Gradual Psychological Unfolding Approach
Gradual Psychological Unfolding Approach
Gradual Psychological Unfolding Approach
of data gathered to carry out the objectives of this study. All these were
pretest and posttest of the of the control group. During the pretest of the
control group, the recorded mean score was only 58.55, interpreted as
“Frustration” level. However, the result showed that the Posttest of the
from frustration to instructional. It best to note here that the control group
Frustration reading levels include text for which a reader does not have
adequate background level for a topic and/or cannot meet criteria for
ability for which you have expertise (e.g., skiing, knitting, writing, playing
a musical instrument).
Table 2
This implies that there was a huge leap in terms of the pupils’
Prior to the Posttest, the learners were given weekly exercises that would
help them improve their reading comprehension level using the GPU
Table 3
6 Pupils performance in the Pretest and Posttest of the Control Group. The
pretest mean score was 58.55, interpreted as “frustration” level while the
of the control group when figures are compared from the pretest with the
posttest. This goes to show that despite the absence of GPU approach as
“instructional level”. Although this level would still mean that the
leap in the scores was substantial and this could indicate a positive
Table 4
Test Mean QD N Df t-stat Decision
Pretest 58.55 Frustration 23 Significant
22 0.000
Posttest 76.50 Independent 23
of the experimental group during the Pretest and the Posttest. The Pretest
was at 0.00, interpreted as “significant”, which is less than the 0.05 level
Table 5
Test Mean QD N Df t-stat Decision
Pretest 35.55 Frustration 21 Significant
20 0.000
Posttest 80.48 Independent 21
Grade 6 pupils in the Pretest of the Control and Experimental Groups. The
results of the study showed that both groups were at the “frustration” level
than the 0.05 level of significant, thus the hypothesis which states that “Is
The experimental group came from the higher section, thus the
Table 6
Group Mean QD N Df t-stat Decision
Control 58.55 Frustration 23 Significant
42 9.850 0.000
Experimental 35.55 Frustration 21
Despite the fact that the experimental group was able to reach the
“independent” level, it was at the lower bracket while the control group
speaking, the numerical value which separates the two groups is not
Table 7
Group Mean QD N Df t-stat Decision
Control 76.50 Independent 23
42 0.471 0.640
Experimental 81.27 Independent 21