Concept: Nature (Description) Key Ideas Educational Implications

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Lesson 7: TASK 1.




Greenhouse It is a structure with walls Also called as Everyone have the

and roof made chiefly of glasshouse, or, if chance to create
transparent material, such with sufficient their own style of
as glass, in which plants heating, a gardening that is
requiring regulated hothouse.In okay for all
climatic conditions are which plants seasons.
grown. These structures requiring
range in size from small regulated
sheds to industrial-sized climatic
buildings. conditions are

Green School Is about more than a A school Students are

curriculum, more than programs that already capable in
programming and more supports global changing the world
than bricks and mortar. It’s sustainabilty in .A change brought
a school that supports every aspects. by respecting the
global sustainability in value of nature to
every way. A green school everyones life.
begins with the future in
mind, designing a learning
experience for students
that will prepare them to
lead the world toward a
healthier, cleaner, more
sustainable future.

Prepare students to
become leaders and
citizens who understand
how the natural world

Students are now capable

of making a change to the
world we live in. A change
brought about by
understanding the value of
nature to everyone's life.

Green Is a special route, where all Provides access People's life will be
the street signals between routes and more sustainable
Corridor the hospitals where the improve the and friendly.No
organ is harvested and the quality of life, more pollutions
hospital where it is to be particularly and freedom from
transplanted are manually social life. devastations in life.
operated to avoid red

Provides access routes and

improve the quality of life,
particularly social life.

Life of the people will be

sustainable and friendly.No
more pollutions and free
from devastation of life.

Green Refers to both a structure An application of Everyone can now

Building and the application of processes that live in a place
processes that are are where we can
environmentally environmentally enjoy the benefits
responsible and resource- responsible and that the
efficient throughout a resource- environment offers
building's life cycle, from efficient or can give.
planning to design, throughout a
construction, operation building's life
maintenance, renovation, cycle.
and demolition.

Finding the balance

between homebuilding and
the sustainable

People can now live in a

place wherein they can be
aligned with the
environment that they're
living in.That is, they can
enjoy the benefits that the
environment offers while
occupying at that certain

Green Is an approach to building It is building that There will be a

Architecture that minimizes harmful minimizes greater assurance
effects on human health harmful effects that harmful effects
and environment. on human on the human
health and health and
Siting of a building with environments. environment will be
consideration of its impact lesser and it would
on the environment. create a sense of
Greater assurance that awareness.
harmful effects on the
human health and
environment will be lesser
and it would create a sense
of awareness.

Green The objective of the Green Greater The knowledge of

Curriculum Curriculum is to help your understanding students will widen
students learn from the of the and they can now
nature the skills such as environment formulate new
observations, recording of and ecological ideas for the sake
hands-on research and issues. of providing
report writing are ways in solutions to the
which this curriculum helps current issues
develop cognitive areas of involving the
learning. environment.

Encourages a greater
understanding of the
environment and
ecological issues.

Students can widen their

knowledge and could
formulate new ideas for
the sake of providing
solutions to the current
issues involving the

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