Fatiga y Control Postural Dinamico

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Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 2009, 18, 240-257

© 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc.

The Effects of Gender and Fatigue

on Dynamic Postural Control
Phillip A. Gribble, Richard H. Robinson, Jay Hertel,
and Craig R. Denegar

Context: Deficits in static postural control related to fatigue have been investigated
previously, but there is little evidence to link fatigue to performance measures of
dynamic postural control. Objective: To investigate the effects of fatigue and gender
on performance measures of the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT). Design:
Mixed-model design. Setting: Research laboratory. Participants: 16 healthy young
adults. Intervention: Subjects performed the SEBT before and after 4 different
fatiguing conditions. Main Outcome Measures: The normalized reach distances and
sagittal-plane kinematics of the knee and hip were recorded. Results: Fatigue pro-
duced deficits in normalized reach distances and decreased knee flexion in all 3 reach-
ing directions. Overall, women were able to reach farther than men while simultane-
ously demonstrating a greater amount of knee flexion. Conclusions: Gender
differences were observed during performance of the SEBT, with women demonstrat-
ing greater reach distances and knee flexion, and fatigue amplified these differences.

Keywords: kinematics, Star Excursion Balance Test, balance

Fatigue is believed to increase muscle-spindle discharge, subsequently alter-

ing afferent information into the central nervous system and influencing joint
awareness.1,2 Afferent information is a critical portion of the feedback loops that
help create and maintain postural control. Previous studies have examined the
negative effect fatigue has on measures of static postural control.3–11 However,
there has been little investigation of the influence of fatigue on dynamic measures
of postural control.12 Dynamic postural-control tasks require a greater degree of
coordinated movement patterns using contributions from multiple joints,13 but it
has not been established whether fatigue alters these tasks or the contributing joint
patterns negatively.
Dynamic postural control can be assessed as the center of mass is controlled
while one’s base of support is moving.13 In addition, as we examined in this study,
dynamic postural control during performance of a voluntary task might involve
completing a movement that translates the body’s center of gravity without com-

Gribble is with the Dept of Kinesiology, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. Robinson is with the Dept
of Kinesiology, University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN. Hertel is with the Kinesiology Program,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Denegar is with the Dept of Physical Therapy, University
of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Gender, Fatigue, and Dynamic Postural Control   241

promising its base of support.13 There have been numerous tests developed to
assess dynamic postural control in the geriatric population14–16 but very few tests
that assess the dynamic balance capabilities of the athletic population. The Star
Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) is one such test. It assesses maximum reach with
1 leg while maintaining a base of support with the other leg.17–19 The reliability
and clinical applicability of the SEBT have been established.12,18–20 A previous
study demonstrated that males are able to perform this task better, demonstrating
larger reach distances than females.21 However, when the reach distances were
normalized to the leg length of the stance limb, no significant gender differences
were observed.
One technique for examining biomechanical contributions to a task is the use
of kinematics to quantify movement patterns. Previous investigations have
reported gender differences in knee-flexion angle and quadriceps activation during
functional tasks.22–24 Although there have been limited comparisons of gender
during performance of the SEBT,21 we could find no investigations reported in the
literature involving SEBT performance that examined kinematic pattern differ-
ences in hip and knee flexion between males and females. In addition, there are
few data that show the effects of neuromuscular fatigue on joint angle during the
performance of this dynamic postural task.12
There are neuromuscular and biomechanical differences between genders at
the knee during functional tasks such as landing and cutting, with males demon-
strating a larger amount of knee flexion than females.22,24,25 Although this gender
difference in knee flexion is established in other selected tasks, it is not known
whether there are similar differences throughout the lower extremity during a
dynamic postural-control task such as the SEBT and how muscle fatigue could
produce differences in neuromuscular control during the reaching task between
males and females.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of gender and
fatigue of the sagittal-plane movers in the lower extremity on kinematic measures
and dynamic postural control as measured with reach distance during performance
of the SEBT. By systematically fatiguing sagittal-plane movers of the ankle, knee,
and hip, differences in reaching strategies between male and female subjects were
examined before and after fatigue. We hypothesized that (1) increased reach dis-
tance during the SEBT would occur simultaneously with increased knee flexion
of the stance limb before and after fatigue, (2) reach distance and knee flexion
would decrease after the fatiguing condition, (3) men would demonstrate greater
reach distance and knee flexion than women before and after fatigue, and (4) the
introduction of fatigue would amplify the gender differences described in hypoth-
esis 3.

Sixteen physically active subjects (8 men: age 22.5 ± 2.45 years, height 1.81 ±
0.11 m, weight 81.59 ± 19.76 kg; 8 women: age 22.5 ± 2.56 years, height 1.67 ±
0.06 m, weight 60.61 ± 8.22 kg) volunteered for the study. All subjects partici-
pated in sustained physical activity at least 3 times per week for 30 minutes. They
242   Gribble et al

signed a university-approved informed-consent form. All subjects had no history

of injury to the lower extremity or vestibular disorders and had been free from
mild head injury for the previous 6 months. Subjects were right-limb dominant,
with limb dominance defined as the limb with which they preferred to kick a

Subjects reported to the laboratory for 5 testing sessions at least 1 week apart,
during which they performed the SEBT before and after a fatiguing condition or
a control, no-fatigue condition. The 5 testing conditions were isokinetic ankle
fatigue, isokinetic knee fatigue, isokinetic hip fatigue, a lunging task, and control
(no fatigue). The order of the 5 testing sessions was counterbalanced. Reach dis-
tance during the SEBT was measured while sagittal-plane kinematics of the stance
leg were recorded. During each session, subjects completed the protocol using
both the right and left legs; the order of stance leg was also counterbalanced. After
completing the test with one leg, subjects sat quietly for 30 minutes before begin-
ning the same protocol for the opposite leg.
During the initial session, leg length was measured with the subject lying
supine on a plinth with a standard tape measure from the anterior superior iliac to
the distal end of the medial malleolus. This measurement was used to calculate the
dependent variable for normalized reach distance.

An isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex, Inc, Shirley, NY) was used to induce fatigue
in the sagittal-plane movers of the hip, knee, and ankle. A metronome was used to
provide the rhythm of movement for performance of lunges. Subjects wore an
adjustable weight vest (All Pro Exercise Products, Inc, Longboat, FL) carrying
10% of their body weight while performing the lunging task. Kinematic data of
ankle-, knee-, and hip-joint positions were collected using a digital video camera
(Panasonic Digital Palmcorder, Panasonic Electronics, Denver, CO) sampled at
30 frames per second. Joint angles in the sagittal plane were calculated using the
SMART video-analysis system (ECI-Software, Inc, Boston, MA).

Star Excursion Balance Test

The Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) was performed with the subjects stand-
ing in the middle of a grid formed by 8 lines on the floor made with athletic tape
extending out at 45° from each other17 (Figure 1). The SEBT consists of 8 reach-
ing directions corresponding to the grid lines. Because of the constraints related
to the timing of postfatigue measures and the fact that we were mainly con-
cerned with sagittal-plane kinematics of the stance leg, only 3 of the 8 reaching
directions—anterior (Figure 1[a]), medial (Figure 1[b]), and posterior (Figure
1[c])—of the SEBT were performed during the prefatigue and postfatigue con-
ditions. During pilot work, these 3 reaching directions required the greatest
amount of motion in the sagittal plane of movement compared with the other 5
Gender, Fatigue, and Dynamic Postural Control   243

Figure 1 — Reaching in the (a) anterior, (b) medial, and (c) posterior directions of the Star
Excursion Balance Test.

Subjects were instructed to reach with their leg as far as possible along the
line, make a light touch on the line, and return the reaching leg back to the center
while maintaining a single-leg stance with the other leg in the center of the grid
(Figure 1). They were instructed to make a light touch on the ground with the most
distal part of the reaching foot and return to a double-leg stance. They were
instructed to keep their hands on their hips and the heel of the stance leg on the
ground at all times.
244   Gribble et al

Reach distances were recorded by placing a mark on a measuring tape secured

to the floor corresponding to the touchdown points of each subject. The investiga-
tor recorded the reaching distance as the distance from the center of the grid to the
point of maximum excursion of the reaching leg. A trial was discarded and
repeated if the investigator thought the subject used the reaching leg for a substan-
tial amount of support at any time, removed his or her foot from the center of the
grid, or was unable to maintain balance on the support leg throughout the trial.
Subjects participated in 5 separate testing sessions and on each testing day
performed the reaching trials in each of the 3 selected directions of the SEBT
before and after the designated condition. For each of the 4 testing sessions in
which fatigue was induced, the designated fatigue protocol was completed
between the pretrial and posttrial. On the control, nonfatiguing, day, subjects were
allowed 5 minutes of quiet sitting between the pretest and posttest trials. At the
beginning of each testing session, they were allowed to practice reaching in the 3
directions 6 times to minimize any learning effect.18 Subjects were afforded 5
minutes of rest between the practice trials and the pretest trials. The pretest trials
consisted of 3 consecutive reaches in each of the anterior, medial, and posterior
directions, with the directions randomized. After the 4 fatigue-condition sessions,
posttesting commenced within 15 seconds of when the designated level of fatigue
was achieved. The order of reach direction for the posttesting trials followed the
same randomized order as the pretest for each testing session.

Kinematic Analysis
A digital video camera was positioned on a tripod 8 m from the center of the SEBT
grid. Markers were placed on the acromion of the scapula, greater trochanter of the
femur, lateral knee-joint line, and lateral malleolus. Subjects performed the test
with the lateral side of the stance leg facing the camera. The single-camera setup
allowed quantification of the amount of sagittal-plane motion in degrees at the knee
and hip for all 3 reaching directions without subjects having to reposition their
stance leg for each reaching direction.26
Raw data were processed with Video Wave III video-processing software
(MGI Software Corp, Ontario, Canada). The SMART system calculated kine-
matic data for hip flexion and extension and knee flexion and extension at the
maximum reach distance, designated as touchdown of the reaching leg.26

Three of the fatiguing conditions were performed on the isokinetic dynamometer,
set for concentric–concentric function. Sagittal-plane movement patterns at the
ankle (plantar flexion and dorsiflexion), knee (flexion and extension), and hip
(flexion and extension) were used. Patient positioning followed guidelines set
forth by the manufacturer.
Subjects performed 5 continuous maximum trials at 60°/s for the designated
movement pattern to determine peak torque. After a 2-minute rest, they repeated
the movement pattern at 60°/s continuously until force production dropped below
50% of the peak torque in both directions of motion being tested.3,4,8,9
The fourth fatiguing condition consisted of performing a lunging task a maxi-
mum number of times. Subjects lunged forward with the leg that was to be their
stance leg for the SEBT performance. Pieces of tape on the floor served as the
Gender, Fatigue, and Dynamic Postural Control   245

point of origin and the target reaching distance, equal to their individual leg length.
Lunges were performed at the rate of 1 lunge every 2 seconds. A lunge cycle was
defined as having the subject reach toward the target, achieve approximately 90°
of hip and knee flexion in the lunging leg while maintaining an upright trunk, and
return the reaching leg back to the point of origin.
Subjects were given ample practice time to ensure proper execution of the
lunging task. They were given 2 minutes to rest between practice trials and test
trials. Fatigue was induced by having them perform the task a maximum number
of times until they could not complete it with proper form or were unable to meet
the required rhythm for 2 repetitions in a row.27 Throughout the task, subjects
received verbal cues to ensure proper technique and verbal encouragement to con-
tinue the task until fatigued.
The fifth testing session was used to establish baseline data and involved the
control condition. During this session, no fatiguing task was implemented. Instead,
the subjects sat quietly for 5 minutes between the pretest and posttest perfor-
mances of the SEBT.

Statistical Analysis
The means of reach distance and maximum joint-flexion angles from the 3 trials
of each performance of the SEBT were calculated and used for statistical analysis.
Reach distances were divided by leg length and multiplied by 100 to calculate a
dependent variable that represents reach distance as a percentage of leg length
(MAXD).21 Because of the inherent differences in movement patterns between the
3 reaching directions, there were no direct comparisons made, and each was ana-
lyzed separately. For each reaching direction, 3 separate 5  2  2  2 ANOVAs
were performed for normalized reach distance, knee-flexion angle, and hip-
flexion angle with within factors of condition (control, ankle, knee, hip, and lunge
fatigue), side (left and right), and time (prefatigue and postfatigue) and a between
factor of gender (male and female). Tukey’s post hoc testing was performed to
identify specific differences in the presence of a significant interaction. The level
of significance was set a priori at .05 for all analyses. All statistical analyses were
performed using SPSS 10.0 (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, IL).

For the 5 pretest sessions, ICC values were calculated for the dependent variables
in each reaching direction. ICC values for MAXD ranged from .941 to .951, for
knee flexion from .876 to .935, and for hip flexion from .927 to .964. This indi-
cates high reliability of the pretest measures across the 5 testing sessions for all 3
reaching directions.
For all reported statistically significant interactions, there were also signifi-
cant main effects. In the presence of a significant interaction, the interaction is
more meaningful and attention is given to the interaction rather than the main
effect. Therefore, because of the volume of information that would have been
devoted to present all the significant main effects in the Results section, we have
only provided the results of the statistically significant interaction effect and
appropriate post hoc information, or statistically significant main-effect informa-
tion if there was no significant interaction effect.
246   Gribble et al

The factor of side was included in our research design, and we did test the
right and left sides. We do not mention this factor in our results because in no
instance did it contribute as a significant independent variable. Because we did not
report nonsignificant findings, side is not mentioned. We feel that the volume of
the results precludes us from reporting all the nonsignificant findings.

Anterior Direction
MAXD.  For the anterior reaching direction, fatigue created a decrease in MAXD
for both genders compared with the control day; however, among the men, the
knee fatigue condition produced a significantly greater decline in MAXD (–.043)
than in the other conditions (gender-by-condition-by-time interaction: F4,56 =
3.52, P = .012; Figure 2).
Kinematics.  Kinematically, a significant gender-by-condition interaction (F4,56
= 2.54, P = .05) demonstrated that women used more knee flexion than men during
3 of the fatigue conditions (ankle, knee, and lunge), with the largest disparity
between genders for knee flexion for the lunge fatigue condition (7.96°; Figure 3).
Similarly, women used more hip flexion (29.10° ± 4.24°) than men (11.43° ±
4.24°) during the reaching task (Gender: F1,14 = 8.68, P = .01).

Medial Direction
MAXD.  For the medial reaching direction, all 4 fatigue conditions created pre–
post decreases in MAXD (condition-by-time interaction: F4,56 = 7.04, P < .001)
and knee flexion (condition-by-time: F4,56 = 4.69, P = .002) compared with the
control day (Figure 4). However, women reached significantly farther after fatigue
(0.882 ± 0.021) than men (0.847 ± 0.021; gender-by-time: F1,14 = 5.81, P = .03;
Figure 5[a]).
Kinematics.  Before fatigue, the women used a larger amount of knee flexion
(72.36° ± 2.58°) than the men (67.72° ± 2.59°; gender-by-time: F1,14 = 7.16, P =
.018; Figure 5[b]). In addition, the women experienced a smaller pretest-to-
posttest decline in knee flexion (–1.54°) than the men (–4.16°; Figure 5[b]).

Posterior Direction
MAXD.  For the posterior reaching direction, women produced larger MAXD
values than men at the prefatigue and postfatigue sessions, and women’s MAXD
was less affected by fatigue than the men’s (gender-by-time: F1,14 = 6.67, P =
.022; Figure 6[a]). Fatigue at the ankle, knee, and lunge exercises created signifi-
cant pre–post decreases in MAXD (condition-by-time: F4,56 = 5.82, P = .001;
Figure 7[a]).
Kinematics.  Women used a significantly larger degree of knee flexion after
fatigue (60.36° ± 3.03°) than the men (54.56° ± 3.03°; gender-by-time: F1,14 =
8.375, P = .012; Figure 6[b]). In addition, ankle (–2.93°) and lunge fatigue (–3.95°)
created significant decreases in knee flexion after fatigue (condition by time: F4,56
= 6.68, P < .001; Figure 7[b]).
Gender, Fatigue, and Dynamic Postural Control   247

Figure 2 — Gender  Condition  Time interactions for reach distance as a percentage

of leg length (MAXD) in the anterior direction for (a) men and (b) women. *P < .05. With
the men, the lunge fatigue condition created a significant decline in MAXD after fatigue.

The results of this study show that fatigue in the lower extremity adversely affects
dynamic postural control as assessed with the SEBT. In addition, gender influ-
enced performance of the different reaching directions of the SEBT. When exam-
ining the relationships between joint-angle positions and MAXD, the influences
on performance center most significantly on the knee, with noticeable contribu-
tion from the hip. When fatigue is introduced the gender differences in MAXD
and lower extremity kinematics become amplified.
248   Gribble et al

Figure 3 — Gender  Condition interactions for knee flexion in the anterior reaching
direction. *P < .05. Women used more knee flexion than the men during the lunge, knee,
and ankle fatigue conditions.

Effects of Gender
Although previous data have shown few differences across gender for normalized
reach distances during performance of the SEBT,21 there has been no investigation
into gender differences in reaching strategies that might be used during these
tasks. It appears that the ideal reaching pattern to produce the maximum reach in
the anterior direction involves as much knee and hip flexion as possible and that
any influence of gender on MAXD is influenced by sagittal-plane positioning of
the knee and hip. Electromyographic activity of the vastus medialis oblique and
vastus lateralis in the stance limb has been shown to be greater in the anterior
direction than during any of the other reaching directions of the SEBT.28 Our
results indicated that women achieved a greater amount of knee and hip flexion
than men. Perhaps the women are able to recruit the medialis oblique and vastus
lateralis more efficiently, allowing for better control of the knee in the sagittal
plane during this task.
Performance in the medial and posterior reaching direction also appears to be
significantly influenced by the position of the knee in the sagittal plane. Women
were able to produce significantly larger MAXD values while simultaneously pro-
ducing greater knee-flexion angles in this reaching direction. Although these anal-
yses were examined individually, it might be concluded that women perform
better at this task partially because of their ability to create a greater degree of
knee flexion.
Previous investigations into kinematic variations during functional activities
between genders have found noticeable decreases in knee flexion in women.22,24,25
Lephart et al22 observed a decreased knee-flexion landing angle during hopping
tasks with decreased peak torque to body mass of the hamstrings and quadriceps.
Gender, Fatigue, and Dynamic Postural Control   249

Figure 4 — Condition  Time interactions for (a) reach distance as a percentage of leg
length (MAXD) and (b) knee flexion in the medial reach direction. *P < .05. For both de-
pendent variables, the lunge, knee, ankle, and hip fatigue conditions created a significant
decline after fatigue compared with the no-fatigue condition.

Huston et al25 reported a significantly smaller degree of knee flexion during a

drop-landing task in females. During the stance phase of 3 running and cutting
activities, Malinzak et al24 described decreased knee-flexion angles in concert
with increased quadriceps and decreased hamstring activation.
250   Gribble et al

Figure 5 — Gender  Time interactions for (a) reach distance as a percentage of leg
length (MAXD) and (b) knee flexion in the medial reaching direction. *P < .05, time dif-
ference. +P < .05, group difference.

Although the 3 reaching directions involve tasks requiring unique movement

patterns and are considered inherently different, men demonstrated smaller knee-
flexion angles in the 3 reaching directions than women. Perhaps the issue that is
dictating the gender pattern in the SEBT that is inconsistent with other functional
measurements is the ability of subjects to perform the SEBT at a self-selected
pace. Future investigations should investigate sensorimotor integration across
Figure 6 — Gender  Time interaction for (a) reach distance as a percentage of leg length
(MAXD) and (b) knee flexion in the posterior reaching direction. *P < .05, time difference.
+P < .05, group difference.

Figure 7 — Condition  Time interaction for (a) reach distance as a percentage of leg
length (MAXD) and (b) knee flexion in the posterior reaching direction. *P < .05. For
MAXD, the ankle, knee, and lunge fatigue conditions created a significant decline after
fatigue. For knee flexion, the ankle and lunge fatigue conditions created a significant de-
cline after fatigue.

Gender, Fatigue, and Dynamic Postural Control   253

various functional measures to determine whether the speed of the task and asso-
ciated interaction with the environment dictates performance between genders.
Constraints-behavior theory, influenced by the interaction of task, organis-
mic, and environmental constraints, might be useful in examining these differ-
ences.29 In this experiment, task and environmental constraints were the same for
men and women, suggesting that the observed differences must be organismic.
Organismic constraints can be categorized as structural and functional. From a
structural perspective, women might have gained an advantage by maintaining
their center of mass lower because of wider hips.30,31
From a functional perspective, Zeller et al30 found that during single-leg
squats, females demonstrated greater ankle dorsiflexion and pronation, hip adduc-
tion, flexion, and external rotation and less trunk lateral flexion than males. They
attribute the differences to females’ starting in and maintaining a more valgus
position of the knee, which would create a wider pelvic base and lower the center
of mass, creating better stability, potentially influencing the joint position through-
out the extremity.
Van Wegen et al31 have demonstrated differences in static postural control
between elderly and younger populations as measured through time-to-boundary
values. This method of assessing postural control, which examines the temporal
safety margins of postural sway, has not been compared between genders or
during the SEBT; however, it might be that the decisions to employ knee flexion
to complete the task reflect one’s ability to efficiently challenge the temporal
safety margins of the boundaries of the base of support. Effective management of
the interaction of the demands of the task and the environmental constraints is
perhaps manifested as increased knee flexion. Future studies should quantify
time-to-boundary values to determine the degree to which these margins might
influence a dynamic postural-control task.

Effects of Fatigue
For men and women, fatigue had a negative influence on knee flexion that
adversely affects MAXD. The ankle and lunge fatigue tasks influenced knee-
flexion-angle changes while simultaneously reducing MAXD. Although the
induced fatigue conditions were designed to influence muscle groups about spe-
cific joints, those influences do not seem to be constrained to the targeted joints,
as observed from the kinematic changes in the knee and hip.
In our study, MAXD and knee flexion experienced simultaneous deficits with
the knee-fatigue protocol. Electromyographic activity of the vastus medialis
oblique and vastus lateralis in the stance limb has been shown to be greater in the
anterior direction than during any of the other reaching directions of the SEBT.28
With fatigue, the vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis might have lost the
ability to effectively contract to help maintain dynamic postural control during
this task. We did not quantify this, but the potential alteration in muscle activation
after fatigue could have influenced the knee and hip angles, subsequently contrib-
uting to a decrease in MAXD. In addition, the women appeared more resistant to
changes in MAXD, knee flexion, and hip flexion after fatigue, again alluding to
potential gender differences related to fatigue and motor-unit recruitment of the
254   Gribble et al

quadriceps. Future studies should use EMG to further quantify these observed
differences across genders related to fatigue.
It has been suggested that females are more resistant to fatigue at lower
intensities.31,32 In all 3 reaching directions, women performed better, and the
gender differences were amplified by fatigue, suggesting that the men were more
adversely affected by fatigue. The human movement system seems to have a sig-
nificant energy-minimization bias that, in certain tasks, must be overcome if per-
formance is to be maximized.33 The SEBT creates a problem of conflicting goals
of maintaining balance and maximizing reach distance. Having to perform the
task under fatigued conditions might have shifted the influence toward energy
minimization, evidenced by a reduction in reach distance. Although the SEBT is
a challenging task, perhaps its metabolic demand is low enough that women are
less resistant to altered performance in a state of fatigue and do not need to mini-
mize their energy for the task, allowing them to still use selected movement strate-
gies more efficiently than men.

The kinematic analyses in our study only reported sagittal-plane movements.
There are multiple combinations of multiplanar movement that might be occur-
ring during all 3 reaching tasks that we were unable to quantify in this project.
Rotation at the hips and trunk that was not quantified in this study might have
influenced the performance of the task. Future investigations should involve more
sophisticated means of kinematic analysis to help describe the contributions of
motion outside the sagittal plane.
We chose to report our data related to the effects of fatigue on the selected
task using a pre–post variable (time) and the examination of the 5 separate fatigu-
ing tasks (condition). An alternative approach to these relationships would have
been to present delta scores to represent the change in fatigue over time in place
of the raw pretest and posttest scores. Although that approach could have provided
a simpler design, we felt that it was important to retain the pretest comparisons so
that the additional purpose of examining the influences of gender before fatigue
could be achieved. In addition, there is evidence to suggest that the use of delta
scores in an ANOVA model is associated with a weaker level of reliability than
using raw scores.34,35 Also, the ICC values for our reach distance and kinematic
dependent variables during the pretest assessments when comparing the 5 sepa-
rate testing days ranged from .876 to .964, indicating that reliability of the pretest
measures was strong, which we felt allowed us to use pre–post raw scores for
A few enforced task constraints might have influenced the subjects’ perfor-
mance. The participants were required to keep their hands on their hips and their
heels in contact with the floor. This might have altered their reaching strategy, but
we felt that it was more important to standardize the instructions for performance
in an attempt to minimize error because of excessive accessory motions at uncon-
trolled joints.
A limitation with any study using isokinetics is the concern related to sub-
jects’ effort levels. It is difficult to control the individual level of effort that a
Gender, Fatigue, and Dynamic Postural Control   255

subject produces when asked to provide maximum effort and sustain that level
during a fatiguing condition. In an effort to control this, the same investigator
provided the same verbal cues and encouragement to all subjects throughout all
the tasks.

In conclusion, gender and fatigue appear to influence dynamic postural control as
measured with the SEBT. Women performed better on the task than men, and one
of the explanations for this finding is the increased knee flexion exhibited by the
women at the point of maximum reach distance. This biomechanical difference
between men and women was amplified under fatiguing conditions to the lower
extremity as reach distances and knee flexion decreased in both groups with
fatigue, but the decline was larger among the men. Future investigation into the
neuromuscular contributions to the biomechanical differences resulting from
fatigue in the lower extremities between genders should continue to examine the
relationship of the knee during performance and by what mechanism fatigue influ-
ences the level of neuromuscular control inherent to men and women. When
selecting appropriate rehabilitation tasks, clinicians should be aware that this task
might be more challenging for men than women, as evidenced by the greater nor-
malized reaching distances of the women. In addition, the SEBT might be an
appropriate rehabilitation task for patients with sagittal-plane knee-motion defi-
cits because it relies on and challenges sagittal-plane knee movement. Finally,
clinicians should be aware that fatigue can influence dynamic postural control and
use this to their advantage when formulating rehabilitation for the lower extrem-
ity, while taking steps to minimize fatigue if optimal performance on the task is

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