Dafna Sweater S Eng
Dafna Sweater S Eng
Dafna Sweater S Eng
Dafna Sweater is worked from the bottom up. The body and sleeves are worked
separately in the round to underarms, then joined to work the Yoke.
cm (inches)
3 Wrist Circumference 19 71/2
4 Sleeve at widest point 32 123/4
5 Length measured at front 55 213/4
6 Length measured at back 58 223/4
7 Body length 32 123/4
8 Sleeve length 46 18
9 Yoke depth (front) 23 9
SIZE S BUST SIZE 84-90 cm (33-351/2”) 10 Yoke depth (back) 26 101/4
cm ”
POSITIVE EASE 7-13 cm (23/4-5”)
Change to larger needles and work Cut the working yarn and don’t cast off
increases: stitches, slip them to another waste yarn
or yarn holder.
R 13: [M1P, k1tbl, p2] – repeat to ER
{68} sts.
With smaller size needles cast on 192 sts
In next round place markers, dividing the using German method plus 1 st to join in the
sts into 2 Horizontal Pattern Repeats: round. Join for working in the round, Work 6 Vertical Pattern Repeats (48 rounds)
be careful not to twist according to the Chart 1.
R 14: BORM, k16, p1, k16, p1, М, k16,
p1, k16, p1. {192} sts. R 23-70: [Chart 1] – repeat to ER.
1 Horizontal Pattern Repeat = 34 sts. Place BORM and work rib in Twisted Rib Body length at this stage must be ~ 27 cm
pattern until the rib measures ~ 5 cm (2”): (103/4”).
Work 11 Vertical Pattern Repeats
(88 rounds) according to the Chart 1. R 1-20: [k1tbl, p2] – repeat to ER. Work 1 Vertical Pattern Repeat (10 rounds)
according to the Chart 2.
R 15-102: [Chart 1] – repeat to ER. Change to larger needles and work increases:
R 71-80: [Chart 2] – repeat to ER.
Sleeve length at this stage must be R 21: [k16, M1P] – repeat to ER.
~ 42 cm (161/2”). Total body length ~ 31 cm (121/4”).
Chart 1
Chart 2
YOKE Continue working Body (87 sts): 1 Horizontal Pattern Repeat = 34 sts.
k8, yo, p1, М, yo, k11, ssk, k3, p1, k3, k2tog, Total 8 Horizontal Pattern Repeats.
R 1 (Joining round) k11, yo, p1, М, yo, k11, ssk, k3, p1, k3,
work according to 1st row of Chart 3: k2tog, k11, yo, p1, М, yo, k8.
Join the first Sleeve by working 49 sts: Then work Left Front (44 sts):
k3, ssk, k3, p1, k3, k2tog, k11, yo, p1, М, k8, yo, p1, М, yo, k11, ssk, k3, p1, k3, k2tog, R 2: [k16, p1] – repeat to ER.
yo, k11, ssk, k3, p1, k3, k2tog, k3. k11, yo, p1.
R 3-44: Work Yoke according to Chart 3.
Don’t be confused that the number of Leave the slipped sts on the holder/waste Starting from 3rd row of the Chart because
sts in the sleeve has decreased by 2 sts, yarn to the end. When the sweater is rows 1-2 have already been knit.
this is due the part of the Horizontal finished, close underarm gaps with
Pattern Repeat with yarn overs falls on Kitchener stitch. {128} sts.
the body, and part with decreases on 1 Horizontal Pattern Repeat = 16 sts.
the sleeve. {272} sts.
Chart 3
SR 6 (WS), make yo and work 47 sts: R1: k1, 3/3 LC, p1, 3/3 RC, k3, 3/3 LC, p1, With a tapestry needle, close the underarm
[p15, k1] – 2 times, p15. k9, 3/3 LC, [p1, k15] – 3 times, p1, 3/3 RC, gaps with a Kitchener stitch.
k9, p1, 3/3 RC, k3, 3/3 LC, p1, 3/3 RC, k2.
SR 7 (RS), make yo and work 88 sts: If you want to keep folds, you need to form
[3/3 RC, k3, 3/3 LC, p1] – 2 times, Change to smaller needles and work them while sweater is wet.
3/3 RC, k3, 3/3 LC, yo and the next purl decreases as follow:
stitch after yo work as p2tog, k8, yo and
the next knit stitch after yo work as k2tog, R2: [k4, ssk, k5, ssk, k4, ssk, k5, ssk, k4, ssk]
3/3 LC, p1, yo and the next knit stitch – repeat to ER.
after yo, work as k2tog, k14, p1, k8.
{108} sts
Then work in the round.
Work 19 rows of Twisted Rib 1х2:
R 8 (RS), 128 sts: k7, p1, k14, yo and the
previous knit stitch before yo work as ssk, R3-21: [k1tbl, p2] – rep to ER.
p1, k6, yo and the previous knit stitch
before yo, work as ssk, k8, yo and the Don’t bind off, fold the neckband and seam
previous purl stitch before yo, work as 2 edges together on the wrong side with
ssp, [k15, p1] – 5 times, k8. a Kitchener stitch.
Thank you for choosing my pattern. Share your project on Instagram: #dafna_sweater
Instagram: @notadaywithoutknitting
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All photos and instructions given in this PDF file are an intellectual property of Masha Zyablikova.
The Pattern is for personal use only. No part of it including visual content may be copied, reproduced, redirected, resale or
edited in any application or software program.