Jacobson Process

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You should be able to define and understand

Object Oriented methodologies.

- Jacobson’s methodologies

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◼ Use Cases.
◼ Object Oriented Software Engineering.
◼ Object Oriented Business Engineering.

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Use Cases
Understanding system requirements
◼ Interaction between Users and Systems
◼ The use case description must contain
◼ How and when the use case begins and ends.
◼ The Interaction between the use case and its actors,
including when the interaction occurs and what is
◼ How and when the use case will need data stored in the
◼ Exception to the flow of events
◼ How and when concepts of the problem domain are

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◼ Object Oriented Software Engineering.
◼ Objectory is built models
◼ Use case model---The Use case model
defines the outside and inside of the
system behavior
◼ Domain object model-----The objects of the
real world are mapped into the domain
object model

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◼ Analysis object model---The analysis
object model presents how the source
code should be carried out and written
◼ Implementation model-It represents the
implementation of the system
◼ Test model----It constitutes the test
plans specifications and reports.

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◼ Object Oriented Business Engineering---
Use Case again are the central vehicle for modelling, providing
traceability throughout the software engineering process.

◼ OOBE is object modeling at the

enterprise level.
◼ Analysis phase-----The analysis phase defines the system to be
built in terms of the problem domain object model.
◼ Design and Implementation phase----This includes DBMS,
distribution of process, available component libraries and
incorporation of graphical user interface tools.

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◼ Testing phase
◼ E.g. Unit testing, integration and
system testing

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◼ It is an instructive information that
captures the essential structure and
insight of a successful family of proven
solutions to a recurring problem that
arises within a certain context and
system of forces.

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Good Pattern will do the
◼ It solves a problem.
◼ It is a proven concept.
◼ The Solution is not obvious.
◼ It describes a relationship.
◼ The pattern has a significant human

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Generative Patterns Non Generative Patterns

(describe recurring phenomena (describe recurring phenomena
with saying how to without saying how to
reproduce them) reproduce them)
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Patterns Template
◼ Essential Components should be clearly recognizable
on reading a pattern:
◼ Name
◼ Problem
◼ Context
◼ Forces
◼ Solution
◼ Examples
◼ Resulting context
◼ Rationale
◼ Related Patterns
◼ Known uses

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◼ Way of delivering application
development patterns to support best
practice sharing during application

◼ Can be viewed as the implementation

of a system of design patterns.

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Benefits of Frameworks
◼ Reusability
◼ Modularity
◼ Extensibility
◼ Inversion of Control

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Difference between Patterns and
◼ Design patterns are more abstract than
◼ Design patterns are smaller
architectural elements than
◼ Design patterns are less specialized
than frameworks.

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