Decompression Sickness ("The Bends") in Sea Turtles
Decompression Sickness ("The Bends") in Sea Turtles
Decompression Sickness ("The Bends") in Sea Turtles
Antonio Fernández3
Oceanografic, Veterinary Services, Parques Reunidos Valencia, Ciudad de las Artes y
VISAVET Center and Animal Health Department, Veterinary School, Complutense
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Institue of Animal Health. C/Transmotaña
Hospital Veterinario Valencia Sur, Avda. Picassent, 28, 46460 Silla. Valencia, Spain.
Grupo de Investigación Biomédica en Imagen GIBI230. Radiology Department,
Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe, Av. Bulevar Sur s/n, 46026 Valencia, Spain.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Department of Biology. 266 Woods Hole
Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, Regent's Park, London, NW1 4RY,
United Kingdom.
recompression, has never been reported in aquatic breath-hold diving vertebrates despite
the occurrence of tissue gas tensions sufficient for bubble formation and injury in
terrestrial animals. Similarly to diving mammals, sea turtles manage gas exchange and
former group, DCS-like lesions have been observed on necropsies following behavioral
disturbance such as high-powered acoustic sources (e.g. active sonar) and in bycaught
animals. In sea turtles, in spite of abundant literature on diving physiology and bycatch
interference, this is the first report for DCS-like symptoms and lesions. We diagnose a
turtles (Caretta caretta) from a sample of 67. Fifty-nine were recovered alive and 8
recently dead following bycatch in trawls and gillnets of local fisheries from the east
coast of Spain. Gas embolization and distribution in vital organs, was evaluated through
Gas embolism was also evidenced post-mortem in corpses and tissues as described in
cetaceans and human divers. Compositional gas analysis of intravascular bubbles was
consistent with DCS. Definitive diagnosis of DCS in sea turtles opens a new era for
research in sea turtle diving physiology, conservation and bycatch impact mitigation, as
well as for comparative studies in other air-breathing marine vertebrates and human
Key words: decompression sickness, the bends, gas bubbles, sea turtles, bycatch,
decompression (Francis & Mitchell 2003). In human divers, the effects range from
trivial to fatal, and most often involve neurological and musculoskeletal symptoms
(Francis & Simon 2003, Vann et al. 2011), including severe pain. In an analysis of 1,070
central nervous system DCS cases, 77% involved the spinal cord (Francis et al. 1988).
embolic, and biochemical effects of intra- and extravascular bubbles (Vann et al. 2011).
Direct effects include the distortion of tissues and vascular obstructions. Secondary
hemoconcentration (Vann et al. 2011). Definitive diagnosis of DCS is difficult and only
Lundgren 2003).
physiological and behavioral adaptations (Berkson 1967, Rothschild & Martin 1987,
Burggren 1988, Lutcavage & Lutz 1997, Piantadosi & Thalmann 2004, Fossette et al.
2010, Castellini 2012). However, an acute and systemic gas and fat embolic syndrome
similar to DCS in human divers was described in beaked whales that stranded in
temporal and spatial association with military exercises involving high-powered sonar
(Jepson et al. 2003, Fernandez et al. 2005). Since this first report, there has been
mammals (Jepson et al. 2005, Bernaldo de Quirós et al. 2012, Dennison et al. 2012),
including dysbaric osteonecrosis (Moore & Early 2004) and gas embolism in bycaught
animals (Moore et al. 2009). Although these findings have challenged our
diagnosis and therapy) supporting the occurrence of DCS are lacking due to the
Sea turtles are among the longest and deepest marine air-breathing diving
vertebrates (Byles 1988, Sakamoto et al. 1990, Houghton et al. 2008). They may spend
over 90% of time submerged in apnea (Lutcavage & Lutz 1997) and efficiently use
(Rothschild & Martin 1987, Burggren 1988, Southwood et al. 1999, Southwood 2013).
observable after certain episodes of DCS, have been described in monosaurs and sea
turtle fossils from the Cretaceous Age but are very rarely described in animals younger
than the Miocene Age (Rothschild & Martin 1987). This suggests that more recent taxa
like DCS.
mortality of non-targeted species (Lewison et al. 2004a). Over the past decades, there
has been a dramatic global decline in sea turtle populations with six of seven species
recognized as the greatest threat to their conservation (Wallace et al. 2010) and is
considered a moderate or high threat for more than three-fourths of all sea turtle
Regional Management Units globally (Wallace et al. 2011, Lewison et al. 2013).
Approximately 85,000 sea turtles were reported incidentally captured worldwide from
1990 through 2008, but true total bycatch is estimated to be at least two orders of
magnitude higher (Wallace et al. 2010). Total numbers of global bycaught sea turtles
(Lewison et al. 2004b, Hamann et al. 2010, Wallace et al. 2010) and resulting mortality
(Lutcavage & Lutz 1997, Epperly et al. 2002, Hamann et al. 2010) remain unclear.
information on total fisheries effort, bycatch in small scale fisheries (Wallace et al. 2010,
Casale 2011), and the rate of survivorship of released animals (Chaloupka et al. 2004,
one of the main obstacles to understanding the true impact of fisheries on sea turtle
resulting from fisheries interaction largely have focused on the effects of drowning and
direct trauma from gear (Poiner & Harris 1996, Gerosa & Casale 1999, Casale 2011,
Lewison et al. 2013). The present work describes a previously undescribed condition
In this study, 67 loggerhead turtles (59 alive, 8 dead) bycaught in trawls and
gillnets at depths ranging from 10 to 75m, were evaluated by intensive clinical and
proportion of live and dead animals. Clinical signs, diagnostic imaging, gross and
treatment definitively demonstrate that marine air-breathing vertebrates can suffer from
DCS. These findings offer a new paradigm to consider in many different aspects of sea
bycatch impact mitigation strategies and devices, clinical treatment of affected turtles,
as well as potential additional risks associated with intentional capture of diving turtles.
Animal acquisition
All sea turtles included in this project were under the authority of the
Oceanografic Aquarium of the “Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias of Valencia” for
animal rehabilitation and posterior release, and for the postmortem examination
of dead individuals.
In 2011, an active campaign involving fishermen from the Valencian coast of Spain
was established to collect all (live and dead) sea turtles incidentally captured by gillnets
and trawling so that bycaught animals could be medically evaluated. During the period
(Caretta caretta) were received. Eleven turtles arrived dead and 56 arrived alive.
An additional five of 56 live turtles died within 72h. All live animals received
For all cases, the date of capture, fishing depth, and sea surface temperature at
(accessed 14 Jan 2014)). Any comments from fishermen related to the condition and
Clinical diagnosis
All live bycaught turtles were examined within the first 24 hrs (average 12 hrs).
Blood was collected from the dorsal cervical sinus with a 5ml syringe and 21G
40mm hypodermic needle (Henry Schein Inc, Melville NY, USA) and transferred to
2ml lithium heparin tubes (Aquisel®, Barcelona, Spain) for immediate analysis
(maximum elapsed time of one hour). Analysis included automated hematology with an
count, and complete biochemistry and electrolyte panel using an Olympus AU400
- Plain radiographic evaluation with a Philips Practix 400 unit (Philips Medical
(Carestream Health, INC. Rochester, New York, USA) with 35x43cm Kodak
between 1-1.5m, using average exposure values between 75-120kV and 7,2-20
mAs depending on projections and animal size. Digital images were processed
Viewer, Rochester, New York, USA) for better visualization and image
microconvex probes (models 12LRS (GE Healthcare, Japan Corporation,
Tokyo, Japan), 3S (GE Medical Systems CO, LTD, Jiangsu, China) and 8CRS
exploration of the turtle were 5mm slice thickness and 5mm slice interval, with
were post processed with Osirix software version 3.3.1 (Pixmeo, Geneva,
Based on imaging findings upon arrival at the rehabilitation center and/or post
mortem examinations, the severity of gas embolism was scored based on total amount
-Mild embolism: small amount of gas was only evident at the kidney region on
-Moderate embolism: larger volume of gas was present in kidney region, being
Other minor vessels in the periphery of the coelom or the liver were also full of
bubbles could be observed in the lumens of major vessels and cardiac chambers
- Severe embolism: Gas was evident in kidney, liver, major systemic vessels and
impeded by the large amount of gas present in the area. Abundant bubbles in the
blood stream: gas accumulations were present in most cardiac chambers and
larger vessels.
Individuals without clinical signs and mild embolism detected in imaging studies
did not receive any specific supportive treatment on arrival. Individuals that were
forceps, received supportive therapy including normal saline solution (FisioVet® saline
B. Braun Medical SA, Barcelona, Spain) (10-15ml/kg body weight (bw)) intravenously
(IV) and/or subcutaneously (SC). Additional drugs commonly used based on severity of
(Atropine Braun 1mg B. Braun Medical SA, Barcelona, Spain)), respiratory stimulants
1,2mg/kg bw IM, (Fortecortin® 4mg, Merck SL, Madrid, Spain)) and/or supplemental
Uruguay), face mask (Kruuse®, Langueskov, Denmark) or commercial critical care unit
Recompression with hyperbaric oxygen was applied to two clearly lethargic and
poorly responsive animals with moderate embolism (one of them with evident paresis
and retraction of the hind extremities under the shell). Pressurization was achieved
using a power disconnected regular autoclave (Selecta, Presoclave 30, J.P. Selecta SA,
of a pressurized oxygen cylinder to the draining tube of the autoclave. Animal breathing
inside the chamber was stimulated with a previous injection of doxapram chlorhydrate
and needle insertion at the acupuncture GV26 point (Litscher 2010). As there were no
previous references for reptiles, the most commonly used human recompression-
decompression table was applied (Vann et al. 2011). Briefly, an initial pressure of
1.8atm (relative pressure) was applied for 1hr, then decreased to 1atm over the next
30min, stabilized at 1atm for another 3hrs and finally progressively decreased to surface
pressure (0atm relative pressure) over 30min. Pure oxygen was used for the entire
procedure. Monitoring of the animals inside the chamber was not possible.
ultrasound and CT (only one case) before and immediately after treatment. Only turtles
smaller than 30cm straight-line carapace width were candidates for decompression due
to the size of the chamber. Larger individuals were followed clinically for outcome
Postmortem examination
Necropsies were performed within 24 hrs after retrieval from fishing gear (except
in one case at 36h) or in less than 12hrs following death at the rehabilitation center.
Systematic sea turtle necropsy procedures were performed (Flint et al. 2009), with extra
fat, liver, spleen, heart, major vessels, brain, intestine, salt glands, plastron, thyroid
gland, both kidneys, both lungs, both gonads and any gross lesions were routinely
collected for histopathology. All tissues were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin,
processed routinely into paraffin blocks for histopathology and stained with
individuals suspected from DCS. Gas sampling and analysis was performed as
Ethical statements
Animal care was applied within institutional guidelines. In live animals, clinical
information generated for this study was derived from the regular veterinary procedures
provided in order to establish an appropriate diagnosis for the application of the best
and veterinary medical consent and was decided to be necessary based on fatal outcome
Sea turtle bycatch was higher during months of the year when the water was
coldest, particularly from November to March. Regional average monthly water surface
Evidence of gas embolism (GE) was found in 6/18 (33.3%) gillnet and 23/49
(46.9%) bottom trawl net bycatch cases (43.3% of all incidental captures) from a depth
range between 10-50 m and 25-75 m, respectively. Summary information for different
distinct anomalous behaviors when they surfaced within the fishing gear: comatose or
initially hyperactive progressing to stuporous with increasing surface time. Some of the
comatose animals showed aspiration of sea water in the respiratory tract as evidenced
intubation for resuscitation. These animals were diagnosed as drownings and generally
clinically evaluated. All individuals presented with good body condition and normal fat
stores. Eight exhibited normal behavior, four were comatose, and nine turtles were
loss of nociception. The latter group was all caught by trawlers and in some cases
terminally displayed rigid pressing of the front flippers against the plastron (Fig. 1a and
1b). These turtles also exhibited an initially increased hematocrit, positive flotation and
capture. Additional animals may have had these signs upon capture and become
distending the heart and vessels (Fig. 1c). The lungs were partially collapsed in severely
affected individuals as evidenced by reduction in field volume and increased
radiographs, providing higher sensitivity than dorso-ventral views for gas visualization
comet tail artifacts. In all affected individuals, renal ultrasound revealed the presence of
gas inside the parenchyma and kidney vessels (Fig. 1d). Cardiac ultrasound
demonstrated a much higher prevalence of bubbles in the right atrium compared with
the left, similar to the pattern observed in scuba divers (Francis & Simon 2003).
distribution of GE (Fig. 1 and 2a, 2b, 2c). Embolism was confirmed within the kidneys,
liver, heart, spleen, and central nervous system (Fig. 2a and 2b). In simple CT slices,
gas was revealed inside different regional vessels as hypoattenuated (black) compared
vertebral canal and central nervous system (Fig. 2c) that was not seen by ultrasound or
in radiographs. Gas within or surrounding the nervous system was apparent even in mild
cases (Fig. 2c). These findings were observed to be compatible with life even without
Five out of 49 (10.2%) bycatch trawl animals were active while presenting
moderate to severe GE at the arrival to the rehabilitation center. More animals could
have surfaced on board with similar symptoms dying before arrival at the rehab center.
All these cases of GE resulted in death within 48-72 h post-capture if not treated with a
hyperbaric protocol while severe cases were generally lethal in the first 6-8 h, thereby
reducing the chances for hyperbaric treatment. Two of these animals survived following
a hyperbaric oxygen treatment (Table 1). After treatment neurological signs resolved
and the sea turtles recovered normal activity. Post-treatment radiographs and CT
confirmed the dissipation of most of the intravascular gas and re-expansion of the lungs
(Fig. 2d and 2e). After two months under observation, both were considered clinically
Pathological diagnosis
loggerheads (8 dead on the gear, 3 dead during transport and 5 dead at the rehabilitation
center). Gas embolism was found in 13 turtles (81%), which included 8 out of the 11
that arrived dead and the 5 that died following admission. In severe cases, gas was found
within the median abdominal, mesenteric, gastric, pancreatic, hepatic and renal veins,
as well as within the post cava and other major vessels (Fig. 3). The atria (especially the
right atrium) and the sinus venosus were distended by gas (Fig. 3). In very severe cases
the spleen was gas dilated. Grossly, the kidneys had multifocally extensive red areas
consistent with marked congestion. Segmental congestion of the intestinal mucosa was
also present. The lungs of some animals were partially collapsed with cranial pulmonary
emphysema. Various amounts of fluid within the respiratory tract were evident in some
severe GE and partially digested contents within the stomach and intestine in most
turtles. In moderate cases, GE were not as obvious as observed by imaging and required
careful examination. Gas was most visible within mesenteric and renal vessels, as well
as the postcava and sinus venosuson. In one mild case with concurrent radiographic
with the presence of intravascular gas bubbles in multiple organs including the lung,
liver, kidney, and heart (Fig. 3). In addition, perivascular edema and hemorrhages,
varying in extent and severity were also present in different tissues. Acute, multifocal,
Gas composition analysis in one case confirmed that the main component was
nitrogen (75.3 ± 0.9% μmol), followed by carbon dioxide (18.6 ± 2.0% μmol) and
Differential diagnoses
and putrefaction, were ruled out based on clear demonstration of antemortem occurrence
in live turtles and absence of any apparent traumatic injuries or surgical procedures.
Pulmonary barotrauma could cause arterial air embolism (Vann et al. 2011); however,
the physical requirements for barotrauma are not met in bycaught turtles. Turtles are
breath hold divers, meaning that the internal pressure in the ediculi (homologous to
mammalian alveoli) at the beginning and at the end of the dive would be the same or
even lower at the end of the dive due to oxygen consumption. Thus, overexpansion of
the lungs is very unlikely. In addition, gas was mainly found in the venous side of the
circulation (as in DCS) instead of in the arterial side. In addition, necropsied turtles
were in a good state of preservation and systemic GE was consistent with pathological
findings described in DCS in human divers and in stranded beaked whales (Knight 1996,
Francis & Simon 2003, Jepson et al. 2003, Fernandez et al. 2005). Also, hydrogen, a
putrefaction marker, was not detected in the gas samples collected during necropsy
and clinical response fulfill human criteria for medical diagnosis of DCS (Paulev 1965,
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no report of live or dead wild sea turtles
suffering from acute GE has been previously presented. Most of the literature and
research done until present, considers this possibility as highly improbable based on
reinforced airways during deep dives (Kooyman 1973, Lutcavage et al. 1989, Lutcavage
& Lutz 1997). The metabolic adaptations and physiological mechanisms underlying
their diving capacity have been the subject of intense interest for many years, including
early studies on forced submergence response in laboratory settings (Berkson 1966) and
25ºC. Two animals compressed to 18.7atm died several hours after compression (one
fast compression and the other in progressive steps) and then fast decompression with
numerous gas emboli observed in capillaries of the cervical fascia and right atrium.
Death was attributed to gas emboli in the brain after emergence. The study concluded
that equilibrium conditions with full nitrogen solubilization were never attained even
during a prolonged deep dive (at different depths), providing some kind of underlying
enter the blood to render the green turtle susceptible to gas emboli in the brain and death
after emergence. Our findings with wild individuals under field conditions are
significantly different. We observed dramatic lesions, with not only bubbles but actually
several milliliters of gas in wild animals entrapped at much shallower depths compared
to Berkson's studies. The explanation of this disparity remains uncertain, but could be
chamber were fastened to a board with very restricted in movement inside the chamber)
and the previous diving profile of exposed individuals. Situations in which wild sea
turtles are forcibly submerged due to entrapment in fishing gear suggest that behavioral
and physiological responses are drastically different from what has been recorded under
controlled laboratory conditions (Berkson 1966, Lutz & Bentley 1985, Lutz &
Dunbarcooper 1987, Harms et al. 2003, Stabenau & Vietti 2003, Snoddy et al. 2009,
Southwood 2013).
Multiple studies reveal that entanglement in fishing gear has significant effects on
the physiology of sea turtles (Lutz & Dunbarcooper 1987, Harms et al. 2003, Stabenau
& Vietti 2003, Snoddy et al. 2009, Snoddy & Southwood Williard 2010) but have never
described DCS. Various factors may have contributed to the discovery in the current
study, including close collaboration with fishermen allowing access to alive and fresh
dead bycaught animals, capacity for intensive medical evaluation following capture,
availability of modern imaging technology and familiarity with diving animals and
pathology related to GE. In addition, local oceanic conditions and type of fisheries could
Similarly to the present description in sea turtles, DCS had not been suspected
in marine animals until GE consistent with DCS was described in beaked whales that
mass stranded in close temporal and spatial association with military exercises using
UK coast (Jepson et al. 2003, Fernandez et al. 2005, Jepson et al. 2005, Fernández et al.
2013). Over the last decade, there has been an increasing body of evidence showing that
marine mammals may suffer from acute and chronic GE, including the description of
gas bubbles forming in tissues of fatally bycaught marine mammals trapped in nets at
depth and rapidly brought to the surface (Jepson et al. 2003, Moore & Early 2004,
Fernandez et al. 2005, Jepson et al. 2005, Moore et al. 2009, Bernaldo de Quirós et al.
2011, Bernaldo de Quirós et al. 2012, Bernaldo de Quirós et al. 2013b). In a recent study
of gas composition of bubbles in bycaught dolphins, the authors concluded that nitrogen
rich bubbles were formed by off gassing of supersaturated tissues (Bernaldo de Quirós
et al. 2013b). These findings provide new evidence of nitrogen accumulation in breath-
hold diving taxa despite anatomical and physiological adaptations. However, all marine
mammal examples were already dead upon discovery, thus a definitive diagnosis of
DCS could not be clinically established. Sea turtles afford a new opportunity for
studying this condition due to their amazing capacity for anoxia tolerance (Berkson
1966, Lutz & Bentley 1985, Lutcavage & Lutz 1997, Southwood 2013) and relative
increasingly being accepted due to the growing number of cases of DCS-like symptoms
(Schipke et al. 2006). The pathophysiology of this condition in bycaught sea turtles is
Turtles have three muscular cardiac chambers, two atria and one ventricle, which
allows some intraventricular mixing of systemic and pulmonary blood flow (Shelton &
Burggren 1976, Hicks & Wang 1996, Wang et al. 2001). All sea turtles also have
vascular adaptations for shunting during diving, including muscular sphincters within
the pulmonary arteries and an anastomosis between the left and right aorta (White 1976,
Wyneken et al. 2013). Cardiac shunting in sea turtles may confer some advantages under
certain physiological conditions, such as diving (Hicks & Wang 1996), but could also
risk bypass of gas bubbles from the pulmonary to systemic circulation (Germonpre et
flow and heart rate in green turtles (Butler et al. 1984, West et al. 1992, Southwood
2013). Exacerbated muscular activity leading to lactic acid built up is induced in free-
swimming bycaught turtles, even under very short forced submersion episodes (Lutz &
Dunbarcooper 1987, Stabenau et al. 1991, Stabenau & Vietti 2003). Additionally, heart
rate and pulmonary blood flow in turtles often increase immediately before breathing
starts, which is suggestive of central mechanisms based on elevated sympathetic tone.
response resulting from capture (White & Ross 1966, Shelton & Burggren 1976, West
These processes disrupt the normal physiological and protective vagal diving reflex that
minimizes blood flow through air filled pressurized lungs during diving. This
Although speculative, the shunting ability in diving reptiles may not only represent
tissue (Wang & Hicks 1996, Wang et al. 1997, Wang et al. 2001), but also could
minimize nitrogen solubility in blood and subsequent risk of DCS. Sea turtles and sea
snakes have the highest shunting capabilities (White 1976, Lillywhite & Donald 1989,
Wyneken 2009). If this is the case, the longer the duration of the forced submergence,
the higher the amount of nitrogen absorbed. As breath-hold divers, bycaught turtles
cannot eliminate all absorbed gas at depth nor in ascent while the gear is retrieved.
When the animal is surfaced with the fishing gear, gas bubbles start to form. We also
speculate that the spastic retraction of the limbs (Figure 1a) may in part be comparable
to the bending of limbs in humans. In our experience, it takes several hours or days for
Environmental conditions, including water temperature and depth and time of
immersion, are known to affect risk of DCS in humans and likely are important in sea
turtles as well (Germonpre et al. 1998, Harrah et al. 2008, Vann et al. 2011). Tolerance
of forced submergence in sea turtles is known to be affected by turtle size, turtle activity,
and water temperature (Lutcavage & Lutz 1991, Stabenau et al. 1991).
In the present study, the highest rate of bycatch occurred between November and
captured animals with DCS, February, September, and October (average surface
temperatures 13.4ºC; 24.5ºC, and 22.0ºC, respectively) were the months with highest
increase time of submergence and rest on the bottom during the coldest periods of the
year. This overwintering behavior could explain the higher trawling capture rates
observed during winter in our region. However, the implications of temperature remain
unclear from this study due to limited sample size and bias for presentation of cases
Lower body temperatures in sea turtles compared to mammals, has been considered
a potential protective mechanism against DCS, as body fluids would tolerate a higher
pressure of gas dissolved without forming bubbles (Fossette et al. 2010). However,
thus increasing the risk of DCS when surfaced compared to mammals. Overwintering
behavior could thereby increase the risk of DCS upon capture, especially if the turtle
Regarding the influence of depth, some animals captured by trawlers fishing at over
60 m depth were full of gas after surfacing while others of similar size, coming from the
same waters, same fisheries, same depth and during the same season had no detectable
gas. Possible explanations for this disparity are differences in actual depth of capture
(unknown for trawler captures), the length of time submerged, and individual
susceptibility to stress. Large depths do not seem to be required for the development of
the DCS in sea turtles, as animals entrapped in gill nets as shallow as 10-20m deep
presented with moderate or severe GE. One mild case was observed in a turtle bycaught
bycaught by nets fishing at over 60m depth. Based on these findings, even coastal or
shallow fisheries like bottom trawls used to capture shrimp and other coastal fish
resulting in high bycatch (Finkbeiner et al. 2011) could induce DCS in sea turtles.
that submersion time was not a limiting factor to allow nitrogen saturation during diving,
as the nitrogen tensions in blood reached a maximum and then dropped or leveled off
well below saturation level. The author suggested that there might be an underlying
mechanism for compensation. In contrast, our results suggest that time of submersion is
correlated with severity of GE. Animals entrapped in gillnets (generally set at depths as
shallow as 10-15m but for an average of 12hrs) tend to show more dramatic embolism
than similar animals captured in trawlers in the same waters at a significant deeper depth
The actual contribution of DCS resulting in sea turtle mortality on a global scale is
unknown; however, it is notable that our observations originated from interaction with
two gear types of foremost concern with regard to sea turtle bycatch. Bycaught sea
turtles that are initially active are usually immediately released and are not considered
lethal interactions. Our results show that many turtles could have GE and may
interaction could be much higher than previously estimated. Accurate data on both
immediate and post-release mortality data are crucially important for refining the current
The cause of death in comatose and dead net caught turtles should be re-evaluated
to clarify the percentage of animals dying from DCS instead of drowning or dying from
both. Current procedures used aboard fishing vessels to revive comatose turtles, while
useful for drowning, are probably ineffective for DCS. Although GE can be detected in
the field (e.g. with on-board portable ultrasound) any mitigation measures should focus
on prevention and minimization of risk of DCS given that effective treatment is unlikely
The current study demonstrates that bycaught marine turtles can develop and die
from DCS. Diagnosis was based on clinical signs, detection of intravascular gas by
imaging and necropsy, gas composition analysis, and successful resolution with
hyperbaric treatment. To our knowledge, these findings represent the first example of
DCS in air-breathing marine vertebrates that fulfill all of these medical diagnostic
criteria, providing new clues for the better understanding of the diving response and
DCS avoidance in other breath holding diving vertebrates (Piantadosi & Thalmann
This discovery has significant implications on sea turtle conservation. It would be
important in light of the present findings to review regional sea turtle bycatch
intervention protocols worldwide after elucidating the real prevalence of the condition
based on different fisheries techniques, geographic areas, oceanic conditions, sea turtle
Rehabilitation Centre, for their many efforts and complete dedication to the best animal
care. In particular, we are grateful to all the fishermen contributing to the project as well
Community Regional Government, very especially to Juan Eymar and all the other
technical workers from "Forn del Vidre", "La Granja del Saler" and "Santa Faz" who
made the Project possible. We also thank Roberto Sanz-Requena from Quirón Valencia
Hospital for his assistance in imaging post-processing. We would like to thank the
their collaboration on necropsy procedures. Also thanks to Dr Javier Guayart for his
contribution in information about local fisheries operations and bycatch. We thank the
ULPGC Cetacean Research Unit, Dr. Brian Stacy from NOAA Fisheries, Dr. Andreas
Fahlman, Dr. Micah Brodsky as well as other anonymous reviewers for their comments
and suggestions. This work has been supported with funds from the Pfizer Foundation,
“Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias” of Valencia, and by the research projects: CGL
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Table 1. List of bycaught turtles diagnosed with gas embolism, biological, clinical and pathological data.
1 Moderate
4 Dead 1 Moderate/Severe None Dead
2 Severe
Abbreviations: CCL, Curved Carapace Length; Temp, average sea superficial temperature on the month of capture.
4 clinical gas (c and d). (a), Case CcGE21 at arrival. Moderate systemic GE. Note spastic
5 retraction of the hind limbs under the carapace before recompression therapy. These
6 signs resolved immediately after hyperbaric oxygen treatment. (b), External aspect of
7 case CcGE18 with severe systemic GE after a few hours postmortem. This animal
8 arrived alive and did not respond to emergency medical treatment. Note retraction of all
9 four extremities under the body at rigor mortis. (c), Dorso-ventral digital radiographic
10 image (technique, 90Kv, 10mAs, 1 m focal distance, right side is to the left of the image)
11 of case CcGE15 with severe systemic GE. Note the lumen delimitation of right and left
12 atrium, sinus venosus, and major vessels by the massive presence of intraluminal gas
13 (evidenced as a radiolucent region). Minor vessels are also clearly visualized in the area
14 of projection of the liver and kidneys (gas angiograms). (d), Renal ultrasound of patient
15 CcGE23 with moderate systemic GE. Image obtained with a 12MHz linear probe on the
17 intraluminal gas in renal major vessels as evidenced by hyperechoic spots and comet
18 tail artifacts (long white arrow). Smaller collections of gas are also clearly visualized
19 disperse inside the kidney parenchyma (short white arrows). Renal margin (yellow
26 cranial coelomic region at the level of the heart of case CcGE15 with severe systemic
27 GE. There is evidence of intraluminal gas (black) inside the heart and major vessels.
28 Gas is also present within the venous hepatic system and vertebral canal. Lungs are
29 hyperattenuated (whiter) due to partial collapse. (b), Dorsal oblique view of 3D volume
31 patient CcGE15 with severe systemic GE. Note the presence of gas within the different
32 peripheral and intracoelomic vessels. Lungs contain less gas than normal. The kidneys
33 are clearly visualized due to the massive presence of intravascular gas in this region.
34 (c), Mid-sagittal image of patient CcGE20 with mild systemic GE. Notice the presence
35 of abnormal gas at the central nervous system, spinal cord and renal and minor hepatic
36 vessels. (d) and (e), Dorsal views of 3D air volume rendering view of total gas volume
37 inside the patient CcGE23 with moderate systemic GE before (d) and after (e) oxygen
38 hyperbaric treatment for recompression. Images were obtained 6 hours apart. All gas in
39 brighter color and intravascular gas pointed with stars. (d), Notice the delineation of
40 hepatic veins and renal vessels by the presence of intraluminal gas before treatment.
41 Lungs expansion is also reduced. (e), Most gas contained in the large vessels has almost
43 expansion is back to normal. Few minor vessels still contain gas in the periphery of the
49 Figure 3. Gross (a-c) and histopathological findings (d-f). (a), Caudo-ventral view of
50 the heart, dorsal surface, of case CcGE18 with mild/moderate systemic GE. The right
51 atrium and sinus venosus (amplified) are diffusely distended with a moderate amount of
52 intracameral, gas bubbles. (b), Left dorso-lateral view of the stomach greater curvature
53 (after being reflected cranially) and liver of case CcGE14 with moderate systemic GE.
54 Note that gastric veins from greater curvature and the pyloric vein are diffusely
55 expanded with variably sized gas bubbles. (c), Small intestine and mesentery of case
56 CcGE14 (moderate systemic GE). Note that mesenteric veins are diffusely expanded
57 with a large amount of variably sized gas bubbles, coalescing at the mesenteric venous
58 root. (d), Right atrium of case CcGE15 (severe systemic GE). Atrial lumen shows
60 compressing the adjacent myocardium. H&E; 2x. (e), Kidney of case CcGE18
62 variably sized, fat-negative gas emboli. H&E; 10x. (f), Lung of case CcGE7 (severe
63 systemic GE). Pulmonary veins show intravascular, variably sized, round to oval, fat-
64 negative gas emboli. H&E; 10x. Abbreviations: V = Ventricle, RA and LA = right and
66 sinus venosus, LLL = liver left lobe, S = stomach, GA = gastric artery, GV = gastric