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J. Phys. Ther. Sci.

25: 1239–1241, 2013

Effects of Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises on

Proprioception and Functional Scores of the Knee
after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Sung-Hyoun Cho, PT, PhD1), Chang-Hwan Bae, PT, MS1)*, Hwang-Bo Gak, PT, PhD2)
1) Department of Physical Therapy, Graduate school of Physical Therapy, Daegu University: Naeri-ri,
Jinlyang, Gyeongsan-si, Kyeongsangbuk-do 15, Republic of Korea
2) Department of Physical Therapy, Daegu University, Republic of Korea

Abstract. [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of closed kinetic chain exercises per-
formed by an unstable exercise group (UEG) and a stable exercise group (SEG) on the knee joint, propriocep-
tion, and functional scores of patients who underwent anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. [Subjects]
Twenty-eight patients participated in this study. The exclusion criteria were fracture or neurological disease. [Meth-
ods] The subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups, each with 14 people. Each group took part in a
60-minute exercise program, three times a week for six weeks. [Results] The results of the clinical evaluation at
45°proprioception showed statistically significant differences between the two groups. The results of the clinical
evaluation at 15°proprioception showed no statistically significant differences between the two groups. [Conclu-
sion] The proprioception and functional scores of the patients in the UEG who underwent ACL reconstruction were
superior to those in the SEG group.
Key words: Closed kinetic chain exercise, Proprioception, Functional score
(This article was submitted Apr. 8, 2013, and was accepted May 15, 2013)

INTRODUCTION rium and the vestibular senses7). According to one study,

information pertaining to motor control or location is pro-
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) plays an extreme- vided largely by muscle spindles8), whereas ligaments, the
ly important role in resistance to anterior tibia deforma- subacromial bursa, and capsules perform the role of mecha-
tion and rotational load on the knee joints1). The treatment noreceptors9).
goal in ACL rupture is to stabilize the knee joint and to Proprioceptive exercises may recover impaired motor
recover the range of motion of the knee joint and the muscle senses. To completely recover the functioning of motor
strength to a normal level, to restore smooth functioning of senses, proprioceptive exercises should be initiated as early
the knee joint2). To improve the range of motion of patients as possible in the early stages of the rehabilitation process10).
following ACL reconstruction, various exercise programs In particular, proprioceptive senses are known to affect the
together with electrical therapy, are conducted with the aim preciseness of the articular angles of the knee joint and pro-
of achieving passive joint movement and pain control3). prioceptive rehabilitation exercise improves the propriocep-
In closed-chain exercise simultaneous resistance is ex- tive senses of the operated side after ACL construction11).
erted on the proximal and distal areas while the distal area In a study of the knee joint stability of patients who had
of the upper and lower extremities remains in a fixed po- undergone ACL reconstruction, closed-chain exercise on an
sition4). Closed-chain exercise involves simultaneous con- unstable surface increased activation of the vastus media-
traction of the muscles to improve their dynamic stability. lis muscle12). In a comparison of closed-chain exercise and
When eccentric contraction is predominant, it reduces the open-chain exercise, the closed-chain exercise stimulated
shearing force with a joint compression force, thereby pro- the mechanoreceptors and increased the muscle mobiliza-
viding stability to the joints. Sensitive mechanoreceptors tion rate more than the open-chain exercise, effectively
respond to changes in the pressure of the articular capsules increasing the strength of the quadriceps femoris muscle
and promote proprioception5). and the hamstring muscle13). Therefore, the present study
Impairment of proprioceptive sense has been reported examined the effects of closed-chain exercise performed on
to cause instability of the knee joint6). Proprioception plays a stable surface and on an unstable surface on propriocep-
an important role in inducing and promoting voluntary and tive functions and a functional index of the knee joints.
involuntary movements by transmitting basic information
to the motor control areas involved in regulating equilib- SUBJECTS AND METHODS

*To The subjects were patients who had undergone ACL

whom correspondence should be addressed.
E-mail: [email protected] reconstruction between September 2012 and March 2013
1240 J. Phys. Ther. Sci. Vol. 25, No. 10, 2013

and consented to participation in this study. The subjects Table 1. General characteristics of subjects (M±SD)
were 28 male patients who had undergone ACL reconstruc-
tion and received exercise treatment in the manual therapy   SEG (n=14) UEG (n=14)
room of G hospital. The stable exercise group (SEG) per- Age (yrs) 28.78±7.24 29.92±5.46
formed exercise on a stable floor, and the unstable exercise Height (cm) 172.64±5.90 174.28±3.68
group (UEG) performed exercise on a balance pad. All the Weight (kg) 70.00±4.27 71.28±5.26
subjects voluntarily consented to participate in this study. Affected side
8/6 7/7
Those who had cruciate ligament damage accompanied by (Right/Left)
multiple fractures or collateral ligament damage, or who M±SD: Mean ± standard deviation, SEG: Stable exercise
had undergone meniscus repair surgery, were excluded group, UEG: Unstable exercise group
from the experiment. The general characteristics of the sub-
jects are presented in Table 1.
The Biodex system III (Biodex Medical Systems, Shirly, Table 2. Comparison of proprioception and knee functional
NY, USA) was used to measure the proprioceptive sensory scores between the pre-test and post-test in each group
functions of the knee joints on the operated side prior to
the exercise and six weeks after the exercise. The subjects’ Group Pre-test Post-test
thighs and abdomen were firmly fixed with straps to ensure 15˚ Proprioception* 4.82±1.19 2.87±0.86
that they were vertical at 90° against the knee joints and the (n=14)
45˚ Proprioception 5.36±1.41 4.72±2.10
dynamometer tube axis, and the isometric muscle strength Lysholm score* 45.79±9.89 83.79±5.65
was measured. The subjects’ ranges of motion were then 15˚ Proprioception* 4.26±1.09 2.45±0.95
determined. The differences in the proprioceptive sense UEG
45˚ Proprioception* 4.31±0.95 2.80±0.93
functions of the knee on the operated side at 15° and 45° (n=14)
Lysholm score* 48.00±5.05 85.29±7.50
were measured. With the subjects’ two eyes blinded, the
* p<0.05, M±SD: Mean ± standard deviation, SEG: Stable exer-
examiner instructed the subjects to perceive the angles cise group, UEG: Unstable exercise group
that had been measured and to remember them; the angles
were maintained for 10 seconds. After the 10 seconds had
elapsed, the subjects were asked to adopt the same angles of
Table 3. Comparison of proprioception and knee functional
the knee joints. The measurements were made three times
scores between the groups
at 15° and 45°, and the average values of the three measure-
ments were recorded. Variables SEG UEG
The knee joint functional index questionnaire was ad- 15˚ Proprioception 1.95±1.04 1.81±1.20
ministered prior to the exercise and after six weeks of exer- 45˚ Proprioception* 0.64±1.71 1.51±1.01
cise. The Lysholm knee scale, which evaluates the function Lysholm score −38.00±8.66 −37.29±8.35
of the knee joint after knee joint ligament surgery, was used
* p<0.05, M±SD: Mean ± standard deviation, SEG: Stable exer-
for the functional score test of the knee joints14). This scale cise group, UEG: Unstable exercise group
assesses the following: a normal gait (5 points), instability
during activities like gait, running, and jumping (30 points),
pain (30 points), the degree of edema (10 points), and femo-
statistically significant differences in the proprioceptive
ral amyotrophy (5 points). The maximum score that can be
functions and the Lysholm score at 15° and 45° (p<0.05).
obtained is 100 points. Scores of, zero to 6l, 62 to 81, 82
Prior to the exercise, there were no statistically significant
to 90, and 91 to 100 represent to poor, average, good, and
differences between the two groups in any of the variables
excellent knee function, respectively.
(p>0.05). After 6 weeks of exercise, the two groups showed
The data were processed with SPSS 20.0 for Windows.
a statistically significant difference in proprioceptive func-
Descriptive statistics are reported as means ± standard de-
tions at 45° (p <0.05).
viations (M±SD). The paired t-test was conducted to verify
differences in the proprioceptive functions and the func-
tional index within each group, and the independent t-test
was conducted to verify differences in the proprioceptive
Proprioceptive senses play an important role in correct-
functions and the functional index between the groups. The
ing motor performance and play an important role in neuro-
significance level was chosen as p =0.05.
logical senses related to motor skills15). The Biodex System
3 isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex Medical Systems, Shir-
ley, New York, USA) is a contemporary isokinetic dyna-
mometer with an electrically controlled servomechanism
The between- and within-group changes in the proprio-
which is used in both clinical and research settings. The
ceptive functions of the knee joints and the functional index
Biodex System 3 performs with acceptable mechanical reli-
are presented in Table 2 and 3, respectively. The stable exer-
ability and the validity of its measurements has tested16). A
cise group (SEG) showed statistically significant differenc-
previous study evaluated proprioceptive functions prior to
es in the proprioceptive functions and the Lysholm score at
and after ACL surgery following rehabilitation exercise and
15° (p<0.05). The unstable exercise group (UEG) exhibited
found that the proprioceptive function of both the operated

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