Accomplishment Report SPG

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Months Programs Projects Activities / Actions

a. Brigada Eskwela
a. Welcome Poster

a. SPGA and SPG Mayor Participated

during the Division Brigada Eskwela
Opening and Implementation

b. SPG 10 Point Agenda

b. SPG 10 Point Agenda Poster
b. Planning and Implementation of the
10 Point Agenda was successful.

c. Acquisition of the SPG Loose Board c. Requested from the Office of the
c. SPG Loose Board
Principal and successfully provided.
Monitored and managed by SPGA and
SPG Mayor.

d. Written Policy and Request Letter

was approved by the principal.

d. Crafting and approval of the SPG and

d. Written Policy and Request Letter
SPU Anti-smoking Campaign.
a. Division SPG Leadership Training
a. Hand Outs for the Training were
given to the Participants
a. Andrew M. Enriquez acted as one of
the facilitators. Jun Rhea Nina C.
Salamat was assigned to give the
Recapitulation of the Topics. The
Training was successfully implemented.

b. The policy was approved and


b. SPG Order # 001-2013

June b. Implementation of the SPG Zero
Kalat Program c. Posting of signs and ads against
(Zero Kalat Program and Policy)
smoking. Information dissemination and
campaign about the hazards and danger
of smoking was taken.
c. SPG and SPU Anti-Smoking
c. Signage and Posters against smoking

1. Donations for Sto Nino Fire Incident a. School Supplies a. Students donated school supplies to
the students who were victims of the
b. Regional SPG and SPGA Federated b. Andrew M. Enriquez was elected as
Election Regional Federated President while Jun
b. Election and conference only Rhea Nina C. Salamat as SPG

c. SPG, SPU and SLO planned on how

July to make interventions regarding bullying.
c. SPG and SPU Anti-Bullying Action

c. Planning only d. SPU and SPG sponsor the

preparation of the PTA General

d. 1st PTA General Assembly

d. Slide show of SPG Accomplishments

a. Interview with the Schools Division a. SPG and SPU Executive Heads
Superintendent, Mr. Reynaldo Guillena interviewed Mr. Guillena.
b. Bliss Elementary School Leadership b. Mr. Andrew M. Enriquez and Jun
Training Rhea Nina C. Salamat facilitated the


c. SPG Anti-Bullying Policy and

c. SPG Anti-Bullying Policy and Intervention was approved
Intervention c. SPG Anti-Bullying Policy – SPG
Order # 002-2013

a. Opening of the World Teachers’ a. Students facilitates the Opening

Month Program

a. School-Based and Division Wide

a. Bookmark for Teachers
World Teachers’ Month Celebration a. Prepared, facilitated and participated
the program.

Various activities were conducted: Draw

your Teacher Contest and Card Making
b. Forum: Drug and Vices Awareness b. Initiated the first ever forum about
Drugs and Vices. Invited Speakers from
b. Posters against vices PNP-WCPD and Religious Sector.

Poster Making Activity

c. Poster Making and Poem Making


c. Participated in the PNP’s Alay Lakad

and World Children’s Month Celebration
c. Posters about “Kahirapan”
d. Mr. Enriquez, Mayor Salamat and
PIO Nice Capalit participated the
d. SPG Regional Leadership Training training.
and Awarding
Mr. Enriquez and Mayor Salamat were
given a Regional Award for being an
Outstanding SPG and SPGA in the
d. Training Hand outs and Softcopies Division.

a. Barya mula sa puso para sa a. SPG and SPU Initiated the donations
Zamboanga, Bohol at Cebu for the victims of earthquake and war.
a. Implemented the campaign,
a. Zero Firecracker Incident prohibition and enforced the policy. No
December Firecracker Incident was recorded.

a. Implemented the campaign,

January a. Save the Spiders a. Poster against playing of spiders
prohibition and enforced the policy.

a. PTA Day Celebration

a. Certificates for the students who won
a. SPG and SPU help in the preparation
the parlor games
and the implementation of the

They headed the Parlor Games for the


b. Successfully Implemented the

February Election Activities
b. 2014 SPG Election and Meeting de b. Posters and Election paraphernalia

a. Mr. Enriquez and Jasmine Kaye

a. District and Division Federated
Masagnay were elected Federated
Officers of the District and Division
b. Implemented leadership trainings
facilitated by teachers and student
March b. Leadership Training b. Training Hand outs leaders

c. SPU Participated and served during

the Kinder Closing Exercise,
Recognition Day and graduation Day.

c. Closing Ceremonies

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