Pakistan Science Foundation Islamabad: Tender Notice

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Pakistan Science Foundation


Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS) for 1800 Young Students

Phase-I (Component-I)

Tender Notice

Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) intends to hire the services of a reputable

Architecture/Consultant Engineering Firm (registered with tax departments of Federal and
Provincial governments in accordance with the applicable laws) to undertake all necessary
assignments for construction of National Science School (NSS) at nearby area of
Rawalpindi/Islamabad or any other suitable location in the country (to be finalized).
The hired Architecture/Consultant Engineering Firm shall be responsible for the following;
i. Survey of land and Geo Technical Studies / investigation of land for construction
of National Science School (NSS).
ii. Designing of the building of National Science School
iii. Preparation of schematic and structural design engineering of civil works
including sewerage and water supply, electrical works, plumbing, HVAC, detailed
structure design, map, other blue print of NSS.
iv. Preparation of PC-I for establishment of National Science School (NSS) in
accordance with government’s rules and regulations.
v. Give presentation/briefing to PSF and other relevant forum with schematic design
and incorporate changes therein as per instructions/suggestions.
vi. Any other assignment related with the Project.

Detailed Terms of Reference (ToRs), evaluation criteria and other related information for the
purpose can be obtained from the address given below or downloaded from PSF website

“Single Stage Two Envelop Procedure” will be used for open competitive bidding. The interested
Architecture/Consultant Engineering Firms will submit their sealed bids comprising single
package containing two separate envelops. Each envelop shall contain separately the “financial”
and “technical” proposals which will be clearly mentioned in bold and legible letters on
respective envelop to avoid any confusion.

Financial proposals should accompany a bid security equivalent to two per cent (2%) of the bid
amount in the form of Pay Order / Demand Draft in favor of “Pakistan Science Foundation”.

Offers shall remain valid for acceptance for 90 days from the date of opening. Tenders found not
in accordance to the terms and conditions specified in the tender documents or not accompanied
with the required earnest money will be rejected forthwith. Incomplete tenders will not be

Sealed tender documents shall be submitted within 15 days of publication of this advertisement
by 11:00am at the address given below.

At the first stage, only technical proposals shall be opened on the same day at 12:00 Noon in the
presence of representatives of the participating firms/consultants.

Pakistan Science Foundation reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to cancel the bidding
process at any time, without assigning any reason.

Project Director
Science Talent Farming Scheme
Pakistan Science Foundation
Plot No.1, Constitution Avenue, G-5/2, Islamabad
Phone:- (051) 9204158

Pakistan Science Foundation

Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS) for 1800 Young Students

Phase-I (Component-I)

Tender Documents
Request for Proposal
Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) is executing the development project “Science Talent
Farming Scheme (STFS) for Young Students Phase-I (Component-I) ” which has been approved
by the Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform in June, 2015. The project is part of
Pakistan Vision-2025 and aims to achieve knowledge based economy through capacity building
of youth having aptitude towards Science. It is an endeavor to sow a crop of young talented
students who will be groomed to turn into a full lot of productive scientists through additional
interventions likely to be carried out in addition to their formal education.

An important component of the project is establishment/construction of National Science School

(NSS) at nearby area of Rawalpindi/Islamabad. PSF desires to hire the services of a
Architecture/Consultant Engineering Firm for architectural and engineering design and all other
assignments pertaining to establishment/construction of National Science School (NSS)
including land survey, data collection, schematic and detailed design, map, preparation of PC-I,
tender documents and any other related documents for construction and establishment of
National Science School (NSS).

The Scope of Services is as under:-

A-2.1 Survey and Data Collection:
i. Formulation of requirements for topographic survey of the area. Undertaking
topographic survey and demarcation of site.
ii. Carrying out Geo Technical investigation of whole area.
iii. Obtaining the owner’s requirements for the facilities like;
a. Academic blocks having facilities for 1500 students for grade 8 to Grade 12
(300 each), with separate classrooms for boys and girls. Labs for science
subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) each with 40-50 students capacity, One
IT lab for 100 students, cafeteria for 500 students and a Server Room, Multi-
purpose hall (500 student capacity) in each block
b. A Language Lab (for 500 students), Main Library (for 500 students)
c. Auditorium (with capacity of 3500 students) Ground + 1st floor
d. Science Center / Exhibition Gallery + Inquiry Based Science Education Halls
e. Health Care Center, Mosque (For 1000 persons) Ground and 1st floor
f. Hostels (separate for Male and Female Students) with the capacity of 1000
students in each hostel with allied facilities
g. Hostel for Faculty members /Bachelors (40 rooms with attached bath)
h. Residential colony for officers (Principal house and 24 houses of three
different categories), Staff Quarters (40 Nos.), Guest House (20 rooms with
attached bath)
i. Building for Bank, Post office, Shopping Centre, Tube well (02 Nos.),
Laundry, Parking Area, Swimming Pool and Play grounds
j. Any other necessary structure / facility for the purpose.
A-2.2. Schematic Design
a. Preparing, describing and illustrating preliminary Architectural design of the
project with floor plans, elevations and 3D images
b. Preparing and submitting the preliminary design for approval of Chairman, PSF
incorporating the amendments, if any, proposed by the PSF
c. Preparation of submittal plans for approval from concerned authorities and
assistance for approval
d. PSF shall be at liberty to increase or decrease the quantum of work without
assigning any reason
A-2.3. Detailed Design
a. Preparing detailed Architectural and Engineering Design and drawings of the
Project Building incorporating detailed structural drawing of civil works,
electrical and plumbing, HVAC, mechanical and other internal and external
utilities including telephone, water supply, sewerage, storm water drainage, gas,

complete in all respects for the function of the National Science School and
external development

A-2.4. Tender Documents

a. Preparing Tender specifications of civil. Electrical, HVAC, plumbing works and
preparation of the bills of quantities and terms and conditions of contract as per
standard document of PEC
b. Preparing Engineers estimates on the basis of Pak PWD Schedule of Rates and on
current market rates for items not available in Pak PWD Schedule of Rates
c. Preparing Tender documents with specification of equipment for procurement
under the Project
d. Preparing PC-I for establishment of National Science School (NSS) as per
government rule and regulations

A-2.5. Schedule of services

# Services Schedule
1. Commencement of Services 07 days after the date of
signing of the Agreement
2. Topographic survey + Geo Technical investigation 6 weeks
3. Schematic design (Preliminary architectural design 2 weeks
with floor plan, elevation, preliminary design for
approval of PSF and to incorporate of amendments
of proposal, given by client
4. Detailed design of architectural engineering design 3 weeks after approval of
and drawing including structural design/drawing, schematic design
HVAC, plumbing, electrical services including water
supply, sewerage, storm water drain, gas, drainage,
external service for utilities and any other required
facility and preparation of submittal plans for
approval civic authorities.
5. Preparation of specifications, conditions of contract,
preparation of bill of quantities, preparation of 3 months after the
engineers estimates on the basis of PKPWD approval of plans
scheduled of rate and for non-available items in
schedule on prevailing market rate, preparation of
tender documents, tender drawing and preparation of
Any other assignment related with the Project.

A-2.6. Schedule of Payment
# Deliverables Payment
1. Initial Payment after the signing of the Contract with the 10% against bank
Consultant Firm guarantee
2. Topographic survey + Geo Technical investigation 10%
3. Schematic design (Preliminary architectural design with 15%
floor plan, elevation, preliminary design for approval of
PSF and to incorporate of amendments of proposal, given
by client and preparation of submittal plans for approval
civic authorities
4. Detailed design of architectural engineering design and 25%
drawing including structural design/drawing, HVAC,
plumbing, electrical services including water supply,
sewerage, storm water drain, gas, drainage, external
service for utilities and any other required facility
5. Preparation of specifications, conditions of contract, 30%
preparation of bill of quantities, preparation of engineers
estimates on the basis of PKPWD scheduled of rate and
for non-available items in schedule on prevailing market
rate, preparation of tender documents and preparation of
6. On completion of assignment 10%

In case of delays caused due to land disputes resulting in denial of access or change in
boundaries, or approval of plans from regulatory authorities, delay period will be added
to time schedule

A-2.7. Professional Liability

If the PSF suffers any losses or damages as a result of proven fault, error or omission in
the design/execution of the project, the consultant shall be responsible to make good such
loss or damages


1. Complete Data about land for NSS

2. Architectural drawings and diagrams
3. Schematic and detailed design and diagrams
4. Detailed Map

5. PC-I for establishment and construction of National Science School (NSS)
6. Tender Documents and BOQs for the items required for establishment and
construction of NSS in accordance with the PC-I.
7. ToRs for pre-qualification and selection of the firms and contractors for NSS
8. Gantt chart / Time schedule for each of the items of the PC-I.

Hard copies 10 each (colour copy where required/applicable) along-with soft copies in original
format as well as in PDF.

Documents to be submitted with the proposal

1. Original Structure including Name, Address with contact nos., year of Establishment etc
of the Company.
2. Nature of ownership (Company/Sole-proprietorship/Partners) with copy of Memorandum
and Article of Association.
3. Name, Address and CNIC nos. of the Directors or Partners of the Firm.
4. Pre-qualification certificates / letter with Government and Private Entities.
5. Details of Technical Staff on permanent Rolls including list of Engineers / Diploma
Holders with their CV and registration with PEC/Council of Architects & Town Planners.
6. Proof and detail of civil work projects completed within last five years valuing Rs.500
million and above along-with colour photographs, name of the client, project cost, scope
of work, date of commencement / completion & satisfactory performance /
recommendation certificates from the clients / or letter of intents, work orders for similar
jobs in hand.
7. Detail of any arbitration / litigation of similar proceeding against any Government /
Autonomous / Private body showing extent and results.
8. An Affidavit certifying that the firm has never been black listed by any Government /
Autonomous / Private body.
9. Income Tax registration & clearance certificate for the last 5-years and NTN of the
10. Audited statements of accounts and income tax returns for the last five (3) years.
11. List of Equipment & machinery owned/leased by the firm.
12. Any additional information which may help for pre-qualification of firm


i. Name, address, telephone, fax numbers and email address of firm
ii. Ownership and Organizational Structure of the firm

iii. Year of establishment

Please submit the Certificate of Incorporation (for Private Limited Firms). Partnership
Deed (for Partnerships) and Company Registration (for Sole Proprietorship)

Submit the locations and size of the offices available in the following format:
a. Location of office
b. Address of the office
c. Telephone No. and fax No. of the office
d. Size of office (sft)

Permanent office establishment in any city

of Pakistan with area greater than 3000 sft: yes or no
(Projects undertaken in last 10 years under the name of applicant firm only)
i. Experience of Master Planning Projects greater than 500 Kanals
ii. Experience of Architectural, Structural, MEP Design/drawings of Building
Projects with cost of Rs. 500 M or more.
iii. Experience of Design/drawing of Infrastructure Development
Projects (including Roads, Water Supply, Sewerage, Drainage
and Electrification) for projects greater than 500 Kanals
iv. Experience of Construction Supervision of Building with cost of
Rs. 500 M or more
v. Experience of Construction Supervision of Infrastructure
Development Projects (including Roads, Water Supply,
Sewerage, Drainage and Electrification) for projects greater than
500 Kanals
Please submit the details of projects to be claimed for each of the above 5 categories separately
project Details shall be submitted on the format provided in this document.

1. Applicants are advised to submit the names of staff that are permanent employment of
the applicant firm. Associates shall not be considered for the evaluation.
2. Documentary proof of permanent employment in the applicant firm for each proposed
staff shall be submitted with the application.

3. CV for each proposed staff shall be submitted on the format provided in the


a) Financial Soundness Certificate from the Bank issued in
Last five years
b) Audited Report of the firm for 05 years

Please submit the Audited Reports for the Last 5 years, Bank’s Letter issues in the last one year
and filled form of Financial Standing attached


Please submit the details of facilities & equipment on the format in the document. The list
should include the Survey Equipment, Computer Hardware & Software, and Production
Equipment like Printers, Copiers and Large Size Plotters etc.


# Type of Equipment / Make / Model Year of Quantity

Software Manufacture


Forwarding letter

Pakistan Science Foundation
(Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS) for 1800 young students Phase-I (Component-I)

Dear Sir,

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for …………………………. in
accordance with your Tender Document/Request for Proposal dated ……………… Our attached
Financial Proposal is for the sum of PKR [Insert amount(s) in words and figures1]. This amount
is inclusive of the taxes. Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the
modifications resulting from Contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the
Proposal, as mentioned in the Tender Documents. No commissions or gratuities have been or are
to be paid by us to agents relating to this Proposal and Contract execution.

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]:

Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:



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