Primary School Admissions Booklet 2014 15
Primary School Admissions Booklet 2014 15
Primary School Admissions Booklet 2014 15
Welcome from the Director of Learning and Childrens Services 3
Types of school in Kingston upon Thames 4
Age range of schools 4
Important dates to remember 5
School term dates for 2014 to 2015 5
Map showing location of the schools 6
Online admissions 8
List of schools 9
Starting school
Step by step guide 16
Step 1: The admissions process 17
Step 2: Deciding which schools to apply for 19
Step 3: Applying for places and admissions criteria 19
Step 4: Being offered a place 26
Table showing how places have been offered over the last three years at the 37
community schools for reception class entry
A summary of admission criteria for church (voluntary aided, foundation and 41
academy) schools and details of how places were offered last year
General information
Appeals for primary school places 57
Special educational provision 58
School discipline 59
Anti-bullying policy 59
Home to school transport 59
Summary of the Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy 60
Free school meals 61
Equalities Policy: Putting people first 62
Local schools in other council areas 63
The information in this booklet relates to starting school or transferring to junior school
in the year beginning September 2014, and applying for an In-Year place during
September 2013 to July 2014. This information was correct on 31 July 2013. However,
some of the details given here may change during the year.
Welcome from the Director of
Learning and Childrens Services
Dear Parents/Carers
Starting school is a big milestone in every childs life, and we know how important it is for
you to have the right information to help decide which primary school you would like your
child to attend. This booklet explains the process of applying for a reception class place
and provides information about the primary schools in the Royal Borough of Kingston
upon Thames. If your child was born between 1 September 2009 and 31 August 2010,
your child will start school in September 2014 and the deadline for applications is 15th
January 2014.
All our schools are committed to providing a high quality education and excellent learning
opportunities for children. Kingston schools are very popular and each year we see high
standards and very good Ofsted inspection outcomes. As well as achieving high
standards of attainment, our schools aim to develop the whole child in his or her
knowledge, skills and understanding, and in his/her physical, social, moral and artistic
Each school produces its own prospectus for parents, in addition to this borough booklet.
We recommend that you ask the schools you are interested in for a copy of their
prospectus. This will tell you more about the ethos, curriculum and achievements of each
individual school.
In response to the significant increase in demand for places in Reception Year, Kingston
Councils strategy for providing additional school places has included permanently
expanding some schools and providing additional temporary classes. For entry into
Reception for September 2014, there will be a mixture of new provision, including the
permanent expansions of Kings Oak Primary and Lovelace Primary, the establishment of
Park Community free school (which we warmly welcome into the local family of schools),
and additional classes accommodated as part of shared forms of entry between a
number of schools. The location of the additional classes will be made available in
advance of the 15 January 2014 application deadline. As this information may impact on
your preference of schools, please check the Councils website at
for the most up to date information.
I hope you find this booklet helpful and I wish your child a successful and happy school
experience in Kingston.
Nick Whitfield
Director of Learning and Childrens Services
Types of school in Kingston upon Thames
Community schools: Community schools are owned and maintained by the Council,
which sets the admissions policy, including the criteria used for allocating places at
schools that receive more applications than they have places.
Voluntary aided (Church) schools: Voluntary aided (Church) schools are
maintained by the Council which pays the teachers salaries and the day to day
running costs of the schools, but generally the buildings are owned by a church.
Some schools are Roman Catholic (RC) and some are Church of England (C of E).
The governing body of the school sets the admissions policy and criteria.
Foundation schools: Foundation schools are also maintained by the Council, but the
governing bodies of foundation schools own the school buildings and sites. They are
responsible for admissions and set their own policy and criteria. Lime Tree Primary
School and St Lukes C of E Primary School are the only foundation primary schools
in Kingston upon Thames.
Academies: An Academy is a school that is run by an Academy Trust and its
governors. It is funded entirely by central government and is independent of local
authority control. Latchmere School and St Agathas Catholic Primary School are the
only academies in Kingston upon Thames.
Free schools: Free schools are independent of the local authority and are funded
directly by the Department for Education. Park Community School is planning to open
in September 2014 and will be the only free school in Kingston upon Thames.
Independent schools: These are schools where you pay fees for your child to
attend. Kingston Council does not pay for places at independent schools. Further
information can be obtained from the Independent Schools Council, St Vincent
House, 30 Orange Street, London WC2H 7HH Tel: 020 7766 7070
Important dates to remember
Wednesday 15 January 2014 Closing date for all applications for
Reception class entry and Year 3
entry in a junior school
Closing date for any supplementary
information forms required by church
schools to be received by the school
Online admissions
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List of schools
Number of Number of
School Details places applications
available received last
Number of
Number of
School Details applications
received last
Coombe Hill Infant School
DfE Number 314 2004
Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames KT2 7DD
Tel: 020 8942 9481 email: [email protected] 90 479
Head Mrs J Berry
(community school)
Coombe Hill Junior School
DfE Number 314 2028
Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames KT2 7DD
Tel: 020 8949 1743 email: [email protected] 120 166
Head Mr C Hodges
(community school)
Number of Number of
places applications
School Details available received last
Green Lane Primary and Nursery School
DfE Number 314 2008
Green Lane, Worcester Park KT4 8AS
Tel: 020 8337 6976 email: [email protected] 60 129
Head Mrs S Berlemont
(community school with a nursery)
King Athelstan Primary School in partnership with
St Johns C of E Primary School
DfE Number 314 2032
Villiers Road, Kingston upon Thames KT1 3AR
Tel: 020 8546 8210 60 150
email: [email protected]
Head Ms E Newton
(community school with a nursery)
Kings Oak Primary School
DfE Number 314 2035
Dickerage Lane, New Malden KT3 3RZ
Tel: 020 8942 5154 email: [email protected] 90 92
Head Ms C Clarke
(community school with a nursery)
Knollmead Primary School
DfE Number 314 2012
Knollmead, Tolworth, Surbiton KT5 9QP
Tel: 020 8337 3778 30 89
email: [email protected]
Head Mrs E Kelty
(community school with a nursery)
Latchmere School
DfE Number 314 2014
Latchmere Road, Kingston upon Thames KT2 5TT
Tel: 020 8546 7181 120 495
email: [email protected]
Head Mrs J Ritchie
(academy school with a nursery)
Lime Tree Primary School
DfE Number 314 2006
South Bank Terrace, Surbiton KT6 6DG
Tel: 020 8390 9544 email: [email protected] 60 339
Head Mr C Pascoe
(foundation school with a nursery)
Number of Number of
School Detail places applications
available received last
Number of Number of
places applications
School Details available received last
St Agathas Catholic Primary School
DfE Number 314 3503
St Agathas Drive, Kingston upon Thames KT2 5TY
Tel: 020 8546 3879 email: [email protected] 60 192
Head Mrs E Cahill
(academy school with a nursery)
St Andrews and St Marks C of E Junior School
DfE Number 314 3304
Maple Road, Surbiton KT6 4AL
Tel: 020 8390 2976 email: [email protected] 60 82
Head Mrs A Vigurs
(voluntary aided school)
St Johns C of E Primary School in partnership with
King Athelstan Primary School
DfE Number 314 3305
Portland Road, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2SG 30 145
Tel: 020 8546 7179 email: [email protected]
Acting Head Mrs L Halliday
(voluntary aided school with a nursery)
St Josephs Catholic Primary School
DfE Number 314 3502
The Fairfield, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2UP
Tel: 020 8546 7178 email: [email protected] 30 125
Head Mrs F Robertson
(voluntary aided school with a nursery)
St Lukes C of E Primary School
DfE Number 314 5200
Acre Road, Kingston upon Thames KT2 6EN
Tel: 020 8546 0902 email: [email protected] 30 221
Head Mrs P Allan
(foundation school with a nursery)
St Marys C of E Primary School
DfE Number 314 3311
Church Lane, Chessington KT9 2DH
Tel: 020 8397 9597 email: [email protected] 30 131
Head Miss L Rainbow
(voluntary aided school with a nursery)
Number of Number of
School Details places applications
available received last
St Matthews C of E Primary School
DfE Number 314 3310
Langley Road, Surbiton KT6 6LW
Tel: 020 8399 3909 60 306
email: [email protected]
Head Miss P Dryden
(voluntary aided school)
St Pauls C of E Junior School
DfE Number 314 3309
Princes Road, Kingston upon Thames KT2 6AZ
Tel: 020 8549 4555 email: [email protected] 90 70
Head Mr K Edmonds
(voluntary aided school)
St Pauls C of E Primary School
DfE Number 314 3308
Orchard Road, Chessington KT9 1AJ
Tel: 020 8397 3553 email: [email protected] 30 150
Head Ms K Hemmings
(voluntary aided school)
Tolworth Infant and Nursery School
DfE Number 314 2025
School Lane, Surbiton KT6 7SA
Tel: 020 8399 4231 email: [email protected] 90 326
Head Miss R Nye
(community school with a nursery)
Tolworth Junior School
DfE Number 314 2024
Douglas Road, Surbiton KT6 7SA
Tel: 020 8399 4472 email: [email protected] 90 99
Head Miss R Nye
(community school)
To meet the demand for places, additional classes will be added at schools across the
Borough. Thirty extra places will be offered at each of the following schools:
Please refer to our website at for the most up to date information.
For the first years intake only, parents who wish to apply for a place at Park
Community School must do so directly to the school, and not via the Local Authority
application process.
Please note: An application to the free school will not impact on your application to
existing schools as part of your application via your Home authority and you should not
list the free school as one of your preferences on the local authority application
Even if you are applying directly to Park Community School, you should still apply for
other schools by completing an application via your Home authority by 15 January
Remember, you are able to complete both an application for a place at the free school
and the local authority application form. Free school places will be offered directly by the
free school. Local authority offers will be made by the local authority on 16 April 2014
which is the national offer day. This means that you may receive two offers for a school
Step by step guide to starting school
Your step by step guide to follow when applying for your child to start
school in September 2014 ie for those children born between
1 September 2009 and 31 August 2010
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2014
Step 1
Understanding the admissions process
Step 2
Deciding which schools to apply for
Step 3
Applying for places
Step 4
Being offered a place
Starting school
Step 1
The admissions process
School preferences
You apply for schools through your own home Council, so if you live within the
Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, you will apply online through
Kingstons website If you are unable to access the
website, you can complete one of our paper application forms available from
Kingston School Admissions Tel: 020 8547 4610.
You should only submit one application for your child naming up to six preferred
state schools, including schools in Kingston upon Thames and any that you wish
to apply for in any other Councils area, in the order that you prefer them.
Your order of preference is confidential. Schools are not told the preference
order in which you have listed them.
If you name schools in other Council areas, your home Council will pass details
of your application to the admissions authority of each school you wish to apply
The admissions authority will then determine whether a place can be offered
using their published admissions criteria. This information will be passed back to
your home Council eg if you live in Kingston upon Thames and name a
Richmond Borough School as a preference, Richmond Council will let us know
whether your child has qualified for an offer.
If your child meets the admissions criteria for more than one of your preferred
schools, you will be offered a place at your highest preferred school by your own
home Council.
It is therefore important that you name the schools in the order that you most
prefer them because if you live quite close to several of your preferred schools,
you may qualify for them all under the distance criterion. If this happens, we will
offer you the school you named as your higher preference.
See the example below:
Step 2
Deciding which schools to apply for
The decision about which school you would like your child to attend is an important one.
To help you decide you should gather as much information as possible by:
Visiting schools
It is important for parents to visit schools before deciding which ones to apply for.
Please contact the schools you are interested in for information and details of open
days and visiting times.
Step 3
Applying for places
How to apply
You apply online through Kingstons website or if you are
unable to access the website, you can complete one of our paper application forms
available from School Admissions Tel: 020 8547 4610 on request. However, you must
not do both. The closing date for applications is 15 January 2014. If you do not
have internet access at home and you would like to apply online, you may visit your
local library or ask about facilities at your childs nursery.
When making your application, name all your preferred schools, whether they are
schools in The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames or schools outside the
borough. Do not name any independent (private) schools. If you are applying to a
school which requires a supplementary information form you will need to complete this
and send it to the schools address stated on the form by the closing date of 15 January
2014. You can download these from the individual schools website or ask for one at
the school.
You must make an application even if your child currently attends the nursery at
your preferred school.
If your child has a brother or sister already in the school, you must still apply for a
place by 15 January 2014.
Brothers and sisters must still be attending the school in September 2014 to give
your child sibling priority for a place.
If you think there are exceptional family, social or medical needs which make a
school the most suitable for your child, you should make it clear on your
application and attach supporting evidence. See pages 23 and 24 for more
guidance on applying under this criterion.
If you are applying for more than one child e.g. twins, you must complete a
separate application for each child.
If you apply for a church school, you need to read the admission criteria carefully
to decide if your child is likely to be offered a place. A summary of the criteria
are on pages 41 to 56.
If applying for a church school, please check if you need to complete the schools
own extra form, known as the supplementary information form. Completed
supplementary information forms must be sent direct to the school to be
received no later than the closing date of 15 January 2014. The School
Governors are responsible for admissions to these schools, therefore any
questions you have about admission to these schools should be addressed
directly to the school.
Late applications
It is important that you apply by the closing date because if you forget and apply after,
your application will only be considered after all those received by the closing date.
This is unless you can provide documentary evidence to prove that there were
exceptional reasons that prevented you from applying on time.
If you apply for a school place or move into the area after the allocation of places,
you will be able to apply on the application form and name up to six preferences. We
will offer you a place at one of your preferred schools if this is possible. If all the places
at your preferred schools have been allocated, your childs name will be added to
waiting lists in criteria order.
If you move within the area after the allocation of places and you want to change
the schools you applied for, you will be able to complete a application form and name
your new preferred schools.
closing date of 15 January 2014. This is provided your application is accompanied by
official documentary evidence from your employer which confirms a relocation date and
your address in Kingston. The date you take up your post must be before the beginning
of term in September 2014.
If your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs, you do not need to
complete an application form. This is because your childs application will be dealt with
by the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Department.
To contact the SEN team, call Tel: 020 8547 4615. Your child will be offered a place at
the primary or infant school named in their Statement in accordance with the Education
Act 1996 and the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. Similarly, an
assessment placement at a particular school considered most suitable for your childs
needs can be reserved pending the outcome of the statutory assessment.
If a parent applies for entry into the same year group for more than one child and there
is only one place available, the parent will be asked to decide which child should have
the place. The names of the remaining brothers or sisters will be added to the waiting
list in accordance with criterion (ii). The criteria are as follows:
(i) places will be offered firstly to Looked After Children i.e. children who
are looked after by a public authority and are in public care, and previously
looked after children who were adopted, or subject to a residence order, or
special guardianship order, immediately following having been looked after.
Applications made under this criterion must be accompanied by details of
circumstance and professionally supported evidence (e.g. from a social
(ii) places will be offered next to children who have a brother or sister,
including an adopted, foster, half- or step- brother or sister, living at the
same address and attending the same school (or the paired junior school) at
the time of admission;
(iv) the remaining places will be offered to children who live nearest to the
school, as measured by a straight line to the nearest school gate. All
distances will be measured using the School Admissions computerised
Geographical Information System. For Ellingham Primary School (in
Chessington) only, a child living in the Malden Rushett area will have priority
over children who live nearer to the school but outside that area.
To qualify for the highest priority, currently looked after and previously looked after
children are defined as:
children who are (a) in the care of a Local Authority, (LA) or (b) being provided
with accommodation by a LA in the exercise of their social services functions in
accordance with Section 22 of the Children Act 1989, at the time an application
for a school is made;
children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted
(in accordance with Section 46 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002), subject to
a residence order (in accordance with Section 8 of the Children Act 1989) or a
special guardianship order (in accordance with Section 14A of the Children Act
Please note that children adopted from overseas are not classified as children in public
(ii) Brothers and sisters (including adopted, foster, half- or step- brothers or
If you have a child currently attending your preferred primary, infant or paired junior
school (including the schools own nursery class), who will still be attending in
September 2014, living with you at the same address as the child you are applying for,
make sure you give that childs details on your application under sibling details.
All Kingston schools have experience of dealing with children with different social
and medical needs. There will only be a few cases when a child has to go to a
specific school for exceptional family, social or medical reasons.
If you feel that you have any exceptional medical, family and/or social need why
your child must attend a particular school, you must complete the reasons for
preference box for that school and provide supporting evidence from a relevant
professional such as a doctor and/or consultant for medical cases or a social
worker, health visitor, housing officer, the police or probation officer for other
social circumstances.
This evidence must confirm the circumstances of the case and must set out why
the child must attend a particular school and why no other school could meet the
childs needs.
Providing evidence does not guarantee that a child will be given priority at a
particular school and in each case a decision will be made based on the merits of
the case and whether the evidence demonstrates that a placement should be
made at one particular school above any other.
You must provide this supporting evidence by the closing date, 15 January 2014.
You will need to provide this evidence even if you apply online.
All applications are considered individually and must include the following:
o If the requested school is not the nearest school to the childs home address,
provide clear reasons with supporting evidence to show why the nearest school
is not appropriate.
Evidence should make clear why only one school is appropriate and the effect on
your child if they do not attend this school.
We do not consider reasons such as your place of work, child care arrangements
or previous family connection to be strong enough to be considered under this
criterion. In addition, we do not normally consider educational reasons under this
criterion as support for a childs educational needs can be met at any of our
All applicants applying under this criterion are advised that the evidence that is
provided to support their application must be as detailed and objective as
Please submit supporting documentary evidence with your application form. This
should be in a sealed envelope and marked for the attention of the Councils
Schools Admission Office. If you apply online and request consideration under
this criterion, you must still submit supporting evidence. All information supplied
is treated in strictest confidence.
If your application is likely to be considered under the distance criterion, try to consider
whether you live close enough to the school for your child to qualify for a place. The
final cut-off distance for admissions in the last three years has been included in the
tables on pages 37 to 39. However, please note that for entry in September 2014
onwards we are changing the method of measuring home to school distances for all
schools, to a straight line measurement. Therefore, even if your address falls within the
previous years cut-off distances for a school, there is no guarantee your child will obtain
a place there for next September.
Childs home address
To ensure that offers of school places are made fairly, the Council is committed to
following strict address verification procedures. The Council will investigate any
applications where there are doubts about the information provided or where
information has been received to suggest a fraudulent application has been made.
We may seek evidence from Council records, schools or any other source we consider
The Council may make a home visit and refer cases to the Internal Audit and
Investigation Service for further investigation. This could lead to legal action.
If there are any doubts about the information you give, it will be checked. If you
use an incorrect address this will be considered as an attempt to obtain a
school place on the basis of false information and your application will be
Proof of Address
We will check Council records to confirm that the address you have given on your
application is your main home address. If there are any doubts about your address
details we will request further evidence.
The address you give on your application form must be the one at which your
child is permanently living on the closing date for applications. This must be the
address where your family are ordinarily resident.
An application can only be made from a single address and only a single
application can be made for each child.
You are not permitted to use a temporary address in order to secure a school
place for your child.
If you change your address during the application process, or during the first year
that your child starts at a school, you must inform the Councils School
Admissions Office within two weeks of your move and provide proof of your new
If you move to a new address without telling us, and secure an offer of a school
place based on your old address, which you otherwise would not have been
offered, we shall deem this as misleading information and the offer of the school
place may be withdrawn.
If you own more than one property, we will ask you to provide further evidence to
demonstrate where you ordinarily reside to determine the address we will use for
your childs application.
If you own a property and are living at and apply from a different address, we will
assume that the second address is temporary and that the property you own is
where you ordinarily reside.
Where parents live separately, the application must be based on the address at
which the child lives most of the time. Where parents live separately but the child
lives equally with both parents at different addresses, the childs home address
will be taken to be the address of the main parent/carer receiving child benefit. If
you are not eligible for child benefit, please provide a legal document to confirm
your arrangements.
If you suspect that a parent has applied using an address that the child does not
live at please do not hesitate to let us know by telephoning 020 8547 4610. Any
information received will be treated in strictest confidence.
Step 4
Being offered a place
Your application outcome
If you applied online you will be sent an email during the evening of Wednesday 16 April
2014 advising you of the result of your application. After you receive this email, you will
be able to log in and view your application result online.
If you applied online and have been offered your first preference school, you will not
receive a letter and we will assume you have accepted this offer. If this is not the case,
please contact us.
If you applied online and have not been offered your first preference school you will also
be sent a letter by first class post on Wednesday 16 April 2014 with detailed
information about the result of your application and what to do next.
If your child meets the admissions criteria for only one of the schools you applied to,
your home Council will offer you a place at that school, whatever borough or county the
school is in.
If your child meets the admissions criteria for more than one school, your home Council
will look at your order of preference and offer you a place at the school that you have
given higher preference to on your application form.
If your child does not meet the admissions criteria for any of the schools you applied to
and you are a Kingston resident, Kingston Council will offer you a place at another
school where possible. This school will be the nearest Kingston school to your home
address with places remaining.
If you applied on paper, you will not be able to access the result of your application
electronically. You will be sent a letter by first class post on Wednesday 16 April 2014
with detailed information about the result of your application.
Parents will be asked to accept/decline any offers made no later than Wednesday 30
April 2014. After 19 May 2014, we will reoffer any Kingston school places that may
have become vacant since 16 April 2014, in accordance with the individual schools
admissions criteria. We are unable to make further offers any sooner as we have to
allow time for the exchange of information on offers and declines between neighbouring
Local Authorities.
Your childs name will automatically be put on the waiting list of any school which is a
higher preference than the school he/she has been offered.
You may ask for your childs name to be added to the waiting list of a lower preference
school to the one your child has been offered, or one that you did not originally name as
a preference. His/her name will be added to the waiting list in criteria order.
The names of late applicants will be added to waiting lists in criteria order regardless of
the date the application was received.
Waiting lists for community schools will be held in criteria order (regardless of when an
application is received) until the end of the academic year in July 2015. After this date,
parents will have to request in writing to have their childs name added to a waiting list
for any community school.
For Academies, Foundation and Voluntary Aided Schools, please contact the individual
school for their waiting list arrangements.
Transferring to junior school
Step 1
The junior school admissions process
Children in separate infant schools (for four to seven year olds) transfer to a junior
school in the September following their seventh birthday, at the start of Year 3. If your
child is currently attending an infant school and was born between 1 September 2006
and 31 August 2007, he/she is due to attend a junior school from September 2014. You
will therefore need to complete a junior application form.
School preferences
You apply for any junior schools through your own home Council, so if you live
within the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, you will apply online through
Kingstons website If you are unable to access the
website, you can complete a paper junior application form available from
Kingston School Admissions on 020 8547 4610. If you live in another Council
area, you will apply using their website. You should only submit one application
for your child naming your preferred junior schools in Kingston upon Thames and
any that you wish to apply for in any other Councils area, in the order that you
prefer them.
Each school listed on your application form considers your childs application
separately against its admissions criteria only and not according to the order of
preference you give the school on your form. This guarantees that, for example,
an application from a parent who has ranked the school as a second preference
is treated in the same way as an application on which the school is ranked as
first preference.
If you name junior schools in other Council areas, your home Council will pass
details of your application to the admissions authority of each school you wish to
apply to.
The admissions authority will then determine whether a place can be offered
using their published admissions criteria. This information will be passed back to
your home Council eg if you live in Kingston upon Thames and name a
Richmond Borough School as a preference, Richmond Council will let us know
whether your child has qualified for an offer.
If your child meets the admissions criteria for more than one of your preferred
schools, you will be offered a place at your highest preferred junior school by
your own home Council.
Step 2
Deciding which junior schools to apply for
Community infant schools and their paired community junior schools are listed below:
If your child attends one of the above infant schools and you apply for a place at the
paired junior school, you are likely to qualify for an offer of a place. This is because
attending the infant school is the second highest criterion for allocating places if the
school receives more applications than places (see the table on page 40). However,
your childs transfer cannot be guaranteed as this will depend on how many applications
are received for children under the looked after category (these are children currently
or previously in public care), which is the highest priority for admission. If the school
receives none, then it is likely that all the children that currently attend the paired infant
school will qualify for an offer providing parents name the school as a preference on the
application form.
The governors of the voluntary aided junior schools are responsible for the admission of
pupils. A guide to their admissions criteria is given on pages 49 and 54 together with
details how places were offered last year.
Make sure you contact the individual church junior schools for full details of their
admissions policy, published in their own school prospectus, before naming the school
on your junior application form. Make sure you check if you need to complete the
schools own extra form, known as the supplementary information form. Please see
page 31, Applying for Church Junior Schools for further information.
Transferring to Year 3 from Maple Infant and Tolworth Infant and Nursery Schools
For entry in September 2014 only, children in current Year 2 at Maple Infant and
Tolworth Infant and Nursery Schools, applying for transfer into Year 3 in September
2014 will be able to apply for places at the paired junior schools, St Andrew and St
Marks C of E and Tolworth Junior Schools and at Lime Tree Primary School. This is
because there are more children in Year 2 at each of the two infant schools than there
are places available at the paired junior schools for September 2014 and there will be
some children who will not be offered a place at the paired junior school.
Children applying from these two infant schools will be given additional priority for
admission at Lime Tree Primary School. The Council has ensured that there are 60
Year 3 places available at Lime Tree Primary School for September 2014 with priority
for admission for current Year 2 children attending Maple Infant and Tolworth Infant and
Nursery Schools.
Parents who apply for St Andrews and St Marks C of E Junior School and Tolworth
Junior School are strongly advised to also apply for Lime Tree Primary School to
increase their chances of gaining a Year 3 place in September 2014.
Admissions criteria for entry into Year 3 at Lime Tree Primary School in 2014
If there are more applications received than there are places, the following criteria will
be used to decide which children can be offered places, in this order of priority (after
taking account of any children for whom the school is named in a Statement of Special
Educational Needs):
(i) places will be offered firstly to Looked After Children i.e. children who are
looked after by a public authority and are in public care, and previously looked
after children who were adopted, or subject to a residence order, or special
guardianship order, immediately following having been looked after. Applications
made under this criterion must be accompanied by details of circumstance and
professionally supported evidence (e.g. from a social worker);
(iii) places will be offered next to children who have a brother or sister, including
an adopted, foster, half- or step- brother or sister, living at the same address and
attending the same school at the time of admission;
(iv) places will then be offered in cases of exceptional family, social or medical
need (which must be described on the application form and verified by
professionally supported evidence) which makes the school concerned the most
suitable one for the individual child;
(v) the remaining places will be offered to children who live nearest to the
school, as measured by a straight line to the nearest school gate. All distances
will be measured using the School Admissions computerised Geographical
Information System.
These criteria will be applied to every application for a year 3 place at the school on the
junior application form.
The distance from home to school, criterion (v), is used as a tie-breaker if there are
more applications than places available under criterion (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv). For applicants
from the same block of flats, or who live the same distance from the school, random
selection by the drawing of lots is used as a final tie-breaker.
Step 3
Applying for junior school places
How to apply
January 2014. If you live in another Council area, you must apply on their junior
application form which will be available from your home Council office or online via your
own Councils website.
Complete the application naming your preferred junior schools, whether they are junior
schools in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames or junior schools outside the
borough. Do not name any primary schools or private schools.
If you have a child already attending your preferred junior school or paired infant
school, who will still be there in September 2014, make sure you give that
childs details on the form under the sibling details. See page 23 for further
details about applying under the sibling (brothers and sisters) criterion.
If you think there are exceptional family, social or medical needs which make a
school the most suitable for your child, you should make it clear on your
application and attach supporting evidence. See pages 23 and 24 for more
guidance on applying under this criterion.
If you are applying for more than one child, eg twins, you must complete a
separate application for each child.
You must only submit one junior application form. If we receive more than one
application for the same child, we will consider the most recent application received by
the closing date.
Late applications
It is important you apply by the closing date because if you forget and apply after, your
application will only be considered after all those received by the closing date. This is
unless you can provide documentary evidence to prove that there were exceptional
reasons that prevented you from applying on time.
If you apply for a school place or move into the area after the allocation of places,
you will be able to apply on the Junior application form and name up to six preferences.
We will offer you a place at one of your preferred schools if this is possible. If all the
places at your preferred schools have been allocated, your childs name will be added
to waiting lists in criteria order.
If you move within the area after the allocation of places and you want to change
the junior schools you applied for, you will be able to complete another application form
and name your new preferred schools.
To apply for a church junior school place you must name the school as one of your
preferred schools on the Councils junior application form. You may also need to
complete an extra form, known as a supplementary information form, because
church schools may need additional information to apply their admissions criteria. For
example, they may require a reference from a parish priest or other minister of religion.
Please make sure that you read and fully understand the schools admissions criteria
before naming the school on your application. If the school require you to complete a
supplementary information form and you do not return this, your application for the
school may not be given full consideration.
A brief summary of criteria for each of the church junior schools in our borough is listed
on pages 49 and 54 together with details of how places were allocated for the last two
years. This is only a guide. Please make sure that you read and fully understand the
schools admissions criteria published on their website or in their own school prospectus
before naming the school on your application form.
These criteria will be applied to every application for a community junior school named
as a preference on the junior application form. The same criteria are used to draw up
the waiting list for the school.
The distance from home to school, criterion (v), is used as a tie-breaker if there are
more applications than places available under criterion (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv). For applicants
from the same block of flats, or who live the same distance from the school, random
selection by the drawing of lots is used as a final tie-breaker.
If a parent applies for entry into the same year group for more than one child and there
is only one place available, the parent will be asked to decide which child should have
the place. The names of the remaining brothers or sisters will be added to the waiting
list in accordance with criterion (ii) or (iii) as applicable. The criteria are as follows:
(i) places will be offered firstly to Looked After Children i.e. children who are
looked after by a public authority and are in public care, and previously looked
after children who were adopted, or subject to a residence order, or special
guardianship order, immediately following having been looked after. Applications
made under this criterion must be accompanied by details of circumstance and
professionally supported evidence (e.g. from a social worker);
(ii) places will be offered secondly to children attending the paired community
infant school;
(iii) places will be offered next to children who have a brother or sister, including
an adopted, foster, half- or step- brother or sister, living at the same address and
attending the same school (or the paired infant school) at the time of admission;
(iv) places will then be offered in cases of exceptional family, social or medical
need (which must be described on the application form and verified by
professionally supported evidence) which makes the school concerned the most
suitable one for the individual child;
(v) the remaining places will be offered to children who live nearest to the
school, as measured by a straight line to the nearest school gate. All distances
will be measured using the School Admissions computerised Geographical
Information System.
The looked after children and previously looked after children criterion (i), the
brothers and sisters criterion (iii) and the exceptional family, social or medical need
criterion (iv) are explained in more detail on pages 22 to 24. The importance of your
home address and how the distance from your home to school is measured is also
explained on pages 24 to 26.
If you only want to transfer your child in September 2014 and not before, you should
contact us towards the end of the summer term (the summer term ends on
Wednesday 23 July 2014), to see if the school has a place available in September
2014. This is because places available during the school year cannot be reserved
for children whose parents only wish them to start in September. As there is no
guarantee that your preferred primary school will be able to offer your child a place,
you are still advised to complete and return a Council junior application form
by the closing date of 15 January 2014. You must not name your preferred
primary school on this form.
Step 4
Being offered a junior school place
If you applied online, you will be sent an email during the evening of Wednesday 16
April 2014 advising you of the result of your application. After you receive this email,
you will be able to log in and view your application result online. If you applied online but
have not been offered your first preference school you will also be sent a letter by first
class post on Wednesday 16 April 2014 with detailed information about the result of
your application and what to do next.
If you applied online and have been offered your first preference school, you will not
receive a letter and we will assume you have accepted this offer. If this is not the case
please contact us.
If you applied on paper, you will not be able to access the result of your application
electronically. You will be sent a letter by first class post on Wednesday 16 April 2014
with detailed information about the result of your application.
Parents will be asked to accept/decline any offers made no later than Wednesday 30
April 2014. Alternatively, if you applied online you can accept or decline your offer
Applying for place during the School Year
In-Year Admissions
Kingston Council coordinates all in-year applications for schools in the Borough. We
will pass on your childs details to the admissions authorities for the schools you have
named and they will let you know if your child has qualified for a place. If none of the
schools to which you apply are able to offer your child a place we will advise you of the
nearest school with a vacancy and you will be able to make another application.
Please note your child will be expected to start in the correct year group for their age.
Your family must already be living in the property before you can apply for a school
place except in the following circumstances:
If you are a HM Forces family with a confirmed posting to this area, or a UK crown
servant returning from overseas to this area, you can apply for a school place up to four
months in advance of your return. This is provided your application is accompanied by
official documentary evidence from your employer which confirms a relocation date and
your address in Kingston.
To apply for a school outside Kingston, please contact the Council where the school is
situated for more information. Contact details for neighbouring Councils can be found
on pages 63-66.
If you want to transfer your child for reasons other than moving house, you should first
discuss this with your childs present Headteacher. This is because a childs education
usually benefits most when he or she has continuity of teaching and learning in the
same school. This also ensures that your childs present Headteacher is fully aware of
your reasons for wanting to transfer your child and has the opportunity to discuss this
with you.
If you still want to move your child, please ring the School Admissions Team on Tel: 020
8547 4610 for information on schools with places and we will send you an application
form to complete.
If you are not given a place at the school you prefer, you have the right to appeal, as
explained on pages 57 and 58. The right to appeal applies to all schools whether they
are community, voluntary aided, foundation or an academy.
How places have been allocated at community infant and primary schools over the last three years
*SEN - Place reserved for a child with a Statement of Special Educational Needs (**Includes children living in Malden Rushett - None for 2011-2013)
***The cut-off distance remains the same because although these schools have all had withdrawals, further offers have only been made to children under a higher criterion or to new applicants who
live closer [Note: 1 km = approximately 0.62 miles, 2 km = approximately 1.24 miles]
School Name Year SEN* criterion (i) criterion (ii) criterion (iii) criterion (iv) distance of Furthest Appeals
the last child distance heard
(available Looked having a exceptional distance of offered a offered from
places) after Child brother or family, home place under the waiting (Number
sister in the social or address to criterion (iv) list successful)
(including school or the medical school
at offer date
Looked after paired need
Children) school
School Name Year SEN* criterion (i) criterion (ii) criterion (iii) criterion (iv) distance of Furthest Appeals
the last distance heard
(available Looked having a exceptional distance of child offered offered from
places) after Child brother or family, home a place the waiting (Number
sister in the social or address to under list successful)
(including school or the medical school
criterion (iv)
Looked after paired need at offer date
Children) school
*SEN - Place reserved for a child with a Statement of Special Educational Needs (**Includes children living in Malden Rushett - None for 2011-2013)
***The cut-off distance remains the same because although these schools have all had withdrawals, further offers have only been made to children under a higher criterion or to new applicants who
live closer [Note: 1 km = approximately 0.62 miles, 2 km = approximately 1.24 miles]
School Name Year SEN* criterion (i) criterion (ii) criterion (iii) criterion (iv) distance of Furthest Appeals
the last distance heard
(available Looked having a exceptional distance of child offered offered from
places) after Child brother or family, home a place the waiting (Number
sister in the social or address to under list successful)
(including school or the medical school
criterion (iv)
Looked after paired need at offer date
children) school
How places have been allocated at community junior schools over the last three years
*SEN - Place reserved for a child with a Statement of Special Educational Needs **The cut-off distance remains the same because although these schools have all had withdrawals,
further offers have only been made to children under a higher criterion or to new applicants who live closer [Note: 1 km = approximately 0.62 miles, 2 km = approximately 1.24 miles]
School Name Year SEN* criterion (i) criterion (ii) criterion (iii) criterion (iv) criterion (v) distance of Furthest Appeals
the last distance heard
(available Looked children having a exceptional distance of child offered
places) after Child attending brother or family, social home offered a from the (Number
the paired sister in the or medical address to place under waiting list successful)
(including infant school or the need school
criterion (v)
Looked after school paired at offer
Children) school date
Burlington 2011 (120) - - - - - - oversubscribed - 0
2012 (120) - - 117 - - 3 1.068 km 1.305 km 0
2013 (90) - - 88 - - 2 1.922 km 1.922 km** 0
A summary of each Voluntary Aided, Foundation and Academy
Schools' admissions criteria and
details of how places were offered in the last two years
In this section we give a simple guide outlining each schools admission criteria. We
advise you to contact the school direct for further details of the admissions criteria the
school uses if they receive more applications than available places. Please make sure
you understand these to see under which criterion your application is likely to be
considered and whether you will need to complete the schools own supplementary
information form.
As a guide we have also shown you how places were offered in the last two years at each
school. For any further historical information, please contact the schools direct.
Each schools detailed admission arrangements and supplementary forms are also
available to download from their own websites which you can also access via our website
General Notes:
children who are (a) in the care of a Local Authority, (LA) or (b) being provided with
accommodation by a LA in the exercise of their social services functions in
accordance with Section 22 of the Children Act 1989, at the time an application for
a school is made;
children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (in
accordance with Section 46 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002), subject to a
residence order (in accordance with Section 8 of the Children Act 1989) or a special
guardianship order (in accordance with Section 14A of the Children Act 1989).
Siblings are brothers or sisters (including adopted, half, step or fostered) living at
the same address
Proximity means the distance from the home to the school all schools use
straight line distances as measured by the School Admissions computerised
Geographical Information System
Christ Church New Malden C of E Primary Schools Admissions Criteria
How places have been offered at Christ Church New Malden C of E Primary School
(60 places)
Christ Church C of E Primary Schools Admissions Criteria
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary Schools Admissions Criteria
For categories 2 and 3, proof of baptism must be provided. For category 1, looked after
children includes previously looked after children. If oversubscribed in any category the
following will be applied in priority order i) sibling at the time of admission ii) for categories
2 and 3 strength of evidence of commitment to the faith by the level of familys Mass
attendance on Sundays ranked firstly by attendance at Mass weekly, secondly at least
once a month followed by those who attend less than once a month, iii) exceptional social,
medical or pastoral need which make this school particularly suitable iv) distance
measured by a straight line from the home to the nearest school gate.
How places have been offered at Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
(60 places)
Latchmere Schools Admissions Criteria
Malden Parochial Primary Schools Admissions Criteria
4. Distance 6 34
Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary Schools Admissions Criteria
1. Baptised Catholic Looked after children and non Catholic children in the care of
Catholic families or any of these who were previously Looked after children
2. Baptised Catholic children, where one or both parents/guardians live within the
boundaries of either Our Lady Immaculate parish Tolworth or St. Catherine of Siena
parish Chessington and Hook and attend Sunday Mass every week and Baptised
Catholic children, where one or both parents/guardians live outside the boundaries of
Our Lady Immaculate parish Tolworth or St. Catherine of Siena parish Chessington
and Hook, attend Sunday Mass every week and, at the time of entry, have a sibling at
Our Lady Immaculate School who was attending the School in September 2011
3. Baptised Catholic children, where one or both parents/guardians live outside the
boundaries of Our Lady Immaculate parish Tolworth or St. Catherine of Siena parish
Chessington and Hook and attend Sunday Mass every week
4. Baptised Catholic children, where one or both parents/guardians live within the
boundaries of either Our Lady Immaculate parish Tolworth or St. Catherine of Siena
parish Chessington and Hook and attend Sunday Mass at least twice a month
5. As 4 above but living outside the parish boundaries and attend Sunday Mass at least
twice a month
6. Baptised Catholic children, where one or both parents/guardians live within the
boundaries of either Our Lady Immaculate parish Tolworth or St. Catherine of Siena
parish Chessington and Hook and attend Sunday Mass at least once a month
7. As 6 above but living outside the parish boundaries and attend Sunday Mass at least
once a month
8. All other baptised Catholic children
9. Non Catholic Looked after children
10. Children who are members of Eastern Orthodox Churches
11. Children of families who are members of other Christian denominations that are part of
Churches Together in England
12. Children of other faiths
13. Any other children
If oversubscribed in any category, priority will be given to: a) sibling at the time of
admission b) oversubscription in Priority 2 only up to 20% (currently 12) of the number of
places will be ring fenced for those applicants living with the boundary of St. Catherine of
Siena parish Chessington and Hook c) pastoral and medical needs which make the school
the most suitable d) those with Special Educational Need but who are not in receipt of a
Statement e) distance from home measured by a straight line to the school gate.
How places have been offered at Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School (60
1. Looked after Catholic children or Looked after children in the care of Catholic families
and previously Looked after Catholic children who have been adopted
2. Baptised Catholic children and children enrolled in the catechumenate
3. Other Looked after children or Looked after children in the care of families and
previously Looked after children who have been adopted
4. Children of families who are members of other Christian denominations
5. Children of other faiths
6. Any other children
If oversubscribed in any category, the following criteria will be applied in order i) sibling at
the time of admission ii) in categories 1 and 2 the strength of evidence of commitment to
the faith by the level of familys Mass attendance on Sundays iii) in category 4 the strength
of evidence of commitment to the faith by the level of familys Church attendance on
Sundays iv) exceptional social, medical or pastoral need which makes the school the most
suitable v) the distance from the childs home measured by a straight line to the school
St Andrews and St Marks C of E Junior Schools Admissions Criteria
How places have been offered at St Andrews and St Marks C of E Junior School
(90 places in 2012 due to additional class and 60 in 2013)
St Johns C of E Primary Schools Admissions Criteria
Of the remaining places available 75% of them will be offered to the following in criteria
4. Children whose parent(s) are worshipping members at the parish churches of St John's
or All Saints in Kingston or at the Fairfield Methodist Church in Kingston
5. Children whose parent(s) are worshipping members at another Christian church and
who live within the area designated by the Governors
For categories 4 and 5, worshipping members must be confirmed by the relevant minister
by filling out the schools supplementary form for confirming church membership.
If oversubscribed in any category, order of proximity to the school will be used.
How places have been offered at St Johns C of E Primary School (30 places)
St Josephs Catholic Primary Schools Admissions Criteria
1. Baptised Catholic Looked after children and previously LAC i.e. those who were
adopted, or subject to a residence order, or special guardianship order immediately
following having been looked after
2. Baptised Catholic children, who are practising members of the Catholic Church or are
enrolled in the catechumenate, living in the parish of St Raphaels, where one or both
parents are committed members of the Catholic Church
3. Baptised Catholic children, who are practising members of the Catholic Church or are
enrolled in the catechumenate, living outside the parish of St Raphaels where one or
both parents are committed practising members of the Catholic Church
4. Baptised Catholic children who are not currently practising members of the Catholic
5. Children where one of the parents is baptised Catholic but the child has not yet been
6. Other Looked after Children and previously LAC, i.e. those who were adopted, or
subject to a residence order, or special guardianship order immediately following
having been looked after
7. Children who are members of Eastern Christian Churches
8. Children of families who are committed members of other Christian denominations.
9. Children with a sibling (taken to include half-siblings, step-siblings, adopted siblings
and foster children) attending the school at the time of admission
10. Children of other faiths. Evidence of religious commitment will be required
11. Any other children
If oversubscribed in any category the following provisions will be applied:
i) sibling at the time of admission ii) for categories 2 - 5, the strength of evidence of
commitment to the faith as demonstrated by the level of the parent/guardian and childs
attendance at Mass on Sundays iii) for categories 7, 8 & 10, the strength of evidence of
commitment to a faith as demonstrated by the level of the parent/guardian and childs
attendance at a religious service will increase the priority of an application iv) exceptional
social, medical or pastoral need v) proximity to the school as measured by a straight line.
Strength of commitment is demonstrated by parents/guardians and childs level of
attendance, highest priority to those who attend Mass weekly, then fortnightly, monthly,
festivals, never.
How places have been offered at St Josephs Catholic Primary (30 places + 30 extra
places added before the closing date = 60 places in 2012 and 30 places in 2013)
St Lukes C of E Primary Schools Admissions Criteria
If oversubscribed in any category, the distance from home to school will be applied in
every case as measured by a straight line. Committed members of the church are those
parent(s)/guardian(s) who can show that they have been and are attending a service on
Sunday or other occasion for worship (including a home group) at least twice a month for
at least a year.
How places have been offered at St Lukes C of E Primary School (30 places)
St Marys C of E Primary Schools Admissions Criteria
1. Looked after children i.e. children who are or who have been in the care of the Local
Authority i.e. previously looked after children
2. Children who have a sibling at the school at the time of admission
3. Children whose parent(s) are regular worshippers at St Mary the Virgin Church in
Chessington attending at least twice a month and for a period of at least one year,
immediately prior to application. A supplementary information form from the vicar will
be required
4. Children whose parent(s) are regular worshippers, attending at least twice a month and
for a period of at least one year, immediately prior to application at another Christian
Church which is part of the Churches Together in Chessington and Hook. A
supplementary information form from the vicar will be required
5. Exceptional circumstances
6. Children whose parents want them to attend this Church of England school
Where there are more applicants than places in any category, places will be allocated on
distance from home to the school as measured using a straight line. Families who have
moved in and attend church at least twice a month for less than one year should obtain a
reference from their previous vicar. Where there are two or more applicants living the
exact same distance from the school and a tie-breaker is required, admission will be by the
drawing of lots.
St Matthews C of E Primary Schools Admissions Criteria
If oversubscribed in any category, the categories following will be used. If applicants are
still tied, the governors will draw lots *regular is defined as attending these churches on
average once a fortnight for a year prior to the date the application is received.
1. Looked After Children (LACs) and previously LAC who have become adopted or who
have become the subject of a Residence or Guardianship Order after being Looked
2. Children with exceptional medical or social needs for a place at this school
3. Children at Alexandra Infant with a sibling at St Pauls during the term of entry
4. Children at Alexandra Infant whose parents are members at St Pauls Church, Kingston
Hill or St Peters in Norbiton (see below for definition of members)
5. Children whose parents are members at St Pauls Church, Kingston Hill, or St Peters
Church in Norbiton and children who currently attend Alexandra Infant these two
criteria will be considered together
6. Children who have a sibling at St Pauls during the term of entry
7. Children of members of other Anglican churches or other churches recognised by the
Church of England; in order of proximity as measured by a straight line
8. All other applicants in order of proximity as measured by a straight line
Categories 2 to 8 will be considered in order of proximity up to a maximum of one mile
from the school. Any places remaining will be allocated using categories 2 to 8 but
ignoring the one mile limit
Church members are those parents (one or both) who have consistently attended Sunday
worship at least more often than not over a period of at least 6 months prior to the
application being submitted.
St Pauls C of E Primary Schools Admissions Criteria
Ten Foundation places will be offered to pupils whose parent/carer is an active member
of the worshipping community in an Anglican or other Christian Church If more
applicants than places the following criteria will be applied
1. Looked after children and previously Looked after children
2. Children who have an exceptional, medical or social need that makes the school the
most suitable
3. Sibling living in the same household at the time of admission
4. Children with a parent who is an active member of the worshipping community at St
Paul's Church, Hook
5. Children with a parent who is an active member of the worshipping community of
another Christian church situated within the parish boundaries of Hook with
Southborough or of Chessington, or who is an active member of The Community
Church in Surbiton for whom St Pauls is the nearest church school. This application
must be supported by their minister
6. Proximity to school as measured by a straight line
Any unsuccessful foundation place applicants will automatically be considered for one of
the 20 Open places. If more applicants than places, criteria 1 to 3 and 6 above will be
An active member is defined as an adult attending at least two acts of Parish worship each
month over a period of at least one year prior to application, one of which should be a
communion service.
How places have been offered at St Pauls C of E Primary School (30 places)
Appeals for primary school places
You have the legal right to appeal against a decision not to offer your child a place at
any or all of the schools to which you have applied. You are entitled to appeal for a
place at your preferred school even though your child may have a place somewhere
The admissions authority for the school you are applying to is required to explain why
your child has not been offered a place at that school. They must also explain how you
can appeal against this decision.
Your appeal will be heard by an appeal panel, which is independent of the school and
the admissions authority whose decision you are appealing against. You have the
right to attend the hearing to explain your case to the independent appeal panel.
There are strict rules covering the appointment of the appeal panel members to ensure
their impartiality and independence. The appeal panels decision is binding on the
admissions authority and the school, in other words the admissions authority and the
school must accept the appeal panels decision.
Appeal rules followed for all infant classes ie Reception, Years 1 and 2
The law states that there must not be more than 30 pupils in an infant class. If your
child has been refused a place an appeal can only be successful in very limited
circumstances. The appeal panel must consider the following:
o Whether the child would have been offered a place if the admission
arrangements had not been contrary to mandatory provisions in the School
Admissions Code and the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (in
other words, the admission arrangements are found to be unlawful); and/or
o Whether the child would have been offered a place if the admissions
arrangements had been followed properly; or
o Whether the decision to refuse admission was not one which a reasonable
admission authority would have made in the circumstances of the case.
In order for the panel to judge that an admission authority had acted unreasonably,
they would have to be satisfied that the decision to admit the child was perverse in
the light of the admission arrangements ie the decision taken was so outrageous in
its defiance of logic or of accepted moral standards that no sensible person could
ever have reached it.
Appeal rules followed for all other year groups (ie Years 3 to 6)
When considering an appeal for any other year group, appeal panels follow a two-
stage process in reaching decisions.
o First: a factual stage: at which the panel considers whether the schools
published admission arrangements were correctly applied in the individuals
case, and decides whether prejudice (or harm) would arise to the efficient
provision of education and/or the efficient use of resources in the school if the
child was admitted.
o Second: a balancing stage: at which the panel exercises its discretion,
balancing between the degree of prejudice to the school (or harm) and the
weight of the parents case, before arriving at a decision.
All children with SEN should have a broad and well-balanced education and council-
maintained schools must do their best to see that special help is provided for all children
with SEN. Most childrens needs can be met from within the resources normally
available to the school through its funding for additional educational needs.
However, if your child has significant special needs that cannot be met from within the
schools resources (currently known as School Action or School Action Plus) and the
provision necessary is likely to exceed that which is normally available to mainstream
schools, the school may ask the Council to carry out a statutory assessment, with your
agreement. If the Council decides that a statutory assessment is necessary then advice
would be sought from you, the school, an educational psychologist, the health service
and social services in line with the Governments SEN Code of Practice.
Further advice may be sought from the Statutory Assessment Team, Guildhall 2,
Kingston upon Thames KT1 1EU on Tel: 020 8547 4615.
You can also contact the Kingston Parent Partnership Service. This service offers
impartial advice and support about educational matters to parents and carers of children
with Special Educational Needs. It is part of the Disabled Childrens Information Service
provided by Enhanceable. The Parent Partnership Service can be contacted by
telephone on Tel: 020 8547 6203.
School discipline
Discipline is the responsibility of the governing body and the Headteacher of each
school and details can normally be found in the individual school prospectus or
information booklet.
Anti-bullying policy
The Council is opposed to bullying or harassment of any kind. We have issued
guidance to schools on preventing and tackling bullying. Each school has developed its
own clear anti-bullying policy and guidance. Governors, staff, pupils and parents at
each school are expected to respect and be committed to the schools policy.
We encourage schools to take a clear and strong stance against all forms of
unacceptable behaviour, especially bullying. Schools have a legal duty to take
measures to prevent all forms of bullying amongst pupils.
Oyster Photocard application forms are available from main post offices. If you require
further information on Oyster cards or bus routes please contact Transport for London
on 0845 300 7000 or visit their website
The Local Authority expects free bus and tram travel to be used by all pupils where the
journey time is scheduled by Transport for London at 45 minutes or less for primary
aged pupils. The Local Authority may provide a travel card to enable your child to travel
by train if they are of primary school age and attend their nearest suitable school which
is over two miles and the scheduled bus journey time is over 45 minutes.
Further consideration may be given to those families on low incomes and those children
who are attending a school for denominational reasons.
If you require further information about mainstream home to school travel you can visit
the Kingston Council website at or contact the Commissioning
and Procurement Officer on 020 8547 5256.
may take the form of reimbursement of parental mileage costs, or a place on a pre-
arranged vehicle.
The Council will not normally assist with home to school transport where the parents
preferred school is further from home than the nearest suitable school. This does not
limit parents preference for any individual schools but should be taken into
consideration by parents when choosing a suitable school. If your child already
accesses Home to School transport assistance and then changes school, or moves
from a specialist class to take up a mainstream place at the same school, we will re-
assess their transport needs against our policy. This may mean that transport which
has been available is no longer provided. Please consider your childs travel needs and
journey before you decide which schools to apply for.
Appeals against decisions not to assist with transport will be heard by a Panel of elected
Council Members. For more information, you can visit Kingston Councils web site or contact the Commissioning Officer on Tel: 020 8547 5304.
According to the Education and Inspections Act 2006, sustainable modes of travel are
those that improve the physical well-being of the people that use them, and the
environmental well-being of the whole or a part of their area.
The government requires all local authorities to promote the use of sustainable travel to,
from and between schools as part of the duty of the Education and Inspections Act
2006. There are four main elements of this duty to promote sustainable travel:
The Councils Sustainable Modes of Travel strategy sets how Kingston will meet these
four main elements of the duty to promote sustainable travel. The purpose of the
Strategy is to foster change in the travel patterns of school communities towards safer,
healthier and environmentally friendly methods of travel.
School Travel Plans form the main mechanism for implementing the strategy. School
Travel Plans are specific to each school as it is widely recognised that what works in
one school in one locality may not work at another school.
School Travel Plans are a package of measures that aim to promote alternatives to
single occupancy car trips and improve safety and perception of safety on the school
journey. School Travel Plans include advice for parents about existing travel to school,
plans for improvement and are available either through the schools websites or by
contacting schools direct. Each School Travel Plan has been developed through
consultation with the whole school community and other relevant bodies.
98% of schools in Kingston have an approved travel plan which they are requested to
review annually, taking into account any changes in the locality of the schools such as
traffic or changing needs of pupils and staff.
If you would like more information, a copy of the full Strategy is available at
inable_modes_of_travel_strategy.htm or contact the Commissioning and
Procurement Officer on 020 8547 5256.
Income Support
Income based Job Seekers Allowance
Income related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an
annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed
Working Tax Credit run-on the payment someone may receive for a further four
weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.
From 6th April 2012, Working Tax Credit rules for couples changed and because of the
increase in the number of hours a couple has to work in order to qualify, some families
may have lost their entitlement to Working Tax Credit. Those families may be entitled to
free school meals if they now satisfy any of the above criteria.
Nursery aged children eligible for free school meals can be provided with a free school
meal if they are receiving education before and after lunch.
A free school meal consists of a nutritionally balanced lunch which meets the current
government nutritional standards for primary schools. Where schools serve hot meals,
a free hot meal will be provided to children who are eligible.
Equalities Policy: Putting people first
Our overall aim is to ensure that everyone can fully participate. We aim to:
We will ensure that our services are relevant to the diverse needs of our residents and
local communities and are accessible to all and delivered in a way that is appropriate
and sensitive. We will ensure that information about our services is offered in
appropriate formats and languages and appears in media read or heard by local people.
Local schools in other council areas
We have listed here schools located in neighbouring authorities that Kingston families
tend to apply for. This list is not exhaustive and there are other schools in each of these
Council areas that havent been included here. For more information please contact the
relevant Council.
For admission details and advice on an individual schools admission policies, contact
the education office of the home Council shown for the school. Alternatively, you may
contact the schools direct to ask about the policy followed if the school receives more
applications than places available. Please note the national closing date for all primary
and junior applications is 15 January 2014.
London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
St John the Baptist C.E. Junior School DfE Number 318 3312
Lower Teddington Road, Hampton Wick KT1 4HQ Tel: 020 8977 4114
The County of Surrey
Long Ditton Infant & Nursery School DfE Number 936 2101
Ditton Hill Road, Long Ditton, Surbiton KT6 5JB Tel: 020 8398 4398
Long Ditton St Marys C of E (Aided) Junior School DfE Number 936 3343
Sugden Road, Long Ditton, Surbiton KT7 0AD Tel: 020 8398 1070
West Ewell Infant and Nursery School DfE Number 936 2093
Ruxley Lane, West Ewell KT19 0UY Tel: 020 8393 2417
London Borough of Sutton
Our Lady of Victories (RC) Primary School DfE Number 212 3387
1 Clarendon Drive, London SW15 1AW Tel: 020 8788 7957
Primary School Admissions Booklet 2014
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