Q uote No : q962qo5s6ggb0
This is the official illustration issued by HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited. Illustration of any
other type is not supported by the company.
Illustration for HDFC Life Super Income Plan
on 27 July 2018
Nam e Age Gender
Life 1 adi 2 F
Age is taken as on last birthday
Date of Policy Com m encem ent: 27-Jul-2018
Prem ium Frequency: Monthly
Benefit Name Sum A ssured Premium Paying Term Policy Term Payout Term Premium Taxes and levies as applicable# Total Premium
(in Rs.) (years) (years) (years) (in Rs.) (in Rs.)
Main Benefit-O ption 1 1,44,954 8 16 8 2,074 93 2,167
Total Prem ium payable per Frequency: 2,074 93 2,167
Since premium frequency of your policy is monthly, premiums for first 3 months are payable at the time of proposal login.In case of Unit Linked policies, the
allocation of units for the advance premiums paid will be done on the due dates of those premiums and at the Unit Prices applicable on those dates. Total
amount Payable at the time of login is Rs. 6,501/-
Nex t Prem ium Due Date: 27-O ct-2018
# The Tax es & other levies on the Main benefit prem ium for year two and subsequent years will be Rs.47/-
1. This illustration has been produced by HDFC Standard Life Insurance C ompany Limited to help you understand the benefits of your HDFC Life Super
Income Plan policy .These illustrations must be read in conjunction with the sales literature, which describe the features of these products. The values
shown are for illustration only.
2. The Premium and the Sum Assured stated above is based on the information provided. They may vary as a result of underwriting.
3. For details of the above benefits, please read the sales literature provided.
4. Taxes and levies as applicable will be charged and are payable by you by any method including by levy of an additional monetary amount in addition to
premium and/or charges.
5. Tax will be deducted at the applicable rate from the payments made under the policy, as per the prevailing provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
6. UIN for HDFC Life Super Income Plan - 101N098V03
C ompanys Seal: