1 Inception Report - Final

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Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme

Inception Report ii

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Appointment of Consultant................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Background to the Project.................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2.1 Previous studies..................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2.2 Additional required study: Environmental impact assessment ............................ 1-2
1.3 Study Area .......................................................................................................................... 1-4
1.4 Objective, Scope and Organisation of the Study ................................................................ 1-4
1.4.1 Objective of the feasibility study ........................................................................... 1-4
1.4.2 Scope of the feasibility study................................................................................. 1-4
1.4.3 Organisation of the study ...................................................................................... 1-5
1.5 Governance of the Study .................................................................................................... 1-7

2 STUDY MODULES ..........................................................................................................2-1

2.1 Module 1: Project Management (Leader: Johan Rossouw) ............................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Study initiation and inception ............................................................................... 2-1
2.1.2 Project management and administration ............................................................. 2-2
2.2 Module 2: Water Resources (Leader: Johan Rossouw) ...................................................... 2-3
2.2.1 Hydrology (Leader: Estelle van Niekerk) ............................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 Yield analysis (Leader: Johan Rossouw) ................................................................ 2-5
2.2.3 Reservoir sedimentation (Leader: Dr Aldu le Grange) .......................................... 2-6
2.3 Module 3: Groundwater Augmentation (Leader: Jan Myburgh) ....................................... 2-6
2.3.1 Inception report .................................................................................................... 2-6
2.3.2 Hydrogeological desktop study ............................................................................. 2-7
2.3.3 Detailed groundwater flow balances and numerical modelling ........................... 2-8
2.3.4 Groundwater – community interdependency survey ........................................... 2-9
2.3.5 Optimisation of groundwater abstraction network .............................................. 2-9
2.4 Module 4: Reserve – Ecological Water Requirements (Leader: Patsy Scherman) ........... 2-10
2.4.1 Study Area and EWR Site Selection ..................................................................... 2-12
2.4.2 Activities and Tasks.............................................................................................. 2-12
2.5 Module 5: Water Requirements (Leader: Hermien Pieterse) .......................................... 2-15
2.5.1 Domestic water requirements (Leader: Ben van der Merwe) ............................ 2-15
2.5.2 Agriculture / Irrigation potential (Leader: Geurt Bloem) .................................... 2-18
2.6 Module 6: Water Services Infrastructure (Leader: Gideon de Villiers) ............................ 2-24
2.6.1 Distribution infrastructure (Leader: Pat van Heerden) ....................................... 2-24
2.6.2 Water quality (Leader: Dr Gideon de Villiers) ..................................................... 2-26
2.7 Module 7: Proposed Zalu Dam (Leader: Willem van Wyk) .............................................. 2-30
2.7.1 Site investigations (Leader: Prof Monte van Schalkwyk) .................................... 2-30
2.7.2 Dam technical details (Leader: Willem van Wyk) ................................................ 2-36
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report iii

2.8 Module 8: Cost Estimate and Comparison (Leader: Hermien Pieterse) .......................... 2-40
2.9 Module 9: Regional Economics (Leader: Ben van der Merwe) ........................................ 2-41
2.9.1 Orientation and delineation of study area .......................................................... 2-41
2.9.2 Baseline economic profile and assessment ......................................................... 2-41
2.9.3 Development scenarios ....................................................................................... 2-41
2.9.4 Economic modelling ............................................................................................ 2-42
2.9.5 Impact analysis .................................................................................................... 2-43
2.10 Module 10: Environmental Screening (Leader: Nicola Liversage) ................................... 2-43
2.11 Module 11: Public Participation (Leader: Hermien Pieterse)........................................... 2-45
2.12 Module 12: Legal, Institutional and Financial Arrangements (Leader: Bob Pullen) ......... 2-47
2.12.1 Legal aspects........................................................................................................ 2-47
2.12.2 Institutional arrangements .................................................................................. 2-48
2.12.3 Financial arrangements ....................................................................................... 2-49
2.13 Module 13: Record of Implementation Decisions (Leader: Hermien Pieterse) ............... 2-50
2.14 Module 14: Main Report and Reviews (Leader: Johan Rossouw) .................................... 2-51

3 STUDY TEAM ...............................................................................................................3-1

3.1 Team Composition ............................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Study Management ............................................................................................................ 3-1
3.3 Module Leaders .................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.4 Study Team ......................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.5 HDI Component .................................................................................................................. 3-3

4 COST ESTIMATE ............................................................................................................4-1




Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 1-1

This Inception Report is the first deliverable for the Feasibility Study for Augmentation of
the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme. The Inception Phase provides an
opportunity to finalise the Scope of Work for the assignment, to confirm the composition
of the Project Team, the manpower schedule, work programme, expenditure budget and
estimated cash flow.


The Tender for this study was submitted on 26 January 2010, in response to the
Department of Water Affairs' (DWA’s) request for a proposal in accordance with the
Terms of Reference and DWA tender guidelines.

The Contract was approved with effect from 1 September 2010 and the Department of
Water Affairs appointed BKS in association with four sub-consultants (Africa Geo-
Environmental Services, KARIWA Project Engineers & Associates, Scherman Colloty &
Associates and Urban-Econ) to undertake the Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the
Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme.

On 1 November 2012, BKS (Pty) Ltd was acquired by AECOM Technology Corporation.
The new entity is a fully-fledged going concern with the same company registration
number as that for BKS. As a result of the change in name and ownership of the company
during the study period, all the final study reports will be published under the AECOM


To better understand the project’s context and to effectively assist the DWA in
accomplishing the objectives of this study, a sound understanding of the project’s origins
and previous studies was essential. BKS has reviewed the reports on previous
investigations that were made available by the DWA and is thus able to avoid duplicating
work already undertaken. This section provides a summary of previous studies and looks
at how this feasibility study will compare with and expand on previous data.

1.2.1 Previous studies

In the 1970’s consultants O’Connell Manthé and Partners and Hill Kaplan Scott
recommended that a regional water supply scheme based on a dam on the Xura River and
a main bulk supply reservoir close to Lusikisiki (located within the then defin ed
“administration area” of Zalu Dam) would provide potable water supply for the entire
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 1-2

region between Lusikisiki and the coast, extending from the Mzimvubu River in the south
west to the Msikaba River in the north east. Some areas up to 15 km inland of Lusikisiki
would also be supplied. A White Paper describing the scheme was tabled by the Transkei
Government in 1979. It was envisaged that the scheme would be constructed in phases -
details of the proposed phasing of the scheme are provided in Lusikisiki Regional Water
Supply: Preliminary Report, Hill Kaplan Scott’s 1986.

After the reincorporation of the Transkei Homeland into the Republic of South Africa
(RSA) in 1994, the DWA took over responsibility for further development of the scheme.
The Directorate: National Water Resource Planning commissioned the Eastern Pondoland
Basin Study (EPBS) in 1999 to further investigate the water supply situation in the area,
with a specific focus on further development in the area originally earmarked for the
Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme (LRWSS). This detailed investigation was
undertaken for surface and groundwater sources, which re-affirmed that the Zalu Dam
was the preferred source of surface water and recommended further investigation of
groundwater sources to augment water supply to the entire area or to sub-areas.

In 2007, SRK Consulting undertook the Lusikisiki Groundwater Feasibility Study to

investigate groundwater potential and compare the new data with data produced by
earlier studies. This study reported that there is a relatively strong possibility of finding
high yielding boreholes, and that a combination of surface water (Zalu Dam) and
groundwater would be the most feasible solution for the LRWSS.

1.2.2 Additional required study: Environmental impact assessment

The Terms of Reference (TOR) stipulated that a full environmental impact assessment
(EIA) would be commissioned by the DWA under a separate contract after the
appointment of the Professional Services Provider (PSP) for the feasibility study. This
separate study will also include the Scoping of the Msikaba Estuary, as required by the
Reserve Team.

Co-ordination of activities and information sharing in the two assignments is crucial to

the success of both studies. The team’s management will therefore work closely with
both the DWA and the PSP for the EIA to ensure that work progresses optimally as it
affects the work schedules. Also refer to Section 2.11.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 1-3

Figure 1.1: Study area

Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 1-4


The study area, as defined in the ToR, comprises the entire region between Lusikisiki (up
to about 15 km inland) and the coast, extending from the Mzimvubu River in the south
west to the Msikaba River in the north east. This area includes the Zalu Dam site in the
Xura River, as well as the catchment area of Zalu Dam, and the selected conveyance
routes between the dam and the extended supply area. It also includes the boreholes
selected for augmentation and the routes of the pipelines to augment the water supply to
the users.

During the Inception Phase the study area was extended in the vicinity of the Zalu Dam
and to the north of Lusikisiki, as agreed with the DWA and as indicated on Figure 1.1. In
the south-western part of the study area the main focus will be on water supply from
groundwater, due to the distance from the surface water source, Zalu Dam, as well as
unfavourable topography.


1.4.1 Objective of the feasibility study

The objective of this study is to complete a comprehensive engineering investigation at

the feasibility level for the proposed Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme, including
the possible Zalu Dam in the Xura River, and to define the most attractive composition
and size of the water supply components, taking augmentation from groundwater
resources into account. AECOM appreciates that significant work has already been done
through previous studies (see Section 1.2.1) and this feasibility study will focus on adding
maximum value to achieve the objectives.

Part of the study is the inclusion of the Reserve for the activity, which is a legal
requirement to be undertaken before licensing and dam construction can commence.
The Reserve study is often undertaken after the feasibility study and EIA, with this
Lusikisiki Feasibility Study providing the unique opportunity to complete the Reserve
Module during the planning stages.

1.4.2 Scope of the feasibility study

This feasibility study will provide for the assessment of all aspects that impact on the
viability of utilising a combination of surface water (via the Zalu Dam on the Xura River)
and groundwater (via boreholes) for the expansion of the existing water supply scheme to
provide all water users in the study area with an appropriate level and assurance of water
supply. The study is therefore required to:
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 1-5

 Identify all of the technical issues likely to affect implementation, and to define and
evaluate all of the actions required to address these issues;
 Provide an estimate of cost with sufficient accuracy and reliability to ensure that
management decisions can be made with confidence;
 Investigate irrigation viability; and
 Provide sufficient information to enable design and implementation to proceed
without further investigation.

1.4.3 Organisation of the study

The required activities for this project have been grouped into 14 modules, which were
slightly restructured from the original BKS Tender and reported on and accepted
accordingly at the first Project Management Committee (PMC) Meeting with the DWA on
7 September 2010. This restructuring has not changed the scope of work, the budget or
the timeframes, and has not eliminated / altered any of the tasks that were listed in the
original Terms of Reference and included in the Tender for this project. After discussions
with DWA Directorate: RDM, the Msikaba Estuary has been included in Module 4 at a
scoping assessment level only (see Section 2.4). Inclusion of the estuary was
recommended in the Tender.

The new study structure, as discussed with and approved by the DWA at the first PMC
meeting (7 September 2010), is shown in Table 1.1 below.

Table 1.1: Study structure

Restructured modules Modules from ToR Module leader Company Deliverable
1. PROJECT Project management JD Rossouw AECOM Inception Report
MANAGEMENT (incl. study initiation and
1.1 Study initiation inception)
and inception
1.2 Project
2. WATER RESOURCES Module 2: JD Rossouw AECOM Water Resources
Yield analysis

2.1 Hydrology Module 1: E van Niekerk AECOM  Hydrology chapter

Hydrology in Water Resources
2.2 Yield analysis 2.1 Water resources JD Rossouw  Yield Analysis
chapter in Water
Resources Report
2.3 Reservoir 2.3 Reservoir Dr A le Grange AECOM  Sedimentation
sedimentation sedimentation chapter in Water
Resources Report
3. GROUNDWATER Module 5: JA Myburgh AGES Assessment of
AUGMENTATION Augmentation from
augmentation Groundwater Report
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 1-6

Restructured modules Modules from ToR Module leader Company Deliverable

4. RESERVE - 2.2 Ecological water Dr P Scherman SC&A Intermediate Reserve
ECOLOGICAL requirements Determination Report
REQUIREMENTS  Reserve Template

5. WATER Module 3: HS Pieterse AECOM

Water requirements

5.1 Domestic 3.1 Domestic water T Feigenbaum Urban- Domestic Water

water requirements Econ Requirements Report
5.2 Agriculture / 3.2 Irrigation potential G Bloem Kariwa Irrigation Potential
Irrigation Assessment Report
6. WATER SERVICE Dr GH de AECOM Water Distribution
INFRASTRUCTURE Villiers Infrastructure Report

6.1 Distribution 3.3 Distribution JPC van AECOM  Chapter in Water

infrastructure infrastructure Heerden Distribution
6.2 Water quality Module 4 Dr GH de AECOM  Chapter in Water
Water quality Villiers Distribution
7.1 Site Module 6 M van AECOM Materials and
investigations Schalkwyk Geotechnical
Site investigations
Investigations Report

7.2 Dam technical Module 7 W van Wyk AECOM Dam Feasibility

details Design Report,
Dam technical details
including design
criteria, dam type
selection, dam sizing
and costing

8. COST ESTIMATE Module 8 HS Pieterse AECOM  Project cost

AND COMPARISON chapters included
Cost estimate and
in Feasibility Design
and Main Study
9. REGIONAL Module 10 BJ van der Urban- Regional Economics
ECONOMICS Merwe Econ Report
Regional economics

10. ENVIRONMENTAL Module 9 N Liversage AECOM Environmental

SCREENING Screening Report
Environmental screening
 Scope of works for
11. PUBLIC Module 13 HS Pieterse AECOM  Included in
Public participation
Screening Report
12. LEGAL, Module 12 RA Pullen AECOM  Legal, institutional
INSTITUTIONAL & & financing
Legal, institutional and
FINANCIAL arrangements
financial arrangements
ARRANGEMENTS chapter in Main
Study Report
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 1-7

Restructured modules Modules from ToR Module leader Company Deliverable

13. RECORD OF Module 11 HS Pieterse AECOM Record of
Record of
DECISIONS Decisions Report
implementation decisions

14. MAIN REPORT AND Module 14 JD Rossouw AECOM Main Study Report
Task reviews,
recommendations and
Main Report

The project is programmed over 36 months to allow for project start-up, the Inception
Phase, the Intermediate Reserve Determination over two full wet and dry seasons (24
months) and the close-out of the project. The programme for the study is shown in
Figure 1.2.


Integration management is crucial to the successful completion of this project and

requires sound project management and a strong working relationship within the project
team and between the project team and the DWA. AECOM has thus assigned Module
Leaders to tend to and oversee each of the key modules of the feasibility study ( see Table
1.1). The individual Module Leaders will report to the Study Leader.

Effective liaison between the DWA Project Manager and the Study Leader and his team is
ensured through the establishment of a Project Management Committee (PMC). The
PMC will be responsible for governing and driving the study, and will include the DWA
Project Manager, the Study Leader (supported by Module Leaders and support staff) and
representatives of other DWA directorates nominated to participate at certain stages of
the project. A representative of the OR Tambo District Municipality has also been invited
to the PMC meetings to ensure that the local considerations and situation of interested
and affected parties are accounted for at the appropriate level. Further details of the
PMC meetings are discussed in Section 2.1.2.

Although a detail public participation process will be conducted in the concurrent

Environmental Impact Assessment, consultation with key stakeholders is crucial for
preparation, and later possible ownership and associated responsibilities of a regional
water supply scheme. Therefore, a Stakeholder Committee (SC) will be established and
all key stakeholders will be invited to participate. Details of the SC are discussed in
Section 2.11.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 1-8

Figure 1.2: Summarised study programme (Nov 2012)

Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-1


2.1.1 Study initiation and inception

The objective of this task was to mobilise the Study Team through the Module Leaders,
set up project management and governance structures and initiate activities necessary
for compiling this Inception Report.

The Feasibility Study assignment was initiated by the Study Leader on receipt of
confirmation that the AECOM-led team had been selected to execute the project. Initial
contact was made with the DWA Project Manager through the first PMC meeting on
7 September 2010. Subsequently, Module Leaders were alerted and a project team
meeting was convened on 30 September 2010 to facilitate a full understanding of the
assignment, align activities as a first step towards integration and confirm important
milestones on the work programme. A meeting was also held with the DWA RDM on
4 November 2010 (Ms Jacqueline Jay attended) to clarify the scope for the Reserve
Module because it is a legal requirement that the Reserve must be signed off prior to
implementation. The outcomes of this meeting are discussed in Section 2.4.

During the Inception Phase the study team finalised the Scope of Work for the
assignment, confirmed the composition of the Project Team, the manpower schedule,
work programme, revised budget and cash flow.

The first key task was to review work done in previous studies with the aim of informing
all of the modules in this assignment. The Study Team focussed on the following studies:

 Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme (various reports), done by Hill Kaplan Scott
 Eastern Pondoland Basin Study (UWP, 2001), including the Engineering Geological
Reconnaissance Report (GN Davis, 1999 and 2001); and
 Lusikisiki Groundwater Feasibility Study Phase 2 (SRK, May 2009).

The review of the reports enabled the team members to appraise the information
available and familiarise themselves with the findings from the previous studies so that
they could reconsider or refine the proposals made in the original tender and compile this
Inception Report. Provision was made for a significant amount of start-up technical work
as important reviews and preparatory work were required.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-2

The proposed work plan for each task was examined in appropriate detail on the basis of
the information available from previous study documents and other sources provided by
the DWA.

The methodology proposed for each task has been refined and re-ordered. Areas of risk
were identified and mitigating measures were suggested. Where necessary, key
information was updated and more detailed work was initiated, as required. Findings and
recommendations are regularly discussed with the DWA Project Manager to avoid

The outcome of this review is documented in this Inception Report under the specific
module sections, and is approved as the final terms of reference defining study
methodology, project team, work programme and revised budget.

2.1.2 Project management and administration

Specific organisational arrangements were made during the Inception Phase of the
assignment to ensure that the execution of all activities are supervised and managed in
an effective way and in accordance with the needs of DWA.

The objective of the Project Management Module is to ensure that there is:

 close and effective liaison between the DWA Project Manager and the Team Leader,
and, therefore, also with all Module Leaders and their teams,
 regular and timely progress reporting against the agreed-upon programme,
 effective management of project costs and expenses against budget, DWA cash flow
provisions and progress,
 a robust structure for preparing and making presentations to the DWA management
 communication with stakeholders to elicit their support for the assignment through
providing information, facilitating fieldwork and developing their confidence in the
findings and recommendations,
 effective support for and integration with the independent and parallel
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the public participation process, and
 adherence to and compliance with the work programme and milestones.

As discussed in Section 1.5, effective liaison between the DWA Project Manager and the
Study Leader will be ensured through the Project Management Committee (PMC), which
should meet on a bi-monthly basis. Based on the level and intensity of activities during
the second part of the study, it is proposed that PMC meetings should be r educed to
every third or fourth month during this period. However, this will depend on activities
completed and is subject to mutual agreement between the DWA Project Manager and
the Study Leader. It is thus envisaged that about 16 PMC meetings will be r equired, but
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-3

the approved budget for meetings will be ring-fenced and will only be reallocated if
approved by the DWA. The PMC commenced with a kick-off / first PMC Meeting on
7 September 2010, followed by a meeting on 9 November 2010, both in Pretoria. All
future PMC meetings have been scheduled to take place closer to the study area.

Attendance of PMC meetings in the study area will be carefully planned to control cost
implications. Key stakeholders interested in or affected by the management of the study
will be provided with documentation of PMC meetings.

Due to the possible sensitive nature of contractual and financial issues, it was decided at
the first PMC meeting that these matters be discussed in a separate meeting, referred to
as Study Management Meeting (SMM). These meetings will mostly take place on the
same day as the PMC meetings.

The PSP Study Team will be responsible for all logistical arrangements for PMC, SMM and
stakeholder meetings and will provide full secretarial and documentation s upport. The
Project Management and Administration component of the assignment will be
responsible for providing the following deliverables:

 Progress Reports on a bi-monthly basis;

 Monthly invoicing, supported by progress reports, financial control, and Historically
Disadvantaged Individuals (HDI) participation records;
 Presentations to the DWA Management Team;
 Public participation meetings (including the six meetings provided for integration
with the to-be-appointed EIA PSP); and
 Agendas, Minutes and other documentation for PMC meetings.


2.2.1 Hydrology (Leader: Estelle van Niekerk)

The objective of this task is to evaluate and improve the reliability of the hydrology for
quaternary catchments T60E, T60F and T60G. This will serve as input to the water
resources module for assessment of dam yields, irrigation module, groundwater module
and the Reserve module.

Rainfall: Rainfall data inside, and in close proximity of the T60E, T60F and T60G will be
identified, evaluated for outliers and unreliable values, and patched using the
ClassR/PatchR methodology in the Rain-IMS. Catchment rainfall records for every
quaternary catchment will be created for the period October 1920 to September 2007 to
serve as input to the WRSM2000-model, WRYM, groundwater and irrigation modules.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-4

Flow data: The WR2005 setup for the WR2000 model will be refined to a higher level of
detail and updated with new land-use information. The most up-to-date WR2000 model
data, which includes the new enhanced methodologies for facets such as groundwater,
afforestation and irrigation, will be used for the analyses. The existing configuration will
also be adjusted to create nodes at points of interest and refined to calibrate flow at
gauge T6H004 and simulate flow data at all points of interest within T60E, T60F and T60G.
The flow data will be simulated per quaternary catchment and smaller, where required,
to be available to the Reserve team (SPATSIM) and the system modellers (WRYM model).

The following studies will be used as references:

 Eastern Pondoland Basin Study, 2001 (October 1920 to September 1997);

 the SRK, 2009 simulated data based on a combination of WR90 and the Pondoland
Study (October 1920 to September 2005); and
 the recently completed WR2005 project (October 1920 to September 2005).

Personal communication with the DWA Directorate: Hydrological Services and the DWA
Regional Office in Cradock indicated that the flow data at the new flow gauge T6H004 in
the Xura River are reliable since December 1997. There are thus approximately 10 years
of observed flow data that can be used to improve the current hydrology . This gauge was
not used in the generation and calibration of any of the previous studies due to its short
record. An upstream gauging point in the Xura River, T6H005, has measured the
abstraction from the Xura River to Lusikisiki since 2000, which is also regarded as good.
Both of these stations will be used in updating and calibrating the hydrology.

The daily observed flow data record will be used for the EWR study to develop a better
understanding of the base flow and peaks and to determine the ecological water
requirements (EWR).

The major tasks involved in the hydrological investigation will thus be:

 Evaluation of the value of the observed flow record for calibration at T6H004 in the
Xura River;
 Selection, evaluation, patching and processing of point rainfall records in the RAIN -
 Creation of catchment rainfall records for every quaternary catchment;
 Liaison and information sharing with the groundwater and irrigation modules, i.e.
supplying rainfall data and receiving data on current irrigation, farm dams, stock
watering, alien invasive plants and afforestation;
 Updating and extending the flow data with the latest WRSM2005 model using the
best available land-use and observed flow data, as well as possible new parameters
derived from the calibration at gauge T6H004. This will include an evaluation of the
value of the observed flow record at T6H004 in the Xura River;
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-5

 Preparation of the Water Resources Yield Model (WRYM) hydrological data input
 Preparation of flow data files for the Ecological Reserve Determination; and
 Separation of the groundwater contribution to flows for surface water-groundwater
interaction, including liaison with the groundwater consultant;

Deliverables will be the Hydrology chapter of the Water Resources Report, which will
provide details on the data used, methodology followed to generate flow records,
assumptions made, any uncertainties and any problems encountered. A time series of
monthly flow records and land-use records for the various water users will be produced
as input to the WRYM, which will also be used in the Reserve determination process.

2.2.2 Yield analysis (Leader: Johan Rossouw)

The WRYM-IMS has been configured to model the updated flow and water requirements
on a quaternary basis (or smaller, where required) to allow for the proposed Zalu Dam,
using the latest approved DWA methodologies for present-day water use and future

The water available for each user will be determined for various scenarios using the
following approach:

 Validation and verification of the hydrology using a suite of programs (ANNUAL,

 Configuration of T60E, T60F and T60G sub-catchments (and smaller, where required)
in the WRYM-IMS;
 Estimation of sediment yield up to 2030;
 Model testing;
 Historical firm yield analyses;
 Long-term stochastic yield analyses for different sizes of Zalu Dam for the following
 base (present) scenario;
 proposed Zalu Dam with various dam sizes;
 impact of sedimentation;
 with and without EWRs; and
 with and without possible future land-use development.

The deliverable of this task is a chapter in the Water Resources Report, which will
describe the water availability of the existing and potential water resources. It will also
report on the water requirements and impact on the yield for various scenarios . The
results of the sedimentation task (see below) will also be included in the Water Resources
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-6

2.2.3 Reservoir sedimentation (Leader: Dr Aldu le Grange)

The most likely sediment yield of the catchment area of the proposed Zalu Dam will be
estimated with due consideration to the availability of sediment within the catchment as
well as other factors which influence sediment yield. The 2007 estimate of reservoir
sedimentation will be reviewed to arrive at a reliable estimate of the yield of the
proposed dam in the long term, taking into account the loss of effective storage with
time. Reservoir sedimentation is dependent on catchment sediment yield, which is
calculated according to catchment location and size, as well as sediment yield potential
within the catchment. Land use in the Xura River catchment is diverse and includes highly
deteriorated areas, including cattle farms, as well as some subsistence farming areas in
the Eastern Cape drainage region.

At Tender Stage, it was proposed to base the proposed review on the 1992 Sediment
Yield Map of Southern Africa. This map is based on dividing southern Africa into nine
sediment yield regions and subsequent calibration against recorded yield values . In
addition, an attempt is made to provide statistical bands of confidence around the mean ,
giving statistical meaning to the estimate, taking catchment size into consideration.
According to this map the Xura River catchment falls within sediment yield Region 9 with
recorded sediment yield values that vary from 4 to 881 t/km 2/a. Subsequently, a new
Water Research Commission study (Sediment Yield Prediction for South Africa – 2010
Prediction) has been completed. This study includes amended sediment yield regions and
updated catchment sediment yield values.

It is proposed that both the 1992 and 2010 sediment yield methodologies be used for
study purposes. The results will be compared with recorded sedimentation of nearby
existing reservoirs based on a recent similar study undertaken in the adjacent Mzimvubu
River catchment. Such a methodology will be appropriate for the feasibility-level study.

The sedimentation results will be included in the Water Resources Report.


A phased approach for the geohydrological component of the Feasibility Study is

proposed through the tasks indicated below.

2.3.1 Inception report

 Review of information and reports, with special emphasis on the Lusikisiki

Groundwater Feasibility Study that was conducted and reported by SRK in 2006 and
2009, as well as groundwater aspects of the Eastern Pondoland Basin Study, which
was reported on in 2001 by UWP Engineers.;
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-7

 Review of information that is readily available from other regional groundwater

studies, including the recent and partially completed Groundwater Resource
Information Project (GRIP), which is being managed by AGES under the instruction
and guidance of the Department of Water Affairs (DWA);
 Meetings and workshops with appropriate people on the project team to quantify
the domestic water demands and existing infrastructure in relation to the
groundwater potential as well as to define the institutional and social development
(ISD) structure for the study;
 Development of the hydrogeological Scope of Work and identification of additional
tasks for execution under the study; and
 Interaction with the DWA for clarification of the total hydrogeological scope of work
for proper definition thereof in the inception report.

2.3.2 Hydrogeological desktop study

After agreement on the scope of work included in this Inception Report, the
hydrogeological team will be able to proceed with the desktop phase of the feasibility-
level study. The desktop study will be carried out in the following phases:

 The continued review of existing information and reports as identified in the

inception stage and the incorporation of the Eastern Cape GRIP project data for the
compilation of borehole and groundwater use statistics.
 The known groundwater resources (aquifers), as defined in the SRK studies, will then
be indicated on a GIS system with the updated borehole distribution data . The
aquifers will be ranked based on potential to supply domestic water.
 The availability of groundwater and surface water will be combined to determine
areas where water is in short supply and where conjunctive use would be possible
with special reference to the Zalu Dam. This will require a collaborative and
integrated approach in which the Task Leaders will be responsible for the water
demand determination, the water resource assessment and the bulk distribution
 The GIS system will be used to rank areas in terms of shortage of do mestic water
supply and to focus the further development work required. An initial indication has
already been given in the previous studies where potential is low and high; this will
be critically reviewed to provide an improved assessment.
 Evaluation of groundwater quality and mapping of low quality groundwater areas will
be provided for and interpretation thereof will be included in the assessment of
groundwater available for domestic water supply.
 Where possible, proposals for groundwater quality improvement will be developed
and will include a definition of groundwater treatment solutions and blending
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-8

 Preliminary analytical groundwater flow balances will be executed on the quaternary

and local catchments to determine the first order of groundwater availability as an
assurance check for the initial feasibility-level recommendations.
 Cost curves for groundwater augmentation to surface water supply will be compiled
and will include capital and operational cost modelling within the amended budge t
framework’s time-cost allocation

This first-level estimation of groundwater available (quantity, quality and locality) will
serve as input to the tasks attending to the demands for water from the proposed dam
and the bulk distribution infrastructure.

2.3.3 Detailed groundwater flow balances and numerical modelling

During this task a more detailed assessment will be done on the availability of
groundwater to determine the sustainability of supply for a higher level of confidence
appropriate with a feasibility-level study. The groundwater flow balances and numerical
modelling in selected areas will be assessed to determine the sustainable yield of the
resource for groundwater reserve definition purposes. DWA has agreed that data gaps
will be addressed through focussed hydrocensus work in parts of the project area where
limited or no information is available regarding existing groundwater use, through the
Term Tender appointment that DWA has with the groundwater specialist PSP (AGES) ,
therefore no additional funding will be required from this contract.

This improved information will be provided to the other task leaders for the continued
improved assessment of water source development, distribution and augmentation. A
working group will be formed between the groundwater, hydrology, Reserve and
irrigation modules to define scenarios and overlaps / interactions with other modules.
The following actions will be undertaken to achieve the stated objectives:

 Obtain and evaluate existing groundwater data. This includes an evaluation of

borehole locations, borehole depth, water levels, hydrogeological units and water
 Evaluate rainfall and groundwater recharge with spatial and temporal variations . The
rainfall will be analysed in terms of statistical significance of droughts and the
potential effects they can have on the sustainability of the groundwater resource.
 Collate and evaluate spatial land-use data, geology, surface water features and
environmental components. The integration of surface water features such as dams,
rivers and wetlands will be done.
 Develop a regional conceptual groundwater flow model to determine interactions
between surface water and groundwater with other environmental components .
Detailed conceptual models will be developed for selected local aquifers of interest.
 Develop a Groundwater Yield Model for the Reserve (GYMR on quaternary
catchment scale for all the quaternary catchments.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-9

 The analytical models will yield flow volumes that are in line with the groundwater
component of the reserve.
 Numerical models will be developed for selected aquifers of interest.
 Comparison of groundwater results of the GYMR approach with the numerical model
and other methods such as the Groundwater Resources Assessment Phase 2 (GRAII)
 Compilation of the groundwater modelling component of the final technical
Groundwater Report.

2.3.4 Groundwater – community interdependency survey

An assessment of community dependencies and attitudes towards groundwater as a

domestic water source, considering the development of the Zalu Dam and possible
groundwater augmentation, will be essential. It is thus proposed that this component of
the study will include:

 An assessment of community dependencies and attitudes towards groundwater

 An assessment of regional groundwater use and infrastructure statistics;
 Attitude analyses – groundwater versus surface water;
 Groundwater awareness creation workshops in target areas to cultivate community
understanding and acceptance concerning issues related to groundwater; and
 Survey inputs will be given for the final Groundwater Report.

2.3.5 Optimisation of groundwater abstraction network

Based on discussions during the Inception Phase and project launch meeting, as well as
taking note of the inputs defined as part of the desktop study phase of the
hydrogeological study, a limited time input is defined for the optimisation of the
groundwater abstraction network, based on the outcomes of the desktop, groundwater
modelling and community study phases.

Inputs for the final Groundwater Report will be given with updated information within
the framework as defined for the desktop phase:

 The availability of groundwater and surface water will be combined to determine

areas where water is in short supply and where conjunctive use would be possible
with special reference to the Zalu Dam. This will require a collaborative and
integrated approach with the Task Leaders responsible for the water demand
determination, the water resource assessment and the bulk distribution
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-10


Module 4 encompasses a task on the determination of Ecological Water Requirements

(EWR, or the Ecological Reserve) for the system under investigation. Although the Water
Resources Classification System (WRCS) has recently been gazetted, the proposal
assumed that the Reserve will not be determined following the WRCS approach for the
Lusikisiki RWSS as this is currently in a testing phase on the Olifants and Vaal rivers, but
will follow the 8-step methodology currently in place for Reserve determination shown
below. The approach and sub-tasks of the module have been discussed and verified with
the Chief Directorate: Resource Directed Measures (CD: RDM), i.e. the DWA directorate
responsible for undertaking or supervising Reserve determinations. Meetings were held
with CD: RDM during November 2010, and a letter outlining the approach and registering
the project was submitted to Mr Atwaru and Ms Weston of CD: RDM by the task leader.
This Scope of Work does not include the Msikaba Estuary. However, the scoping level
assessment of the Msikaba Estuary will be included in the separate, but related, EIA

The Terms of Reference (ToR) called for a Comprehensive Reserve assessment. Note that
the level of determination at which the study should be conducted is normally dependent
on a number of factors (e.g. water constraints in the catchment and the necessity for
compulsory licensing), and when assigned, determines the way forward for the task.

The proposed approach has been determined in consultation with the DWA and is
outlined in this report. Due to the constraints of the ToR, the study will focus on the river
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-11

component at a detailed level of assessment. The study is therefore classified as an

Intermediate → Comprehensive Reserve Determination for the river, based on the
Reserve methodology to be used for the study. Note that a desktop assessment was done
using Google Earth to see whether river-associated wetlands are found in the study area,
but no apparent linkages between rivers and wetlands were seen.

The implication of meeting various Ecological Reserve Categories on the yield of the
system will be assessed as part of the EWR task, with the modelling undertaken through
the yield analysis task. Modelling will include a number of estuary-specific operational
scenarios. The socio-economic implications of selected Reserve categories and river
scenarios will be handled by Urban-Econ, following the requirements of the Reserve
team. The Basic Human Needs Reserve (BHNR) will be calculated according to the
methodology of Huggins (2008), which focuses on identifying run-of-river requirements
for domestic water supply within a selected buffer zone of the river. Urban -Econ will be
collecting latest population data, which will be provided to the Reserve team. BHNR
calculations will be included in the Reserve template by the team leader. Tasks to be
conducted by Urban-Econ are shown in Task 6.

The summarized aims, objectives and proposed outcomes of the study are l isted below.

 Delineate the study area and select the EWR sites for detailed assessment.
 Determine the Reference Condition (RC) and Present Ecological State (PES) for the
EWR sites of the river system. A desktop assessment will also be undertaken for the
Msikaba Estuary.
 Recommend the Ecological Category (EC) for each relevant EWR site.
 Identify other ECs and provide implications / consequences of meeting these
 Determine Ecological Water Requirement Scenarios (EWRS) for each of these ECs
using the Flow-Stressor Response (FSR) approach.
 Determine the impact of EWRs on the allocatable yield.
 Determine the ecological consequences of each of these additional scenarios to be
determined during the study.
 Liaison with the Urban-Econ team so that the socio-economic consequences of these
scenarios can be assessed at a scoping level.
 Present the results of the study to DWA including recommendations for the
management of the Msikaba Estuary at a desktop level.
 Provide the ecological specifications associated with the river EC, once DWA has
reached a decision on the management objectives and future Ecological Category for
the river sites. This information can be used to develop a river monitoring
programme. Note that this step can only be conducted once DWA’s decision-making
process has been completed.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-12

 Prepare the Reserve template (river only) for CD: RDM for authorization by the
Director-General of the DWA. The letter to the region will also be drafted by the
team leader.

2.4.1 Study Area and EWR Site Selection

a) Background

The previous Reserve study for this area was done for the Xura (a tributary of the
Msikaba River) and Mzintlava rivers as part of UWP’s Eastern Pondoland Basin Study,
and was done at a Rapid II level for quantity only. Both the upper and gorge sections
of the rivers were assessed during the low confidence study. Note that a low
confidence Planning Estimate was conducted for the Msikaba Estuary in 1999.

b) Scope of work

As the focus of this study is on water supply from Zalu Dam, the focus of the Reserv e
study will also be on the section of the Xura River below Zalu Dam. The Reserve
template signed off for this catchment (June 2007) is cumulative at the outlet of
quaternary catchment T60F (Msikaba River), so it is recommended that a site also be
placed in the Msikaba River below the confluence with the Xura River. Final site
selection can only be determined once the study area has been delineated and sites
have been ground-truthed for the availability of suitable instream habitat. Other
parameters influencing site selection are the availability of hydrological information,
access, proximity to the estuary and license applications in the area. In this way, the
specialist information gathered during the Lusikisiki study is maximised for DWA’s
purposes. Two sites will be selected and surveyed. Note that hydraulic surveys will be
conducted during the dry and wet seasons, with two rounds of biological data

The delineation of the study area into Management Resource Units will be required
before sites can be selected. Delineation and site selection will be undertaken as the
first steps of the Reserve process.

2.4.2 Activities and Tasks

The activities to be undertaken as part of the Reserve study are listed below as specific

a) Task 1: Technical and Financial Management

 Management of the technical team, including project initiation and
 Preparation of the Inception Report;
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-13

 The attendance of management team meetings. Two meetings have already

been held with CD: RDM, Urban-Econ and AECOM regarding the inclusion of the
Msikaba Estuary and socio-economic Scope of Work, the total amount of
meetings to be attended has been escalated to six, with the disbursement
budget expanded accordingly.
 Input to a Background Information Document for public awareness purposes, if
required. As the groundwater and socio-economic teams will also be collecting
data in the catchment, liaison with Jan Myburgh (Groundwater task leader),
Hermien Pieterse (Stakeholder involvement team leader) and Ben van der
Merwe (Economics team leader) has already been initiated.

b) Task 2: Delineation of the study area into Management Resource Units

 Geomorphological zoning;
 Eco-Regions;
 Water quality sub-units;
 Land-use;
 EWR site selection, including site visit and first data collection survey; and
 Production of a Delineation Report.

c) Task 3: River Eco-Classification

 Management of river tasks;
 Site visit (data collection, including wet and dry season hydraulic surveys and
photo-point monitoring);
 An assessment of socio-cultural importance;
 Analysis of data; and
 Eco-Status workshop (results will be detailed in the Intermediate Reserve
Determination Report (see Task 5).

d) Task 4: Determining river scenarios - EWR scenarios

 Preparation of EWR hydrology;
 Preparation of SPATSIM model to use FSR method at the selected sites;
 Hydraulic calculations; and
 Preparation of stress indices (with SPATSIM) and EWR scenario determination:
EWR workshop to provide the flows as demands for the range of Ecological
Categories to be modelled using the yield model. All hydrological and yield
modelling tasks to be undertaken by AECOM specialists.

e) Task 5: Determining river ecological consequences

 Yield modelling and running operational scenarios through the yield model,
including a number of estuary-specific scenarios (provisionally three);
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-14

 Operational scenario workshop: workshop to determine the ecological

consequences of selected scenarios (note that three riverine scenarios will be
assessed i.e. in addition to present day and natural); and
 Preparation of an Intermediate Reserve Determination (IRDM) report detailing
all riverine scenario results (including socio-economic consequences when

f) Task 6: Determining consequences of riverine flow scenarios on socio -

economic status of the study area
 This task will include the provision of EWR results to Urban-Econ, who will run a
scoping level socio-economic assessment, which will include changes in Goods
and Services based on the three selected scenarios.
 Due to the rural economics base of the area, it was decided in collaboration with
AECOM, DWA and Urban-Econ that the economics study be conducted at a
scoping level only, with the Goods + Services component focussing on a buffer
zone on each side of the river. Persons living within 200-400m on either side of
the river will be interviewed as a representative sample of persons using the
river (van der Merwe, Urban-Econ, personal communication, February 2011).
DWA’s Water Impact Model (WIM) developed during an Inkomati study 1, or
similar alternative model in use by Urban-Econ, will be used to evaluate changes
in yield under various scenarios, including EWRs.
 This task will be conducted by Urban-Econ, the PSP undertaking the economic
module for the larger study.
 Summarized information needed from Urban-Econ for the Reserve study is
therefore as follows:
 Baseline profile: A social and economic profile of the affected communities in
the area, drawn from existing data sources and groundtruthing surveys
 Valuation - instream water: The ecological goods, services and attributes that
are influenced by instream flow will be identified, i.e. a profile of the Goods +
Services that the river provides to communities living alongside the river.
 Valuation – out of stream water use: The current uses of water will be valued
in terms of their contribution to national income (GDP, Value Added), and
their contribution to local livelihoods and poverty reduction. A baseline
condition of each sector in the catchment’s dependence on out of stream
water use will be produced.
 Estimate economic impacts of flow scenarios, including and excluding EWRs:
Conduct an economic value of water between competing water uses at a
reconnaissance level of assessment for three scenarios.

Reference: Conningarth Economists (2009), Report prepared for the Komati / Ngwenya Private Sector Forum,
Mpumalanga. The macro-economic impacts of the Water Allocation Reform process in the Nkomazi region and
Middle Crocodile and the cost benefit analysis of the water augmentation option.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-15

 Estimate social impacts of flow scenarios, including and excluding EWRs: The
social implications of the different EWR scenarios can only be assessed once
the scenarios have been developed. Each scenario will have a set of
accompanying social implications.
 BHNR information: The number of people utilizing run-of-river for water
supply within the buffer zone of the river on a quaternary catchment level
(for the BHNR calculations), following the Huggins (2008) method.
 Summarized information: Provide the above information to the Reserve team
according to the required deadlines in a summarized form. More detailed
information required by the Reserve team, e.g. the baseline socio-economic
profile, will be sourced from the Economics Report for the study. Information
regarding scenarios and ecological consequences will be given to the
economics team according to the programme.


DWA to sign-off Reserve Template

g) Task 8: Monitoring and Eco-Specs: River

 Preparation of data: Development of river EcoSpecs per component and design
of a monitoring programme to assess compliance with EWRs and the selected
Ecological Category (as decided by DWA during the DWA Management Meeting);
 Compilation of the monitoring programme, which will be appended to the
Intermediate Reserve Determination Report.

h) Task 9: Project termination

 Preparation of the Reserve Report and presentation of results to the DWA;
 Preparation of riverine Reserve templates for signing by the Director-General of
DWA, and letter to the region; and
 Presentation of final results at two stakeholder workshops, and provide input to
a newsletter for public awareness purposes, as required. Budget provides for the
attendance of two stakeholder workshops in the Lusikisiki area.


2.5.1 Domestic water requirements (Leader: Ben van der Merwe)

The objective of this task is to review results of previous studies of the population living
in the study area and, together with a local investigation, provide reliable and up to date
estimates of the current and future population. This information is necessary to finally
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-16

determine the water requirements and therefore, a thorough review of data sources,
field verifications and final assessments are required.

a) Orientation

The first step will be used for orientation purposes and the following aspects will be

 identification, sourcing and reviewing of all background information;

 delineation of study area(s);
 identification of important linkages with other team members, relevant outputs
required and the establishment of methods to meet the requirements; and
 formulation of a programme and action plan.

This phase will include a short site visit to familiarise the task team with the area .

b) Demographic review

The purpose of this task is to review and analyse all the existing studies and the base
data utilised, and to compare it with the latest available data. This data will include
the Stats SA Community Survey 2007, DWA settlement data (Steven Marais, DWA)
and future population estimates and distribution (Directorate: Water Resource
Planning Systems) as well as in-house population data. The review and analysis will
mainly relate to:

 Comparative study areas;

 Smallest geographic level of population figures (villages, sub-places, etc);
 Size of existing population (2009);
 Historic growth rates;
 Expected future growth rates;
 Future population estimates; and
 Anticipated changes in the socio-economic structure and circumstances.

An initial review of the existing studies showed that the Eastern Pondoland Basin
Study (2001) was based on 1996 population figures, which have since been shown to
be relatively inaccurate. The growth rates were also based on historical trends and
future estimates, which have changed considerably due to HIV and AIDS and
outmigration from the rural Eastern Cape. The later study by SRK used the 2001
Census as a base, but was not reviewed for this specific area in light of the latest
available data. The growth rate of 2.65% used by the later study for this area, and
stated as a conservative growth rate, was regarded as highly exaggerated in light of
the latest figures released by StatsSA. Based on StatsSA’s mid-year estimates, the
national population growth has declined from 1,45% in 2001/02 to 0,82 in 2007/08,
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-17

and the Eastern Cape’s contribution to the national total has declined from 14,4% in
2001 to 13,5% in 2008, which indicates less growth than the national figure.

c) Primary data collection

In light of the above-mentioned population discrepancies and previous experience

with similar studies, it is vital that site visits are undertaken to a selection of villages
to help verify population figures, growth rates and changing socio -economic
circumstances. The visits will also include selected sample household verification
surveys and interviews with knowledgeable people in the area, including tribal
authorities and interviews with the municipalities and relevant Provincial
Departments, such as Housing.

During the above primary data collection phase, data will also be obtained by the
fieldwork team to feed into, amongst others, the following modules:

 Regional Economics
 Reserve: Ecological Water Requirements

This phase may also join resources with other Module Leaders to improve the
efficiency of the primary data gathering process, i.e. the Groundwater Augmentation
and Agriculture/Irrigation potential Modules.

d) Base demographic profile

Based on all the above information above, a baseline demographic profile will be
compiled. Information will be provided on, among other things:

 population size and age;

 household size and composition;
 income and expenditure;
 education;
 employment; and
 urbanisation trends.

e) Demographic projections

Population projections will be made based on the latest demographic knowledge and
information obtained from the interviews. This will be augmented with the latest
research and data available on future growth expectations, including the impact of
HIV and AIDS, fertility rates, mortality rates and migration and urbani sation. Urban-
Econ has an in-house population model that can be used to project the population;
professional fees have thus not been allocated to developing a model.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-18

f) Domestic water demands

Water demand scenarios applicable to the rural area of Lusikisiki and surrounds will
be adopted after the DWA’s approval is obtained and are expected to be based on:

 rural villages – basic level of service: 25 ℓ/c/d

 rural villages – stand connections: 60 ℓ/c/d
 rural villages with provision for schools, clinics and hospitals: 90 ℓ/c/d
 dense rural towns with some economic development and water-borne
sewerage: 150 to 250 ℓ/c/d

The domestic water demands for the present population and for future planning
horizons will be developed and included in the Water Requirements Report.

2.5.2 Agriculture / Irrigation potential (Leader: Geurt Bloem)

a) Project mobilisation

The Agricultural specialist team representative, Mr G Bloem from Kariwa, attended

the project mobilisation meeting at AECOM offices at the end of September 2010,
after which, Kariwa mobilised the soil scientist, Prof Eben Verster and agricultural-
economist, Mr Junior Ferreira for the planned scoping process.

b) Preparation work for scoping process

In preparation for the scoping site visit by the team members, the following actions
were done:

 Setup of a GIS model and development of a set of 1:10 000 ortho-photo maps on
GIS. The agricultural team members were supplied with a PDF copy of each of
these maps.
 Kariwa collated specific climatic data consisting of average monthly rainfall,
mean monthly minimum and maximum temperatures, relative humidity,
radiation and other climatic data sets for the study area. Kariwa then populated
the CROPWAT (software) with the data sets in preparation for use in modelling
crop-water requirements for the identified possible cropping patterns.
 Mr Eddie Mashau (Public Participation Module Leader) from AECOM named
specific officials in Lusikisiki to contact during the scoping site visit . Prof Verster
contacted the district officials based in Lusikisiki and set up an information
exchange meeting to inform the officials of the actions planned during the site
visit on 18 October 2010.
 The agricultural team obtained contact details of officials in the Eastern Cape
Department of Agriculture.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-19

 The agricultural economist developed an agriculture-based questionnaire that

will be distributed to the various stakeholders in the study area in an effort to
obtain more data on agricultural economics presently practiced in the study

c) Scoping soils investigation

As per initial project mobilisation instruction, only the area downstream of the
planned dam wall position was investigated and this area was further limited to a
height of no more than 60 m above normal river bed. Another norm was used in
support of the initial geo-graphical limits and this consisted of limiting soil
investigation to those areas that have slopes not steeper than 8% as suitability for
irrigation is normally limited to slopes not steeper than this. This limit was to be
lifted where lucrative and highly intensive permanent cropping patterns were found
or possibly planned.

The scoping soil site visit was conducted from 17 to 22 October 2010. The collated
soil land-form boundaries were transferred to the printed maps throughout the
process of traversing of the area. Sample hand-auger drill holes were frequently
made and sub-soil conditions were assessed and noted. The collated data was
assessed and a soil-land form table was developed and transferred to GIS data set.

d) Initial soil landform results

An area of approximately 8 500 hectares was traversed and investigated. The

findings were tabulated (the tables are included in Table 2.1). No intensive cropping
practice or lucrative crop production were seen during the soil scoping investigation
or identified to be in a planning process. The slope limit of 8% was thus used
through-out the scoping process to limit the scoping process.

The initial results from the scoping process are provided below and will be enhanced
with a detailed discussion report in a later stage of the project.

Table 2.1: Description of map units and landform found during scoping soil
Map Landform and Dominant Soil and Associated Soil Form
Unit Dominant Slope Class Features Dominant Other
LA1 Level to gently sloping Very shallow to shallow (20-60cm) Cartef 1100 Longlands 1000
crest, mid- and foot somewhat poorly drained, dark Glenrosa Wasbank 1000
slope, foot slope of greyish to greyish, weekly structured, 1121,1221 Klapmuts 1120
limited extent in places, loam to silt loam overlaying hard and
1-5% slope. non-hard weathered shale. Shortlands 1110
Katspruit 1000
LB1 Level to gently sloping Deep to very deep (10-100cm) well Shortlands
crest and mid slope, 1- drained, dark red, fine sub-angular 1110
5% slope blocky structured, clay associated
with dolerite occurrences
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-20

Map Landform and Dominant Soil and Associated Soil Form

Unit Dominant Slope Class Features
LC1 Gently sloping mid Mainly deep (>100cm), moderately Tukulu 1210 Hutton 1100
slope, 2-5% slope well drained, red, weakly structured,
loam to clay loam overlaying
unspecified material with signs of
LD1 Mainly level to gently Mainly deep (>100cm), somewhat Tukulu 1110, Westleigh 1000
sloping river terrace poorly to moderately well drained, 2110 Katspruit 1000
(valley bottom) and dark coloured, weakly to strong fine Bonheim 1110 Dundee 1210
lower foot slope, 0-3% blocky structured, loam to silt clay
slope overlaying unspecified material with
signs of wetness, in places with layers
of rounded stones in profile.
LE1 Level to gently sloping Association of deep, dark grey, weakly Katspruit 1000 Tukulu 1110
river terrace, river structured, clay loam to clay with Dundee 1210
banks with incised subsoil wetness, development from
streambeds, bank and alluvium
gully erosion evident,
<3% slope
LF1 Moderately sloping to Association of very shallow, dark grey, Glenrosa 1121 Shortlands 1110
very steep crest, scarp, loam to silt clay soils, in places with Cartef 1100
mid- and foot slope, >6 rock outcrops
Mispah 1100
– 45% slope

The mapping unit areas are listed in Table 2.2. A preliminary soil map is supplied with
this Inception Report and the map clearly shows the extent for each of the landform s.
Other data sets still need to be manipulated and added, but this will be done during the
detailed report stage.

Table 2.2: Map unit suitability classification and expected area coverage
Generalised physical irrigation
Map unit Dominant limitations Size (ha)
suitability class
Restricted soil depth; temporary soil
LA1 5 (not suitable) 1 692
LB1 1 (highly suitable) Mainly higher laying land 5
LC1 2 (moderately suitable) Temporary soil wetness in deep subsoil 26
LD1 3 (marginally suitable) Temporary soil wetness; flooding 244
Temporary soil wetness; flooding;
LE1 5 (not suitable) ± 532
riparian land
LF1 5 (not suitable) Steepness of land; restricted soil depth > 6 000
Total ± 8 500

e) Discussion of results

The above table shows that there are no large areas of high potential soils found in
the study area directly below the planned dam wall position. A small area of 5.4 ha
that was found, LB1 landform, is in reality placed well above the dam control limit.

Landforms LC1 and LD1 are moderately to marginally suitable for irrigation and cover
a combined area of about 270 ha. The main limitations for these soil areas are sub-
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-21

soil wetness, which indicate possible problems with flooding and possible expensive
sub-soil drainage will be required. Initial discussions with the soil scientist indicated
that, with careful selection, farmers of these soils could select soil areas where
irrigation can be successful. It is the expert team’s opinion that, for planning
purposes, the expected available irrigable areas will be 40 to possibly 50% of the
areas of marginal to moderately suitable soils, which is thus probably only 135 ha.

At an interim discussion with the project leader(s), it was proposed that no further
detailed soils investigation will be required. The agricultural team will base its water -
use requirements on an area equivalent to the 270 ha but this will be further reduced
after a careful study of the soil scientist’s notes of which area of the 270 ha area
could be effectively irrigated without major sub-surface drainage cost implications to
the stakeholder.

f) Other concurrent work

The agriculture economist has started data collection and has contacted the various
officials for further information. The questionnaires he has prepared will be
distributed to individual officials and some of the questions will be taken up in the
questionnaires that the social consultants will prepare and hand out early this year.
The economist conducted his specialist investigation in the study area from
22 November to 2 December 2010.

Kariwa has prepared a typical irrigation scheme cost evaluation in preparation for the
cost-benefit analysis information that the economist will soon require. Kariwa will
start a detailed cropping pattern water use, once the economist has collected and
reviewed the detailed data from the questionnaires and discussions with officials.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-22

Figure 2.1: Detail reconnaissance soil-landform map

Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-23

g) The way forward

AECOM believes that the current budget for the agricultural scoping study and
contribution towards expected water use and cost-benefit analysis should be
adequate for what was initially planned. There is no need for further in-depth soils
investigation as was expected in the Technical Proposal that AECOM submitted and
the DWA accepted.

Further immediate actions as per the original proposal are to:

 Identify crops currently produced within the study area;

 Obtain production figures, which include costs of production and prices obtained
for produce;
 Do gross margin analyses of major crops;
 Determine major constraints regarding crop production and propose realistic
yields, should constraints be removed; and
 Identify markets where farmers sell their produce (size and position of the

This information will help the specialist agricultural professional team assess the
feasibility of irrigation and cost-benefit ratio over and above rain-fed production.

The tasks that will form part of the irrigation feasibility study are:

 Soil report on findings of the scoping exercise, which will include a basic soil
sample assessment to determine soil fertility and estimate water constraints;
 Production of the final soil map that demarcates soil changes and indicates
expected areas per soil type;
 Assess results from water analyses to assess quality influences for irrigation;
 Assess possible cropping patterns based on soils, climate and off-set market
 Calculate crop water requirements and potential water use volumes;
 Assess crop production costs and income potential;
 Assess the cost of irrigation (capital, operating and maintenance costs);
 Assess and advise on the cost of irrigation water;
 Determine detailed gross margins and other costs involved;
 Revise the cropping programme and make suggestions regarding alternative
 Propose sustainable plot sizes by applying the information listed above;
 Determine before- and after-income scenarios for projects;
 Assess regional economics based on current economics and the impact that
viable irrigation could have on GDP and GGP; and
 Assess employment potential for viable irrigation.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-24

The viability of irrigation developments will be assessed on the incremental cost of

constructing a larger Zalu Dam and the provision of conveyance structures to support
such development. A cost-benefit analysis will be undertaken to provide information
regarding viability. Benefits over and above rain-fed development will be used in the


2.6.1 Distribution infrastructure (Leader: Pat van Heerden)

Phase I of the Lusikisiki water supply scheme was commissioned in 1989 and supplies the
town of Lusikisiki (then 11 000 people) and 23 villages (then 41 000 people). The
Investigating the potential to supplement the Lusikisiki Water Supply Scheme: Lusikisiki
Groundwater feasibility Study Phase 2 report (SRK, 2009) states that the existing
distribution infrastructure is in a poor condition and cannot provide adequate water due
to insufficient system capacity. The level of supply is also stated as being below the RDP
standard. No other information is provided on the status of existing infrastructure and
the ToR does not specifically require that the condition of existing infrastructure be
evaluated but the capacity is required.

However, during the Inception Phase it was deduced from the available information that
the existing infrastructure will, be potentially important for the operation of the
augmented scheme. Certain parts and/or portions of the existing infrastructure will
however need to be replaced. Other parts and/or portions will require refurbishment
and duplication for increased capacity of the system. An assessment of the existing
infrastructure is therefore recommended as part of this feasibility study, and is motivated
for the following reasons:

 The option to convey water from the proposed Zalu Dam via the existing weir proves
to be the most economical option, with a URV of R4.14 per m 3, according to the SRK
Report of 2009 (DWA Report Number P WMA 12/000/00/1507). The existing weir
will therefore probably be an important component in the operation of the
augmented scheme.
 The capacity of the existing scheme, which was completed in 1989, is just over
1 million m 3/a (2 760 m3/d), and the existing pump station was also designed for this
capacity. According to the afore-mentioned SRK Report of 2009 the 2030
requirements are 17 452 m3/d, 9 644 m3/d and 7 890 m3/d for the high, low and
constant water demands respectively. These figures translate into 6.32, 3.49 and
2.85 times the capacity of the current scheme. The super-structures of pump
stations are designed for a lifespan of 40 to 50 years, and the existing pumping
station is about 22 years old. The existing structure could therefore be modified and
be used for the operation of the augmented scheme. The positioning of new pumps,
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-25

with the required larger capacities, could also be assessed in order to utilise the
existing structure optimally.
 It is accepted that the existing pumps served their purpose over the past 22 years,
but it is recommended that their refurbishment and subsequent uses as standby
pumps in future also be assessed.
 The existing water treatment works was also designed for 2 760 m3/d and it could
probably serve as one “train” of the upgraded water treatment works. The lifespan
of the civil engineering structures at the works are 40 to 50 years, and it is only 22
years old to date.
 Potable water is conveyed from the water treatment works to the distribution
reservoirs via a 300mm diameter pipeline. The original design capacity of 2 760 m3/d
translates into a flow rate of 32 ℓ/s, which yields a flow velocity of 0.45 m/s in the
pipe. Higher flow velocities are however acceptable in the pipeline and therefore the
existing 300 mm pipe could convey more than 32 ℓ/s. The existing pipeline is,
however, 22 years old and therefore many portions of the pipe are probably beyond
repair. The increase in the pipe’s roughness over the years will also have a
significant impact on its capacity.
 The capacity of the existing distribution reservoirs will most probably be insufficient
for the augmented scheme, and additional reservoirs will be required. The existing
reservoirs are however only 22 years old, and have therefore not yet reached their
design life of 40 to 50 years, for this reason the existing reservoirs can still be used
in the operation of the augmented scheme.

After the recommended assessment of the existing supply infrastructure, especially the
pipes, it is also recommended that the existing system be modelled with EPANET, or with
a similar model, from the water treatment works up to the distribution reservoirs . This
modelling is required to assess the capacity of the existing system, also taking its age into
account. This will inform the design of the additional required bulk wate r supply
infrastructure. The assessment and modelling of existing infrastructure will only be done
if approved by the Client.

As a separate task under Module 5, the water requirements will be evaluated and
confirmed. The confirmed water requirements will be used to size the planned water
distribution infrastructure. Multiple scenarios will be reviewed to accommodate inputs
from other study modules; for example, water supply from a large Zalu Dam versus water
supply from a reduced-yield Zalu Dam combined with borehole supply. Other
combinations, including utilisation from the existing weir abstraction system, will also be

Previous studies have made recommendations regarding bulk infrastructure

requirements. These will be evaluated in terms of the following criteria:

 Full coverage of the supply scheme area;

Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-26

 Practicality of routes and supply zones;

 Positioning of reservoirs; and
 Supply sources.

A cost estimate will be done to cover all aspects of the bulk distribution system for the
different scenarios identified (practical solutions). The design of the bulk distribution
infrastructure up to the service reservoirs and field edge will be done to detailed
feasibility level (preliminary design), from where it can be taken forward to the detailed
design phase without the need for further investigations. The feasibility-level design of
the bulk distribution infrastructure will cover the following for a 30-year design horizon:

 Additional pumping requirements at the existing weir;

 Rising main capacities and pipe sizes;
 Additional water treatment works (WTW) capacities;
 Appropriate water treatment technologies;
 Bulk supply reservoirs;
 Sizes and lengths of distribution mains from the bulk supply reservoirs to the
terminal reservoirs (field edge); and
 Linkages to the bulk supply system from potential groundwater schemes.

The reticulation will be priced based on the area of the supply zone and the
housing/population density of the area. No modelling of reticulation systems will be
done at this feasibility study level. The results will be presented in the Water
Distribution Infrastructure Report.

2.6.2 Water quality (Leader: Dr Gideon de Villiers)

Surface water quality tests for the proposed Zalu Dam were performed on six grab
samples that were taken from the Xura River upstream of the proposed dam wall. These
tests were performed as part of the 2009 study by SRK. The afore-mentioned samples
were taken on one particular date (13 October 2006) during a period when significant
rainfall occurred in the river’s catchment, and therefore these test results may not be
representative of the long-term water quality situation. The results from these tests
however indicate that the quality of intake water from the proposed Zalu Dam is
generally good, with the exception of Total Iron and Total Coliform.

The Department of Water Affairs also takes surface water samples at gauging weir
T6H004, on the Xura River, for regular testing. This weir is located down-stream of the
proposed Zalu Dam, and raw water is abstracted at the weir for the existing water
treatment works (WTW). The Department of Water Affairs took the first samples for
testing during August 1995.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-27

Twelve boreholes, to be used as production boreholes, were previously recommended for

conjunctive use with surface water. The water in two of these boreholes has
unacceptably high Iron concentrations, and the water in four of these boreholes was
found to have marginal Iron concentrations. Both the surface water, upstream of the
proposed Zalu dam, and water in three of the recommended production boreholes have
unacceptably high bacterial content.

All the available water quality data will be reviewed, including the data from the
Department of Water Affairs, to recommend:

 Whether any additional constituents should be tested;

 The frequency of testing, especially to address seasonal variations, and
 The duration of water quality testing and monitoring.

Surface and ground water sampling as well as testing will probably need to be undertaken
over the entire study period and, if possible, be extended into the detailed design phase.
This will however only be confirmed after the available water quality data has been
reviewed. Water quality constituents that do not vary significantly during sampling can
be tested less frequently, thus allowing the sampling and testing to focus on the problem

If the review of the available water quality data concludes that additional sampling and
testing are required then additional surface water grab samples will be taken at identified
points, upstream of the proposed Zalu Dam. Additional samples will also be taken from
the twelve recommended production boreholes. The sampling and testing will be done
over a period of time to:

 Assess the intake water quality from the proposed dam;

 Assess the water from the recommended production boreholes, and
 Increase the amount of data available and to identify any seasonal fluctuations and
trends during seasonal variations in flow.

Although the surface water samples will be taken of the river water, the surface water
quality will change when this water is impounded in the proposed Zalu Dam, especially
after the first filling when significant amounts of vegetation will still be present in the
dam basin. The low flow velocities through the dam will also promote conditions for
algae growth and the deposition of sediment, which will also contribute towards the
already high Iron content in the water.

For the purposes of this feasibility study only conceptual water quality changes in the
proposed Zalu Dam will be considered. Surface water data from the river will therefore
be reviewed to estimate the expected water quality in the proposed Zalu Dam. Detailed
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-28

Water Quality Modelling for the Proposed Zalu dam could also be undertaken by AECOM,
but this is, however, beyond the scope of this feasibility study.

Unless strict catchment management plans are adhered to, the quality of water in the
catchment will deteriorate over time, and therefore trend analysis will also be performed
to determine the expected water quality at the end of the 30-year design horison.

The two main water quality parameters of concern are the iron and bacterial
concentrations in both the surface and ground water sources. The bacterial
contamination will be reduced through treatment (clarification and filtration) and
disinfection. At iron concentrations over 1 mg/ℓ, sensitive population groups may start
to experience certain health complications related to iron in the water; and most groups
will experience chronic health effects at iron concentrations exceeding 5 mg/ℓ. Iron can
however be removed from water through oxidation, coagulation and settling in the
treatment process. Increased available water quality data will however confirm the Iron
concentrations in the surface and ground water, which will also inform and refine the
treatment process design.

Treatment of both the surface and ground water can best be achieved at a central water
treatment works (WTW). Treatment systems for borehole supplies are however also
available, but these systems require technical operation and maintenance, which may not
be present at a decentralised point.

From previous reports (SRK, 2009) the treatment capacity at the existing WTW is stated
to be in the order of 32 ℓ/s (2.76 Mℓ/d), to be confirmed during the study. The water
treatment capacity of the scheme must be increased from 2.76 Mℓ/d to 4.32 Mℓ/d, and
therefore the following aspects will also be taken into account:

 The existing WTW’s processes and plant layout;

 Optimal abstraction positions for surface and ground water relative to the WTW an d
the supply point/s (command reservoir/s);
 Available land for the extension and/or upgrading of the existing WTW;
 Available land for a new WTW, if required;
 Modular future expansion of the extended/upgraded/new WTW in terms of
increased demand and deteriorating water quality over the 30-year design horison;
 Appropriate water treatment technologies for this rural town and villages; and
 Operational and maintenance aspects of the WTW.

The upgrading of the scheme will involve the selection of water treatment processes that
must take the expected future trends and the resulting deteriorating water quality into
account, over the 30-year design horison. A phased approach will therefore be
investigated in terms of future treatment requirements that will not be required during
the initial phases, but considered for a future upgrade, or retrofit, of the WTW in future.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-29

The existing 2.76 Mℓ/d WTW (SRK, 2009) comprises the following treatment processes:

 Chemical dosing;
 Flocculation;
 Sedimentation;
 Slow sand filtration;
 Rapid sand filtration, and
 Chlorination.

A Status Quo Investigation will also be conducted for the existing WTW in ord er to:

 Assess and evaluate the existing WTW’s capacity in terms of its processes and
 Assess the condition of the existing WTW’s concrete structures;
 Assess the condition of the existing WTW’s mechanical and electrical equipment;
 Make recommendations on whether the existing WTW should be upgraded and/or
extended in order for it to be integrated into the upgraded scheme, and
 Make recommendations whether the existing WTW should rather be de-
commissioned altogether and replaced by a new WTW.

The position of the intake works, for optimum quality of raw water and reduced
suspended solids, as well as allowance for off-takes at various water levels in the dam,
will be reviewed in the dam site selection and design modules.

The following activities will be performed during the Status Quo investigation:

 Site visit: Assess the condition of the existing WTW’s concrete structures and the
mechanical/electrical equipment.
 Data collection: Collection of as-built data of the existing WTW from the Lusikisiki
Local Municipality, if available.
 WTW Capacity establishment: A preliminary process design will be conducted in
order to establish the required capacity of the required WTW for the upgraded
scheme, taking the intake water quality and potable water requirements into

The results and findings of the water quality assessment, as well as the preliminary
process design for the upgraded/extended/new WTW, will be included in the Water
Distribution Infrastructure Report.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-30


2.7.1 Site investigations (Leader: Prof Monte van Schalkwyk)

a) General

Geotechnical investigations were conducted by Hill Kaplan Scott (1979), but the full
report on these investigations could unfortunately not be located. Geotechnical
information currently available includes:

 Hill Kaplan Scott (1979): Preliminary geological and soils investigation. This
preliminary investigation did not include core drilling or detailed materials
 Council for Geoscience (1999): First engineering geological reconnaissance
report, which covers five alternative dam sites and contains a summary of the
information in the Hill Kaplan Scott (1979) Design Report.
 SRK Consulting (2009): Lusikisiki Groundwater Feasibility Study Phase II.
 Hill Kaplan Scott (1979): Design Report Volume II: Accompanying Drawings. This
document includes:
 a geological map showing borehole positions on a scale of 1:1 000;
 borehole and geological long sections; and
 a map showing borrow areas, trial hole positions and geology at a scale of

The borehole and trial pit logs and laboratory test results are presumably contained
in the Hill Kaplan Scott document that could not be found, and this seriously hampers
the verification of (i) the proposed excavation depths for different t ypes of dams,
particularly on the right flank, and (ii) the suitability and quantities of construction

Except for noting an existing quarry roughly 12 km from Lusikisiki, and a potential
quarry site on a dolerite sill about 3,5 km north of the dam site, previous
investigations did not cater for concrete aggregates, rockfill, rip-rap or filter sands.

As part of this Inception phase, AECOM visited the site on 27 October 2010 to verify
topographical and geological conditions at the dam site and to identify potential
areas for borrow pits and quarries in the dam basin or close to the dam site . On
3 November 2010, AECOM also visited the DWA offices at the Mthatha Dam, where a
copy of the Design Report Volume II by Hill Kaplan Scott was found.

b) Dam site

The previously investigated dam site has a gently sloping (1:7) left flank and a steep
(1:2.5) right flank (see Plates 1 – 3). The river bed level is at 585 masl and both
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-31

flanks flatten markedly above 630 masl. At the proposed crest level of 620 masl, the
crest length is about 300 m.

The following description of geological conditions is based on the summary report by

the Council for Geoscience (2001) and on the boreholes and geological long sections
on Drawing 6671/G/2 of the Hill Kaplan Scott Design Report Volume II. This
information needs to be confirmed and amplified by the records (logs or cores) of
previous core drilling and also by seismic surveys to provide information between
boreholes. The main limitations of the Hill Kaplan Scott report are the vague
descriptions of the degree of weathering of the rocks, the lack of data on core
recovery and Rock Quality Designation (RQD and insufficient water test results.

The river section is about 80 m wide and is covered by up to 5 m of alluvium

comprising clayey silt at the top and pebbles or boulders at the bottom. These
deposits are underlain by “generally unweathered” dolerite that extends for at least
35 m in depth. The previous boreholes were spaced between 10 m and 20 m apart
on the left side of the river channel, but since three of the five holes were drilled at
very small angles from the horizontal (reportedly at 30 o, but the protruding casings
appear to be much flatter), their effective spacing at bedrock level is about 30 m .
Provided that additional seismic refraction surveys are conducted here, the
information from these boreholes is considered sufficient for conceptual design

On the left flank, the dolerite sill that underlies the river section extends to a level of
about 608 masl (23 m above river bed level) and is overlain by sub-horizontally
bedded siltstones. The dolerite is covered by up to 5 m of colluvial soils and is
“essentially unweathered” except for a 2-6 m thick “weathered” zone at the top. The
siltstone on the upper left flank is covered by up to 2 m of colluvial soils, and the rock
is described as soft to medium hard and “weathered” to an unspecified degree to
depths of between 10 m and 14 m. Borehole spacing is, on average, about 50 m.
Provided that additional seismic refraction surveys are conducted, the information
from these boreholes is considered sufficient for conceptual design purposes.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-32

Plate 1. View of right flank. Red line indicates approximate upper dolerite contact. Blue line indicates previously drilled
centre line. Orange rectangle indicates position of possible downstream quarry.

Plate 3. Right flank. Note loose rock blocks on spur along

Plate 2. View from top of right flank. Blue line indicates centre line.
previously drilled centre line.

On the right flank, the dolerite sill that underlies the river section extends to a level
of about 614 masl (29 m above river bed level) and is described as “unweathered”
with a soil cover of between 1 m and 5 m. The centre line is located on a small spur
formed by moderately weathered and closely jointed rock with many loose blocks
occurring on surface (see Plate 3). Only one borehole that was inclined at 30 o had
been drilled within the distance of 70 m between the river channel and the top of the
dolerite sill, and the two boreholes drilled in the siltstone higher up show the depth
of weathering to be 3 m and 14 m, respectively. Therefore, the available geological
information along the right flank is sparse and inconclusive, and even if borehole logs
with specific information on core recovery and degree of weathering are found, it
will be necessary to drill at least four additional boreholes along the centre line. In
order to investigate conditions for the present proposal to obtain rockfill material
and aggregate from an approach channel on the upstream side of the centre line and
from a stilling basin on the downstream side of the centre line, additional boreholes
are required on this flank.

c) Quarries and borrow areas

No previous investigations for sources of concrete aggregate, rip-rap and rockfill

have been conducted, and previous reports mention that the chances of lo cating a
suitable quarry within the confines of the proposed dam basin appear rather remote .
A dolerite outcrop roughly 3,5 km north of the dam was identified as a potential
quarry site.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-33

The quantities of rock required for concrete-faced rockfill (CFR) (410 000 m3),
alternatively earth core rockfill (ECR) (270 000 m3) or concrete aggregate
(150 000 m3) imply that about 600 000 m 3 of rock must be proved.

During the site visit in October 2010, AECOM noted that a quarry had been
developed in the dolerite 3,5 km north of the site, and that considerable reserves
appear to be available (see Plate 4). Although the quarry had been developed in a
way that minimised the environmental impact, there is no certainty that a permit for
further quarrying could be obtained.

Plate 4. View looking upstream from right flank. Possible

dolerite quarry is located between red lines.
Plate 5. Alluvium upstream of centre line. Note sandy
nature and gravel beds.

Solid outcrops of the dolerite sill downstream of the centre line on the right flank
(see Plate 1) indicate the possibility of establishing a quarry for aggregate, rip-rap
and rockfill that might also form the stilling basin for a side channel spillway . The
condition of the rock at depth will have to be investigated by means of core drilling
and, if suitable, a mining permit will have to be obtained.

The steep slope on the left river bank about 200-500 m upstream of the centre line is
underlain by a dolerite sill capped by siltstone (see Plate 5). A quarry in this area
might yield suitable siltstone and dolerite for a rockfill embankment and dolerite for
concrete aggregate. This quarry site can be located below FSL of the dam, but the
condition of the rock and available volume of rock will have to be investigated by
means of seismic surveys and cored boreholes.

No suitable sources of sand for fine aggregate or filters were identified in the vicinity
of the dam site. At this stage, it may be assumed that sand will have to be obtained
by crushing dolerite.

d) Need for seismic surveys, further drilling and test pitting and other
geotechnical investigations

Drawing No 6671/G/3 from the Is ‘near horizontal’ not a better term?report shows
the locations of nine potential borrow areas. A summary of the results is given in
Table 2.3.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-34

The test pit logs and laboratory test results were not available at the time of writing,
and the summary of results presented in Table 2.3 is therefore not conclusive.
According to the report by the Council for Geoscience, the laboratory results indicate
that (i) soils derived from dolerite have poor workability (very high PI), (ii)
information on soils derived from siltstone is inconclusive and (iii) alluvial soils are
possibly suitable as impervious material but are dispersive and the layer thickness is
limited (see Plate 6).

Plate 6 Google image of the abandoned quarry

For an embankment dam, about 180 000 m3 of impervious core material and
800 000 m3 of soil or rockfill material must be proved.

If it is necessary (for environmental reasons) to establish the borrow areas below FSL,
only the alluvium in BA1 and BA2 might be suitable for core material . However, the
alluvium observed during the Study Team’s site visit appears to be very sandy with
substantial gravel layers, and in BA1 only one test pit had been dug. Therefore, even
if the logs and test results of previous investigations are found, it is recommended
that additional investigations for core material be conducted.

Considerable volumes of soil for shoulder material appear to be available in borrow

areas BA9, BA10 and BA11 that are located below FSL on the right side of the river .
This will have to be confirmed and additional quantities must be found to prove the
required quantity of about 800 000 m 3. If a rockfill dam is to be constructed, a rock
quarry must be investigated (refer to paragraph (c) above).
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-35

Table 2.3: Results of borrow pit investigations

Borrow Volume Potential
Location 3 Origin Comment
area no. (m ) use
BA1 0,5 km upstream below FSL 163 200 Shoulder/ alluvium Thin layer,
core dispersive
BA2 1,2 km upstream below FSL 180 000 Shoulder/ alluvium Thin layer,
core dispersive
BA3 0,5 km downstream 283 000 Core dolerite High PI
BA4 1 km downstream 216 000 Core dolerite High PI
BA5 1,7 km downstream 540 000 core dolerite High PI
BA6 0,3 km downstream unknown core dolerite High PI
BA9 0,8 km upstream below FSL 162 000 shoulder Siltstone/ Results
shale inconclusive
BA10 0,7 km upstream below FSL 216 000 shoulder siltstone/ Results
shale inconclusive
BA11 0,7 km upstream below FSL 202 000 shoulder siltstone/ Results
shale inconclusive

i) Seismic refraction surveys

No seismic surveys were conducted during the previous investigations, and the
gaps between boreholes along the dam centre line are too large to enable
reliable interpretation of founding depths. It is recommended that three
parallel seismic lines be done to confirm that the proposed centre line is
geologically the most favourable, and to interpret founding conditions between
previous boreholes. The seismic survey will also ensure that more boreholes are
drilled at the most appropriate locations. The length of seismic traversing
required is about 1 000 m.

Before drilling is undertaken to investigate the proposed quarry site upstream of

the dam on the left side of the river, a number of seismic lines should be
surveyed to establish the feasibility of a quarry (overburden thickness and
siltstone/dolerite contact) and to ensure that boreholes are located at
appropriate locations. The length of seismic traversing required is about 400 m.

ii) Core drilling

The available information from core drilling along the left flank and the river
section is considered sufficient for conceptual design purposes. However, the
drilling of four additional cored holes on the right flank along the centre line is
recommended to investigate foundation conditions. In addition, four holes
along the approach channel and four holes in the stilling basin are required to
investigate the suitability of material for rockfill and concrete aggregate.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-36

Core drilling (eight holes) will also be required to investigate the quantity and
quality of material in the proposed quarry on the left side of the river.

In total, 20 boreholes with a total length of about 500 m are required.

iii) Geotechnical mapping

Adequate geological maps of the dam site and the borrow areas are contained in
the report by Hill Kaplan Scott (1979) and no further mapping is required.

iv) Test pitting, soil sampling and laboratory testing

The previous soil surveys did not provide conclusive information on the
availability of embankment materials, particularly for impervious core material .
It is recommended that a TLB be hired for three days to dig test pits within the
dam basin and if permissible from an environmental point of view, in the flat-
lying areas above FSL. The test pits will be geotechnically logged and
representative samples will be taken for additional laboratory testing.
Laboratory tests will include Grading, Atterberg Limits, Standard Proctor
Compaction, Permeability and Dispersivity testing.

Samples of rock will also be subjected to standard tests for concrete aggregate
and rockfill.

v) Seismic risk analysis

A site-specific probabilistic and deterministic seismic risk analysis will be

undertaken by Dr A Kijko of the Aon Benfield Natural Hazards Centre, Africa at
the University of Pretoria.

2.7.2 Dam technical details (Leader: Willem van Wyk)

a) General

The available information described in the SRK (2009) and UWP Engineers (2001)
reports will be used as a starting point for the feasibility study. The dam site was
visited on 27 October 2010 to ascertain the site conditions, especially with rega rd to
available construction materials, the planning of additional geotechnical
investigations (see Section 2.7.1) and to determine the need for additional
topographical surveys.

A topographical survey with 1 m contours was carried out by the Department of

Water Affairs (date unknown) covering the dam site to approximately 1 km
downstream and the whole dam reservoir. This survey is considered adequate for
the conceptual design of the dam, determination of tailwater levels and f or the
verification of stage-storage volume and surface area relationships. The survey does
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-37

not extend far enough for access route selection, but the required contour
extensions will be generated from the NASA 90m DTM Grids.

The planning and conceptual design of the dam will be carried out in the sequence
described below. The information from the geotechnical investigation
(Section 2.7.1) is a prerequisite for the planning and conceptual design.

b) Dam sizes

The required dam size will be determined in collaboration with the Task Leaders of
the other Modules and guided by the following information:

 Results from the firm yield analysis (Module 2) compared with water
requirements to define the full supply level
 Reservoir sedimentation to assist in defining the lowest draw-down level and
associated dead storage volume (Module 2)

The size of the dam depends on whether water is to be supplied for domestic
purposes only or also for irrigation. The first dam size will be based on water supply
for domestic purposes only and the second dam size will be larger to also cater for
water supply for irrigation purposes. Allowance will be made for the Reserve
requirements and the optimum use of groundwater.

As the yield analyses may not be finalised at the time of the preliminary dam design
task due to the time taken for comprehensive reserve determination, the assessment
of the reserve as per the previous studies will be used, to be refined, subsequently,
with the results from the Reserve Study. A third dam size (between the first and
second dam sizes) will also be designed conceptually for interpolation purposes.

c) Dam types

The following dam types will be evaluated for all three of the dam sizes mentioned

 Concrete (RCC) gravity dam with a spillway across river channel

 Earthfill dam with a spillway on the side
 Rockfill dam with a spillway on the side
 Composite concrete and earthfill dam with a spillway across the river channel.

The different dam types will be designed conceptually for comparison and evaluation
purposes, based on founding conditions, topographical constraints and available
natural and commercial construction materials.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-38

d) Flood hydrology and flood peak attenuation

The safety evaluation flood (SEF) dictates the required non-overspill crest (NOC) level
and a revision of the recommended design flood (RDF) will thus have no beneficial
value for the feasibility study and, specifically, for the cost comparison of different
sizes and types of dams. The different dam sizes will be categorised and the
appropriate SEF will be determined for each size based on the regional maximum
flood (RMF) for the applicable region or region numerically one step higher, as

Flood hydrographs will be derived for the SEF and RDF, and flood peak attenuation
analyses will be carried out for the different dam sizes and spillway types using the
level-pool routing method.

e) Spillway design

The sizing of the different spillways required for the different dam types will be
based on the attenuated SEF peaks. In the case of an RCC dam or composite dam,
energy is partially dissipated along the steps on the downstream face of the RCC and
the stilling basin will be sized and designed to dissipate the residual energy . It is
envisaged that such a spillway will be constructed over the full width of the river

In the case of an earthfill or rockfill dam, the spillway will be designed on the side.
These may be of the bywash type with a plunge pool or conventional type with either
side channel (trough) spillway, a concrete chute and an appropriate energy
dissipating structure at the downstream end.

f) Stability analyses

Stability analyses will be carried out for different loading combinations covering
usual loading (water at FSL), unusual loading (RDF conditions) and extreme loading
(SEF conditions and water at FSL with earthquake loading).

g) River diversion

The damage that can be caused during construction when the river diversion design
flood is exceeded is far higher in the case of an earthfill or rockfill dam than in a
concrete (RCC) dam. It is thus proposed that the 10-year flood be used for sizing the
river diversion in the case of a concrete dam and that the 20-year flood be used for
an earthfill or rockfill dam.

It is expected that the main stage of river diversion will be accomplished by means of
an opening (conduit) through the RCC dam wall and by means of culverts (tunnel) in
the case of earthfill or rockfill dams. Upstream and downstream cofferdams will be
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-39

required. Attention will also be given to the possibility of using the outlet works for
the final river diversion stage.

h) Outlet works

The outlet works will comprise an intake structure or tower upstream, outlet pipes
through the dam wall and a valve house for controlling the releases. In the case of a
Concrete Gravity dam, the intake structure will be positioned against the wall and
connected structurally to the mass RCC. In the case of an earthfill or rockfill dam, the
intake tower will be positioned towards the heel of the embankment . The intake
structure or tower will house trashracks, fine screens, multi-level intakes with
bellmouths and butterfly level selector valves. Twin outlets will be provided with the
multi-level intakes staggered to provide abstraction levels that are spaced at
about 5 m.

Access to the intake structure (RCC dam) will be from the crest and at the bottom
directly from the downstream valve house through the RCC dam wall. Similar access
will be required for an earthfill or rockfill dam, with access from the dam crest along
a bridge and at the bottom through a tunnel from the downstream valve house.

The outlet pipes will be cast in conventional concrete where they pass through the
dam wall in the case of a Concrete Gravity dam. As mentioned above, a tunnel will
be required in the case of an earthfill or rockfill dam. The downstream outlet valve
house will be provided with sleeve valves of different sizes to control small releases.

The sizing of the outlet pipes will be based on the maximum required releases not
exceeding a flow velocity of 7 m/s in the outlet pipes, allowing for maximum
environmental releases (which may be required for short periods) through both
outlet pipes.

i) Infrastructure

The required infrastructure will be similar for all dam types and will comprise acce ss
roads, a downstream river crossing, an office for the chief operator, power supply
(including standby diesel generator), ablution facilities and drinking water supply .
These will be designed conceptually, as required for the cost estimates.

j) Flow gauging station

Control over the releases to meet the reserve requires monitoring of the inflow into
the dam and the releases. A flow gauging station is thus to be provided upstream of
the dam reservoir. The releases or river flow are presently measured at the
downstream abstraction point to the water treatment works. In addition, the
necessity, for example, of ultrasonic flow meters on the outlet pipes will be
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-40

k) Construction programme

A construction programme will be compiled for the preferred size and type of dam
including the distribution infrastructure.

l) Preliminary design report

A Preliminary Design Report will be compiled dealing with all the above-mentioned
aspects, including cost estimates and recommendations with regard to the size and
type of dam (see Module 8).


The project cost for the construction of the Zalu Dam and the supply infrastructure will be
prepared for the different supply alternatives as identified in the precedi ng modules. The
comparison of these costs will be used to determine the optimum use of groundwater in
combination with the Zalu Dam to provide the most cost-effective solution for the
augmentation of the water supply scheme.

Construction cost estimates for the Zalu Dam will be based on an approved level of
accuracy for quantities and recent applicable rates will be determined for :

 Three alternative dam layouts with varying dam types associated with different dam
storages, including all infrastructure associated with the dam indicated in Module 6.
The first layout will be based on water supply for domestic users and the second
layout on providing water for both domestic and irrigation.
 Groundwater augmentation options including water distribution and treatment

Comparison analyses of the three dam layouts with different dam types will be carried
out on a cost and “information received from the geotechnical investigation” basis and
will indicate the most cost effective and preferred dam. It may be proved that a different
layout and dam type is identified for the larger second layout to be evaluated .
Furthermore, sensitivity analyses will also be carried out determining the likely effect on
the best option.

The viability of irrigation developments will be assessed on the incremental cost of

constructing a larger Zalu Dam third layout and the provision of conveyance structures to
support such development. A cost-benefit analysis will be undertaken to provide
information regarding viability. Benefits over and above rain-fed development will be
used in the analysis. During the execution of the above-mentioned analyses affordability
and, therefore, least cost will be the focus.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-41

Cost estimates from Modules 3, 6 and 7 will be used to calculate unit reference values
and to calculate applicable water tariffs for each of the augmentation alternatives based
on the total project cost covering the dam, groundwater augmentation as well as the
distribution infrastructure, including operating and maintenance costs o f these facilities.


The purpose of this Module is to provide a strategic economic assessment of the potential
impacts of the project, including major development initiatives and spinoff development,
on the regional and national economies.

2.9.1 Orientation and delineation of study area

This task will entail consultation with the DWA regarding the particular requirements of
the assignment to ensure all relevant aspects are addressed, collection of background
data and the delineation of the study area for purposes of economic impact analysis.

2.9.2 Baseline economic profile and assessment

To determine the potential economic impact of the proposed dam, a baseline profile
needs to be compiled of the study area by utilising all the relevant information available.
Regional population and sectoral economic growth profiles of each of the affected
municipal areas will be developed. The profiles refer to the nature and extent of
economic activities per economic sector and extent of growth of each of the sectors in
the economy. Economic data obtained by the demographics fieldwork team will be used
for verification purposes.

2.9.3 Development scenarios

In terms of quantifying the potential future economic growth and distribution, the
historical data and trends will be combined with the potential of the area taking new
developments and possible economic and population spinoffs into account. All new
potential developments considered in the water demands will be included.

The spinoffs related to the above developments will also be considered, which will
include population growth with related social and infrastructural services and growth of
industries, businesses and services to serve the major developments. The scenarios will
be developed based on the interpretation of the information and utilised in Step 4 to
model the total impacts on the economy.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-42

2.9.4 Economic modelling

The scenarios developed above will be utilised as the input data for an economic impact
model for the region which will be developed on the basis of the input-output modelling

An input-output modelling technique has various analytical applications that can be used
to determine the direct, indirect and induced impacts of the proposed transformation
process on the total national economy. The approach considers the interdependence of
different sectors in the local economy as well as economic flows of goods and services to
and from the economy.

A computerised model framework based on Urban-Econ’s in-house Input-Output Model

will be set up and calibrated in accordance with the principles underlying the following
user requirements specifications:

 Spatial allocation options;

 Scenario simulation;
 Economic growth and multiplier analysis; and
 Sensitivity analysis.

The above results can now be used as input in the Input-Output Model to assess the
various indirect and induced economic spin-offs that the project will have on the study
area, per specified scenario. The approach provides, inter alia:

 Local multipliers to assess the impact of an exogenous change in the economy on, for
example: employment, gross geographical product (GGP) and household income;
 The extent of sectoral linkages (interdependence) and the local economy’s
dependence on the larger region of which it is part; and
 The effect of development changes.

The impact assessment will be undertaken for the various phases and elements of the
project development, namely:

 construction and development (short term and potentially temporary impacts);

 operational phase (sustainable impacts);
 potential irrigation impacts if viable; and
 impacts of reserve goods and services.

The envisaged outputs will be utilised to determine the potential future impacts of the
dam on different activities.

Distinction will be made between the various components of the project, whether of a
short- or long-term, direct or related nature.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-43

Typically, the effects of the input/output analysis of the project are identified as follows:

 The direct effects: this takes into account direct purchases made within the economy
by the project, the number of people employed;
 The indirect effects (backward linkages): this takes into account the fact that the
supplying industries will also have to purchase more inputs, employ more labour and
pay more wages, and that there will be a chain reaction or multiplier effect; and
 The induced effects (forward linkages): this takes into account the fact that the
increased household income leads to an increase in household expenditure and to
increases in regional production. Furthermore, the project will pay large amounts of
revenue to the different tiers of government, which in turn will increase overall
government expenditure in the economy.

2.9.5 Impact analysis

This step provides a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the perceived positive and
negative economic impacts of the proposed project including the results of the input -
output analysis. The following results are typically provided:

 The impact of the increase expected in terms of GGP;

 The increased tax base;
 The impact of employment on the various sectors in the study area; and
 The new business sales that will result per sector in the economy.

This Task will thus provide objective comparative interpretation of the economic impact
and value of the augmentation option, which can guide the determination of the water
needs and requirements in the region. The results of the analyses will be interpreted and
expressed as an indication of the size of the potential regional economic impacts and
significance of the proposed water augmentation option in the region, in the Regional
Economics Report. Conclusions and recommendations will be formulated relating to the
economic significance of the water augmentation options and solution, taking cognisance
of the expected growth and development of the regional economy.


An environmental scoping has been done in a previous study. A thorough review of

previous work, updating where necessary and assessment of additional factors is
proposed in this assignment.

The proposed location of the Zalu Dam and the area immediately upstream and
downstream of the proposed dam will be screened for the following, inter alia, factors:

 Biophysical
 Terrestrial ecology (including fauna and flora)
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-44

 Riverine ecology
 Water quality
 Hydrology and water availability
 Social
 Population dynamics and expected growth
 Land Use (Agricultural potential)
 Displacement of people
 Heritage and tourism
 Health and safety (including HIV/Aids)
 Access routes (accessibility to site)
 Visual (deterrent on ecological scenic environment)
 Infrastructural development (water, electricity, etc.)
 Economic
 Loss of local income due to project
 Generation of employment by project
 Sustainability analysis (including water supply to agricultural projects in the
 Environmental costs (including green building design)
 Enviro-legal compliance

Readily available information will be used in a desktop review. Once a preliminary

assessment is made, biophysical, social and economic aspects will be verified on site,
where other studies have not already done so. Thereafter, an analysis can be done of the
key environmental factors to inform the Environmental Screening Module of this study
and the EIA study that will be undertaken by an independent environmental assessment

The screening assessment will be undertaken using a rating approach which has been
used successfully by the project team in a number of other previous screening and due
diligence investigations. The rating system to be used will be as follows:

 Positive impact (rated at 5 points) – sufficient information exists to consider a

positive impact;
 Favourable (rated at 4 points) – sufficient information exists to make a considered
rating that the overall environmental impact would not be significant;
 Uncertain (rated at 3 points) – there is uncertainty on the nature and extent of the
impact primarily due to a lack of information on site specific conditions;
 Less Favourable (rated at 2 points) – sufficient information exists to determine that
the site will be negatively impacted; and
 Fatal flaw (rated at 1 point) – where there could be an impact which cannot be
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-45

The rating for each of the aspects considered will then be totalled and the overall impact
described, to be documented in the Environmental Screening Report. An interpretation
will then be made on the significance of the rating and the implications for future
consideration during the independent Scoping and EIA.

Due to the lengthy process required to undertake the Reserve determination, the
Environmental Screening Module will not be able to wait for the results of this study .
However, as information becomes available it will be included in the screening report .
The outstanding information can then be used at the Scoping and EIA phase, which is to
be carried out through a separate appointment by independent environmental impact
assessment practitioners.

A key component will be the effective interchange of information to avoid duplicati on

and therefore the establishment of a coordinating mechanism. This has been addressed
through the placement of the environmental screening midway through the overall study
once most of the baseline information has been collected and analysed . Furthermore,
mechanisms have been arranged through the project manager to filter the necessary
information from the various components through the environmental team for
integration as soon as it is made available.

As part of the Environmental Screening report, a scope of work for the EIA study will be
prepared outlining the key environmental issues that were identified as part of the
assessment, gaps in information that will require further investigation during the scoping
and EIA phase as well as significant impacts requiring mitigation measures.

It is not the responsibility of the Study Team to acquire any licenses or permissions
regarding environmental matters for any stage of the project including feasibility,
construction, and operation.


The ToR called for limited public participation as follows:

 Establishment of a stakeholder committee;

 Two stakeholder meetings per year in support of the Environmental Screening
process and in preparation for the initiation of the independent EIA; and
 Attendance of six (6) EIA meetings by the Study Leader in the study area to provide
technical information in support of the public participation process.

The public participation task allows for adequate consultation with the District and Local
Municipalities during the course of the study. Consultation is crucial for the preparation
of the Municipality and Water Services Authority (WSA) for the possible ownership and
concomitant responsibilities of a regional water supply scheme. It is imperative that the
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-46

Municipality and WSA buy into their commitments including implementation, operation
and maintenance responsibilities. Although, the DWA has requested only two public
participation meetings per year, participation of key stakeholders will be realised with
PMC meetings.

To date contact has been made with the following stakeholders:

 Port St John’s and Ingquza Hill Local Municipalities representatives ( liaising with
them where and when necessary);
 Local ward councillor for Ingquza Hill and Ward Committee members (facilitating the
contact persons representing the tribal authorities);
 Provincial Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (currently
in communication to obtain information about existing rural development
associations); and
 DWA Regional Office (assisted in the confirmation of the existence and locality of
some identified stakeholders).

The following stakeholder entities have been identified for inclusion in the Stakeholder
Committee (SC), to be finalised at the third PMC meeting.

 National Departments:
 Department of Water Affairs;
 Department of Environmental Affairs;
 Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
 Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs;
 Provincial Departments:
 Provincial Government (Premier’s Office );
 Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development;
 Provincial Department of Economic Development and Environmental Affairs;
 Provincial Department of Health; and
 Provincial Department of Social Development;
 OR Tambo District Municipality;
 Local Municipalities:
 Port St Johns; and
 Ingquza Hill;
 Tribal Authorities;
 Business Chamber of Commerce ( Umthatha);
 AsgiSA - Eastern Cape;
 Eastern Cape Development Corporation.
 National African Farmers Union (Eastern Cape Office);
 Agri Eastern Cape;
 Rural Development Association;
 Agricultural Co-operatives;
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-47

 Eskom;
 Silaka Nature Reserve and Mkhabathi Nature Reserve;
 Land Claims Commissioner (Provincial Office);
 Water Boards
 Water User Association (OR Tambo);
 Civic Organizations;
 Magwa Tea Estate;

In view of the intention to proceed with a concurrent assignment leading to

environmental authorization, very careful coordination and planning of activities
requiring stakeholder involvement is imperative. This is necessary to avoid “stakeholder
fatigue” and to ensure clarity of communications with the necessary openness and


2.12.1 Legal aspects

The main legislations relevant to a feasibility study for water resource development
comprise the following statutes and subsidiary regulations:

 National Water Act (NWA), Act 36 of 1998;

 Water Services Act (WSA), Act 108 of 1997;
 National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), Act 107 of 1998, and regulations
published in terms of this Act;
 Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Act 29 of 1999;
 Local Government Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), Act 56 of 2003;
 Local Government Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000; and
 Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, Act 28 of 2002.

Module 4 of this Study is designed to determine the Reserve in the Xura River in
compliance with Section 17 of the NWA. This is a necessary precursor for the DWA to be
able to issue licences for storage and new abstractions and allocations from the river.
Once development proposals are formulated, consideration will be given to the
preparation of Water Use License Applications for construction of a dam and for
associated works that may affect the banks of the river or the flow of the stream. The
recommended institutional arrangements for the implementation phase will inform these

The current understanding of the development possibilities indicates that the envisaged
major storage dam will probably meet the criteria for National Water Resource
Infrastructure as determined by the NWA and this will define the options for funding the
development costs and ownership of the works. The Feasibility Study will lead to
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-48

formulation of a consultation and environmental impact assessment notice to be

published by the Minister in terms of Sec 110 of the Act concerning the intention of the
State to develop the project.

The basic principles underlying the NEMA such as sustainability of development

proposals, consultation with stakeholders, and avoidance, minimization or mitigation of
negative impacts on all aspects of the environment, are applicable to this project. As a
consequence, the work programme includes attention to these matters and liaison with
the professional team that will be appointed to undertake an EIA. Module 11 (Public
Participation) makes provision for consultation with stakeholder entities that have a
direct interest in this project.

The specific tasks to be undertaken by the team are:

 Study the above listed legislation and compile a check-list of legal requirements;
 Schedule the legal requirements between those that need to be initiated during the
feasibility stage and those that will be required thereafter, both before
implementation and after implementation (such as dam safety inspections);
 Make application for the relevant water use licences; and
 Make recommendations on the required contractual relationships and prepare a
framework for such contractual negotiations.

2.12.2 Institutional arrangements

The project is driven by the need to augment water supply for domestic use, with the
opportunity to develop irrigation also being an objective. Water services provision must
comply with the Water Services Act and with municipal legislation. It is understood tha t
there are no proposals for establishing a Catchment Management Agency in the short -
term in the project area. This means that all water management functions will remain the
responsibility of existing relevant entities until such catchment management agen cy has
been created.

The OR Tambo District Municipality is the designated Water Services Authority (WSA) in
the project area. In terms of the Water Services Act, the WSA can fulfil the function of
the Water Services Provider (WSP) in which case it must account separately for the
provider function. Alternatively a Local Municipality, a Water Board or a private sector
entity can contract with the WSA to provide this function. Various forms of this
contractual arrangement will be considered, bearing in mind the benefits and disbenefits
of possible water services provider options, and propose a practical and affordable
contractual arrangement that will ensure the sustainable management of the proposed
infrastructure and water services.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-49

Contractual arrangements will be based on an assessment of the existing institutional

arrangements regarding water services, the financial status of existing entities, and their
resources (manpower, plant, equipment and systems) for fulfilling these functions in
future. Direct liaison with representatives of these entities will be necessary.

The possible use of water for irrigation (being considered in Module 5) will be
complemented by formulation of a suitable institutional arrangement for this component .
Water User Associations (previously known as Irrigation Boards) are usually established to
manage water abstractions by farmers and the collection of payments for this water .
Since the irrigators who may benefit from an allocation of water from new water works
will probably be emerging farmers, their preferred crop pattern, their ability and
willingness to pay for water, their preferences as determined in consultations, and the
size of the area to be placed under irrigation, will be important factors when proposing a
suitable institutional arrangement.

The specific tasks to be undertaken by the team are:

 Assess existing institutions that can play a meaningful role in funding, implementing
and operating the works;
 Prepare alternative proposals for institutional arrangements for the following
 Implementation and funding of works (dam and bulk and retail infrastructure);
 Operation of the water works by WSA or WSP;
 Operation of existing but interrelated works if any;
 Customer relations including billing and credit control if separate from
 Consult on options; and
 Propose best institutional arrangement and prepare framework agreements (heads
of agreements) and delegated functions for negotiation.

2.12.3 Financial arrangements

The ability and willingness of the users to pay for water is the primary driver of the
decision on how most appropriately to fund the capital works and the on-going
operations and maintenance of the proposed scheme. This aspect has direct
consequences for the institutional arrangements.

The absence of a substantial, economically active user group indicates that the possibility
of at least partially funding the capital component of the project through loan financing is
remote. Since the user base is predominantly rural and spread out geographically, the
project probably has to be funded from the Fiscus and on-budget. The Institutional
Model must be appropriate for funding this project and for funding the ongoing operation
and maintenance.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-50

The sources of funding for operations and maintenance of such a scheme are generally a
combination of recoverable user charges and equitable share allocations to local
government. The predominantly rural user base is indicative that heavy reliance will
probably have to be placed on grant funding.

Proposals will be developed for an appropriate mix of funding for capital works and the
ongoing operation and maintenance of the scheme. These proposals will be compatible
with the proposed institutional arrangements.

The specific tasks to be undertaken by the team are:

 Prepare broad based capital investment and operations cost budget based on inputs
from engineering and costing team;
 Assess affordability criteria of user base with support of macro-economic team;
 Assess current financial status of existing water services authorities and water
services providers through review of financial statements (already completed for the
water boards);
 Propose arrangements for funding of capital works (percentage national grant,
percentage MIG contribution and percentage loan funding if any); and
 Propose arrangements for funding of on-going operation and maintenance (user
charges and revenue income, percentage equitable share contribution, percentage
agricultural subsidy, means of dealing with any remaining shortfall if any).
 Compile framework funding agreements (heads of agreements) for negotiations.


A Memorandum of Agreement between the Chief Directorates Integrated Water

Resources Planning (IWRP) and National Water Resource Infrastructure (NWRI) dated
March 2005, clarifies “the division and/or sharing of roles, responsibilities and
accountability of the Chief Directorates through the various project phases from planning
to the commissioning of a project” and described the Record of Implementation Decisions
(RID) as a formal handover document, which summarises all decisions as approved.

The objective of the RID is to record all the key decisions made during the feasibility study
to support the implementation process for the design and construction phases for the
water supply project proposed. The key results from the feasibility study’s modules will
provide input to the RID. The findings from the “Reserve Determination” and the “Legal,
Institutional and Financing Arrangements” are particularly important to the finalisation of
the RID.

This report should be signed off by both the IWRP and NWRI chief directorates.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-51


The ToR requested “Module reviews” of the “Deliverables” to be submitted. These are
summarised in the table below and have been re-arranged to provide for “Reviews” (right
hand column) to be seen as sub-reports of the Module Reports (deliverables).

Table 2.4: Deliverables and Task Reviews

Module Module reports / deliverables Module reviewers
1.1 Study initiation and inception Inception Report DWA: OA
1.2 Project management &  All contractual arrangements  DWA/ PSP QMS
administration  Minutes of PMC meetings  PMC
 Invoices  DWA
 Progress reports  DWA
2. WATER RESOURCES Water Resources Assessment Report
2.1 Hydrology Hydrology chapter JD Rossouw
2.2 Yield analysis Yield analysis chapter JD Rossouw
2.3 Reservoir sedimentation Sedimentation chapter No review
3. GROUNDWATER AUGMENTATION Assessment of augmentation from JJP Vivier
groundwater Report
4. RESERVE - ECOLOGICAL WATER Intermediate Reserve Determination DWA RDM
5.1 Domestic water requirements Water requirements Report HS Pieterse
5.2 Agriculture / Irrigation Irrigation Potential Assessment Report RA Pullen
6. WATER SERVICE INFRASTRUCTURE Water distribution infrastructure Report
6.1 Distribution infrastructure Distribution infrastructure chapter in Dr G de Villiers
Water distribution Report
6.2 Water quality Water quality chapter in Water Dr G de Villiers
distribution Report
7.1 Site investigations Material and geotechnical investigations DB Badenhorst
7.2 Dam technical details Dam Design Report, that includes the DB Badenhorst
preliminary dam layout and design
criteria, dam design of different dam
types and dam type selection
8. COST ESTIMATE AND Project cost chapter in Main Report, Dam DB Badenhorst
COMPARISON design Report, Water distribution Report
9. REGIONAL ECONOMICS Regional Economics Report RA Pullen
10. ENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING Environmental Screening Report P Teurlings
11. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Public participation chapter in P Teurlings
Environmental Screening Report
12. LEGAL, INSTITUTIONAL & Legal, institutional and financing A Vermeulen
FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS arrangements chapter in Main Report, and
results taken up in RID
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 2-52

Module Module reports / deliverables Module reviewers

13. RECORD OF IMPLEMENTATION Record of implementation decisions (RID) JD Rossouw
14. MAIN REPORT AND REVIEWS Main Study Report RA Pullen
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 3-1


AECOM (Pty) Ltd is the lead consultant for this project, and will receive specialist inputs
and support from the following sub-consultants: Africa Geo-Environmental Services (Pty)
Ltd, KARIWA Project Engineers & Associates (Pty) Ltd, Scherman Colloty & Associates
(SC&A) and Urban-Econ. Detailed company profiles for each of these companies were
provided in the Tender submitted by AECOM on 26 January 2010.


Professional Service

Sub-consultant Sub-consultant
(Africa Geo- (Kariwa Project Sub-consultant
(Scherman Colloty &
Environmental Engineers & (Urban Econ)
Services) Associates)

The study team members have the required knowledge and experience for the execution
of the project.


Mr Johan Rossouw from AECOM was originally identified as a Module Leader for water
resources modelling in the Tender. He has subsequently been approved by DWA to serve
as the Study Leader for the duration of the project, taking over from Dr MS Basson (see
Section Error! Reference source not found. for clarification).

Ms Hermien Pieterse from AECOM is Deputy Study Leader. She will assist with the co-
ordination on the various activities, and is also responsible for the day-to-day
management of the study.

The Study Management Team (Johan Rossouw and Hermien Pieterse) will be responsible
for liaison with the DWA, the general supervision of the Study and providing direction on
all tasks. Their collective previous experience in water resources planning and
management studies as well as specific intimate knowledge of the study area will ensure
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 3-2

that they provide the necessary direction to the Study Team in undertaking the Study and
liaising efficiently with the DWA.


The Module Leaders, listed in Table 3.1, will manage the various tasks. They are
responsible for directing and co-ordinating the personnel working on each task, as well as
ensuring technical precision and applicability. They will ensure that each task is
completed within budget and on time, and to acceptable standards. Their responsibility
is also to provide timeous and adequate warning of any problems encountered that could
either delay the study or result in budget overruns.

Table 3.1: Module Leaders

Module Module leader Company
1. Project Management JD Rossouw AECOM
1.1 Study initiation and inception
1.2 Project management and administration
2. Water Resources JD Rossouw AECOM
2.1 Hydrology E van Niekerk AECOM
2.2 Yield analysis JD Rossouw AECOM
2.3 Reservoir sedimentation Dr A le Grange AECOM
3. Groundwater Augmentation JA Myburgh AGES
4. Reserve - Ecological Water Requirements P Scherman SC&A
5. Water Requirements HS Pieterse AECOM
5.1 Domestic water requirements BJ van der Merwe Urban-Econ
5.2 Agriculture /Irrigation potential G Bloem Kariwa
6. Water Service Infrastructure GH de Villiers AECOM
6.1 Distribution infrastructure JPC van Heerden AECOM
6.2 Water quality GH de Villiers AECOM
7. Proposed Zalu Dam W van Wyk AECOM
7.1 Site investigations M van Schalkwyk AECOM
7.2 Dam technical details W van Wyk AECOM
8. Cost Estimate and Comparison HS Pieterse AECOM
9. Regional Economics BJ van der Merwe Urban-Econ
10. Environmental Screening N Liversage AECOM
11. Public Participation HS Pieterse (initially AECOM
by EM Mashau)
12. Legal, Institutional and Financial Arrangements RA Pullen AECOM
13. Record of Implementation of Decisions HS Pieterse AECOM
14. Main Report and Reviews JD Rossouw AECOM
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 3-3


[Contractual information not included]


Building capacity of historically disadvantaged individuals (HDIs) in the fields of water

resource planning and development is viewed as an integral part of the study. Capacity
building entails giving HDIs the requisite practical exposure and background training to be
able to participate meaningfully in the study.
Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report 4-1

[Contractual information not included]

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Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report

Appendix A
Study Programme

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Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report

J01407 \01 Project management\Inception\lusikisiki module 1 inception report _web.docx 2010-10-25

Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report

Appendix B
Organisational and Task Breakdown

J01407 \01 Project management\Inception\lusikisiki module 1 inception report _web.docx 2010-10-25

Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report

DWA Study Manager

M Mugumo

Study Management Team

Study Leader
JD Rossouw

Deputy Study Leader

HS Pieterse

T Reynders

12. Legal, institutional

6. Water service 8. Cost estimate & 10. Environmental 14. Main report &
2. Water Resources 4. Reserve – EWR & financial
infrastructure comparison Screening reviews
JD Rossouw P Scherman arrangements
GH de Villiers HS Pieterse N Liversage JD Rossouw
RA Pullen

6.1 Distribution
2.1 Hydrology
E van Niekerk
JPC van Heerden

2.2 Yield analysis 6.2 Water quality

JD Rossouw GH de Villiers

2.3 Reservoir
A le Grange 13. Record of
1. Project 3. Groundwater 9. Regional 11. Public
5. Water requirements 7. Proposed Zalu Dam Implementation of
Management Augmentation Economics Participation
HS Pieterse D Badenhorst Decisions
JD Rossouw JA Myburgh BJ van der Merwe HS Pieterse
HS Pieterse

1.1 Study initiation & 5.1 Domestic water

7.1 Site investigations
inception requirements
M van Schalkwyk
HS Pieterse B van der Merwe

1.2 Project management 5.2 Agriculture / 7.2 Dam technical

& administration irrigation potential details
HS Pieterse G Bloem D Badenhorst

J01407 \01 Project management\Inception\lusikisiki module 1 inception report _web.docx 2010-10-25

Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report

Appendix C
Human Resources Schedule

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Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report

[Contractual information not included]

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Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report

Appendix D
Variation Order 1

J01407 \01 Project management\Inception\lusikisiki module 1 inception report _web.docx 2010-10-25

Feasibility Study for Augmentation of the Lusikisiki Regional Water Supply Scheme
Inception Report

[Contractual information not included]

J01407 \01 Project management\Inception\lusikisiki module 1 inception report _web.docx 2010-10-25

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