Solution of Machine Design-I: Problem #M
Solution of Machine Design-I: Problem #M
Solution of Machine Design-I: Problem #M
Problem #M1a : Given: Two plates are bolted with initial clamping force of
2250 lbs. The bolt stiffness is twice the clamping material stiffness.
Find: External separating load that would reduce the clamping force to
225 lbs. Find the maximum bolt force at minimum clamping force.
Fc Fi Fe
kb k c
225 2250 Fe
1 2
Fe 6075 lbs
kb 2
Fb ,max Fi Fe 2250 ( )(6075) 6300 lbs
kb kc 3
Problem #M1b :Select a bolt that would withstand 6300 lbs nominal load in
direct tension. Apply a factor of safety of 2.5. Use a bolt with SAE
strength grade of 2 (which has a proof strength of 55 ksi).
Problem #M1c: A 1”-12 UNF steel bolt of SAE grade 5 is under direct shear
loading. The coefficient of friction between mating surfaces is 0.4.
The bolt is tightened to its full proof strength. Tensile area is 0.663 in2
Proof strength is 85 kpsi, and yield strength is 92 kpsi
a) What shear force would the friction carry?
b) What shear load can the bolt withstand w/o yielding if the friction
between clamped members is completely lost? Base the calculation
on the thread root area.
Problem #M2 : Solve the same problem as in the example above but for bolts ¾ “ UNF
Grade 2 bolts (Sy=57 ksi, and Su=74 ksi). Create a scaled drawing of the Goodman
graph and lable points 1,2,3, and 4 along with all the numerical values for stress labels in
the graph. Answer: Factor of Safety is about 2.8
The tensile area and proof strength are At = .373 in2 and Sp=55 ksi. The initial tension is:
Fi = .9*(0.373)(55) = 15.1 kips
Under this initial load, the root of the thread yields – Point-1 in the figure.
a f 3
2 1
Sy Su
57 ksi
As the alternating load is increased, Line2-3 moves left until it reaches Point-4 which is
the eventual failure point. The margin or factor of safety is determined by the distance
between a and Sf
Endurance limit
S n 0.5Sut CLCG CS 0.5(74)(1)(0.90)(1) 33.3 ksi
Problem #M3: Consider the bracket shown above. Assume the bracket is rigid and the
shear loads are carried by friction. The bracket is bolted by four bolts. The following is
known: F=5400 lbs, L=40 inches, D=12 inches, d=4 inches. Find appropriate UNC bolt
specifications for bolts of 120 Ksi proof strength using a factor of safety of 4.
Assuming a rigid bracket, the top bolts elongate or strain 3 times more than the lower
bolts. Taking moments about the pivot point we get:
F * L FT ( D ) FB ( d )
5400(40) FT (12) ( 4)
FT 16200 lbs
The load per bolt is half of this amount or 8100 lbs. Incorporating a factor of safety of 4,
the design load per bolt is 4(8100)=32400 lbs. The required tensile area for each bolt is:
F 32400
At 0.27 in 2
S p 120000
The appropriate bolt is a Grade 8 ¾ “ –10 UNC
Problem #M4
The bolts are ½”-13UNC. The distance between bolts is 1.25”. The load is
2700 lbs and L=8”. Find the shear stress on each bolt.
F 8686
44237 psi
A (.5) 2