DST Raj अनुसंधानऔरविकासपरियोजनाकेलिएदिशानिर्देश

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For encouraging application oriented research and transfer of appropriate

technology to the rural masses, lot of emphasis is being given by the Department for
R&D activities. Guideline for submission of R&D projects including ‘Terms
and Conditions’ for the financial assistance is annexed herewith for inviting proposals
of the research projects from Professors/ permanent faculty/Scientists working in
Universities/ Colleges/ State Government Research departments/ Institutions
Autonomous bodies, Educational Institutions, including state Medical and
Engineering Colleges, and Universities. The broad themes for which these R&D
Projects invited are as under: -

1. Application of Science and Technology for the upliftment of rural population of the

2. Attempts to solve shortage of energy, energy consumption pattern of the rural

and urban areas, saving and conservation of energy, use of solar energy for
lighting, solar ponds, energy penetration and study of impacts.

3. Development of energy saving agricultural tools and equipments, food

processing and storage methods, moisture conservation, new methods of
preservation of fruits, control of pests and diseases of fruits and crops.

4. Development of rural technology by creating awareness and dissemination of

new technologies.

5. Studies on fluorosis, nutritional blindness and other common diseases

prevailing in rural areas of the State and their preventive methods and
dissemination of knowledge.

6. Study of common animal diseases, their preventive methods and

dissemination of knowledge; improved dairy and poultry technologies.

7. Problems of environmental pollution in industrial areas of the State.

8. Drinking water problems of the State and measures to overcome.

9. Development of low cost housing material and dissemination of the

information among the users.

10. Science and Technology for women in reducing drudgery and; health hazards in
day to day activities and promoting employment generating activities for

11. Impact of deforestation of the catchments areas of big reservoirs.

12. Development of ground water resources.

13. Study of mineral wealth and their use for the State mining and their impact on

Kindly submit R&D Project Proposal in prescribed format in three copies through
Head of the Institution to :-

Department of Science & Technology,
Vigyan Evam Praudyogiki Bhawan,
Shastri Nagar, Jaipur

Also send soft copy of R&D project proposal to given below email address. For further
information, kindly contact Project Director/ Project Officer, R&D at

Phone : 0141-2280984
E-mail : [email protected]



1. T he Department initiate, support, promote and coordinate such research

and development projects and programmers , which are likely to be relevant
to the achievement of specific objectives and help in fruitful exploitation of
the natural resources of the State, through various institutions, organizations
and agencies in the State. Project will be entertained which are based on the
following thrust areas:-

(i) Related to utilization of Science and Technology for achieving the socio-
economy objectives of the State and in particular, the objectives of tackling the
problems of backwardness, unemployment and poverty in the rural areas, and
among the weaker section of the society, such as scheduled Caste,
Scheduled Tribes, Landless Labor, Artisans, Small and Marginal Farmers
and Women.

(ii) Related to the application of Science and Technology for the upliftment of
Rural poor.

(iii) Attempt to solve the problems of shortage of energy through the application of
new technologies available in the field like non-conventional energy sources.

(iv) Catalyst in creating scientific and technological awareness in the State.

(v) Related to agriculture, basic science, life science, energy, industry, electronics
and applied engineering and also having direct relevance to the economic and
social development in the State.

(vi) Related to the transfer of technology from National level research institutions t o
the remotest area of the State.

The above set criteria is only indicative of the kind and quality research
proposals expected by the Department. Proposals pertaining to purely survey
oriented work, academic studies will not be considered for extending financial

2. The proposals should be prepared and submitted strictly according to the format
prescribed by the Department.

3. Please read explanatory notes and detailed instructions carefully for

completing each section of prescribed format while preparing the proposal.
4. Copies of the proposal and other required document to be sent in one lot
through proper channel to :

The Director,
Department of Science and Technology
Vigyan Evam Praudyogiki Bhawan
Shastri Nagar, Jaipur

5. All the research proposals will be acknowledged and registration number will be
allotted by the department and in future all the communications/enquiry about the
project will be made through this registration no. and the title of the project only.

6. Components of Research Grant :- Grant for a research project will be

provided to the concerning organization, institution or an agency for the use of
principal investigator to cover the following :-

(i) Appointment of research associates/fellows and technical supporting staff e.g.

technicians, mechanics, etc. and payments of salaries and cost of service
benefits to them. The e m o l u m e n t will be paid as consolidated amount
either in regular monthly installments or as lump sum payments. The
Principal Investigator who is employed and already receiving a salary will not be
paid out of this assistance.

(ii) Acquisition of minor ancillary equipment and expendable items, laboratory


(iii) Payment of honoraria or part time allowances for services utilized in

the scheme (e.g. typists, stenographers, accounts clerk, laboratory assistants

(iv) Any other expenditure which the Department of Science & Technology
considers appropriate, depending upon the requirements of a specific

7. Evaluation Process:-

The subject wise/ field wise list of current financial proposals will be prepared amongst
found suitable in initial scrutiny. This list will be evaluated by Expert Advisory
Committee (EAC).

After due approval of the EAC proposal will be given financial assistance by the

8. Approval of Research Projects:-

(i) Projects will be sanctioned for a specified period (Maximum three years), total
cost and year wise breakup will be as approved by the Government. The
authorities of the institution where the research work is to be carried out
would be responsible for administration of the scheme and maintenance of
accounts. The Principal Investigator will arrange with the institution to
receive and make payments on his behalf. The grant shall be exclusively
utilized for the purpose for which it is sanctioned.

(ii) All accounts maintained by the institutions will be subjected to audit by the
institution’s auditor. On termination of the project, the accounts duly audited by
the auditors shall be submitted and the unspent balance if any, shall be
remitted back to the Department.

(iii)The project will become operative with effect from the date on which grant is
received by the institution. The exact date of commencement of work is to be
communicated by Principal Investigator to the Department through proper channel.

(iv)The Principal Investigator shall submit three copies of the h a l f y e a r l y

progress report of the work on the project. In addition the Department may
designate scientists/ specialists to visit the institution periodically and may
organize monitoring workshop for reviewing the progress of the work
and for suggesting measures to ensure early realization of the objective of the
project. On completion of the project 5 copies of a consolidated report of the work
done on the project should be submitted to Department.

(v) Projects will be normally sanctioned to institutions which have most

of the essential facilities in the form of equipment for the type of research work to
be undertaken. The expenditure on purchase of ancillaries to the
equipments, travel and contingencies may be incurred by the Principal
Investigator as provided in the budget sanctioned for the project.

(vi) The selection and appointment of different kind of staff for the project may be
made the Principal Investigator of the research project for the period not
exceeding the sanctioned duration of the project. In other cases, the institution
should be kept informed about it.

(vii) Investigator wishing to publish papers based on research work done under
S&T Research Projects should acknowledge the financial support received
from the Department

(viii)The State Department of S&T reserves the right to terminate the grant at any
stage if convinced that the grant has not been properly utilized or appropriate
progress is not being made.

9. The emoluments to the Research Staff engaged in the projects sanctioned by the
Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Rajasthan area under:
Eligibility JRF SRF
a) Post graduate degree in Scientific @ Rs10,800/- p.m. @ Rs.12, 000/- p.m.
disciplines, other than Medical and

b) Fields (Medical/ Engineering)

i) MBBS with one year @ Rs. 11,400/- p.m. @ Rs.15, 000/- p.m.
Internship and
ii) Post graduate degree in @ R11, 400/- p.m. @ Rs.15, 000/-p.m.
(ix) If the investigator to whom a grant has been sanctioned, leaves the institution
where the project is based, the investigator should submit a complete and
detailed report of the work done by him or the project till the date of his
relieving .

(x) All equipment and stores purchased out of the grant would remain with the
institution concerned unless otherwise directed by the Department.


1. Important Note on Project Formulation:

(a) Please confine your project to only a few specific aspects of problem, which can
be studied in depth in a period of three years. To identify the specific
consider/proceed along the following lines.

(i) Having decided on a broad topic of research review the National Status.

(ii) Identify critical gap areas where your expertise can effectively contribute.

(iii) From these areas, identify one or two specific aspects which can be
studied in depth through a three years research project.

(b) While writing the proposals, please ensure that scientific and technical details are
clearly spelt out. Avoid generalities.

(c) Proposals with broad objectives not achievable in three years, written without
specific details would be viewed unfavorably.

2. Instructions for Filling up the Performa:

(i) Please use paper approximately of A4 size.

(ii) Please type as per the layout given in the formats.
(iii) Please do not skip reproduction of any section even if the answer is “nil”.

Please read additional instructions given on the following pages before filling the
corresponding section of the format.


Item Head of the Institution Number of copies Number of copies


(a) Endorsement from the

(one letter head) One

(b) Certificate from investigator(s) One

(c) Details of the proposals from the section 1 to 57

(stitched) Three
(d) Name and address of experts/institutions who may be
Interested in the subject outcome of the project
(circulation list) Two
4. The Principal Institution assumes financial a n d o t h e r administrative
responsibilities of the project.
5. In case of multi institutional project the Principal Investigator (PI) has to obtain
formal agreement from the collaborating institution/scientists.
6. International travel is not permissible under the project.
7. The manpower recruited for the project should be paid as per the rules of the
Institute and guidelines of the Government of Rajasthan.
8. It is the policy of DST to maximize the use of equipment. In this light, Investigator
shall permit the use of spare or idle capacities of equipment procured under the
project by bonafide users.
(To be given on letter head)

Project Title :

(i) Certified that the Institute welcomes participation of Shri/Ms ………………. as the
Principal Investigator and Shari/Ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as the Principal
Co-Investigator for project and that in the unforeseen event of
discontinuance by the Principal Investigator, the Principal Co-Investigator
will assume the responsibility of the fruitful completion of the project (with due
intimation to Department of Science and Technology / Government of
Rajasthan, Jaipur.)
(ii) Certified that the equipment and other basic facilities as enumerated in
Section 54 and such other administrative facilities as per terms and
conditions of the grant will be extended to the investigator (s) throughout the
duration of the project.
(iii) Institute assumes to undertake the financial and other management
responsibilities of the project.

Name and Signature of

Head of Institution.

Date . . . . . . . . . .
In regard to the research proposals emanating from scientific
institutions/laboratories under various scientific department, the Head of
Institution is required to provide a justification indicating clearly whether the research
proposal falls in line with the normal research activities of the institution or not,
and if not, the scientific reasons which merit its consideration by Department
of Science and Technology / Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur.

Project Title:

(i) I/We agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Department of Science
an d Technology / Government of Rajasthan.

(ii) I/We did not submit the project proposal elsewhere for financial support.

(iii) I/We have explored and ensured that equipment and basic facilities
(enumerated in Section 54) will actually be available as and when required for
the purpose of the projects. I/We shall not request financial support under this
project for procurement of these items.

(iv) I/We have enclosed the following documents:

Item Number of copies

- Endorsement from the Head of Institution One
(On letter head)

- (This) certificate from Investigator(s) One

- Details of the proposal from Section 1 to 57 (stitched) Three

- Name and address of experts Institution interested in

The subject/outcome (of Principal Investigator) Two

Name & Signature of Investigator(s).

Date . . . . . . . . . .

Place . . . . . . . . . .
(To be filled by applicant)

1. Project Title :

2. Broad Subject :

Atmospheric Science
Chemical Sciences
Earth Sciences
Engineering Sciences
Life Sciences
Mathematical s c i e n c e s
Physical Sciences
Other Interdisciplinary

3. Sub Area :

4. Duration in months :

5. Total cost :

6. Project Category :

(a) Applied Research (Process/Product Development)

(b) Technology Development
(c) Any Other

7. Principal Inv. Name :

(Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC attach certificate)

8. Designation :

9. Department :

10. Institute Name :

11. Address :

12. Date of Birth: Sex (M/F) :

13. Telephone Fax :

14. Co-Investigator :

15. Designation :

16. Department :

17. Institute Name :

18. Address :
19 Date of Birth: Sex (M/F) :

20 Telephone Fax :
Gram e-mail

21. Co-Investigator

22. Designation

23. Department

24. Institute Name

25. Address

26. Date of Birth: Sex (M/F)

27. Telephone Fax Gram e-mail

28. Co-Investigator

29. Designation

30. Department

31. Institute Name

32. Address

33. Date of Birth: Sex (M/F)

34. Telephone Fax Gram e-mail

Project Title:..............................Registration No...........(to be filled by


Principal Investigator..........................................................Institution
35. Project summary (maximum 150 words)

36. Key words (maximum 6)

37. Technical details

38. Introduction (under the following heads)

(a). Origin of the proposal

(b). Definition of the problem
(c). Objective
39. Review of status of Research and Development in the subject

(a). International status

(b). National status
(c). Importance of the proposed project in the context of current status
(d). Review of expertise available with proposed investigating
group/institution in the subject of the project
(e). Patent details (domestic and international)

40. Work plan

(a). Methodology
(b). Organization of work elements
(c). Time schedule of activities giving milestones (also append to
bar diagram and mark it as Section 53)
(d). Suggested plan of action for utilization of research
outcome expected from the project.


Item BUDGET (in Rupees)

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total
A. Recurring
2. Consumables
3. Travel
4. Other costs

Grand total (A+B)

N.B. Entries here should match with those given in section 42 to 46;
Justification for each item is to be given in Section following it that is
section 43, 45, 47, 49 and 51.


1st 2nd Year 3rd Year Total

Year (m.m.*) (m.m.) (m.m.) (m.m.)

& number
of persons


*m.m.:man months to be given within brackets before the budget


43. Justification for the manpower requirement.


BUDGET (in Rupees)

Item 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total

Total B

*Q: Quantity or number, ** Budget, ***F: Foreign Exchange Component in


45. Justification for costly consumable (if not provided for in Section 40(a)
i.e. Methodology)

BUDGET (in Rupees)

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total

47. Justification for intensive travel, if any.



1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total


49. Justification for specific costs under other costs, if any.

50. Time Schedule of Activities through BAR Diagram

51. List of facilities being extended by parent institution(s) for the project

A) Infrastructural Facilities:

Sr. Yes/No/ Not required

Infrastructural Facility
No. Full or sharing basis

1. Workshop Facility
2. Water & Electricity

3. Laboratory Space/ Furniture

4. Power Generator
5. AC Room or AC
6. Telecommunication including e-mail & fax
7. Transportation

8. Administrative/ Secretarial support

9. Information facilities like Internet/ Library
10. Computational facilities

11. Animal/ Glass House

12. Any other special facility being provided

B. Equipment available with the Institute/ Group/ Department/ Other

Institutes for the project:

Equipment Generic Name of Model, Make & accessories
available with Equipment year of purchase available and
current usage of

PI & his group

PI's Department

Other Inst In the


52. Detailed Bio-data of the Investigator(s) / Co-Investigator(s) including

Name, Address, D a t e of Birth, I n s t i t u t i o n ’ s A d d r e s s e t c .
Academic Qualifications (University/College from
where attained, year of
passing, class, Thesis title etc.) Publications list (Title of
paper, authors, Journal d e t a i l s , p a g e s , year etc.) Patent list, i f a n y
List of Projects implemented
53. Details o f Research Projects being implemented/ completed/
Submitted by the Investigator(s)/Co-Investigators including

Investigator(s) Name & Institute

Project Title
Project Status:

Completed-duration, period (from.... to.....), funding agency and t o t a l

cost On-going-duration, date of start, funding a g e n c y and total
cost proposed-duration, funding agency where submitted and total cost

Summary of the project Major Results/ Highlights of the project including

achievement (publications, patents etc.), for completed projects
Up-to date Technical progress report for on-going projects.

54. Any other relevant matter.

File No**

1. Title:

2. Proposed Budget for 3 years:

2.1 Total:

2.2 Equipment:
(Please give list of major/ minor equipment)

2.3 Staff (proposed research staff):

2.4 Other Recurring costs:

Any other expenses:

3. Date of receipt**:

4. PI Name, Designation & Address:

5. Date of Birth:

6. Co-Investigator(s) details:

7. Date of Birth(s):

8. Other projects with the PI/Co-PI(s):

S.No. Title Cost (in rupees) Duration Agency

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