Cumberland Chronicle: February Character Trait

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February 2014

Ernest Cumberland Elementary School.

Cumberland Chronicle
February Character Trait
Caring: We show kindness towards each other.

Kindergarten Registration
When do we register for Kindergarten? Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 10:00am to 3:00pm Wednesday, March 5, 2014 - 10:00am to 3:00pm How old must my child be to enter Kindergarten? To be eligible for attendance this August, your child must be 4 years of age by December 31, 2010. What documents do we need for registration? Birth date Documentation: Proof of birth date (original Canadian birth certificate, Certificate of Canadian Citizenship, Canadian Passport, Permanent Resident Card/Record of Landing, or Statement of Live Birth long version). Residential Address: Proof of your child's address. Below is a list of appropriate pieces of documentation that a parent/guardian may present to verify address: Drivers License Local Property Tax Assessment, Utility Bill Credit Card Statement Bank Statement Residential Lease Residential Mortgage Statement or Agreement Canada Child Tax Benefit Statement Record of Immunization: A record of immunization is also requested to assist the District Health Unit in meeting its requirement under the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) to collect and maintain immunization records for every child registered in school. For further immunization details, contact the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit at 1-877-721-7520.

Cumberland Chronicle

Attendance Area Changes for 2014-15

With the New Alliston Union Public School opening in the fall of 2014, the attendance area for Ernest Cumberland Elementary School will be changing. Please see the map below. You can view a colour copy on-line at or at the school: This will affect the families who currently attend ECES and live in the Devonleigh sub division.

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Cumberland Chronicle

Ontario Code of Conduct

Under Ontario laws, all students, parents, teachers and staff have the right to be safe, and feel safe, in their school community. With this right comes the responsibility for everyone to be accountable for their actions and contribute to a positive school climate. Ontarios provincial code of conduct applies not only to students, but to everyone involved in the publicly funded school system including parents or guardians, volunteers, teachers and other staff members. The code applies whether on school property, on school buses, at schoolauthorized events or activities, or in other circumstances that could have an impact on the school climate. Keeping this in mind, Ernest Cumberland parents are reminded to seek help from school staff if they witness or are made aware of any conflict between students. School staff can then ensure that conflicts can be resolved peacefully and in a way that is productive for the parties involved.

E.C.E.S. Parking Lot

Dear Ernest Cumberland Families, As you know, earlier this school year, we made the decision to close our parking lot to cars at the start and end of the day. This was done in consultation with OPP, the Town of New Tecumseth and SCTSC. We were concerned about safety in the parking lot. Although there was an adjustment period, most of our families have now established new drop off and pick up routines. Some families have organized groups of students who walk to school together. Others have identified a location near the school where they can drop their children off and meet them at the end of the day. In addition to helping to reduce congestion and keep our parking lot safe, these new routines also help to increase the amount of physical activity our students get during the day. Im writing now because we noticed that on some of the colder days over the last month, a small group of drivers has chosen to enter our parking lot. In these situations, the drivers have driven over the pylons we have in place. I wanted to remind everyone of the parking lot rulesthe lot is closed to cars at the start of the day (9:00am 9:30am) and dismissal (3:45pm 4:15pm). These rules need to apply to everyone. I realize on cold days some parents may be concerned about the temperature. I encourage you to make sure your children are dressed appropriately for the coldthis includes covering faces with a scarf or neck warmer. The safety of our students is always our top priority. The parking lot rules are designed to keep our students safe, but will only be effective if we work together. As always, if you have any questions, please call me at the school. Sincerely, Aileen Ross Principal

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Cumberland Chronicle

Operations Appreciation Week

The week of February 10 - 14, 2014 is Operations Appreciation Week. This annual event celebrates the integral role that operations staff have in providing safe and clean learning and working environments.

Report Cards
Report cards go home Thursday, February 20, 2014. The Kindergarten A day will bring their report cards home Friday, February 21, 2014. Please take some time to share and celebrate your childs success.

Weather Zones for School Bus Cancellations

Winter driving conditions can be challenging in Simcoe County, and severe inclement weather sometimes requires the cancellation of school bus runs. Weather conditions are not always predictable and do not always follow a specific pattern. Decisions to cancel school bus runs are based on information from a number of sources before 6:00 a.m. that morning. To limit bus cancellations if weather conditions warrant, the Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium (SCSTC) has developed Inclement Weather Zones. These four zone areas have been determined with consideration to weather patterns, school catchment areas, routes that cross over catchment areas and special needs transportation. Bus cancellation messages will be relayed in the following ways: If weather is severe in only part of the County, then the weather zones will come into effect. The media will announce: All School Buses have been cancelled in [NAME OF ZONE] Weather Zone. Notices are also available at

Ernest Cumberland is in the SOUTH Simcoe County Weather Zone.

If weather is severe throughout the entire County of Simcoe, then the media will announce: All School Buses in Simcoe County are cancelled. Please note: Schools are open for learning when buses are cancelled, unless stated otherwise.

Follow SCDSB to Stay Current with News

Be the first to know about new programs and initiatives by subscribing to receive news from Find stories and tips on our blog at Join the conversation: Follow us on Twitter @scdsb_schools and Like Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) on Facebook.
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Cumberland Chronicle

February Spirit Day - Crazy Hair Day

Friday February 7 is Crazy Hair Day. Do it up!

School Council
The next school council meeting is Monday, February 3, 2014 at 6:30pm in the library. We welcome your interest. Please plan to attend our School Council Meetings.

Safe Arrival on Inclement Weather Days

The Safe Arrival Program is in place in elementary schools to ensure parents that children arrive safely at school each day. Please be advised that on days when buses are cancelled due to inclement weather, calls will not be made to families whose children ride school transportation. Families of those children who walk to school are asked to report their child's absence to the school if they will not be in attendance. Every effort will be made to call families of walking students who are not present but on some days, given the number of absent students, this may mean calls home are not received until late in the day.

Valentines Day Carnations & Chocolates

The grade 8s will be selling tickets for Valentines Day carnations and chocolates at a cost of $2.00 each from Thursday, February 6 to Wednesday, February 12. Tickets will be sold during break times in the front foyer for delivery on Friday, February 14, 2014. All proceeds will are going toward the grade 8 trip to Quebec City.

Grade 8 Information Night

Is your child starting Grade 9 next year? High school information nights happen this winter! Information nights give an overview of whats new and what to expect, and are a chance to ask questions. High school is an exciting timethere are so many programs, clubs and activities for students to try. Try to attend the information night at Banting Memorial High School on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. to find out whats offered at Banting If you cant attend the event, call Banting at 705-435-6288 to book an appointment to visit.
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Cumberland Chronicle

Public Speaking - Friday, February 7, 2014

Students have been preparing for public speaking in January. Junior students will present at 9:45 a.m. and the intermediate students will present at 11:50 a.m. in the gymnasium. Parents/guardians are welcome to attend. The Alliston Lions Club Effective Speaking Contest will be held at the Alliston Lions Hall, 60 Boyne Street on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. for grades 6, 7 & 8. Everyone is welcome to attend but please note that no one will be admitted after 7:00 p.m.

Get your Milk Mustache on

Our school is offering a milk program to help students drink milk and get the calcium, protein and vitamins A and D they need for growth and good health. Research shows that children who do not have milk at lunch are unlikely to meet their daily calcium needs. 250ml cartons of white and chocolate milk are now available to purchase on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays for $1.00. There are no forms to fill out, students purchase on the day. For more information you can call Your Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-5720 and speak with a public health nurse or click on the health unit website at

Breakfast Club is Back!

Starting Monday January 27, 2014, the breakfast club will be up and running. It will be held in room 219 from 9:10 to 9:30 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. It will be a simple breakfast, cereal, milk and fruit.

School Grounds Smoke Free 24/7

This is an important reminder to students, parents, guardians, and community members that under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act it is against the law for any person to hold lit tobacco or to smoke anywhere on school property at any time. Please respect this law when visiting the property for purposes such as to pick up students, to meet with staff and to attend school performances, graduations, and sports events. Your actions encourage youth to obey the law and to choose tobacco-free lifestyles. Have questions? Contact Your Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877721-7520 or
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Cumberland Chronicle

Cold Weather Concerns

We have only had a taste of winter so far but it is here! Please make sure your child is properly dressed for outdoor recess. Indoor shoes suitable for gym and the classroom are a must. Students will go outside for activity breaks on most days. All schools in Simcoe County follow the recommendations from the Canadian Pediatric Society that suggest we should consider keeping children indoors if the temperature falls below 25c or if the wind chill is reported as being 28c or greater. We monitor weather conditions throughout the day and make our decisions based on these guidelines. Please make sure that your child has enough warm clothing (hat, gloves or mittens, scarf, warm coat, etc) to be comfortable outside during break times. Health Canada warns Canadians about the potential danger of children being seriously injured or strangled by drawstrings on childrens outerwear. Drawstrings, especially on snowsuits, jackets and sweatshirts, can become caught on playground equipment, fences or other objects. Suggestions: Remove cords and drawstrings from childrens hoods, hats and jackets Tuck in all clothing that can get caught on playground equipment Wear a neck warmer instead of a scarf For more information, pleases contact Safe Kids Canada at 1-888-723-3847 or visit their web site at:

Warning: Drawstrings can catch and harm children

Volunteers are an important part of our school community. If you have an hour or more a week to volunteer at the school, wed love to have you. We are looking for volunteers to support programs and read with students. If you can help out please let us know.

SCSTC is now on Twitter

The Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium (SCSTC) recently announced that school vehicle cancellations are now available via Twitter. Simcoe County students and parents can follow @SCSTC_SchoolBus for timely updates on school vehicle cancellations. With the winter weather season in full swing, everyone is also reminded that this information can also be found on the SCSTC website at Efforts are made to post and announce school vehicle cancellations between 6 and 6:30 a.m. on the SCSTC website ( and via Twitter @SCSTC_SchoolBus.
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Cumberland Chronicle

Dental Screening - February 24-27, 2014

ORAL HEALTH SERVICES Barrie by the Bay, 403-80 Bradford Street Barrie, Ontario L4N 6S7 TEL: 705-721-7520 FAX: 705-734-9369 Toll Free: 1-877-721-7520 Dear Parent/Guardian: IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT SCHOOL DENTAL PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Oral health staff will soon be visiting your childs school to provide free dental health screenings. All students in grades JK, SK, 2, 4, 6 & 8 will receive a dental screening. A sample number of children from other grades may be seen if they accessed dental treatment through publicly funded dental programs for quality assurance purposes. Children, who had dental sealants placed by the Health Unit the previous year, have outstanding urgent needs, or who parent requests they be screened will also be seen. Why does the Health Unit provide dental screening? Dental screening programs are part of the Ontario Public Health Standards and the Health Promotions and Protection Act. The oral health of children in Simcoe Muskoka District is measured through data collected from the dental screenings. You will be notified if your child has a dental problem or would benefit from preventive services such as scaling, topical fluoride or sealants. If you do not have dental insurance and the cost of treatment would create a financial hardship, your child may be eligible for free dental treatment.

How is a dental screening done? A Registered Dental Hygienist has a quick look into the mouth. Sterilized mouth mirrors are used and changed for each child. If your child is not in one of the above grades and you would like them included: Contact the Oral Health Team immediately at either 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 and ext. 8805, press 1. you will be asked to provide your childs first and last name, date of birth, grade and school.

If you do not want your child to participate: Contact the Oral health Team immediately at either 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 and ext. 8805, press 2. you will be asked to provide your childs first and last name, date of birth, grade and school. Note that our child will be excluded from now until the end of grade 8 unless we hear otherwise. Preschoolers and teens up to age 18 are also eligible for financial assistance for dental treatment. To arrange a dental screening call the number listed above and ask for ext. 8804. Personal health information is collected for the purposes of determining eligibility for dental treatment or preventive services and for program planning and evaluation. If you have any questions about this program call the number listed above and ask for ext. 8804. Bonnie Jeffrey, R.D.H. Manager, Oral Health Services
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Cumberland Chronicle

Brush as a Team until Age 8

Children under 8 years of age need help with tooth brushing (at least once a day by an adult)

Use only a pea sized amount of fluoride toothpaste on the brush Spit out the excess toothpaste but do not rinse the fluoride away Brush 2 for 2 two times a day for two minutes each time Make brushing fun by using music, a timer, or a tooth brushing chart

For more information you can call Your Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 and speak with a public health nurse or click on the health unit website at

Getting out the Door on Time

Ah, the morning chaos of a household waking up: cleaning, dressing, eating and racing out the door Any number of things can make for a stressful morning: lack of sleep, a child needing reminders every step of the way, the last minute lunches. The key is organization and the place to start is with you! Be realistic about how much time you need to get ready in the morning. Time pressures add stress to everyone. Key Steps Get yourself ready first, before your child. Go to bed at a reasonable hour so you wake up rested and ready for the day. Plan ahead: pack lunches, find the mittens, and pick clothes the night before. Keep the television off! Electronics and TV can be very disruptive first thing in the morning. If there is extra time, let them use it to read, chat, or help out. Be clear and realistic about what your child can do. Praising them when they do something well encourages them to do it again and gain new skills.

Finally, remember to have patience. Your child learns from watching you and you have the unique opportunity to show these skills. In time your child will learn to plan ahead, be organized, and develop patience. Now, lets have breakfast! For more information you can call Your Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 and speak with a public health nurse or click on the health unit website at or

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Cumberland Chronicle

Flu Season is Back

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit is reporting that influenza cases are at the seasonal average in our area. Like a cold, influenza will cause coughing and runny nose, but symptoms also include headaches, high fever, weakness, body aches and extreme fatigue and it can last for many more days than a common cold. For vulnerable people, such as young children, the elderly and people with compromised immune systems, it can weaken the body, allowing secondary infections such as pneumonia. To help prevent getting the flu and prevent it from spreading, take the following precautions:

Wash your hands often with warm soapy water, especially after coughing and sneezing, before eating, and after using the washroom Take good care of yourself by eating healthy foods, getting plenty of sleep and staying active

Consider getting a flu shot at your local pharmacy (where available) For more information, visit the Health Units website at:

Peer Pressure
Friends are important for children and teenagers. However, sometimes those relationships can lead to conflict with parents as they try to adjust the way they relate to their child or teen. Parents can encourage children or teenagers to have good friends and positive peer relationships by taking an interest in who they spend time with, looking for ways to meet the other parents, showing interest in their child or teenagers social activities, setting some rules about social activities and helping their child or teenager consider how to make safer choices in social situations. To find out more, call Your Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-7217520 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday and talk to a public health nurse about Triple P or visit the new Triple P Ontario website at:

Positive Role Modeling

Helping children develop a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating and physical activity, begins at home but can be reinforced in every setting. Caregivers, parents, teachers and instructors can help children to be active and make smart food choices by modeling healthy behaviours themselves. Remember your children are watching! For more information you can call Your Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 and speak with a public health nurse or click on the health unit website at
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Cumberland Chronicle

Social Media and Family

Concerns about social media use by teens are common; however, new research shows children are being impacted by their parents use. Children reported feeling that their parents paid less attention to them than to their smartphones, especially at mealtime, in the car, during sporting events and even sometimes during bedtime stories. What can parents do?

Be aware of when you use social media and the message it sends to your children Establish off line or down times for everyone within your home - at meal times, bedtime and family events Set time aside to be present with your kids Provide eye contact and face to face interactions with your child.


Use of Electronic Devices

Electronic devices include but are not limited to, cellular phones, iPods and game systems.

The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged devices. The safest place for these devices is at home. If they are brought to school, they are to be OFF and AWAY during school hours including nutrition breaks. Devices are to be turned off at 9:30 and may be turned on at 3:50. If your child needs to contact you they may ask their teacher for permission to use the phone. If you need to contact your child please call the office at 705-435-0676. Devices may be used by your child to support curriculum expectations with permission from and, under the supervision of, their teacher. Parents/ students must read and sign the Acceptable Use of Computers form as well as the Guest Wireless Access Acceptable Use Policy and permission form prior to any device being used in the classroom. If these rules are not followed, the device will be removed and given to the office to hold until the end of the day. If the device is removed from the student a second time, it will be held at the office until a parent or legal guardian picks it up. If the student continues to use devices without permission and under the supervision of his/her teacher, consequences will be imposed ranging from detention and community service to suspension.
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Ernest Cumberland Elementary School.

February 2014
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Day 5 Milk School Council Meeting 6:30pm

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3 Milk

Day 4 Crazy Hair Day Milk & Pizza Public Speaking Jr - 9:45 a.m. Int - 11:50 a.m. Day 4 Milk & Pizza

Day 5 Milk Operations Appreciation Week


Day 1 Kindergarten Registration 10-3


Day 2


Day 3 Milk



National Flag Day






Day 4 Milk Dental Screening Gr JK, SK, 2, 4, 6 & 8

Day 2 Milk Report Cards Home


Day 3 Milk & Pizza




Day 5 Dental Screening Gr JK, SK, 2, 4, 6 & 8 Boys BBall ECES Girls VBall Adjala


Day 1 Dental Screening Gr JK, SK, 2, 4, 6 & 8


Day 2 Day 3 Milk Milk & Pizza Dental Screening Gr JK, SK, 2, 4, 6 & 8



Ernest Cumberland is in the South Simcoe County Weather Zone for Bus Cancellations.

Primary Business Address Address Line 2

Phone: 555-555-5555 Fax: 555-555-5555 E-mail: [email protected]

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