Prof Ed 4: Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across The Curriculum

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Republic of the

Province of Cebu
City of Talisay
Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu
1st Semester, Academic Year 2020-2021



Teacher Contact No. Program & Year BEED / BSED 2 Credit Units 3 This course introduces the concepts of new
Literacies in the 21st century as an evolving social
Course Description knowledge and its application within and/or across
phenomena and shared cultural practices across learning curriculum teaching areas for the development of students
areas. Furthermore, demonstrating the content making them productive members of the growing society.
Culminating Outcome Design a socio -culturally relevant instructional Tool Kit on 21 Century Skills applicable to one’s
teaching area/discipline.

Prelim Unit Outcome Develop a socio - culturally relevant instructional materials integrating Globalization,
Multiculturalism, Media, Cyber and Digital Literacies in a chosen lesson.

Student’s Name Curricular Yr.& Sec. Contact No. Time Allotment 9 hours Residence Inclusive Date/s


❖ Globalization Food for Thought
❖ Multicultural Literacies At the end of this module, you will…

✔ Express their insights on globalization and multicultural

✔ Cite the benefits and challenges of crossing
international borders while preserving and promoting
ENGAGE their culture ✔ Demonstrate competencies actualizing
the value of unity despite diversity

“While globalization will make the world smaller and more accessible, we must continue to appreciate its vibrant
diversity”. - Jean Philippe Courtois

What do you think this quote imply? Share your thoughts briefly.

In the era of technology and collaboration, the world has become smaller. So students in this generation play a
vital role in this movement especially when confronted with the challenging roles of pursuing global
competitiveness while preserving local culture. The latter includes your heritage, tradition, language, songs, beliefs;
literature and many more that are truly depict the uniqueness of your community. If this is continually exercised by
the people around, then you can absolutely claim that despite globalization, you can continue to value localization.
EXPLORE be relevant; the development of human potential where
each one needs to enrich his/her competencies in various
Lesson 1: Globalization

This unit will give you learning experiences in the new Reading skills
era where tremendous advancement of science and
technology is observed. Some of them are the strength of ∙ Developing Vocabulary ∙ Skimming and Scanning ∙ Developing your speed in reading
∙ Thinking in pictures
the educational systems where the curriculum needs to ∙ Comprehension

and capacity building the community towards environment protection. These are only a few important aspects of
globalization where every member of the academic community needs to be aware of and responsive about.


A lot of experts from the different fields share their ideas on globalization and people from all walks of life
become conscious of political, economic, and social issues which are brought about by globalization. According to
Coatsworth, J. (2004), globalization happens when the movement of people, goods or ideas among countries and
region accelerates.

In reality, global culture somehow leads people to lose sight of seeing the beauty and love for the local culture. In
this scenario, you are challenged to respond on this matter. The use of technology has become worldwide, so this is
really a great challenge to you to become highly analytical, creative and decisive to choose options and do things
which can make you competitive, productive and value laden members of the bigger community.

Another view of globalization is the closer integration of the countries and people of the world brought about by
the enormous reduction of costs of transportation and communication and the breaking down of artificial barriers
to the flow of goods, services, capital, knowledge and the people across borders. - Joseph E. Stiglitz (2002).
Held, et al. (1999) defined that globalization captures elements of a widespread perception that there is a
broadening, deepening and speeding up of universal interconnectedness in all aspects of life, from cultural to
political and financial to environmental. It means that this issue seems to be “a global shift”; that is, a world is being
molded by economic and technological forces, into a shared economic and political sector.

Cole (2018) shared that according to sociologists, globalization is an ongoing process that involves interconnected
changes in the economic, cultural, social and political spheres of society. Culturally, it refers to the global spread
and integration of ideas, values, norms, behaviors and ways of life. Politically, it refers to the development of forms
of governance that operates at the global scale whose policies and rules in the cooperative nations are expected to

Beck (2000), defined globalization as a process through which transnational actors undermine sovereign national
states with varying prospect of power, direction, identities and network.

Globalization is growth on a worldwide scale. It is the process of integration and international influence of
economies and cultures. In the examples of globalization below, you will see that it is not only an exchange of
goods, but also an exchange of ideas and even anti – terrorist protections. The more technology advances and the
more transportation improves, the more global outlets are revealed.

For instance, some automobiles use parts from other countries. A car being assembled in the United States may
import parts from Japan, Germany, or Korea. This creates a whole new avenue for trade, when the United States
has to pay for certain parts from around the world, wait for them to be shipped, then resume localized production.
Another example is, travel and tourism allows for the globalization of many things like the exchange of money,
cultures, ideas and knowledge.

All in all, globalization is the term used to describe the growing interdependence of the world’s economies,
cultures and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of
investment, people, and information. Many countries have built economic partnerships to facilitate these
movements for centuries.

Based on the aforementioned ideas on globalization, certainly you have reflected on it and have come up on your
own definition.
EXCERCISE 1: My Idea of Globalization
Directions: In not less than 100 words, write a paragraph about globalization.

Time to

Lesson 2: Multicultural

The idea of globalization propels you to become analytical, collaborative, decisive and morally upright. These are
vigorous elements in your active engagement towards becoming responsible agents towards addressing the varied
and diverse concerns and issues of the world. In the the academe, these highly essential outcomes that you need to
perform and have to be aligned with how you learn, live and uphold the beliefs and practices of the local
communities. However, in the 21 st century, being immersed in one’s culture is not enough. Being knowledgeable of
other cultures of the world is predominant in this generation. These include the multicultural literature of countries
that give an impact on the lives of people of the world. In the time of seamless society when people freely cross
borders, there is a need to know each other’s culture for the purpose of common understanding and eventually
making the encounter as learning opportunities and probably streamlining of practices.

Multicultural literacies pave the way for global understanding. The uniqueness of each culture gives an aggregate
value towards the attainment of peace and unity among nations. Academicians strive to put a premium on the
integration of cultural education in all levels of learning in order to make sure that students who are the citizens of
the nation are able to strengthen awareness of their culture, preserve and promote such and have it known to the
world. Eventually once shared, cultures of the world will be understood and deeply appreciated. In doing so,
people across the world live in harmony despite diversity.

Below are ideas of experts on multicultural literacies and how they influence the lives of students in particular.
Taylor and Hoechsmen (2011) shared that multicultural literacy is defined through the idea of an inclusive and
diverse education system where students of all cultural backgrounds are provided with the respect and recognition
they deserve in the classroom. It is through this literacy that we must foster certain pedagogies concerning both
social justice differences in the classroom.

Boutte (2008) discussed how by fostering both critical thinking and culturally sensitive pedagogies to bring
explicit attention to society-related cultural issues, in hope to positive impact diverse learners in the classroom
through giving recognition to the barriers they may face through educational institutions.

O’Byrne and Smith (2015) stated how through the use of multicultural literacy, culturally marginalized
students feel more respected and comfortable in the classroom as they genuinely feel their needs are being met
and their voices are being heard.

Banks and Stark (2003) stated that although literacy is essential that all students acquire the basic literacy and
computational skills, this is not enough. Students should also acquire the skills, attitude and commitments needed
to be reflective, moral and active citizens in a trouble global world. In addition to teaching basic literacy skills, the
schools should help students to acquire multicultural literacy, which consists of knowledge, skills, and
commitments essential to take action to make the world more just and humane.

Bsndev (2004) presented that multicultural literacy is awareness that culture impacts behavior and beliefs. It
is an awareness and appreciation of different beliefs, appearances and lifestyles. Further multicultural literacy
promotes understanding reading multicultural books and stories which provides cultural awareness of others; it
provides a look at history, customs, values, and language of a particular cultural group as well as understanding
among different cultures.

Boles (2006) discussed the goals in teaching children multicultural literature. These cover the increase of self
worth and greater chance for successful future; the achievement of educational equity, working towards cultural
pluralism, creation of a sense of empowerment in students, the ability to work in groups and teaching from a
multicultural perspective. This means educators must challenge assumptions and stereotypes.
For example, teachers need to select literature that does not promote stereotypical perspectives. Also, teachers
must see that culture, race, gender, religion, socio-economic status, and ability are variables in the learning process
(Ford, Harris & Howard, 1999). Another example that you can use inside the classroom in the future is your
classroom activities in which you are going to inculcate different activities like Digital Holiday Field Trip for
Elementary Level. As future teacher, you take a virtual field trip to different students’ places of origin, on days when
their country or culture is celebrating a holiday unique to them. For Secondary Level, you can have Ethnicity
Exercise which your students discuss their ethnic backgrounds and share three unique things about their culture
such as food, holidays, celebrations, etc.

The aforementioned ideas of experts on the value of multicultural education is so succinct that each
academician is challenged to see the uniqueness of each one in relation to the varied cultural background, physical
capabilities, intellectual acuity, financial capacity and the like. This would serve as a powerful tool towards global
understanding as this addresses gigantic challenges that beset the general system of education.

Proactively this becomes an opportunity to huddle various entities that usher each one to become active
players of society. In the course of active interaction between and among individuals with diverse needs, values
system is henceforth noted. Thus, the role of education is so intricate that each one’s varied experiences are given
attention regardless of sex, color, and religion. This is a strong foundation on making multicultural education alive
in every learning environment.

Tips to Foster
Engaging Learning

In the process of becoming part of the world, there is a need to actively immerse you in the different cultures
of the world through a meaningful learning engagement.
The following tips are suggested:

C-reate new circle of friends. In this era of technology, invite local and international friends in a
social network. Know them and share stories with one another: family, educational practices,
local traditions, and the like.
O- ffer time and resources. Once friendship is established, be ready to share your time and
knowledge so you will be able to learn from each other. In the course of doing so, you are
starting to build a good relationship.
N-etwork ideas. In the process of further knowing each other and the relationship have
engendered trust, you and your friend can recommend each other for more friends. Through
this, you can share with each other in terms of your interest, plans, etc.
N-ote similarities and differences of beliefs and practices. As the network expands, you need
to note similarities and differences of your beliefs and practices. In the process, you further
learn from each other and probably enjoy each others’ company. At this point, you have
gradually learnt from each other’s culture thus, eventually adjust and immerse into it as well.
E-xplore opportunities. Once you have learned from each other’s culture, you can offer
chances of inviting him/her to be part of your academic activities like requesting him/her for
evaluation of you and your classmates’ course output. This can be vice-versa.
C-are for each other. From time to time, you check on each other’s status and learn how to
show care and concern for her/him. This is an important element to strengthen relationship.
You need to preserve it. Sometimes family members become part of such relationship.
This is something you need to deeply value.
T-ransfer Learning. To make online communication with friends more meaningful and fruitful
way, you need to share experiences with your classmates in the classroom and vice-versa. It is
through this that you can truly claim that learning is significant because it’s shared
with/transferred with others.

In today’s world, connection plays a powerful agent towards globalization and immersing into
others’ cultures. So start to C-O-N-N-E-C-T.

To conclude, multicultural literacy refers to the skills involved when uncovering bias in regards to culture, as well as
the ability to take different perspectives to gain a more humane one. It is important for you to be multiculturally
literate because Philippines itself is very multicultural. You need to be able to take the point of view of different
cultures to allow yourselves to grow into responsible citizens, who consider other people's opinions.

With your knowledge from the readings above, carefully analyze the
different literatures and share your thoughts on how it affects you as a
student who is a product of multiculturalism.
Write your ideas on a separate paper, (long bond paper or yellow pad.)

~ Maria Cacao And Her Galleon ~

Maria Cacao was a goddess who lived in the mountains of Talisay. She and her husband Mangao owned a
huge plantation of cacao. Maria Cacao and Mangao were well-known traders. During harvest season, they would
ply the Mananga River on their galleon to take their produce to the lungsod.

During one stormy season, when the river water was unusually high, the mast of Maria Cacao ’s galleon hit a
wooden bridge. The busy bridge was instantly destroyed and numerous people were killed. Talisaynons shunned
the couple because of the incident. The couple became reclusive and eventually, they were never seen again.
Today, some Talisaynons who dwell along the Mananga River swear that they can still sometimes see the light at
the top of the mast of a passing galleon during harvest months.

~ Lapu-Lapu’S Bow and Arrow~

During the term of Rito de la Serna (1929-1933,) the construction of a monument honoring Datu Lapu-Lapu
was approved by the Municipal Council of Opon. The statue was holding a bow and arrow with the arrow pointing
towards the municipal hall. Just a few weeks after the completion of the statue, Rito de la Serna died. Rito de la
Serna was replaced by his nephew Gregorio de la Serna. Sometime in 1937, the younger de la Serna was not able to
complete his term because he also died in office.

After the death of the two de la Sernas, Simeon Amodia took over the position. However, Amodia, too, died
in office in 1937. Due to these deaths, people began to connect these deaths to the statue.

In 1938, Mariano Dimataga became the new chief executive of Opon. One of his first projects was the
renovation of the statue of Lapu-Lapu. The bow and arrow were removed in place of a wooden pestle. Some
people believe that this effectively stopped the ‘curse’ as Dimataga remained in his position for 30 years until his
retirement in 1968.

~ The Creation (Philippines) ~

In the beginning there were no people on the earth. Lumawig, the Great Spirit, came down from the sky and
cut many reeds. He divided these into pairs which he placed in different parts of the world, and then he said to
them, “You must speak.”

Immediately the reeds became people, and in each place was a man and a woman who could talk, but the
language of each couple differed from that of the others.

Then Lumawig commanded each man and woman to marry, which they did. By and by there were many
children, all speaking the same language as their parents. These, in turn, married and had many children. In this way
there came to be many people on the earth.

Now Lumawig saw that there were several things which the people on the earth needed to use, so he set to
work to supply them. He created salt, and told the inhabitants of one place to boil it down and sell it to their
neighbors. But these people could not understand the directions of the Great Spirit, and the next time he visited
them, they had not touched the salt.

Then he took it away from them and gave it to the people of a place called Mayinit. These did as he directed,
and because of this he told them that they should always be owners of the salt, and that the other peoples must
buy of them.

Then Lumawig went to the people of Bontoc and told them to get clay and make pots. They got the clay, but
they did not understand the moulding, and the jars were not well shaped. Because of their failure, Lumawig told
them that they would always have to buy their jars, and he removed to Samoki.

When he told the people there what to do, they did just as he said, and their jars were well shaped and
beautiful. Then the Great Spirit saw that they were fit owners of the pottery, and he told them that they should
always make many jars to sell.

In this way Lumawig taught the people and brought to them all the things which they now have.

~ The Grasshopper and The Toad (Africa) ~

Grasshopper and Toad appeared to be good friends. People always saw them together. Yet they had never
dined at each other's houses. One day Toad said to Grasshopper, "Dear friend, tomorrow come and dine at my
house. My wife and I will prepare a special meal. We will eat it together."

The next day Grasshopper arrived at Toad's house. Before sitting down to eat, Toad washed his forelegs, and
invited Grasshopper to do the same. Grasshopper did so, and it made a loud noise.

"Friend Grasshopper, can't you leave your chirping behind. I cannot eat with such a noise," said Toad.

Grasshopper tried to eat without rubbing his forelegs together, but it was impossible. Each time he gave a
chirp, Toad complained and asked him to be quiet. Grasshopper was angry and could not eat. Finally, he said to
Toad: "I invite you to my house for dinner, tomorrow."

The next day, Toad arrived at Grasshopper's home. As soon as the meal was ready, Grasshopper washed his
forelegs, and invited Toad to do the same. Toad did so, and then hopped toward the food.

"You had better go back and wash again," said Grasshopper. "All that hopping in the dirt has made your
forelegs dirty again."

Toad hopped back to the water jar, washed again, then hopped back to the table, and was ready to reach out
for some food from one of the platters when Grasshopper stopped him: "Please dorit put your dirty paws into the
food. Go and wash them again."

Toad was furious. "You just don't want me to eat with you!" he cried. "You know very well that I must use my
paws and forelegs in hopping about. I cannot help it if they get a bit dirty between the water jar and the table."

Grasshopper responded, "You are the one who started it yesterday. You know I cannot rub my forelegs
together without making a noise."From then on, they were no longer friends.

Moral: If you wish to have true friendship with someone, learn to accept each other's faults, as well as each
other's good qualities.

Assessment Task 1 Word Formation
Based from the readings, form a word in the acronym GLOBALIZATION. Word must be in
Instructions: to local, national or global community. Write your answer
NOUN FORM. After which, describe how the word affect on the space provided.
Basis for Rating: Word + description = 5points Your Rating/Total Points 65 For example: G – Goods; goods
from one country exported to another.






Assessment Task 2 Issue Analysis
With the knowledge on globalization and multicultural literacy, choose one national/global
Instructions: how it can help you become part of the global
issue from a magazine, newspaper, or online article community.
(simply write its main idea and source) then decide on
Basis for Rating: Refer to Rubric Your Rating/Total Points 100 1 Developing 2 Basic 3 Proficient 4 Advanced Weights

Summary Missing many ideas. the activity. future learning future learning.
important facts about activity but with limited
the activity. description or exploration of Discussion Limited ideas about Includes sufficient ideas about
Explains every step of the
Includes all important facts thoughts, leaving the reader with the issue.. what he/she would do differently
questions. The reflection includes a general if they do the activity again with
about the issue. A reader with a
lot of information about the process and presents thoughts connection between this learningclear explanation.
clearly so the reader has a good activity and another experience The reflection clearly and vividly
activity can understand it easily
and fully. understanding of your thoughts. but does not explore the ideas describes a
No explanation about
about the activity in a way that deeply. connection between this learning
Includes only some
makes a vivid picture for the activity and: other classes, past
important facts about the issue. Fully explains the ideas reader.
A reader with no information X4 X5 Includes ideas about what the learning, life experiences, &
about the activity would have a he/she would do differently if future learning.
problem in they do the activity again.
understanding. Connections The reflection The reflection includes a strong Includes specific
includes no connection examples of what he/she would
Explains ideas about the
connections and: between this learning activity do differently if they do the
Includes most important facts
other classes, past and: other activity again with clear and
about the issue. A reader with
learning, life classes, past learning, life convincing explanation.
adequate information about the Description & Analysis experiences, & experiences, & X7 X9
activity can understand the main learning or ideas connected to

❖ In a long bond paper, write the main idea of your chosen issue.
❖ Your paper should consist of the following components:
Content (relate your chosen issue to yourself and state how that particular issue helps you to become
part of the global community.)
❖ Margins (1 inch top, bottom, left and right.) CREATING
Assessment Task 3 Short Story
∙ Analyzing skills ∙ Discussing ∙ Describing ∙ Summarizing ∙ Relatedness

Instructions: Create a short story with a theme on multiculturalism in a long bond paper. After which,
write your reflection/realization on a separate sheet of paper.
of setting. cohesion of ideas FAIR Plot structure is in poorly
Rubric: ORGANIZATION Plot structure is in are well 10 sequenced.
CRITERIA VERY GOOD Coherence and cohesion of ideas are not
Originality of so
ideas is fair and it has organized.
20 GOOD appropriateness of setting. SKILL BOX
Plot structure is fairly sequenced. Skills in Writing a Story
CONTENT Originality of Coherence and cohesion of ideas are a
Originality of little
ideas is good organized. ∙ Consistency of ideas ∙ Increasing
enough and it has appropriateness of your
setting. vocabulary
Plot structure is properly
∙ Compelling plot
ideas is unique
Originality of ∙ Believable characters ∙ Natural
sequenced. Coherence and cohesion of ideas are
and it has ideas is poor and it has dialogue ∙ Good pacing
Coherence and organized.
appropriateness appropriateness of setting.
LANGUAGE AND STYLE grammar accuracy of highly visible and the range and appropriateness of vocabulary is
Range and structures are evident of a good grammar accuracy of highly visible and the range and
appropriateness of vocabulary is writer. structures are evident of a good grammar accuracy of
highly visible and the range and Range and writer. structures are evident of a good grammar
accuracy of appropriateness of vocabulary is Range and writer. structures are evident of a good
highly visible and the range and appropriateness of vocabulary is Range and writer.

❖ In a long bond paper, write your short story.
❖ Your story should be themed multiculturalism.
❖ Based on your story, write your realization in another long bond paper.
❖ Margins (1 inch top, bottom, left and right.)


Main Reference/s

Abao,Alda, Bacus, Dayagbil and Mananay,Jr. Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum. Mutya
Publishing House Inc.


Register, T. (2016, August 10). Seven Ways to Embrace Multiculturalism in the Classroom. Medium; Age of Awareness.

Cebuano, The. “10 Most Popular Cebu Urban Legends.” The Cebuano, 16 Feb. 2018, most-popular-cebu-urban-legends/#:~:text=The%20Urban%20Legend%3A
%20Maria%20Cacao. Accessed 14 Aug. 2020.

“Multicultural Literacy - Teaching 21st Century Literacies.” Sites.Google.Com, Accessed 14 Aug. 2020.
Staff Writers. “Teaching Multicultural Students: Creating Inclusive Classrooms.” AccreditedSchoolsOnline.Org,, 12 June 2019,

“What Is Globalization?” PIIE, 6 Jan. 2020,


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❖ The module is easy to understand.
❖ The given instructions are clear.
❖ The given tasks are doable.
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❖ The teacher seeks ongoing feedback.
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