Supernatural Healing - Sid Roth

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The Incomp lete Church

They Thought for Themselves


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Think Healing
God’s Covenant of Protection—the 91st Psalm
Breaking Destructive Family Patterns
The Power of God’s Word
Surprised by God’s Love
Passover Fulfilled
One of the Greatest Healing Miracles of the 20th
God Always Has a Plan
A Doctor Experiences Divine Healing
Do Something Extra!
THE INCOMPLETE CHURCH—Bridging the Gap Between
God’s Children

he Word of God is replete with miraculous healings
and supernatural manifestations that occurred in the
lives of those who believed and called upon the name
of the Lord.
Prior to His ascension, Jesus left the disciples with one
of the most powerful commissions regarding the
miraculous—a commission of greater works:
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who b elieves in me, the works
that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will
do, b ecause I go to my Father. And whatever you ask in my
name, that I will do, that the Father may b e glorified in the Son.
If you ask anything in my name, I will do it” (John 12:12-14).

It should not surprise us when we learn, that powerful

healings, inexplicable by doctors, continue to manifest in
the lives of those who dare to believe that through Jesus,
all things are possible. In this book, you will read about
many of those miraculous encounters and how God is
pouring out His Spirit upon His people. After reading
these inspiring, true-life stories of God’s miraculous healing
power, you will find encouragement to believe for healing
for yourself or a loved one.

hen I was a brand new Jewish believer in the
Messiah over thirty years ago, I was a guest on the
Kathryn Kuhlman television show. As a result, she
invited me to attend her healing meetings.
What I saw was wonderful—major miracles took place,
but in the Bible, I had read that miracles were normal for
the first followers of Jesus. I thought all believers walked in
this same power. So when she offered to mentor me, I
didn’t give it a second thought. This was a major mistake
that I regret deeply. I did not realize that healing had all
but disappeared from the Church.
Two thousand years ago Yeshua (Jesus) entered a
synagogue and said, “[You are] making the Word of God of
no effect through your tradition” (Mark 7:13). If Jesus went
into most churches today, He would say the same thing.



If you reach a Jewish person for the Messiah—a Jewish

person who knows nothing about Jesus or the New
Testament—and give that individual the Bible to read,
without allowing Christians to confuse him or her, there is
no way that person will doubt healing. If you later try to
tell him or her that Jesus doesn’t heal today or that God
works in mysterious ways or it’s God’s will for you to be
sick to teach you something, then that individual will look
at you as if you are mishuggah (crazy). He or she will
think you have made the Word of God of no effect by your
tradition (see Mark 7:13).
We must bring our experiences up to the promises of
God, and not continually water down God’s Word to
explain our disappointing experiences.


As a new believer, I studied under some of the greatest

teachers on healing. However, when the devil attacked my
wife, Joy, with cancer, we did not experience a miracle.
Running out of time, we accepted medical help. Praise God
for doctors! God used doctors to save her life, but you can
imagine how this undermined our faith.
The testing did not stop with Joy’s cancer diagnosis. I
was convinced that God wanted me to proclaim healing;
so, I would have healing services, but few were healed.
One person even died at my meeting! However, I had a
great desire in my heart to see people healed. So I
persisted. I am convinced that persistence is one of the
great keys to healing.


God honored my stay-with-it tenacity. First, He started

giving me the ability to hear in my spirit that certain
conditions were being healed. This is known as a word of
knowledge. The healings started with necks, then allergies,
hearing, and backs. Many were healed. At times, all the
people with back problems were healed when I laid hands
on them. Even non-believers were healed. Then I started
just saying the words without laying hands on people. I
found God would heal them just with my spoken word.
Lately, He has been healing people without even words of
knowledge or the laying on of hands. His healing presence
just shows up.
This I know about healing. I am as sure of this as I am
that Jesus died for all my sins. Jesus died for all my
sicknesses. “Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all
your diseases” (Ps. 103:3).
Isaiah 53, written 700 years before the birth of Jesus,
describes a Messiah who would suffer and die for us. Rabbis
who studied this passage prior to Jesus coming to earth
called this One the Leprous Messiah because the passage
says that He was marred and disfigured by our sins and
sicknesses. In the Hebrew, it says plainly that He carried all
of our pains and sicknesses. “But only our diseases did He
bear Himself and our pains he carried. … Through His
bruises was healing granted to us” (Isa. 53:4a,5b Isaac
Leeser translation).

Jesus died for my healing, as well as for my

In other words, God has done all He will ever do for
your healing. It’s a done deal. If I never see another miracle
I must believe God’s Word. “Let God be true but every man
a liar” (Rom. 3:4). And “without faith it is impossible to
please Him [God]” (Heb. 11:6). I want to devote my life to
being a God pleaser.


Where does sickness originate? It can’t come from

Heaven. There is no sickness in Heaven. It comes from the
devil and demons. “The thief does not come except to steal,
and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10). Luke 13:16 says,
“So ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham,
whom satan has bound… be loosed.” A better Greek
translation to English for the word sickness is “evil.”
Sickness is evil. We know there is no evil in God’s


Our Messiah taught us to pray, “Your Kingdom come.

Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” (Matt. 6:10).
The devil tries to get us to use our mouth to speak the
opposite. He wants his will done on earth as it is in hell.
Both God and the devil need a human to cooperate.
Our faith and trust in speaking and believing God’s Word
gives God Kngdom rule in our life. Since there is no
sickness in Heaven, let’s enforce God’s Kingdom on earth.
Let’s not permit the devil’s kingdom on earth.
The Greek word for bind is a Hebrew idiom meaning “to
forbid” and the word for loose is a Hebrew idiom meaning
“permit.” Here are your King’s orders:
“Truly I say to you: whatever you would bind (forbid)
upon the earth will already have been bound (forbidden) in
heaven with ongoing effect, and whatever you loose
(permit) upon the earth will already have been loosed
(permitted) in heaven with ongoing effect” (Matt. 18:18,
Power New Testament).


Unforgiveness is a major block to healing. Make it a

point to forgive everyone who has ever hurt or
disappointed you. It’s not a feeling, but a command. It’s not
based on them deserving it. “And whenever you stand
praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him,
that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your
trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your
Father in heaven forgive your trespasses” (Mark 11:25-26).
Let the persons go completely. Release him or her from
any obligation to you. When you judge him or her, you are
taking God’s role. You do not know all the facts. Only God
knows the whole truth. When you release the person from
your judgments, you become free. Forgiveness does not
mean you necessarily trust him or her. Trust is earned, but
forgiveness is mandatory.

Always remember, “As [a man] thinks in his heart, so is

he” (Prov. 23:7). I am convinced what we feed ourselves is
what comes out of our hearts. Guard your heart. Monitor
what you see and listen to. Monitor your reading and TV
and Internet viewing. Practice Philippians 4:8: “Finally,
brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are
noble, whatever things are pure, whatever things are
lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any
virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on
these things.”
Refuse to think about or let anything out of your mouth
that does not conform to Philippians 4:8. The devil wants
you to curse God when you don’t understand. This is what
Job’s wife urged Job to do (see Job 2:9). Your enemy is
never God. He is your best friend and your only help.


God instructed Joshua on the secret of getting His Word

from Joshua’s mind to his spirit. God told Joshua to
meditate on His Word (promises) day and night (see Josh.
1). The Hebrew word for meditate means “to mumble out
loud.” I like to think of meditate as God’s way to medicate.
In Exodus 15:26, God refers to Himself as “the Lord who
heals you.” The Hebrew phrase, “who heals you,” is a
single word. It means literally, “your doctor.”
God says, “For as he thinketh in his heart [spirit], so is
he” (Prov. 23:7). Meditating on God’s Word doesn’t heal
you! But meditating on God’s Word causes you to believe
in your heart, and believing in your heart causes your
healing to manifest. I also have found reading the Bible out
loud changes me! Reading to myself is good, but reading
out loud is much better!

Reading the Bible out loud changes me!

One of the best ways to cause God’s Word on healing to

manifest in your flesh is to repeat God’s Words on healing.
When you hear yourself affirming God’s Word, you will
believe in your heart. When you speak and believe, it will


The top healing evangelists of our day have many

miracles. I have seen people walk out of wheelchairs
totally healed at their meetings. But what about the
hundreds of other people in wheelchairs who go home the
same way they came? Why are they not healed?
Many times we look for a miracle and miss the healing.
We plant the truth about healing from God’s Word (seed)
and believe we are healed (see Mark 11:24). When we do
not instantly receive our miracle, we are confused. This
then puts us in unbelief. Instead, recognize that a miracle is
an instant healing and a healing is a gradual miracle.
The moment you prayed for healing the anointing
(power) of God entered your body (see Matt. 8:8). It
entered your body whether you felt anything or not. It
entered your body whether the symptoms stayed or left.
The moment the anointing enters your body, as far as God
is concerned, the miracle takes place. But faith must be
expressed for your healing to manifest in your body. God
has done His part. It is now up to you.


God is not confined to formulas. Yeshua (Jesus) healed

people in many different ways. I believe that God will use
one or more ideas in this book to build your faith for
healing and that the healing anointing will splash off the
pages as you read these testimonies.
God is not a respecter of persons. What He will do for
one, He will do for all. I pray your great passion will be
for the Healer, not just for a healing. Become a worshiper
of God. Play worship music in your home 24/7, and let
your spirit soar to the heavenlies. Make intimacy with
Yeshua your great obsession.


Over the years, I have learned to contend for my own

healing and the healing of others. Even if I prayed for 100
deaf people and not one was healed, I never gave up.
Today, I see the deaf healed. You do not have three strikes
and you are out. You can only strike out if you quit
swinging. Keep swinging until you manifest your healing.
True biblical faith never gives up. Never give up. Never
give up. never, never give up!
After over thirty years of investigating miracles, I do not
have all the answers—only God does. But of this I am sure:
God is good. God is love. God wants to develop intimacy
with you. God wants you to be healed more than you want
your healing. Heaven is drawing closer. Miracles are ready
to explode on planet Earth!



eggy Joyce Ruth is cheerful, warmhearted, and
motherly, but she wasn’t always such a happy and
peaceful person. For eight long years she suffered,
tormented by fears and depression until God showed
her how to find safety in the 91st Psalm. She says, “I
believe that God gave me this answer because I needed to
tell others how to be protected from all the horrible things
coming on the earth.” Here is Peggy Joyce’s story in her
own words.


“I used to be a fearful person—frightened of every bad

thing that could possibly happen. I had reached a point
where fear literally controlled my life. One day, my fears
were at such a peak that I did not know how I could go on.
I lay down on my bed, and I asked God, ‘Is there any way
to be protected from all this danger, or do we just have to
take what comes?’
“Although my heart posed this question, I didn’t actually
expect an answer. I was just emotionally exhausted. I fell
asleep, and then I had a vivid dream. In my dream, I was
standing alone in a huge open field, asking God, ‘Is there
any way to be protected from the evil coming on this earth,
or do we just have to take what comes?’ After a few
moments, I heard a powerful, authoritative voice say, ‘In
your day of trouble call on Me, and I will answer.’
“In my dream, I felt so excited that I started leaping for
joy. The next thing I knew, many, many other people had
appeared, and they were all celebrating and laughing and
rejoicing with me over this answer to the question that I
had asked. I felt so overjoyed by those words, and long
after I awoke, I continued to ponder what it meant.

In your day of trouble call on Me, and I will


“The next day I overheard someone mention the 91st

Psalm. I felt strongly compelled to look it up. My heart
leaped when I read in verse 15 the same words that I had
heard in my dream. ‘In your day of trouble call on Me, and
I will answer.’ Then I realized that my dream had been sent
by God. I knew that the 91st Psalm was exactly the answer
for which I had been looking.”


“I spent the next six months intensively studying the 91st

Psalm. I found that it makes some astonishing promises. It
offers a covenant of protection from every kind of harm
that can befall a person—sickness, accidents, war, natural
disasters—there is nothing that is not covered. If I could
believe the words of the Psalm, there was nothing on earth
that could harm my family or me.
“It seemed almost too good to be true. My rational mind
rejected it. I thought, This was written more than 2,600
years ago. It does not apply to me. I can’t believe this.
However, something inside kept telling me that this was
the answer. Then, one day God led me to the Scripture in
Romans 3:3-4 that says, ‘If some do not believe, will their
unbelief nullify the faithfulness of God? May it never be!
Rather, let God be found true, though every man be found a
liar’ That settled it.”



“I had to make up my mind that either the Word of God

was trustworthy or it was not. I had to choose. I chose to
believe it, but it was a belief I had to work for through
careful study of the Bible and meditating on the words. It
did not come easily.
“Then I started talking about it with my friends and
family members. The more I talked about it, the more I
understood and believed it. It is true that faith comes by
hearing, even if you are hearing your own voice speak
God’s Word.
“As I told others about it, I found many who actually put
it into practice in their lives. One of these was my brother,
Dr. James Crow, who later relied on the 91st Psalm to save
his daughter’s life.”

“One morning, my brother’s eleven-year-old daughter,

Julie, was thrown from a horse. As she fell, the horse
kicked her in the head, cracking her skull like an eggshell.
It was bad. They sent her immediately from our local
hospital to a larger hospital, and when we got there the
swelling of her face was so severe that we could not even
recognize her. All of her vital signs had dropped, and the
doctors could not revive her at first. They told us that her
injuries were so serious that she might die at any minute,
and that she could not possibly live through the night.

I will not accept your prognosis.

“My brother put his full trust in the 91st Psalm. He told
the doctors, ‘I will not accept your prognosis. We have a
covenant of protection with God. I believe God will heal
her.’ I think the medical staff thought we were religious
nuts. However, as a family we were all in agreement,
praying the 91st Psalm for Julie. We said it over and over
as we sat in the waiting room, and miraculously, her vital
signs came back, but she was still unconscious.
“Her doctor did not seem impressed that her vital signs
had improved. He said, ‘Even if she does live through the
night, she will be brain damaged and suffer severe hearing
and sight loss due to the location of the injuries.’ He tried
to present the facts to us and explained that her optic nerve
had been damaged, that the bones in her ears were
shattered, and that her brain had severe trauma. It was true
that she had been injured beyond recognition.
“However, my brother put his trust in the 91st Psalm,
and he refused to let go of his covenant of protection. We
all kept confessing that Psalm over Julie, and repeatedly
told the medical staff, ‘We have a covenant, and she will be
OK.’ To make a long story short, nine days later she walked
out of that hospital with no hearing loss, no loss of
eyesight, and no brain damage—totally healed.

Here is the miracle girl.

“Throughout her recovery, nurses and doctors kept

coming to her room saying, ‘Here is the miracle girl.’ I
know my niece would not be normal today, and probably
not alive, if my brother had not stood firm on his covenant
with God. Today she is a dental assistant for one of the
leading dentists in San Antonio, Texas.”


He who dwells in the shelter of the most high will ab ide in the
shadow of the Almighty.

I will say to the lord,

“My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!”

For it is he who delivers you from the snare of the trap p er,
and from the deadly p estilence.

He will cover you with his p inions,

and under his wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and b ulwark.

You will not b e afraid of the terror b y night,

Or of the arrow that flies b y day;
Of the p estilence that stalks in darkness,
Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.

A thousand may fall at your side,

and ten thousand at your right hand;
b ut it shall not ap p roach you.

You will only look on with your eyes,

and see the recomp ense of the wicked.

For you have made the lord, my refuge,

even the most high, your dwelling p lace.

No evil will b efall you,

nor will any p lague come near your tent.

For he will give his angels charge concerning you,

to guard you in all your ways.

They will b ear you up in their hands,

That you do not strike your foot against a stone.

You will tread up on the lion and cob ra,

the young lion and the serp ent you will tramp le down.

Because he has loved me, therefore I will deliver him;

I will set him securely on high, b ecause he has known my name.

He will call up on me, and I will answer him;

I will b e with him in troub le;
I will rescue him and honor him.

With a long life I will satisfy him,

And let him see my salvation (Psalm 91 NASB).


“There are promises of protection all through the Bible,

but the 91st Psalm is unique in that it is the only place
where all of the protection promises are gathered together
in one place, creating a covenant or a contract for divine
protection. God revealed it to me because I asked Him to
show me how to be safe in this world. I believe that He
gave me this answer because I needed to tell others how to
be protected from all the horrible things coming on the


Peggy Joyce explains that this covenant of protection is

not automatic; we have to work for it. “There are things we
must do ourselves to obtain protection. As we read the first
two verses, we see that we must dwell in the secret place of
God, that place of confidence and restful trust. In addition,
we must continually say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and
my fortress; my God in Him will I trust’ (Ps. 91:2). We
must do both of these things to have all the covenant
“We are told in Psalm 91:4 that we may seek refuge
under His (God’s) wings. The Lord gave me a very vivid
picture of what it means to seek refuge under His wings.
We live in the country, and one spring our old mother hen
hatched a brood of baby chicks. One afternoon when the
little chicks were scattered all over the yard, I suddenly saw
the shadow of a hawk overhead. Then I noticed something
that taught me a lesson I will never forget. That mother hen
did not run to those little chicks and jump on top of them
to try to cover them with her wings.

Then I noticed something that taught me a

lesson I will never forget.

“Instead, she squatted down, spread out her wings, and

began to cluck, and those little chicks, from every
direction, came running to her to get under those
outstretched wings. Then, she pulled her wings down tight,
tucking every little chick safely under her. To get to those
babies, the hawk would have to go through the mother.
“In the same way, it is under His wings that we may seek
refuge—but we have to run to Him. He does not run here
and there, trying to cover us. He has made protection
available. And when we run to Him in faith, the enemy
will have to go through God to get to us. It is important to
understand this.”


Peggy Joyce has taught many about our covenant of

protection. One young mother was particularly glad she
had learned it. “Her four-year-old son, Skylar, went over
the side of a cliff after his bicycle got out of control. When
his mother found him, he was tangled in the wheel of the
bicycle and lying on his stomach with his chin turned
around over his shoulder. The situation was so urgent that
they could not wait for the ambulance, so the mother and
her sister drove him to the nearest hospital. As they drove,
they prayed aloud the promises of Psalm 91.
“The local hospital found an obvious break in the C-1
vertebra, so he was immediately airlifted to Cooks
Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. The situation
seemed grim. However, the two sisters never stopped
claiming their protection covenant of Psalm 91 as doctors
attended the little boy. Finally, the doctor at Cook’s
Hospital came out of the room with a strange look on his
face. He had the X-rays from the first hospital in one hand
and the new X-rays that had just been taken in the other
hand, and his words were, ‘We don’t know how to explain
this, but we find no head trauma and no C-1 fracture.’
“These two sisters had trusted God completely and
believed what He said in Psalm 91: ‘No evil will befall you,
nor will plague or calamity come near your household’ (see
Ps. 91:10). Since the day they left the hospital, Skylar has
been a perfectly normal, healthy little boy with no side
effects whatsoever from the accident.”


“A young friend of ours, Julee, was getting ready for

church when someone knocked on her door. As she opened
the door, a strange man shoved his way in and attacked
her. Remembering that God said in Psalm 91:5,7, ‘You
shall not be afraid of the terror [what another person can
do to harm you]… it will not come near you,’ Julee started
quoting the Word of God to him as her defense.
“It took forty-five minutes of spiritual battle as the man
came at her time after time, but her persistence in quoting
these words brought confusion and immobility on him—
thwarting every attempted attack. During one of those
times when he had temporarily lost his focus, she was able
to get out the door and escape unharmed.
“Later, after he was apprehended, she found that he had
sexually assaulted numerous young women, and she was
the only one of his victims who had been able to escape
without harm.”
You shall not be afraid of the terror [what
another person can do to harm you] …it will
not come near you,


Peggy Joyce also illustrates how we can be protected

from natural disaster. Her family had a close encounter
with destruction when a tornado raged through their
community. “We heard on the news that a tornado was
headed for our part of town, and when we looked out the
window, we could see it off in the distance. A teen club
was meeting at our house, and the members watched the
tornado, which had touched down and was headed in our
direction. The sky was dark and had a peculiar, greenish
glow. We could see a large funnel cloud headed straight for
our house.
“I’m sure a lot of people were rushing for their storm
cellars at that moment, but my husband got us outside,
speaking the promises of Psalm 91 directly to the storm as
we marched around our house. When we went back inside,
the radio announcer was just making the statement, ‘It is a
miracle! The tornado, which was headed south of the
country club, has suddenly disappeared.’ God gave us our
miracle. Psalm 91 is our covenant we speak in the face of
destruction (the category of evil over which man has no
“On another occasion the Lord saved our property from
fire after relying on the promise in this 91st Psalm. My
husband and our son, Bill, were burning brush in the back
pasture of our ranch when an old underground gas well
exploded. Fire raced across the field toward other houses.
They fought the fire, but it was hopelessly out of control.
There was little expectation that a fire truck could get there
in time to do any good, but my husband raced off to the
house to call them anyway. When he returned from calling
the fire truck, to his surprise, the fire was out. One minute
it was out of control; the next minute it was out! Jack said,
‘Bill, how did you do it?’ Remembering our covenant, Bill
had called on God, and God had miraculously put the fire

God had miraculously put the fire out.



“In Psalm 91, God lists all the things from which we are
protected, and we can easily see that it covers all of the
evils of humankind. It includes all the evils that come
through another person, such as robbery, murder,
terrorism, or rape. It also includes epidemics and deadly
diseases, and all natural disasters such as tornadoes, floods,
hurricanes, and other things that man has no control over.
Verse seven plainly says, ‘A thousand may fall at your side,
and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come
near you’ (Ps. 91:7). He even has angels standing by us to
help us. This is God’s Covenant of Protection.”
Peggy Joyce emphasizes that all contracts have two
sides, so we must be careful to do our part. Here is what
she teaches people to do:

1. Verse one reveals part of our responsibility: We are

to dwell in the shelter of the Most High and abide in
the shadow of the Almighty. We are to be like those
baby chicks and learn to live under the wings of our
Lord. We must root out our doubts and make up our
minds to believe that these are not just words for
emotional comfort, but real promises to turn things
around. You can examine yourself and ask God to
help you accept this as the Truth.
2. We must continually tell ourselves and others of this
promise of protection as it says in verse 2, “I will
say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress”
(Ps. 91:2).
3. We must seek God’s protection. We can do this by
meditating on each verse and thinking about what it
means. For example, as you meditate on verse two,
begin to say from your heart, “He is the Lord, the
one to whom I will run first. Lord, You are my God
in whom I trust. I know you want to be the Source
of all my protection; therefore, I will refuse to look
at all forms of Plan B.”
4. In addition to meditating on Psalm 91, read it out
loud. Put your own or someone else’s name in it.
Thank God for it; thank Him that He loved you
enough to make this protection possible. Depend on
Him to lead you through.
5. Finally, if there is any point of obedience that He
expects out of you, ask Him to show you. The
Psalm promises that if we meet the conditions, God
will satisfy us with long life.

Peggy Joyce says, “When you pray this Psalm, tell God
that you want to know Him intimately, and that you
recognize Jesus as the only provision for your life that
matters. I promise that if you read it over and over, and if
you believe it and say it out loud, then fear will run away
from you and you will begin to see real protection.”
She sums up: “It is awesome to think that we can be
intimate with the Creator and that He will give us a
purpose and a destiny. He provides angelic protection and
gives us authority over the enemy. Greater power is in the
Word of God than any fear or circumstance or situation in
your life. Thirty-five years ago, my life changed from
despair to victory, not because of anything special about
me, but because of the power in God’s Word. You can do it
too! Go for the gold! It’s your time!”

Thirty-five years ago, my life changed from

despair to victory…
In her classes, Peggy Joyce has taught hundreds on living
in God’s blanket of protection. Her husband is the senior
pastor of Living Word Church in Brownwood, Texas. For
adults and youth, she has written instructive books that go
into more depth about the 91st Psalm. (See Resources in
the back of the book for more information.)



f certain diseases like cancer, diabetes, or mental illness
run in your family, Larry Huch’s message may be for
you. Larry has found that when the same problems crop
up in several generations of a family, there is often a
supernatural power at work that the Bible calls a
generational curse. Larry has seen hundreds freed from
problems that had plagued their families for generations.
Larry explains: “Just about anything that causes harm or
misery can be a curse. Sometimes the same problems pass
from one generation to another, affecting even
grandchildren and great grandchildren. The key is to look
for the same problem repeating in several generations of a
family. This familial tendency usually signals a
generational curse.
When the same problem repeats in several generations of
a family, it may be what the Bible calls a generational
“The good news is that when we enter into a covenant
with the Messiah, we have reconciliation with God and the
power to break these curses not only from ourselves but
also from our children. This is a wonderful truth to know
and understand.”
Larry has seen the same principles work over and over
again to set people free, first in his own life and later
among the thousands to whom he has ministered. His own
story is an amazing proof of this teaching.

Born in the inner city of St. Louis, Missouri, Larry Huch

experienced turmoil and pain from his earliest days. Larry
said, “Generations of anger, violence, and addiction had
caught me in their vicious cycles; many generations of my
own family were plagued with anger, and the consequence
to me was a childhood filled with violence.
“By the time I was nine years old, I realized that to care
was to be a victim. I vowed never to cry again, and to be
so tough and hard that no one could hurt me. Over the next
few years, I became as street smart as I could. I intended to
be, and was, dangerous to anyone who tried to mess with
“I probably would have stayed on this path, but I
happened to be good at football, and that changed my life.
I was awarded a football scholarship to college; so I left my
old neighborhood and way of life behind.

By the time I was nine years old, I realized

that to care was to be a victim.

“In college I was known around campus as a good

athlete. The tough life I had left behind made me fearless
and aggressive at football, and I was a star player. When
you are a star player, everyone wants to be your friend. I
should have felt successful, but instead, I just felt empty
and confused.
“Like many young people, I found that I did not know
where I fit, or how to make sense of my life. I started to
experiment with drugs, and I got really caught up in the
drug culture on campus. It wasn’t long before getting drugs
started to take over my life.”


Larry became such a frequent user of drugs that he began

to sell them in order to finance his habit. Once he started
selling drugs, he quickly moved up the food chain of drug
dealers until he reached the top level. He continues: “At
that time, the top level of the cocaine trade was in Medelin,
Colombia, so I moved there and started buying drugs from
one of the cartels. I hired people (we called them mules)
who brought the drugs in to the United States for sale to
smaller-scale dealers.
“I made an enormous amount of money from drug
dealing. My lifestyle in Colombia was luxurious. I lived in
a villa tended by native servants, and had so much money
that I kept it stashed in boxes in my house, along with
large amounts of cocaine and heroin. When I went out, I
usually carried thousands of dollars around with me just for
pocket change. There was nothing I couldn’t buy.”


Surrounded by drugs, Larry’s addiction began spiraling

out of control. Larry said, “I found myself getting high as
often as ten to twelve times a day. I lost interest in eating;
my weight dropped from 215 to 145 pounds, giving me
such an emaciated look that my friends were worried, and
warned me to slow down.”
“I lived for getting high, and then one day I had a chance
to die for it. The day it happened, I was alone in my house.
I had started drinking tequila early in the morning, and
then I shot up a large quantity of pure cocaine to get high,
but the cocaine didn’t seem to kick in.

I lived for getting high, and then one day I had

a chance to die for it.

“I was already so high that I had no idea what I was

doing. I wanted that cocaine rush, so I injected myself
again. I still couldn’t feel the drug, so I did it a third time,
and then a fourth. By the time the drugs finally began to hit
my system, I had taken a fatal overdose.
“As my body systems began to shut down, I could feel
myself losing consciousness. I knew that I was dying, but I
realized that despite the reckless way I had been living, I
really didn’t want to die. Even though I had often told
people that I was an atheist, as I lay dying, I just couldn’t
help calling out to God. I said to Him, ‘God, if you are out
there, please don’t let me die without finding happiness. ’
“It is hard to describe what happened next, because it
happened so suddenly. In an instant everything changed. I
knew that I would live, and that I had been saved by the
mercy of a God I didn’t know anything about.”

I knew that I would live, and that I had been

saved by the mercy of a God I didn’t know
anything about.


Larry started trying to find this unknown God through

taking various drugs and in all sorts of exotic religions, but
the experience of God eluded him. He still drifted in the
currents of the drug business, but the need to find God
continued to increase.
In time, the drug business in Colombia fell apart, and
that led Larry back to the United States. He describes what
happened: One day when I was away, thieves broke into
my mountaintop villa and stole everything of value. They
took my drug stash and all my cash, and there was no hope
of getting it back. I just didn’t have the heart to try to start
over from nothing in Colombia, so I returned to the United
That addiction owned me.

“I wanted a total change in lifestyle, so I moved to a farm

in rural Missouri and became a vegetarian. I continued to
do some small-time dealing to support myself, but my real
purpose was to find God.
“I tried hard to get free from drug addiction, but it
proved impossible to break the habit. I repeatedly threw
my drug needles into the woods, swearing to get clean, but
within hours I would be crawling around looking for them
so I could get high again. That addiction owned me.”


Addiction was not Larry’s only problem. He also had a

violent temper. In one episode, he became so enraged that
he nearly killed the man who lived next door to him.
Shortly after this, law enforcement got on his trail for drug
dealing. Larry knew that he was just one step ahead of the
law, and fled to Flagstaff, Arizona. He had been there just a
few days when a friend invited him to visit his church.
Despite his low opinion of Christian churches, Larry said
he would go.
Larry describes what happened next: “I showed up for
the service with my appearance revealing my contempt for
Christian churches. I was barefoot and wore only a poncho
over my bare chest. My hair was loose and hung down to
my waist. Tattoos, earrings, and a beard completed my
look. My face was gaunt, and needle tracks ran visibly up
and down my arms. The church people can be forgiven for
being afraid to have me there. To their credit, they did let
me sit in the church while they showed a movie called
Gospel road about the life of Jesus.
“I was completely unprepared for what happened next.
As I watched the movie about Jesus, something began to
stir in me. For the first time in my life, I knew I was
hearing the truth about God. My heart told me that this
Jesus was the one who had saved my life when I was dying
in Colombia.

For the first time in my life, I knew I was

hearing the truth about God.

“The pastor invited to the front of the church anyone

who wished to be led into the life of Jesus. I was drawn
forward by a force that I couldn’t explain and found myself
kneeling at the altar. I knew I had come into the presence
of God.


“As I prayed, I renounced my old life. I asked Jesus to

come into my heart, and to give me a new life. In that
moment, I was reborn. A tremendous weight rolled off me.
Years of depravity and loneliness dropped away, and I
cried for the first time since I was nine years old. I cried for
what seemed like hours. For the first time in my life, I felt
loved and at peace, and that I had become a completely
new person.

I had become a new person with a totally new

chance at life.

“The term born again is often used derisively, but it

means ‘having your spirit come alive and being born into a
relationship with the living God.’ I had become a new
person with a totally new chance at life. It was an
indescribable feeling and remains one of the high points of
my life.”


Later that day, Larry was startled to realize that he had

no desire to use drugs. He said, “I was truly high on the
Messiah, and felt completely alive. I waited and waited for
the drug cravings to come back, but they never did. I had
been completely and totally set free.
“That was 28 years ago. Drug addicts go through
treatment to get clean and they are taught to think of
themselves as recovering addicts. I am not a recovering
addict. I am an ex-addict. I will never relapse. By the
power of God, I became a new person, completely set free
from drugs.”
After this dramatic experience, Larry committed his life
to the Lord’s service. He went into training and became a
pastor, and had a tremendous compassion for the lost. His
church grew quickly, and he became a leader in the
Christian community, with invitations to speak coming in
from churches all over the world.


Even as his church and reputation grew, however, Larry

began to consider leaving the ministry. He said, “Even
though God had delivered me completely from drug
addiction, I still had to contend with the uncontrollable
outbursts of anger that had dogged my life. These outbursts
would come up unexpectedly, and when they did, I
sometimes went out of control.
There were times when I hit my wife. After violent
episodes, I would repent in tears and beg my wife to
forgive me.
“Though I would swear to never lose my temper again,
sooner or later my control would slip and off I would go.
The worst moment of all came one day when I lost my
temper and struck my three-year-old son, Luke, sending
him flying across the room.
“At that moment it came to me that I had become just
like the generations before me, angry and violent. Though I
had vowed never to do those things, I had become the very
thing that I most hated.”

I had become the very thing that I most hated.

In a moment of revelation, Larry knew that he was

confronting a generational pattern, acting out his anger just
as generations of his family had done before him. He went
to the Bible and began a study of generational curses that
changed his life.


Larry read in the book of Exodus that the sins of the

parents are visited on the third and fourth generation of the
children. This means that people can suffer sometimes for
things that their great-grandparents did wrong.
Larry said, “The Bible teaches that a curse is a
supernatural power that hovers over a person’s life, causing
certain kinds of problems to occur. It operates like a
blessing, only in the opposite direction.
“Generational curses can show up as health problems
like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer, or other
disorders like mental illness, incest, eating disorders, and
addictions. Circumstances like poverty, family discord,
business failures, and divorces also tend to run in families.
Genetic disorders are another example of a generational
“The cause of these problems in our lives may be due to
something that our great, great grandparents did, leading
us to suffer under negative influences that are not our

Generational curses can show up as health



Through careful study of the Bible, Larry learned the way

to break a generational curse. He explains: “When people
learn about the Messiah, they learn that He died to be an
atoning sacrifice for our sin. What is often not taught is that
when He was put on the cross He also became a curse in
our place so that we could be totally free. To get free of
curses, we must know and apply this truth. The messiah
became a curse for us so that we do not have to suffer it
“The Messiah taught us, You shall know the truth and the
truth that you know and understand shall make you free
(see John 8:32).
“Notice, truth by itself does not set you free; it is knowing
and understanding the truth. We need to know and
understand that the Messiah became a curse for us when He
went to the cross, and that we don’t have to suffer this way
Then we can go on to apply spiritual principles to enforce
our freedom.”
Notice, truth by itself does not set you free; it is knowing
and understanding the truth.


Larry wrote a book about breaking these curses called

Free At Last.1 One important principle that he teaches in
this book is that even though the cause of the problem is
not our fault, our actions are our responsibility, and we
must repent for them. To get free of curses, people have to
take full responsibility for their own actions and reactions,
with no blaming and no excuses.
Using himself as an example, Larry explains, “Although
the anger pattern came from my dad, it did not excuse me
for hitting my wife and child. Blaming my dad wouldn’t
solve anything.
“For me, it was a relief to simply come before the Lord
confessing my sin. It had been such a burden to pretend
that I could control my temper. No matter how hard I had
tried to fix myself, I had failed to really change.
No matter how hard I had tried to fix myself, I
had failed to really change.

“I confessed my helplessness to change, and the Lord met

me with compassion and forgiveness. The Lord never
points a finger to condemn us. Condemnation and
accusation come from the devil. God always reaches out
His hand in redemption, healing, and deliverance. Our job
is to be accountable.
“In cases where we don’t really know what our sin is, we
can ask the Lord to show us, and then wait on Him to
reveal it.”


“As we take responsibility for our actions and our

reactions, we usually realize that we are powerless to really
change ourselves. We can improve our habits, but to really
change ourselves is beyond our ability.
“The good news is that God doesn’t want us to fix
ourselves. The Messiah compared that to putting a patch on
a worn-out garment. He wants to make us new, to
transform us. His presence in our lives is the cause of
change. God will make your life new and full of new
“Just like with my drug addiction, God took my
admission of helplessness and began to change me. Today,
I am free of uncontrollable anger. I no longer have to
restrain my angry spirit. I am a changed person, and the
anger is just gone.”


In his book, Free At last, Larry teaches the transforming

power of forgiveness to reverse the curse and change it to
blessing. In the book he says, “We make a great mistake in
blaming our problems on other people. Our real enemy is a
spiritual power, the devil, who uses people as his tools.
The devil has studied methods for destroying people since
the beginning of human history. We should be quick to
forgive the people who have been used by the devil to
harm us, and turn our anger toward the devil himself.

Forgiveness is a powerful spiritual force.

“When we don’t forgive, bitterness mars and ruins our

own lives and binds the problem to us, so that the wrong
continues to hurt us. As we forgive the people who have
wronged us, we release a powerful wave of God’s healing
in our own lives and begin the path of our own recovery.
Forgiveness is a powerful spiritual force.
“The Messiah taught that forgiveness is one of the most
important preconditions for answered prayer. He taught us
to love our enemies and pray for our adversaries.”


“We are free from all curses when we enter into covenant
with the Messiah. He took all our curses on Himself when
He went to the cross.
“The Messiah taught His followers, ‘the truth you know
and understand will set you free.’ It is important to fight
spiritual problems with spiritual weapons. There is no
substitute for study and learning what these are. The
benefits will come not only to you but to your spouse and
your children and your extended family.

Once you break the generational curse, start

claiming your freedom.

“Once you break the generational curse, start claiming

your freedom. Believe it is yours and make sure your
words reflect that belief. Stay obedient to God and let
nothing stop you from living in love with other believers.
“Through the power at work within us we can break the
hold that generational curses have on our lives, our
families, and our communities.”

Today Larry and his wife, Tiz, pastor a vibrant and

growing church in Dallas, Texas, called New Beginnings
Church. Their children are dynamic young men and women
of God, active in the ministry and free of the curses that
had haunted their family for generations. Larry and Tiz also
have an international television show called “New
Beginnings.” Millions of people worldwide have heard his
message. He has authored a guide to breaking generational
curses called Free At last, which has helped thousands to
change their lives and gain the freedom that Messiah
brought us. The following prayer for you was taken from
Free At last.
Father God,
I come b efore You in the name and p ower of Your son,
I admit that I am a sinner, and I ask You to forgive me of all
my sins. I know that my life is messed up ; I know that You are
not p ointing a finger to condemn me, b ut You are reaching out
Your hand to help me. Father, as You gave Your Son’s life for
me, so I give my life to You.
Messiah, I ask You to come into my heart and make me a new
p erson. Change me from the inside out and mold me into who
You want me to b e.
Right now I b reak every family curse and every generational
curse on my life. I p lead the b lood of messiah over my mind,
my sp irit, and my b ody. I b reak every yoke and every b ondage
from my p ast, and I sever those ties through the p ower of the
b lood of messiah.
I declare my freedom right now. I claim my lib erty right now.
I claim all that has b een lost to b e restored to me right now.
Fill me, lord, with Your love, Your p eace, Your joy, and Your
I op en my heart now to all you want to do in my life. Thank
You for a new b eginning. Thank You.
In messiah’s name, Amen.
Now b elieve that this has b een done in your life, just as you
asked. Find a fellowship of b elievers and walk in your freedom.

1. Larry Huch, Free at last (New Kensington, PA:

Whitaker House, 2004).



“Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as
touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall b e done for them
of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are
gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”
(Matt. 18:19-20 KJV).



“I had been suffering from Lupus for many years. Lupus

is a terrible disease that causes a lot of pain. The body
literally turns against itself and attacks its own organ
systems. It is nearly always fatal, but it takes long years of
suffering before you die. The doctors had prepared me
well, and I knew that my condition would eventually
become critical. However, I had survived a number of
painful flare-ups, and seemed to be holding my own.
“My husband had not been able to take the stress of my
illness, and he had left me. So I was alone in my house one
night in January of 1980. On this night, I developed a fever
of 103; I had severe pain and was unable to urinate. The
doctor had said that Lupus often attacks the kidneys, so I
recognized right away that this might be happening. To
help myself, I drank two glasses of water every two hours
throughout that sleepless night, but my kidneys still did not
act. They had completely shut down. By morning, I knew
that I was in big trouble.

By morning, I knew that I was in big trouble.

“I phoned my doctor, who told me that I had all the

symptoms of uremic poisoning due to kidney failure. I was
just hours from death if I did not get to a hospital for
kidney dialysis. At first, it seemed like a good idea to rush
to the hospital. But then I realized that kidney dialysis
would mean going to the hospital to be hooked up for
hours to a blood-filtering machine at least three times a
week for the rest of my life. It would not help fight the
Lupus, and would only delay my inevitable death.
“When I realized that dialysis would keep me alive but
would not be able to reverse the kidney failure, I said, ‘No
thank you. If that’s the way it is going to be, I would rather
die at home than live like that in a hospital.’ I made that
decision, believing that I would soon be dead.” Emily was
not trying to ignore her doctor’s advice, but she had
decided to quit fighting her disease and accept what was
going to happen.



“As my pain and uremic poisoning worsened, I

weakened and began to drift in and out of consciousness. I
knew I was about to die, but I was a Christian. I was not
afraid to die if it was my time. I was preparing in my heart
to meet the Lord in death when I heard an authoritative
voice say to me, ‘There is no need for you to die. Obey
Matthew 18:19.’
“From years of studying the Bible, I knew this Scripture
quite well. It said, where two or more agree as touching
anything in my name it will be done for them (see Matt.
18:19). This authoritative voice, which I knew was God,
told me that if I would get in a quality agreement with
someone, I would not have to die!

There is no need for you to die. Obey

Matthew 18:19!

“I did not have much time before I lost consciousness

completely. I picked up the telephone and called a friend
from church. I briefly explained, then said, ‘Will you agree
with me on this, and can you continue to pray? I believe I
am going to faint and die any minute.’ She agreed, and
almost as soon as I put the phone down, I made it to a
chair, and I passed out.”


“I was unconscious for a long time. Later on, a ringing
telephone brought me back to awareness. I had a strange
feeling as I awoke; I felt as if I were sliding back through a
long tunnel. When I opened my eyes, I was stunned. I felt
wonderful! My fever was gone—my pain was gone. Then, I
felt an urge to go and urinate, and this was so normal, I
rejoiced and was so thankful!
“Imagine rejoicing because you can go to the bathroom! I
had placed my trust totally in God, and He had
miraculously restored my kidneys! I was not yet healed
from Lupus, but my kidneys were normal again. My
gratitude and love of God were as overwhelming as the
miracle itself.”
Although Emily experienced a life-saving miracle, it is
important to emphasize the importance of following
medical advice when you are under the care of a physician.


Over the next three years, Emily continued to battle

Lupus symptoms, which included intense pain, weakness,
nausea, and difficulty moving. Emily said, “By January of
1983, I was too sick to get out of bed, but I would not go
to the hospital. The doctor told me that most of my organ
systems were failing, and that I was coming to the end of
my life.”
As Emily lay bedfast, close to death, a friend called a
Spirit-filled pastor to pray for her. Emily said, “Before he
prayed, he explained that sickness came from the devil,
and that the work of Jesus on the cross had broken the
devil’s power. Then he said that if people would believe
that truth, they would be set free from disease just as they
were from sin. Then he prayed for me, but I felt no
anointing or other sensation.
“The pastor had said that I could be free of Lupus! I tried
to be polite, because he meant well. I said, ‘Pastor, I never
heard that before, though I have been in church all my life.
Forgive me, but it seems hard to believe this with me lying
here sick as a dog at the door of death.’
“The pastor explained that both sin and sickness were
works of the devil, and that Jesus had dealt with them both
by going to the cross. I asked him, ‘What about the medical
facts of my case?’
“His answer changed my life. He said that the medical
facts are true, but God’s word is a higher truth. You can
choose what you believe, but if you think you are sick, you
are believing the devil’s lies.”
Understanding began to dawn on Emily. She said, “You
mean the devil has been making me sick and stealing my
joy all these years, just because I let him get away with it,
and that I have believed a lie?” Now that she knew the
truth, she was starting to get angry at the devil.
She said, “From that moment I started to enforce my
right to healing. Weak as I was, I forced myself to reach out
and take hold of my fountain pen that lay on the stand
beside my bed. I wrote, ‘Today, on January 21, 1983, by
faith in the word of God, I decree that I am healed of
“That pastor had told me that by speaking the Word of
God into my situation, I could change it. I wanted so badly
to be well, to be in control of my fate. I was furious that
the devil had robbed me of so many good years. I
determined to do this, and that nothing but death would
stop me from claiming my rights.
“I started speaking the Word of God immediately to my
body, and my body began to respond and to gain strength,
which in itself amazed the doctors. I began doing this every
waking moment. Then I bought a tape set by Norvel Hayes,
a Bible teacher from Tennessee, called how To live and not
Die. It was such a blessing. I began to write down every
healing scripture I could find, and I faithfully spoke them
out loud, all day long.
“I spoke to my body and to the devil and to the disease
just like I would talk to a person. I called myself healed
when I didn’t seem to be healed. I named the body parts by
name and told them they were working properly. I spoke
out loud to the devil and to the disease and told them to get
away from me, that they had no more claim on me.”


“For 12 months I did this, and the pain got worse and
worse. I knew what the devil’s game was, however. He
wanted to turn up the pain level to distract me from God’s
promises and make me think it was not working, but I
never once gave the devil that satisfaction. He wanted me
to observe the lying symptoms of my body more than the
Word of God. No matter how bad the pain got, I never
once said, ‘Oh I am so sick, I’m in pain.’ I just kept saying,
‘I am healed. By the Word of God I am healed.’ Two of my
close friends told me later that they thought by me doing
this that I had been affected mentally.”
Emily said, “Satan repeatedly tried attacking me with
doubts. At night, it was the worst. The devil would turn up
the pain and attack my mind, saying, ‘You’re not healed.
You don’t know anyone who has been healed this way’ I
realized that these were lies and that they were part of his
plan to deceive me. So I fought back by stating God’s
Word. I knew that if the devil could make me believe his
lies, my healing would not manifest. One thing I have
learned for sure is that pain is a lying symptom sent from
the devil.
“What is real is God’s Word. One of my favorite
scriptures is the one that says, ‘By the stripes of Jesus, we
have been healed.’ That particular scripture is repeated
three times in the Bible, once in Isaiah, once in Matthew
8:17, and once in 1 Peter 2:24.”


“In 12 months I was totally healed. No symptom of

Lupus was present in my body, and no sign of the disease
was evident on any of the numerous medical tests that were
performed. The doctors consider Lupus 100 percent fatal,
yet here I was, apparently cured. At first they just said,
‘You have gone into remission.’ However, after six years
with no recurrence of any symptoms, my doctor did
extensive testing. His diagnosis was that I was truly healed.
“This was 20 years ago. Since learning how to enforce
God’s Word and use His principles, I have continued to
improve in my health. Today, I am in better shape
physically at age 75 than I have ever been. I have
wonderful joy in living, and I now have the abundant life
that Jesus promised in John 10:10. And what I am telling
you is that these principles work for everyone. I am healed
for only one reason, and that is believing and confessing
the promises of God. They worked for me, and they will
work for you.
“However, it isn’t easy. Don’t expect the devil to just roll
over and play dead. He has tricks and deceptions to try to
make you give up. Don’t expect it to be easy, but if you
have patience and persistence, you will win. The Word of
God never fails.”
After she was healed from Lupus, God called Emily into
ministry, and she began to develop as a teacher with a
healing anointing. People were getting healed when she
prayed for them, but she was to have yet another
experience fighting for another healing.


Emily describes what happened: “One day I slipped and

fell on a slick cement surface and badly injured my back.
Doctors did X-ray and MRI studies and told me that the fall
had crushed several vertebrae and that I would always be
an invalid. There was no hope for surgery. I was paralyzed.
I could not even lift my hands. I could not turn myself over
in bed. About the only thing that worked on me was my
mouth. As I listened to all the medical talk, I knew that the
truth was that my health had once again been stolen from
me by the devil.
“I was furious. I said, ‘Devil, you have made one serious
mistake. You have paralyzed my body, but you forgot to
shut my mouth. With my confession I am going to drive
you out. You are going to regret doing this to me because
God will give me a great anointing for healing of back
injuries after I get well. Then I will expose how you attack
and deceive people!”
Emily confessed healing scriptures over her body night
and day, just as she had done when she fought Lupus.
Three months later, Emily, who had been told that she
would always be an invalid, started walking, then running
and jumping for joy in the Lord. And just as she had
promised the devil, she gained a tremendous anointing for
healing of back problems.


Emily has become a sought-after teacher with a powerful

healing anointing, especially for hip and back problems
and for diseases such as Lupus and MS. In one example in
Alton, Illinois, a little girl of 4 was carried by her mother
to Emily for prayer. The little girl had deformed hip
sockets, and because of this, her legs were extremely
bowed and her knees were turned inward to face each
other. The child walked with great pain and difficulty. In
addition, she could not run or play, nor could she sleep
without pain. Emily prayed for her, and instantly God
recreated the child’s hip sockets. Now that child is a
beautiful 17-year-old, and is a very active gymnast and
acrobat; she is full of life and energy.
On another occasion, a 45-year-old lady in Wilson, North
Carolina, asked Emily to pray for her deformed left hip
socket. Emily placed her hand on the woman’s hip, and
before she could even pray, she felt movement under her
hand. The bones in her hip were reshaping themselves and
growing right under her hand.
Praying for miraculous healings like this has become a
normal experience for Emily. She has written a book about
her experiences and travels widely to teach and pray for
the sick.


Emily teaches that there are two sources of healing. One

is by the faith-filled prayer of someone else, and the other
is by enforcing your own rights to health as a member of
God’s family. She thinks the second kind of healing is more
durable because you are less likely to lose something you
have learned how to fight for and get in the first place.
One thing she wants people to know is that there is no
reason to be sick, addicted, or disabled. If people face their
doubts and study the Word of God to learn for themselves
what is really true, they can enforce their rights to divine
health. She says, “Enforcing your rights is not necessarily
easy. The devil wants to win and he will fight you with all
sorts of lying symptoms and doubts.
“You also must obey the Word of God and act on that
truth. God commands us to live without sin and to forgive
others who have offended us. In my experience of praying
for dozens of people with back pain, only two were not
healed instantly. In both of those cases, there was bitterness
in the person’s heart. When I confronted them about it, they
both forgave and were instantly healed. We cannot have
both healing and unforgiveness. You should prepare to be
patient. The devil is a fighter. He may not give up quickly,
but if you are confident, patient, and determined, you will
prevail. The promises of God do not fail.
“We must never forget that we have an adversary, and
we have to fight to keep satan from taking the great
promises of God away from us with his deceptive, lying
symptoms. He is a liar, and he cannot tell the truth, but we
can trust God. His Word is sure, and His promises are
certain. His Word is an anchor for our soul. It stabilizes our
emotions and brings peace to our troubled minds. And if
we abide by the words in Psalm 91, we will always be
protected, safe and secure.
“God gave me back my life. He restored my energy and
youth. I would not be here if it weren’t for Him. My life
belongs to Him completely, and I won’t waste time on
anything that doesn’t do His work.” Today, Emily travels
the country teaching others how to successfully release
God’s power to receive miracles of their own.
Many people have read Matthew 18:19, tried to apply it,
and been disappointed when it did not seem to work for
them. Here are some ideas for getting a better result:

1. Start by resolving to trust that this promise is true.

Root out any thoughts that God’s Word cannot be
trusted. Jesus said that Heaven and earth would pass
away, but His words would never pass away. The
Bible also says that God exalts His Word, even
above His name! You can rely on God’s Word.
2. Superficial words of agreement are usually not
enough. The goal is to build a solid spiritual unity
with the other person. Spend some time
understanding that for which you are going to agree,
discerning God’s plan for the situation. Seek the
Lord’s guidance, and listen carefully to the other
person’s viewpoint.
3. Make sure that what you are agreeing about is
consistent with the written Word of God. Faith
works best when you have a specific Scripture to
back up that for which you are agreeing.
4. Find the place where the sick person can honestly
agree with you. Remember that sick people are
often frightened, and may not have the faith level
you think they do. You have to find where their
confidence actually lies, as well as how God may
want to work. For example, if what they can
honestly agree on is for their medicine to work or
for a planned surgery to be effective, then that is
where you start.
5. Once you find your area of agreement, begin to
speak it out. Say it to yourself, and talk about it
with others. Keep it on your lips until you see it
6. Like everything else in life, if it does not seem to
work for you, vary your approach and persist until
you get the result you want. We may be dumb sheep
who miss it, but God’s Word does not fail.

Emily travels around the country teaching others about

the power in the Word of God.1


1. Emily has published an excellent book about her

battle for healing entitled, From Defeat to Victory.



an Aldridge was born on December 12, 1961, with
numerous health problems, including a deformed
tongue that was so large that it blocked her mouth and
throat, making it difficult for her to breathe and eat. It
was such a serious problem that doctors did not expect her
to live through her first night of life. Fortunately, God had
another plan.


A nurse named Pearl Whitfield was working near where

baby Jan lay in the hospital. She sensed God telling her to
go pray for Jan, although she had never done anything like
that before. She laid hands on Jan’s chest and spoke a
Scripture that just seemed to come into her mind, “In the
name of Jesus, you shall live and not die, and declare the
works of the Lord” (Ps. 118:17). She did this a few times
that night. At the end of her shift, Pearl went home and did
not see Jan again until many years later.


Against all the odds, Jan lived. They found a way to feed
her by holding her upside down, and squirting milk down
her throat with an eye dropper. Thanks to the loving care
of her mother and father, Jan learned to eat carefully, how
to talk, and most of all, how to avoid choking to death.

Against all the odds, Jan lived.

Jan’s problem was more serious than it might seem. She

said, “My tongue was so long and heavy that if I opened
my mouth, it would tumble out and hang down over my
bottom lip. I was extremely sensitive about being around
others and always tried to keep my mouth closed. When I
tried to talk, it sounded as if a normal person were trying
to talk while holding the fingers completely around the
tongue. It was stressful to be in school with normal kids. In
addition, it was difficult to eat. I constantly asked myself
why God had done this to me.”



When Jan was 17, an oral surgeon agreed to try to

reshape her tongue and make it smaller. This procedure
would involve breaking several bones in her face and
cutting the middle out of the tongue. The surgeon warned
Jan and her parents that it would take seven to nine
separate surgeries to accomplish the result. Once they cut
her tongue, she would no longer be able to speak.
Jan said, “My parents thought this was too high a price
to pay, but all I could think about was that I would look
normal! I jumped at the opportunity. I thought like a
typical teenager and wanted to look like everyone else, no
matter what the price. I begged and begged until my
parents finally gave in and agreed that I could have the


The surgery was scheduled, and Jan was looking forward

to it. In the meantime, she visited a friend’s church. She
said, “It turned out to be a life-changing visit. When I first
visited my friend Robin’s church, I felt that it seemed alive
and different from the quieter services I was used to.
People were excited about being there. They wanted to
sing and pray and praise God because He was real to them.
One Sunday night, after I had visited there a few times, I
suddenly realized in the depths of my soul that Jesus had
died for me personally, opening a doorway for me into
Heaven. I was profoundly touched and awestruck at that

The peace of God flooded my soul, and I

began to experience the joy of my salvation.

“The peace of God flooded my soul, and I began to

experience the joy of my salvation. I tell people, every
chance I get, to press in to that joy of salvation. Once a
person lays hold of the fact that his or her name is written
in the Book of Life, it is the greatest miracle that can
“I started going regularly to that little Pentecostal church
in Holly Navarre, Florida. I realized that Jesus was with
me, and that I could live in His presence every day. My
problems just were not as important anymore. I still
intended to have the surgery on my tongue, and I just knew
that things would somehow work out.”


Two weeks after this salvation experience, Jan went with

friends to attend a youth rally at the church of Paul Wetzel
in Jay, Florida. She describes what happened next: “The
church service started with some singing, but I noticed that
Pastor Wetzel had turned away from the audience, and
seemed to be praying. Then he stopped the music and
began weeping. After a while, I heard him say ‘Show me
who it is, Lord.’
“Everyone bowed their heads and prayed. I closed my
eyes along with everyone else, wondering what was going
on. I was amazed when the pastor tapped me gently on the
shoulder, and asked me to step out to the hallway.
“He said to me, ‘Young lady, I don’t know you, and I
don’t know what your problem is, but the Lord gave me
two things to tell you. The first thing is that He loves you.
The second thing is that the Lord said to remind you that
He will bear your burdens for you. The burden you carry is
too heavy for you. The Lord said, ‘If I can bear the cross to
Calvary, I can bear your burden.’”


“These gentle words touched me so deeply I began to

cry. God had stopped the whole church service with
hundreds of people present to give a message to me. I
could not help crying, but when I cried I had to open my
mouth to breathe and then my tongue came tumbling out.
If the pastor was shocked by seeing it, I could not tell. I
was too upset to talk, so I wrote out an explanation and
told him about the surgery.

“Let’s find out what God says about it.”

“The pastor said, ‘Let’s find out what God says about it.’
He opened his Bible and read Isaiah 53: Surely He has
borne our grief and carried our suffering… by His stripes
we are healed (see Isa. 53:4-5).” The pastor showed Jan
other Bible verses about healing, and they seemed to leap
off the page. She said, “I knew in my heart they were true,
and that it is God’s will for us to be in health.”

“After this, the pastor anointed me with oil. When he

touched my forehead with just a few drops, the conviction
that I was healed flooded my heart. I stood up in front of
all those hundreds of people and told them that God had
healed my tongue, even though nothing had apparently
“Faith doesn’t deny the facts of the situation, but faith
believes that God can do the impossible. That was where I
was. Tremendous peace had taken me over. And also
excitement—I just knew I was healed, and on the way
home I started telling people that, but they couldn’t see any


Jan’s parents knew something had happened in the

service because Jan no longer wanted the surgery and even
met with the surgeon to cancel it. Jan really believed in her
heart that God had healed her. Whenever she had the
opportunity, she told people that she had been healed, but
days, weeks, and months passed with no apparent change
in her condition. She remembers, “It was hard to find
anyone to encourage me in this belief. However, my family
stood by me with prayer and encouragement. More often, I
met with pitiful gazes from people who thought I was in
The Bible is full of stories of people who had
to wait for God to manifest a promise. I
wonder how many of us today just give up too

Today, she says, “Elisha waited for 40 years for the

mantle of Elijah to fall to him. The Bible is full of stories of
people who had to wait for God to manifest a promise. I
wonder how many of us today just give up too soon.”



“I cannot say I ever gave up, but waiting was hard. I was
a senior in high school, and senior pictures were coming
up. I had thought that surely I would be healed before
senior pictures. I guess I was counting on it, but that day,
Tuesday, December 4, 1979, came, and I was still the
On that day, and with the way I was feeling, I had no
expectations of anything eventful happening. I had been
asked to play the piano for a lady who was singing at a
Bible study that night, so I did that and then took my seat
to listen to the teacher. As usual I kept my mouth closed so
no one would know about my problem.
After a Bible study about angels, the teacher, who had
never met me before, asked for people to come up for
prayer. The teacher gently took my two hands in her own
and spoke a few words about a prayer of agreement. She
said that Jesus had taught that whenever two or more are
agreed as touching anything, they shall ask the Father and
it shall be done for them (see Matt. 18:19). She told me she
was touching me, just as it says to do in Matthew 18:19.”


“So far, so good. I was more than ready to be in a prayer

of agreement about my healing. Then the teacher prayed
for my future. As she was uttering these words, my tongue
began to vibrate and become warm.
“It vibrated and quivered more and more intensely, but
for a while I was able to contain it in my mouth. Then it
began to burn. It burned hotter and hotter as if it had been
touched with a hot coal. The pain became intense, and I
could no longer keep my tongue in my mouth.

“Tonight is your night,” she said.

“The teacher left me and went to pray for others. When

she was finished praying for others, she was about to
dismiss the meeting. She did not seem concerned about my
situation. I was so upset that I had to speak up. No way
was she going to leave me in this condition. What if it
didn’t go away?
“‘My tongue! What about my tongue?’ I said to the
teacher. The teacher came over to me and smiled and
looked into my eyes. ‘Tonight is your night,’ she said. ‘You
and the promise of God have finally caught up. Now lift up
your hands in praise.’”


“At that moment, I was feeling a lot of things, but

praising God was not on the list. Nonetheless, I lifted up
my hands in obedience. To do this, I had to let go of my
tongue, which I had been trying to hold still. I realize now
that I was symbolically letting go of a lot of things when I
raised my hands.
“For a long time I just stood there with my hands in the
air. Nothing happened. Then I felt it move a little. At first,
I thought it was just the kind of movement you might get
from standing still for a long time. Then I felt it again, and
again after that. My tongue was getting shorter and


“After about ten minutes, my tongue was completely

normal. It was small and fit perfectly inside my mouth. I
was so filled with joy that I didn’t know whether to cry or
to faint or to laugh.
For the first time in my life I called her without
sounding impaired.

“I couldn’t wait to get home to share the news with my

family. The whole way home I practiced saying, ‘Mama,’ so
that it would sound perfect to her ears. I ran in the house
and cried out ‘Mama!’ For the first time in my life I called
her without sounding impaired. She and my daddy had
been in bed sleeping, but when I burst into the quiet house
and called her name, she knew at once that I had been


In reflecting on the experience, Jan said, “I tried to put

God in a box, to make Him fit my expectations. He is so
much more than we can imagine. He is a personal God. He
called out to me personally. He is real, and He cares for
you just like He cares for me.”
As news of her miraculous healing spread, many
churches asked Jan to come and share her story. One night,
while speaking at a small church in Florida, Jan noticed an
older lady in the congregation begin to weep and praise
God. After the meeting, the pastor brought the lady to Jan
for an introduction.
She was Pearl Whitfield, the nurse who had prayed for
Jan that first night of her life, and had not seen her since.
She told Jan how it had all happened, and wept as she said,
“I prayed that you would live and declare the works of the
Lord. And now I see you, after 17 years, standing tall and
beautiful, declaring the mighty works of the Lord.”
Today Jan travels all over the country to bring
encouragement to those fighting battles of faith. From her
experience, we can take these helpful suggestions:

1. “God did not call me to preach because of the

miracle that I experienced. God appointed me to
preach His word before I was born, and the enemy
attacked me where it would do the most harm.
2. “God wants to heal the whole person—body, soul,
and spirit—so that the Lord will find faith in the
earth when He comes again. Faith is the most
powerful force in the universe. Nothing can stand
against it, except our own unbelief. This means our
biggest battles are right between our own two ears.
3. “We sometimes have to wrestle to get faith for a
given situation, but once we do, we must watch our
words. The Bible says that we are snared by our
4. “Don’t be afraid to believe the Bible. We are ready
and quick to believe any bad news we hear. Train
yourself to believe the Word of God. He cannot lie.”

Jan teaches that if people believe in their hearts and

confess with their mouths, there is no promise that God
will withhold from them. She encourages people to
exercise their patience to receive the promises of God. She
says, “God is so good. What He did for me, He wants to do
for any who will trust Him.”1


1. A CD with more details is available through Jan’s

ministry. Visit




ohn was searching for biblical keys to healing when he
came upon this verse, written by the apostle Paul:
“For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner
eats and drinks [damnation] to himself, not discerning
the Lord’s body. For this [reason] many are weak and sick
among you, and many sleep” (1 Cor. 11:29-30).
John said, “This Scripture plainly says that failing to
discern the body of the Lord will make you weak, or sick,
or cause you to die prematurely. From this, it follows that
proper discernment or understanding will bring you
healing. Although the Scripture says this so definitely, I
had been in Church all my life, and not only had I never
heard this taught, I had never seen it applied.” John’s
research led him to study the Jewish feast of Passover, as
Jesus commemorated it in the Lord’s Supper.


The Gospel of Luke describes how the Lord’s Supper

came to be created. In the following passage, Jesus is
“‘I have looked forward to this hour with deep longing,
anxious to eat this Passover meal with you….’ Then He
took a loaf of bread; And when He had thanked God for it,
He broke it apart and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my
body, given for you. Eat it in remembrance of me.’
“After supper He gave them another glass of wine,
saying, ‘This wine is the token of God’s new agreement to
save you—an agreement sealed with the blood I shall pour
out to purchase back your souls’” (Luke 22:14-20 TLB).


John believes that it is not a coincidence that the Messiah

gave this new observance during Passover. He explains:
“Jesus came as the Messiah to the Jewish people, and
fulfilled hundreds of Jewish prophecies and symbols.
Passover was one of the most sacred of all Jewish
observances, and literally foreshadowed the deliverance
that would come to people when the Messiah appeared.
“Passover occurred at the culmination of the ten plagues
that were brought on Egypt, so that the Jewish people
could come out of slavery to serve God. Jewish families
killed and cooked a lamb, and then put the blood of the
lamb on the doorposts of their houses. Seeing the blood,
the angel of death literally passed over their homes. The
Feast of Passover, still practiced by observant Jews today,
commemorates this event.”


“The blood of the lamb was important. It was on the

doorpost to save their lives—but they were also
commanded to eat all the body of the Passover lamb. The
body of the lamb was to save their bodies. The Bible said
they came out without one feeble one among them. Eating
the body of the Passover lamb was the reason that none was
“There is a spiritual significance here. If we take the
Passover lamb as a symbol for the coming Messiah, we can
easily recognize that the brain of the lamb symbolized the
mind of the Messiah. The lamb’s eyes signified the ability
to see things the way God sees. The heart of the lamb is
meant to have the compassionate heart of the Messiah.
“So, one way of recognizing the body of the Lord, our
Passover Lamb, is to meditate on all the parts of the
Passover lamb as we eat the bread of the Lord’s Supper.
One of my friends did this, and his peripheral vision was
immediately healed.”

Passover occurred at the culmination of the

ten plagues that were brought on Egypt, so
that the Jewish people could come out of
slavery to serve God.


“My friend raced cars for a living, and he had a bad

crash. He really was blessed to be alive. However, this
wreck had cost him his peripheral vision, which is a pretty
severe limitation for a professional driver. One night he
was visiting at my house, and as we talked, I explained the
power and purpose of the Lord’s Supper to him.
“It was about two o’clock in the morning when we
decided to share the Lord’s Supper together and meditate
on its healing properties. I broke the bread and handed him
a piece. We took pieces of broken bread, chewed them
slowly, and meditated for quite a while on what it meant
for Jesus to give His body to be broken for us.

When he imagined eating the lamb’s eyes, his

own eyes were healed and his peripheral vision

“As my friend meditated on the truth of healing through

Jesus, he imagined eating every part of the Passover lamb,
just as the ancient Hebrews were commanded to do. When
he imagined eating the lamb’s eyes, his own eyes were
healed and his peripheral vision returned.”



“Discerning the body means eating the bread of the

Lord’s Supper thoughtfully and meditatively. considering
all the implications of the suffering that the Lord endured
on our behalf. Jesus took on Himself the sins and sicknesses
of us all. We meditate on what it means to be free of all
that. When we take the Lord’s Supper, however, this won’t
do us much good unless we believe it. We cannot be
forgiven for our sins unless we receive it, and we cannot be
healed of our sicknesses unless we believe it.
“Many people are healed once they understand and
believe this. For example, Troy Miller, no relation, is a
pastor in Florida who had cancer of the kidney. He was
bedfast in the hospital, not expected to recover. The Lord
spoke to his mother, telling her to take the Communion
elements of bread and wine to him in the hospital. When
Troy received Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, the
cancer began to disappear from his body, even as he lay
there in the hospital.”
Another example is from a young mother named Jane
who was hospitalized with numerous injuries after a
terrible car wreck. The doctors were predicting the worst,
but when her father brought Communion to her in the
hospital, she immediately began to get better.



One thing that Sid Roth often emphasizes is the

difference between healing and miracles. He teaches:
“Many times people are expecting their healing to take
place dramatically and immediately. I think they get
miracles and healing mixed up. Miracles are immediate and
often spectacular. However, in practice, most healing takes
place gradually. By recognizing the value of gradual
healing, we can increase our faith immensely. It gives us
the patience and confidence to wait on the healing to
manifest, recognizing small, positive changes as we make
daily observance of the Lord’s Supper.”

She had been in medical care, but it


John describes two of his experiences with gradual

healing through the Lord’s Supper: One young lady was
brought to me who was dying from Epstein Barr virus. The
virus had destroyed 39 percent of her liver, and she was
very ill. She had been in medical care, but it was giving
her no hope. At my suggestion, she began taking
Communion three times a day, discerning the Lord’s body,
broken so that she might have her healing. Within two
weeks, I received a call from her father who said that her
lab tests were starting to come back as normal. A year
later, she was in perfect health, with no trace of the virus in
her blood.
“I myself was healed of chronic headaches, which had
developed from a head injury. Every day I took a large
chunk of bread and chewed it bite-by-bite, meditating on
the mystery of exchanging my sickness with Jesus’
wholeness, because all my diseases were placed on Him.
He paid the price for my wholeness.”


John also researched Isaiah’s prophecy about the sin-

bearing Messiah. “The ancient rabbis believed that Isaiah
53, written 700 years before the birth of Jesus, described a
coming Messiah who would take our sins and our
sicknesses onto His own body. They called this Messiah the
Leprous Messiah because He would be disfigured by the
sins of humanity. They saw in the passage that He would
be a source of healing as well as forgiveness of sin.”
“But he was p ierced through for our transgressions, he was
crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-b eing fell
up on him, and b y his strip es we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).

John continues: “Note that the prophecy says, ‘…by His

stripes, we are healed’ (Isa. 53:5). Part of this passage is
repeated in Matthew 8:17 and again in First Peter 2:24
because it is so important. The stripes referred to were 39
lashes that were laid on His back when he was scourged
prior to being crucified.
“Jesus’ body was beaten in punishment for the sins of
humanity. In becoming the Lamb of God, Jesus took the
punishment for us, so we could be the righteousness of God
in Him. It was not pointless suffering, but was something
He accepted so that we could be healed, soul and body,
according to prophecy. Isaiah 53:10 says that it pleased the
Lord to bruise Him, and that He was made to be sick with
our sicknesses and sin with our sins.
“The movie by Mel Gibson, The Passion of the Christ,
does not really portray how much abuse Jesus actually
took. The Bible says that the lashes flayed His back so
completely that it looked like one big stripe. His beard was
plucked out and His face was beaten. Isaiah 53 gives a very
graphic description of the beating He took when He
became sin for us. He was made unrecognizable by the

Both sin and sicknesses are works of the devil.

Since He was made to be sick with our sicknesses, we

shouldn’t bear our own sicknesses any more than we should
continue to bear our own sin. When it comes to
redemption, it is wrong to separate sin and sickness. God
wants the whole man—body, soul, and spirit—to be
reconciled with Him. Both sin and sicknesses are works of
the devil. Sin is his work against our spirit, and sickness is
often his attack against our body.


John encourages people to think of the Lord’s Supper as

if it were medicine: “If you went to a doctor and got some
pills, you would take them as directed, maybe two or three
times a day, and you would not expect to be completely
healed the first time you took them. I encourage people to
place as much faith in the Lord’s Supper as they do in their
doctor’s medicine. If you are sick, take the Lord’s Supper
like any other medicine. Every time you take it, meditate
on the Lord’s body, expecting gradual healing to manifest.
Communion is yours to take as often as you feel led to do
so. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and you are
the priest, and you can observe Communion wherever and
whenever you decide.
“Jesus said, ‘What things so ever you desire, believe you
receive it and you will have it.’ In Communion you can
believe that you are being progressively healed, and this
takes the pressure off to receive healing all at once.
If we take Communion on a regular basis, daily or even
several times a day, we can take it believing in progressive
healing. This is good for people who do not have the faith
to receive immediate, total healing, and it builds their faith
because they can see small, progressive improvements. The
important thing is to take the Lord’s Supper in faith,
recognizing signs of improvement.
1. John encourages everyone to develop observance of
the Lord’s Supper as a way of life. If you are very
sick, take it several times a day just as you would
take any other medicine.
2. You can observe the Lord’s Supper by yourself, in
your own home or wherever you are. The earliest
followers of Jesus did it every day, going from
house to house according to the book of Acts. You
do not need to be in church or have a pastor
present. In God’s eyes, you are a priest. You are the
temple of the Holy Spirit, so it is your privilege and
your obligation to observe the Lord’s Supper.
3. You do not need any special bread or wine, because
it is your faith that is the key, not the material
objects you use. Faith is the key to unlocking all of
the promises of God. Jesus said, “What things so
ever you desire, believe you receive them and you
shall have them” (see Mark 11:24 KJV). When we
take Communion in faith, then we enter not only
into forgiveness of sin, but also healing for our
4. John says, “I like to take a large hunk of bread so
that I can chew it and meditate for a long time on
this mystery. I have made a string with 39 knots on
it, and as I chew the bread, I touch the knots
thinking of the 39 lashes that Jesus took for me.
This helps me to discern the Lord’s body, and the
freedom I now have because I have reconciliation
with God. I think of my healing as something that is
already done, already accomplished. As I eat the
bread, I receive healing in every cell, every organ,
and every function of my body.
5. “After taking communion, it is a very good time to
cast out spirits of infirmity. We must not
underestimate the role of evil spirits, because 11 of
19 individual healings that Jesus did involved
casting out a spirit of infirmity. I like to think of
doing spiritual warfare with the blood of Jesus on
my breath.”


“I have been privileged to bring the message of healing

through the Lord’s Supper in many parts of the world, and
have had the great blessing of seeing all types of illness
healed when people learn the truth. The truth is that every
disease and every sin you can ever know has already been
taken by Jesus, so you do not have to suffer it. Put your
faith into receiving what Jesus did at Calvary. Think about
it when you take the Lord’s Supper, and have abundant life.
Your only question should be whether your healing will
come gradually or as a sudden miracle.”



elores Winder was dying. Although she was just 48
years old, a bone disease that had tortured her life
was now in its final stages. Her esophagus was
ruptured, a fractured bone was poking through her
skin, organs were failing, and the doctors said they could
do no more for her. Delores was granted permission to
leave the hospital so that she could die at home.


Delores’s symptoms had begun in childhood; she seemed

to break bones very easily. When she was in her late
twenties, several vertebrae collapsed and had to be fused.
The spinal fusion failed and had to be repeated three more
times. Her doctors finally realized that something was
terribly wrong with her bones.
Delores was ultimately diagnosed with a rare disease in
which her bones thinned out because they could not absorb
calcium and other needed minerals from her bloodstream.
This made them old and brittle and as easy to break as a
twig. Her hip sockets were so fragile that she could barely
walk, and she lived in fear of them failing completely. As
the disease progressed, she had to live in a full body cast
with a neck brace to avoid more breakage.
She could not walk without assistance, hold
her own child, or enjoy anything like a normal

Delores also had to take a lot of medication, and it made

her sick and unable to eat. Toward the end, she weighed
only 73 pounds. She was almost completely disabled and
required help for the most simple body functions. It is hard
to imagine living for 15 years in such a condition. She
could not walk without assistance, hold her own child, or
enjoy anything like a normal life.
One of the worst aspects was the excruciating pain.
Delores described her normal pain level as “15 on a 10-
point scale.” Even the heaviest pain medications could not
alleviate her suffering, so the doctors performed a serious
surgical procedure, called a percutaneous chordotomy, in
which they went into the brain and burned out the nerves
to the lower part of her body. The good news was that the
pain level was greatly reduced because of the procedure.
The bad news was that her lower body now could feel
nothing and could not move on its own. This procedure
was an extreme measure, usually reserved for the
terminally ill.


Delores was not afraid to die. She had been a Christian

since childhood, and she loved God and believed in God,
and knew her Bible well. However, her church taught that
healing had passed away with the apostles. She believed
that everything that happened to her was God’s will, and
that her job as a Christian was to bear her suffering as best
she could.
The idea of dying did not bother her, but she was deeply
grieved about leaving her husband and 14-year-old son all
alone. She did not tell her son she was dying, but he knew;
and she could hear him crying at night in his room. She
said, “I begged God to tell me what would happen to my
boy—how he would get along and be cared for after I was
gone. I just wanted to be able to tell him and my husband,
Bill, that it would be okay for them. That worry was the
main thing I thought about. I prayed about it almost
constantly, as I waited for my end to come.”

Delores was not afraid to die.


One day I was lying in my bed and a lady I knew as an

acquaintance came into my bedroom. She had come to
pray for me. While she was there, she turned on the TV to
a show with Kathryn Kuhlman, the miracle-healing lady. I
was just revolted by what I saw. I did not believe in divine
healing at all, and I felt at the time that these television
ministries were making a mockery of faith. I asked her to
turn it off, and to please leave me. Well, she did turn it off,
but she asked me just to pray about Miss Kuhlman and to
not close any doors.
“Later, after she left, I was pleading with God to tell me
how He was going to take care of my son Chris and my
husband. As I prayed, I clearly heard the name ‘Kathryn
Kuhlman’, just as if someone had said it out loud. So I
thought that my answer about Bill and Chris would come
through her.”

I felt at the time that these television ministries

were making a mockery of faith.

It was not too long afterward that Miss Kuhlman came to

a nearby town to speak on the Holy Spirit at a Methodist
conference. Delores had a feeling that she must go to this
conference to get her answer about Bill and Chris.
Although she was so desperately ill, her friend Gail
agreed to take her to the conference. At first, it seemed like
a wasted journey because she was so helpless that Gail was
unable to get her out of the car. They had decided to give
up and go back home when a man came out of the meeting
and offered to help. He lifted her out of the car, carried her
into the service, and got her and Gail settled in their seats.
Delores had her answer…


Kathryn Kuhlman came to the stage and began to teach

saying, “I am going to introduce you to the Holy Spirit. If
you call the Holy Spirit it, you don’t know Him. He is,
God here with us. He is the third Person of the trinity.”
That is the last thing Delores heard, because she suddenly
felt that she was in the presence of God. A great sense of
peace washed over her, and she had a vision. In the vision,
she saw her son standing with a man that she recognized as
Jesus. Jesus told her that her son need never feel alone, that
He would always be with him. Delores had her answer; she
had what she had come to the conference to receive.
Delores later said, “I had been in church all my life, and
had even taught Sunday School. I read my Bible constantly,
but the reality of the Holy Spirit had always escaped me.
He is so real, and He wants us to know Him as a person—
to be conscious of Him in everything we do. He wants to
use all of us to deliver gifts of healing. All we have to do is
open our hearts to Him. Healing is the ministry of the
Church, and He wants to use all of us for this purpose.”
All these insights were to come later on. At the time of
Kathryns service, Delores only knew that she had met the
Holy Spirit, and she had the peace she had been seeking
about her family. Meanwhile, people in the audience were
being touched. Some seemed to faint, some were getting
healed, and others were laughing. Although Delores had
encountered the Holy Spirit in a very personal way, she
wanted no part of a healing service, which she thought was
a lot of bunk. She was ready to leave and was pulling
herself to the edge of the seat, gathering her things.
Suddenly, her legs started burning as if they were on fire.
This made her even more desperate to leave. Delores did
not realize that her legs were supposed to be dead, and
medically speaking, they had no potential to feel burning
pain. Something supernatural was happening to Delores,
and she did not even recognize it!


Delores described what happened next: “I wanted no part

of the healing sideshow. My friend was helping me get up
to leave, when I noticed a man standing next to me. He
said, ‘Something is happening to you.’ I told him, ‘My legs
are burning like fire, and I am dying, and I need to get out
of here right now.’”

“My legs are burning like fire, and I am dying,

and I need to get out of here right now.”

He helped her up, and as he helped her shuffle to the

door, he asked her if she had had any surgeries. She told
him a short version of her medical condition, including the
pain-deadening surgery. The man then asked how she could
feel her legs burning if she had had her nerves deadened!
Delores then heard the man say that he had come off the
stage to her because he knew she was being healed. At first
she thought this was just too hard to believe, but there was
something in his face that said, he knows what he is talking
about. Despite her misgivings, he persuaded her to take off
her body cast, and allow herself to be carried to the stage to
meet personally with Kathryn Kuhlman. There, her greatest
joy and worst fear came to pass. She found herself being
held up to stand with Kathryn in front of 3,000 people, the
center of a big spectacle.

“I was completely healed!”

Kathryn told her to walk, and the men holding her up

backed away. Terrified of falling, she tried to prove she
could not move her feet. To her amazement, her feet did
move, and she started walking. Suddenly, she could feel the
floor! Then the feeling came back into her hands and arms,
and she started shouting, “I can feel! I can feel!” Later they
told her she began running around the stage. When she
came back, Kathryn told her to bend over, and she did so,
finding her spine was completely healed. She could touch
the floor with no pain and was able to stand up. Everything
was different! Different! Kathryn smiled at her and said,
“There is work for you to do. God wants you to have a
dose of the Holy Spirit.” Kathryn laid hands on her, and
she went down from the power of the Holy Spirit.
Delores said, “When we left, I walked off that platform-
no cast, no cane, no assistance. This was medically
impossible. I had thought the woman was a kook, but I was
healed. I was in such shock that I did not really know what
had happened. But I was completely healed!”
When Delores finally arrived home, it was 2 A.M. Her
son had been waiting up for her and came to the door. He
saw his mother get out of a car unassisted for the first time
in his life. He was so excited he ran to her and picked her
up, all 73 pounds of her, and began dancing around with
her. Her husband was in shock, but really thought
somehow it would not last. He made up his mind to enjoy
it as long as it lasted. The next morning Delores got up and
took a shower by herself for the first time in many, many
years. She went to church and then went out to lunch,
where she ate a normal meal for the first time in years. She
went back to the same doctor who had sent her home to
die. When he confirmed that she was completely well, she
said, “Is there any possible medical explanation for this?”
And there wasn’t. It was God.


It took Delores a long time to process what happened to

her. She had never believed in healing at all and was
disturbed because she could not explain what had
happened. Gradually, she began to understand, however.
As she got to know the Holy Spirit, she started to have
quite a number of supernatural experiences, signs, and
healing miracles coming through her.
Delores said, “God has given a healing ministry to the
whole Church, not just to special people. It is the work of
the Holy Spirit, but we must step out and take a chance to
pray for people. I often wonder what would have
happened if that man had not stepped forward to help me
out of the car. We should all be doing these works. If
people will only open their hearts, God will do it. We just
have to believe. And if we cannot believe, we can pray,
‘Lord, I do believe in You, help my unbelief.’ My belief was
always in Jesus, not in healing.”


Although she was overjoyed at being healed, Delores

struggled because she could not explain it. People who
knew how sick she had been were shocked at her vibrant
recovery and wanted to know how it happened, and why it
had happened. She said, “People that knew how sick I had
been did not know what to think about my healing and
wanted answers. I had no answers, and did not know what
to think of it myself. I really had believed that divine
healing ended with Jesus and the apostles. Also, I didn’t
want to be any kind of spectacle at all. I wanted no part of
the divine healing movement because of the way I had seen
it portrayed on television.”
Delores tried to stay home and mind her own business
doing housework and taking care of her family for the first
time in more than a decade. But her phone kept ringing
with people calling to talk about her miracle. She got to
the point of not answering her phone and even asked her
husband if they could move away someplace so that she
could go back to being anonymous. She really wanted no
part of the divine healing movement.
Her husband counseled her to stay where she was and see
what the Lord would have her do. Her healing had come
for a reason.
People began to show up at her house seeking prayer for
their own healing. She always tried to help them as best
she could because she understood the desperation that the
very sick sometimes feel. Also, strange things were
happening when she tried to help people. She was hearing
words and getting images about people’s conditions that
really confused her, but when she prayed in accordance
with these images, people were healed.

Her healing had come for a reason.

For example, a lady came to her house asking for prayer,

seeming desperate but not really indicating the nature of
her problem. Delores suddenly saw an image of this
woman in a lesbian relationship. She was so shocked by
this image that she wondered if it were from the devil.
Then suddenly it was written on the palm of her hand what
she had to say to the woman. To her amazement, the
woman received her message and came back later and told
her about the tremendous work God had done in her life.
After the lady left, Delores started to write down what
she had seen written on her palm so that she could use it
when others came, but the Lord spoke to her and said that
she must trust Him to lead her in each situation and not try
to pre-plan it.
Other strange things were happening also. Delores said,
“I would get hot spots on my hands, and when it happened
I would put my hands in my pockets and hide them. One
day I was at Bible study when I got these hot spots. We
were all standing up after class, and as I reached out to
help another lady get up from her chair, she took hold of
my hand. As soon as she touched my hand, she fell down
onto another person. I reached out to help this other lady
get up, and she also fell over. Then I backed up and
accidentally touched two others who also fell down in the
Spirit. I was so upset about this that I rushed to leave and I
brushed against a lady who was in a wheelchair, and I was
later told she came out of that wheelchair.”


Although Delores had been a Christian all her life, she

had never had any teaching about the power gifts of the
Holy Spirit. In fact, she had been taught that they did not
exist and firmly believed it.
A friend led her to visit a pastor who could help her
understand the workings of the Holy Spirit. At first she
argued with the pastor, saying, “These gifts are not for
today—they passed away with the apostles.” The pastor
challenged her to show him where in the Bible it said that
the gifts were not for today, and she couldn’t find a single
place where it said the age of miracles had passed. Her
eyes were opened to great teaching passages that said,
“Greater works than these shall you do” (see John 14:12).
And, “Nothing shall be impossible to you” (see Matt.
17:20; Luke 1:37). She saw how Paul, not one of the
original apostles, did great miracles, and how the early
churches that he founded were based on supernatural
manifestations of the Holy Spirit. One thing about Delores,
she respected the Word of God. A light went on inside, and
she heard the voice of the Lord saying to her, “I have taken
your theology away.”
Delores said, “We have a watered-down version of the
Gospel. I am a prime example that God is the same Healer
today that He was in Jesus’ time. If people will only open
their hearts to it, God will do the miracles. People have
become so programmed to the worldly way that they will
not believe the truth of the Gospel. This is exactly what
happened to me. My prayer is that you begin to believe,
and ask the Lord to help your unbelief.”
Although Delores had been a Christian all her
life, she had never had any teaching about the
power gifts of the Holy Spirit.


What you believe is important. If you seek healing, you

must believe that God exists and that healing is for today as
much as when Jesus walked the earth. Delores teaches,
“Beware of the natural mind. It is programmed with all
sorts of unbelief, and belief in the wrong things. The
natural man is programmed to believe that cancer is a fatal
disease and very often even the treatment kills. But cancer
can be healed. It does not always turn out the way the
doctors say it will. In my Bible study, we believe what the
Scriptures teach, not what humankind teaches, and we get
results when we pray.
“For example, a doctor’s wife came to our Bible study
with cancer throughout her body. Being a doctor’s wife, she
had plenty of medical tests that documented the seriousness
of her condition. The people in our Bible study were
prepared to pray for her, so we prayed and anointed her
with oil. Her healing was not immediately apparent, but
three months after we prayed for her, she had a CAT scan
that showed the cancer had gone completely away.”
We get results when we pray.

Delores does not say to disregard medical advice. She

believes that medical care is important. Delores teaches that
what we should get rid of is our unbelief.
“The mind of Messiah Jesus says our body is the temple
of the Holy Spirit (see 1 Cor. 6:19). He needs to dwell in
it. When He does, cancer gets pushed out. Our purpose
should be to walk in the presence of the Holy Spirit, and to
care for our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit.
“We get so programmed with the world’s way of
thinking that we cannot easily believe in healing. What
does work is to get so saturated with Jesus and so far away
from the world you know that you know you are healed.
“God uses doctors, and He uses surgery. We must be
open to medical help, but we should go to God first.”


“Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

When He walked the earth, He healed the sick, cast out
demons, and raised the dead. This was His ministry. He
passed it on to His disciples, telling them to go make
disciples of all nations and to pass this ministry on (see
Matt. 28:19). He came to bring us abundant life. We miss
this abundance because we are not expecting it. We have
lived in the natural realm so long that we have forgotten
that we also live in the spiritual realm. God can use anyone
who is willing to be used to pass on these gifts of healing.
If you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you lay hands on the
sick and you expect that the Holy Spirit will heal them.
“Healing gifts belong to the Holy Spirit, not the person.
So if someone is sick, you should not wait for a healer to
come on the scene, but you should lay hands on the sick
yourself and expect—expect—that they will be healed.”

God can use anyone who is willing to be used

to pass on these gifts of healing.

To illustrate this, Delores described an experience she

had while ministering at a Presbyterian church in
Shreveport, Louisiana. Although the audience was filled
with people seeking healing, Delores found her attention
particularly drawn to a Catholic Sister sitting in the
audience. She felt impressed to invite the Sister onto the
stage to minister with her, and the Sister agreed. Delores
asked her to pray for a woman with a large, disfiguring
growth on her face. The Sister looked startled, and said,
“I’ve never done this before, but I will try.”
“No,” Delores told her. “You will not try, you will do!
Then God does the rest.” The Sister laid her hand on the
woman’s cheek and prayed. When she took her hand away,
the disfiguring growth was gone. The first time this
Catholic Sister prayed for someone, a great miracle was
done through her!

The first time this Catholic Sister prayed for

someone, a great miracle was done through

“Always know it is the Holy Spirit doing the work. We

are just the messengers. This is the beginning of a great day
in the church, where the Lord is pouring out His Spirit on
all flesh. More and more churches will be carrying out the
full ministry of Jesus, and healing ministries like mine will
no longer be needed. The healing ministry will have
returned to the Church where it belongs.
“Right now I know that God is changing hearts,
preparing those hearts to believe in healing and be willing
to be used. This is the cry of my heart, to see changed
lives. This is the work of the Church, to set people free.
“I prayed for a man in one of my services who couldn’t
walk. To make a long story short, I took away his cane and
he started walking, then running around the sanctuary. This
man is now a minister in India, serving God.”
Often we have to make an effort to step out in some way.
God will honor it.

One thing that comes through Delores’s teaching is that

the spirit is the primary battleground on which we must
fight. Our security is trusting in the Word of God. She says
that we must literally put on a new mind, seeing our bodies
as the temple of the Holy Spirit. Welcoming His presence
pushes disease out of us. With our hearts firmly anchored
in the truth of God’s Word, we can better see how to fight
off diseases that may attack us. This understanding helped
Delores fight off a return of her deadly symptoms.
Although Delores had been healed at the Kathryn
Kuhlman service, in the back of her mind was a fear that
her disease would return, bringing back misery and
suffering. About a year after her healing, Delores was home
doing housework when she was struck with a sharp pain in
her back. The pain struck in the same place where she had
had a spinal fusion years ago. Her first thought was that her
healing was lost and that she would go back to her
terminally ill state; she had heard stories of people who
had lost their healing. As she prayed for guidance, she
realized that this was an attack—the devil was trying to
steal her healing. When she realized the nature of the
attack, she began singing and praising the Lord, rebuking
the symptoms in the name of Jesus. The pain went
completely away, and did not return.
Another powerful principle that she teaches is to believe
that once you have asked, that you have received, even if it
is not immediately manifested. Delores teaches that healing
is a process that sometimes comes about gradually. We
must be patient as it comes into manifestation. In her book,
Surprised by healing, Delores says, “When we know what
God has available for us, then we can come to Him and ask
for it. But we don’t keep on asking. We start appropriating
it. We say, ‘Lord, although I still have pain in my body, I
believe that You are healing me because Your Word says
so. I believe I am healed according to your Word.’ Then
our physical body begins to change and the mind, body,
and spirit come into accord with God’s Word. We must be
in accord with His Word to be healed, for it is basically
through His Word that we hear from Him.
“Most healing is not instant, but is a process that unfolds
over time. Just keep saying, ‘Thank you. Thank you, Lord.
I am being healed.’ Know that healing power is at work
within you. God says all things are possible to those who
believe. Believe it, and it will be.”


“The Holy Spirit is my life. Jesus sent Him to be with us

always, to lead us, guide us, and use us. Without Him, we
are trying to live our lives by ourselves, without hope. We
keep Him in the guest room of our heart. We must bring
Him out of the guest room into the living room. We are not
to do anything with Him, but we are to let Him do with us
as He decides. Anything can happen. But we have to
surrender totally to the Lordship of Jesus.
“In practical terms, it means I can’t live without Him. In
the beginning the Lord would say to me, ‘Remember, you
can’t lift a finger without Me.’ Today, I say, ‘Jesus, You are
my whole life. You lead me and guide me and direct me.
Take me where You want me to go. Use me.’ This does not
mean He takes you out of your life. You are still in the
same place, but He is foremost in your mind and your
thinking and your awareness. I am still primarily a
housewife. I am a wife and a mother. I will never go into a
downtown office building to minister. So it is very
important for you to catch the vision to minister, to have
the gifts in operation wherever you are, whatever you are
doing in your daily life.”1


1. Wherever she goes, Delores walks in signs and healing

miracles. More details about her healing, her miracle
experiences, and her teaching are revealed in her book,
Surprised by healing (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image,




n a cold February evening in 1997, Dale and Pearl
Raatz went to a church music program in Iron
Mountain, Michigan. As they were taking off their
coats in the warm church auditorium, Pearl fell
over, crying, “My head! My head feels like it’s exploding!”
After crying out, she experienced convulsions, and then fell
into a deep coma.
Dale describes what happened next: “While we waited
for an ambulance, the other pastors and I laid hands on
Pearl and prayed. My natural mind was numb from the
shock of what was happening, but from deep within, I
heard the words of Psalm 118:17, ‘You shall live and not
die, and declare the works of the Lord.’”


“I began to speak these words over my unconscious wife.

I said them repeatedly, and by the time the ambulance
came, I had an inner sense that I would see them come true.
Pearl would live and not die, by the authority of the Word
of God. This inner conviction became like a rock of truth
that sustained me through many battles of faith until Pearl
was completely healed.
“A friend went to the hospital with me, and while the
doctors worked over Pearl, we waited in a nearby room. I
was in the worst storm of my life, and I did the only thing
that I knew to do. I lifted my hands and began worshiping
God, thanking Him for His Word.
“As I worshiped, comfort came to me. My sense of shock
and numbness gave way, and the rich deposit of God’s
Word came flowing out of my heart like a river of living


“I began confessing some of the many promises for

healing that the Scripture teaches, inserting Pearl’s name in
each one:
“‘Jesus, Himself, bore our sins in His own body on the
tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto
righteousness. By His stripes Pearl was healed’ (see 1 Pet.
“‘That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah
the prophet, saying: Jesus, Himself, took Pearl’s infirmities
and bore her sicknesses’ (see Matt. 8:17).
“‘I call those things that be not, as though they were’ (see
Rom. 4:17).
“‘I have the faith of God, and I speak to this mountain of
physical destruction, commanding it, Be thou removed and
be thou cast into the sea (see Mark 11:23).
“‘God has highly exalted Jesus and given Him a name
above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee
must bow. Every disease, every infirmity, every problem
has to submit itself to the name of Jesus. And every tongue
will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God’
(see Phil. 2:9-11).”


“All through that night of waiting, I confessed these and

other Scriptures. When I grew tired, my friend took over
the job of speaking God’s Word over Pearl’s situation.
When the doctors came out, they said, ‘Your wife has had a
massive stroke, and most likely will be dead within hours.
If she does live, she will never regain consciousness, and
will be totally paralyzed from the neck down.’
“‘No! She will not die!’ The words rang in my heart. ‘By
the Word of God, she will live and make a full recovery.’ I
told that to myself over and over. I have learned that fear
brings the devil into situations, and that even a little bit of
fear is a faith killer. It is faith that gets God’s attention and
brings His power into our needs. I resolved to stay in a
faith position and to not be moved by fear.”

No! She will not die!

The next day, the doctors moved Pearl to a larger

hospital in Green Bay with more facilities for stroke
patients. However, the new doctors gave Dale the same
hopeless medical evaluation. One of them told him, “Our
tests show that Pearl has suffered a catastrophic stoke, and
large parts of her brain are totally destroyed. She will
probably never come out of her coma, and even if she
does, she will never recognize or remember you. I am
sorry to have to tell you this, but there is no hope.”



Dale said, “Maybe from a human perspective there is no

hope, but where there is God, there is hope! He is the God
of Abraham ‘who against hope believed in hope, that he
might become the father of many nations.’ (Rom. 4:18
KJV). So, just as Abraham considered not his own body,
now dead, I resolved to not consider Pearl’s nearly lifeless
body, but to meditate instead on the promises of God, and
to continually speak them over my wife.

I knew her spirit could hear and gain strength,

even though she remained in a coma.

“Because the situation seemed so discouraging, the

doctors delayed doing surgery that would relieve pressure
on Pearl’s brain. I felt that they were expecting her to die
no matter what they did, so it was a minor triumph when
they finally agreed to operate. I had strongly wished they
would operate sooner, but the Bible says that faith works
by love (see Gal. 5:6). For this reason, I knew that I could
not get into strife with any of the medical people. Even
when I was at odds with the medical people, I always tried
to deal with them in love and kindness, and this brought
about many small miracles.
“For example, I felt that it was important that Pearl be
bathed constantly in anointed music and the Scriptures; so I
wanted to bring in a tape recorder to play them 24 hours a
day. The nurses told me that this was absolutely against the
rules. But because my loving approach had brought me so
much favor with the medical staff, they eventually bent
those rules and allowed me to bring in a tape recorder. Soft
worship music and reading of the Word filled Pearl’s room
24 hours a day. I knew her spirit could hear and gain
strength, even though she remained in a coma.”


Dale knew that getting Pearl back from this seemingly

hopeless state was going to be a long fight. He said,
“Through the past years, we had seen enough miracles
come about through speaking God’s Word that I really
trusted it. However, I needed more. I needed to hear God’s
plan for this situation. He is the Commander in Chief, and I
needed to know how He wanted me to fight this battle.”
Lord, what are You trying to tell me?



“By praying and meditating on the Word every day, I

had long ago learned to discern His voice. I was
continually listening for His guidance. One day, as I was
reading Second Corinthians 5:17, ‘Therefore, if any man be
in Christ, he is a new creature,’ I heard the voice of the
Lord asking me what those words meant to me.
“The question really made me think, ‘Lord, what are You
trying to tell me?’ I began to realize that this passage was
not limited to the spiritual side of things, but that Pearl was
also a new creature physically in Christ. Therefore, she
could have a new brain!”
Dale began to call this new brain into being. He
persistently spoke to Pearl, as she lay in her coma, saying,
“You are a new creature in Christ and you have a new
brain.” The Lord also showed Dale that the name of Jesus
was higher than any other name, and that every knee must
bow to that name (see Phil. 2:9). He began to speak
directly to the name “stroke” and demand that it bow to the
name of Jesus. He describes the remarkable story of this
battle in his book, The God of Now.
Dale Prayed for Others Who Were Healed

Dale stayed in the hospital with Pearl, night and day for
several weeks, continuously fighting on her behalf. During
this time, he prayed for some other “hopeless” cases in the
hospital and saw healing miracles that saved lives and
brought the reality of God for those patients and their


He was in another patient’s room, praying for that

person’s healing on the day when Pearl finally opened her
eyes, recognized her family, and began to speak. He said,
“When my children came to tell me Pearl had opened her
eyes, I was overjoyed, but I was not surprised. The Word of
God is a seed that will always bring forth a harvest if we
follow the guidelines laid out in Mark 11:22-26.”
And Jesus answering saith unto them, have faith in God. For
verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this
mountain, Be thou removed, and b e thou cast into the sea; and
shall not doub t in his heart, b ut shall b elieve that those things
which he saith shall come to p ass; he shall have whatsoever he
saith. Therefore, I say unto you, What things so ever ye desire,
when ye p ray, b elieve that ye receive them, and ye shall have
And when ye stand p raying, forgive, if ye have ought against
any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you
your tresp asses.


The Word worked for Pearl. Pearl mended quickly, and

today she is completely well. She is vibrant and alive, and
ministers healing to others along with Dale.
Pearl is among us today because Dale knew how to
apply the Word of God. Here is what he recommends
people do in a crisis situation:

1. From the first moment, resolve to believe that God’s

Word is true, no matter what medical facts you face.
Know that the Scriptures teach that God wants you
2. You do not have to refuse medical care. God has a
plan, and it may involve doctors. For those who feel
that they have to choose between trusting God’s
Word and accepting medical care, Dale advises, “If
something is good and helpful, it is wrong to turn it
away. God has given us medicine; we must use it in
faith, always understanding that God is the One who
3. Faith works through love, so make sure you stay in
a loving attitude toward hospital personnel and
others. Getting drawn into aggravation and
irritability is as unwise as getting into fear.
4. Speak the promises of God continuously, and let no
doubt or unbelief come out of your mouth. Tell
others about your beliefs. We can’t explain why God
places such an emphasis on the spoken word, but
He does.
5. Praise and worship God in the midst of the storm.
This will not only bring you comfort, but it will
also stir up your faith and bring God onto the scene.
6. Pray and meditate on God’s Word, listening for His
battle plan. He already knows how He wants to
work. Our job is to hear that plan.


Dale said, “God raised my wife up from a brain-dead

condition, and has proven to me that He will perform His
Word for any of us, in any situation that we face in life.
However, we must position ourselves to receive from Him.
My heart is to let you know that this is not just for selected
people. You can also learn how to bring God’s power into
your situation.”



R. Tom Renfro was born in 1955 in the rugged,
coalmining region of Virginia. After he finished his
training in internal medicine, he returned to his
hometown of Norton to set up a medical practice
and raise his family. For a long time, things were going
pretty well. His wife, Sid, had set up her own small
business and his son Jason was finishing high school.


Tom was shaving one morning in October of 1996, when

he noticed a marble-sized lump on the back of his neck. By
the end of October, other glands had swollen under both of
his arms. That is when he knew something was seriously
Tom said, “My worst fear was that it might be some kind
of lymphoma—cancer of the lymph system. I had treated a
number of people with lymphoma, and I knew it to be a
cruel disease. I immediately went to see my family doctor.
He was worried too, and he ordered a biopsy of the lumps.
“The results were not good. I had a rare, particularly
aggressive cancer of the lymph system, called mantel cell
lymphoma. One of the world’s leading authorities on
lymphoma, Dr. Charles Hess, was on the staff at the
medical school at the University of Virginia in
Charlottesville. I went to see him, only to find that there
was no medical hope, not even with experimental

That is when he knew something was seriously



Tom said, “I had been given a death sentence, but

something just rose up in me. I knew that this whole thing
was wrong. I believed that God was good and loving. I had
prayed for my patients often, and seen Him save people.
Since medicine had no answers for me, I determined that I
would see what help I could find in God.”
Tom began to meet with his pastors to study what the
Bible actually said about healing. Tom said, “As we read
the Gospels together, I saw that Jesus had healed everyone
who came to Him. He healed people both in large crowds
and individually.

Since medicine had no answers for me, I

determined that I would see what help I could
find in God.
“I saw that healing power flowed out of Jesus to all who
were able to press close enough to touch Him. He never
turned anyone away who asked Him for healing. It seemed
to me so obvious that God wanted to heal people of
sickness that I started to wonder how I could have not seen
it before.”


“The lights really went on for me when I read John,

chapter 10. There, Jesus says, ‘The thief comes to steal, to
kill and to destroy, but I am come that you might have life,
and have it abundantly’ (see John 10:10). I began to
meditate on that. All day long I thought about those words:
‘I am come that you might have life.’
“It wasn’t God’s will for me to die horribly. The devil
was a thief. The devil was stealing my health and
destroying the happiness of my family and friends. He was
trying to kill me.”


“I faced a dilemma about how to think about my

situation. On the one hand, I had built my entire
professional life on understanding natural law and medical
science. On the other hand, the Bible plainly said it was not
God’s will for me to die, but to have life and have it
abundantly. The Bible said, ‘You shall know the truth, and
the truth shall make you free’ (John 8:32).
“I began to realize that there is a vast difference between
facts and truth. Facts are just shadows, passing moments in
time that take account of the past and present but not the
future. Facts may change. Truth, on the other hand, is
eternal and unchanging. Facts set limits, but the truth
makes you free. I began to wonder how to lay hold ofthat
truth so that I could be free.”

Facts may change. Truth, on the other hand,

is eternal and unchanging.



“I studied the great teaching in the sixth chapter of the

Book of Ephesians which says, ‘We do not battle against
flesh and blood, but against powers and spiritual forces’
(see Eph. 6:12). As I meditated on these and other
Scriptures, I realized that my real battle was not against
cancer, but against the spiritual forces who wanted to steal
everything from me, then kill and destroy me, and wipe
out my family in the process. All the powers of hell would
line up to keep me from effectively believing the Word of
Tom said, “I knew that if the devil was fighting me, I
would have to fight back. The devil was throwing pain and
all kinds of symptoms at me to keep me from believing the
promise of God. I fought back by meditating on God’s
promises, night and day, not only concentrating on specific
Bible verses but also taking time to worship and praise and
thank Him for all His goodness. The worship time grew to
be extremely important to me. In addition, I read books
about healing and listened to tapes about people who had
been healed. I taught classes at my church on healing, and
prayed for anyone who would let me do it.

I fought back by meditating on God’s

promises, night and day..

“The Lord showed me one time that it was a little like a

blacktop road with a yellow line down the middle. One
side was the natural side with medical facts, my fears, and
my concerns. On the other side was the Lord, where there
was peace because He was taking care of things. The Lord
showed me clearly that I must pick which side to walk on,
and not try to walk on both. In the beginning, I often found
myself weaving back and forth across the yellow line.
When I would veer to the natural side, my understanding
side, the medical side, I would catch myself, and pull my
thinking back on the Lord’s side. As time progressed, I
walked more and more on the Lord’s side.”

“My struggle to find healing lasted for a long time. I

became terribly sick and almost died on several occasions.
My wife kept me alive, and she paid a hard price in both
physical and emotional exhaustion. Our church was a
lifeline. Their kindness, prayers, and support enabled us
both to keep going.”
The power of the church to sustain Tom was so great that
he would drag himself to service no matter how sick he
was. He realized one of his purposes on earth was to
worship the Lord, and even in a state of sickness, he was
still going to release his worship unto God. Sickness
wanted to suppress his worship, but praise in the midst of
tribulation touches God. Sid and his family did whatever
physically they had to do to get him to church to worship
the Lord.

He realized one of his purposes on earth was

to worship the Lord…


Tom said, “I was convinced that God’s Word would not

fail, even though the disease was ravaging my body.
During the Thanksgiving holiday of 1997, my strength was
nearly gone. My lungs were tightening up, and drawing
each breath was a struggle. One night I was so exhausted
that I couldn’t fight anymore to keep breathing. My wife
was exhausted and had fallen asleep beside me.
“I wasn’t going to awaken her again. I prayed, thanking
God for everything He was, and for everything He had
done for me. I confessed to Him that I was physically
exhausted and didn’t have any more strength. I was going
to sleep, I told Him, and that I would wake up in Heaven
or in my bed, but for Him to be with me was what
mattered. I released my spirit into the hands of God that
night. I expected to die, but instead of dying, I had the
most wonderful, refreshing, reviving rest.”


“Shortly after that experience, I was meditating on the

Lord and praying. I felt the healing touch of God come into
my body. Nothing had physically changed, but I knew that
I knew that healing had touched me. I was healed at that
moment, but nothing physically seemed different.”



Tom said, “My attitude changed as well. I stopped

fighting for myself. I learned to depend entirely on the
Lord, to listen to Him and do what He said. The Lord gave
me some very specific instructions. He told me first to put
my financial affairs in order and to make out a will. After
that, I was supposed to present myself for chemotherapy.
“Neither one of these things made sense to me, because if
I were healed, then I wouldn’t need either a will or
chemotherapy. However, I determined to trust the Lord and
not to depend on my own understanding, and I did as I had
been directed.”


On December 1, 1997, Tom was taken by ambulance to

Holston Valley Medical Center, in Kingsport, Tennessee.
His breathing was very labored. Everyone assumed that he
was very near to death, and that treatment was pointless.
The medical staff said that the chemotherapy could
possibly kill him immediately due to his weakened
condition. Tom said, “We believed, however, that God had
sent us here and would have the right person with the right
treatment for us. At our insistence, they started the drug
Tom said, “When they hooked up the IV line for the
chemotherapy, something amazing happened. In the instant
that the drug hit my blood stream, I felt life exploding
inside me. Chemotherapy uses poisons to attack tumors and
usually it makes people very sick. However, I didn’t feel
that. I felt the life of God flooding through my body!
I felt the life of God flooding through my body!

“Then I noticed something equally amazing happening

with the tumors. Those hard, grapefruit-like balls that had
covered my body and made my life so miserable had
turned soft and mushy Then they liquefied and melted
away. They disappeared! It made me think of that Bible
verse in the Psalms, which says, ‘The hills melted like wax
at the presence of the Lord’ (see Ps. 97:5). That is just what
“It is very unusual for chemotherapy to have such an
immediate effect. Within hours those tumors were
disappearing before our eyes.”


The touch Tom had from the Lord was apparent to

everyone. Tom said, “God had touched me, and He made
me infectious with Life! I became infectious with God, and I
couldn’t stop myself from sharing this joy. Though I was
too weak to walk or dress myself, I went into the lobby of
the oncology ward and told everyone passing through what
had happened to me. I had to tell them about the great
goodness of God. I believe at that time, I had supernatural
strength, life, and joy. The Scripture had not failed: You
will not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord”
(see Ps. 118:17).
Tom’s dramatic healing was a great witness of God’s
mighty power to the medical staff. Tom said, “Of the three
doctors taking care of me, two had expected the
chemotherapy to kill me. The third was more optimistic,
and he thought it would take three rounds of chemo to
cause even a 50 percent shrinkage of the tumors. Even
when chemotherapy works, it works slowly. None of them
expected what happened. It really messed them up.”


It has been many years since Tom was healed. Sid has an
active ministry of outreach to caregivers, and Tom is back
at work practicing medicine. He has a new understanding
of what patients go through and also of what the Lord can
He and his wife have a full schedule traveling to teach
the truth of the Lord’s present-day willingness to heal.

I can never predict what God is going to do in

any given situation, but I have prayed for
people given up to die, who were on life
support, and have seen them come off life
support and walk out of the hospital.

Wherever they go, Tom and Sid pray for the sick. Tom
said, “I can never predict what God is going to do in any
given situation, but I have prayed for people given up to
die, who were on life support, and have seen them come
off life support and walk out of the hospital. I have prayed
for people on chronic dialysis, and some have regained
their renal function and ended dialysis. I have prayed for
people with metastatic cancer and have seen that disease
disappear. We serve an awesome God, and there is nothing
He can’t do.”
Tom looks back on his battle as a spiritual journey. He
believes he started out trying to believe in God’s ability to
heal, but really trusting in his own strength. He did
everything he could to bring healing into his body, but it
didn’t manifest until he was touched by the Holy Spirit.
“Then,” he said, “I stopped trying to put in place my own
formula for how God would heal me. I stopped claiming
the gift, and I met up with the Giver.”


Many people have asked Tom why he waited so long to

take chemotherapy, and how he can be sure it was God
who healed him and not just the medicine. Tom answers,
“We don’t want to make the mistake of telling God how to
be God. I would have preferred to be healed the first week,
or anywhere along the way, but God heals people in His
own way. The battle was God’s, not mine.
“I didn’t go for chemotherapy in the beginning because I
didn’t have a release in my spirit to do so. The risks of
chemotherapy in my case outweighed the benefits of taking
it. I firmly believe that if I had taken it early on, before
God said to, it would have killed me. Also, the 300 medical
staff who witnessed the miracle of my healing would have
been denied that opportunity.

Also, the 300 medical staff who witnessed the

miracle of my healing would have been denied
that opportunity.

“God is the Healer, period. Healing is one of those things

that remains within the divine province or authority of
God. Sometimes God uses medicine and doctors to heal. It
doesn’t have to be 100 percent invisible to be God
working. There was no one formula or method that Jesus
used for healing people. And in the Old Testament, God
directed Isaiah to put a poultice on Hezekiah to cure him.
“The important thing is to seek the Lord, to learn to
listen to God, to believe Him and trust in Him, and to do
what He tells you. Being a warrior for God does not mean
fighting one great big battle. It starts right now, with
making the next small decision about what to do. It is all
about letting God be in charge.”

Tom’s pastors, Glen Sturgill and Robert Fultz Jr., are

men with many years of experience pastoring a faith-based
church, and were a faithful, constant presence in the
Renfros’ lives. Pastor Sturgill said, “I have seen God move
for many people who were dying. It is when people
completely surrender and touch Him that they can really
believe. It is like the woman with the hemorrhage in Mark
5 who said, ‘If I can only touch the clothes of Jesus, then I
will be healed’ (see Mark 6:56). She touched Him, and she
got what she needed. It isn’t hard. Don’t make it something
difficult. Just believe in Him and seek Him until you touch
Him. If you press in so close to Jesus that you bump into
Him, His healing virtue will just jump onto you. I
guarantee it.” (See Resources in the back of the book for
Renfro’s contact information.)




n the late fall of 1992, Dr. Gary Hill was an emergency
medicine physician in Edmonton, Alberta, in western
Canada. His wife, Marie, was within a few weeks of
delivering their fourth child. They were happy,
expectant parents. That is, until they were suddenly
plunged into a life or death battle for the survival of their
unborn baby. Marie describes how the storm blew up:
“I was expecting my fourth child. That day, I had gone
to have an ultrasound, because at eight months, the baby
still was not moving around, and seemed unusually small. I
did not really suspect that anything serious was wrong with
the baby. However, I began to be concerned when I saw
that the doctor looked worried and wanted to do a second
ultrasound. At the end of the second ultrasound, the doctor
took a deep breath and started struggling for words. Finally
he said, ‘Well, your baby has eyes, a nose, and a mouth. …’
“I saw that the doctor had a very grave and sad
expression on his face. He was saying that the baby had
eyes and a mouth. What didn’t my baby have? I suddenly
felt terrified. I could not take any more anxiety and knew
that I had to get out of there and get home. Although I was
probably too upset to be driving, I raced home to talk to
Gary. I told Gary to call the obstetrician right away because
something terrible seemed to be wrong with the baby.”
“Call the obstetrician right away-something
terrible seems to be wrong with the baby!”

Gary wasted no time getting in touch with the doctor. He

said, “Although I knew something was wrong, my worst
fears did not prepare me for the shock I received when I
got to his office and the doctor silently handed me my
baby’s ultrasound image. By looking at the ultrasound
image, I could see immediately that more than half of my
baby’s brain was missing.”


“The doctor explained it to me as kindly as he could,

saying, ‘I’m so sorry, Gary. Your baby has had an
intrauterine stroke. The entire left hemisphere of her brain
is gone. All that is left is a large cyst filled with fluid and
some stray bits of tissue. She will probably die at birth. If
she lives, she will be severely retarded and paralyzed on
one side of her body. She will be unable to talk and will
have a seizure disorder. One side of her body will not grow
normally.’ He was pronouncing a death sentence on my
unborn child!”

Your baby has had an intrauterine stroke. The

entire left hemisphere of her brain is gone.

Gary continues: “I was shocked and stunned. I asked a

few more medical questions, but inwardly I was reeling. I
could see the results of the ultrasound for myself, but I
couldn’t believe what I was seeing, or even comprehend
what the doctor was saying at first.
“I just sat there in his office, staring at the ultrasound,
trying to make sense of what was happening. Then the
obstetrician raised the issue of terminating the pregnancy! I
knew he was trying to be kind in making this offer, but it
made me really angry. I stared at him for a moment and
then said, ‘Doctor, I am a Christian. I do not believe in


“Although I did not believe in abortion, I was a medical

doctor. I knew that the personal consequences of bringing
such a damaged child into the world would be intense. I
also knew that there was absolutely no medical answer for
my baby’s problem. There was no power on earth that
could give my daughter a new brain.
“As I sat there in silence with the obstetrician, not sure of
what to say next, something rose up inside of me. I looked
straight at him. Then I said, ‘There has to be an answer. My
God has never let me down. He will get me out of this
somehow.’ With that, I stood up and left the office and
started the drive home.”


“I dreaded facing Marie with this horrible information.

When I finally saw her, I said, ‘Marie, I realize you don’t
want to know the details, but it’s bad. Really bad.’ I went
upstairs to my room to be alone and try to compose
myself. As soon as I closed the door I fell to my knees and
cried out to God, in the deepest pain I had ever
“At that moment I felt totally devastated and
overwhelmed. As I collected myself, however, it became
really, really clear to me that I needed a miracle, and the
only hope we had for one of those was in God. I said to
myself, ‘Listen, buster, you have to get hold of yourself.
There is a God, and you are supposed to seek Him. He will
help you. Your daughter’s life depends on it. You are going
to do this.’
“I spoke out loud to God and said, ‘The Scriptures teach
that you are a strong tower and a fortress, an ever-present
help in time of need. O God, fulfill your promise. This is
my time of need.’”

As I collected myself, however, it became

really, really clear to me that I needed a
miracle, and the only hope we had for one of
those was in God


“I knew this was such a serious situation that halfway

measures wouldn’t work. I got my faith originally from the
Bible, from reading about God and what He does. I knew
that the people who had been healed by Jesus often did
more than the ordinary. They did something extra.
“For example, there were people who pulled the tiles off
the roof of a house so they could lower a paralyzed guy
down to Jesus to be healed. The power of God was there
that day to heal everyone, but this guy was the only one
who was recorded as being healed. He did something extra;
his faith is what got him healed.

I knew that I had to spend 100 percent of my

time seeking God if I were going to save her

“Faith like that was needed to save my daughter. If I had

to rip the roof off of a house to get to the Lord for healing,
I would do it. I knew that I had to spend 100 percent of my
time seeking God if I were going to save her life. There was
so much at stake that I decided to leave my job as an
emergency department physician and spend all of my
waking hours on this battle.”



“Marie and I began an intense search for God’s plan to

save our daughter’s life. We read the Bible day and night.
We read books and listened to audiotapes about healing,
trying to learn whatever we could. One teacher in
particular talked about speaking Bible verses into bad
situations. He taught the importance of recognizing the
difference between the negative facts that might confront us
and the eternal truth of God’s promises. He taught that
outcomes were influenced by what the person chose to
believe and talk about. In fact, he was teaching the words
spoken by the Messiah:
“‘For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this
mountain, Be thou removed, and b e thou cast into the sea; and
shall not doub t in his heart, b ut shall b elieve that those things
which he saith shall come to p ass; he shall have whatsoever he
saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire,
when ye p ray, b elieve that ye receive them, and ye shall have
them’ (Mark 11:24 KJV).

“We pulled ourselves together and determined to stand

on God’s Word and not be afraid. We determined that if we
had to stand for 6 trillion years and tell the devil that our
baby was healed, then that’s what we would do.”


Gary and Marie went through the Bible and wrote down
every verse they could find that promised healthy children.
They made a list of all these verses and read them all, six
times a day. Each morning, noon, and evening, they would
read each Scripture verse one time as it was written, and
then say out loud what the personal meaning of that verse
Gary later said that the impact of spending so much time
thinking about the Word of God was life-changing for him.
One Scripture in particular referred to a prophecy about
the Messiah from the book of Isaiah. It said:
He was wounded for our transgressions, he was b ruised for our
iniquities; the chastisement for our p eace was up on him, and b y
his strip es we are healed (1 Peter 2:24).

Gary said, “When Marie and I read that particular verse,

it seemed to jump off the page and to come alive inside us.
We knew it was for us to apply in our situation. We
decided to speak that verse over our situation intensively.
We quoted that verse and said, ‘By His stripes, our baby is
healed,’ four hundred times a day.” Gary remembers using
his son’s abacus, moving the beads of the ancient counting
machine, one at a time, so he could make sure to keep his

Gary said, “It may not sound difficult to focus so

intensively on God’s Word, but it is. For one thing, you get
tired. For another, part of you wants to give in and quit,
and just accept whatever happens. A seductive voice
seemed to call to me to quit trying. Over and over it said,
‘Just give up. You can’t do this. You don’t know anybody
who has ever done this. It won’t work.’ This voice played
on my doubts and fears as if it were trying to weaken me.
“The worst moments were when I would wake up in the
middle of the night and recall the image of my daughter’s
destroyed brain on the ultrasound. I would hear the words
severely retarded, paralyzed, and seizure disorder
pronounced by the obstetrician. I would imagine the
difficult life my daughter would have if she were born so
severely handicapped and wonder how my family would
cope with such a situation. I would find my thoughts
wandering to cases of Christians who had confessed healing
Scriptures and then died anyway, and I worried about the
lack of any progress.

I would find my thoughts wandering to cases

of Christians who had confessed healing
Scriptures and then died anyway…

“Being alone with thoughts such as these at 4:00 in the

morning, I was forced to wrestle for my daughter’s life with
my own deepest fears and doubts. What I found at the
bottom of all these thoughts was a basic question. Is the
Word of God true or isn’t it?”


“I realized I couldn’t explain the experiences of other

people. The only hope my daughter had was if I believed
the Word of God just as it is written and to accept it for my
situation. I just determined to believe the Bible over every
other thing my mind could throw at me.

To feel the anxiety and fear lifting as I

worshiped God was nothing short of awesome.

“Managing and controlling my thoughts was probably

one of the most important things I had to do. In a way, it
was like a crowd of demons I had to fight through to get to
Jesus. I had to fight to hold on to my belief. My belief
didn’t just happen.
“Another thing that was important was to stay away from
anyone who didn’t have faith for healing. I didn’t even tell
most of the people I knew. I felt their sympathy and their
unbelief would be a drain on my own faith.”

Gary had determined to worship God for at least two

hours at the end of each day. “It was important that I take
time out from thinking about my own problems to just
worship God for the greatness and glory that is His. It was
intensely comforting to do this. To feel the anxiety and fear
lifting as I worshiped God was nothing short of awesome.”
One night he was about to put in a videotape of praise
music, when he felt that he should just stand and focus on
his gratitude for what God was doing for his unborn child.
Gary said, “At first I was just worshiping and thanking
God, as I usually did each day. Then, a presence seemed to
come into the room with me. The sense of presence
increased and became a crushing pressure. The weight of
the pressure began to increase and forced me to the floor. I
was unable to stand. I looked up, and a cloud seemed to be
filling the room and blocked out the lights. At first, I felt
terrified, and I tried to crawl away and out of the room.
Then, I said to myself, ‘You idiot! This is what you have
been praying for!’ The presence was God, and I knew that I
had better stay put.”


“The same thing happened the next night. I started to

worship God, and again an overwhelming sense of pressure
and of weight came upon me. This time I recalled a dream
I had had some months before, in which a man brought his
son to me for healing at the hospital. The boy was
schizophrenic and had a brain tumor. I remembered that in
the dream, I had laid my hand on the boy’s head and he
was instantly healed. I realized that God was prophetically
telling me to go lay my hand on my baby for healing, and
that the appointed time had come!”
Gary went to find Marie so he could pray for the baby.
At about the same time, Gary’s sister-in-law, who was
2,000 miles away, woke from sleep with a strong urge to
pray for Gary and Marie. She got out of her bed at 2:00 in
the morning and started praying.
Meanwhile, Marie had been stirred by an impulse to be
with Gary that she couldn’t explain. She was ready to get
into bed and go to sleep when she just felt like she should
go see Gary. As she walked toward the room he was in for
prayer, she spoke quietly to God and said, “Lord, whatever
you have for me, I accept. I surrender my entire life to you.
I know it will be okay.” She just wanted God to help her
trust Him.


Gary and Marie met in the hallway of their home. Marie

describes what happened next: “After a few words, Gary
laid his hand on my tummy and prayed, and at first,
nothing happened. Gary refused to accept this
disappointment and tried to pray again, and still nothing
happened. Finally on the third time, he laid his other hand
on top of my head, and this time, a surge of power came
out of his hands and went into the baby and me.”
Gary said, “As soon as I put my hand on Marie’s head, I
felt a surge of pure love that physically knocked me to the
ground on my knees, overwhelmingly aware of God’s
awesome holiness. I spoke to God and said, ‘Lord, You are
so infinitely and absolutely pure. I am not worthy of your
presence.’ I forgot about everything except this awesome
presence for a long time.”
Marie said, “I don’t remember too much about what
happened, but I remember that when Gary touched my
head, I was shot through with a profound feeling of
warmth. I felt so completely loved and comforted, like
nothing I had ever before experienced. The feeling of God’s
love for me was overwhelming. I dropped to the ground,
but was not hurt at all. The next thing I knew, Gary and I
were looking at each other. Then we realized that the baby
was kicking and moving around, and we knew that we had
our miracle. Our baby was safe.”

Then we realized that the baby was kicking

and moving around, and we knew that we had
our miracle.


Gary suggested getting proof with an additional
ultrasound, but Marie had had enough of ultrasounds. Marie
knew that God heals gradually as well as by means of
sudden miracles. If God was going to heal the baby
gradually, that wouldn’t show on the ultrasound. What was
important to her was to believe Him. They decided to trust
God to the very end, and just wait for a healthy baby to be
born to them.

The testing showed no disability of any kind.

Gary said, “The devil did not give up. Our minds
continued to be attacked by doubts. This time it took the
form of ‘Did that really happen? Did we imagine it? Were
we both hallucinating?’ So we did not give up our
commitment to daily speak God’s promises until our
perfect little daughter, Carolyn, was brought forth.
“Complete testing was performed both at the time of her
birth and some months later. The testing showed no
disability of any kind.”
Today, the little girl of this story is a teenager. Her name
is Carolyn, and she is beautiful. She plays soccer, has a lot
of friends, and is in the top 3 percent of her class at school.
Gary has returned to work as a physician, and Marie has
her hands full raising their family. They give their
testimony gladly, and many people have been helped by
hearing what God did for them because they trusted Him.
1. Study the miracles written about in the Bible. Notice
what extra thing each person did just before Jesus
healed him or her.
2. Understand the difference between facts and eternal
truth, and determine to trust God’s Word above
anything that your mind can throw at you.
3. Realize that the devil does not want you to win, and
will use your mind and your weaknesses to defeat
you if he can.
4. Find Scripture verses that express the need you are
bringing before God.
5. Repeat God’s promises to yourself many times a
day. Write down important promises and meditate
on them, but be sure to speak them out loud. If you
know others who understand what you are doing,
talk about these promises and what they mean to
6. 6. Don’t allow your need to become more important
than your friendship with God. Make sure to take
time every day to worship God, experiencing His
presence as best you can. The Bible says, “Be still
and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10). He is present
within you.
I AM A JEW . Although as I was growing up I
attended a traditional synagogue, it never dawned
on me that I could know God personally. The
stories about Moses, Noah, and Abraham belonged
to another era. God seemed to be a million miles
away—not relevant to my life. Even the most
devout, older men in the synagogue were more
interested in the ritualistic prayers and fellowship
with their friends than in having an intimate
relationship with God.
Today, most Jewish people are more secular
than religious. When I was young, Jews at least
went to the synagogue on high holidays like Rosh
Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Now the majority of
my people do not attend services at all.
When I encountered Jesus at the age of 30,
everything in my world changed. I not only knew
God was real, but I now knew Him personally.
My biggest shock was to discover that Christians,
for the most part, act like most Jews. They know
about God. They believe in Him. They think they
will probably go to Heaven. Yet some have
greater intimacy with their denomination than
with God. Others attend church merely for the
social interaction. These Sunday and “high-
holiday” (Easter and Christmas) Christians
compartmentalize God according to their
convenience. They treat Jesus more as their
servant than as their Lord. They surrender Sunday
mornings—not their lives.
Many churches have evolved into nothing more
than religious warehouses filled with people
bound for hell. Members are made to feel as if
they are acceptable to God without repentance of
sin. Their church experience is as spectators who
never fulfill their destinies in God. Tragically,
many do not even have a personal relationship
with Jesus.
Over the years, I began to see that even some of
the better churches are filled with religious
tradition. The pastors appear to be more
concerned with the offering, announcements, a
full sermon, and a timely ending than with
yielding to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
The more I hungered for greater intimacy with
God, the more dissatisfied I became. Then God led
me to study the history of the early Church. The
blinders of tradition fell from my eyes. I began to
see the Scriptures in a whole new light. Now I
understand why there are so few miracles, even in
believing, Spirit-filled churches. Now I know why
so few believers fulfill their destiny in God. Now I
know why the system forces the services to be
man-controlled rather than God-controlled. Now I
know why there is so little compassion for the
souls of men and for the poor. Now I know why
the sins of secular society pervade the Church.
Now I know how we have grieved the Holy Spirit
through ignorance, compromise, tradition, and
the fear of man. Now I know why the glory under
Moses was greater than our best churches today.
God has been waiting for a generation of
believers to follow the cloud of His presence just
as the Israelites followed the cloud in the
wilderness. The cloud is moving. Will you follow
the cloud to glory, or will you remain stuck in
your old ways? Only a few of the older believers
will enter this new land. The rest will observe it
from afar. I am hungry for more. How about you?
Just as God had a specific plan for the Israelites
to enter the Promised Land, He also instructed
them on how to enter His glory. God said to
Moses, “See that you make all things according to
the pattern…” (Heb. 8:5). The pattern is God’s
bridge to intimacy. When the pattern is right, the
glory explodes. Notice that I did not say formula,
but pattern. Man wants to place God in a box,
which is why we have so many religions and
denominations. God is too big to be limited by
our attempts to define Him. We cannot reduce His
pattern to a formula. Formulas lead us to
tradition, and tradition to fossilized, dead religion.
The biblical pattern always leads to greater
intimacy with God.
It also leads to unity between Jew and Gentile. I
believe that today God is calling us to a new level
in which both Jewish and Gentile believers will
come together as One New Man—yielded to His
Spirit and walking in power. “For I am about to
do something new. See, I have already begun” (Isa.
43:19 NLT).


God’s pattern that defines the relationship

between the Church and the Jewish people is
explained in First Corinthians 15:46: “The
spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward
the spiritual.” First, God acts with His natural
people, Israel; then He acts with His spiritual
people, the Church. His true Church is made up
of those who genuinely believe in Jesus as Savior
and Lord (both Jew and Gentile). The Church and
Israel are mishpochah, which is Hebrew for
“family.” Whatever happens to Israel dramatically
affects the restoration of the Church.
For example, in 1897 Theodor Herzl convened
the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, to
investigate the formation of a Jewish homeland.
The beginning of the restoration of the land
birthed the beginning of the restoration of the
manifest presence of the Holy Spirit in the
Church. On New Year’s Eve 1900, at a Bible
school in Topeka, Kansas, a 30-year-old student
named Agnes Ozman began to speak in tongues—
the start of the Pentecostal Revival. Several days
later, Charles Parham and other students also
received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the
gift of speaking in tongues. After William
Seymour sat under Parham’s teaching, he took this
fire to a home prayer meeting in Los Angeles that
birthed the world-famous Azusa Street Revival.
Around the time when Israel became a nation in
1948, God responded by bringing the healing
revival to the United States. Over 100 evangelists
such as Oral Roberts, Kathryn Kuhlman, T.L.
Osborn, and Kenneth Hagin began tremendous
healing ministries. Billy Graham’s ministry also
started then.
In 1967, Israel regained possession of Jerusalem
for the first time since the temple was destroyed.
That same year, the Catholic Charismatic
movement started. It went on to impact Christians
from all denominations. The late 1960s also gave
birth to the Jesus Movement, which swept
thousands of hippies into the Kingdom of God.
Around the time of the Yom Kippur War in
1973, revival broke out among Jewish people,
resulting in the modern-day Messianic Jewish


If you want to know what the next move of God

will be—watch Israel. Because of sin, God
scattered the Jewish people to the four corners of
the earth. But in the last days He promises to
restore them to Israel. (See Ezekiel 37:21.) In the
Old Covenant, the nation of Israel was a divided
land. The northern kingdom was called Israel, and
the southern kingdom, Judah. Judah and Israel
fought with each other. God promises to restore
these two kingdoms and to return them to their
land. They will be one nation under one King:
And I will make them one nation in the land, on the
mountains of Israel; and one king shall b e king over
them all; they shall no longer b e two nations, nor
shall they ever b e divided into two kingdoms again
(Ezekiel 37:22).

Today we are seeing these Scriptures fulfilled

before our eyes. Israel is a nation again, and the
Jews are returning to Israel in record numbers. A
sign of the hastening of the prophetic time clock
is when the Jews from the north of Israel (from
the former Soviet Union) return to the land.
Jeremiah 16:14-16 says that once this happens,
Jews from the entire world will return to Israel.
We are also beginning to see the spiritual
fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy. The two
covenant peoples of God, Jews and Christians,
who have been divided for centuries, will unite
under one King—Jesus. This will cause a spiritual
explosion in the Church. The devil’s worst
nightmare will come to pass when the sleeping
giant, the Church, finally realizes that the
underlying purpose for the current outpourings of
the Holy Spirit is to equip believers with power
to evangelize the Jew. When the Jewish people
join with the Gentiles to form One New Man, it
will trigger a major release of power to
evangelize the world. But before the Church can
enter this glorious future, it must first overcome
its anti-Semitic past.


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