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Heat Transfer Third Year Dr.Aysar T.


Fin Types
A) Rectangular Fin
B) Triangular Fin
C) Parabolic Fin
D) Annular (Circulator) fin of rectangular profile.
Heat Transfer Third Year Dr.Aysar T. Jarullah

For parabolic fin, Lc=L and Am=L× t/3.

Fin Heat Exchanger Design

(Used with Circulator rectangular profile)
1-Calculate the area without fins.
AnoFin   D L

2-Calculate the heat transfer without fins

q noFin  h AnoFin (Tbase  T )

3-Calculate (L)
L  0.5DFin  Dtube 

4-Calculate (r2c)
r2 c  Fin radius 

5- Calculate (Lc)
Lc  L 

6-Calculate (Am or Ap)

Am  Lc  t
Heat Transfer Third Year Dr.Aysar T. Jarullah

7-Calculate (r2c/rtube)

8-Calculate Lc 3 / 2

9-Use the figure of circulator fins to find efficiency of fin (  Fin ).

10-Calculate area of fin (AFin)

AFin  2 r2 c 2  r12 

11- Calculate the heat transfer of fin

q Fin  qmax   Fin h AFin Tbase  T 

12- Calculate area of unfin (AFin)

AunFin   D S , S  Space between two fins

13- Calculate the heat transfer of unfin

q unFin  h AunFin Tbase  T 

14- Calculate the total heat transfer of fins

q totalFin  n q Fin  q unFin , n  number of fins

15-Calculate the fin performance.

qtotal , Fin
q noFin

Example : Steam in a heating system flows through tubes whose outer diameter is 3cm and
whose wall are maintained at a temperature of 120°C.Circular aluminium alloy fins (k = 180
W/m.°C) of outer diameter 6cm and constant thickness at 2mm, are attached with tubes. The
space between two fins is 3mm and there are 200 fins per meter length of the tube. The heat is
transferred to the surrounding air at 25°C with h = 60 W/m2.°C. Determine the increase in
heat transfer from the tube per meter of its length as a result of adding fins.
Heat Transfer Third Year Dr.Aysar T. Jarullah


AnoFin   D L    0.03m  1m  0.0942m 2

q noFin  h AnoFin (Tbase  T )  60  0.0942  120  25  537W

L  0.5DFin  Dtube   0.50.06  0.03  0.015

r2 c  Fin radius   0.03  0.002 / 2   0.031

Lc  L   0.015  0.002 / 2   0.016m

Am  Lc  t  0.016  0.002  0.000032m 2

r2 c 0.031
  2.07
rtube 0.015

h 3/2 60
Lc 3 / 2  0.016  0.207
kAm 180  0.000032

From figure 2.12,  Fin  0.96

  
AFin  2 r2 c 2  r12  2 0.031  0.015  0.004624m 2
2 2

q Fin   Fin h AFin Tbase  T   0.96  60  0.004624  120  25  25.3W

AunFin   D S    0.03  0.002  0.0000283m 2

qunFin  h AunFin Tbase  T   60  0.0000283 (120  25)  1.6W

qtotalFin  n q Fin  qunFin   20025.3  1.6  5380W

qincrease  qtotalFin  q noFin  5380  537  4843W

q total , Fin 5380

   10 per meter tube length
q noFin 537

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