Homology Modeling and Docking Study of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK) 10
Homology Modeling and Docking Study of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK) 10
Homology Modeling and Docking Study of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK) 10
Abstract—In order to understand the mechanisms of ligand binding and the interaction between the ligand and the cyclin-dependent
kinase 10 (CDK10), a three-dimensional (3D) model of the CDK10 is generated based on the crystal structure of the cyclin-depen-
dent kinase 2 (CDK2) (PDB code 1AQ1) by using INSIGHTII /Homology module. With the aid of the molecular mechanics and
molecular dynamics methods, the last refined model is obtained and is further assessed by PROFILE-3D and PROSTAT , which show
that the refined model is reliable. With this model, a flexible docking study is performed and the results indicate that the Lys39
and Asp94 form hydrogen bonds and have strong nonbonding interaction with adenosine 5 0 -triphosphate (ATP). From the docking
studies, we also suggest that the Leu141, Tyr21, and Val24 in CDK10 are three important determinant residues in binding as they
have strong nonbonding interaction with ATP. The hydrogen bonding interactions also play an important role for the stability of
the complex. Our results may be helpful for further experimental investigations.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0960-894X/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2852 M. Sun et al. / Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 15 (2005) 2851–2856
2. Methods
The initial structure of modeling is revised by means of 2.3. Docking the substrate into the binding site
refining loops and rotamers, checking bonds and adding
hydrogen atoms, and then molecular mechanics (MM) Molecular docking can fit molecules together in a favor-
and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used able configuration to form a complex system. The struc-
to optimize the initial modeling structure. For energy tural information from the theoretically modeled
minimization, the 20,000 iterations of steepest descent complex may help us to clarify the catalytic mechanism
(SD) calculation were performed and then the conju- of enzyme. The 3D structure of the ATP was built with
gated gradient (CG) calculation was carried out until the BUILDER program and the geometry was optimized.
0.005 kcal mol1 Å1 of convergences on the gradient. For the reason of taking the interacting mode of CDK10
After the above simulations, the homology model is ob- with ATP, the advanced docking program Affinity29 was
tained by carrying out the molecular dynamics (MD) used to perform the automated molecular docking. The
calculation with the use of Discover3 software package28 best binding structures of the ligand to the receptor
in INSIGHTII . Explicit solvent model TIP3P water is also based on the energy of the ligand/receptor complex were
used. The homology model is solvent with a 10 Å water automatically found and in this procedure a combina-
cap from the center of mass of CDK10. Finally, a con- tion of Monte Carlo type and stimulated annealing pro-
jugate gradient energy minimization of full protein is cedure to dock a guest molecule with a host was
performed until the root mean-square (RMS) gradient employed. A key feature is that the ÔbulkÕ of the recep-
energy is lower than 0.001 kcal mol1 Å1. In this step, tor, defined as atoms not in the binding site specified,
the quality of the initial model is improved. held rigid during the docking process, while the binding
M. Sun et al. / Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 15 (2005) 2851–2856 2853
Table 2. Hydrogen bonds between ATP and CDK10 Table 3. The total interaction energy (Etotal), van der Waals energy
CDK10 ATP Hydrogen bond (Evdw) and electrostatic energy (Eele)
Residues Evdw (kcal/mol) Eele (kcal/mol) Etotal (kcal/mol)
Residues Atom Atom Length (Å) Angle (°)
Cys91 O Purine base NH 1.95 154.25 Asp94 2.199 37.633 35.434
Lys39 1.007 14.473 13.466
Thr20 O c-Phosphate O 2.14 165.29
Leu141 5.176 0.385 4.791
His132 OH c-Phosphate O 2.36 154.47
Tyr21 3.398 1.268 4.666
Asn139 NH c-Phosphate O 1.88 168.67
Lys39 H b-Phosphate O 1.68 166.30 Val24 3.496 0.757 4.253
Thr20 2.619 0.845 3.464
Tyr21 H b-Phosphate O 1.78 167.18
Tyr90 2.667 0.432 3.099
Asp94 O Ribose OH 1.62 157.23
Ile16 2.702 0.166 2.868
Asp94 O Ribose OH 1.62 177.03
Lys136 1.324 1.428 2.752
Cys91 1.297 1.434 2.731
Ser138 2.931 0.268 2.663
Glu92 1.108 1.435 2.543
His132 2.332 0.166 2.498
Gly19 2.447 0.106 2.341
Ala37 2.08 0.257 2.337
Met88 2.184 0.127 2.311
Ala151 1.796 0.513 2.309
Asp152 4.953 2.942 2.011
Glu18 1.79 0.135 1.655
Val70 1.69 0.059 1.631
Val161 1.414 0.052 1.466
Asn139 0.516 1.858 1.342
Sum 43.682 58.949 102.631
4. Conclusions
CDK10, and the b-phosphate group forms two hydro-
gen bonds with Tyr21 and Lys39. In this work, we have constructed a three-dimensional
model of the CDK10 by INSIGHTII /Homology module.
To determine the key residues that comprise the binding After energy minimization and molecular dynamics
pocket of the model, the interaction energies of the sub- simulations, this refined model structure is obtained.
strates with each individual amino acid in the enzyme The last refined model is further assessed by PROFILE-
were also calculated. Significant binding-site residues 3D and PROSTAT , and the results show that this model
in the models were identified by the total interaction en- is reliable. The stable structure is further used to per-
ergy between the substrates and each amino acid resi- form the docking of ATP. Through the docking studies,
dues in the enzyme. This identification, compared with the model structures of the ligand–receptor complex are
a definition based on the distance from the substrate, obtained. The docking results indicate that conserved
can clearly show the relative significance for every resi- amino acid residues in CDK10 play an important role
due. The total interaction energies (lower than in maintaining a functional conformation and are di-
1.0 kcal/mol) between the ATP and each individual rectly involved in binding to donor and acceptor sub-
amino acid of CDK10 are listed in Table 3. As seen from strates. The interactions of the CDK10 and ATP
Table 3, Asp94, Lys39, Leu141, Tyr21, Val24, Tyr20, proposed in this study are useful to understand the po-
and Tyr90 have strong interaction energies with ATP. tential mechanisms of the CDK10 and ATP. As is well
The residue Asp94 has the strongest interaction with known, hydrogen bonds play an important role for
ATP and the interaction energy is 35.434 kcal/mol. structure and function of biological molecules, especially
The residue Lys39 is another key residue, which has for the enzyme catalysis. The residues of Lys39 and
strong interaction with ATP, which forms a hydrogen Asp94 are important for strong hydrogen bonding inter-
bond with CDK10 and the interaction energy with action with ATP and play a major role in catalysis of
CDK is 13.466 kcal/mol. Both of the residues Lys39 CDK10. Furthermore, these residues, as well as the
and Asp94 have strong electrostatic interaction with others in Table 2 and in Table 3, are suggested as candi-
ATP. They play important roles in the combination dates for further experimental studies of structure–func-
between the ATP and CDK10. On the other hand, the tion relationships.
2856 M. Sun et al. / Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 15 (2005) 2851–2856
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