Currency Recognition System Using Image Processing: August 2017
Currency Recognition System Using Image Processing: August 2017
Currency Recognition System Using Image Processing: August 2017
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Abstract—In this paper, we propose a system for automated the differentiating characteristics of each note within the same
currency recognition using image processing techniques. The currency. As mentioned earlier, these characteristics would be
proposed method can be used for recognizing both the country or size, color or text, based on the country of origin of the
origin as well as the denomination or value of a given banknote. currency note.
Only paper currencies have been considered. This method works
by first identifying the country of origin using certain predefined
areas of interest, and then extracting the denomination value TABLE I. LIST OF CHOSEN COUNTRIES
using characteristics such as size, color, or text on the note, S No Country
depending on how much the notes within the same country differ.
We have considered 20 of the most traded currencies, as well as 1 Australian Dollars
their denominations. Our system is able to accurately and 2 Canadian Dollars
quickly identify test notes.
3 Chinese Renminbi
Keywords—Image Processing, Feature extraction, Aspect ratio,
4 American Dollars
Denomination, Binary image, Currency recognition
5 Danish Krone
According to the survey conducted by the CIA [7], there 7 Hong Kong Dollar
are around 180+ currencies presently circulating in the world.
Each of these currencies differs greatly in features such as 8 Indian Rupee
size, color and texture. Unlike the olden times, the trade and 9 Indonesian Rupiah
commerce between countries has increased in all sorts of
levels. The need for acquiring knowledge about all the 10 Kuwaiti Dinar
currencies by the banks has been extremely important. 11 Mexican Peso
However for any human teller to recognize each note correctly
is something that is not feasible. Thus the need for an efficient 12 Norwegian Kroner
automated system that helps in recognizing notes is pivotal for 13 New Zealand Dollar
the future.
14 Philippine Peso
In this paper, we propose an automated system for
currency recognition using Image processing techniques. Our 15 Japanese Yen
system works for 20 of the most commonly used currencies. 16 Russian Rubles
These currencies are listed in Table I.
17 Saudi Riyal
The method being used is shown as a block diagram in
18 Singapore Dollar
Fig. 1. The nature of each image is firstly refined to convert it
into a usable input to extract various pictorial information in 19 Swiss Franc
the pre-processing phase. The system then extracts the region
20 UAE Dirhams
of interest (ROI) based on features such as size, color and text.
Using these regions of interest, the system first determines the
country of origin of the currency note. After this phase, the
denomination of the currency note would be identified using
This paper is organized as follows. Section II deals with such as height of the note, width of the note and also applies
the previous works done in the field of currency recognition. certain techniques such as Prewitt method and Canny Edge
Sections III and IV outline the proposed method by explaining Detection to obtain the other parameters that help in
the various techniques and parameters in detail. Section V calculating the Euclidean distance.
presents the results obtained by the implementation of the
In the paper [2] a method is developed that processes the
model. Finally, Section VI concludes the paper.
input image first before extracting features for recognition.
The Weiner filter was applied on the input image and the
II. BACKGROUND MOTIVATION image is then converted gray scale for uniformity. The feature
Around 180+ currencies are available around the world that is focused by this method is the diagonal vector which is
and the need for an automated system related to currencies has then compared with a set of values from the database that
been increasing exponentially recently. The need for helps in identifying the note.
developing systems that process notes without human As previously discussed, there have been various systems
intervention for various different uses has been pivotal for the that have been proposed in various papers [5] [6] [4]. However
development of systems that help in detecting and recognizing one can learn from their results that none of the systems
currency notes. However the varying features in each notes proposed is completely efficient and that taking into account a
and the security aspects involved in different currencies make single parameter for this problem statement is not helpful.
this task extremely difficult. Various systems have been Hence we propose a system that takes into account various
proposed in the past that take into account different features different features understanding the differences in each note.
such as aspect ratio and HSV values [7]. Methods such as We aim to build our system in a way that it is easily scalable
pattern matching have been proposed to develop a system that and gives an accurate result.
uses a single algorithm for all the currencies. However not a
single method has proven to be efficient enough for actual
development thereby making this problem statement an III. METHOD
interesting area of research. In order to differentiate the currency based on two
One of the first methods proposed to identify the currency different parameters (country of origin, and denomination), we
notes using image processing techniques was in the early 90’s. segment the problem into two steps:
However their algorithm does not take aspects of • First, identify the country of origin
authentication of the notes into account. Thus it has been
assumed that the notes are in good condition and images as • Identify the denomination (value) of the note
desired are obtained. It is noteworthy to mention that the The reason we chose this approach is based on the
system proposed requires the input images to be taken in a observation that various notes of different value
predefined angle and distance. The system proposed then (denomination) from the same country generally can be
applies a series of pre-processing steps on the input images differentiated based on certain features such as size ratio,
and then extracts certain features such as hue, saturation and color, or in the worst case, a text extraction to obtain the value
value parameters in order to compute a Euclidean distance from the note itself.
using these values and compare them with the values that are
used as standards. Though this method tries to propose an The full method has been described briefly below, and a
overall algorithm for all the currencies, it is not an efficient more detailed description can be found in Section IV:
method to identify the notes as certain notes across countries
have similar features. A. Pre-processing
In the paper [3] a method was discussed have which was The image of the banknote must first be pre-processed to
similar to the previous method discussed where the system remove any extraneous noise. This is done by applying a
extracts certain features of the currency notes and compares simple de-noising filter. The image is then converted to a
them with the database in order to identify the note. However, binary image using adaptive thresholding. This allows us to
this method takes into account a large number of parameters identify the empty regions of the banknote as those with all
Proceedings of 2017 Tenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing ( IC3), 10-12 August 2017, Noida, India
black pixels. Note that these empty regions correspond to The methods are listed in order of increasing computation
regions that are free of any foreground objects in the actual time. Some countries have banknotes that can be easily
banknote. Although there may be some background patterns, differentiated by the size. If the country of origin has been
these will be removed by de-noising followed by converting to identified as one of these, then we can simply compare the
a binary image. The image is also resized to allow for easier size of the given banknote with the known sizes of all the
computations. denominations.
In some countries, the banknotes are of too similar size to
B. Identify the country of origin differentiate them based on this feature alone. In that case, we
1) Identifying empty regions: Once the pre-processing can try using difference in color between the different
steps have been done, we can identify which regions denominations. For this, the k-means clustering algorithm is
of the note are relatively empty (black pixels in the run on the given banknote to extract the dominant color. This
binary image). This is done based on certain is done on the image in LAB color space. LAB color space
predefined areas. All the currencies are clustered into consists of 3 channels: the L channel corresponds to lightness
groups based on which regions of the note are value, and the a* and b* channels represent the color value.
relatively empty. We have chosen to divide them into LAB color space provides a more accurate perception of color.
3 groups – left side empty, right side empty, and Once the value of the dominant color is obtained, we compare
center empty, although if the number of currencies it with the known color values of all the denominations of that
were larger, we could possibly use a larger set of country. The denomination that has the least square distance
groups (top empty, bottom empty, etc.). Grouping is of the a* and b* channels is the one with the least color
done by finding out the ratio of black to white pixels difference, and is selected as the actual denomination of the
for the required region, and then classifying the note note. If both the above methods fail, then we must extract the
based on this ratio. The values chosen to classify the value of the denomination from the note using text extraction.
notes have been found experimentally. Note that some As this is the most computationally intensive method, we only
notes have no significant empty space, and therefore apply this is case of countries such as USA, etc. where both
don’t fall into any of the groups. These notes are the color and size does not vary too much between the
classified into another group. denominations. If both the other methods do not work, this
2) Using template matching to identify country of origin: method is sure to work, as all banknotes have the value of the
Once the banknote has been segregated into one of the denomination written on the note in at least one place. Thus,
predefined groups, we can check the image against any of these three methods works for every note in the set of
templates for each of the countries within that group. currencies taken.
Note that this is requires less comparisons than The algorithm of the proposed system has been detailed in
checking the image against all templates of every two parts. The first part (Algorithm 1) details the identification
country in the system, and is the reason we have and classification of notes based on empty regions. The
chosen to segregate the countries into such groups. second part (Algorithm 2) deals with notes for which we have
The templates are chosen such that they are small to use template matching (as they do not have much of empty
(thus requiring less computation) but still uniquely regions).
identify the country of origin. Thus, the templates are
chosen to be uniform symbols such as the country’s Note that the value of r used in the algorithm is the ration
seal, name of the country itself in stylized font, etc. of the number of black pixels to white pixels within a
We can also template match the given banknote in particular region. The percentage values that are indicated in
only the region that we know a certain symbol will be, the algorithm to identify the notes have been determined by us
if the location is uniform across all denominations. experimentally.
For example, the maple leaf symbol on the Canadian
Dollar can be used as a template, as its location is IV. ALGORITHM
uniform across all Canadian notes (top left corner). Algorithm 1: Identification using empty regions (in the
Thus, we can template match for the Canadian maple center, left, or right portions of the note)
leaf in only this section of the note. This reduces the
amount of computation. 1: Convert the image to black and white
2: Extract the center region
C. Identify the denomination 3: Calculate r as the ratio of number of black pixels to the
Once the country has been correctly identified in the number of white pixels
previous step, we can try to identify the value of the note. 4: if r < 2% then
There are three different approaches used for this purpose: 4.1: Output: Japanese Yen
4.2: Determine denomination using text extraction
• Size ratio 5: end if
• Color 6: Extract the rightmost region
7: Calculate r as the ratio of number of black pixels to the
• Text extraction number of white pixels
8: if r < 1% then
Proceedings of 2017 Tenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing ( IC3), 10-12 August 2017, Noida, India
8.1: Output: Russian Ruble 7.1: if ’Kiwi leaf’ template matches then
8.2: Determine denomination using template matching 7.1.1: Output: New Zealand Dollar
9: else if r < 3.7% then 7.1.2: Determine denomination using K-means
9.1: Output: United Arab Emirates Dirhams clustering
9.2: Determine denomination using text extraction 8: end if
10: else if r < 4.1% then 9: if ’Plus logo’ template matches then
10.1: Output: Philippine Peso 9.1: Output: Swiss Franc
10.2: Determine denomination based on color using K- 9.2: Determine denomination using length-by-breadth
means clustering algorithm ratio
11: else if r < 5.4% then 10: end if
11.1: Output: Kuwaiti Dinar 11: if ‘Norges’ text is found then
11.2: Determine denomination using template matching 11.1: Output: Norwegian Krone
12: else if r < 7% 11.2: Determine denomination using K-means clustering
12.1: Output: Hong Kong Dollar 12: end if
12.2: Determine denomination using text extraction 13: if ‘Pesos’ text is found then
13: end if 13.1: Output: Mexican Peso
14: Extract the leftmost region 13.2: Determine denomination using K-means clustering
15: Calculate r as the ratio of number of black pixels to the 14: end if
number of white pixels 15: At this point, all checking techniques have failed
16: if r < 2% then 15.1: Output: Australian Dollar
16.1: if ’Euro flag’ template matches then 15.2: Determine denomination using K-means clustering
16.1.1: Output: European Euro 16: end
16.1.2: Determine denomination using text
16.2: else if ’Starry’ template matches then
16.2.1: Output: Chinese Renminbi V. RESULTS
16.2.2: Determine denomination using Text To identify the country of origin, we have first segmented
extraction the note into a group based on presence or absence of empty
16.3: else if ‘Armor’ template matches then regions in certain pre-defined areas. Then, we classify the note
16.3.1: Output: Singapore Dollar by doing template matching with templates that characterize
16.3.2: Determine denomination based on color the banknotes from each of the countries in the group.
using K-means clustering algorithm For demonstration purposes, the Canadian 20 dollar bill is
16.4: else chosen. It is shown in Figs. 2 and 3, before and after
16.4.1: Output: Saudi Riyal preprocessing steps.
16.4.2: Determine denomination based on length-by-
breadth ratio
17: end if
18: end if
Figure 3: Pre-processed image We used Tesseract to train the system with the necessary
information. The US 2 dollar note is taken as example. We
The result of template matching is shown in Fig. 4 resize it, and then de-noise it so that background noise is
removed. This is essential to extract clean text. The image is
then cropped to the area which holds the text. The text reads
the denomination of the note in words.
Once the country has been determined, the denomination Figure 7: Original image
should be identified. This can be based on color, size, or text
extraction. The color of the note can be used to differentiate
notes such as Canadian Dollar, Mexican Pesos, etc., as they
vary in color significantly between different denominations.
This can be seen in Fig. 5 where all the Canadian notes are
displayed. Figure 8: Region of interest
Size can be a differentiating factor when the different Overall, we have found that our system is able to
denominations are of significantly different size. This can be accurately recognize most of the countries and denominations
used for Swiss Franc, etc. The different denominations of the correctly (93.3% accuracy, where accuracy is defined as the
Swiss Franc and their relative sizes are shown in Fig. 6 for number of notes correctly identified divided by the total
comparison. number of notes tested). This is a much better result than that
of the crude algorithm, which fails to recognize more than half
of the given test images accurately. The crude algorithm that
Proceedings of 2017 Tenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing ( IC3), 10-12 August 2017, Noida, India
we used did a brute force comparison of the pixel by pixel VI. CONCLUSION
mean square distance for each image. In conclusion, we have designed a system that accurately
identifies both the country of origin and the denomination of a
given banknote. Our system currently supports twenty of the
most common currencies, but can easily be extended to more
countries based on the method we have previously described.
Figure 10: After text extraction When compared with the crude algorithm of pixel by pixel
comparison, our algorithm is considerably more accurate, and
TABLE II. RESULTS takes less time. We have thus learned that our proposed
S No. Country of Origin Average Time Average Time
algorithm is able to identify currency and denomination in an
for Brute for Proposed average of 5.3 seconds, which is a considerable improvement
Force (sec) System (sec) over the crude algorithm. However, our proposed system only
1 Australian Dollars 27.4 9.70 considers a limited number of currencies. There are 180+
Canadian Dollars 25.56 1.89 currencies that can be included in the system, and we have
chosen to only do for 20 of the most common ones. Also, the
3 Chinese Renminbi 29.89 7.84 system should be effective in identifying notes that are
American Dollars 29.27 8.03 mutilated. Our system is not effective under this consideration.
This can be worked on in the future.
5 Danish Krone 28.5 4.23