2011 Lauzon
2011 Lauzon
2011 Lauzon
This paper presents results of ground vibrations measured on two projects where ground densification was performed
with both conventional Dynamic Compaction, using a crane, and Rapid Impact Compaction using an excavator mounted
hydraulic hammer rig. The gathered results permit a normalisation method developed for Dynamic Compaction and an
evaluation of the effects of soils type and working methods on resulting ground vibrations.
Cet article présente les résultats de mesure de vibrations pour 2 projets où des travaux de densification des sols à l’aide
de compactage dynamique au moyen d’une grue et d’un atelier de compactage rapide par impacts ont été utilisés. Les
données obtenues ont permis de vérifier une méthode de normalisation des données et d’évaluer l’effet des types de sol
et des méthodes de travail sur le niveau de vibrations généré.
1 INTRODUCTION works. This device, until then known as the Rapid Runway
Compactor, is marketed as a ground improvement
The densification of loose soils by falling weights is an technique under the name of Rapid Impact Compaction
ancient method of improving ground. First known (RIC). This technique finds a niche between conventional
technical reference on the subject involved a site in roller compaction and conventional Dynamic Compaction.
Germany (Loos, 1936). This technique was later used on With this technique, a modified hydraulic piling hammer
routine basis by late Louis Ménard at the end of the acting on an articulating circular steel base is used to
1960’s. Since then, Dynamic Compaction (DC) (also densify soils through repeated impacts on the ground
referred to as impact densification, heavy tamping and surface. The ram used is typically 7 to 9 tonnes and the
dynamic consolidation) has become an accepted method adjustable drop height is typically around 1 metre.
of site improvement. This method is used to treat Although, the energy per blow is small relative to DC
foundation soils in order to increase the bearing capacity, methods, the equipment permits application of energy at
reduce the settlements under service loads and mitigate an average rate of about 40 blows per minute.
the risk of liquefaction in loose saturated soils. The Typical depth of influence is about 5 to 6 metres in
method consists of systematically dropping large weights granular soil conditions like loose sand, although greater
on the ground surface to densify the underlying soils and depth of improvement can be obtained in very favorable
repeating the operation on a grid layout over the surface. soil conditions. In silty soils, the depth of influence is
Weights typically vary between 10 and 25 tonnes with reduced and improvement can usually be measured up to
drop height of 10 to 30 metres. The use of +/- 15-tonne 4 to 5 metres.
weights is common. Depths of improvement range Although Dynamic Compaction and Rapid Impact
typically between 9 and 12 metres. Compaction generate vibrations that are annoying to
Dynamic Compaction is typically economically and neighbors and potentially hazardous to nearby structures,
technically advantageous for reclaimed land, the two techniques have many advantages in terms of
heterogeneous or granular fills and loose natural sand to cost, schedule and effectiveness. With less energy per
sandy silt deposits. It is also used to form Dynamic blow, Rapid Impact Compaction is typically presented as
Replacement (DR) stone pillars in soft ground (silty clay or a technique generating lower vibrations than the heavier
peat) as a means to reinforce these soil types. tampers used with Dynamic Compaction.
Dynamic compaction methods have been used for a This paper reviews the vibrations generated by these
variety of projects including buildings, streets, highways, two techniques on specific projects where both techniques
airport runways and facilities, power plant facilities, dams, were used. Measured vibration levels are compared to
tank farms, dockyards, etc. It has also been used to each other in terms of energy per blow and distance from
reduce the volume of garbage in municipal dumps and the source. They are also compared to safe levels of
also to collapse underground cavities/voids. vibrations typically set by regulatory or municipal
In the early 1990’s, a device originally developed for agencies.
the rapid repair of bomb craters on runways and airfields
by the British Armed Forces became available to civil
Figures 2 and 3 show specially modified crawler
Dynamic Compaction involves the use of heavy steel cranes more typically used for Dynamic Compaction
masses known as tampers or pounders typically weighing operations. The DC rig shown in Figure 2 is lifting a 15
10 to 20 tonnes, which are dropped in virtual free-fall from tonne tamper to densify the foundation of a dyke at the
heights of 10 to 30 metres. Larger weights of 30 to 40 Peribonka hydro-electric dam site in northern Quebec.
tonnes are occasionally used for more demanding/deeper The rig in Figure 3 is lifting an ironing tamper, which is a
applications. The largest weight ever used was a 172 low energy 10 tonne steel plate of 2.4 metres square.
tonne tamper built by Louis Ménard for the densification of
the Nice airport in France in 1977 (Gambin, 1983).
Figure 1 shows the Giga-Machine, as it was called, at
work on the site of a future runway. Similarly, special
devices have been built to permit drops of 40 metres. For
the construction of the Peñitas Dam in Mexico in 1980
(Moreno et al, 1983), a special tripod capable of lifting a
40 tonne tamper to a height of 40 metres used for the
densification of 15 metres of loose sand. Nevertheless,
for the great majority of projects, specially adapted heavy
crawler cranes are used. These cranes are usually
limited to tamper weights of 25 tonnes and drop heights of
30 metres.
Figure 1. Giga-machine lifting a 172 tonne tamper at the Figure 3. Crane lifting an ironing 10 tonne tamper
Nice Airport (France).
Depth of improvement is typically in the range of 9 to
12 metres when tampers of 15 to 20 tonnes are dropped
from 18 to 23 metre height (Mayne et al, 1983). Greater
depths of improvement can be achieved with larger
weights or greater drop heights. For a specific project, the
specialty ground improvement contractor would typically
select the most appropriate tamper weight and drop
height combination to obtain the targeted ground
improvement requirements specified for the site soils and
loading conditions.
Figure 4.Geopactor RIC rig at work in North Bay (Ontario). 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5. Safe criteria for one or 2 story houses as
4 GROUND VIBRATIONS proposed by USBM RI 8507 (Siskind et al, 1980).
Table 1
a=2 f v = (2 f) s [1] Criteria of ground vibrations for structures
Type of structure Criteria of ground
where f is the frequency of vibration. vibrations (mm/s)
Commercial and engineered 102
Peak particle velocity (PPV) is generally used to define structures
damage criteria for buildings/structures and annoyance Buried utilities, wells and pipelines 127
levels to people, especially in urban environments. Peak
Masonry foundation 127 As shown on this chart, at a frequency of 10 Hz,
Concrete blocks wall 76 vibrations are perceptible at a PPV of 1.3 mm/s. They
Mass concrete 254 become unpleasant at 7.5 mm/s and are intolerable at 50
Underground works 305 mm/s. At this frequency, the safe level for dry-wall
cracking in houses is reported to be 19 mm/s.
For other types of structure, specific vibration safe
limits presented by Wiss (1968), Crawford and Ward 4.3 Vibrations Caused by Impacts to the Ground
(1965) and Siskind (2000) are of interest. They are
summarized in Table 1. In blasting, vibration PPV is related to the scaled distance,
Since the guidelines of RI 8507 accounts indirectly for which is defined as the distance divided by the square
soil-structure interaction, possible amplification due to root of the weight of explosive used for the blast (Siskind
resonance structural vibrations is included in the proposed et al, 1980). It is common to use a similar approach for
criteria. These amplifications can raise the vibrations at Dynamic Compaction, where the weight of explosive is
the structure level by a factor ranging from 2 to 4 in low replaced by the energy per blow of the tamper mass. For
rise residential buildings. To correctly take the preliminary estimates, Mayne et al (1984) proposed the
amplification factor into consideration, it may be more following formula as a conservative upper limit to the
appropriate to monitor the vibrations at the structure level ground vibration levels:
instead of at the ground level. In such case, a vibration
criteria of 51 mm/s can be used (Svinkin, 2003).
PPV (mm/s) [2]
Safe vibration level for drywall
2 Where W is in tonnes and H and d are in metres.
Mayne et al (1984) noticed that PPV measurements
PPV (mm/s)
Regardless of the safe level of vibrations for Where g is the gravitational acceleration and H is the drop
structures/utilities, complaints or claims can be an issue at height.
vibration levels much lower than the safe levels for Based on vibration monitoring data from 12 different
structures. Humans can detect vibrations at levels that sites, Mayne (1985) proposed the following
are much lower than those required to damage dry wall or approximation:
concrete block structures. The sensitivity level of humans
to transient vibrations varies for each person and with the
duration of the vibrations. Human sensitivity to steady- PPV = 0.2 (d/ro [4]
state vibrations (vibratory roller/jack hammer) is much
higher than for transient vibrations. For Dynamic
Compaction, sensitivity to transient vibrations is more Where d is the distance, from the point of impact and
appropriate. The results of a study on the human ro is the radius of the tamper. PPV, g and H are in
perception of vibrations by Queen’s University are consistent units.
summarized in the chart of Figure 6 in terms of particle With this approach, Mayne (1985) could attain a better
velocity and frequency (adapted from Wright and Green, fit for his set of data.
PROJECTS 5.1 Trois-Rivières Airplane Hangar
Over the years, a large database of vibration monitoring Dynamic Compaction was required for the extension of an
information has been accumulated both for Dynamic airplane hangar at the Trois-Rivières (Québec) Regional
Compaction and Rapid Impact Compaction. Figure 7 Airport. This building had been built when the National
presents vibration data gathered for ground improvement Building Code seismic resistance requirements were less
using either Dynamic Compaction or RIC methods, on a stringent than they are today. For the extension, the
variety of sites. As shown on this graph, average values ground had to be densified to respect the requirements of
for RIC are lower than the average value for DC. Also, the 2005 Building Code.
PPV for RIC shows a rate of attenuation that is faster than This site was characterized by a thick deposit of fine
for DC. At larger distances from the impact point, sand with some silt to depths of more than 7 metres. The
vibrations measured for RIC are smaller for two reasons, density of the sand varied from very loose to compact,
the energy input is smaller at the point of impact and the with SPT N values ranging typically from 3 to 11.
rate of attenuation is greater. Groundwater was located at a depth of 1.7 metres.
To be able to account more specifically for possible To satisfy the requirements of the building code, soils
effects of soil type, soil stratigraphy and groundwater level had to be densified to obtain N1,60cs values greater or
on DC/RIC vibration generation, vibrations were equal to 16.
monitored on two projects where both a DC rig and a RIC To densify the soil under the area of the extension
rig were used to compact the same soils. The first project without risking damage to the existing building, a BSP RIC
was an extension of an airplane hangar in Trois-Rivières rig was used for compaction within 20 metres of the
(Québec) and the second was for the extension of an building, and a DC crane rig was used on the remainder
industrial building near Québec City. In both cases, the of the site.
RIC was used to treat soils near the existing building,
while a DC rig was used for the Dynamic Compaction of
the remaining areas requiring treatment. This approach
permitted the lower impact level of the RIC to be used
close to the existing building and the economic and
schedule benefit of the rate of compaction that can be
achieved with a DC rig to reduce the overall cost and
duration of the ground improvement.
Particle velocity (mm/sec)
PPV (mm/sec)
PPV (mm/s)
PPV/v1 (mm/m)
1 10 100
Distance (m)
Figure 10. PPV measured for RIC and DC on the Trois-
Rivières site.
Figure 11 shows the particle velocities and the 0.1
vibration frequency for each rig. Vibration frequencies for 1 10 100
the DC rig are generally between 5 and 10 Hz. For the
Relative Distance d/ro
RIC rig, frequencies are generally between 20 and 30 Hz.
Since RIC frequencies are higher than the typical natural Figure 12 Normalized PPV as a function of normalized
frequencies of houses, we can expect less vibration distance for RIC and DC on the Trois-Rivières site.
amplification and it can become possible to work closer to
houses since the safe level of vibrations defined by USBM
RI 8507 increases with increasing frequency.
Figure 12 shows the normalized data from Figure 10
with respect to Mayne (1985) who proposed normalizing
5.2 Québec City Industrial Building Extension
PPV (mm/s)
within 20 metres of the existing building was treated with a
RIC unit equipped with a 9 tonne hammer and a 1.5 metre
diameter base.
100 DC
DC Half Height
10 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)
PPV (mm/s)
RIC The remainder of the site was treated with a DC crane
Dc lifting an 11 tonne tamper from a nominal height of 18
DC Half Height metres. For the portion of the DC treatment area closest
to existing structures, the tamper was dropped from half
Ironing the full height (i.e. 9 metres).
Vibration monitoring was performed by an independent
1 10 100 engineering firm who also conducted the pre-compaction
Distance (m) survey of the nearby buildings.
Figure 13. Vibrations measured for different energy per Results of the vibration monitoring during the RIC and
impact at Québec City site. DC work are shown on Figure 13. As observed by Mayne
et al (1984), the level of vibration tends to rise as
cumulative energy is applied on a compaction point.
10 Figure 14 shows a significant increase in vibration as
at 10m the number of blows at a specific compaction point
9 at 20 m increases. For the first blow, the vibration level was
at 30 m measured between 1 and 2 mm/s. After 6 blows the
8 vibration level reached close to 8 mm/s at a distance of 10
m from the point of impact. The rise is less significant for
7 points located at 20 and 30 metres from the point of
impact, however they are still significant in relative terms.
PPV (mm/s)
Figure 15 shows the distribution of vibration frequency
5 for the two compaction rigs according to the level of
energy per blow. For DC tampers dropped from full
4 height, frequencies are typically in the range of 25 to 35
Hz with similar values when the drop height has been
3 reduced to half. For ironing using DC methods and for
RIC, the frequencies typically are in the range between 40
2 and 50 Hz. Theses frequencies are significantly higher
than what was measured at the Trois-Rivières site. This
1 could be explained by the type of soil and the pre-
treatment densities already existing at the Québec City
0 site. Note that in both cases, the vibration frequency for
0 200 400 600 800 1000 DC is less than for RIC.
Figure 16 shows the same set of data normalized as
Cumulative compaction energy (t*m)
proposed by Mayne (1985). Considering the number of
Figure 14. Effect of cumulative energy on the measured drops (or the cumulative energy) on a single point had a
vibrations at 3 different distances for the Québec City site. significant effect on vibration levels on this site, it is
difficult to compare the DC data with the RIC data since
the cumulative energy on a given point was not measured REFERENCES
during the vibration monitoring.
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This could be explained by the combined effect of smaller Blasting vibrations and their effects on structures, U.S.
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DC rig. Since RIC frequencies are higher than the typical Siskind, D.E., Stagg, M.S., Kopp, J.W. and Dowding,
natural frequencies of houses/structures, less vibration C.H., 1980. Structure response and damage
amplification can be expected making it possible to work produced by ground vibrations from surface blasting,
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by USBM RI 8507 increases with increased frequency. Svinkin, M.R. 2003. Drawbacks of blast vibration
The data gathered on the two DC/RIC projects also regulations. Proceedings of the 29 . Annual
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cumulative energy applied on a point since vibrations tend International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE),
to rise as the cumulative applied energy rises. Since Cleveland, Ohio, USA, V II, pp 157-168.
projects performed with RIC rigs typically apply less Wiss, J.F. 1968. Effect of blasting vibrations on buildings
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Finally, for compaction work close to existing Vibration. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario,
buildings/utilities, the RIC equipment might be preferred to Canada.
the DC rig since it generates lesser vibrations and higher
frequencies. Further, RIC energy is applied in a more
controlled manner, limiting the risk of exceeding target
vibration levels.