Starting Primary School 2014
Starting Primary School 2014
Starting Primary School 2014
School 2014
2 Map of Waltham Forest and location of Waltham Forest primary schools
If your child was born between 1 September 2009 and 31 August 2010 and lives in Waltham Forest
you will need to apply to Waltham Forest School Admissions Service for a Reception place for them for
September 2014.
Even if your child currently attends a nursery attached to a school you must apply for a
Reception place for them.
Even if your child has a sibling already attending your preferred school you must apply for a
Reception place for them.
If you live outside Waltham Forest, you will need to apply to the local authority in which you live.
If you have any questions, you can contact the School Admissions Service on:
(Monday – Friday
9.30am – 4.30pm)
Section 1 Page Section 2 Page
Applying for a school place for September 2014 4 How we will process your application 22
Section 5
Admissions criteria for Trust, Voluntary Aided and
Academies 13 Other information 29
Section 6
Definitions 33
Option 2
Note: You accept the Reception place offered but choose to defer
your child’s entry until later in the school year.
There is currently a proposal yet to receive final agreement
from the Secretary of State which could increase primary • If your child was born between 1 September and 31
places in Walthamstow. December 2009, they must take up their Reception place by
the start of the term in January 2015.
• P
roposal - Walthamstow Primary Academy to open as a • If your child was born between 1 January and 31 August
new 2FE (60 places) primary school in September 2014. 2010, you can defer taking up their Reception place until the
The school will be located on the site of Walthamstow start of the term in April 2015.
Academy Campus, Billet Road, Walthamstow.
You must inform the School Admissions Service if you wish to
It will be possible to include this school as one of your defer your child’s school place.
preference choices.
Different types of primary schools in
When the Secretary of State has made a decision on
the proposal, details will be provided on the Council and Waltham Forest
school websites.
Type of school Who sets the admissions criteria for 2014?
Academy Academy Trust
Community Local Authority
Free Academy Trust
When your child will start school Trust Governing Body of the school
Voluntary aided Governing Body of the school
All children born between 1 September 2009 and 31 August Voluntary controlled Local Authority
2010 will be eligible to start full-time education in an infant or
primary school Reception class in September 2014.
Nursery to Reception class
Most children will start school in September 2014. The law
says that your child must start school at the beginning of the Children do not automatically transfer from nursery to a
term immediately following their fifth birthday. Reception class so you must complete an application for a
In Waltham Forest, we prefer all Reception children to start Reception place.
school in September at the start of the school year so that we
can give them the best possible start to school.
Class sizes
Deferred entry Every school has a planned admission number (PAN) or set
number of children it admits each year. In addition, the local
If you feel your child will not be ready to start full-time school in authority and all schools are required by law to ensure that
September 2014, you may defer your child’s entry to Reception there are no more than 30 pupils with a single school teacher in
until later in the school year. each Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 class.
Before you decide, we recommend you read through the Please look at each school’s entry in this booklet to see how
following options in order to understand the process and the many places each school has available in Reception 2014.
implications of your decision.
Option 1
You accept the Reception place offered and your child starts
school in September 2014.
What documents do I need to provide? • If we receive the information after 12 February 2014 we will
ensure that your offer letter is sent to your new address, if
you applied on a paper application, but we will not be able
You need to provide documents that prove your child’s date of
to use this for the purposes of allocation.
birth, prove your home address and prove that your child lives
at the address with you. If your new address is not in Waltham Forest you must also
inform the admissions team in the local authority to which you
Please provide:
are moving.
• a copy of your Council Tax bill 2013/14 or Tenancy
• or a copy of your most recent Housing Benefit letter 2013/14 Guardianship
naming all occupants
Guardianship only applies if the relatives can prove that they
and one of the following: have full responsibility for the child and that the normal,
• a copy of your most recent Child Benefit letter or permanent residence is not the parent’s address.
• a copy of your most recent Child Tax Credits letter If the child lives with the relatives on a full-time basis, both during
the week and at weekend, this is more likely to be accepted as a
A recent copy is one which is dated no earlier than 31 formal arrangement. There must be proof that the relatives care
December 2012. Whichever document you choose to send for the child on a full-time basis by providing a residence order or
must show the parent’s name, the address from which the documents to show who receives the Child Benefit.
application is being made and the name of your child and, in
the case of Housing Benefit, all occupants listed. If a child does not live with their birth parents and relatives look
after the child, documentary evidence such as a will or a court
If you are living in someone else’s house and the Council Tax order must be shown as proof that the relatives are the child’s
bill is not in your name, please provide us with the current guardians.
Council Tax bill or Housing Benefit letter of the person with
whom you are living. The person you are living with must Collecting children from school and looking after them until the
submit a letter stating that you and your child are living with parent collects them is not guardianship; nor does it apply if the
them at their property. The letter must also state that they are child sleeps at the relative’s house regularly but still lives part-
in support of you applying from their address and must name time with the parents.
all of the child’s siblings living at the address. We also require
a document such as a recent bank statement, utility bill or Your details
benefits letters with your name as the addressee and showing
the address given on the application. Please provide the details of one parent or carer and your
If you apply online you can securely attach scanned documents contact details. Please ensure you include your daytime
to your application. You will receive an email confirming receipt telephone numbers as we may need to contact you.
of each document. If you applied on a paper form, you can
send photocopies of your documents to the postal address at
the front of this booklet.
Listing schools on your form
• We strongly recommend that you list six schools on your
Please remember to put your child’s full name and date of
application form. Please list them in the order you most
birth on any documents you send to us. We cannot return
prefer them. Page 22 explains why this is so important.
original documents. You can also scan and send to primary.
[email protected]. • Do not list independent or private schools on your
application form as you need to apply directly to those
schools and not through Waltham Forest.
Note: • If your child already has a sibling (brother or sister) at one of
your preferred schools, you must still list that school on your
If you do not provide these documents, we will not send application form and provide their sibling’s name and date of
you an offer letter on 16 April 2014. If you applied online birth.
you will not receive an email on 16 April 2014 and you will
not be able to check the results of your application online. • If you only apply for one school, you will only be considered
for that school.
• If you list the same school more than once it will not increase
your chances of being offered that school.
Moving house
• If we are unable to offer you any of your preferred schools we
You must provide the address on your application form where will allocate a place at the school nearest to your home that
your child is living on 15 January 2014. has an available place. This is known as an ‘alternative offer’.
• If you move house after 15 January 2014, please let us know • No school will know the order in which you have listed them
immediately. on your application form or which other schools you have
named on the form, as this information is confidential prior to
• If we receive the required proof of your new address by
the allocation of places.
7 February 2014 we will be able to use your new address to
measure your home to school distances.
If you do not provide the name and date of birth of your child’s Once you have submitted your form by pressing the ‘submit’
sibling we will not be able to take it into account and it will affect button you will receive an email confirming that your application
your child’s chances of being offered a place at that school. has been successfully submitted.
Children ‘at risk’
A child is ‘at risk’ if they are currently on the Child Protection
The following academies will apply the Waltham Forest Register or are under consideration for inclusion on the register,
community schools criteria – as advised by Waltham Forest’s Child Protection Officer.
Chingford Hall Primary School
Hillyfield Primary Academy Medical or social reasons
Roger Ascham Primary School
The Woodside Primary Academy Medical or social reasons can only be taken into account
where information is provided by the closing date, i.e. 15
Sybourn Primary School
January 2014. Failure to provide such information at that stage
Barclay Primary School may affect whether or not the child is allocated a place at the
Willow Brook Primary School Academy preferred school under this criterion.
Whittingham Primary Academy Applications will only be considered under this category if
Riverley Primary School they are supported by a written statement from a doctor,
Walthamstow Primary Academy social worker, psychologist or other relevant independent
professional. The information must confirm the exceptional
medical or social reason, and demonstrate how the specified
If there are more applications than there are places available at school is the only school that can meet the defined needs of
a school, we will use the following criteria, in priority order, to the child.
decide who should be offered a place.
In all cases the medical or social need must be permanent or
Priority 1 – Looked-After Children or Children ‘At Risk’ long term.
Priority 2 – Medical or social reasons For medical conditions, the school named must be the closest
school to the child’s address for consideration to be given on
Priority 3 – Siblings mobility grounds.
Priority 4 – Distance Examples of possible exceptional medical or social reasons:
For definitions see Important Notes below • Any acute or chronic condition that would make it difficult for
a child to attend any school other than the school closest to
the child’s address .
Important Notes: • Any acute or chronicmedical condition that requires regular,
long-term attendance at a particular medical establishment
which is closest to the school named.
Special Educational Needs • A child and their family who are considered ‘at risk’ due to
circumstances beyond the family’s control such as fleeing
Children who have a statement of Special Educational Needs
domestic violence (housed in a refuge in Waltham Forest).
are placed in schools under the terms of the Education Act
Consideration may then be given for the named child to be
1996 and not through the admissions criteria referred to above.
given a school away from the area of their previous home
Children who have a statement of Special Educational Needs will address for safeguarding purposes.
be allocated a place at the school named on their statement.
• An existing restraining order that may put a family ‘at risk’ if
the school were to be outside the remit of distance agreed
Looked-After Children by the courts.
The Admissions Panel that will determine each case will be
A looked-after child is a child who is or was: made up of the Admissions Manager and professionals (a GP,
• in the care of a Local Authority; or and a social worker), and will make the final decision based on
the evidence provided.
• being provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in
accordance with Section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989.
For admission purposes, a ‘looked-after’ child is a child
currently in care or a child who was in care but became subject
to an adoption residence, or special guardianship order,
immediately after leaving care.
Please note: this does not apply to children who were
adopted between 1989 and December 2005.
Additional information
Emmanuel Community School You will need to complete the school’s supplementary
information form which is available from the school or from the
(Free school) School Admissions Service. The completed form should be
returned directly to the school office by 15 January 2014.
A child with a statement of Special Educational Needs which
The school will offer 30 Reception places.
names Emmanuel Community School will be admitted and will
As a non-selective Christian school, Emmanuel Community count towards the admission number of 30.
School is open to members of other faiths or no faith. In the
Where there are more applications satisfying any category 1
event of oversubscription, no more than 50% of places will be
to 7, places will be offered in order of proximity to Emmanuel
offered based on Christian faith, as set out below.
Community School at the date of application. Those living
1. Looked after children and previously looked after children. closer will be given higher priority.
A looked after child is a child in the care of the local authority The full admissions policy can be viewed at
or provided with accommodation by the local authority (as
defined in Section 22 of the Children Act 1989) at the time of
Previously looked after children are children who were
looked after but ceased to be so because they were Our Lady and St. George’s
adopted or became subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order. Catholic Primary School
Any remaining places will be offered to applicants in the
following order. Up to 15 places will be offered to applicants The governors of Our Lady & St George’s Catholic Primary
in categories 2 to 5. School have determined the following admission arrangements
2. Dedicated children with a sibling at Emmanuel Community for entry to school.
School from families who have worshipped regularly at The school was founded by the Catholic Church to provide
Emmanuel Christian Centre and are recorded partners of education for children of Catholic families. The schools are
that church. conducted by governing bodies as part of the Catholic Church
3. Dedicated children with a sibling at Emmanuel Community in accordance with their respective trust deeds and instrument
School from families who have worshipped regularly at any of government, and seek at all times to be a witness to Jesus
church affiliated to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland Christ.
or the Evangelical Alliance and are recorded members of that Whenever there are more applications than places available,
church. priority will always be given to applicants in accordance with
4. Dedicated children from families who have worshipped the over subscription criteria listed below. All applications must
regularly at Emmanuel Christian Centre and are recorded include a declaration of positive support for the aims and ethos
partners at that church. of the school.
5. Dedicated children who have worshipped regularly at any The Governing Body has responsibility for admissions to the
church affiliated to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland school and intend to admit 60 pupils to the reception in one
or the Evangelical Alliance and are recorded members of that intake September 2014.
church. Applications for Reception places must be made on the
6. Children with an exceptional medical or social need, to Waltham Forest application form and submitted to the Local
be accompanied by supporting submissions from the Authority. In addition a Supplementary Information form (SIF)
applicant’s GP and/or consultant, social worker or education which should be signed by a priest or minister of religion, must
welfare officer, setting out the particular reasons why be completed and returned to the school by 15th January 2014.
Emmanuel Community School is the most suitable school Supplementary information forms can be obtained from the
for the child and that the medical or social grounds are such school office or from the school website.
that they cannot be met sufficiently at another school.
Over subscription criteria
7. Children who have a sibling at Emmanuel Community
School. A. Where there are more applications for places than
the number of places available, places will be offered
8. Children living closest to Emmanuel Community School. according to the following order of priority.
Distance is measured from the child’s permanent address to
the main gate of the school. 1. Looked after children or children who were previously looked
after (but immediately after being looked after became
• Distance is measured using a straight line from the address subject to an adoption, residence, or special guardianship
(using the Local Land and Property Gazetteer) of the child’s order)whose carers are prepared to support the aims and
permanent home to the main gate of the school. ethos of the school.
• All distances will be measured in miles using a computerised 2. Children or their principal carers from practising Catholic
mapping system called Routefinder GIS. families with strong medical or social reasons, which have
a significant impact on the family well-being, supported by
• All distances will be measured using this system, which is
letters of recommendation from at least 2 from the following
the only one that that will be used in the allocation of school
list ; Parish Priest, GP, hospital consultant, head teacher,
places by Waltham Forest Admissions Service.
social worker, registered medical professional eg. Speech
and language therapist.
7. Catechumens and members of an Eastern Christian Church. The governors as a corporate body have sole responsibility
for admissions to St Mary’s school and will admit 30
8. Christians of other denominations whose families support children to the Reception class.
the aims and ethos of the school and whose application is
supported by a minister of religion. St Mary’s is a voluntary aided, mixed 4-11 year olds, Catholic
Primary School, under the trusteeship of the Diocese of
9. Children of other faiths and whose families support the aims Brentwood. The primary aim and purpose of our school is to
and ethos of the school and whose application is supported support practising Catholic parents in the academic, spiritual
by a religious leader. and moral education of their children. The Governing Body
10.Any other applicants. will therefore offer a priority in each category to children of
practising Catholic families. This does not affect the right of
B. Where the offer of places to all applicants in any of the parents who are not of the faith of this School to apply for and
categories listed above would lead to over subscription be considered for a place at our school.
the following provisions will be applied.
Pupils are admitted in line with the following Admissions
1. The attendance of a sibling at the school at the time of Criteria.
enrolment will increase the priority of an application within
each category. Applications for Reception places must be made either
online or on a paper application form to Waltham Forest and
2. The governing body will increase the priority within each submitted by 15th January 2014.
category of an application for families of service personnel
with a confirmed posting to the area or crown servants For applicants wishing to be considered under the category
returning from overseas to live in the area. of practising or baptised Catholics, a reference from the
applicant’s Parish Priest in whose parish the applicant worships
C. Tie break will be required, which must be returned directly to the school
by either the Priest, or parents, no later than 15th January
If, after applying the provisions of paragraph B, the offer of
2014 using the Supplementary Information Form (SIF). Further
places to all remaining applicants in any sub category listed
details regarding this reference can be obtained from Waltham
above in paragraph A would lead to over subscription, the
Forest’s School Admissions Service using the contact details at
places will be offered to those in that sub-category living
the front of this booklet, from the School Prospectus, from our
closest to the upper school site (E17 3EA).
website at or by contacting the
Distance is measured from the child’s permanent address to the school directly.
main gate of the school.
Please note it is the responsibility of the applicant’s
• Distance is measured using a straight line from the address parent/s /guardian/s to forward the above information if
(using the Local Land and Property Gazetteer) of the child’s appropriate/desired. In cases where no information is
permanent home to the main gate of the school. received, the application will be considered as a non-faith
application under the appropriate section of the criteria.
• All distances will be measured in miles using a computerised
mapping system called Routefinder GIS. The Governing Body, having carried out the required
consultation, has set a planned admission number of 30 for the
• All distances will be measured using this system, which is
academic school year commencing in September 2014.
the only one that that will be used in the allocation of school
places by Waltham Forest Admissions Service.
Admissions Criteria:
The school will offer places to 30 children in the following order.
1. Baptised Catholic children in public care, ‘looked after’,
or ‘previously looked after’ baptised Catholic children (see
criteria for looked after children contained in this brochure)
2. Baptised Catholic children whose parent/s go to Mass each
week and who live in the Parish of Our Lady of Grace and St
Teresa of Avila at the time of application. The child must
have a brother or sister already in the school at the time
of application who will still be in the school at the time of
3. Baptised Catholic children whose parent/s go to Mass each
week and who live in the Parish of Christ The King – (north of
the A406) at the time of application. The child must have
a brother or sister already in the school at the time of
application who will still be in the school at the time of
• All distances will be measured using this system, which 5. Children of families of other Christian denominations who
is the only one that that will be used in the allocation of are in sympathy with the aim and ethos of the school and
school places by Waltham Forest Admissions Service. worship regularly at church, as supported by their Minister.
Where two separate residences are determined as being 6. Other children who are or were in public care.
exactly the same distance from the School, a lottery tie-
break draw will take place with the assistance of a third Oversubscription criteria
impartial party. If there are more applications received that fulfil the criteria than
II. Under subscription: If the school still has places left after there are places available, the school will apply the following
admitting children under the rules, the school will offer places criteria:
to those living nearest the school, measured in a straight line, 1. Preference will be given in each category to those with a
using the Borough’s measurement tool as above. sibling at the school at the time of admission.
2. Preference will be given according to the frequency of Mass/
church attendance, as confirmed by the reference from the
3. Applications from catechumens will be treated as those for Children with Special Educational Needs
baptised Catholics.
Children who have a statement of Special Educational Needs
If, after having allocated places according to these criteria, are placed in schools through the arrangements set out in the
there are still places remaining and all the remaining applicants SEN Code of Practice and not through any admission criteria.
are equal, places will be offered according to distance between Governing bodies are required by section 324 of the Education
the home address and the school. Act 1996 to admit a child with a statement that names that
particular school. Parents of children with statements should
Distance –is measured from the child’s permanent address to
contact their child’s casework officer for further information.
the main gate of the school.
Children who have a statement naming a school will be
• Distance is measured using a straight line from the address allocated a place even if that school is full.
(using the Local Land and Property Gazetteer) of the child’s
permanent home to the main gate of the school. Oversubscription Criteria
• All distances will be measured in miles using a computerised Where there are more applications for places than the number
mapping system called Routefinder GIS. of places available, places will be offered according to the
following order of priority.
• All distances will be measured using this system, which is
the only one that that will be used in the allocation of school The attendance of a brother or sister at St Patrick’s at the time
places by Waltham Forest Admissions Service. of enrolment will increase the priority of an application within
each category.
Additional information 1. Looked after children or previously looked after children from
All applications must be supported by a Baptismal Certificate Catholic families.
and a supplementary information form (SIF) completed by you
2. Other looked after or previously looked after children.
and the Priest/Minister of your Parish. SIFs are available from
the school office or from the School Admissions Service. 3. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families
who are resident and practising in the parish of Our Lady of
Applications from members of Orthodox faiths (Churches in
the Rosary and St Patrick, Walthamstow.
communion with Catholics) will be considered on the same
basis as baptised Catholic families. 4. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families
who are resident in the parish of Our Lady of the Rosary and
St Patrick, Walthamstow.
5. Other baptised Catholic children who are resident in the
St. Patrick’s Catholic parish of Our Lady & St Patrick, Walthamstow.
• A child and their family who are considered ‘at risk’ due to
circumstances beyond the family’s control such as fleeing
domestic violence (housed in a refuge in Waltham Forest).
Yardley Primary School Consideration may then be given for the named child to be
given a school away from the area of their previous home
address for safeguarding purposes.
Special Educational Needs • An existing restraining order that may put a family ‘at risk’ if
the school were to be outside the remit of distance agreed
Children who have a statement of Special Educational Needs by the courts.
are placed in schools through the arrangements set out in the
SEN Code of Practice and not through any admission criteria. The Admissions Panel that will determine each case will be
Governing bodies are required by section 324 of the Education made up of the Admissions Manager and professionals (a GP,
Act 1996 to admit a child with a statement that names that and a social worker), and will make the final decision based on
particular school. Parents of children with statements should the evidence provided.
contact their child’s casework officer for further information.
3. Siblings
Children who have a statement naming a school will be
Sibling means:
allocated a place even if that school is full.
• a full brother or sister;
If the number of applicants without statements of educational
needs naming the school is higher than the number of places • a half-brother or sister;
available, the following rules are applied in the order of priority
set out below to decide who will be offered a place. • a stepbrother or stepsister; and
• foster brother or sister;
1. Looked-After Children
A looked-after child is a child who is or was: In all cases the sibling must be living at the same address and
must still attend the school at the time of admission of the child
• in the care of a Local Authority; or for whom the application is being made.
• being provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in If you do not provide the name and date of birth of your child’s
accordance with Section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989. sibling we will not be able to take it into account and it will affect
your child’s chances of being offered a place at that school.
For admission purposes, a ‘looked-after’ child is a child
currently in care or a child who was in care but became subject
to an adoption residence, or special guardianship order, 4. Children of members of staff
immediately after leaving care. Children of members of staff who have been employed at the
Children ‘at risk’ school for more than 2 years at the time at which application for
A child is ‘at risk’ if they are currently on the Child Protection admission is made, or who are recruited to fill vacant posts for
Register or are under consideration for inclusion on the register, which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
as advised by Waltham Forest’s Child Protection Officer.
5. Distance
2. Medical or social reasons Children living closest to the school.
Medical or social reasons can only be taken into account Distance is measured from the child’s permanent address to the
where information is provided by the closing date, i.e. 15 main gate of the school.
January 2014. Failure to provide such information at that stage
may affect whether or not the child is allocated a place at the • Distance is measured using a straight line from the address
preferred school under this criterion. (using the Local Land and Property Gazetteer) of the child’s
permanent home to the main gate of the school.
Applications will only be considered under this category if
they are supported by a written statement from a doctor, • All distances will be measured in miles using a computerised
social worker, psychologist or other relevant independent mapping system called Routefinder GIS.
professional. The information must confirm the exceptional • If more than one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy
medical or social reason, and demonstrate how the specified building (for example, flats) priority will be given to the
school is the only school that can meet the defined needs of applicant whose door number is the lowest numerically and/
the child. or alphabetically.
In all cases the medical or social need must be permanent or • Where two or more applicants (who are not from multiple
long term. births) are found to live exactly the same distance from
For medical conditions, the school named must be the closest the school, a lottery tie-break draw will take place with the
school to the child’s address for consideration to be given on assistance of a third impartial party.
mobility grounds. All distances will be measured using this system, which is the
Examples of possible exceptional medical or social only one that that will be used in the allocation of school places
reasons: by Waltham Forest School Admissions Service.
• Any acute or chronic condition that would make it difficult for Multiple births
a child to attend any school other than the school closest to If the last child to be offered a place is one of multiple births,
the child’s address . all multiple birth siblings will be admitted to the school as
‘permitted exceptions’ to the infant class size legislation which
• Any acute or chronic medical condition that requires regular, limits infant classes to no more than 30 children.
long-term attendance at a particular medical establishment
which is closest to the school named.
Section 2
How we will process your application
Applications are processed using a system known as equal The results of your application
preference. This means that for each of your preferences we
will use the admissions criteria to work out whether we can
offer your child a place at any of your preferred schools. Date What will happen?
• The Governors of academies, foundation and voluntary- 16 April 2014 Offer letters will be posted to applicants
aided schools let us know who to offer a place by listing all making a paper application
pupils who have applied in the order of how well they meet 16 April 2014 Online applicants will be sent an email with
their admissions arrangements. the outcome of their application. Please
• Other local authorities let us know which Waltham Forest wait until you have received the email before
residents can be offered places in their schools. logging on to the eAdmissions website.
• If more than one place can be offered to your child, we will 17 April 2014 Offer letters should be received by
offer the highest possible preference. This is why it is so applicants making a paper application
important to list schools in the order you most prefer. Offer letters will be sent by first class post on 16 April. Most
of these letters will be received the following day on 17 April
but because of variations in Royal Mail delivery we cannot
Application received guarantee this.
Criteria applied to each preference
Please note that we do not give out any offer information
over the telephone.
Failure to respond may result in losing the school place
Section 3
Schools in Waltham Forest
School details Headteacher Status Reception
Ainslie Wood Primary School Ms Kerry Scott Community 60
Ainslie Wood Road, E4 9DD
020 8523 7913
Barclay Primary School Mr Justin James Academy 180
Canterbury Road, E10 6EJ (Site 1)
Hoe Street, E17 9AA (Site 2)
020 8539 6777
Barn Croft School Ms Frances Wilson Community 30
Brunel Road, E17 8SB
020 8521 1145
Buxton School (All-Through) – Primary Phase Mrs Kathleen Wheeler Trust 120
Cann Hall Road, E11 3NN
020 8534 3563
Chapel End Infants School Ms Theresa Martin Community 90
Beresford Road, E17 4LN
020 8527 1388
Chase Lane Primary School Miss Carolyn Community 90
York Road, E4 8LA Houstoun
020 8529 6827
Chingford CofE Federated Infant & Junior Schools Ms Lindsey Lampard Voluntary 60
Kings Road, E4 7EY Controlled
020 8529 7601
Chingford Hall Primary School Mrs Patricia Davies Academy 30
Burnside Avenue, E4 8YJ
020 8527 7433
Coppermill Primary School Mrs Figen Bektasoglu Community 30
Edward Road, E17 6PB
020 8520 6267
Davies Lane Primary School Ms Maureen Okoye Community 120
Davies Lane, E11 3DR
020 8539 2466
Dawlish Primary School Mr Mike Reader Community 30
Jesse Road, E10 6NN
020 8558 1566
Downsell Primary School Mr Terrence Nairne Community 90
Downsell Road, E15 2BS
020 8556 0103
Edinburgh Primary School Ms Jane Harris Community 90
Queens Road, E17 8QS
020 8509 6180
Our Lady and St. George’s Catholic Primary School Ms Rosie McGlynn Voluntary 60
Shernhall Street, E17 3EA Aided
020 8520 8500
Parkside Primary School Ms Lisa Cousins Community 60
Wellington Avenue, E4 6RE
020 8559 4278
Riverley Primary School Ms Anne Powell Academy 60
Park Road, E10 7BZ
020 8539 4535
Roger Ascham Primary School Mr Matt Hanks Academy 60
Wigton Road, E17 5HU
020 8527 3157
Selwyn Primary School Ms Maureen Okoye Community 90
Cavendish Road, E4 9NG
020 8527 3814
South Grove Primary School Ms Julie Maltwood Community 60
Ringwood Road, E17 7NE
020 8521 6000
St Joseph’s Catholic Infant School Mrs Mary Le Count Voluntary 60
Marsh Lane, E10 7BL aided
020 8539 3000
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Miss Philomena Egan Voluntary 30
Station Road, E4 7BJ aided
020 8529 4723
Proposed New School - Walthamstow This ethos underpins its core values:
• Ambition – to achieve the best for ourselves and others;
Primary Academy • Confidence – to have the courage of our convictions and to
take risks in the right cause;
United Learning is pleased to be opening a new primary school in
Walthamstow. The new school, which is currently using the name • Creativity – to imagine possibilities and make them real;
Walthamstow Primary Academy, will open in September 2014. • Respect – for ourselves and others in all that we do;
Initially the school will open with 60 reception pupils and then the • Enthusiasm – to seek opportunity, find what is good and pursue
school will grow a year at a time with a view to reaching capacity talents and interests;
in 2020. The school will have a distinctive ethos and benefit from • Determination – to overcome obstacles and reach success.
strong partnerships with Walthamstow Academy and the local
community. The admission criteria for the school are listed on
page 11. United Learning will be conducting an extensive consultation
around many different aspects of the school, including its name,
curriculum, extracurricular programme and links with the local
The school will be located on the site of Walthamstow Academy
community. If you would like to be involved in this process, we will
Campus, Billet Road, Walthamstow, E17 5DP. We have an exciting
be holding open evenings in October and November.
programme of building works planned which will transform the site
into an outstanding, modern school complex.
Please email us at
The new school will be part of United Learning, a group of over 30 [email protected].
academies and independent schools located across the country. uk if you would like further details about the evenings. Please
As part of United Learning, the school will promote high levels of also come to the open evenings if you would like to learn more
achievement and seek to bring out ‘the best in everyone’. It will about the plans for education at the school, how the school will
share best practice with other United Learning schools across look when it opens or to discover more about United Learning
the country and staff will benefit from the Group’s wide range of in general. Anyone from the local area who is interested in
high-quality professional development opportunities and its bank education is welcome to attend this event, whether or not they
of excellent educational resources. have a child of Reception age.
Section 4
Neighbouring local authorities
If you want to apply to schools outside of Waltham Forest, contact the relevant local authority for information on those
schools. Please remember that if you live in Waltham Forest you must submit an application to Waltham Forest School
Admissions Service.
Technology and Learning Centre
1 Reading Lane
London E8 1GQ
Tel: 020 8820 7197
Email: [email protected]
Section 5
Other information
How places were allocated on National Allocation Day (17 April 2013)
School name PAN Applications SEN LAC Medical/ Sibling Mini Distance LA Places Cut off Appeals Appeals
received Social Catchment Alternative offered Distance heard allowed
Ainslie Wood Primary 60 172 0 0 0 20 37 3 60 n/a 1 0
Barclay Primary 120 402 0 0 0 53 67 0 120 0.469 19 1
Barn Croft Primary 30 97 0 0 0 11 19 0 30 0.333
Buxton School 120 160 0 0 0 22 48 2 72 n/a
Chapel End Infant 90 189 0 0 1 30 43 1 75 n/a
Chase Lane Primary 90 179 0 1 0 37 50 1 89 n/a
Chingford C of E 60 197 0 0 1 25 34 0 60 0.478 3 0
Infant School
Chingford Hall Primary 30 159 2 0 0 9 19 0 30 0.283 3 0
Coppermill Primary 30 133 0 0 0 14 12 4 0 30 0.08 4 0
Davies Lane Primary 120 219 4 0 0 17 54 1 76 n/a
Dawlish Primary 30 239 0 0 0 17 13 0 30 0.11 2 0
Downsell Primary 90 133 0 0 0 29 49 3 81 n/a
Edinburgh Primary 90 316 1 0 1 41 47 0 90 0.388 1 0
Emmanuel 30 103 0 0 0 2 n/a 0 30
Community School
George Mitchell 60 149 0 0 0 7 33 19 59 n/a
George Tomlinson 90 201 0 0 0 20 53 4 77 n/a
Primary School
Greenleaf Primary 60 468 0 0 3 21 36 0 60 0.17 7 0
Gwyn Jones Primary 60 196 0 0 2 23 12 23 0 60 0.461 1 0
Handsworth Primary 60 277 0 0 2 23 35 0 60 0.309 11 0
Henry Maynard 120 430 1 1 2 59 57 0 120 0.283 8 0
Primary School
Hillyfield on the Hill 90 358 1 1 1 33 54 0 90 0.235 11 2
Primary Academy
Hillyfield on the Park 90 123 0 0 1 2 25 10 38 n/a
Primary Academy
Larkswood Primary 90 210 0 1 0 22 46 4 73 n/a
Longshaw Primary 60 159 0 0 0 18 42 0 60 2.468 2 0
Mayville Primary 60 175 0 0 0 18 42 0 60 1.019
Mission Grove 90 324 0 0 0 35 55 0 90 0.366 7 0
Primary School (site 1)
Mission Grove 30 119 0 0 0 0 19 11 30 n/a
Primary School (site 2)
School name PAN Applications SEN LAC Medical/ Sibling Mini Distance LA Places Cut off Appeals Appeals
received Social Catchment Alternative offered Distance heard allowed
Newport School 120 247 0 0 0 38 77 5 120 n/a
Oakhill Primary 30 194 0 0 2 17 11 0 30 0.217 10 1
Our Lady & St 60 143 60
George's RC
Parkside Primary 60 122 0 0 0 19 29 9 57 n/a
Riverley Primary 60 207 0 0 0 26 34 0 60 0.511
Roger Ascham 60 189 1 0 1 21 37 0 60 0.667 1 0
Primary School
Selwyn Primary 90 103 0 0 0 25 23 15 63 n/a
South Grove Primary 60 240 6 1 0 29 24 0 60 0.239 5 0
St Joseph's Catholic 60 140 60
Infant School
St Mary's C of E 90 208 88
Primary School
St Mary's Catholic 30 134 30 2 0
Primary School
St Patricks Catholic 60 204 60
St Saviours C of E 60 114 55
Primary School
Stoneydown Park 60 236 0 0 0 19 41 0 60 0.326 1 0
Primary School
Sybourn Primary 90 169 0 0 0 22 51 12 85 n/a
The Jenny Hammond 30 164 1 0 1 13 7 8 0 30 0.139 1 0
Primary School
The Winns Primary 120 309 1 0 0 36 61 22 120 n/a 1 0
The Woodside 180 219 4 0 2 34 73 10 123 n/a
Primary Academy
Thomas Gamuel 60 160 0 0 1 21 38 0 60 0.409
Primary School
Thorpe Hall Primary 60 161 0 1 0 29 30 0 60 0.529
Whitehall Primary 60 146 2 0 1 19 34 3 59 n/a
Whittingham Primary 60 153 1 0 0 25 5 29 0 60 0.413
Willow Brook Primary 90 204 0 0 0 23 59 5 87 n/a
School Academy
Woodford Green 30 99 0 0 0 13 17 0 30 1.148 1 0
Primary School
Yardley Primary 60 237 0 1 2 24 33 0 60 0.762
Note: Figures are for guidance only. There is no guarantee that figures will be similar in future years. Data for appeals based
on those heard at Appeals Panel between 17 April and 30 July 2013.
PAN Number of available places in Reception for entry in September 2013
Applications received Number of preferences expressed for a school (parents can list up to six preferences on their application)
SEN Places allocated to children with a statement of Special Educational Needs naming the school
LAC Places offered under the Looked After Child criterion
Medical Social Places offered under medical or social reasons criterion
Sibling Places offered under sibling criterion
Distance Places offered under the home to school distance criterion
LA Alternative Offer Alternative offer - where none of an applicant’s preferences can be met we offer a place at the nearest school
to their home with an available place
Places offered Number of Reception places offered on Allocation Day
Cut off distance Home to school distance of the last child offered a place at a school
Appeals heard Number of appeals heard by the Appeals Panel
Appeals allowed Number of appeals decided in favour of the pupil
Further advice is available from the SEN team based at: Note:
Wood Street Health Centre (1st floor)
6 Linford Road Children who do not have a school place will always take
Walthamstow precedence over those children on a waiting list but who
E17 3LA are still on roll at a school.
Tel: 020 8496 6503 / 6505
You can also apply for free school meals when you claim
Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit. Just make sure you
answer the free school meal questions when filling in the form.
Section 6
The following terms used throughout this booklet are defined as Governing Body
follows, except where individual arrangements spell out a different School governing bodies are bodies corporate responsible for
definition. conducting schools with a view to promoting high standards of
educational achievement.
A publicly funded independent school that can benefit from Nursery School
freedoms, including freedom from LA control, the ability to set A school that caters for pupils aged 3 to 4
their own pay and conditions for staff, freedoms around the
delivery of the curriculum, and the ability to change the lengths of Infant School
terms and school days. A school that caters for pupils aged 4 to 7
Admission Number (or Published Admission Number – Looked After Children / Previously Looked After Children
(PAN) Children who are in the care of local authorities as defined
The number of school places that the admission authority must by Section 22 of the Children Act 1989. In relation to school
offer in each relevant age group of a school for which it is the admissions legislation a ‘looked after child’ is a child in public care
admission authority. Admission numbers are part of a school’s at the time of application to a school.
admission arrangements.
Previously looked after children are children who were looked
Common Application Form (CAF) after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became
The form parents complete, listing their preferred choices of subject to a residence order or special guardianship order).
schools, and then submit to local authorities when applying for
a school place for their child as part of the local co-ordination OfSTED - Office for Standards in Education
scheme, during the normal admissions round. Parents must be The body that regularly inspects all schools in England that are
allowed to express a preference for a minimum of three schools mainly or wholly state-funded. OfSTED also provides public
on the relevant common application form as determined by their reporting and informed independent advice.
local authority. Local authorities may allow parents to express a
higher number of preferences if they wish. Oversubscription
Where a school has a higher number of applicants than the
Community School school’s published admission number.
A state school that is wholly owned and maintained by the LA.
The local authority employs the school staff, owns the school’s Oversubscription Criteria
land and buildings, and is primarily responsible for admissions This refers to the published criteria that an admission authority
arrangements. applies when a school has more applications than places available
in order to decide which children will be allocated a place.
Distance is measured using a straight line from the child’s Preference
permanent address to the main gate of the school. For more The list of schools you would like your child to go to.
detailed information on distance, please refer to page 12
Department for Education– the government department
responsible for education and children’s services
Sibling means a full, half, step, foster brother or sister living as part
of the family unit. In all cases, the brother or sister must be living
as part of a family unit with, and at the same address as, the child
for whom the application is being made. Cousins, aunts or uncles
are not siblings.
Waiting Lists
A list of children held and maintained by the admission authority
when the school has allocated all of its places, on which children
are ranked in priority order against the school’s published
oversubscription criteria.
These definitions are those used in the London Borough of
Waltham Forest. Definitions may not be the same elsewhere.