High-Order Partitioned Spectral Deferred Correction Solvers For Multiphysics Problems

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High-order partitioned spectral deferred correction solvers for multiphysics


Daniel Z. Huanga , Will Paznerb , Per-Olof Perssonc , Matthew J. Zahrd

a Institutefor Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Stanford University
b Center for Applied Scientific Computing, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
c Department of Mathematics, University of California Berkeley
d Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame

We present an arbitrarily high-order, conditionally stable, partitioned spectral deferred correction (SDC) method for
arXiv:1909.01977v1 [math.NA] 3 Sep 2019

solving multiphysics problems using a sequence of pre-existing single-physics solvers. This method extends the work
in [1, 2], which used implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta methods (IMEX) to build high-order, partitioned multiphysics
solvers. We consider a generic multiphysics problem modeled as a system of coupled ordinary differential equations
(ODEs), coupled through coupling terms that can depend on the state of each subsystem; therefore the method
applies to both a semi-discretized system of partial differential equations (PDEs) or problems naturally modeled
as coupled systems of ODEs. The sufficient conditions to build arbitrarily high-order partitioned SDC schemes are
derived. Based on these conditions, various of partitioned SDC schemes are designed. The stability of the first-order
partitioned SDC scheme is analyzed in detail on a coupled, linear model problem. We show that the scheme is
conditionally stable, and under conditions on the coupling strength, the scheme can be unconditionally stable. We
demonstrate the performance of the proposed partitioned solvers on several classes of multiphysics problems including
a simple linear system of ODEs, advection-diffusion-reaction systems, and fluid-structure interaction problems with
both incompressible and compressible flows, where we verify the design order of the SDC schemes and study various
stability properties. We also directly compare the accuracy, stability, and cost of the proposed partitioned SDC solver
with the partitioned IMEX method in [1, 2] on this suite of test problems. The results suggest that the high-order
partitioned SDC solvers are more robust than the partitioned IMEX solvers for the numerical examples considered
in this work, while the IMEX methods require fewer implicit solves.

1. Introduction
The numerical simulation of multiphysics problems involving multiple physical models or multiple simultane-
ous physical phenomena is significant in many engineering and scientific applications, e.g., fluid-structure inter-
actions (FSI) in aeroelasticity [3, 4, 5] or biomechanics [6, 7, 8], chemical reaction in combustion or subsurface
flows [9, 10], electricity and magnetism with hydrodynamics in plasma physics [11, 12, 13], among others. These
problems are generally highly nonlinear, feature multiple scales and strong coupling effects, and require heterogeneous
discretizations for the various physics subsystems. To balance the treatment of these features, solution strategies
ranging from monolithic approaches to partitioned procedures have been proposed.
In the monolithic approach [14, 15, 16], all physical subsystems are solved simultaneously. Therefore, this approach
is preferred in the case of strong interactions to ensure stability. However, when the coupled subsystems are complex,
the monolithic procedure can be suboptimal and often requires significant implementation effort since only small
components of existing software can be re-used. An alternative is the partitioned procedure [17, 18, 19], also known
as a staggered or a loosely coupled procedure, where different subsystems are modeled and discretized separately,
and the resulting equations are solved independently. The coupling occurs through specific terms that are lagged
to previous time instances and communicated between solvers. This procedure facilitates software modularity and
mathematical modeling; however, these schemes are often low-order accurate [18] and may suffer from lack of stability

Email addresses: [email protected] (Daniel Z. Huang), [email protected] (Will Pazner), [email protected] (Per-Olof
Persson), [email protected] (Matthew J. Zahr)

Recently, a partitioned solver based on implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta schemes, first proposed to solve stiff additive
ordinary differential equations [21, 22], was proposed [23, 24] in the context of a specific multiphysics system: fluid-
structure interaction. This idea is generalized in [1] to build a framework to construct high-order, partitioned solvers
based on monolithic IMEX discretizations for general multiphysics systems. Specific implicit-explicit decompositions
and consistent predictors are designed to allow the monolithic discretization to be solved in a partitioned manner,
i.e., subsystem-by-subsystem, and meanwhile, maintain arbitrarily high-order accuracy and good stability properties.
This work extends the work in [1], and presents arbitrarily high-order partitioned spectral deferred correction
schemes for general multiphysics systems. The SDC method, first proposed in [25], is a general class of methods for
solving initial value problems determined by ordinary differential equations (ODEs), wherein high-order accuracy is
attained by performing a series of correction sweeps using a low-order time-stepping method. Implicit versions of
this method are shown to have good stability even for stiff equations [26, 27, 28]. One of the most attractive features
of SDC is the flexibility in the choice of the low order solver for the correction equation. As for multiphysics systems,
when a partitioned low-order solver is chosen, the proposed multiphysics solver can be both arbitrarily high-order
accurate and partitioned. In the present work, these low-order partitioned solvers are designed using the weakly
coupled Gauss-Seidel predictor proposed in [1], which features good stability. The accuracy and stability properties
of these partitioned multiphysics solvers are analyzed both analytically and numerically. The comparisons with the
partitioned IMEX method in [1] are presented, which suggest the high-order partitioned SDC solvers are more robust
than the partitioned IMEX solvers, while the IMEX are more efficient for the numerical examples considered in this
work. Moreover, it is worth mentioning, the present SDC scheme is capable of handling differential-algebraic system
of equations (DAE), which is demonstrated in section 5.3.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the general form of the multiphysics problem
as a system of m systems of partial differential equations and its semi-discretization are introduced. In Section 3, an
overview of SDC schemes is provided. In Section 4, the arbitrarily high-order SDC solvers are introduced and their
features such as accuracy, implementation effort, and stability are discussed. Numerical applications are provided in
Section 5 that demonstrate the high-order accuracy and good stability properties of the proposed solvers on an ODE
system, an advection-diffusion-reaction system, and fluid-structure interaction problems with both incompressible
flows and compressible flows.

2. Governing multiphysics equations and semi-discrete formulation

As in the works [1, 2], we consider a general formulation for multiple interacting physical processes, described by
a coupled system of partial differential equations,
= Li (ui , ci , x, t), x ∈ Ωi (ci ), t ∈ [0, T ], (1)
for 1 ≤ i ≤ m, where m denotes the number of physical subsystems. Appropriate boundary conditions, omitted here
for brevity, are enforced for each of the subsystems. The ith physical subsystem is modeled as a partial differential
equation with corresponding differential operator denoted as Li . The state variable ui (x, t) denotes the solution to
the ith equation in the spatial domain Ωi , in the time interval [0, T ]. The coupling between the physical subsystems
is described through the coupling term ci (u1 , . . . , um , x, t), which couples the ith subsystem to the m − 1 remaining
subsystems. In the most general case, the differential operator Li , spatial domain Ωi , and boundary conditions all
depend on this coupling term.
In this work, we are concerned with the temporal integration of the coupled system eq. (1). We first begin by
assuming a spatial discretization for each of the physical subsystems, and then writing a general semi-discretized
form for the ith subsystem as a system of ordinary differential equations
Mi = r i (ui , ci , t), t ∈ [0, T ], (2)
where M i denotes the fixed mass matrix and r i denotes the spatial residual corresponding to a spatial discretization
of the problem. Here we use the notation ui to denote the discretized solution represented as a vector of degrees
of freedom. In general, the coupling term ci will result in a coupling between all m subsystems of ODEs given by
eq. (2). We can write this large, coupled system of equations in the simple form as
M = r(u, c, t), t ∈ [0, T ], (3)

where u, c, and r represent the state vectors, coupling terms, and spatial residuals for each of the single-physics
subsystems concatenated as
 1   1 
r 1 (u1 , c1 , t)
 
u c
u =  ...  , c =  ...  , r= ..
. (4)
     
m m m m m
u c r (u , c , t)

The mass matrix M is considered to be a block-diagonal matrix with the single-physics mass matrices M i along the
 

M =
 .. .

In order to construct partitioned time integration schemes for the system eq. (3), we write the total derivative of
the spatial residuals r as
∂r ∂r ∂c
Du r = + . (6)
∂u ∂c ∂u
The terms on the right-hand side of this equation are Jacobian matrices with block structures given by
 ∂r1   ∂r1   ∂c1 ∂c1

∂u1 ∂c1 ∂u1 · · · ∂u m
∂r ∂r  ∂c
= .. , = .. , =  ... .. ..  . (7)
   
∂u . ∂c . ∂u . . 
∂r m ∂r m ∂cm ∂cm
∂um ∂cm ∂u1 · · · ∂um
The term ∂u is block diagonal, and represents the contribution of a given physics state to its own subsystem. The
second term, ∂r ∂c
∂c ∂u represents the coupling between subsystems.

Remark 1. The coupled system of ODEs in (2)-(3) is the starting point for the mathematical formulation of the
proposed high-order, partitioned SDC method; therefore the method applied to problems directly modeled as a system
of ODEs in addition to ODEs that result from semi-discretization of a system of PDEs.

3. Spectral Deferred Corrections

Spectral deferred correction methods are a class of numerical methods for approximating the solution to ordinary
differential equations through an iterative process based on the Picard equation [25]. These methods have garnered
a large amount of interest [26, 28, 29], and have been applied to a wide variety of problems [27, 30, 31, 32]. An
attractive feature of SDC methods is that they are capable of arbitrary formal order of accuracy. Additionally, their
implementation is relatively straightforward, since they are typically built by combining simple low-order methods,
such as forward Euler or backward Euler. Additionally, and most importantly for this work, the iterative nature of
SDC methods is very flexible, allowing for sophisticated semi- and multi-implicit splitting schemes [26, 27, 32]. It is
this flexibility that will allow us to construct efficient partitioned multiphysics integrators.
We begin by considering an ordinary differential equation given by
= r(u, t), (8)
with initial condition u(tn ) = un . The SDC method is a one-step method to advance the solution from tn to
tn+1 = tn + ∆t. Integrating from tn to t (for arbitrary t > tn ), we obtain the associated integral equation,
Z t
u(t) = un + r(u(τ ), τ ) dτ. (9)

For the sake of brevity, we will omit the dependence of r on t. As the SDC method is an iterative process, let k denote
the iterative index and u(k) (t) denote an approximation to the solution u(t) of the kth iterate. The SDC method
seeks to obtain an improved approximation u(k+1) (t) by approximating the solution to the correction equation
Z t  Z t
(k+1) (k+1) (k)
u (t) = un + r(u ) − r(u ) dτ + r(u(k) ) dτ. (10)
tn tn

In order to obtain the SDC method, this correction equation is discretized by replacing the integrals with approxi-
mations computed using quadrature rules. The first integral on the right-hand side of eq. (10) is discretized using
a low-order method (with order of accuracy plow , typically plow = 1). This low-order method usually corresponds
to forward or backward Euler. The second integral is approximated using a high-order quadrature rule with order
of accuracy phigh . Each iteration updates the solution from u(k) to u(k+1) , improving the order of accuracy of the
provision solution by plow , up to a maximum of phigh [25].
We begin by selecting a high-order accurate quadrature rule on the interval [tn , tn + ∆t]. The order of accuracy
of this quadrature rule, denoted phigh , is equal to the formal order of accuracy of the resulting SDC method. The
abscissas of this quadrature rule, which we denote

tn = tn, 0 < tn, 1 < · · · < tn, q = tn + ∆t, (11)

can be considered to be nodes at which we approximate the solution to the ODE. For simplicity of notation, we
have included the left and right endpoints of the interval as points in the quadrature rule. This choice is made for
uniformity of notation, and more general quadrature rules can be considered by assigning zero quadrature weights to
one or both of the endpoints. The temporal nodes eq. (11) give rise to q time sub-steps [tn, j , tn, j+1 ] for 0 ≤ j ≤ q − 1,
with ∆tn, j = tn, j+1 − tn, j . Given a function whose value is known at each of the temporal nodes, its integral over
the sub-interval can be approximated by integrating the resulting interpolating polynomial. Thus, given a function
ψ(t) and nodal values ψi = ψ(tn, i ), we introduce the notation Ijj+1 ψ to denote the resulting approximation to
R tn, j+1
tn, j
ψ(τ ) dτ ,
Z tn, j+1 q
Ij ψ = ψ(τ ) dτ = wij ψi , (12)
tn, j i=0

here wij
is the weight related to abscissa tn, i .
(k) (k+1)
Given a previous approximation un, j for 0 ≤ j ≤ q at the kth iteration and a current approximation un, j ,
the SDC method produces an updated approximation at the next temporal node un, j+1 by discretizing eq. (10). In
particular, if forward Euler is used for the low-order quadrature rule, the solution at the next temporal node is given
by the following explicit update:
(k+1) (k+1) (k+1) (k)
Forward Euler: un, j+1 = un, j + ∆tn, j r(un, j ) − r(un, j ) + Ijj+1 r(u(k)
n ). (13)

Similarly, if backward Euler is used for the low-order quadrature, the solution at the next temporal node is given by
the following implicit update:
(k+1) (k+1) (k+1) (k)
Backward Euler: un, j+1 = un, j + ∆tn, j r(un, j+1 ) − r(un, j+1 ) + Ijj+1 r(u(k)
n ). (14)

(k) (k+1)
Thus, given approximations un, j for 0 ≤ j ≤ q, improved approximations un, j are obtained through a sequence
(k) (k+1)
of forward or backward Euler steps. Each update from un to un ,
termed an SDC sweep, increases the order of
accuracy of the solution by plow , up to a maximum order of phigh . Therefore, when using backward or forward Euler
corrections, phigh iterations are generally required to achieve a formal order accuracy of phigh . Starting this process
requires an initial guess for the solution un, j for 0 ≤ j ≤ q. Typically it is sufficient to use the previous step solution
un, j = un as an initial guess.
It can be useful to note that the SDC iterations can be viewed as a fixed-point iteration, converging to the
collocation solution ucol
j , which satisfies

ucol col
n, j+1 = un, j + Ij r(ucol
n, j+1 ). (15)

Collocation schemes have been studied extensively in the context of fully-implicit Runge-Kutta methods [33, 34,
29]. These methods typically have very attractive stability and accuracy properties; however, solving the resulting
algebraic systems may be challenging.

4. Partitioned SDC schemes for multiphysics

In this work, we consider implicit SDC methods corresponding to the discretized system eq. (14). A straightfor-
ward application of this scheme to the multiphysics system eq. (3) results in
i,(k+1) i,(k+1) i,(k+1) i,(k+1) i,(k) i,(k)
M i un, j+1 = M i un, j + ∆tn, j r i (un, j+1 , cn, j+1 ) − r i (un, j+1 , cn, j+1 ) + Ijj+1 r(ui,(k)
n , ci,(k)
n ). (16)

Here the first superscript i represents the subsystem number, the second superscript k represents the iteration
number, and the subscript n and j represent the time step and the abscissa. The main challenge in solving the
resulting system of equations is the coupling term cn, j+1 , which, in general, results in a fully-coupled system of
equations. In order to reduce this coupling, we introduce certain approximations to this coupling term based on
the predictors introduced in [1]. The main idea of the present approach is to reduce the coupling by making use of
the state variables from the previous iterate when evaluating the coupling term. This is in contrast to the IMEX
methods presented in [1], which lagged the coupling terms one time step to maintain the design order of the IMEX
scheme. We consider only the weak Gauss-Seidel type predictor c̃n, j+1 for the ith subsystem, defined as follows:
i,(k+1) 1,(k+1) i−1,(k+1) i,(k) m,(k)
c̃n, j+1 = c(un, j+1 , . . . , un, j+1 , un, j+1 , . . . , un, j+1 ), (17)

which depends on the the most up-to-date information from the previous i − 1 subsystems. This choice of predictor
implies the ordering of the subsystems is important; see [1] for a general discussion of the ordering of subsystems
in the context of Gauss-Seidel predictors for multiphysics partitioned solvers and Section 5 for the ordering used for
the applications considered in this work.
This choice of predictor is quite simple to implement, and its robustness has been demonstrated in [1]. The
partitioned solver is then constructed by replacing the term cn, j+1 in eq. (16) with its appropriately chosen approx-
imation c̃n, j+1 . The detailed algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 1. It is also worth mentioning that to solve
i,(k+1) ∂r i
the system eq. (16) for un, j+1 with the approximation eq. (17), only the single-physics Jacobian is required
i,(k+1) i,(k+1)
because c̃n, j+1 does not depend on un, j+1 .

Algorithm 1 Spectral deferred correction partitioned multiphysics scheme

1: Set 0th sweep values un, j = uin for i = 1, ..., m, j = 0, . . . , q
2: for iterations k = 0, . . . , phigh − 1 do
3: Set un, 0 = uin for i = 1, ..., m
4: for abscissas j = 0, . . . , q − 1 do
5: for physical subsystems i = 1, . . . , m do
6: Implicit solve for un, j+1 :
i,(k+1) i,(k+1) i,(k+1) i,(k+1) i,(k) i,(k)
M i un, j+1 = M i un, j + ∆tn, j r i (un, j+1 , c̃n, j+1 ) − r i (un, j+1 , cn, j+1 ) + Ijj+1 r(ui,(k)
n , ci,(k)
n )

7: end for
8: end for
9: end for
10: Set uin+1 = un, q for i = 1, ..., m

4.1. Accuracy of the partitioned SDC schemes

To analyze the order of accuracy of our partitioned SDC schemes, let u(t) be the exact solution of eq. (8), which
satisfies Z tn, j+1
u(tn, j+1 ) = u(tn, j ) + r(u(τ ), τ )dτ, (18)
tn, j
here we assume the function r is C continuous, which is sufficient to guarantee the local existence and uniqueness
of the solution.

The update equations (eqs. (10), (13) and (14)) are written in a general form as
(k+1) (k+1) j+1
un, j+1 = un, j + C(u(k+1)
n , u(k)
n ) + Ij r(u(k)
n ), (19)
(k+1) (k)
where C(un , un ) denotes the low order approximation of the first integration in eq. (10). By subtracting eq. (18)
from eq. (19), we have
Z tn, j+1
(k+1) (k+1) j+1
un, j+1 − u(tn, j+1 ) = un, j − u(tn, j ) + C(u(k+1)
n , u (k)
n ) + I j r(u (k)
n ) − r(u(t))dt. (20)
tn, j

We first give the local error of SDC schemes by induction, on the assumption that the numerical solution at the
previous solution point tn is exact. We will prove
kun, J − u(tn, J )k ≤ O(∆tmin{K+1,phigh +1} ) for 0 ≤ J ≤ q, 0 ≤ K. (21)

It is easy to verify that eq. (21) holds for base cases with J = 0 or K = 0. Thanks to the phigh -order quadrature
rule, we have Z tn, j+1
Ijj+1 r(u(k)
n ) − r(u(t))dt = Ijj+1 (r(u(k)
n ) − r(u(t))) + ∆tn,j O(∆t
). (22)
tn, j

By induction, we assume eq. (21) holds for cases with K ≤ k and K = k + 1, J ≤ j, hence eq. (20) is reduced to
un, j+1 − u(tn, j+1 ) = O(∆tmin{k+2,phigh +1} ) + C(u(k+1)
n , u(k)
n ) + O(∆t
min{k+2,phigh +1}
) + O(∆tphigh +1 )
= C(u, u(k)
n ) + C(un
, u(k) (k)
n ) − C(u, un ) + O(∆t
min{k+2,phigh +1}
 ∂C (k+1)  X ∂C (k+1) 
= C(u, u(k)
n )+ (k+1)
un, j+1 − u(tn, j+1 ) + (k+1)
un, i − u(tn, i ) + O(∆tmin{k+2,phigh +1} )
∂un, j+1 i=0 ∂un, i
 ∂C (k+1)  X ∂C 
= C(u, u(k)
n )+ (k+1)
un, j+1 − u(tn, j+1 ) + (k+1)
O(∆tmin{k+2,phigh +1} ) + O(∆tmin{k+2,phigh +1} )
∂un, j+1 i=0 ∂un, i
∂C (k+1)
= C(u, u(k) un, j+1 − u(tn, j+1 ) + O(∆tmin{k+2,phigh +1} ).

n )+ (k+1)
∂un, j+1
Therefore, we have the sufficient conditions, as follows

C(u, u(k)
n ) = O(∆t
) when ku(tn, j ) − un, j k ≤ O(∆tk+1 ) ∀ 0≤j≤q
∂C (24)
= O(∆t) ∀ 0 ≤ j ≤ q.
∂un, j

Under these conditions , eq. (23) leads to

∂C (k+1)
(1 − (k+1)
)(un, j+1 − u(tn, j+1 )) = O(∆tmin{k+2,phigh +1} ) (25)
∂un, j+1
Therefore, eq. (21) holds for K = k + 1, J = j + 1, and the constant in eq. (21) depends only on J, K, and ∂u . This
finishes our proof of eq. (21), which also indicates the optimal global error of SDC schemes is O(∆t ), when phigh
sweeps are applied.
As for the sufficient conditions eq. (24), it is easy to verify that the forward Euler approximation eq. (13),
backward Euler approximation eq. (14) and our weak Gauss-Seidel predictor based approximation in algorithm 1 all
satisfy sufficient conditions. Therefore, these three approximations can all lead to design order of accuracy.
Remark 2. For these three schemes, even if we change ∆tn, j to αj ∆tn, j , for any αj = O(1) in the low order
approximation C, the sufficient conditions (24) still hold. That means to achieve arbitrary high order accuracy,
the low order approximation C in SDC schemes is not required to be an accurate approximation, which gives more
flexibility to design new stable schemes.

4.2. Stability of the partitioned SDC schemes
The stability properties of SDC schemes has been numerically analyzed widely in [25, 27, 29], in which L-stable
and A-stable properties are reported. We will analyze the stability of the partitioned SDC schemes based on a model
fluid-structure interaction problem
ms u̇s = −as us + fΓ (us , uf ),
mf u̇f = −af uf + uΓ (us ).
The subscripts s and f indicate structure subsystem and fluid subsystem, separately. fΓ and uΓ denote the coupling
terms, which represent traction force and velocity on the fluid-structure interface. Both as and af are assumed to
be positive, and the coupling terms are linearized as

fΓ (us , uf ) = css us + csf uf and uΓ (us ) = cf s us . (27)

The model problem is linearized as

 s   s  s  s
−a + css csf

m 0 u̇ u
f f = A f , where A = . (28)
0 m u̇ u cf s −af
To guarantee the stability of the system eq. (28), we assume the real parts of both eigenvalues of the system are
negative. Now, we apply the single-iteration, first-order SDC scheme SDC1 (See section 4.3), whose abscissas are
{0, 1} to update the solution from tn to tn+1 based on algorithm 1. The initial conditions are
s, (0) s, (0) s,(1) f, (0) f, (0) f,(1)
un, 0 = un, 1 = un, 0 = usn and un, 0 = un, 1 = un, 0 = ufn . (29)
We first solve the structure subsystem
s,(1) s,(1) s,(1) s,(0) f,(0) s,(0) s,(0) f,(0) s,(0) s,(0) f,(0)
ms un, 1 =ms un, 0 +∆t −as un, 1 +fΓ (un, 1 ,un, 1 ) − −as un, 1 +fΓ (un, 1 ,un, 1 ) +∆t −as un, 1 +fΓ (un, 1 ,un, 1 ) . (30)

Then we solve the fluid subsystem

f,(1) f,(1) f,(1) s,(1) f,(0) s,(0) f,(0) s,(0)
mf un, 1 =mf un, 0 +∆t −af un, 1 +uΓ (un, 1 ) − −af un, 1 +uΓ (un, 1 ) +∆t −af un, 1 +uΓ (un, 1 ) . (31)

Combining eq. (30) and eq. (31) leads to

 s  " s,(1) #  s
un+1 un, 1 GS un
= f,(1) = C , (32)
ufn+1 un, 1 ufn

where  ms  s
0 −1  ms
GS 0 −a 0 c
C = − ∆t f s + ∆t . (33)
0 mf c −af 0 mf 0 0
For the partitioned solver to be stable, we require that %(C GS ) ≤ 1, and all eigenvalues with magnitude 1 have
multiplicity equal to the dimension of the corresponding eigenspace. In appendix Appendix A we prove that the
system is stable if and only if
− af (css + as ) − csf cf s ∆t2 + 2(−ms af − mf as − css mf )∆t ≤ 4ms mf .

The condition eq. (34) reveals that for any coupled problem in the form of eq. (28), when
n 2ms mf ms mf o
∆t ≤ min f ss s sf f s
, s f f s ss f
, (35)
| − a (c + a ) − c c | | − m a − m a − c m |

the partitioned solver is stable, i.e. it can not be unconditionally unstable. Moreover, recall that both as and af are
positive and when the coupling strength is not strong, i.e.,
− csf cf s ≤ af (css + as ) and − css mf ≤ ms af + mf as , (36)
the partitioned solver is unconditionally stable. As for higher order SDC schemes, the number of SDC sweeps is
increased. These sweeps serve as the sub-iterations for general coupled system, which results in improved stability.

4.3. Partitioned SDC schemes
Based on the discussion above, we build a family of partitioned SDC schemes by choosing different quadrature
points for algorithm 1, which are listed as follows
1. The first-order scheme (phigh = 1), with 2 abscissas {0, 1}. The corresponding integrals in eq. (12) are defined
I01 ψ = ∆tψ(1),
which is abbreviated as SDC1.

2. The second-order scheme (phigh = 2), with 2 abscissas {0, 1}. The corresponding integrals in eq. (12) are defined
∆t ∆t
I01 ψ = ψ(0) + ψ(1),
2 2
which is abbreviated as SDC2.
3. The third-order scheme (phigh = 3), with 3 Gauss-Radau abscissas 0, 31 , 1 . The corresponding integrals in

eq. (12) are defined as

5∆t 1 ∆t ∆t 1 ∆t
I01 ψ = ψ( ) − ψ(1) and I12 ψ = ψ( ) + ψ(1),
12 3 12 3 3 3
which is abbreviated as SDC3-r, for this case, the lower order approximation is specifically chosen (see remark 2)
i,(k+1) i,(k+1) i,(k) i,(k)
C = ∆t r i (un, j+1 , c̃n, j+1 ) − r i (un, j+1 , cn, j+1 ) ,

where ∆t is used instead of ∆tn, j .

4. The third-order scheme (phigh = 4), with 3 Gauss-Lobatto abscissas 0, 12 , 1 . The corresponding integrals in

eq. (12) are defined as

5∆t 8∆t 1 ∆t ∆t 8∆t 1 5∆t

I01 ψ = ψ(0) + ψ( ) − ψ(1) and I12 = − ψ(0) + ψ( ) + ψ(1),
24 24 2 24 24 24 2 24
which is abbreviated as SDC3-l. This scheme uses a fourth-order quadrature, but only three SDC sweeps.
5. The fourth-order scheme (phigh = 4), with 3 Gauss-Lobatto abscissas 0, 12 , 1 . The corresponding integrals in

eq. (12) are defined as

5∆t 8∆t 1 ∆t ∆t 8∆t 1 5∆t

I01 ψ = ψ(0) + ψ( ) − ψ(1) and I12 = − ψ(0) + ψ( ) + ψ(1),
24 24 2 24 24 24 2 24
which is abbreviated as SDC4.

5. Applications

In this section, we present numerical results from a variety of multiphysics systems for the proposed high-
order, partitioned spectral deferred correction solver. To demonstrate the high-order accuracy of the solver, we
consider a system of ODEs and the time-dependent advection-diffusion-reaction equations. To test the robustness
and applicability of the method, we consider two fluid-structure interaction problems, including both incompressible
flows and compressible flows.

103 1

101 1
10−1 3



10−2 10−1
Time step (∆t)

Figure 1: Convergence of the SDC1 ( ), SDC2 ( ), SDC3-l ( ), SDC3-r ( ), and SDC4 ( ) schemes applied to the ODE

5.1. Ordinary differential equations system

In this section, we study the proposed high-order partitioned solvers on a 3 × 3 system of linear ODEs
     1
2 3 2 2 u
u̇ = Au + bt , A = 1 1 0 , b = 3 , u = u2  , (37)
1 2 1 1 u3

with initial condition u(0) = (2, 0, 1)T and consider the time domain t ∈ (0, 2]. The exact solution at any time t is
given in terms of the initial condition and the eigenvalue decomposition of the coefficient matrix, AP = P Σ, as

u(t) = P etΣ P −1 u(0) + P etΣ Σ−2 P −1 b − P Σ−1 P −1 bt − P Σ−2 P −1 b. (38)

To conform to the multiphysics formulation in eq. (3), the ODE system is treated as a coupled system with three
subsystems. The mass matrix is identity, the residual term is taken as

r = (2u1 + c1 + 2t, u2 + c2 + 3t, u3 + c3 + t)T , (39)

and the coupling terms are defined as

c1 = 3u2 + 2u3 , c2 = u 1 , c3 = u1 + 2u2 . (40)

This decomposition of the residual term is non-unique. In fact, many other choices exist that will lead to different
To validate the temporal convergence of the partitioned scheme, we apply these SDC schemes introduced in
section 4.3 to the ODE system in (37). The accuracy is quantified via the L∞ -norm of the error in the numerical
solution at time t = 2.0
eODE = max |uiN − ui (2)|, (41)

where ui (2) is the exact solution at t = 2.0 and uiN the numerical solution at the final time step for the ith subsystem.
The error eODE as a function of the time step size for different SDC schemes are shown in fig. 1. The design order
of accuracy is achieved. It is worth mentioning that SDC3-r with modified low-order approximation can still lead to
third order accuracy as discussed in section 4.1, but the error is much larger than that of SDC3-l scheme.

5.2. Advection-diffusion-reaction system
In this section, we consider time-dependent coupled advection-diffusion-reaction (ADR) systems. These systems
have applications in the modeling of chemical reactions [35], the description for superconductivity of liquids [36], and
biological predator-prey models [37]. The governing equation for the ith species in a general ADR system with m
components in d-dimensions is
+ (v i · ∇)ui − ∇(Di · ∇ui ) = f i (u, x, t), (x, t) ∈ Ω × (0, 1], 1 ≤ i ≤ m. (42)
Here, u = u1 · · · um

contains the m conserved quantities modeled by the ADR equations, Ω ⊂ Rd is the
computational domain, D ∈ Rd×d is the diffusivity matrix and v i (x) ∈ Rd is the velocity field for the ith species.

In this work, we consider the predator-prey model from [37], which involves m = 2 coupled systems with
f 1 (u, x, t) = u1 (−(u1 − a1 )(u1 − 1) − a2 u2 ) f 2 (u, x, t) = u2 (−a3 − a4 u2 + a2 u1 ), (43)
where a1 = 0.25, a2 = 2, a3 = 1, a4 = 3.4, and the diffusivity matrices are constant, isotropic D1 = D2 =
0.01I2 and I2 is the 2 × 2 identity matrix. The computational domain is the two-dimensional unit square Ω =
[−0.5, 0.5] × [−0.5, 0.5] with the prey initially uniformly distributed, and predators initially gathered near (x0 , y0 ) =
(−0.25, −0.25) (
1 2
0 r>d
u (x, y, 0) = 1.0 and u (x, y, 0) = 2
− d2d−r2
, (44)
e r≤d
p ∂u
where d = 0.2, r = (x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 . The boundary conditions are all Neumann conditions = 0 and the
velocity fields are constant v (x) = (0, 0) and v2 (x) = (0.5, 0.5). The equations are discretized with a standard
high-order discontinuous Galerkin method using upwind flux for the inviscid numerical flux and the compact DG
flux [38] for the viscous numerical flux on a 40 × 40 structured mesh of quadratic simplex elements.
The governing equations in (42) reduce to the following system of ODEs after the DG discretization is applied
M i u̇i = r i (ui ) + ci (u1 , u2 ), (45)
where M i is the fixed mass matrix, ui (t) is the semi-discrete state vector, i.e., the discretization of u on Ω, r i (ui )
is the spatial discretization of the advection and diffusion terms on Ω, and ci is the coupling term that contains the
DG discretization of the ith reaction source term in (43). The solution of (45) using the SDC4 scheme is provided
in fig. 2 using the time step size ∆t = 0.1. The predators are diffused quickly and migrate diagonally upward, while
the prey are mostly affected by the coupled reaction near the extent of the predator population.
To validate the temporal convergence of the high-order partitioned scheme, we apply these SDC schemes intro-
duced in section 4.3 and, similar to the previous section, we use the L∞ -error between a reference solution and the
numerical solution provided by a particular solver at an instant in time t = 1.0 to quantify the error where the
reference solution at t = 1.0 obtained by using the SDC4 scheme with ∆t = 6.25 × 10−3 . The errors as a function of
the time step size are provided in fig. 3, which verifies the design order of accuracy of all SDC schemes. This figure
also shows that no stability issues were observed for any of the results, even for the coarsest time step ∆t = 0.1.

5.3. Modified cavity problem

In this section, we study the modified driven cavity problem with flexible bottom1 . This problem was first
introduced in [39] and since then has been used as a benchmark problem for a variety of FSI studies [40, 16, 41, 42, 43].
An oscillating velocity v(t) = (1−cos(2πt/5), 0) is imposed on the top of the cavity. Each side is of length 1 containing
three elements (two unconstrained nodes in fig. 4) that allow free inflow and outflow of fluid, i.e. homogeneous
Neumann boundary conditions are imposed on these apertures. This way the structural displacements are not
constrained by the fluid’s incompressibility [44]. The fluid density and dynamic viscosity are ρf = 1 and µf = 0.01.
The structure is of thickness h = 0.002 and Young’s modulus E = 250. The density of the structure varies for
different test cases to demonstrate the stability of the coupling procedures. Decreasing structure density increases
difficulties to the coupling algorithm since the main resistance of the structure against the fluid pressure stems from
its mass.

1 The detailed implementation of the modified cavity problem is in https://[email protected]/zhengyu_huang/


Figure 2: Predator (top) and prey (bottom) populations at various snapshots in time: t = 0.0 (left), t = 0.5 (center ), and t = 1.0 (right).

The considered Newtonian fluid is governed by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations [45], written on the
undeformed fluid domain Ωf0 ,

∂v σf
+ (v − d˙x ) : ∇x v − ∇x : f = 0 in Ωf0 ,
∂t ρ
∇x · v = 0 in Ωf0 , (46)
v(t) = vD (t) in Γf0D
σ ·N =0 in Γf0N .

Here v denotes the fluid velocity field, d˙x denotes the mesh velocity, σ f = −µf (∇x u + ∇x uT ) + pI denotes the
viscous stress tensor, and p denotes the pressure field. The time derivative in eq. (46) describes the temporal change
of velocity on a reference point while all spatial derivatives refer to the deformed domain. Dirichlet boundaries
are imposed on both top and bottom, and two side walls denoted as Γf0D , and homogeneous Neumann boundary
conditions are imposed on both apertures, with outward normal N and ambient pressure 0.
The governing equations in (46) is semi-discretized by 32 × 32 traditional Taylor-Hood Q2 -Q1 mixed elements, i.e.
continuous biquadratic velocity and continuous bilinear pressure, which satisfies the Babuška-Brezzi condition [46,
p. 286]. This leads to the following system of ODEs,

M f u̇f = r f (uf , cf ), (47)

where M f is the fixed mass matrix, uf (t) is the semi-discrete fluid state vector, i.e. the discretization of v and p on
Ωf (t), r f (uf , cf ) denotes the spatial discretization of the inviscid and viscous fluxes on Ωf0 , and cf is the coupling
term that contains information about the mesh position dx and velocities d˙x . It is worth mentioning that the
mass matrix M f is singular due to the incompressibility constraints, which causes the added mass effect instability
[20, 40, 47] for incompressible flows.


10−2 1
10−4 1
10 −5 1

10−6 3
10−8 1

10−2 10−1
Time step (∆t)

Figure 3: Convergence of the SDC1 ( ), SDC2 ( ), SDC3-l ( ), SDC3-r ( ), and SDC4 ( ) schemes applied to the
predator-prey model.

v(t) = 1 − cos 2πt

5 ,0

inflow free outflow


flexible bottom
Figure 4: Schematics of the modified cavity problem.

The flexible bottom, with fixed ends, is modeled as the nonlinear beam written in the Lagrangian form in the
undeformed domain Ωs0 . The equilibrium equation of the beam in the weak form can be written as [48, p. 308]
ρs d¨s δds dX + s
σ11 δs11 dX = fext δds . (48)
Ωs0 Ωs0

Here the first term is the contribution of the inertial forces, the second and third terms represent the virtual work
of the internal forces and the external forces. σ11 and s11 are nonlinear axial strain and axial stress components,
related by the linear elasticity constitutive relation.
The flexible bottom is discretized by 32 beam elements with linear shape functions for the horizontal displacement
and cubic, Hermitian shape functions for the vertical displacement. The discretized equation becomes

M s u̇s = r s (us , cs ), (49)

where M s is the fixed mass matrix, us (t) is the semi-discrete state vector consisting of the displacements and
velocities of the beam nodes, r s (us , cs ) is the spatial discretization of the virtual work and boundary conditions on
the reference domain Ωs0 , and cs is the coupling term that contains information about the flow load on the structure.
The fluid mesh is considered as a linear pseudo-structure [49, 50] driven solely by Dirichlet boundary conditions
provided by the displacement of the structure at the fluid-structure interface. The governing equations are given
by the continuum mechanics equations in the Lagrangian form with the linear elastic constitutive relation in the
undeformed fluid domain Ωx0 ,
ρx d¨x − ∇X : σ x = 0 in Ωx0 ,
dx = dD (t) on ∂Ωx0D , (50)
d˙x = d˙D (t) on ∂Ωx0D ,
where ρx = 500 is the density, and σ x is the Cauchy stress tensor. The position and velocity of the fluid domain are
prescribed along ∂Ωx0D , the union of the fluid-structure interface and the fluid domain boundary.
The governing equations given by (50) are discretized with 32 × 32 biquadratic elements and reduced to the
following system of ODEs,
M x u̇x = r x (ux , cx ), (51)
where M x is the fixed mass matrix, ux is the semi-discrete state vector consisting of the displacements and velocities
of the mesh nodes, r m (ux , cx ) is the spatial discretization of the continuum equations and boundary conditions
on the reference domain Ωx , and cx is the coupling term that contains information about the motion of the fluid
structure interface.
Finally, we obtain the three-field coupled fluid-structure equations

M s u̇s = r s (us , cs ), M x u̇x = r x (ux , cx ), M f u̇f = r f (uf , cf ). (52)

The coupling terms have the following dependencies

cs = cs (us , ux , uf ), cx = cx (us ), cf = cf (us , ux ). (53)

The ordering of the subsystems implied in eq. (52) is used throughout the remainder of this section, which plays
an important role when defining the Gauss-Seidel predictors—only a single predictor c̃s is needed to decouple the
multiphysics system. The conservative load and motion transfer algorithms [51] are applied to evaluate these coupling
The aforementioned SDC solvers are applied to this benchmark problem, The time step is fixed to be 0.1, the
simulation time is T = 100 (20 periods), and the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the pseudo-structure are
set to be 250 and 0.0. The flow is initially quiescent with 0 pressure, the same as the ambient pressure. Snapshots of
the pressure field and the streamlines are shown in fig. 5, with the structure density ρs = 500. The flexible bottom
undergoes large deformations and oscillates along with the prescribed periodic velocity at the top. To understand the
stability of the proposed partitioned solvers, we vary the density of the structure ρs by multiples of one hundred. The
minimal structure density that leads to a stable simulation for different SDC schemes are reported in table 1. The
corresponding vertical displacements of the central point on the flexible bottom are depicted in fig. 6, no spurious
oscillations are observed, which indicates numerical stability. Here the backward Euler scheme (BE) is from [40],

Figure 5: Driven cavity pressure field and velocity streamlines t=4, 22, 44, 65, 83, 100 (left-to-right, top-to-bottom).

Method BE SDC1 SDC2 SDC3-l SDC3-r SDC4

ρs 900 1200 500 800 400 1000

Table 1: Minimum structure density to maintain the stability of the modified cavity flow problem for different schemes.

which solves the incompressible flow by using the backward Euler scheme, and the structure with generalized-α time
integration scheme [52, 40]. Its sequentially staggered algorithm is equipped with a first order structure displacement
predictor, which is the most stable partitioned solver reported in [40]. Its minimal stable structure density in the
present setup is 900, which outperforms the SDC1 scheme, thanks to the improved numerical dissipation from the
generalized-α time integration scheme. However, SDC2 and SDC3-r schemes are stable with ρs = 500 and ρs = 400,
which demonstrates the superior stability of the proposed high order partitioning solvers. And SDC3-r scheme is
the most stable scheme for this test case, which demonstrates the possibility to improve stability through judiciously
choosing the low order approximation C. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that IMEX based high order partitioned
solvers [1] can not handle this case, due to the singular fluid mass matrix; more comparisons will be presented in
section 5.4.

5.4. Foil damper problem

In this section, we demonstrate the proposed SDC solvers on the energy-harvesting model problem [53, 54, 1].
Consider the foil-damper system in Figure 7 suspended in an isentropic, viscous flow where the rotational motion is
a prescribed periodic motion θ(t) = π4 cos(2πf t) with frequency f = 0.2 and the vertical displacement is determined
by balancing the forces exerted on the airfoil by fluid and damper.
The considered Newtonian fluid is governed by the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, defined on a deformable
fluid domain Ωf (t), which can be written as a viscous conservation law

+ ∇x · F inv (U ) + ∇x · F vis (U, ∇x U ) = 0 in Ωf (t), (54)

Figure 6: Displacement of the central point at the flexible bottom of the cavity for different schemes at the minimum stable density.


ds cs

Figure 7: Schematics of the foil-damper system.

n da

N dA x = G(X, t)



X2 x1


Figure 8: Mapping between reference and physical domains.

where U is the conservative state variable vector and the physical flux consists of an inviscid part F inv (U ) and a
viscous part F vis (U, ∇x U ),
 f 
ρf v
   
ρ 0
U = ρf v  , F inv (U ) = ρf v ⊗ v + pI , and F vis (U, ∇U ) =  τ , (55)
E (E + p)v τ ·v−q
here ρf is the fluid density, v is the velocity, and E is the total energy per unit volume. The viscous stress tensor
and the heat flux are given by
τ = − µf (∇ · v)I + µf (∇v + ∇v T ), q = −κ∇T, (56)
where µf is the dynamic viscosity, and κ is the thermal conductivity, and T is the temperature. The isentropic
assumption states the entropy of the system is assumed constant, which is tantamount to the flow being adiabatic
and reversible. For a perfect gas, the entropy is defined as

s = p/(ρf )γ , (57)

here γ is the specific heat ratio.

The conservation law in (54) is transformed to a fixed reference domain Ωf0 by defining a time-dependent dif-
feomorphism G between the reference domain and physical domain; see Figure 8. At each time t, a point X in the
reference domain Ωf0 is mapped to x(X, t) = G(X, t) in the physical domain Ωf (t). The deformation gradient G,
velocity vG , and Jacobian g of the mapping are defined as
G = ∇X G , vG = , g = det G. (58)
Following the procedure in [55, 54], the governing equation (54) can be written in the reference domain as

∂UX inv
+ ∇X · F X vis
(UX ) + ∇X · FX (UX , ∇X UX ) = 0 in Ωf0 , (59)
where ∇X defines the spatial derivative with respect to the reference domain, conserved quantities and its derivatives
in the reference domain are written as
UX = gU , ∇X UX = g∇x U · G + g −1 UX . (60)
The inviscid and viscous fluxes are transformed to the reference domain as
FX (UX ) = gF inv (g −1 UX )G−T − gUX ⊗ vG G−T ,
FX (UX ) = gF vis g −1 UX , g −1 ∇X UX − g −1 UX G−1 G−T .

The governing equations given by (59) are discretized with a standard high-order discontinuous Galerkin method
using Roe’s flux [56] for the inviscid numerical flux and the compact DG flux [38] for the viscous numerical flux. The
DG discretization uses a mesh consisting of 3912 cubic simplex elements, and leads to the following system of ODEs

M f u̇f = r f (uf , cf ), (62)

where M f is the fixed mass matrix, uf (t) is the semi-discrete fluid state vector, i.e., the discretization of UX on Ωf0 ,
r f (uf , cf ) is the spatial discretization of the transformed inviscid and viscous fluxes on Ωf0 , and cf is the coupling
term that contains information about the domain mapping G(X, t). In particular, the coupling term contains the
position and velocities of the nodal coordinates of the computational mesh. The domain mapping is defined using
an element-wise nodal (Lagrangian) polynomial basis on the mesh with coefficients from the nodal positions and
The foil is modeled as a simple mass-spring-damper system that can directly be written as a second-order system
of ODEs, with respect to the vertical displacement ds , as follows,

ms d¨s + cs d˙s + k s ds = fext (t), (63)

where ms is the mass of the (rigid) object, cs = 1 is the damper resistance constant, k s = 0 is the spring stiffness, and
fext (t) is a time-dependent external load, which will be given by integrating the pointwise force the fluid exerts on
the object. This simple structure allows us to study the stability and accuracy properties of the proposed high-order
partitioned solver for this class of multiphysics problems without the distraction of transferring solution fields across
the fluid-structure interface.
To conform to the notation in this document and encapsulate the semi-discretization of PDE-based structure
models, the equation in (63) is re-written in a first-order form as

M s u̇s = r s (us , cs ). (64)

In the case of the simple structure in (63), the mass matrix, state vector, residual, and coupling term are

d˙ fext − cs d˙s − k s ds
 s   s  
s m s s s s s
M = , u = s , c = fext , r (u , c ) = . (65)
1 d d˙s

The motion of the fluid mesh is described as a blending map [55]. That is, the domain mapping x = G(X, t) is
given by an analytical function, parametrized by the deformation and velocity of the fluid-structure interface, that
can be analytically differentiated to obtain the deformation gradient G(X, t) and velocity vG (X, t). Since the fluid
mesh motion is no longer included in the system of time-dependent partial differential equations, this leads to a
two-field FSI formulation in terms of the fluid and structure states only.
In the two-field FSI setting
M s u̇s = r s (us , cs ), M f u̇f = r f (uf , cf ), (66)
the mesh motion is given by an analytical function and the coupling terms have the following dependencies

cs = cs (us , uf ), cf = cf (us ). (67)

In this case, the structure coupling term is determined from the fluid and structure state since the external force
depends on the traction integrated over the fluid-structure interface. The fluid coupling term, i.e., the position and
velocity of the fluid mesh, is determined from the structure state. Finally, the ordering is chosen as in section 5.3,
and only a single predictor c̃s is needed to decouple the multiphysics system.
Snapshots of the vorticity field and motion of the airfoil are shown in Figure 9 for a single configuration of the
fluid-structure system. Our numerical experiments study the stability of the proposed SDC partitioned schemes as
a function of the mass ratio between the structure and fluid, an important parameter that can impact the stability
of partitioned solvers as identified in [20, 23], and the time step size for SDC schemes up to fourth order. The mass
ratio, m̄, considered is the ratio of the mass of the structure, ms , to the mass of fluid displaced by the structure, ρf A,
where A = 0.08221 is the area of the airfoil. Since the isentropic Navier-Stokes equations can be seen as an artificial
compressibility formulation for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations [57, 58], we consider the reference fluid
density to be constant and equal to the freestream density ρf = 1. Variations in the mass ratio are achieved by

Figure 9: Airfoil motion and flow vorticity corresponding to foil-damper system under prescribed rotational motion θ(t) = π4 cos(2πf t)
with frequency f = 0.2 at various snapshots in time: t = 0.83, 1.67, 2.5, 3.33, 4.17, 5.0 (left-to-right, top-to-bottom) with ms = 1, ∆t =
0.025, and SDC4 scheme.

Mass ratio (m̄)


10−2 10−1 10−2 10−1 10−2 10−1 10−2 10−1 10−2 10−1
Time step (∆t) Time step (∆t) Time step (∆t) Time step (∆t) Time step (∆t)

Figure 10: Behavior of the predictor-based partitioned schemes for a range of mass ratios and time steps for SDC1, SDC2, SDC3-l,
SDC3-r, and SDC4 (left to right) schemes. Legend: indicates a stable simulation and indicates an unstable simulation.

Figure 11: Vertical displacements of the foil for different SDC schemes at the minimum stable structure mass.

Mass ratio (m̄)


10−2 10−1 10−2 10−1 10−2 10−1 10−2 10−1
Time step (∆t) Time step (∆t) Time step (∆t) Time step (∆t)

Figure 12: Behavior of the predictor-based partitioned schemes for a range of mass ratios and time steps for IMEX1-IMEX4 (left to
right) schemes with the weak Gauss-Seidel predictor. Legend: indicates a stable simulation and indicates an unstable simulation [1].

varying the mass of the structure with all other parameters fixed. The stability results are summarized in fig. 10
where indicates a (∆t, m̄)-pair that leads to a stable simulation and leads to an unstable one. The corresponding
foil vertical displacements for these blue dots adjacent to these unstable red dots are depicted in fig. 11; no trail of
unstable oscillation appears.
Figure 10 is consistent with the stability theory in section 4.2 that all schemes are stable once the time step is
sufficiently small, at least for this range of mass ratios considered. The SDC3-r scheme is the most robust scheme,
which is the same as the result in section 5.3. Moreover, by comparing with the IMEX based partition solvers in [1],
which is reproduced in fig. 12, we conclude the SDC-based partition schemes are more robust for all temporal orders.
Finally, the efficiency of these two arbitrarily high-order partitioned solvers is also studied, in terms of the number
of implicit solvings, which are listed in table 2. The IMEX schemes are more efficient than SDC schemes in terms
of implicit solves; however, potential improvement for SDC would be parallel-in-time evaluation, using an algorithm
such as PFASST [59].


Implicit fluid solve 1 1 2 6 8 1 1 3 5
Implicit structure solve 1 1 2 6 8 1 1 3 5

Table 2: Number of Implicit solvings during one time step for SDC and IMEX based partitioned solvers

6. Conclusion

This paper introduces a framework for constructing high-order, stable, partitioned solvers for general multiphysics
problems, whose governing PDEs are first discretized in space only to a set of first-order ODEs. The ODE system
is solved by spectral deferred correction methods, wherein arbitrarily high-order accuracy is attained by performing
a series of correction sweeps using a low-order solver. When the low-order solver is designed to be partitioned, the
corresponding SDC solver is partitioned. Moreover, thanks to these correction sweeps or iterations, the resultant
SDC solvers are more stable, which has been demonstrated in the present work. Sufficient conditions to construct
consistent low-order solvers are derived and based on these conditions, partitioned multiphysics solvers up to fourth
order are constructed, and their properties are analyzed in detail. The stability property of SDC1 is studied based
on a two-field coupled model problem, which can be used to guide the design of more robust partitioned solvers.
Further stability analysis for different choices of low-order approximation will be considered in the future. The
number of implicit solvings increases quadratically along with the increasing of the order of accuracy, how to improve
the efficiency is also worth future investigations.


Daniel Z. Huang gratefully acknowledges support from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) under Contract
JPL-RSA No. 1590208. This work was also supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) under grant number NNX16AP15A. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is operated by Lawrence
Livermore National Security, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration
under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. LLNL-JRNL-788544.

Appendix A. Proof of Equation (34)

as csf cf s
Let us non-dimensionalize the model problem with the mass matrix by denoting ãs = ms , c̃sf = ms , c̃f s = mf
af css
ãf = mf
, c̃ss = ms . The update matrix is written as
" #
1+∆tãs 1+∆tãs
C GS = ∆tc̃f s (1+∆tc̃ss ) ∆t2 c̃f s c̃sf 1
(1+∆tãs )(1+∆tãf ) (1+∆tãs )(1+∆tãf )
+ 1+∆tãf

The system becomes

 s  s
−ã + c̃ss c̃sf
f = à f , where à = . (A.1)
u̇ u c̃f s −ãf
Since the real part of both eigenvalues of à are negative, we have

det à ≥ 0 and trace(Ã) ≤ 0, (A.2)

which lead to
(ãs − c̃ss )ãf − c̃sf c̃f s ≥ 0, and − ãs + c̃ss − ãf ≤ 0. (A.3)
The two eigenvalues of C satisfy
1 + ∆tc̃ss
λ1 λ2 = det C GS = ,
(1 + ∆tãs )(1 + ∆tãf )
1 + ∆tc̃ss ∆t2 (ãs − c̃ss )ãf − ∆t2 c̃sf c̃f s
λ1 + λ2 = 1 + s f
− .
(1 + ∆tã )(1 + ∆tã ) (1 + ∆tãs )(1 + ∆tãf )
For simplification, let denote
1 + ∆tc̃ss ∆t2 (ãs − c̃ss )ãf − ∆t2 c̃sf c̃f s
r= and s= . (A.5)
(1 + ∆tãs )(1 + ∆tãf ) (1 + ∆tãs )(1 + ∆tãf )
Combining ãs > 0, ãf > 0 and eq. (A.3) leads to

s≥0 and r < 1. (A.6)


Therefore, when C GS has conjugate complex eigenvalues, |λ1 | = |λ2 | = det C < 1, the algorithm is unconditional
stable; when C GS has two real eigenvalues, the algorithm is stable iff
1 + r − s + (1 + r − s)2 − 4r
max{λ1 , λ2 } = ≤ 1, (A.7)
1 + r − s − (1 + r − s)2 − 4r
min{λ1 , λ2 } = ≥ −1. (A.8)
Bringing eq. (A.6) into eq. (A.7) and eq. (A.8), we can find that eq. (A.7) always holds, and eq. (A.8) is equivalent
2(1 + r) ≥ s. (A.9)
Considering the definition of r and s in eq. (A.5), the equivalent condition becomes

(−ãf (ãs + c̃ss ) − c̃sf c̃f s )∆t2 + 2(−ãf − ãs − c̃ss )∆t ≤ 4, (A.10)

which is eq. (34).


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