Enhanced Blowfish Algorithm For Image Encryption and

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 146 – No.5, July 2016

Enhanced Blowfish Algorithm for Image Encryption and

Decryption with Supplementary Key
K. Kanagalakshm M. Mekala
Professor, Research Scholar,
Department of Computer Science, Department of Computer Science,
Nehru College of Arts and Science, Vidyasagar College of
Coimbatore Arts and Science,


Security is a major concern while sending and receiving BLOWFISH ALGORITHM FOR
sensitive data over web. This paper is aimed to design and
develop a method to address this problem. The proposed IMAGE ENCRYPTION &
method is based on Blowfish algorithm with enhanced DECRYPTION WITH
features. It has been enhanced with a supplementary key SUPPLEMENTARY KEY”
approach to strengthen the security of image or any sensitive In this proposed model, image security has been obtained by
data which are communicated electronically. The proposed encrypting and decrypting image using cryptography. The
algorithm is developed and tested with different data sets. The proposed method called “Enhanced Blowfish Algorithm for
performance of the proposed methods is measured in terms of Image Encryption & Decryption with Supplementary Key” is
time, space complexity and also security. The results are an encryption and decryption technique. It is based on Blow
recorded and show better performance. Fish algorithm with additional secret key to provide extra
security while sending and receiving images and sensitive
Keywords data. This proposed model is designed to process any type of
Cryptography, Blowfish, Encryption , Decryption, Secret key images (i.e .jpg, .gmp, .tiff, .png, etc). The proposed method
consists of 4 phases in encryption and decryption. They are:
Image security helps to keep data privately. Secured image Encryption Part:
transmissions prevent sensitive data such as finger print,
signature and personal e-mail from being read by someone 1. Input Original Image
other than the intended recipient. The sensibility of image 2. Key Generation
security is even making album and storing it in computers
drives or memory cards. Now-a-days the electronic devices 3. Encryption
have been designed to encrypt the medical data and scanned 4. Generate Encrypted Image
medical reports before it is sent to the destination [19].
Decryption Part:
Cryptography converts the original message in to non
readable format which is called chipper text and sends the 1. Input Encrypted Image
same over an insecure network environment. The
2. Input key
unauthorized person can try to read the message and break the
non readable message but it is hard to do it so. The authorized 3. Decryption
person has the capability to convert the non readable message
to readable one with the help of secret key [32]. 4. Get Original Image
The design of the proposed model is given in the Fig. 1.
Different cryptographic techniques and algorithms [1-30] are KEY GENERATION SEND
studied as a background work. Their pros and cons are IMAGE
observed. Based on the study, it is identified that Blowfish
algorithm is a feasible method for image encryption. So the
researcher considers the same for further progress. PROCESS IMAGE)

Cryptography is very useful technique in network

environment. Every image which is sent or received through
the internet needs security. The corporate people send the
account information in the form of image, because the DOWNLOAD
security is more when the file sent as an image format. DECRYPTED (KEY &
Cryptography is one of the important techniques to secure the IMAGE ENCRYPTED
image files [33]. PROCESS

Fig. 1 Design of Proposed Model

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 146 – No.5, July 2016

Blowfish algorithm is a fast and alternative to existing Then, for i = 1 to 16: xL = xL

encryption algorithms. It is called as symmetric block chipper
to safeguard the data effectively [18] [32]. XOR Pi xR = F(xL)XOR xR

It has two modules such as encrypt and decrypt as shown in Swap xL and xR
figure 1. The encrypt module is used to hide visual After the sixteenth round, swap xL and xR again to undo the
information. last swap.
The decrypt module is used to get the hidden visual Step 5: Then, xR = xR XOR P17 and xL = xL XOR P18.
information as original image. It takes the cipher image file as
an input and gives original image asan output. Step 6: Finally, recombine xL and xR to get the cipher image.

In addition to that, the algorithm generates sub keys as 3.1 Image Decryption With The Secret Key
follows:  Decryption
Decryption process precedes the following steps.
Blow Fish uses a large number of sub keys. These keys must
be pre - computed before any data encryption or decryption. Step 1: Initialize S Box and T Box as arrays.
The P-array consistsof1832-bit subkeys: Step 2: Secret key comparison between original key which is
created while encryption.
P1, P2,..., P18.
Step 3: The input is a 64-bit data element, x.
There are four 32-bit S-boxes with 256 entries each:
Step 4: Divide x into two 32-bit halves: xL, xR.
S0,0, S0,1,..., S0,255;
Then, for i = 1 to 16: xL = xL
S1,0, S1,1,..,, S1,255; XOR Pi xR = F(xL)XOR xR
Swap xL and xR
S2,0, S2,1,..., S2,255;
After the sixteenth round, swap xL and xR again to undo the
last swap.
S3,0, S3,1,..,, S3,255.
Step 5: Then, xR = xR XOR P17 and xL = xL XOR P18.
 Generating the Sub keys :
Step 6: Finally, recombine xL and xR to get the original
The sub keys are calculated in the following way.
1. Initialize P-array and four S-boxes with a fixed string.
This string contains the hexadecimal digits of pi (less the 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND
initial 3): P0 = 0x243f6a88, P1 = 0x85a308d3, P2 = FINDINGS
0x13198a2e, etc. The proposed image encryption technique has been developed
2. XOR P0and the first 32 bits of the key, XOR P1and the in java language and various images are used to test the
second 32-bits of the key, and so on for all bits of the performance of the proposed system. The image samples used
key. Repeatedly continue through the key bits upto the for testing are listed in table 1.
whole P-array has been XORed with key bits. Table 1 List of image files used for encryption
3. Encrypt all-zero string using Blowfish algorithm, with
the sub keys given in steps (1) and (2). FILE ID FILE NAME FILE SIZE (KB)

4. Replace P0 and P1 with the output of step (3). 1 Fingerprint.png 6.84

5. Encrypt the output of step (3) using the Blowfish 2 Signature.bmp 72.0
algorithm with the modified sub keys.
3 Chellan.gif 5.28
6. Replace P2 and P3 with the output of step (5).
4 Balancesheet.jpg 9.15
7. Continue the process, exchanging all entries of the P
array, and then all four S-boxes. 5 Passbook.jpg 52.6
In total, 521 iterations are required to generate all required sub 6 Bankrc.jpeg 7.09
keys. Applications can store the sub keys rather than execute
this derivation process multiple times [32]. 7 Trade.gif 8.03
8 Familyfunction.tiff 11.1
 Proposed Encryption Algorithm based on Blowfish:
The Encryption of Blow Fish algorithm precedes the 9 MobilePW.jpg 10.4
following steps.
10 Cheque.bmp 11.3
Step 1: Initialize S Box and T Box as arrays.
Step 2: Convert the matrix Inverse to Transpose and 4.1.Performance Measures
store in T Box. To prove the efficiency of proposed algorithm the
Step 3: The input is a 64-bit data element, x. performance factors such as time and space are observed.

Step 4: Divide x into two 32-bit halves: xL, xR.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 146 – No.5, July 2016

1. Time Complexity Table 3 Memory analysis

Table 2 shows the speed performance in terms of seconds.
More images are considered and used in the experiments. Encryption Decryption
File Name Memory Memory (In
Table 2 Speed analysis ID (In Bytes) Bytes)
Encryption 1 Finger.png 5.3 6.84
File ID File Name Time (in
Time (In Ms)
ms) 2 Sign.bmp 71.7 72.0
1 Finger.png 24579 59621
3 Chellan.gif 6.1 5.28
2 Sign.bmp 32178 63506
4 Balnsheet.jpg 9.5 9.15
3 Chellan.gif 9906 34114
5 Passbook.jpg 47.9 52.6
4 Balnsheet.jpg 12966 75726
6 Bankrc.jpeg 7.8 7.09
5 Passbook.jpg 13978 80298
7 Trade.gif 7.2 8.03
6 Bankrc.jpeg 5890 31370
8 Function.tiff 9.7 11.1
7 Trade.gif 5554 20516
9 Mobile.jpg 9.4 10.4
8 Function.tiff 6232 39217
10 Cheque.bmp 10.4 11.3
9 Mobile.jpg 9367 36461

10 Cheque.bmp 6900 36549 Based on the observation, it has been identified that the size of
original and encrypted images are varied from one another.
2. Memory Size Figure2 – 7 show the visual representation (Screen Shots) of
The size of image files is measured before and after encryption process.
encryption to observe the memory consumption. Table 3 lists
out different image files and their size before and after

Fig 2 View of Main Page

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 146 – No.5, July 2016

Fig. 3 View of Encryption Page

Fig. 4 View of Selecting Input Image

Fig 5 View of Input Image and Secret key Dialog Box

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 146 – No.5, July 2016

Fig. 6 View of Entering Receiver’s E-Mail ID

Fig. 7 View of Encrypted Image

Fig. 8 shows the secret key and encrypted image received by
the receiver through E-Mail

Fig. 8 View of Encrypted Image and Secret key via E-Mail

Figure 9 – 15 show the visual representation (Screen Shots) of
decryption process.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 146 – No.5, July 2016

Fig. 9 View of Main Page to Decrypt the Encrypted Image

Fig. 10 View of Decryption Page

Fig. 11 View of Selecting Encrypted File

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 146 – No.5, July 2016

Fig. 12 View of Encrypted File

Fig. 13 View of the asking Secret Key

Fig. 14 View of Entering Secret Key by the Receiver

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 146 – No.5, July 2016

Fig. 15 View of Original Image to Receiver


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[20] Prasithsangaree.P and Krishnamurthy.P, “Analysis of 8. AUTHOR PROFILE

Energy Consumption of RC4 and AES Algorithms in Dr.K.Kanagalakshmi is working as a Professor in Nehru
Wireless LANs,” in the Proceedings of the IEEE Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. She completed MCA
GLOBECOM 2003, pp. 1445-1449. in Bharathiar University, M.Phil. in Madurai Kamaraj
University, and Ph.D. in Bharathiar University. She put in 15
[21] Qais H. Alsafasfeh and Aouda A. Arfoa, “Image years of experience in teaching. She has published more than
Encryption Based on the General Approach for Multiple 55 papers in National and International Seminars and
Chaotic Systems”, Journal of Signal and Information conferences together. She has published more than ten papers
Processing, 2011. in journals. Her areas of specialization are Biometrics, Pattern
[22] Qiudong Sun, et.al , “Image Encryption Based on Bit- Recognition, Security, and Digital Image Processing. She has
plane Decomposition and Random Scrambling”, Journal received “Swami Vivekanandar”award for her research paper
of Shanghai Second Polytechnic University ,vol. 09 publications and presentations. She produced more than 5
IEEE, 2012. M.Phil. Research scholars. She is an Associate Member of
[23] Rasul Enayatifar and Abdul Hanan Abdullah, “Image
Security via Genetic Algorithm”, 2011 International Mrs.M.Mekala is working as a Computer Science Teacher in
Conference on Computer and Software Modeling Vidya Nethrra Matriculation Higher Secondary School,
IPCSIT vol.14. Gomangalampudhur. She is a research scholar in Department
of Computer Science in Vidyasagar College of Arts and
[24] Rinki Pakshwar et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Science, Udumalpet. She has presented papers in various
Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 4 national conferences.
(1), 2013, 113 – 116.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 146 – No.5, July 2016

Screen shots of the sensitive data

View of fingerprint image encryption

View of Balancesheet image encryption

View of Bank Statement image encryption

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 146 – No.5, July 2016

View of Income Statement image encryption

View of Pass Book image encryption

Images used in Appendix - I

Image of Pass Book

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 146 – No.5, July 2016

Image of Income Statement

Image of Balance Sheet

Image of Bank Statement

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