Ma1002 2 Sem

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29.a. ysylgy Green's theorem in a plane ror J[1rx2 -ey21*+1+y-6ry)fu, where C is the Reg. No.

bormdary of the region defined by the lines.r -0, y

:0, and x +y : I . B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2016
Second Semester
b. Veriry Gauss divergence theorem for F = (x2 - 1z)i +(y2 -u)i +(22 -ry)fiwhere S is MAIOO2 _ ADVANCED CALCIJLUS AND COMPLEX ANALYSIS
the surface of the cuboid bounded by the lines -r :0, |
:a, y -0, y -b, z :0, z :c' @or the cotdidotes admitted during the academicyear 2013 - 2014 and 2014 -2015)
30. a.i. Prove that an analytic function with constant modulus is constant.
(i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
over to hall invigilator at the end of 45fr minute.
ii. Find the bilinear transforrration that maps the points co, 0, i, in Z plane on the points (ir) Part - B rmd Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.

0, o, -i ofthe W-plane. Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100

(oR) PART-A(20x1:20Marks)
AnswerALL Questions
b.i. Discuss the transform atronZ =!. ll
Z l. Evaluate lldtdy
ii. Ifutv=e'(cosy+siny), where -f(z)=u+lv is analyic, find the analytic function (z) 00
(A) I (B) 2
and hence find its derivative.
(c) 0 (D) 4
31. a.i. Verify initial value theorem and final value theorern on Laplace transform for 2. Areausing double integral in Cartesian co-ordinate is
f (t) =l+ e-' (sinr + cosr). (A) IIdyd' (B) llrdrd9
A x
ii. Solve the integral equation using Laplace tansform/(r) = 1+ iy(z)sin(r - u)dtt. (c) ll*edy (D) fit'atay
0 n n
(oR) ? 123
b.i. Solve the differential equation using Laplace tansformy(r)+/(r)=2e', giverr. tbzt "' The value of the triple integral ll!*dydz is
y(0)=l,Y'(0)=2. (A) 3 (B) 4
(c) 2 (D) 6
ii. (r)Findr,[@5?r) (3 Marks)
4. IfR is the region bormded by x = 0,1l = 0,x + 1l = 1, then lld;,@:

at"'(t#) (3 Marhs) (A) I (B) 1

(c) 1 (D) ?
32. a.i. Evaluate '{#kusing contour integration'
J 3

5. If /is the position vector of the point (a y, z) with respect to origin then V./=
ii. (A) 0 (B) I
Expand ' (z. +l'12(z
f(z)= 11,1'+3)
Laurent's series in the region given by
(c) 2 (D) 3
(l) o<lz+11<3 6. ff f
rt and are irrotational then ilxf
(2) l<lzl<3. (A) solenoidal (B) inotational
(C) constantvector @) zero vector
(oR) 7. tt F = Lyazzi +4x3z2j +SxzyzE is solenoidal, then the value of ), is _,
-)- (B) -x
b.i. Evaluate using Cauchy's integral formula i;---#-where C is the circle (A) x
i(42 +t)(z -t)(z -2) (C) l" can take any real value (o) xl
8. Evaluate the line integral [f .tr where C is the line y = r in XY plane from (1, 1) to (2, 2)
ii. Expantl j;;i*ing Taylor's series in the regionl
'l,l'2' (B)
(A) 0 I
(c) 2 (D) 3

Page ,l of4 BJA2MAtOO2 Page I ofi T3JA2MAIO(xz

9. r,fI)
19. If f(z)= (z
- 4)2(z -3)'(, - l)'
(A) I (B) 1
(A) 4 is a simple pole, 3 is a pole of
(c) I
i (D)
order3 and I isapoleorder2
I is a simple pole, 3 is a pole of
3 is a simple pole,
4 is a pole oforder 2
I is a pole of order 3 and

3 is a simple pole, 4 is a pole of order I and

12 ti order 3 and 4 is a pole oforder 2 I is a pole oforder 3.
10. t-'(l)=-.
(A) 1 (B) t 20. I boQ - a)-" consisting of negative powers of (z - a) is called
(c) H(t) (D) 6(t)
(A) the analytic part of Laurent's series (B) ttre principle part of Laurent's series
(C) the real part of Laurent's series (D) the imaginary part of the Laurent's series
I l.
(A) s (B)
' PART-B(5x4=20Marks)
Answer AllY FIVE Questions
sz +qz s2 +a2 r.,6
(C) does not exist (D) s2 -a2 21. Find the value ofJ J ry(x + fldye.
@w 2r*a
12. Evalnate using Laplace transform without integration "le#y, Evaluate I I lra snfidrd{d?.
0 00

(A) loe2 ,, (i)

23. Findtheanglebetwee,nthenormalstothe surfrce
(1, 9, -3)-
xy_* atthepoints (-2,-2,2)and
r", ., (i) (D) los s 24. Us€ Stoke's theorem to evaluate where F=(sinx-y)i-cosrjand C is the
13. W(4 : z +ry is analytic, thenthe family of curves, u:ct aldv: c2. bormdary of the riangle whose verrices are (o,o),(f ,o)*o(f ,r).
(A) cut orthogonally (B) intersect each other
(C) are parallel @) coincides
14- If(z) arrd7(rl arcanalyticfunctions of z,thenf(z)is 25. Find rr f=l I using convolution theorem.
(s(s + ^l)/
(A) analytic firnction (B) zero firnction
(C) constant function (D) discontinuousfimction 26. Show that the function f(z) - e' is analytic and find its derivative.

15. The invariant point ofthe fransformation g, =

-2i 27. Evaluate I+++ where C is the circle lrl= 2using residue theorem.
z(z -l)(z -3)
@) Z= -i i,

(D) z: -1
PART-C(Sx 12=60Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
16. Ira fnnction u(x,y) satisfies the equation 0, then u is called
#.#- It-zl-r-z
(A) Analytic fi.mction @) harmonic function 28. a.i. EvaluateJ
I I xj'zedye.
(C) ditrerential function @) continuous firnction
ii. Evaluate llxyedywhere D is the region of the positive quadrant bormded by the circle
17. Theresidue off(z) = cotzis D
(A) n (B) I xz+y2=g2,
(c) -1 (D) 0
18. The value of llwhercC
cL- -'l
is the circle lzl= lig b'i. fina the area bounded by the parabolasyz = 4u and xz = 4oy .

(A) 0 (B) ni ii' ch*g. the order of integration and hence nut lrrctf
2 i,y ay*. o?
(C) 1r (D) 2
fuc2 of{ t3JA2MAtolt ! Pagc 3 of{

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