Marine Environmental Research: J.P. Bignell, G.D. Stentiford, N.G.H. Taylor, B.P. Lyons

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Marine Environmental Research 72 (2011) 25e32

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Histopathology of mussels (Mytilus sp.) from the Tamar estuary, UK

J.P. Bignell, G.D. Stentiford, N.G.H. Taylor, B.P. Lyons*
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), Barrack Road, Weymouth, Dorset DT4 8UB, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study assessed numerous histological parameters as markers of health status in mussels (Mytilus
Received 4 September 2009 spp.) collected from several locations along a contamination gradient on the River Tamar and two coastal
Received in revised form sites on the north and south coast of Cornwall, UK. Twenty-seven health parameters were assessed
28 March 2011
including the presence of pathogens, inflammatory lesions, non-specific pathologies and reproductive
Accepted 23 May 2011
condition. Logistic regression showed that reproductive condition and inflammatory lesions showed
changes indicative of a contamination gradient response. Mussel populations further upstream within
the Tamar were relatively less developed compared to mussels situated downstream in the estuary.
Biological effects
Compared to coastal locations, mussels sampled within the Tamar also exhibited a higher prevalence of
Mytilus edulis inflammatory lesions that increased at locations situated furthest upstream. Similarly, levels of lipofuscin
Mytilus galloprovincialis within the kidney epithelium were highest in mussels sampled within the estuary and Whitsand Bay
Hybrids compared to Trebarwith Strand. The most prevalent pathogens observed during this survey included
Diseases Rickettsia/Chlamydia-like organisms (R/CLO), gill ciliates including Ancistrum mytili, the copepod Mytili-
Mussels cola intestinalis, Ciliophora-like organisms and Marteilia sp. Marteilia sp. was observed in 31% of the
Species mussels sampled from the Cremyll Ferry site. Generally, the range and prevalence of pathogens was
highest from the two estuarine locations at Cremyll Ferry and Wilcove. No significant differences were
observed between estuarine sampling sites and Whitsand Bay with respect to median epithelial cell
height of digestive tubules, however mussels from Trebarwith Strand did exhibit a reduced median
epithelial cell height compared to mussels sampled from other sampling sites. Species genotyping was
also undertaken during this study in order to consider any histological differences in relation to species.
Results are discussed in relation to histopathology health parameters and biological effects monitoring.
Crown Copyright Ó 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction a definite and ecologically-relevant biological end-point of chronic

contaminant exposure (Matthiessen et al., 1993; Mix, 1988;
Inventory-based chemical monitoring programmes are Stentiford et al., 2009). Additionally, the application of histolog-
restricted to the identification of a limited range of contaminants ical biomarkers provides an effective set of tools for detecting and
and provide little or no information on their biological significance. characterising the biological end points of toxicant exposure
Accordingly, increasing emphasis is being placed on determining (Hinton et al., 1992). Histological lesions have been used as sensi-
the causal relationships between contaminant exposure and tive and reliable indicators to determine the health status of aquatic
observable biological effects in aquatic organisms (Thain et al., species in a wide range of studies (Auffret, 1988; Stentiford et al.,
2008). It is known that exposure to contaminants are significant 2009).
stressors for some species, especially in estuaries, and while envi- Mussels (Mytilus spp) have shown considerable potential as
ronmental quality standards in UK marine waters are generally sentinel organisms in studies monitoring the health status of
being met they do not take into consideration the effects of chronic aquatic systems. They are generally abundant, sessile and exhibit
exposure to complex mixtures of contaminants (Matthiessen et al., a range of biological responses when stressed or exposed to envi-
1993). As such, the identification of fish and shellfish diseases and ronmental contaminants (Goldberg et al., 1978; Moore et al., 1987;
pathologies, with a broad range of aetiologies, is increasingly being Livingstone and Pipe, 1992; Widdows and Donkin, 1992; Brooks
used as indicators of environmental stress since they provide et al., 2009). The application of histopathology to mussels can
incorporate measures of reproductive and metabolic condition, and
allows for the detection of a range of pathogens that may affect
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ44 (0) 1305 206600; fax: þ44 (0) 1305 206601. morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, mussel histopathology has
E-mail address: [email protected] (B.P. Lyons). been previously employed to investigate the casual relationships

0141-1136/$ e see front matter Crown Copyright Ó 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
26 J.P. Bignell et al. / Marine Environmental Research 72 (2011) 25e32

between environmental health and exposure to contaminants

(Lowe and Pipe, 1987; Auffret, 1988; Marigómez et al., 2006; Bignell
et al., 2008). As such, a plethora of histopathological criteria can be
utilised in monitoring programmes using mussels.
Here we report prevalence data for a range of pathologies and
pathogens present in populations of Mytilus spp. collected from the
Tamar Estuary, UK and from coastal sites in the South West of England
(see Shaw et al., 2011). This study was part of an integrated workshop
investigating the health status of the Tamar Estuary using a suite of
chemical, cellular and whole organism end points.

2. Material and methods

2.1. Sampling

As part of the sampling protocol, samples were obtained for

analysis of biochemistry, heavy metals, histochemistry, tox-
icogenomics and biomarker response (Money et al., 2011; Shaw et al.,
2011). Further samples were also obtained for histopathology. Mussels
were collected from four sampling sites in and around the Tamar
Estuary, South West England (Neal Point, Wilcove, Cremyll Ferry,
Whitsand Bay). Samples were also collected from another coastal site
(Trebarwith Strand) on the north coast of Cornwall, UK (Fig. 1).
For histopathological analysis of health status, 30 mussels were
collected from the waterline at low tide on all sampling occasions
during May 2006. Shells were opened by severance of the adductor
muscle followed by removal of the tissue mass. Samples of gill were
taken, snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and subsequently processed for
species identification as described below. A 3e4 mm cross section
was removed along a standard plane allowing for all major organs
and tissues (gill, mantle, kidney, digestive gland, gonad and byssus
gland/foot) to be incorporated into a single histological section.
Excised tissues were placed into histological cassettes and imme-
diately placed into Davidson’s seawater fixative. Fixation was
allowed to proceed for 24 h before being transferred into 70%
industrial methylated spirit (IMS). Samples were transported to the
Cefas, Weymouth laboratory for subsequent histological processing
and analysis. Samples were processed in a Vision Bio-Systems
Peloris vacuum infiltration processor followed by embedding in
paraffin wax. Sections (3e5 mm) were obtained using a rotary
microtome and subsequently stained with haematoxylin and eosin.
Sections were evaluated “blind” for sex and a number of health index Fig. 1. Map displaying the sampling locations within the Tamar Estuary and Trebar-
parameters. Assessment of adipogranular tissue was carried out with Strand.

using a qualitative index (as described by Bignell et al., 2008) based

on a score of 1e5 to indicate the ‘absent’, ‘present’, ‘scattered’,
TCTTAATAGGTTTGTAAGA-30 for the Glu gene (Inoue et al., 1995).
‘frequent’ or ‘abundant’ status of this cell type respectively. Gonadal
Species-specific products are formed with M. edulis and
development staging was carried out as described by Seed (1976).
M. galloprovincialis producing 180 bp and 126 bp amplification
Epithelial cell height and kidney lipofuscin were measured using an
products respectively, with hybrids producing both bands. PCR was
index as described in Table 1. All micrographs were captured using
performed in a 50 ml reaction volume consisting of 1x GoTaqÒ flexi
a Nikon DXM1200F digital video camera and the Lim Screen Meas-
buffer containing 2.5 ml template 2.5 mM MgCl2, 1 mM dNTPs mix,
urementÔ Lucia G image capture system (Nikon, UK).
100 pmol of sense and anti-sense primers, 2.5 units of Go Taq
polymerase (Promega, UK). The reaction mix was overlaid with
2.2. Species identification
mineral oil and after pre-heating to 95  C for 5 min, subjected to 35
temperature cycles of: 1 min at 95  C, 1 min at 55  C and 1 min at
Mytilus populations around the South West of England are
72  C followed by a final extension step of 10 min at 72  C. Twenty
known to comprise of both Mytilus edulis and Mytilus gallopro-
ml of amplified products were electrophoresed in a 4% (w/v)
vincialis, along with hybrids of both species. In order to consider the
agarose/TAE (40 mM Tris-acetate, pH7.2, 1 mM EDTA) gel con-
effect of species on the histological health parameters recorded,
taining 1.0 mg/ml ethidium bromide, and visualised under UV
individual mussels were genotyped as previously described
(Bignell et al., 2008). Briefly, Total DNA was extracted from gill
tissue using DNAzol reagent according to the manufacturers rec-
ommended protocol (Invitrogen, UK). The resulting pellet was 2.3. Statistical analysis
suspended in 100 ml of molecular grade water. Species identifica-
tion was undertaken using previously published PCR primer pairs Cross-tables and logistic regression were used to look for asso-
Me15 50 -CCAGTATACAAACCTGTGAAGA-30 and Me16 50 -TGTTG ciations between the presence of different parasites, sampling
J.P. Bignell et al. / Marine Environmental Research 72 (2011) 25e32 27

Table 1 Table 2
Grading indices used for the assessment of Kidney Lipofuscin (KL) and Digestive Data for the twenty-seven health index parameters of Mytilus sp.. All data presented
tubule epithelial cell height index. as percentage prevalence except where specified.

Kidney Lipofuscin Index Neal Wilcove Cremyll Whitsand Trebarwith

Stage 0 Absent Range Point Ferry Bay Strand
No lipofuscin present within kidney epithelial cells Gonadal index*,e 0e5 2 2 3.5 4 3
Adipogranular 0e5 2 2 0.5 0 2
Stage 1 Present
(ADG) index*,c
Initial lipofuscin appears faint within epithelial cells
Epithelial cell 0e3 1 1 1 1 2
Stage 2 Intermediate height index*,a
A marked increase in the intensity of lipofuscin. 70% of cell Kidney lipofuscin 0e3 1 1 1 1 0
affected. Most cells display these staining characteristics. index*,f

Stage 3 Abundant
*Median index
All cells contain 70% of intense lipofuscin.

Apoptosise,h 0.0 25.0 25.0 0.0 0.0

Digestive tubule epithelial cell height
Atresiae,h 59.0 75.0 63.3 100.0 81.0
Stage 0 Normal Intersex/hermaphroditee 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tubules nearly occluded, slight atrophy in few tubules
Inflammationc 56.7 50.0 20.0 3.3 16.7
Stage 1 Slight
Granulocytomac 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Slight atrophy to 50% normal tubule thickness
Brown cell (BC) 43.3 16.7 10.0 0.0 3.3
Stage 2 Intermediate inflammatione
One half-tubule thickness to significant atrophy. 50e75% normal Brown cell (BC) 6.7 16.7 6.7 3.3 0.0
tubule thickness inflammationb
Brown cell (BC) 26.7 33.3 50.0 16.7 0.0
Stage 3 Severe inflammationc
Extremely thin, severe, most tubules affected. 75% þ normal Pearl formationsc 0.0 3.3 6.7 3.3 3.3
tubule thickness
Lysosomesa 56.7 40.0 51.9 33.3 0.0
Eosinophilic bodiesa 96.7 93.3 44.4 26.7 0.0
location and the occurrence of the following dependent variables:
Degenerationa 33.3 13.3 33.3 53.3 96.7
inflammation, brown cell inflammation and high gonadal status.
Due to low cell counts in the cross-tables and for ease of inter- Rickettsia/Chlamydia-like 0.0 0.0 11.1 3.3 0.0
pretation, indices for gonadal status were simplified into two organismsa
categories; immature and developing/ripe for the purpose of Rickettsia/Chlamydia-like 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
logistic regression analysis. All analysis was conducted in R v.2.7.0 Ancistrum mytili/other 6.7 20.0 26.7 0.0 0.0
(R Development Core Team, 2008). Models were built using ciliatesb
a backward stepwise approach by first fitting the maximal model Gregarineb 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0
and then systematically removing the least significant factors until Digenean metacecarial 0.0 0.0 6.7 6.7 0.0
only significant factors remained.
Marteilia sp.a,d 0.0 6.9 31.0 0.0 0.0
Mytilicola intestinalisd 33.3 23.3 55.2 10.0 0.0
3. Results Steinhausia mytilovume,h 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Copepodb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Haplospridiana,c 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Thirty mussels were sampled from each site and examined for
Ciliophora-like organisma 0.0 3.3 25.0 16.7 0.0
twenty-seven health index parameters including reproductive Bucephalisc,e 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
markers, non-specific pathologies, pathologies of the digestive Haemocytic neoplasiab,c 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
diverticula and infectious diseases (Table 2). Representative Neoplasiag 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
micrographs of pathologies within these categories are presented a
digestive diverticula.
in Figs. 2 and 3. b
vesicular connective tissue.
3.1. Reproductive markers e
When present, ADG cells were situated in the vesicular g
various tissues.
connective tissue. These cells stained bright pink with eosin and in Prevalence shown as percentage of females only.
some cases, were granular in appearance. The median ADG rate was
lowest in mussels collected from Whitsand Bay (0.0) and Cremyll recorded. Four individual female mussels from both Cremyll Ferry
Ferry (0.5). Mussels collected from Neal Point, Wilcove and Tre- and Wilcove exhibited apoptosis in the germinal epithelium of the
barwith Strand had a higher ADG rate in comparison (2.0, 2.0 and ovarian follicles. This pathology has previously been confirmed by
2.0 respectively). The median ADG rate of mussels collected from Cefas as apoptosis through a combination of morphology and the
Whitsand Bay and Cremyll Ferry was lower than in mussels terminal deoxynucleotide transferase mediated deoxy-UTP nick-
collected from Trebarwith Strand, Neal Point and Wilcove. The end labelling (TUNEL) assay.
median gonadal stage was lowest in mussels collected from Neal
Point (2.0) and Wilcove (2.0). The median gonadal stage was 3.2. Non-specific pathology
highest in mussels collected from Cremyll Ferry (3.5), Whitsand Bay
(4.0) and Trebarwith Strand (3.0). Logistic regression demonstrated Three types of inflammatory lesion were observed within the
that gonadal development was significantly better in sites down- numerous tissues and organs examined (Table 2). Inflammatory
stream of Neal Point (Table 3). pathologies were most prevalent in mussels collected from the
The prevalence of atresia (females only) was within the range of estuarine sampling sites. General inflammation was characterised
59e100% (Table 2) although severity of the condition was not by the presence of haemocyte infiltration of the vesicular
28 J.P. Bignell et al. / Marine Environmental Research 72 (2011) 25e32

Fig. 2. Histopathology of mussels. (a) Multiple inflammatory foci (arrow) within the vesicular connective tissue (VCT) of individual mussel from Wilcove. Scale bar ¼ 200 mm (b)
Small foci of brown cell inflammation situated within the VCT. Scale bar ¼ 50 mm (c) Representative micrograph of digestive tubules in the absorptive phase. Scale bar ¼ 100 mm (d)
Digestive tubules (reconstituting phase) of mussel from Trebawith Strand. Note the reduced epithelial cell height of the digestive tubules. Scale bar ¼ 100 mm (e) Lipofuscin
accumulation within lysosomes of kidney epithelial cells. Note the presence of small particular and larger aggregations of lipofuscin accumulation. Scale bar ¼ 50 mm.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).

connective tissue (VCT) in and around the digestive diverticula. inflammation significantly decreased further downstream from
Inflammation was observed as either focal (Fig. 1a) or diffuse Neal Point (Table 3).
lesions and was most prevalent in mussels from Neal Point (56.7%), Pathology of the digestive diverticula was measured in terms of
Wilcove (50%) and Cremyll Ferry (20%). One individual exhibited reduced epithelial cell height and prevalence of digestive tubule
extensive inflammation throughout the majority the gonadal ducts. degeneration. Epithelial cell height was determined using a simple
Brown cell (BC) inflammation consisting of small haemocytic index (Table 1). Mussels sampled from the Trebarwith Strand
aggregates (Fig. 1b) was observed mostly within the VCT. These coastal site exhibited the highest median epithelial cell height
aggregates could also be seen in the gills, gonadal follicles, stomach index thus indicating a lower epithelial thickness. Neal Point,
wall and the epithelia of the digestive diverticula. BC inflammation Whitsand Bay, Wilcove and Cremyll Ferry mussels showed no
within the VCT was most prevalent at Cremyll Ferry (50.0%), Wil- differences between each other sharing a median epithelial cell
cove (33.3) and Neal Point (26.7%). However, BC inflammation height index of 1. Disintegration of the digestive tubules was
within the gonadal follicles was most prevalent at Neal Point observed as either partial or complete and was often difficult to
(43.3%), Wilcove (16.7%) and Cremyll Ferry (10.0%). BC inflamma- distinguish between classic degeneration per se, or poor preserva-
tion of the gills was observed at relatively low prevalence from all tion resulting from inadequate fixation. There were signs of poor
sites with the highest prevalence being observed in mussels tissue preservation as demonstrated by loss of cellular structure
sampled from Wilcove (16.7%). Pearl formations were observed at and poorly defined cytoplasm and nuclei. In many cases there was
low prevalence from all sampling locations (<6.7%). No gran- loss of the apical region of digestive cells situated within the
ulocytoma were observed during this study. Logistic regression digestive tubule epithelium. Extreme cases often resulted in
showed that both the prevalence of haemocyte infiltration and BC complete loss of the digestive epithelium. The highest recorded
J.P. Bignell et al. / Marine Environmental Research 72 (2011) 25e32 29

Fig. 3. Histopathology of mussels. (a) Marteiliosis. Eosinophilic “cell-within-cell” sporocysts clearly identified within the epithelium of the digestive diverticula (arrow). Note co-
infection with Rickettsia/Chlamydia-like organisms (arrowhead). Scale bar ¼ 50 mm (b) Mytilicola intestinalis located within the stomach. These copepods attach to the stomach wall
epithelium using hook attachments. Scale bar ¼ 200 mm (c) Ancistrum mytili attached to gill lamellae. Note the presence of pear-shaped body, single large macronucleus and
micronuclei. Scale bar ¼ 50 mm (d) Ciliophora-like organisms infecting the digestive epithelial cells. Note the presence of multiple parasites within one digestive cell (arrow). Scale
bar ¼ 25 mm.

prevalence of this degeneration was recorded in mussels sampled could be observed of low colour intensity. Enlarged lipofuscin
from the two coastal sampling sites of Trebarwith Strand (97.0%) accumulations that were more intense in colour could also be seen
and Whitsand Bay (53.0%). The prevalence of degeneration from within some epithelial cells. This was measured using a Kidney
the remaining estuarine sites was 33.3%, 33.3% and 13.3% at Cremyll Lipofuscin (KL) index (Table 2). The median KL index at the Tre-
Ferry, Neal Point and Wilcove respectively. barwith strand coastal site was 0 with all remaining sites showing
Lipofuscin accumulation was identified by a “yellow-brown” to a score of 1.
“reddish-brown” colouration (see Stevens and Chalk, 1996) within
the kidney epithelium (Fig. 1f). Here small particles of pigment 3.3. Pathogens

Table 3
Five different pathogens were detected during this study.
Logistic regression results showing the relationship between the different study Mussels from Cremyll Ferry had the most prevalent and widest
sites and the presence of histopathological indicators. Sites compared to the most array of pathogens. The most significant finding was of the para-
upstream site: Neal Point. myxian, Marteilia sp., characterised by distinctive eosinophilic cell-
Coefficients: within-cell sporocysts situated within the epithelium of the
digestive diverticula (Fig. 2a). This parasite was observed in 31.0% of
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr (>jzj)
mussels sampled from Cremyll Ferry. Hypertrophy of the digestive
Gonad development
(Intercept) 0.6931 0.387 1.790 0.074
tubules was observed in those individuals harbouring a heavy
Wilcove 0.4964 0.580 0.856 0.392 infection. Marteilia sp. was also observed in mussels from Wilcove
Cremyll Ferry 1.7047 0.566 3.011 0.003 at a prevalence of 6.9%. The most prevalent parasite overall was
Whitsand Bay 4.0604 1.088 3.731 0.000 Mytilicola intestinalis (Fig. 2b). The intestinal copepod was observed
Trebarwith Strand 2.0794 0.599 3.474 0.001
attached to the stomach wall in mussels sampled from Cremyll
Inflammation (haemocyte infiltration) Ferry (55.2%), Neal Point (33.3%), Wilcove (23.3%) and Whitsand
(Intercept) 0.268 0.368 0.728 0.467 Bay (10.0%). Ancistrum mytili (Fig. 2c) and other gill ciliates were
Wilcove 0.268 0.519 0.517 0.605
Cremyll Ferry 1.655 0.587 2.821 0.005
observed in mussels collected from all estuarine sites with those
Whitsand Bay 3.636 1.082 3.361 0.001 from Cremyll Ferry exhibiting the highest prevalence (26.7%).
Trebarwith Strand 1.878 0.613 3.063 0.002 Ciliophora-like organisms (Fig. 2d) were seen infecting the diges-
Brown cell (BC) inflammation tive epithelial cells (Fig. 2e) of mussels from Cremyll Ferry (25.0%),
(Intercept) 0.406 0.373 1.088 0.277 Whitsand Bay (16.7%) and Wilcove (3.3%). Other intracellular
Wilcove 0.539 0.522 1.032 0.302 pathogens of the digestive epithelium were Rickettsia/Chlamydia-
Cremyll Ferry 0.272 0.522 0.521 0.603 like organisms (R/CLO). Inclusion bodies were observed infecting
Whitsand Bay 1.792 0.589 3.041 0.002
Trebarwith Strand 3.772 1.083 3.483 0.000
mussels from Cremyll Ferry (11.1%) and Whitsand bay (3.3%). Of
those pathogens observed, Marteilia sp. was the only pathogen that
30 J.P. Bignell et al. / Marine Environmental Research 72 (2011) 25e32

appeared to elicit a host response as demonstrated by inflamma- Interestingly this supports biochemical and histochemical data
tion and a reduction in ADG tissue. which indicated relatively higher impact at sites further upstream
within the Tamar compared to those closer to the mouth of the
3.4. Species identification estuary (Shaw et al., 2011). Studies have shown that exposure to
organic contaminants and metals result in suppressed gamete
The species composition of the five sampling locations exam- development, inhibition of gonadal follicle development and/or
ined during this study differed between sites and included the enhancement of gamete atresia in mussels (Lowe and Pipe, 1987;
presence of M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis and hybrids. All sites Kluytmans et al., 1988; Livingstone and Pipe, 1992). It is difficult
consisted of mixed species populations except for Cremyll Ferry, to interpret the differences seen in this study with respect to atresia
which consisted solely of M. edulis. The species breakdown for each although one might speculate that chemical insult within the
sampling site was as follows (figures in parenthesis refer to estuary is a contributing factor. However, with mussels from Tre-
percentage of M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis and hybrids respec- barwith Strand exhibiting a similar prevalence of atresia and rela-
tively): Trebarwith Strand (0, 97, 3), Whitsand Bay (37, 7, 56), Neal tively lower concentrations of metals and polycyclic aromatic
Point (93, 0, 7), Wilcove (93.3, 3.3, 3.3), Cremyll Ferry (100, 0, 0). hydrocarbons (PAHs), it is clear that numerous factors could be
involved. The development of qualitative indices similar to those
4. Discussion used for other health index parameters used in this study could
help to better interpret this kind of data in future studies. Similarly,
This study presents baseline histological data for twenty-seven it is difficult to decipher the cause of apoptosis within this study,
health index parameters of mussels (M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis especially due to the relatively low number of mussels affected
and their hybrids) sampled from several locations within the Tamar (four individuals per site). Elsewhere, studies in fish have noted
estuary and from two coastal sites. Histopathology lends itself well casual links between contaminant exposure and gonadal apoptosis.
to the collection of data pertinent to health status as it provides Marty et al. (1997) showed that exposure to crude oil resulted in
a snapshot of health at the time of sampling. The data generated is increased gonadal apoptosis in Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbu-
helpful in providing complementary information to support addi- scha) larvae whilst Lyons et al. (2004) noted spermatagonial
tional cellular and biochemical based biomarker techniques such as apoptosis of the viviparous blenny (Zoarces viviparus). Despite our
those used in this monitoring programme (Money et al., 2011; Shaw findings, none of the mussel populations examined appeared
et al., 2011). Hence, the use of histopathology can help to dissociate adversely compromised with respect to their reproductive function
markers of underlying health or condition from those associated since relatively healthy median levels of maturing gonadal tissue
with exposure to contaminants (see Stentiford et al., 2009). Simi- were observed.
larly, it is also important to consider the effects of disease. Conversely to gonadal index, the median ADG rate decreased
Numerous microscopic lesions observed in mussels such as downstream with mussels from Cremyll Ferry and Whitsand Bay
inflammation and atresia, have previously been linked to a chem- exhibiting the lowest median ADG index with fewer ADG cells of
ical aetiology. However, a number of discrete pathogens, identified decreased cytoplasmic volume present. This decreasing trend of
using histopathology can exhibit characteristics that are similar in ADG rate could be indicative of the normal reproductive cycle. With
appearance to toxicopathic lesions. Consequently, it is also impor- that being said, mussels sampled from Cremyll Ferry exhibited the
tant to consider the effects of disease and not simply the potential widest range and highest prevalence of pathogens observed within
effects of contaminants in isolation. this study. The majority of the pathogens reported here do not elicit
a significant host response with the exception of Marteilia sp.
4.1. Health index parameters Where observed, those individuals infected with Marteilia sp. had
little or no ADG tissue present. Therefore, the relatively high
The histological assessment of storage reserve cells (including prevalence of Marteilia sp. (31.0%) coupled with the pathology
ADG tissue) contained within the mantle tissue of mussels is associated with this parasite, might also be a contributing factor to
a marker that has been used extensively in biological effects the relative decrease in the median ADG rate observed at Cremyll
monitoring programmes using mussels. Together with the vesicular Ferry. Since its initial reporting in mussels from UK waters (Bignell
connective tissue (VCT) cells, ADG cells are the primary energy et al., 2008), this is the highest recorded prevalence of Marteilia sp.
reserves for fuelling gametogenesis and byssus production (Lowe within UK waters.
and Pipe, 1987; de Zwaan and Mathieu, 1992). During the warmer Inflammatory lesions are often observed in aquatic organisms
summer months, mussels actively feed and store energy for the including mussels sampled from stressful environments including
commencement of gametogenesis during autumn and winter. As estuaries and are commonly associated with exposure to metals
gametogenesis progresses, there is a subsequent reduction in levels and organic xenobiotics (Sunila, 1984; Auffret, 1988), and patho-
of glycogen and a concomitant reduction in the frequency and size gens (Rasmussen, 1986; Lowe and Moore, 1979). Following an
of energy storage cells (Seed, 1976); most notably the ADG cells. inflammatory response, it would appear that BC inflammatory
Eventually the mantle is full of ripe gametes with little or no storage aggregates migrate through the VCT to a suitable basement
cells present. Following spawning (spring/early summer) this membrane of a target organ for removal from the mussel via dia-
annual cycle is ready to repeat once more. Depending on gameto- pedesis. This is evident by the observation of BC inflammatory
genic condition, population location or species composition, rela- aggregates within organs (and their epithelia) including the
tive proportions of storage tissues to germinal cells may vary, but stomach, intestine, digestive diverticula, gonad and kidney. Logistic
typically follow an annual cycle. Taking these into consideration, it regression showed no significant associations between inflamma-
is generally understood that deviations from a normal state, tory and parasites prevalence. This could indicate (a) the presence
particularly with respect to a reduction in ADG tissue, can be used an unidentified bacterial or viral infection or (b) elevated levels of
as an indicator of contaminant exposure and physiological stress other stressors, such as salinity and contaminants, at the Tamar
(Lowe and Pipe, 1987). sampling sites. Mussels sampled from the sites within the Tamar
In this study, mussels sampled from sites further downstream in not only had the highest prevalence of inflammatory lesions, but
the Tamar exhibited relatively more developed gonads as demon- also displayed a general increase in prevalence further upstream
strated by median gonadal index and logistical regression analysis. towards Neal Point (with the exception of brown cell (BC)
J.P. Bignell et al. / Marine Environmental Research 72 (2011) 25e32 31

inflammation of the VCT). However, when we combined all BC for all individual mussels, no species differences regarding histo-
inflammation data together, irrespective of tissue location, logistic pathology could be investigated due to insufficient numbers of
regression showed a significant increase the closer to Neal Point. individual “species” at each of the sampling sites. Although no
This indicated that the prevalence of the major inflammatory differences were detected here, studies have previously shown that
lesions seen in this study decrease towards the mouth of the the reproductive cycle and pathology may differ significantly
estuary. between different mussel species collected from the same location
Numerous studies have focused on the digestive diverticula as and at the same time (Bignell et al., 2008; Secor et al., 2001).
a target organ for measuring abnormal changes relating to chemical Whether the hybrid complex of mussel species collected as part of
exposure. These include atrophy of the digestive tubules, an this study can affect biomarker response or contaminant bio-
increase in the basophil cell complement, increased lipid accumu- accumulation remains to be shown and as such could be a target of
lation within digestive epithelial cells as well as measurements of future studies where mussels from hybrid populations are to be
lysosomal stability (Lowe et al., 1981; Lowe and Clarke, 1989; Lowe used to assess environmental status.
and Pipe, 1994). In this study we observed degeneration of the
digestive tubules in many of the mussels examined. Degeneration
5. Conclusions
of the digestive tubules has previously been linked to toxicity (Lowe
and Clarke, 1989; Rasmussen, 1980), however it is interesting that
Histopathology has been used extensively for the investiga-
those sampled from Trebarwith Strand exhibited the highest
tion of health in aquatic organisms and is complementary to
prevalence of tubule disintegration (Table 2). Dimitriadis and
other techniques used in biological effects programmes. The aim
Koukouzika (2003) previously showed that disintegration of the
of this study was to undertake a histopathology survey of
digestive tubules, including poorly defined apical cell line and
mussels from the River Tamar, surrounding area and at an
cytoplasmic content within the tubule lumen, can occur as little as
additional coastal site, in the context of biological effects moni-
2 h following removal from seawater. Although care was taken to
toring. Several of the histological health index parameters used
standardise sampling of animals from all field sites, it is possible
here confirm the findings of Shaw et al. (this issue), demon-
that the increased distance of Trebarwith Strand from the labora-
strating that sites situated in the upper part of the Tamar estuary
tory where dissection and fixation of specimens occurred may have
were relatively more impacted when compared with those closer
contributed to the phenomenon.
to the coast. Future studies incorporating mussel histopathology
Previous studies have demonstrated lipofuscin accumulation
should at least consider the use of these parameters including
within pathologically altered lysosomes of epithelial cells of the
gonadal and adipogranular index, inflammatory lesions and
digestive diverticula following exposure to xenobiotics (Moore
kidney lipofuscin (KL). It is also recommended that other histo-
et al., 1987; Lowe and Clarke, 1989). We investigated lipofuscin
logical criteria such as those measured in relation to the digestive
accumulation within lysosomes situated in the kidney epithelium,
diverticula, are also included wherever possible if target organs
which were observed and recorded in using a qualitative index
of interest are available.
(Table 1). The kidney is an important organ for the excretion of
During this study, we experienced an artefact (degeneration of
unmetabolised metals and is rich in tertiary lysosomes containing
the digestive diverticula) that was potentially linked to air exposure
metal-binding lipofuscin (Livingstone and Pipe, 1992). These lyso-
or inadequate tissue preservation. Nonetheless, with mussels
somes are subsequently excreted in the urine following exocytosis.
becoming commonplace in programmes that monitor the biolog-
It is commonplace to observe relatively low levels of lipofuscin-
ical effects of contaminants, it is timely to consider quality assur-
containing lysosomes within the kidney epithelium. Although no
ance in the manner in which mussels are sampled for mussel
gradient response was observed between the estuarine sampling
histopathology and other biological effects. Particularly in national
sites, those within the Tamar and from Whitsand Bay shared
programmes that encompass sites over a large geographical area.
a median kidney lipofuscin (KL) index of ‘1’ compared to mussels
Integrated programmes that measure the biological effects of
sampled from Trebarwith Strand that had a median KL index of ‘0’.
contaminants are becoming more commonplace therefore this will
This result supports those observations of Shaw et al. (2011) who
surely benefit all those techniques that are utilised. Similar guide-
concluded that levels of metals in mussels within the Tamar estuary
lines are already in place for estuarine and offshore monitoring
and at Whitsand Bay were an order of magnitude higher than
programmes utilising flatfish (Feist et al., 2004). In this respect,
baseline levels for the UK. Furthermore, levels of metals at Tre-
International Council for Exploration of the Seas (ICES) guidelines
barwith Strand were between one and two orders of magnitude
for conducting histopathology on mussels have been initiated
lower than sampling sites situated in the Tamar.
through the ICES Working Group on the Biological Effects of
Contaminants (WGBEC). It is also essential that grading criteria for
4.2. Effect of species
histological health parameters are developed and validated for use
in environmental monitoring programmes, Their development,
Few studies have investigated the effects of species on
along with appropriate AQC protocols will strengthen the use of
measurements such as parasitic infection, metal accumulation,
mussels as biomonitoring organisms and facilitate their inclusion in
contaminant related protein expression, and pathology (Lobel et al.,
International programmes, classifying the ecological health status
1990; Coustau et al., 1991; López et al., 2002; Bignell et al., 2008). In
of aquatic ecosystems, such as the Water Framework Directive and
this study genotyping was carried out on individual mussels in
the new EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (Hagger et al.,
order to (a) determine the species distribution of mussels sampled
2008; Thain et al., 2008).
from the estuarine and coastal sampling sites and (b) take into
consideration any potential data variation that may be attributed to
species differences. It is noteworthy that the majority of mussels Acknowledgements
sampled in this study were M. edulis. However, 97% of mussels
sampled from the coastal site of Trebarwith Strand were The authors wish to thank Plymouth Marine Laboratory staff for
M. galloprovincialis. This confirms the work of Skibinski et al. (1983) assisting with the sampling collection programme. This project was
and Hilbish et al. (2002) that extensively characterised the south funded by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
western hybrid zone in the UK. Despite species being determined (Defra) Contract No. AE1136 (PREDICT 2).
32 J.P. Bignell et al. / Marine Environmental Research 72 (2011) 25e32

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