Game Theory

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Game Theory and International Relations

Instructor: Dmitry Dagaev ([email protected])

Teaching assistant: Kseniya Chursina ([email protected])

Course description
This is an elective course for the 3rd-year students of the joint Higher School of Economics and University
of London bachelor program in International Relations. It consists of two large parts:

1) Introduction to Game Theory (fall semester). The main objective of this part of the course is to
introduce basic game-theoretic concepts and techniques such as dominating and dominated strategies,
Nash equilibrium, backward induction, mixed strategies, coalitional games, imperfect information. The
students will learn how to solve simultaneous and sequential games.

2) Applications of Game Theory to all aspects of International Relations, including war, diplomacy, and
trade (spring semester). We will apply game theory tools to analyze real-world cases by constructing
theoretical models.

There are no prerequisites for this course. However, a rigorous work during the course is required.
Students who attend all classes, participate in discussions, solve home assignments, and complete the
course projects will likely get a high grade for the course.

Grading Policy
The final grade G is calculated as a weighted sum of several components:

G = 0,2 Test1 + 0,2 Test2 + 0,2 Referee Report + 0,2 Project + 0,2 Classroom Activity

Tests 1 and 2 will be held in October and December, respectively. Referee report on a scientific paper
and a course project are due in April. I will announce exact deadlines in the class. Late submissions are
not possible. Classroom activity mark will be communicated by the instructor at the end of the course.
This mark is for participation in discussions, home assignments, and quizzes.

All marks G, Test1, Test2, Referee Report, Project, and Classroom Activity are integer numbers from 0 to
10. Rounding is according to standard math rules.

This course implements a zero-tolerance policy for all types of cheating including plagiarism, the use of
illegal materials at closed-book tests, etc. If a student is caught cheating, he or she immediately gets a 0
for the corresponding assignment. A report will be submitted to the administration of the Program
followed by a formal investigation.
Literature and Online Resources
First half of this course is covered by the following MOOCs:

1. (recommended) Open Yale Courses: Game Theory (Econ 159) by Ben Polak

2. (advanced) Coursera: Game Theory by Matthew Jackson, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Yohav Shoam

3. (supplementary, in Russian) Coursera: Game Theory by Dmitry Dagaev

The following book is closely related to the second half of our course:

1. Kydd, Andrew H. International relations theory: The game-theoretic approach. Cambridge University
Press, 2015.

Additional reading:

1. Dixit, Avinash, and Barry Nalebuff. The art of strategy. New York: WW, 2008.

2. Nicholson, Michael. Formal theories in international relations. Vol. 3. CUP Archive, 1990.

3. Schelling, Thomas C. The strategy of conflict. Harvard university press, 1980.

4. Schelling, Thomas C. Arms and influence: With a new preface and afterword. Yale University Press,

5. Slantchev, Branislav L. Military threats: the costs of coercion and the price of peace. Cambridge
University Press, 2011.

6. Wagner, R. Harrison. War and the state: The theory of international politics. University of Michigan
Press, 2010.

Part I. Introduction to Game Theory

Week 1. Strategic interactions

Simultaneous games

Week 2. Dominating and dominated strategies

Weeks 3 and 4. Nash Equilibrium

Week 5. Mixed strategies

Sequential games

Week 6. Backward induction

Week 7. Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium

Weeks 8 and 9. Games with imperfect information

Week 10. Repeated games

Other topics

Week 11. Coalitional games

Week 12. Marriage market

Part II. Game Theory and International Relations

Weeks 13 and 14. Bargaining games. The Rubinstein model. International bargaining and conflict

(Kydd, Chapter 4)

Week 15. Power change and war. Preventive war

(Kydd, Chapter 5)

Week 16. Private information and war. The problem of mistrust

(Kydd, Chapter 6)

Week 17. Arms competition

(Kydd, Chapter 7)

Weeks 18 and 19. Signaling games and Diplomacy

(Kydd, Chapter 9)

Week 20. Domestic politics and international relations

(Kydd, Chapter 11)

Week 21. Climate change

Week 22. International organizations: Funding and influence

Week 23. International organizations: Voting and manipulation

Weeks 24 and 25. International trade. Competitive advantages and profits from trade. Trade barriers.

Week 26. International sanctions

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