Image Encryption Using Blowfish Algorithm
Image Encryption Using Blowfish Algorithm
Image Encryption Using Blowfish Algorithm
cryptography. The proposed method called “Image original image and key image to fuse-defuse. The image of
Encryption using Blowfish Algorithm” is an encryption and GUI is shown in Fig. 1.
decryption technique. It is based on Blow Fish algorithm with
additional security layer to provide extra security while
sending and receiving images and sensitive data. This
proposed model is designed to process any type of images
(i.e., .jpg, .png, etc.). The proposed method consists of 4
phases in encryption and decryption. They are:
Confusion Diffusion Part:
1) Input Original Image
2) Key Image
3) Fusion of Both Image
4) Generate Fused Image
Encryption Part:
1) Input Fused Image
2) Input Secret Key
3) Generate Encrypted Image Fig. 1: GUI of the developed system
Decryption Part:
1) Input Encrypted Image B. Confusion Diffusion UI
2) Input Secret key After the User login, User first input original image through
3) Get Fused Image browsing local files. To generate the fused image, key image
Confusion Diffusion Part: (it can be any image) is needed to fuse with original image.
1) Input Original Image After that he can generate the fused image as shown in fig. 2.
2) Key Image
3) Separation of Image
4) Get Original Image
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Fig. 4: Snap of Email Sending UI.
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Fig. 4: Results after encryption of image [10] (Software Testing
[11] (Introductions and
In this paper, a new method has been suggested for encrypting
images by using the blowfish encryption algorithm and
confusion-diffusion function. User is provided with an easy
interface, which helps him to encrypt decrypt image and can
send image using email. The system is designed to cater the
need of vast population, also it is easy to install and use.
Experimental results clearly depict the robustness and
correctness of the proposed system, proven to be invariant of
color, brightness and affine transformations. Various images
are used in experiments and performance measures are
recorded. In addition to that security factor is also analyzed.
First of all, I would love to give my regards to the almighty
GOD, my parents who are more than GOD for me and all
family member for making me a human being and for making
me able to make my dream comes true. It gives me an
immense feeling of great pleasure and most sincere regards
and sense of gratitude to my guide for his brilliant and
valuable guidance for completing this project. I am very
much grateful to my guide “Mr. Abhishek Agnihotri” for his
valuable suggestion, helping hand and guidance experienced
to me. I am thankful to my guide for his guidance and the
encouragement me for time to time.