TS Case 1 - Stability On A One-Unit-to-Grid System: Description
TS Case 1 - Stability On A One-Unit-to-Grid System: Description
TS Case 1 - Stability On A One-Unit-to-Grid System: Description
This example shows the stability between multiple synchronous generators in a network.
• Introduce the power system steady-state and transient stability concepts
• Effect of the generator loading on the system stability
• Effect of automatic voltage regulation (AVR) on the system stability
• Effect of network impedance on the system stability
• Effect of power plant local loads on the system stability
Load the project file named “TScase1-GenToGrid”. Open the library file “etaplib1200.lib”
System Information
The system is derived from IEEE published examples for transient stability studies. Figure 1 below shows
the system one-line diagram.
Step 1
Make sure to setup (create) the following scenarios for the transient stability analysis
After configuring each of the scenarios or cases as described above run them all and proceed to answer
the following questions for each case.
1.1 After running case 1, describe why the generator loses synchronization with the Grid?
1.2 For case 2, describe the effect of adding the automatic voltage regulator (AVR) to the generator.
1.3 In case 3; there is no AVR, however the system is stable. Explain what causes the system stability to
Fill out the following table and attempt to explain the most important reason leading to stability or lack
thereof in the system.
Results (Stable or
Case # Major Cause Summary