PMP Cheat Sheet
PMP Cheat Sheet
PMP Cheat Sheet
“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the
determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves
to the task at hand.” - Vince Lombardi
Your goal is to memorize and to create your own “cheat sheets” from this document. Don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as it
sounds. The reason you want to be able to re-create a cheat sheet from memory is because you’ll re-create these
essentials when you sit for your PMP examination. And no, it’s not really cheating.
The testing center will provide you with six sheets of paper, two pencils, and a non-programmable calculator. First you’ll
memorize these notes. Then, once your exam experience begins, you’ll re-create your notes onto the sheets provided in
the testing center. And then your exam suddenly gets much easier.
When you enter the testing center and are seated in front of the testing PC, you’ll have 15 minutes to take a tutorial on
how to use PMI’s testing software. Trust me, if you’ve ever played solitaire on your computer, you can use the testing
software. You will, however, take the 15-minute tutorial anyway. You’ll use this 15-minute window to create your notes so
that you’ll have all of the formulas and facts at a glance during your test. Beware! The tutorial software will stop and the
exam will begin if no activity is detected, so be certain to occasionally move the mouse and click through the tutorial
directions while you’re creating your own cheat sheets.
This is the approach that I use in my PMP Boot Camps. It works. It’s the approach I used when I passed my PMP exam
and the approach I’ve helped thousands of other PMPs use for their own certifications.
These cards do not explain the in-depth concepts associated with these formulas and facts. If you need explanations
beyond what is provided here, I unabashedly recommended my PMP Study Guide (ISBN: 0071775919) or contact me di-
rectly regarding my PMP Boot Camps ([email protected]). All my best to you in your project management endeavors.
Joseph Phillips
PMP, Project+, CTT+
5 7
1 4
8 10
3 2
11 12
Forward pass formula: A D
1 4 5 10
6 11 12
Backward pass formula:
LF-du+1=LS C Critical LS LF
5 10 Path
Total Project
Estimate Types
Rough order of magnitude: Simple,
25% Month 6 early estimate. Range of variance is
Complete =50% -25% to +75% for the project
Budget estimate: Early planning
estimate and/or top-down approach.
Earned Value Actual Costs Planned Value Range of variance is -10% to +25% for
%COMP x BAC How much What the project should be worth the project completion.
$25,000 was spent? at this point in the schedule
$27,000 $50,000 Definitive estimate: Most accurate
estimate, but takes longest to
Five EVM Rules for the PMP complete; uses the bottom-up
approach. Range of variance is -5% to
1. Always start with earned value.
+10% for the project completion.
2. Variance means subtraction.
Bottom-up: Requires a WBS and
3. Indexes are “something” divided by “something” and they show
accounts for each work package.
performance for the project objectives.
4. When it comes to any index, the closer to 1 the better. Analogous: Creates an analogy
between projects; also known as a top-
5. Variances can be positive or negative. down estimate.
Total Failures
250 75%
Normal Distribution
Control Limits
Relative Frequency
Out of Control
Cause-and-Effect Chart
Also Called Fishbone and Ishikawa Chart
Major Causes -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Sigma Values Standard Deviation
+/- 1 Sigma = 68.26% (P-O)/6
Problem to +/- 2 Sigma = 95.46% P=Pessimistic
Be Solved
+/- 3 Sigma = 99.73% O=Optimistic
Quality Facts
Quality is a conformance to requirements and a fitness for Quality control is an inspection-driven process to keep
use. It is fulfilling the project scope. mistakes from entering the customers’ hands.
Grade is a category or rank given to entities having the Scope creep is the addition of small, undocumented
same functional use but different technical characteristics. changes that bypass the scope change control system.
Scope creep is sometimes called project poison.
Gold plating is the process of adding extra features to
drive up costs and consume the budget. A scatter diagram is like a run chart, but it instead tracks
the relationship between two variables. The two variables
Quality assurance is a prevention-driven process to do the are considered related the closer they track against a diag-
project work right the first time. onal line. Consider the relationship of costs and schedule.
Project Management Professional Theories
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Parkinson’s Law
Maslow believed that we have five needs; we’re on a Individuals allow their work to consume all of their time.
quest to satisfy these needs. The needs are, from the Work will expand to fill the amount of time allotted to it.
bottom up:
McGregor’s X and Y
1. Physiological. We need air, food, clothing, and shelter. Management’s perspective of employees. X people are
2. Safety. We need safety and security. bad, lazy, and need to be micromanaged. Y people are self-
3. Social. We need friends, approval, and love. directed. Most managers have X and Y attributes.
4. Esteem. We need respect, appreciation, and approval.
5. Self-actualization. We need personal growth, Ouchi’s Theory Z
knowledge, and fulfillment. Workers do well if motivated. This provides participative
management, familial work environment, and lifelong
employment. Known as Japanese Management Style.
Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation
There are hygiene agents and motivating agents. McClelland’s Theory of Needs
Hygiene agents are expectations for employment: Needs are acquired over time and are shaped by life
paycheck, insurance, safe working environment. experiences. Our needs are categorized as achievement,
Motivating agents are motivators for employees such affiliation, and power. McClelland used a Thematic
as bonuses, career advancement, opportunity to grow. Apperception Test (TAT) to determine an individual’s needs.
Hygiene agents will not motivate, but their absence will
de-motivate. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
People behave based on what they believe (expect) their
Halo Effect behavior to bring them.
All opinions are formed by one component. A great
engineer doesn’t always make a great project manager.
Be careful who sees the stakeholder management strategy because it may contain sensitive information.
Project Communications Management Facts
Communication channels formula: N(N-1)/2, where Active listening: participating in the conversation
N represents the number of stakeholders. through verbal and nonverbal signs of message receipt.
55% of communication is nonverbal. Messages are transmitted; knowledge is transferred.
Paralingual: the pitch, tone, inflection of the speaker Acknowledgment of a message doesn’t mean
that affects the content of the message. acceptance of the message.
Effective listening: watching the speaker’s body The communications management plan defines who
language, interpreting paralingual clues, asking needs what information, when they need it, and in the
questions for clarity, and offering feedback. specified modality.
Communications Model
The sender sends the message and
it is encoded. The medium transfers
the message. The decoder decodes
Sender Receiver the messsage for the receiver. Noise
on the medium could interfere with the
message. Barriers prevent
communication from happening.
An acknowldgement of the message
Encoder Medium Decoder doesn’t mean agreement with the
message. Communication happens
when information is transferred.
Procurement Procurement Process
Terms Buyer
Contracts: An offer and consideration.
SOW Sellers Bidder
Contracts are backed by the court Conference
system. • IFB
Cost reimbursable contracts: Risk • RFQ
is with the buyer as the buyer pays for • RFP
cost overruns. SOW Updates
Fixed-price (lump-sum contracts):
Risk is with the seller as seller pays for
cost overruns. The buyer creates a statement of
Time and materials contract: Buyer
Sellers Seller work (SOW) with an invitation for
pays for the time and materials of the Responses bid (IFB), request for quote (RFQ),
vendor. Must have a not-to-exceed • Bid or request for proposal (RFP) for the
(NTE) clause. • Quote vendors.(IFBs and RFQs both want
just a price; a proposal wants ideas.)
Purchase order: A unilateral form of a • Proposal
contract. A bidder conference allows sellers
Letter of intent: The buyer tells the to ask questions about the SOW. The
vendor they intend to do business with buyer may create an updated SOW to
them; not a binding agreement. Buyer Seller give back to the sellers that attended
Letter contract: Generally short-term Selection the bidder conference.
purchase used as a stopgap or emer- Sellers respond with a bid, quote, or
gency response. Contract proposal. The buyer completes seller
Bidder conference: Vendors all meet selection and creates a contract.
with the buyer to discuss the details
of the statement of work so they may
Decentralized contracting is done by the PM; centralized contracting
prepare a bid, quote, or proposal.
is done with a purchasing agent or through a central procurement office.
Organizational Structures
Projectized Balanced Matrix Functional
• PM has the most authority. • PM and functional managers bal- • PM has little authority.
• Team is typically assigned to the ance power. • Organization is structured by
project full-time. • Power struggles are common. departments or functions (sales,
• Competition between teams may Internal competition may increase manufacturing, IT, etc.).
hurt the organization. for resources. • PM may be called a project
• Team is uncertain of future work • Project team members are on coordinator or expeditor.
after the project is completed. multiple projects. • The functional manager has all of
• PM is full-time and has • PM is full-time and has part-time the authority.
full-time administrative staffing. administrative staffing. • Focus is on completing the project
work along with day-to-day work.
Strong Matrix Weak Matrix • PM is part-time and has part-time
• PM has strong authority. • PM has less power than functional administrative staffing.
• Typical full-time resources from
functional departments. • Internal competition may increase
for resources. Projectized
• Internal competition may increase
for resources. • Project team members are on
multiple projects.
• Project team members are on
administrative staffing.
administrative staffing.
Organizational structure affects questions; pay attention to who has the power.
10 PMP Exam Tips 10 Exam-Passing Tips
1. You don’t have to do all 47 processes, but 1. Prepare to pass the exam, not take the
you should be familiar with all 47 processes exam. There’s a difference in the mindset of
as if you did have to do them in a project. preparing to pass an exam compared to just
2. Think of the largest project—like building a showing up to take the test.
skyscraper—when answering questions. This 2. Schedule your exam now to create an exam
helps you to think of projects beyond your deadline. You can delay the PMP forever, but
current focus (unless you build skyscrapers until you get online, complete the application,
for a living). and set a deadline for the testing day, the
3. The process groups are not phases of the exam is just a dreamy goal. Do it now—quit
project management life cycle. Process stalling.
groups are Initiating, Planning, Executing, 3. Create a clutter-free area reserved for study-
Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing. ing. You need a clean place to study for
4. Stakeholder management is a “new” knowl- the exam. Get rid of the distractions—or go
edge area in PMBOK Guide, Fifth Edition. somewhere distraction-free—and put in the
Invest extra time in Chapter 13. hours of study time.
5. Procurement seems to beat up many PMP 4. Study in regular intervals at the same time
candidates. I think this is because it’s the exam is scheduled for. Get your brain
something the project manager rarely does trained to study project management every
on her own and because this is one of the day at the same time. When it’s time for your
last PMBOK Guide chapters. Learn the exam, you’re already in test-passing mode
contract types and the general approach to mentally.
procurement. 5. Repetition is the mother of learning. Practice
6. Project integration management means that all formulas and facts over and over.
the whole project is connected to the rest of 6. Use these cheat sheets as your PMI exam
the project. What you do in one area affects foundation. Don’t let a day go by without
the rest of the project. reading through all these tips, formulas, and
7. It’s usually easier to get more time than to facts at least once.
get more money. Never go to management 7. Answer the questions according to PMI, not
with a problem without bringing a solution. “the real world.” How you do project manage-
8. The customer is the most important person ment may be entirely different than how you’ll
in the project. Customers are the people be tested. No problem. Answer according
that pay for the project and the people that to the PMBOK, get your PMP, and then get
will use what the project creates. back to the real world.
9. Quality is an adherence to the project 8. Practice creating your notes that you’ll create
scope. Low grade may not be a problem. in the exam testing center.
Low quality is always a problem. 9. Create a reward for passing your exam and
10. Saying you can manage a project because thenwork toward that reward. Think of some-
you have Microsoft Project is like saying thing you really want, and give it to yourself
you can write a novel because you have when you pass the PMP.
Microsoft Word. 10. Make a commitment to pass.
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people
with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated
failures. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” - Calvin Coolidge
47 Processes and 10 Knowledge Areas
Process Groups
Areas Initiating - 2 Planning - 24 Executing - 8 M&C - 11 Closing - 2
Project Develop project Develop Direct and Monitor and Close project or
Integration charter project manage project control project phase
Management management work work
plan Integrated
change control
Project Plan scope Validate scope
Scope management Control scope
Management Collect
Define scope
Create WBS
Spend time on Initiating, Executing, and Closing. There are few processes, but many questions. Work smart, not hard.
Project Plan schedule Control schedule
Time management
Management Define activities
Estimate activity
Estimate activity