Bowmont Jumper v1.3 PDF
Bowmont Jumper v1.3 PDF
Bowmont Jumper v1.3 PDF
This garment begins at the right sleeve. The sleeves and yoke of this garment are knitted flat in one
piece using a six-row cable repeat. Stitches are then picked up from the selvedge and the rest of the
garment is knitted in the round, working top down in Stocking Stitch. A small amount of short row
shaping is added to elongate the back and the garment is finished with a folded hem.
Size 4: Knit rows 1 - 24 working shaded rows two
Using MC and larger needles cast on 46 (46, 46, times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 three more
46, 58, 58) sts using the Long Tail Cast On and times working shaded rows one time each
work as follows: (108 rows in total)
Size 5: Knit rows 1 - 24 three times working
Set up Row 1 (RS): k2, p2, PM, [k4, p2] two shaded rows two times each, then knit
(two, two, two, three, three) times, k8, [p2, k4] rows 1 - 10 one more time, maintaining shaded
three (three, three, three, four, four) times, PM, rows as set
p2, k1, s1wyif (119 rows in total)
Set up Row 2 (WS): k1, p1, k2, SM, [p4, k2] Size 6: Knit rows 1 - 24 working shaded rows two
three (three, three, three, four, four) times, p8, times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 three more
[k2, p4] two (two, two, two, three, three) times working shaded rows one time each
times, SM, k2, p1, s1wyif (108 rows in total)
Repeat these two rows once more, then switch All RS Rows: work Chart B, SM, work Chart A,
to working from Chart A between two stitch SM, work Chart C
markers, keeping the stitches outside of the All WS Rows: work Chart C, SM, work Chart A,
markers as set SM, work Chart B
Work rows 1-6 of Chart A once Note: on Row 22 of Charts B & C, you will move
these markers and absorb 6 sts on either side of
Note: this six-row cable repeat will form the markers into Chart A instructions, thereby
main stitch pattern of the sleeves and yoke. incorporating them into the six-row cable
From this point on, you will continue to repeat repeat
Chart A inside the stitch markers
76 (82, 88, 94, 100, 106) sts
All increases have now been worked. Add a
Work Rows 1 -24 of Charts B & C 2 (3, 3, 4, 3, locking stitch marker to your next row, to mark
4) times in total working increases as follows: the end of increase shaping
Sleeve increases are the same for each size, but Continue as set, without increase shaping, until
worked over a different number of rows. All sleeve measures 46 cm / 18 inches from cast on
sizes follow instructions from Charts B and C, edge, or desired length. End by working a Row 2
but repeat the shaded non-increase rows the (WS) row of Chart A, removing both stitch
following number of times according to your markers as their position will change in the next
size: section
4. MAIN BODY AND NECKLINE Repeat these two rows until work measures 12.5
Note: if you would like a garment with less ease (14.5, 17, 18.5, 21, 22.5) cm / 4.75 (5.75, 6.75,
around the bust, then switch to an alternate 7.25, 8.25, 8.75) inches from neck edge; end by
size for the body and neckline working a Row 4 (WS) row of Chart A. Remove
markers when working final row.
Row 1 (RS): k2, p2, SM, work Chart A to marker,
SM, p2, k1, s1wyif 5. LEFT SLEEVE SET-UP
Row 2 (WS): k1, p1, k2, SM work Chart A to Note: if you have switched sizes for the body
marker, SM, k2, p1, s1wyif and neckline, remember to switch back to your
original size when working second sleeve
Repeat these two rows until work measures 12.5
(14.5, 17, 18.5, 21, 22.5) cm / 4.75 (5.75, 6.75, Cast Off Row 1 (RS): Loosely cast off 15 (12, 15,
7.25, 8.25, 8.75) inches from main body 12, 15, 12) sts, k1, p5 (2, 5, 2, 5, 2), PM, work
selvedge; end by working a Row 6 (WS) row of Row 5 of Chart A to 4 sts before end of row, p2,
Chart A and remove both stitch markers whilst k1, s1wyif
working this last row, as their position will
change in the next section Cast Off Row 2 (WS): Loosely cast off 15 (12, 15,
12, 15, 12) sts, p1, k5 (2, 5, 2, 5, 2), PM, work
Front Neckline is worked over next 50 (50, 56, Row 6 of Chart A to marker, SM, k5 (2, 5, 2, 5,
56, 62, 62) sts, place remaining 56 (56, 62, 62, 2), p1, s1wyif
68, 68) sts onto scrap yarn or holder
76 (82, 88, 94, 100, 106) sts
Work rows 1 – 55 of Chart D, remembering to
repeat rows 24 - 29 a total of three (three, 6.LEFT SLEEVE
three, four, four, five) times
To ensure an even fit, count number of rows
Once all rows of Chart D have been worked, between your locking stitch marker and sts cast
break yarn and place these 50 (50, 56, 56, 62, off at right underarm. Knit straight in pattern for
62) sts onto scrap yarn or holder the same number of rows before beginning
decrease shaping after working a WS row:
Return 56 (56, 62, 62, 68, 68) previously held sts
to needle and rejoin yarn at neck opening. Back If knitting size 2, 4 or 6 move your stitch
Neckline is worked over these live sts, beginning markers as follows on final row:
with RS facing
Decrease Set Up (WS): k1, p1, k- (2, -, 2, -, 2),
Work rows 1 – 37 of Chart E, remembering to RM, p4, k2, PM, work Chart A to 6 sts before
repeat rows 14 - 19 a total of six (six, six, seven, next M, PM, k2, p4, RM, k- (2, -, 2, -, 2), p1,
seven, eight) times s1wyif
Note: do not move markers on last two rows of Short Row 3 (RS): work in pattern to 4 sts
final chart repeat before last wrapped st, w&t
Short Row 4 (WS): work in pattern to 4 sts
All decreases have now been worked before last wrapped st, w&t
Repeat Rows 3 and 4 three more times, until 11. FINISHING
there are five wrapped stitches on either side
Weave in all ends and block garment to given
End of short row shaping: on next two rows pick dimensions. Whilst blocking, fold hem so that
up wraps as they are encountered, and work facing lies inside garment
them together with the st that was wrapped
Once dry, turn garment inside out and pin the
Partial Round (RS): k to M, SM, p1, k to end of folded hem to prevent it from slipping.
round Using a length of yarn and a darning needle,
Complete Round (RS): p1, k to M, SM, p1, k to whipstitch hem to garment, beginning at purl
end of round column on left side and working one whipstitch
for every 2-3 knitted sts, keeping an even
Loosely cast off all sts using the k2tog Cast Off
Note: on row 22 of Charts B & C, you will move the markers and absorb 6 sts on either side of markers
into Chart A instructions thereby incorporating them into the six-row cable repeat
Size 1: Knit rows 1 - 24 twice working shaded rows three times each, then knit rows 1 - 10 one more
time, maintaining shaded rows as set (111 rows in total) 76 sts
Size 2: Knit rows 1 - 24 working shaded rows three times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 two more times
working shaded rows two times each (120 rows in total) 82 sts
Size 3: Knit rows 1 - 24 three times working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 10 one more
time, maintaining shaded rows as set (119 rows in total) 88 sts
Size 4: Knit rows 1 - 24 working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 three more times
working shaded rows one time each (108 rows in total) 94 sts
Size 5: Knit rows 1 - 24 three times working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 10 one more
time, maintaining shaded rows as set (119 rows in total) 100 sts
Size 6: Knit rows 1 - 24 working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 three more times
working shaded rows one time each (108 rows in total) 106 sts
Note: on row 22 of Charts B & C, you will move the markers and absorb 6 sts on either side of markers
into Chart A instructions there by incorporating them into the six-row cable repeat
Size 1: Knit rows 1 - 24 twice working shaded rows three times each, then knit rows 1 - 10 one more
time, maintaining shaded rows as set (111 rows in total) 76 sts
Size 2: Knit rows 1 - 24 working shaded rows three times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 two more times
working shaded rows two times each (120 rows in total) 82 sts
Size 3: Knit rows 1-24 three times working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 10 one more
time, maintaining shaded rows as set (119 rows in total) 88 sts
Size 4: Knit rows 1-24 working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 three more times
working shaded rows one time each (108 rows in total) 94 sts
Size 5: Knit rows 1-24 three times working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 10 one more
time, maintaining shaded rows as set (119 rows in total) 100 sts
Size 6: Knit rows 1-24 working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 three more times
working shaded rows one time each (108 rows in total) 106 sts
Repeat rows 24 - 29 a total of three (three, three, four, four, five) times
Repeat rows 14-19 a total of six (six, six, seven, seven, eight) times
Note: On row 22 of Charts F & G, you will move the markers and absorb 6 sts on either side of markers
from Chart A instructions, into decrease chart instructions, thereby removing them from the six-row
cable repeat
Size 1: Knit rows 13 - 24 working shaded rows three times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 twice, maintaining
shaded rows as set (111 rows in total) 46 sts
Size 2: Knit rows 1 - 24 twice working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 one more time
working shaded rows three times each (120 rows in total) 46 sts
Size 3: Knit rows 13 - 24 working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 three times,
maintaining shaded rows as set (119 rows in total) 46 sts
Size 4: Knit rows 1 - 24 three times working shaded rows one time each, then knit rows 1 - 24 one more
time working shaded rows two times each (108 rows in total) 46 sts
Size 5: Knit rows 13 - 24 working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 three times,
maintaining shaded rows as set (119 rows in total) 58 sts
Size 6: Knit rows 1 - 24 three times working shaded rows one time each, then knit rows 1 - 24 one more
time working shaded rows two times each (108 rows in total) 58 sts
Note: do not move markers on last two rows of final chart repeat
Note: On row 22 of Charts F & G, you will move the markers and absorb 6 sts on either side of markers
from Chart A instructions, into decrease chart instructions, thereby removing them from the six-row
cable repeat
Size 1: Knit rows 13 - 24 working shaded rows three times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 twice, maintaining
shaded rows as set (111 rows in total) 46 sts
Size 2: Knit rows 1 - 24 twice working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 one more time
working shaded rows three times each (120 rows in total) 46 sts
Size 3: Knit rows 13 - 24 working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 three times,
maintaining shaded rows as set (119 rows in total) 46 sts
Size 4: Knit rows 1 - 24 three times working shaded rows one time each, then knit rows 1 - 24 one more
time working shaded rows two times each (108 rows in total) 46 sts
Size 5: Knit rows 13 - 24 working shaded rows two times each, then knit rows 1 - 24 three times,
maintaining shaded rows as set (119 rows in total) 58 sts
Size 6: Knit rows 1 - 24 three times working shaded rows one time each, then knit rows 1 - 24 one more
time working shaded rows two times each (108 rows in total) 58 sts
Note: do not move markers on last two rows of final chart repeat
We always love to see what you make, so please keep in touch and share your projects with us
using the hashtags #bowmontjumper and #blackeryarns! We have a group on Ravelry, or you can
find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as @blackeryarns
Blacker Yarns, Unit B, Pipers Court, Pennygillam Way, Launceston, Cornwall PL15 7PJ
Telephone: 01566 777635
Bowmont Jumper Pattern - Version 1.3 – Last Revised 10.17