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Mat 1001

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Course Code: MAT1001 Course Title: Calculus for Engineers TPC 3 2 4

Version No. 1.0

Course Pre-requisites/ Co- None

Anti-requisites (if any). MAT1008


1. to enable students to use fundamental tools of mathematics in

theoretical studies as well as in applied thematic exercises and in
project based learning.
2. to apply modern computer software to enhance and support project
based learning.
3. to develop essential analytical skills required for solving engineering
4. to provide knowledge and appreciation of calculus, differential
equations and Laplace transforms and optimize their use as tools in
solving technical and applied physical problems in stream specific
5. to use modern computer software effectively for simulation and
mathematical modelling.

Expected Outcome: At the end of this course the students will be able

1. to evaluate multiple integrals in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical

2. to use Chain rules for partial differentiation, methods for finding
maxima and minima and techniques of linearization
3. to apply Vector calculus in various subjects like Fluid Dynamics and
Electromagnetic fields.
4. to solve ordinary differential equations relevant to engineering and
5. to construct mathematical modeling, analyze graphical visualization
and interpret results through MATLAB.

Module No. 1 Differential Calculus 9 Hours

Introduction to single variable differential calculus.
Multivariable differential calculus:
Functions of two or more variables, Level curves; limits and continuity-partial derivatives-Chain Rules–
Total differential; Jacobian, Taylor’s expansion for two variables-Linear Approximation and Increment
estimation; Maxima, minima and saddle points, Constrained maxima and minima-Lagrange’s multiplier
method, Differentiation of integrals containing a parameter-Leibnitz's rule.
Module No. 2 Integral Calculus 9 Hours

Introduction to single variable integral calculus.

Multivariable integral calculus:
Evaluation of double integrals–change of order of integration– change of variables between Cartesian and
polar co-ordinates- evaluation of triple integrals-change of variables between Cartesian and cylindrical and
spherical polar co-ordinates; beta and gamma functions–interrelation-evaluation of integrals using gamma
and beta functions; error function-properties.

Module No. 3 Vector Calculus 9 Hours

Scalar and vector point functions - Vector Differentiation- expressions for velocity and acceleration in
cylindrical geometry. Gradient–physical interpretation-total derivative–directional derivative; Divergence
and Curl - physical interpretations-Statement of vector identities - scalar and vector potentials-line, surface
and volume integrals- Statement of Green’s, Stoke’s and Gauss divergence theorems - verification and
evaluation of vector integrals using them.

Module No. 4 Ordinary Differential Equations & Applications 10 Hours

Introduction to first order ordinary differential equation, Linear higher order ordinary differential equation
with constant coefficients– solutions of homogenous and non-homogenous equations- Method of
undetermined coefficients-–method of variation of parameters – equations reducible to linear equations with
constant coefficients.

Module No. 5 Laplace Transforms 8 Hours

Definition-Laplace transforms of functions-properties of Laplace transforms - initial and final values
theorems - inverse transforms-transforms of periodic functions - convolution theorem - step functions,
impulse functions - the solution of differential equations, concept of Transfer function.

Text Book
1. George B. Thomas, D.Weir and J.Hass (2013), Thomas’ Calculus, 13h edition, Pearson.
1. Gilbert Strang (2010), Calculus, 2nd Edition, Wellesley-Cambridge Press.
2. Dennis G Zill and Warren S Wright (2011), Multivariable Calculus, 4th Edition, Jones and Bartlett
3. Erwin Kreyszig (2017), Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, John Wiley.
4. Glyn James (2016), Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, 4th Edition, Pearson.
5. B. S. Grewal (2017), Higher Engineering Mathematics by, 44th Edition, Khanna Publishers.
6. Rudra Pratap (2016), Getting started with MATLAB: A quick introduction for scientists and
Engineers, 7th Edition, Oxford University Press.

Related Applications
1. Distance, Velocity, Acceleration of moving object
2. Area under a curve
3. Arc length and area of Surface of revolution
4. Volume of surface of revolution
5. Maxima and minima
6. Area, surface, volume
7. Moment of inertia and center of mass
8. Work done
9. Flux and curl for velocity field
10. Newton's law of cooling
11. Radioactive Decay
12. Motion of a particle in a resisting medium
13. Mass - spring system
14. LCR circuits
15. Solution of differential equation using Laplace transform technique etc.
Laboratory exercises using MATLAB
Understanding of the concepts through mathematics lab - 10 experiments
1 Introduction to MATLAB through matrices
2. Plotting and visualizing functions, rates of change of functions / tangent line
3. Understanding integration as area under the curve
4. Evaluating extremum of a single variable function
5. Plotting of surfaces and visualizing tangent planes
6. Evaluating maxima and minima of function of several variables
7. Applying Lagrange Multiplier Method
8. Evaluating volume under surfaces
9. Evaluating triple integrals
10. Evaluating integrals using cylindrical and spherical coordinates and their visualization
11. Evaluating gradient, curl and divergence
12. Evaluating line integrals
13. Applying Green’s, Stoke’s and Gauss divergence
14. Evaluating Laplace transforms
15. Solution of differential equations etc.

Mode of Evaluation Continuous Assessment (Quizzes, CATs, Assignments etc.).

CAT-1 Weightage (in %) 20
CAT-2 Weightage (in %) 20
CAT-3 Weightage (in %) 20
Lab Weightage (in %) 25
Assignment Weightage (in %) 5
Quiz-1 Weightage (in %) 5
Quiz-2 Weightage (in %) 5
Total 100

Recommended by the 06.01.2018

Board of Studies on
Date of Approval by the 1st Academic Council 24.01.2018
Academic Council

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