Home Health Supervision Rating Scale
Home Health Supervision Rating Scale
Home Health Supervision Rating Scale
Instructions: Circle the rating that is closest to the amount of supervision that the patient actually receives.
"Supervision" means that someone is responsible for being with the patient.
Rating Description
1 The patient lives alone or independently. Other persons can live with the patient, but they cannot
take responsibility for supervision (for example, a child or elderly person).
2 The patient is unsupervised overnight. The patient lives with one or more persons who could be
responsible for supervision (for example, a spouse or roommate), but they are all sometimes
absent overnight.
5 The patient is supervised overnight and part-time during waking hours, but is unsupervised during
working hours. Supervising persons are all sometimes absent for enough time for them to work
full-time outside the home.
6 The patient is supervised overnight and during most waking hours. Supervising persons are all
sometimes absent for periods longer than one hour, but less than the time needed to hold a full-
time job away from home.
7 The patient is supervised overnight and during almost all waking hours. Supervising persons are
all sometimes absent for periods shorter than one hour.
9 Same as #8 plus requires overnight safety precautions (for example, a deadbolt on outside door).
11 The patient lives in a setting in which the exits are physically controlled by others (for example, a
locked ward).
12 Same as #11 plus a supervising person is designated to provide full-time line-of-sight supervision
(for example, an escape watch or suicide watch).
Corwin Boake, Ph.D., TIRR, 1333 Moursund, Houston, TX 77030-3405, 713/799-6990