A Project Report ON "A Study On Digital Marketing and It's Impact On Revenue Generation "
A Project Report ON "A Study On Digital Marketing and It's Impact On Revenue Generation "
A Project Report ON "A Study On Digital Marketing and It's Impact On Revenue Generation "
Submitted by
Roll No.: 2018015311
I, Mr. Abhishek Sharma, System ID: 2018015311 certify that the Research Report entitled “A study on
digital marketing and it’s impact on revenue genration” is done by me. The matter embodied in this has
not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my knowledge and
Certified that the Research Report entitled “A study on digital marketing and it’s impact on revenue
genration” done by Mr. Abhishek Sharma, System ID: 2018015311, is completed under my guidance.
Director/Project Coordinator
I take this opportunity as privilege to express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr. Piali Haldar for her
continuous encouragement, invaluable guidance and help for completing the present research work. she
has been a source of inspiration to me and I am indebted to her for initiating me in the field of research.
So in the same sequence, I would like to confer the flower of acknowledgment to Dr. Piali Haldar for
At last but not least, I would remain indebted to all my friends, teachers and all concerned persons for
Abhishek Sharma
System ID : 2018015311
S No Topic
1 Certificate (s)
2 Acknowledgements
3 Contents
4 Chapter-1: Introduction
6 Chapter-3: Methodology
9 Bibliography
10 Appendix-Questionnaire
Digital marketing is the promotion of your business, organisation or brand using channels such as the
Internet, mobile devices, television and radio in addition to using creative online advertising, video,
podcasts and other such methods to communicate your message. Internet marketing in particular plays a
huge part in any digital marketing strategy and is becoming the core of many organisations overall
marketing strategies, particularly with regard to social media and viral marketing.
Digital marketing ecosystem is not only concerned with internet marketing and social media marketing,
in introduction we discussed that peoples have a belief that internet or social media marketing are same
but not same, be clear from beginning itself. Digital marketing ecosystem consists of internet marketing
and social media marketing. They are just a channels for communication, digital ecosystem consist of
integrating channels and integrating services.
Digital Ecosystem
• Analytics
• Content management
Intergrated Services
• Advanced Targeting
• Creative
• Research + Planning
• Digital strategy
Search Engine
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the art of getting a website to work better with search engines (like
Google, Bing & Yahoo), and to look for achievable, profitable, ranking opportunities through keyword
research. It is a quest for increased visibility in search engines via relevant copy, quality links, domain
trust, social popularity and search engine connectivity
Search engine marketing (SEM) is a broader term than SEO, and is used to encompass different options
available to use a search engine’s technology, including paid ads. SEM is often used to describe acts
associated with researching, submitting and positioning a website within search engines. It includes
things such as search engine optimization, paid listings and other search-engine related services and
functions that will increase exposure and traffic to your Web site.
Display advertising is a type of advertising that typically contains text (i.e., copy), logos, photographs
or other images, location maps, and similar items. In periodicals, display advertising can appear on the
same page as, or on the page adjacent to, general editorial content. Normal banners, Rich media banner,
Interstitials and pops are example of displays.
Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing is used in reference to any marketing efforts on or with a mobile device. It involves
planning, creating, and implementing a mix of initiatives to bring together sellers and buyers via mobile
devices. Mobile ads, Mobile websites, Apps and Games are some of examples for mobile marketing.
Social Media refers to any software tool that enables and encourages engagement in conversation or
sharing. Popular forms of social media include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest,
Google + and blogs. Now all days social media become platform for marketer to make conversation
with customers. Brands are now engaging customers through social media.
eMail Marketing
eMail Marketing is a type of direct marketing that involves sending personalized, targeted messages to
a specific audience. eMail Marketing is easy to use, low cost, and effective. Most of the B2B business
in present era in following email marketing, but in B2C also email marketing is productive.
Marketers are now use video to make customers aware of brands and to sharing the experience of other
customers. YouTube ads are too popular in video ads. In social media platforms also brands are sharing
Analytics is the practice of evaluating data, and the process by which a company arrives at a most
advantageous decision. Here marketer analysis the integrate channel to understand the effectiveness of
communication. Analysis may be based on numbers of visitor or like in social media pages..Etc.
Content Management
After analysis the integrate channels marketer can able to understand the problems with current
contents. Later he can manage the content to increase the engagement rate, content may be text in
banners, images or websites.
Advanced Targeting
Advanced targeting are techniques involving the sending of targeted messages to a specific audience. It
is used to increase the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. Behavioural targeting is also a part of
advanced targeting, here marketer can target the customer based on their past behaviour in online.
Marketer can put ads in other webpage where customer is going.
Creative is the artistic component of an ad or website. It usually includes an image and copy present in
ads or website. Marketer can make those contents attractive to customers. Marketer will sometimes
change the entire design of websites, apps..Etc.
Marketer will do some research to understand the behaviour, taste and preference to customers in digital
platform. This research may be doing by using paid-tools like ComScore...Etc. Through this research
marketer can understanding where T.G is present or what T.G would to do in online. After research
marketer will plan new campaigns based on those research reports. These campaigns are more effective
to reach the T.G properly.
Digital Strategy
Digital strategy is the process of specifying an organization's vision, goals, opportunities and initiatives
in order to maximize the business benefits through digital media. Strategy will be different for each
brand, it will base on the brand objective and target groups interest.
Types of Digital Marketing
In normal outbound marketing, we will use pull and push marketing strategy. Like that in digital
marketing also pull and push are types.
In push digital marketing the marketer sends a message without the recipient actively seeking the
content, such as display advertising on websites and news blogs. Email, text messaging and web feeds
with customized contents can also be classed as push digital marketing when the recipient has not
actively sought the marketing message. Push marketing allows you to target your demographics and use
your marketing dollars to promote your product to the people you know are interested in what you have
to sell. A push marketing campaign can be more expensive when it comes to upfront costs, so you
really need to be sure that your marketing is going to reach the right people at the right time. Behaviour
targeting is good example for push digital marketing.
In Pull digital marketing includes blogging, email marketing, social media, info graphics and other
forms of visual messaging and search engine optimization (SEO). A pull marketing campaign also
includes public relations or other ways of reaching out to potential or already realized customers who
you want to keep engaged. While a pull marketing campaign can be less expensive to get started, you
will incur costs in other ways. For example, if you are running a social media campaign, you will need
to hire someone to manage your social media and respond to people who leave comments or ask
questions. Social media gets people talking and that has a major impact on sales. Pull marketing also
requires a greater investment in time, but it gives you more ability to entertain your customers and
educate them about your company.
But don't get confused by seeing Email in push and pull, there is a difference. If marketer is sending
emails with customized content or banners to specific group of customers is push digital marketing. If
marketer is sending emails with the same content or banner to all customers is pull digital marketing.
AIDMA widely accepted model describing the psychological process leading up to the consumer’s
decision to purchase a product. This model is similar to AIDA model. The AIDMA Model was first
advocated by Roland Hall, an American economist, around 1920.
According to this model, there are five key processes: Attention, in which the consumer first notices the
product or advertisement, followed by Interest, Desire, Memory, and Action. This model has been
used extensively in the advertising and marketing industries.
AISAS is a process model of consumers purchasing activities in the Internet age. AISAS is a
consumption behaviour model that has been advocated by Dentsu since 2004. It was developed to
observe behaviours based on the understanding that the Internet has become prevalent, and that
consumers now have access to environments in which they can obtain and transmit information
In this model, the key processes are: Attention, in which the consumer first notices the product or
advertisement, followed by Interest. After this, the consumer Searches for information, and then makes
a purchase (Action), after which information is shared with others. In comparison to “AIDMA,” the
psychological process has become more compact, and the Action process has expanded.
These changes are shown how presences in digital are important for brands. Brands can able to create
awareness and internet without digital. But it will not lead to action in current scenario. Customers need
more information in present era; they are information seeker and always search for best deal. Brands
can’t sustain without digital media.