F.4-87-2017 - Assistant Manager IT - 02-02-2018 - PS
F.4-87-2017 - Assistant Manager IT - 02-02-2018 - PS
F.4-87-2017 - Assistant Manager IT - 02-02-2018 - PS
Sector F.5/1, Aga Khan Road, Islamabad Islamabad, the, February, 2018
EMAIL: [email protected]
UAN 051- 111 000 248
2. The candidates whose Names & Roll Numbers are given below have been
rejected for the reasons mentioned against them and they are also being informed by post:-
S. Roll Name (M/S) Domicile Deficiency of Reasons of Rejection.
No. No. Documents
1. 00161 Awais Hanif Punjab - Did not possess required
Educational Qualification on the
closing date as advertised
2. 00643 Naveed AJK - Did not possess required
Akbar Educational Qualification on the
Mughal closing date as advertised
3. 00654 Nidda Punjab i. Matric Certificate Did not possess required
Gulraze issued by Secretary Educational Qualification on the
Kiayni BISE. closing date as advertised
ii. B.S (I.T) Transcript/
DMC as proof of
Grade/ Division/
CGPA & Date of
Declaration of Result.
4. 00845 Taimur KPK - Did not possess required
Tariq Sethi Educational Qualification on the
closing date as advertised
5. 01269 Umar Sindh(U) - Did not possess required
Iftikhar Educational Qualification on the
closing date as advertised
- 3 -
Assistant Director (T&S-A)