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J. Phys. Ther. Sci.

25: 587–590, 2013

The Effect of Repetitive Passive and Active

Movements on Proprioception Ability in Forearm

OhSung Kwon, PT, MPT1,2), SeungWon Lee, PT, PhD1)*, YoungWoo Lee, PT, PhD1),
DongKwon Seo, PT, MPT1,3), SangWoo Jung, PT, MPT1), WonJae Choi, PT, MPT1)
1) Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health and Welfare, Sahmyook University,
Hwarangro 815, Nowon-gu, Seoul 139-742, Republic of Korea. TEL: +82 2-3399-1630,
FAX: +82 2-3399-1639
2) Department of Physical Therapy, Seonam University
3) Department of Physical Therapy, Sun Moon University

Abstract. [Purpose] This study was conducted in order to investigate the effect of repetitive passive movement
and repetitive active movement on proprioception in forearm supination. [Subjects] This study had a cross-sectional
design. Twenty-three right-handed healthy subjects were recruited. All subjects randomly received both repetitive
passive movement and repetitive active movement (repetitive passive/active movement at 120°/s with 60 repetitions
over a 0–80° range). Active and passive joint repositioning of all subjects was measured using the error score for
position sense, both before and after repositioning intervention. [Results] In the repetitive passive movement test,
there was a statistically significant decrease in the pre- versus post-repositioning error scores in the active and
passive angle examinations. In the repetitive active movement test, there was a statistically significant increase in
pre- versus post-repositioning error scores in the active and passive angle examinations. In the comparison of posi-
tion sense, there was a statistically significant decrease in both active and passive angle repositioning error scores
in repetitive passive movement versus repetitive active movement. [Conclusion] Repetitive passive movement im-
proved the proprioception results for forearm supination, compared to repetitive active movement. Results of this
study indicate that repetitive passive movement can be recommended to clinicians for rehabilitation therapy as it
provides greater proprioception benefits.
Key words: Joint position sense, Repetitive passive movement, Proprioception
(This article was submitted Dec. 3, 2012, and was accepted Dec. 29, 2012)

INTRODUCTION daily activities and sports. The proprioception process in-

volves muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs, articular and
The primary outputs of muscle function at the elbow and cutaneous mechanoreceptors, and enables position sense,
forearm include elbow flexion and extension, and forearm movement sense and force sense7). In a position-matching
supination and pronation1). The rotation of the forearm, as task, position sense measures the target angle of the joint
in pronation and supination, are important motions used in that is tested.
everyday life in performing tasks such as turning keys or The output of proprioception therapy can be affected by
door handles, bringing food to the mouth and performing therapeutic exercise type. The exercises used in proprio-
personal hygiene activities2). The forearm muscles involved ception therapy are divided into active and passive compo-
in rotation include the supinator, biceps brachii, extensor nents8). Most clinical studies have found that exercise af-
carpi radialis, brachioradialis, extensor pollicis longus and fects proprioception ability.
abductor pollicis longus. In particular, the actions of the su- Baek et al.9) reported that repeated passive exercise was
pinator and biceps brachii muscles produce the supination beneficial for improving proprioception. Ju et al.10) conclud-
motion3). The action of these muscles greatly affects the ed that repeated passive exercise resulted in a significant
stability of the elbow4). Maintaining the safety of the joints improvement of joint position sense. However, Lattanzio
requires that they return to their proper position after move- and Petrella11) suggested that repetitive passive movements
ments, and that they maintain their integrity with minimal deleteriously affect of proprioception capabilities.
movement. The process of proprioception has a fundamen- Hazneci et al.12) reported that isokinetic exercises posi-
tal effect on the stability of the joints and in balance con- tively affected passive position sense, the stabilization of
trol5, 6). Proprioception enables safe human movements in joints and proprioceptive acuity. Active exercises such as
tai chi have been found to decrease position errors in sub-
jects completing a position matching task13, 14). However,
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Ju et al.8) found that repetitive active exercise had a nega-
E-mail: [email protected]
588 J. Phys. Ther. Sci. Vol. 25, No. 5, 2013

tive impact on joint proprioception. Other experimental Table 1. General characteristics of the subjects
studies have shown that active exercises negatively affect
  Total (N=23)
proprioception because exercise fatigue can disturb posi-
Age (year) 26.52 ± 4.27
tion sense15, 16).
Several studies have been performed on elbow and fore- Body weight (kg) 58.15 ± 9.67
arm proprioception, but most of these were conducted in or- Height (cm) 163.72 ± 6.80
der to evaluate flexion and extension15, 17, 18). Although fore- Values are mean ± SD
arm supination is very important for the proper functioning
of the upper limbs, there have been few scientific studies
on this topic, and studies of proprioception are rare. There- For AAR, the subjects actively moved their forearms to
fore, this study was conducted in order to investigate the the target supination angle, approximately 0~80°, by ran-
effect of repetitive passive movement (RPM) and repetitive dom selection. All other procedures used were identical to
active movement (RAM) on the proprioception capabilities the passive measurement method. The difference between
involved in forearm supination. the reproduced angle and the target angle was calculated.
The position sense error was evaluated using the absolute
SUBJECTS AND METHODS error score. All subjects were measured at pre-test prior
to intervention, and at post-test after the intervention. All
A total of 23 healthy right-hand dominant volunteers measurements were repeated three times, with a one-min-
participated in this study (Table 1). The inclusion criteria ute break between measurements.
for the subjects were as follows: no upper extremity diseas- All subjects randomly performed both RPM and RAM
es, no sensory deficits, no limited range of motion (ROM) exercises for two days. At random, one of the interventions
of the upper extremities, no psychological or emotion prob- was assigned on the first day with the remaining interven-
lems. The study protocol was approved by the institutional tion performed on the second day in order to avoid a learn-
review board of Sahmyook University. ing effect.
For the repositioning test of supination position sense The RPM exercise was performed with the Biodex using
in the right forearm, we used a Biodex (Biodex Multi-Joint the system’s passive exercise module. The device was set to
System 2, Biodex Corp, NY, USA) which includes an elec- move in a passive supination-pronation mode within a 0° to
trogoniometer which is sensitive to 1° increments. All as- 80° range with a repetition of 60 times. The angular veloc-
sessments were performed with the subjects blindfold and ity of the passive exercise module was 120°/s. The RAM
seated on a chair. The subjects’ trunks were strapped to exercise was carried out using the Biodex system’s isokinet-
the chair to prevent unwanted motion. Proprioception was ic exercise module with an angular velocity of 120°/s. The
measured in terms of passive and active repositioning. The subjects were instructed to perform the supination (concen-
starting position of measurement was the elbow flexed at tric) and pronation (eccentric) exercises within a range of 0°
90°, midway between pronation and supination. In this to 80° for 60 repetitions. Each exercise was performed in
starting position, the Biodex device display unit was set to three sets, with a one-minute break after each set.
0°. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 18.0 for Win-
Position sense is generally evaluated using repositioning dows. The results are presented as the mean and standard
tests such as active or passive angle reproduction19). This deviation. The data collected in this study was analyzed us-
study conducted both the measurement of passive angle re- ing parametric statistical tests. The analysis used the paired
positioning (PAR) and active angle repositioning (AAR). In t-test for differences in the position sense error score before
PAR, the subjects’ forearms were passively moved to the and after the intervention. Significance was accepted for
target angle by the machine, whereas in AAR, the subjects values of p<0.05.
actively moved their forearms to the target angle. PAR and
AAR assessments were executed using the method de- RESULTS
scribed by Ju et al.10) For PAR, the forearm was rotated by
the machine with the subject’s forearm in a starting position The position sense error scores at pre- and post-test
between 0° and 80° relative to the target supination angle are shown in Table 2. In the RPM test there was a statisti-
by random selection. The rotation occurred at a velocity of cally significant decrease in the AAR error score between
2°/s. The forearm was held at the target angle for 5 seconds, pre- and post-test (mean±SD: 6.53±2.89° vs. 4.75±2.13°;
and then passively returned to the starting position with a p=0.008), as well as in the PAR error score (7.65±3.51° vs.
rest period of 10 seconds. The subject then actively repro- 5.84±3.20°; p=0.039). In the RAM test, there was a statisti-
duced the selected target supination angle which had been cally significant increase in the AAR error score in between
passively positioned by the device. The subject pressed a pre- and post-test (6.53±2.89° vs. 8.05±3.48°; p=0.041), as
handheld stop button when they felt they had reproduced well as in the PAR error score (7.65±3.51° vs. 9.63±3.48°;
the correct target supination angle. The set of repositioning p=0.041).
tests was performed three times and the subject rested for The comparison of the error scores of the position sense
20 seconds between each test. In order to avoid any learning in both the RPM and RAM tests after the movement in-
effect during the measurements, we chose different angle tervention are shown in Table 3. There was a statistically
settings for each test. significant difference in the AAR error scores in RPM,

Table 2. Position sense error score at baseline and after the movement interventions

Measurement Baseline RPM RAM

PAR 7.65 ± 3.51 5.84 ± 3.20* 9.63 ± 3.48*
AAR 6.53 ± 2.89 4.75 ± 2.13** 8.05 ± 3.48*
Values are mean ± SD
Abbreviations: RPM, repetitive passive movement; RAM, repetitive active move-
ment; PAR, passive angle repositioning; AAR, active angle repositioning. *p<0.05,
**p<0.01: significant difference between baseline and after the intervention.

Table 3. The comparison of error scores of position sense Changing the pattern of RPM resulted in a decrease in the
between RPM and RAM error score of position sense.
Friemert et al.19) found that, after RPM exercise, the pro-
Measurement RPM RAM prioception error was reduced. Ju et al.10) had 15 subjects
PAR −1.81 ± 3.95 1.98 ± 4.38** perform RAM and RPM exercises, and the RAM exercises
AAR −1.78 ± 2.92 1.52 ± 3.35** resulted in an increase in proprioception error scores while
Values are mean ± SD RPM resulted in a decrease. This result was the same as
Abbreviations: RPM, repetitive passive movement; RAM, re- the one found in our study, indicating that RPM exercises
petitive active movement; PAR, passive angle repositioning; reduce proprioception errors.
AAR, active angle repositioning. **p<0.01: significant differ- Passive movements play a role in the activation of me-
ence between RPM and RAM.
chanical receptors and increase activity in the contralateral
sensorimotor cortex, supplementary motor area, bilateral
inferior parietal cortex, secondary somatosensory areas and
−1.78۬±2.92°, versus RAM, 1.52±3.35°(p=0.001), as well ipsilateral cerebellum of the brain9, 30). This activation of the
as in the PAR scores in RPM, −1.81±3.95°, versus RAM, brain enables the position of joints to be determined by sen-
1.98±4.38°(p=0.002). sory inputs from the peripheral system, allows the planning
of movements, controls the motor response by comparing
DISCUSSION the sensory input signals and output signals, and provides a
significant input to the ability to sense joint position 23). For
Proprioception plays a role in detecting small changes all of these reasons, we should expect that repetitive passive
in the movement of joint location through the sensory re- movement would function to reduce error in the sensation
ceptors in muscle spindles of the joints and muscles20, 21). of position.
Proprioception enables neuromuscular control of dynamic In RAM, there was a significant difference observed in
restraints and segmental movements, and delivers posi- both the AAR and PAR, both before and after the interven-
tion information to the motor control system6, 22). Motor tion (p<0.05). However, the changing patterns of RAM and
control is an important aspect of rehabilitation 23). Loss of RPM were different. RAM showed an increasing trend in
proprioception capability leads to microtrauma, re-injury of the error score of position sense.
previously damaged joints, deficits in postural control and RAM exercise consisted of concentric and eccentric ex-
joint instability24, 25). Accordingly, various interventions for ercises in our study. Allen et al.31) reported that forearm con-
improving proprioception have been performed. Fitzger- centric and eccentric exercises increased position matching
ald 26) reported that closed-chain exercise is more effective errors and reduced the accuracy of the sense of position18,
at facilitating proprioceptors than open-chain exercise, and 32). Brockett et al.15) argued that eccentric exercise increases
therapeutic exercises such as sensorimotor training27), pro- errors in the sense of position. This result supports the find-
prioceptive feedback training28) and re-education exercise ing of our study that RAM exercise increases error in posi-
of proprioceptors29) have been reported to be effective at tion sense.
improving proprioceptor senses. The intensity of brain activation can be influenced by
In this study, we studied passive and active movements. proprioceptive stimulation at the joint33). Brain activation
Kisner and Colby3) explained that passive exercise promotes occurs in active exercise as well as passive exercise34). Ac-
awareness of movement. Friemert et al.19) evaluated the ef- tive exercise results in fatigue at the joint, whereas pas-
fects of a continuous active motion (CAM) device on joint sive exercise does not. Continuous high-intensity exercise
proprioception, and found a significant increase in joint po- causes muscle fatigue which increases the error in the po-
sition sense after the CAM exercise. sition sense by reducing the threshold sensitivity of fibers
The goal of our study was to determine which exercise in the muscle spindles15, 35, 36). Therefore, we should expect
type, RPM or RAM, was more effective for proprioception that continuous active movement would increase errors in
training. the position sense.
In the present study, the accuracy of proprioception was A limitation of the present study was that it is difficult to
measured using a Biodex, and there was a significant differ- generalize research results using young and healthy persons
ence in both active repositioning and passive repositioning to the elderly and people whose forearms are injured or im-
found in RPM, both before and after intervention (p<0.05). paired. This was not a randomized controlled trial (RCT)
590 J. Phys. Ther. Sci. Vol. 25, No. 5, 2013

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