F.4 130 2018 R 22 07 2019 PS
F.4 130 2018 R 22 07 2019 PS
F.4 130 2018 R 22 07 2019 PS
4-130/2018-R (T&S-G)
9. 00411 Mahar Iqbal Punjab DPC with exact date of appointment and
domicile accepted on FPSC’s prescribed
form (available on FPSC’s website) duly
signed and stamped by issuing authority.
10. 00427 Mohammed Salman Punjab --------------
11. 00436 Muhammad Kamran Punjab --------------
12. 00472 Muhammad Awais Punjab Attested copies of all requisite documents
Qarni with signature and stamp (showing name
of attestation officer)
13. 00492 Muhammad Farhan Punjab --------------
14. 00520 Muhammad Kamran Punjab --------------
15. 00523 Muhammad Khubab KPK --------------
63. 02081 Muhammad Farhan KPK Attested copies of all requisite documents
with signature and stamp (showing name
of attestation officer)
66. 02114 Muhammad Owais KPK DPC with exact date of appointment and
Shahzad Khattak domicile accepted on FPSC’s prescribed
form (available on FPSC’s website) duly
signed and stamped by issuing authority.
67. 02115 Muhammad Rafiq FATA Attested copies of all requisite documents
with signature and stamp (showing name
of attestation officer)
79. 02463 Shoaib Ahmed Balochistan Fresh DPC with exact date of
appointment and domicile accepted on
FPSC’s prescribed form (available on
FPSC’s website) duly signed and
stamped by issuing authority.
2. The candidates whose Names & Roll Numbers are given below have been rejected for
the reason(s) mentioned against their names and they are also being informed by Registered
S.No. Roll No. Name Domicile Documents required Reason of rejection
1. 00094 Adeel Ehsan Punjab Equivalency from Did not possess required
HEC that Bachelor educational qualification i.e.
of Science in second class/Grade-C M.Sc.
Geophysics is degree in Geology or on before
equivalent to M.Sc.
the closing date i.e. 16.7.2018
in Geology.
as advertised.
2. 00145 Alina Hyader Punjab -------------- In response to FPSC Notice
dated 7.11.2018 did not submit
requisite documents within
stipulated period to determine
3. 00259 Ghashiya Sattar Punjab -------------- Did not possess required
Kayani Educational qualification i.e.
M.Sc. degree in Geology or
equivalent qualification on or
before the closing date as
4. 00275 Hafiz Umair Ali Punjab Attested copies of i) Did not submit SDC/ as
all requisite proof of domicile.
documents with ii) Did not submit Matric
signature and stamp Certificate as proof of age.
(showing name of iii) Did not provide proof of
attestation officer)
required Educational
Qualification i.e. second
class/Grade-C Master degree
in Geology OR equivalent
5. 00575 Muhammad Umais Punjab BS Geology degree. i) Underage by 03 months and
15 days on the closing date.
ii) Did not possess required
educational qualification on or
before the closing date i.e.
16.7.2018 as advertised.
6. 00629 Nisar Karim GB Attested copies of In response to FPSC Notice
all requisite dated 7.11.2018 did not submit
documents with requisite documents within
signature and stamp stipulated period to determine
(showing name of eligibility.
attestation officer)
7. 00700 Sadiq Jalal KPK Equivalency from Did not possess required
HEC that BS M.Sc. educational qualification i.e.
in Geo Physics M.Sc. degree in (Geology) on
degree is equivalent the closing date as advertised.
to M.Sc. degree in
8. 00733 Saqib Khalil Punjab i) Attested copies of all Did not possess required
requisite documents with educational qualification
signature and stamp on or before the closing
(showing name of date i.e. 16.7.2018 as
attestation officer).
ii) Equivalency from HEC
that BS Geological
Engineering is equivalent
to M.Sc degree in
9. 00764 Shahzaib Rohail Punjab Equivalency of Master in Did not possess required
Geophysics with Master to educational qualification
Geology by the HEC i.e. second class/Grade-C
required. Master degree in
Geology on the closing
date (16.07.2018) as
10. 01174 Muhammad Aqib Punjab Equivalency of Master in Did not possess required
Javed Geophysics with Master to educational qualification
Geology by the HEC on or before the closing
required. date i.e. 16.7.2018 as
11. 01454 Ghazanfar Saeed Punjab --------------- Did not possess required
Educational Qualification
on or before the closing
date (16.07.2018) as
12. 01486 Hussain Mubashar Punjab -------------- In response to FPSC
Notice dated 7.11.2018
did not submit requisite
documents within
stipulated period to
determine eligibility.
13. 01494 Iram Nadeem Punjab i) Equivalency from HEC Did not possess required
that BS Engg. Geology Educational qualification
degree is equivalent to i.e. M.Sc. degree in
M.Sc. degree in Geology. Geology or equivalent
ii) Attested copies of all qualification on or before
documents required.
the closing date as
14. 01517 Maha Ali Haider Punjab BS Applied Geology Did not possess required
degree required. Educational qualification
i.e. M.Sc. degree in
Geology or equivalent
qualification on or before
the closing date as
15. 01519 Mawish Akran Punjab Equivalency from HEC Did not possess required
that B.Sc. in Geological Educational qualification i.e.
Engineering degree is M.Sc. degree in Geology or
equivalent to M.Sc. in equivalent qualification on or
before the closing date as
16. 01539 Mohsin Abbas Punjab Equivalency of Master in Did not possess required
Geophysics with Master to educational qualification
Geology by the HEC on or before the closing
required. date i.e. 16.7.2018 as
17. 01868 Summar Abbas Punjab Attested copies of all In response to FPSC
requisite documents with Notice dated 7.11.2018
signature and stamp did not submit requisite
(showing name of documents within
attestation officer) stipulated period to
determine eligibility.
18. 01927 Amir Rizwan KPK Attested copies of all In response to FPSC
requisite documents with Notice dated 7.11.2018
signature and stamp did not submit requisite
(showing name of documents within
attestation officer) stipulated period to
determine eligibility.
19. 02100 Muhammad Jabran KPK Attested copies of all In response to FPSC
requisite documents with Notice dated 7.11.2018
signature and stamp did not submit requisite
(showing name of documents within
attestation officer) stipulated period to
determine eligibility.
20. 02204 Shabir Ahmed KPK Attested copies of all In response to FPSC
requisite documents with Notice dated 7.11.2018,
signature and stamp did not submit requisite
(showing name of documents within
attestation officer) stipulated period to
determine eligibility.
3. The remaining candidates in the subject cited case are either low in order of merit or
failed drawn on the basis of Screening Test and will not be called for interview. It may be noted that no
further written communication shall be made in this regard.
Note The names and number of provisionally short-listed /rejected candidates are subject to modification
after Commission’s decision on the representations/review petitions (if any) of rejected candidates in
terms of Section 7(3) of the FPSC Ordinance, 1977.