Wala Lang
Wala Lang
Wala Lang
Rest assured that all your responses on this research instrument will be used for the sole purpose of research
only and will be treated with utmost con dentiality.
I. Demographic Pro le
Name: *
12-STEM *
Age *
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YZBbD0dF8KVfdCapeR0XG6cbp_nX9wBCZQJmBZ16N4c/edit#response=ACYDBNjAmPqcM3flrScmSJtoJAWnc9… 1/8
3/8/2019 The Effects of Prolonged Screen Time in Quality of Sleep
Sex *
Option 1
Mobile Phones
Personal Computer
6-8 hours
9 and more
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YZBbD0dF8KVfdCapeR0XG6cbp_nX9wBCZQJmBZ16N4c/edit#response=ACYDBNjAmPqcM3flrScmSJtoJAWnc9… 2/8
3/8/2019 The Effects of Prolonged Screen Time in Quality of Sleep
6-8 pm
8-10 pm
10-12 pm
12 and onwards
3-5 am
7 and onwards
Please choice the number that matches your preference. The numbers ranges from 4-1 that correspond to (4-
Always, 3- Sometimes, 2- Occasionally, and 1- Never). Please Answer the essay portion.
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YZBbD0dF8KVfdCapeR0XG6cbp_nX9wBCZQJmBZ16N4c/edit#response=ACYDBNjAmPqcM3flrScmSJtoJAWnc9… 3/8
3/8/2019 The Effects of Prolonged Screen Time in Quality of Sleep
1) Do you ever feel lonely with your friends, despite having them around? *
1 2 3 4
Never Always
2) Do you ever notice yourself and your friends using mobile phones during
bonding time? *
1 2 3 4
Never Always
3) Is there any situation where you feel obligated to know everything your
friends post in social media? *
1 2 3 4
Never Always
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YZBbD0dF8KVfdCapeR0XG6cbp_nX9wBCZQJmBZ16N4c/edit#response=ACYDBNjAmPqcM3flrScmSJtoJAWnc9… 4/8
3/8/2019 The Effects of Prolonged Screen Time in Quality of Sleep
Never Always
5) As a busy senior high school student, are you still able to communicate
well with your parents? *
1 2 3 4
Never Always
6) In times you feel lonely causes by your friends and family, do you use any
electronic devices to relieve the loneliness you feel? *
1 2 3 4
Never Always
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YZBbD0dF8KVfdCapeR0XG6cbp_nX9wBCZQJmBZ16N4c/edit#response=ACYDBNjAmPqcM3flrScmSJtoJAWnc9… 5/8
3/8/2019 The Effects of Prolonged Screen Time in Quality of Sleep
7) How often do you feel stress about certain thing or situation, that leads
to posting in social media sites to relieve stress? *
1 2 3 4
Never Always
Please choice the number that matches your preference. The numbers ranges from 4-1 that correspond to (4-
Strongly Agree, 3- Agree, 2- Disagree, and 1- Strongly Disagree). Please Answer the essay portion.
1) Do you think feeling isolated in real life has an effect to use electronic
devices more? *
1 2 3 4
Strongly Agree
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YZBbD0dF8KVfdCapeR0XG6cbp_nX9wBCZQJmBZ16N4c/edit#response=ACYDBNjAmPqcM3flrScmSJtoJAWnc9… 6/8
3/8/2019 The Effects of Prolonged Screen Time in Quality of Sleep
Strongly Agree
Option 1
Please choice the number that matches your preference. The numbers ranges from 4-1 that correspond to (4-
Always, 3- Sometimes, 2- Occasionally, and 1- Never).
Never Always
Never Always
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YZBbD0dF8KVfdCapeR0XG6cbp_nX9wBCZQJmBZ16N4c/edit#response=ACYDBNjAmPqcM3flrScmSJtoJAWnc9… 7/8
3/8/2019 The Effects of Prolonged Screen Time in Quality of Sleep
Never Always
4) How often do you get sick after not acquiring a complete night of sleep?
1 2 3 4
Never Always
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YZBbD0dF8KVfdCapeR0XG6cbp_nX9wBCZQJmBZ16N4c/edit#response=ACYDBNjAmPqcM3flrScmSJtoJAWnc9… 8/8