Mba Research Project Report
Mba Research Project Report
Mba Research Project Report
(VIMR) Indore
Supervisor : Submitted By
Prof. Amit Patil Ajay Yadav
(Enroll No. DX*******)
This is to certify that Ajay Yadav a student of MBA 2nd year 4th semester in year (2018–
2019) with Marketing and HR as specialization from Department of Management
Studies, Vindhya Institute Of Management And Research Indore, has successfully
completed the research project entitled “A STUDY ON STRESS MANAGEMENT ON
During the course of her study and has submitted the project report towards partial
fulfilment of the degree of Master of Business Administration from Devi Ahilya
Vishwavidyalay, Indore.
I am Ajay Yadav hereby declare that the major research project entitled “A
Research Indore.
Ajay Yadav
Management And Research Indore for instilling confidence in me to carry out this
research study and extending able guidance and encouragement from time to time
without which it would not have been able to undertake and complete the project.
I would also like to thank our Director Dr. Aasif Javed Siddiqi for their kind
corppration and support.
Ajay Yadav
Advertisers are expected to shift and spend millions in internet advertising in the
coming years than TV, print ads and other traditional advertising media. With the
rapid growth in technology, the internet is becoming an important one stop point for
consumers in finding most of their needs. Be it communication, entertainment,
shopping, information search, internet serves as a panacea for all their requirements.
Many consumers are online every day for their personal work, but do they notice the
ads, banners displayed on that webpage, and most important their recall value. The
current study investigated the effectiveness of internet advertising on consumer
behavior by conducting a case study of University of Nairobi Students. The study
sought to determine the effectiveness of internet advertising on reach and creation of
awareness; to establish the reliability of internet advertising through recall; and to
determine the relationship between internet advertising and purchase decision.The
study used a case study research design. The target population was the University of
Nairobi students. The study used stratified sampling technique to select 100 study
respondents. The primary data was collected using questionnaires. Content analysis
was used to analyze qualitative data while the quantitative data was analyzed using
descriptive statistics using SPSS. Regression and Correlation analysis was used to
show the relationships among the variables. The data was presented through
percentages, means, standard deviations and frequencies. The study found that
internet advertising was effective on reach and creation of awareness due to diverse
usage, and established that its reliability as an advertising media was low compared to
TV. Internet advertising has significant relationship with purchase decision of the
consumers and therefore is a key determinant in influencing consumer behaviour. The
study determined that there is a positive relationship between internet advertising and
consumer purchase decision and further recommends that companies should conduct
a market research on the different markets in various countries to ensure that the
internet advertising initiatives being implemented suits the targeted markets to
improve product purchases.
Abstract.......................................................................................................................... v
Table of contents........................................................................................................... vi
List of tables............................................................................................................... viii
The Internet has given consumers more control in accessing information on products
and services. There are several factors that contribute to consumers pull for online
content—consumers are the one who decide when, where, what, and how much
commercial content they wish to view (Korgaonkar and Wolin, 2002). The Internet
enables consumers to access an unlimited range of products and services from
companies around the world, and it has reduced the time and effort they spend on
shopping (Ko et al., 2004).
Consumers play a much more active role in searching for information online with
some goal in mind, and that goal can influence individual behaviors and responses to
online information and advertisements (Smith, 2002). With the rapid advancement in
the computer industry, many companies have made the Internet as part of their
advertising media mix to take advantage of the online technologies (Calisir, 2003).
The Internet has become a popular advertising platform because marketers found that
the Internet possess greater flexibility and control over the advertising materials
(Ducoffe, 1996). Since the Internet can be used as an efficient marketing
communication tool, both scholars and practitioners are interested in understanding
how to take full advantage and maximizing the value of this communication medium
(Rodgers and Thorson, 2000).
Consumers within Kenya have been largely exposed to the traditional advertising
forms as the main media used by advertisers to provide information. However, over
the years marketing strategies have evolved with technology leading to the internet
creating unprecedented opportunities for digital marketers to connect with customers
to create an immersive connected digital environment, influence and drive purchases,
fuel new growth and create new market share. The growth of internet advertising is
both globally and locally outpacing offline advertising. While outdoor advertising is
also experiencing growth, it is not growing as rapidly as Internet advertising. It is on
this basis that the study investigated the effectiveness of online advertising based on a
consumer sample from University of Nairobi to determine the relationship between
advertising and consumer behaviour.
Manufacturers often develop a promotional mix for each segment of the distribution
channel. To promote a product to large retailers that sell its products, a manufacturer
might want to use a mix of personal selling, advertising, and buying discounts. This is
known as the push policy. (The manufacturer pushes the product to the retailer.) The
same manufacturer might use a different promotional mix of local and national
advertising, in-store displays, sales promotion, and public relations to reach
consumers. The pull policy directs promotions towards the consumers. It is used to
create customer interest and demand. This study focuses on advertising as one of the
strategies in the promotional mix used by companies within Kenya.
This study used a sample of these university students from the main campus to
determine and explain the relationship between internet advertising and consumer
behaviour. The students come from a diverse background and were ideal in studying
various characteristics related to consumer behaviour. Students are enrolled in
different study programmes through fulltime and module II, with some operating
from outside the institution while others have residence within the university leading
to variability in exposure to advertising.
Research Problem
Advertisers are expected to shift and spend millions in internet advertising in the
coming years than TV, print ads and other traditional advertising media. Internet
advertising broadly consists of various commercial content formats delivered by
video clip, print, and audio; either solicited or unsolicited and includes company web
sites, corporate logos, e-mail messages, pop-ups, banner ads, skyscraper ads, buttons,
interstitials, hyperlinks, dynamic media, and interactive games (Ducoffe, 1996;
Goldsmith and Lafferty, 2002; Korgaonkar and Wolin, 2002; Wolin and Korganokar,
With the rapid growth in technology, the internet is becoming an important one stop
point for consumers in finding most of their needs. Be it communication,
entertainment, shopping, information search, internet serves as a panacea for all their
requirements. This has led 70% of the ever users to glue themselves to the Internet
and access it on a regular basis. The problem is that, volumes of consumers are online
everyday for their personal work, but do they notice the ads, banners etc. displayed on
that webpage, most important what is their recall/remembrance value. What about the
reach of online advertising, is it effective across over all target groups?
While a lot of research has been done on advertising, the effectiveness of online
advertising in Kenya is a segment that has been missing from these studies. Research
done by Wanjoga, (2002) mainly focused on consumer attitudes towards online
advertising in Nairobi, and showed that consumers were aware of the online adverts
though with no preference to the advertising forms. It however, failed to quantify and
explain the effectiveness of internet advertising on such consumers. Similar research
done by Wakukha, (2011) on the use of internet advertising by Kenya mobile
telephone industry, explained forms of internet advertising in use, the success and
challenges faced in its use and the level of adoption, but failed to provide information
on its effectiveness in influencing or stimulating consumer response. The findings of a
survey of the attitude of consumers towards retail media advertising by tobacco firms
in Kenya, showed that the consumers are aware and knowledgeable about Retail
Media Advertising tools. The study used a sample of 200 consumers from retail
outlets in Nairobi, which was not a viable sample to determine its effectiveness on all
consumers from Kenya. However, as suggested by Gong and Maddox (2003), “future
research can look into the impact of web advertising across different countries and
cultures to enhance the global understanding of web advertising effectiveness” (p:
46). In addition, more studies are needed to cover various samples in different
countries to increase external validity of the research findings (Calisir, 2003).
To fill these gaps, the current study sought to determine the effectiveness of internet
advertising on consumer behaviour.
Research Objectives
The objectives of the study were to;
i. Determine the effectiveness of internet advertising on reach and creation of
ii. Establish the reliability of internet advertising through recall.
iii. Determine the relationship between internet advertising and purchase decision.
Value of the Study
The study may benefit marketers, businesses, government and academicians. This
study may be able to inform marketers on the consumer preference of the advertising
media and whether using Internet adverting would be effective in reaching and
increasing awareness of the target audience.
The government from this study would understand the value of internet advertising
and its influence on consumer decisions which ultimately impacts electronic
commerce/trade, and therefore would effectively regulate how internet advertising is
delivered by acting rationally on laws that would restrict data usage, creating an
ambient environment and availing resources to internet providing companies and at
the same time safeguarding the interest of consumers.
For scholars and academic researchers, the current study forms a basis upon which
future research on Internet Advertising may be established. The findings may be
resourceful in providing viable information to academicians, researchers and
consumers on various concepts related to internet advertising.
This chapter provides, through selective reference to some of the literature, a clearer
understanding of Internet advertising concept and outlines previous research findings
on the effectiveness of internet advertising based on measures of advertising
Theoretical Foundation of the Study
Emotional appeals in advertising theory and classical conditioning theory in learning
consumer behaviour form the theoretical basis of this study. Extensive academic
research has been conducted on the psychology of emotion (e.g., Lazarus 1984) and
the ways in which ad-evoked feelings may influence consumer response to marketing
communication (e.g., Batra and Ray 1986; Holbrook and Batra 1987). Scholars have
also observed that advertising may evoke both positive and negative emotions when
seeking to persuade. Indeed, Brown, Homer and Inman (1998, p.115), suggest that
from a practical perspective, “the relative strength of positive and negative feeling
effects potentially could guide advertisers’ decisions regarding executional strategies.”
It has been suggested that ads use positive affect to make consumers like the ad and
then buy the product, and negative affect to evoke an uncomfortable state that makes
consumers want the “solution” offered by the advertiser (Aaker, Stayman and Hagerty
1986). Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that what the consumer actually
experiences will be the affective response the advertiser intended to create: Research
has shown that this kind of mismatch between advertiser intentions and consumer
response occurs all too often (Cotte, Coulter and Moore, 2004; Englis 1990; Stout,
Homerand Liu 1990).
However, these effects were diminished in situations where consumers were in a clear
decision making mode. The learning’s of classical conditioning give us some insight
on the characteristics of an effectively branded Internet advertisement. First and
foremost, the frequency with which an ad is served impacts brand awareness.
Frequency also impacts whether or not, an association between a message and a
brand, is made by a consumer.
Internet Advertising
As a new advertising channel the Internet and particularly the World Wide Web
(WWW) portion of the Internet, are challenging traditional forms of mass media
advertising (Hoffman and Novak, 1996; Hearn, Mandeville and Anthony, 1998).
Meeker (1998) defines a mass communication medium as the communication from
“one person or group of persons through a transmitting device (a medium) to a large
audience or market”. The Internet offers an interactive alternative to mass media
communication through the use of web pages, discussion groups and email (Hoffman
and Novak, 1996).
Schlosser et al., (1999) surveyed a national sample of over 400 participants and found
no majority opinion of Internet advertising-about a third of the participants liked,
disliked, and felt neutrally toward Internet advertising respectively. The Internet users
found online advertising was informative but less entertaining, and it did not
encourage them to make purchases even they did not perceive it to increase product
prices. Korgaonkar and Wolin (2002) examined the differences between heavy,
medium, and light web users and concluded that “heavier users hold stronger beliefs
about and attitudes toward Web advertising which likely lead to stronger purchase
intent” (p: 201). Comparing with lighter users, the heavy Internet users believed that
web ads were more believable, entertaining, informative and helpful; but harder to
understand. They perceived that web advertising was a good thing, moderately
essential, and it reduced the cost of products. Marketers should include web
advertising in their promotion efforts but the ads should be designed with the
respective user groups in mind. For example, ads targeted to heavy web users should
stress the price value relationship of the products, since they engage in more frequent
purchasing and believe that web advertising helps to decrease the prices of products.
Similarly, Ducoffe (1996) found that Internet advertising was perceived to be
informative, entertaining, useful, valuable, and important.
The inclusion of the Internet in the promotional mix will not eliminate the use of mass
media advertising channels such as television, radio, newspapers and magazines.
However, the Internet may reduce the amount of mass media advertising required.
Arguably, this will occur because the personal computer with Internet access is being
utilized frequently by target audience members as an effective communication
channel to make both social exchanges using email and commercial exchanges to
purchase products on the web. The advertising industry is being challenged to create
more direct, personal and interactive communication with the target market through
the use of the Internet.
Berthon, Pitt and Watson (1996, p. 53) argue that the WWW represents a “remarkable
new opportunity for advertisers and marketers to communicate with new and existing
markets in a very integrated way.” This is because the Internet, and in particular the
WWW, frees consumers from their traditional ‘passive’ roles as receivers of
marketing communication and gives them greater control over their information
search and acquisition process. As a result, consumers are now becoming interactive
and more active participants in advertising and marketing processes (Hoffman and
Novak, 1996; Hoffman, Novak and Chatterjee, 1997).
In terms of consumer responses in the form of liking online ads, researchers such as
Goldsmith and Lafferty (2002) and Metha (2000) have found that a more favorable
attitude towards ads can lead to a higher ability to recall ads. Goldsmith and Lafferty
(2002) found a significant relationship between positive responses to web sites and
the likelihood of recall the brands advertised on the web. The authors reported that “In
general, research suggests that those consumers who have a positive attitude toward
an ad are more able to recall than those with a negative attitude (p: 320). Metha
(2000) made a similar conclusion but the study was based on print advertising
Click-through rate is a widely used measure for assessing the effectiveness of banner
advertising, which is the average number of times a viewer clicks on a pop-up ad and
is then exposed to the target web site (Dreze and Hussherr, 2003; Faber, et al., 2004).
As reported by Cho (2003), “the banner advertisement click-through is believed to be
the most common way to draw consumers into a target site and engage them with a
brand or product.
Consumer Behaviour
According to Warner, consumer behaviour is the study of individuals, groups, or
organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, and dispose of products,
services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes
have on the consumer and society (Malcolm). Warner emphasized the consumption
related behaviours are often undertaken collectively. For example, some activities
performed by individuals but consumed by a family or group of people, similar as
organization purchasing activities usually followed by group decisions. Beside this
point, the consumer behaviour is not just purchasing, but has usage and disposal the
goods, this type of information always be useful for company to make marketing
decisions (Malcolm). It blends elements from psychology, sociology, social
anthropology and economics, and attempts to understand the decision-making
processes of buyers, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of
individual consumers such as demographics and behavioural variables in an attempt
to understand people's wants, and also tries to assess influences on the consumer from
groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general.
This definition clearly brings out that it is not just the buying of goods/services that
receives attention in consumer behaviour but, the process starts much before the
goods have been acquired or bought. A process of buying starts in the minds of the
consumer, which leads to the finding of alternatives between products that can be
acquired with their relative advantages and disadvantages. This leads to internal and
external research. Then follows a process of decision-making for purchase and using
the goods, and then the post purchase behaviour which is also very important, because
it gives a clue to the marketers whether his product has been a success or not
The black box model shows the interaction of stimuli, consumer characteristics,
decision process and consumer responses. It can be distinguished between
interpersonal stimuli (between people) or intrapersonal stimuli (within people). The
black box model is related to the black box theory of behaviourism, where the focus is
not set on the processes inside a consumer, but the relation between the stimuli and
the response of the consumer. The marketing stimuli are planned and processed by the
companies, whereas the environmental stimulus is given by social factors, based on
the economical, political and cultural circumstances of a society. The buyer’s black
box contains the buyer characteristics and the decision process, which determines the
buyer’s response.
Measuring customer behaviour is a crucial part of any business. Knowing what the
consumer wants and how he acts is vital in terms of product design, and marketing
(Todd, 1997). Assessment of consumer behavior in specific situations, using
observational and physiological methods, is becoming increasingly important in
understanding conscious and unconscious consumer behavior. An increased
understanding of consumer behavior may result in the development of improved
consumer products and in more healthy dietary patterns. A growing number of
techniques is available to assist researchers in measuring various aspects of consumer
behavior such as walking patterns, product selection, meal composition, and
eating/drinking. Due to advances in digital video, sensor technology and computer
speed, complex measurements of behavior and physiology are now possible.
Integration of these techniques allows multimodal measurements. With the growing
number of techniques, the challenge for the researcher to choose the right solution
becomes larger.
There are different ways of measuring consumer behaviour, depending on the interest.
Regularly conducting market research allows businesses to know their customers, and
take them into account when making business decisions. This greatly improves
business performance, and profits.
As consumers experience and respond to stimuli around them, emotions arise. Their
reactions manifest themselves as physiological changes they experience as feelings.
Likewise, as people react to stimuli online—for example, to an online advertisement
—they have emotional responses that are directly proportional to their reactions to
these stimuli. On the other hand, when customers repeatedly experience the same
stimuli, they may not cause any emotional response. People become conditioned to
ignore the ever-present ads on Web sites, which is called ad blindness (Wolhandler,
Advertising and promotion offer a news function to consumers. As Yoo W., Suh K.
and Lee M. (2002) mentioned in their report, personal interactions with other
customers and service providers play a very important role while shopping online.
Viewers of ads learn about new products and services available to them, much like
they learn about events in the news. This information function has a neutral role. It
provides facts without approval or disapproval from consumers. Customer behavior at
this stage encompasses expressions of curiosity. Consumers have a rational response
to advertising when they look at the features of a product or service. This response
focuses on a logical listing of all the functional aspects of the offering. This is an
intellectual response, rather than an emotional one (Lee, 2002).
When customers weigh benefits, they become emotionally involved with advertising
and promotion. Consumers identify ways the product or service can make them
happier, improve their lives or give them pleasure. This part of the consumer response
is irrational and can lead to impulse buying and competition to obtain the product.
Repeated advertising messages affect consumer behavior. This repetition serves as a
reminder to the consumer. Behavior that stems from reminders includes suddenly
thinking of a product while shopping and making a decision to buy it, as if it had been
on the consumer’s "to-do" list (Lee 2002).
Consumer behavior splits between loyalty and alienation depending on how well the
product lives up to its advertised benefits (Thorson, 2000). Corporate behavior – such
as scandals or charity work – can also affect alienation and loyalty responses. Once
the consumer makes this choice, advertising and promotion are not likely to undo that
decision. The Cannon-Bard Theory that Walter Cannon and Philip Bard advocated
suggests human beings feel emotions first, and then act upon them. When customers
visit a Web site, the ads they encounter evoke an emotional response—before they
even decide what their next step should be. If ads don’t trigger customers’ emotions,
they may not take any action in response.
Based on the review of the research studies mentioned above, it is clear that Internet
advertising is gaining much attention and should be an essential part of a marketer’s
advertising media mix. The inconclusive findings call for further studies on Internet
advertising to gain more insight into consumers’ response and perception of the
Internet as an advertising medium. Hence, this study determined the effectiveness of
internet advertising as an ad medium, and its relationship to consumers’ response e.g.
online purchase decision.
This chapter focuses on research methodology that was used in the study. It provides
a detailed description of the research approach adopted in this study. Research design,
target population, research instruments, data collection and analysis methods used
were presented in the subsequent sections.
Research Design
This study used descriptive research. Descriptive research involves gathering data that
describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data
collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1984). It often uses visual aids such as graphs and charts
to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution and therefore offered a better
clarification on online advertising, and ultimately give a clear picture on the
effectiveness and reliability of online advertising and its relationship to purchase
Sample Design
Stratified sampling technique was used to select the units for study. 100, module I and
II undergraduate students of the University of Nairobi Main campus was used as a
study sample to represent the population of consumers. This sample was stratified into
each of the four years of study and respondents were randomly selected from each
stratum to come up with the representative sample of 100 for the entire population.
This was a viable sampling technique since it gave the advantages of focusing on
important subpopulations and allowed the use of different sampling technique for
different subpopulations in improving the accuracy of estimation.
Data Collection
The research made use of primary data, which was collected using structured
questionnaire distributed to the 100 respondents sampled from the University of
Nairobi main campus, found outside the library, from classes, within the university
square and within the hostels. The administered questionnaires were collected after
completion by the respondents on the same day and their responses used for analysis.
The questionnaire had both open ended questions to enable guide the respondent
through filling of the questionnaire as well as probe them for more information.
Background information
The study initially sought to ascertain the general information on the respondents
involved in the study with regards to the year of study, age, and gender. The
demographic information points at the respondents’ suitability in answering the
questions on the effectiveness of internet advertising on consumer behaviour: the case
of University of Nairobi Students.
The respondents were asked to indicate their year of study. The study findings are
illustrated in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Distribution of the respondents by year of study
Frequency Percentage
First year 20 20
Second year 29 29
Third year 33 33
Fourth year 18 18
Total 100 100.0
The respondents were asked to indicate their attitude towards advertisements. Table
illustrates the study findings.
The respondents were further asked to indicate their purpose of using internet. The
study findings are illustrated in Figure 4.1.
Secondly, the respondents were also asked to indicate whether the internet ads they
came across influenced their purchase decision. 52% of the respondents indicated that
the internet ads they came across never influenced their purchase decision while 48%
posited that the internet ads they came across influenced their purchase decision. This
depicts that the internet advertising influenced purchase decision of the customers to a
moderate extent as only nearly half of the respondents were influenced purchase
The study further applied multiple regressions to determine the predictive power of
the internet advertising on consumer behaviour. The researcher conducted a multiple
regression analysis so as to test relationship among variable (independent) on the
consumer behaviour. The researcher applied the statistical package for social sciences
(SPSS V 17.0) to code, enter and compute the measurements of the multiple
regressions for the study.
To quantify the strength of the relationship between the variables, the study used Karl
Pearson’s coefficient of correlation. The Pearson product-moment correlation
coefficient (or Pearson correlation coefficient for short) is a measure of the strength of
a linear association between two variables and is denoted by r. The Pearson
correlation coefficient, r, can take a range of values from +1 to -1. A value of 0
indicates that there is no association between the two variables. A value greater than 0
indicates a positive association, that is, as the value of one variable increases so does
the value of the other variable. A value less than 0 indicates a negative association,
that is, as the value of one variable increases the value of the other variable decreases.
The data presented before on internet advertising was computed into single variables
per factor by obtaining the averages of each factor. Pearson’s correlations analysis
was then conducted at 95% confidence interval and 5% confidence level 2-tailed. The
Table 4.15 below indicates the correlation matrix between the internet advertising and
consumer behaviour.
Discussion of findings
The study established that the effectiveness of internet advertising on reach and
creation of awareness was determined by the level of knowledge about the existing
platforms of advertisements adopted by various companies in Kenya. Most of the
respondents had a positive attitude towards advertising as illustrated by their various
perceptions about the use of advertising. This clearly shows a positive attitude toward
advertising and hence is a good indication for marketers. The findings augment the
findings of Baltas (2003) who indicated that marketing is perceived by the internet
users as a major source of information on available product in the market as reflected
by their positive attitude in the world over. According to Calisir (2003) internet
advertising is an effective channel for marketing as the ad is attractive and appealing
which changes from time to time.
The study established that even though the reach of internet is much higher than that
of other modes, its ability to attract consumers for awareness creation is very low. The
study concludes that the reliability of internet advertising through recall was low as
only a small percentage of the respondents could recall the online ads they had seen..
The study found that TV ads are much reliable than internet advertising and other
forms of advertising. The findings are corroborated with Danaher and Mullarkey
(2003) who posited that TV ads are much reliable than internet advertising.
The study established that friends and relatives were the major influencers behind
decision making. This depicts that traditional form of advertising has an edge over
internet advertising in terms of consumer preference mode of advertising. Traditional
mode got high preferences than that of internet advertising which is a huge margin.
According to Cho (2003) in the developing economies the traditional form of
advertising has a greater market share compared with the internet advertising in terms
of consumer preference mode of advertising.
The study established that internet advertising influenced purchase decision of the
customers to a moderate extent as only nearly half of the respondents were influenced
purchase decision. The study established that internet advertising is a key determinant
of purchase decision of the customers. The study also established that internet
advertising has significant relationship with purchase decision of the consumers. The
findings augment earlier findings of Goldsmith and Lafferty (2002) that internet
advertising is a key determinant of purchase decision by the customers and that
internet advertising has an association with purchase decision of the consumers.
This chapter presents summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations of the
study in line with the objectives of the study.
The objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of internet advertising
on consumer behaviour using a sample of University of Nairobi students. After
analysis of the study findings, the study concludes that the effectiveness of internet
advertising on reach and creation of awareness was determined by the level of
knowledge about the existing platforms of advertisements adopted by various
companies in Kenya and time spent on various media. Internet advertising was
effective in providing higher reach and creation of awareness. However, in spite of
the diverse usage of internet and wide interaction with various internet
advertisements, fewer respondents were able to recall the internet ads they had seen.
This implies that the reliability of internet advertising is quite low. The research
established that TV advertising is more reliable than internet advertising therefore
conforming with Danaher and Mullarkey (2003), that TV ads are much reliable than
internet advertising.
The study concludes that internet advertising influenced purchase decision of the
customers to a moderate extent as only nearly half of the respondents were influenced
purchase decision. However, internet advertising is a key determinant of purchase
decision of the customers as they consider it to be an interaction point between them
and the company from which they buy their products from. The study also concludes
that internet advertising has significant relationship with purchase decision of the
consumers. The study further concludes that internet advertising contributes most to
the consumer behavior and that internet advertising was a significant factor in
predicting the consumer behaviour. In addition, there is a positive relationship
between consumer behaviour and internet advertising. This implies that companies
should invest more in internet advertising to increase their market share and conduct a
market research on the different markets in various countries to ensure that the
internet advertising initiatives being implemented suits the targeted markets to
improve product purchases.
The study established that the reliability of internet advertising is low and therefore
recommends that the management of companies using internet advertising should
provide unique experience to its customers based on customer analysis to deliver a
personalized experience to the customers, Calisir (2003). The study also found that
internet advertising is effective in reach and creation of awareness and recommends
that the companies should invest more in internet advertising to increase their market
share and provide product information.
Finally, the study determined that there is a positive relationship between internet
advertising and consumer purchase decision and further recommends that companies
should conduct a market research on the different markets in various countries to
ensure that the internet advertising initiatives being implemented suits the targeted
markets to improve product purchases. This is because there exist different contextual
realities between different markets Wolin (2002).
☐ Never ☐sometimes ☐depends on ad ☐often
☐every time
10. Which is the last Newspaper/Magazine ad you remember? Which brand was it?
11. Which is the last TV commercial you remember? Which brand was it?
☐ Entertainment ☐
☐ E -Commerce ☐
☐ Downloading ☐
☐ Print Ads:
Newspaper, Magazines ☐
☐ Baners, Posters ☐
20. What is the relationship between internet advertising and purchase decision,
Please tick where appropriate: 5-To a very great extent, 4-To a great extent, 3-To a
moderate extent, 2-To a little extent, and 1-To no extent.
1 2 3 4 5
Statements on Internet advertising To no To a To a To a To a
and purchase decision Extent little moderate great very
extent extent extent great
Internet advertising influences
customers’ purchase decision
duration of page viewing is a strong
determinant of the ability to recall
banner ads
Animation content, the shape of the
banner ad, and frequency of the ad
(repetition) leads to higher advertising
Companies should aim to strengthen
customer interactions with
advertisements on the Web
Most companies provide a generic
experience to all customers rather
than relying on customer analysis to
deliver a personalized experience.
When customers weigh benefits, they
become emotionally involved with
advertising and promotion.
Repeated advertising messages affect
consumer behavior. This repetition
serves as a reminder to the consumer.