Image Encryption Techniques:A Selected Review: Rajinder Kaur, Er - Kanwalprit Singh
Image Encryption Techniques:A Selected Review: Rajinder Kaur, Er - Kanwalprit Singh
Image Encryption Techniques:A Selected Review: Rajinder Kaur, Er - Kanwalprit Singh
Abstract:- Due to the rapid growth of digital communication and multimedia application, security becomes an
important issue of communication and storage of images. Encryption is one of the ways to ensure high security images are used in many fields such as medical science, military.Modern cryptography provides essential techniques for securing information and protecting multimedia data. In recent years, encryption technology has been developed quickly and many image encryption methods have been used to protect confidential image data from unauthorized access .In this paper survey of different image encryption techniques have been discussed from which researchers can get an idea for efficient techniques to be used. Keywords: Cryptography, Decryption, Encryption, Image Encryption , Key Space.
With the ever-increasing growth of multimedia applications, security is an important issue in communication and storage of images, and Encryption is a common technique to uphold image security. Image encryption techniques try to convert original image to another image that is hard to understand; to keep the image confidential between users, in other word, it is essential that nobody could get to know the content without a key for decryption. The process of encoding plain text messages into cipher text messages is called encryption.and the reverse process of transforming cipher text back to plain text is called as decryption. Image and video encryption have applications in various fields including internet communication, multimedia systems, medical imaging, Tele-medicine and military communication. Color images are being transmitted and stored in large amount over the Internet and wireless networks, which take advantage of rapid development in multimedia and network technologies. In recent years, plenty of color image encryption approaches have been proposed. Until now, various data encryption algorithms have been proposed and widely used, such as AES, RSA, or IDEA most of which are used in text or binary data. It is difficult to use them directly in multimedia data and inefficient for color image encryption because of high correlation among pixels. For multimedia data are often of high redundancy,of large volumes and require real-time interactions.
Original Image Fig.1 This paper is organized as follows In Section 1; we present general guide line about cryptography. In Section 2, we survey on already existing research paper. Finally, we conclude in section 3. Encrypted Image
I. Cryptography : The many schemes used for enciphering constitute the area of study known as
cryptography. There are three types of cryptography: 1.1 Secret Key Cryptography This type of cryptography technique uses just a single key. The sender applies a key to encrypt a message while the receiver applies the same key to decrypt the message. Since only single key is used so we say that this is a symmetric encryption. The biggest problem with this technique is the distribution of key as this algorithm makes use of single key for encryption or decryption. 80 | Page
Literature Review
In this section, we are presenting the research work of some prominent authors in the same field and explaining a short description of various techniques used for image Encryption. A. Seyed Hossein Kamali, Reza Shakerian A New Modified Version of Advanced Encryption Standard Based Algorithm for Image Encryption 2010[1] proposed a new encryption scheme as a modification of AES algorithm based on both ShiftRow Transformations. In this if the value in the first row and first column is even, the first and fourth rows are unchanged and each bytes in the second and third rows of the state are cyclically shifted right over different number, else the first and third rows are unchanged and each byte of the second and fourth rows of the state are cyclically shifted left over different number of bytes..Experimental result shows that that MAES gives better encryption results in terms of security against statistical attacks and increased performance. B. Hai Yu, Zhiliang Zhu An Efficient Encryption Algorithm Based on Image Reconstruction 2009[2] An efficient image encryption algorithm is proposed, based on image reconstruction using some adjacent pixel characteristics. According to the different characteristics of different bit level binary images, the proposed encryption scheme reconstructs the image at the bit level. Two parts of information, the significant one and the unimportant one, are treated differently and processed separately. Simulations and cryptanalysis both show that the proposed image encryption scheme is more efficient and yields better level of security. C. Zhang Yun-peng , Zhai Zheng-jun Digital Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaos and Improved DES 2009[3] This paper is based on the chaotic encryption and Improved DES encryption and a combination of image encryption algorithm is used to find the gaps.In this paper new encryption logistic Map produced pseudo random sequence on RGB image and make double times encryption with improved DES . Combination of Chaos And improved DES makes the final algorithm more secure ,faster and more suitable for digital image encryption D. K.C.Ravishankar,M.G. Venkateshmurthy Region Based Selective Image Encryption 2006[4] The proposed technique segments the image into regions of fixed size. These regions act as units for processing the image. Selective Encryption makes it possible to encrypt only a part of the image leaving the rest of the image unaltered. Here, the regions covering the part of the image are considered for encryption. Selective Reconstruction deals with decrypting only a part of the encrypted image. Both the methods give a fair amount of reduction in the encryption time.Once the segmentation and permutation of regions is completed, the regions are encrypted independently. E.Paul A.J P. Mythili K. Paulose Jacob Matrix based Cryptographic Procedure for Efficient Image Encryption 2011[5] In this paper a fast symmetric key encryption procedure,Matrix Array symmetric Key Encryption (MASK) based on matrix manipulation is presented .this provides fast conversion of plaintext and images into ciphertext and cipher images.. The encryption scheme presented here is a block cipher with a block size of 128
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