (t) = 0, i.e. comparing with
m1,1 a1 = m1,2 a2 = ⋯ = m1, n2 a n2 = m1, n2 a n2 +1 = ⋯ = m1,2 an−1 = 0 .
Substituting in the first and second-last equations in (24) we obtain
a1 = an−1 = 0
⎪ (m2,2 − 1)a2 + ⋯ + m2, n2 a n2 + (−1)j+1 m2, n2 a n2 +1 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m2,3 an−2 = 0
⎪ ⋮
⎪ m n2 ,2 a2 + ⋯ + (m n2 , n2 − 1)a n2 + (−1)j+1 m n2 , n2 a n2 +1 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m n2 ,3 an−2 = 0
(27) ⎨ m n2 +1,2 a2 + ⋯ + m n2 +1, n2 −1 a n2 −1 − a n2 +1 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m n2 +1,3 an−2 = 0 ,
⎪ ⋮
⎪ mn−2,2 a2 − an−2 = 0
⎩ a1 = an−1 = an = 0
⎛ p1 (t) ⎞ ⎛ 0 ⎞
s2 sn j+1 sn
⎜ p2 (t) ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ m a
2,2 2 t + ⋯ + m n a
2, 2 2 n t 2 + (−1) m 2, n a n2 +1 t 2 +1 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m2,3 an−2 tsn−2 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 2 ⎟
⎜ ⋮ ⎟ ⎜ ⋮ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ sn s n +1
⎜ p n (t) ⎟ ⎜ m 2 ,2 a2 t + ⋯ + m 2 , 2 a 2 t 2 + (−1) (m 2 , n2 − 1)a n2 +1 t 2 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m n2 ,3 an−2 tsn−2
s2 n n n
j+1 n
(28) ⎜ 2 ⎟=⎜
⎜ sn sn
⎜ p n +1 (t) ⎟ ⎜ m n2 +1,2 a2 ts2 + ⋯ + (−1)j a n2 t 2 + m n2 +1, n2 −1 a n2 +2 t 2 +2 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m n2 +1,3 an−2 tsn−2 ⎟
⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⋮ ⎟ ⎜ ⋮ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ pn−1 (t) ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ (−1)j a2 ts2
⎝ pn (t) ⎠ ⎝ 0 ⎠
sn sn
⎪ m1,2 ts2 p2 (t) + ⋯ + m1, n2 t 2 p n2 (t) + (−1)j+1 m1, n2 t 2 +1 p n2 +1 (t) + ⋯(−1)j+1 m1,2 tsn−1 pn−1 (t) = 0
⎪ sn sn
⎪ m2,2 ts2 p2 (t) + ⋯ + m2, n2 t 2 p n2 (t) + (−1)j+1 m2, n2 t 2 +1 p n2 +1 (t) + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 (m2,2 − 1)tsn−1 pn−1 (t) = 0
⎪ ⋮
⎪ sn sn
⎪ m n ,2 ts2 p2 (t) + ⋯ + m n , n t 2 p n (t) + (−1)j+1 (m n , n − 1)t 2 +1 p n +1 (t) + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m n ,2 tsn−1 pn−1 (t) = 0
⎨ 2 2 2
sn 2 2 2
sn 2 2 .
⎪ m n2 +1,2 ts2 p2 (t) + ⋯ + (−1)j t 2 p n2 (t) + (−1)j+1 m n2 +1, n2 −1 t 2 +2 p n2 +2 (t) + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m n2 +1,2 tsn−1 pn−1 (t) = 0
⎪ ⋮
⎪ (−1)j ts2 p2 (t) = 0
⎩ p1 (t) = pn (t) = 0
We repeat the same argument starting now from the second-last equation in (29), which yields p2 (t) = 0. This
which, substituted in the first equation of (27), gives a2 = 0. Thus (second-last equations in (27) and (28))
an−2 = 0 and pn−1 (t) = 0 as well.
Iterating the process we see that the specular symmetries between M D ((−1)j on the antidiagonal) and M A
(−1 on the diagonal) lead to a = 0.
Proof. We use the criterion of Theorem 2.12, where we noted that an element η ∈ Ker(D) must be in Im(δ1 ) =
Ker(M A) as well, and that Ut (η) is both old and new. We take a ∈ Fnp which verifies M Aa = 0 and represents
an element η = δ1 ϕ ∈ Ker(D), then T r′ (Ut (δ1 ϕ)) = 0, i.e. T F (M Da) = 0 and we prove that these two relations
yield a = 0, so that Ker(D) = 0 and D is invertible. As before we only treat the case of even n.
The equation M Aa = 0 gives again the system (24) (in particular an = 0), then, writing p(t) = M Da as in (25),
from T F (M Da) = 0 we get
sn sn
⎪ m1,1 ts1 p1 (t) + ⋯ + m1, n2 t 2 p n2 (t) + m1, n2 (−t) 2 +1 p n2 +1 (t) + ⋯ + m1,1 (−t)sn pn (t) = 0
⎪ sn sn
⎪ m2,1 ts1 p1 (t) + ⋯ + m2, n2 t 2 p n2 (t) + m2, n2 (−t) 2 +1 p n2 +1 (t) + ⋯ + m2,1 (−t)sn pn (t) = 0
⎪ ⋮
⎪ sn sn
⎪ m n2 ,1 ts1 p1 (t) + ⋯ + m n2 , n2 t 2 p n2 (t) + m n2 , n2 (−t) 2 +1 p n2 +1 (t) + ⋯ + m n2 ,1 (−t)sn pn (t) = 0
(30) ⎨
⎪ m n2 +1,1 ts1 p1 (t) + ⋯ + m n2 +1,1 (−t)sn pn (t) = 0
⎪ ⋮
⎪ mn−2,1 ts1 p1 (t) + mn−2,2 ts2 p2 (t) + mn−2,2 (−t)sn−1 pn−1 (t) + mn−2,1 (−t)sn pn (t) = 0
⎩ mn−1,1 ts1 p1 (t) + mn−1,1 (−t)sn pn (t) = 0
⎪ (m1,1 − 1)a1 + m1,2 a2 + ⋯ + m1, n2 a n2 + (−1)j+1 m1, n2 a n2 +1 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m1,3 an−2 = 0
⎪ m2,1 a1 + (m2,2 − 1)a2 + ⋯ + m2, n2 a n2 + (−1)j+1 m2, n2 a n2 +1 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m2,3 an−2 = 0
⎪ ⋮
⎪ m n2 ,1 a1 + m n2 ,2 a2 + ⋯ + (m n2 , n2 − 1)a n2 + (−1)j+1 m n2 , n2 a n2 +1 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m n2 ,3 an−2 = 0
(31) ⎨
⎪ m n2 +1,1 a1 + m n2 +1,2 a2 + ⋯ + m n2 +1, n2 −1 a n2 −1 − a n2 +1 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m n2 +1,3 an−2 = 0
⎪ ⋮
⎪ mn−2,1 a1 + mn−2,2 a2 − an−2 = 0
⎪ mn−1,1 a1 = 0
⎪ an−1 = an = 0
sn sn
⎛ p1 (t) ⎞ ⎛ m1,1 a1 ts1 + ⋯ + m1, n2 a n2 t 2 + (−1)j+1 m1, n2 a n2 +1 t 2 +1 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m1,3 an−2 tsn−2 ⎞
s1 sn j+1 s n +1 j+1 sn−2
⎜ p2 (t) ⎟ ⎜ m 2,1 a1 t + ⋯ + m 2, n a n t 2 + (−1) m 2, n an
+1 t 2 + ⋯ + (−1) m 2,3 an−2 t ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎜
2 2
2 2 ⎟
⎜ ⋮ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ s s
⎜ p n (t) ⎟ ⎜ m n ,1 a1 ts1 + ⋯ + m n , n a n t 2 + (−1)j+1 (m n , n − 1)a n +1 t 2 + ⋯ + (−1)j+1 m n ,3 an−2 tsn−2 ⎟
n n +1
(32) p(t)= ⎜ 2 ⎟
⎜ p n +1 (t) ⎟ = ⎜ 2
2 2 2
j n sn
2 2
s2n +2 j+1 n
sn−2 ⎟.
⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ m n
+1,1 a1 t + ⋯ + (−1) a t 2 + mn
+1, n
−1 a n
+2 t 2 + ⋯ + (−1) m +1,3 a n−2 t ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ 2 2 2 2 2 2 ⎟
⎜ ⋮ ⎟ ⎜ ⋮ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ j s2 ⎟
⎜ pn−1 (t) ⎟ ⎜ (−1) a2 t ⎟
⎝ pn (t) ⎠ ⎝ j
(−1) a1 t s1 ⎠
mn−2,1 ts1 p1 (t) + mn−2,2 ts2 p2 (t) + mn−2,2 (−t)sn−1 pn−1 (t) + mn−2,1 (−t)sn pn (t) = 0.
mn−2,2 (−t)sn−1 (−1)j a2 ts2 + mn−2,1 (−t)sn (−1)j a1 ts1 = −(mn−2,2 a2 + mn−2,1 a1 )tk ,
hence mn−2,1 a1 + mn−2,2 a2 = 0. Looking at the system (31) we obtain an−2 = 0 and pn−3 (t) = mn−3,1 a1 ts1 + ⋯ +
(−1)j a4 ts4 (it is relevant that it has degree at most s4 = sn+1−(n−3) , i.e. that the terms of higher degree vanish).
The proof goes on in the same way: it may be less evident than the one of Theorem 3.2 (where the ai vanished
in couples), but looking always at the terms of degree k of the (n − i)-th equation of (30) we are able to prove
that an−i = 0 and, as an immediate consequence from (25), that pn−i−1 (t) has degree at most si+2 . For example
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Andrea Bandini: Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Matematica, Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 5, 56127 Pisa, Italy
E-mail address: [email protected]
Maria Valentino: Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Ponte P. Bucci, Cubo
30B 87036 Rende (CS), Italy
E-mail address: [email protected]