FWAP ULIP Leaflet Revised
FWAP ULIP Leaflet Revised
FWAP ULIP Leaflet Revised
Unit Linked Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan | UIN: 104L121V02
The product can be taken with one of the following two variants:
You can addit ionally opt for Waiver of Premium (WOP) benef it, if Policyholder and Life Insured are different
individuals. The Waiver of Premium benef it shall be available at inception only for limited and regular pay
Your chosen premium amount determines the benef its offered under both variants.
The benef its increase with the increase in Premium bands, chosen by you as per the below table:
Choose your Premium amount, Premium Payment Term and Policy Term to match
your f i nancial protect ion and savings needs
Choose your Investment Strategy f rom the available 5 options and corresponding
funds f rom a total of 12 available funds basis your investment style and risk appetite
to maximize your investment
On maturity of the Policy, you get the maturity benef it as a lump sum or as periodic pay-outs through
settlement opt ion (Refer to sect ion ‘Settlement opt ion’ for details). In case of your unfortunate death during
the Policy Term, your nominee / legal heir will receive the death benefit. Please refer to the following sections
for details on death and maturity benef its.
Max Life Flexi Wealth Advantage Plan offers the following rich features and benef its:
Return of all charges
You are eligible for a refund of all or some part of the ULIP charges deducted in your policy, which are
added back to your fund value.
Guaranteed Loyalty Addit ions to boost up your fund value
Enjoy Guaranteed Loyalty Addit ions to further enhance your Fund Value f rom 8 th year onwards.
Auto Debit Booster
Enjoy an additional booster at the end of 5 Policy Years, on paying any of your f irst f ive Premiums
(Excluding the f irst Premium) through auto debit (ECS, DD etc.) mode.
Opt ion to avail regular systemat ic money withdrawals as per your desire: Smart Withdrawals
The Whole Life variant lets you enjoy a secondary income stream by withdrawing money regularly f rom
your Policy. You may choose this opt ion of ‘Smart Withdrawals’ at incept ion or anytime during the Policy
Charges eligible for return will be mortality charge on death benefit, Policy administration charge and premium allocation charge and will exclude any extra mortality
charge, mortality charge on Max Life Waiver of Premium Benefit, rider charge and Goods and Service Tax / any other applicable tax levied on the charges deducted.
Guaranteed Loyalty Additions: These shall be added to your fund value starting from the end of 8 th policy year and at the end of each year thereafter. GLA as
a % of fund value for various premium bands as a percentage of fund value are as mentioned in the prospectus. Please refer the prospectus for further details.
Auto Debit Boosters: Auto debit booster amount of 0.75% of premium will get added to your fund value at end of 5 th policy year, provided all due premiums
t ill date have been paid and the policy is in-force.
Given below are the maturity benef its at assumed rates of fund return at 4% and 8% and the minimum sum assured
under the policy for a few sample modal points.
Wealth variant
*Premium Payment Mode: Annual via auto debit; Standard life Male; Fund chosen: Balanced Fund; Non ISNP source
*Please note that the above assumed rates of return @ 4% and 8% p.a. respect ively are only scenarios at these rates after
recovering all applicable charges. These are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of returns of the
Funds selected in your policy, as the performance of the Funds is dependent on a number of factors including future
investment performance. For more information, please request for your policy specif ic benef it illustrat ion. Benef its
payable provided the risk cover under the Policy is in-force.
Let’s understand the product benef its better with a few illustrat ions.
Example 1:
Mr. Sharma aged 35 years purchased Max Life Flexi Wealth Advantage Plan (Wealth variant) with the details as below:
#All premiums are payable at the beginning of year.
Auto Debit #
Guranteed Loyalty
Booster (`) Addition (GLA) (`)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
@4 ##% ` 51,628
MR. SHARMA @8 ##% ` 48,417
Age: 35 Years
Please note that the above assumed rates of return @4% and @8% p.a. respectively, for Balanced Fund, are only scenarios
at these rates after recovering all applicable charges. These are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of
returns of the Funds selected in your Policy, as the performance of the Funds is dependent on a number of factors including
future investment performance. For more information, please request for your Policy specif ic benef it illustration. Benef its
payable provided the risk cover under the Policy is in-force.
**Annualised premium means the premium amount payable in a year chosen by the policyholder, excluding the taxes, rider
premium, underwriting extra premium and loadings for modal premiums, if any
*Expected Fund Value of Balanced Fund, the Fund Value denoted above in year 3 (Before payment of 4 th premium); this
might be different depending on exact date of death of Life Insured. Fund Value will be calculated as per the prevailing NAV
as on the date of death.
Example 2:
Mr. Gupta aged 35 years purchased Max Life Flexi Wealth Advantage Plan (Whole Life variant) with the details as below:
Scenario 1:
Mr. Gupta survives the entire term and has celebrated his 100 th birthday the same year
**Annualised premium means the premium amount payable in a year chosen by the policyholder, excluding the taxes,
rider premium, underwriting extra premium and loadings for modal premiums, if any
All premiums are payable at the beginning of year.
The Guaranteed Loyalty additions rate applicable f rom the 8 th Policy Year t ill 15 th Policy Year is 0.50% of fund value and
that for 26 th Policy Year unt il maturity is 0.75% of fund value.
Given below is a glimpse of Mr. Gupta’s growing fund value across the span of policy term at in interval of every f ive years
starting f rom the 10 th policy year
Policy Year Fund Value Fund Value Policy Year Fund Value Fund Value
@ 4% ## @ 8% ## @ 4% ## @ 8% ##
10 years ` 808,974 ` 1,109,441 40 years ` 2,238,310 ` 9,474,676
15 years ` 970,878 ` 1,590,616 45 years ` 2,648,305 ` 13,538,302
20 years ` 1,145,468 ` 2,272,820 50 years ` 3,133,399 ` 19,344,790
25 years ` 1,352,186 ` 3,247,618 55 years ` 3,707,349 ` 27,641,642
30 years ` 1,598,913 ` 4,640,500 60 years ` 4,386,430 ` 39,496,959
35 years ` 1,891,788 ` 6,630,779 65 years ` 5,189,900 ` 56,436,942
Please note that the above assumed rates of return @ 4% and 8% p.a. respectively, for Balanced Fund, are only scenarios at these rates after recovering
all applicable charges. These are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of returns of the Funds selected in your Policy, as the
performance of the Funds is dependent on a number of factors including future investment performance. For more information, please request for your
Policy specif ic benef it illustration. Benef its payable provided the risk cover under the Policy is in-force.
Scenario 2:
Mr. Gupta unfortunately died at end of 40 th Policy Year (on attaining 75 years of age).
In case of death at end of 40 th year the death benef it paid will be calculated as under:
Death Benef it = Higher of (Sum Assured or 105% of all premiums paid or Fund Value)
Sum Assured = 10 times annualised Premium
Sum Assured = 10 X 150,000 = ` 15,00,000
Plan at a glance
Criteria Specification
Coverage All individuals in accordance with the Board Approved Underwriting Policy
The maximum age of Life Insured is defined below, basis the maximum premium payment age being
capped at 70 years for 7x and 10x cover multiple respectively and 65 years for 15x cover multiple
under limited/regular pay and 70 years under single pay.
Wealth variant:
Single pay:
For Waiver of Premium (WOP) benefit under wealth variant, the maximum entry age for the policyholder
shall be 60 years for cover multiple 15 and 65 years for cover multiple 7 & 10, respectively. Further, the
maximum entry age for the policyholder is subject to “65 less PPT” years for cover multiple 15 and “70 less
PPT” years for cover multiple 7 and 10 respectively.
For WOP Benefit under Whole life variant, the maximum entry age for the policyholder shall be 60 years.
Refer the below table for the available premium payment term (PPT) and policy term (PT) options
available under the plan.
Cover Multiple will be as per your choice at policy inception. The sum assured under the product is derived
as annualised / single premium times the Cover Multiple as chosen by You.
The table given below depicts the available Cover Multiples, basis the premium payment term and entry age
of life insured.
Plan VariantPremium Payment Term chosen Entry Age (Years) Cover Multiples available
Age <= 45 1.25, 7, 10 & 15
Cover Multiple Age >=46 and Age <= 50 1.25, 7 & 10
Single Pay Age >=51 and Age <= 55 1.25 & 7
Wealth Age >=56 1.25
Age <= 60 7, 10 & 15
Limited/ Regular pay
Age >= 61 7 & 10
Age <= 30 7,10 &15
Whole Life Limited pay Age >=31 and Age <= 50 7 &10
Age >=51 7
The minimum Sum Assured will depend on the minimum annualised premium as defined above. Basis
the same, the minimum Sum Assured under the product is as follows:
Wealth variant:
Single Pay: Rs. 250,000
Minimum Sum Assured
Limited Pay: Rs. 350,000
Regular Pay: Rs. 1,75,000
Maximum Sum Assured No limit, subject to the limits determined in accordance with the Board approved underwriting policy of
the Company.
Max Life Critical Illness and Disability Secure Rider (UIN: 104A034V01)2 : This rider provides benefit upon
diagnosis of any of the 64 critical illnesses covered, and maybe opted at inception or anytime during the
policy term, by payment of a nominal additional premium.
Riders and Optional
Waiver of Premium Benefit (optional at inception)3 : This option ensures that, in case of unfortunate
Add On benefits
demise of the policyholder provided the risk cover under the Policy is in-force, WOP has been chosen at
inception and WOP cover is active on the date of death of the policyholder, the Company will fund all
future outstanding premiums of the base policy only (not additional riders chosen) as and when due under
the policy, keeping all the promised benefits under the policy intact. No additional premium will be
required to avail this benefit. It will be deducted as a charge levied on every monthly anniversary by
canceling units from the unit account during premium payment term of the base policy.
Limited Pay:
Annual Mode ` 50,000/-
Semi Annual mode ` 25,000/-
Quarterly mode ` 12,500/-
Monthly mode ` 4,167/-
Regular Pay:
Annual Mode ` 25,000/-
Semi Annual mode ` 12,500/-
Quarterly mode ` 6,250/-
Monthly mode ` 2,084/-
Maximum Annualised No limit, subject to the limits determined in accordance with the Board approved underwriting
Premium Policy of the company.
Death Benef it Irrespective of whether Waiver of Premium Benef it is opted or not opted at inception:
On death of the Life Insured anytime during the term of the Policy, the nominee shall get higher of
the following benef its, given the Policy is in force:
Sum Assured (Reduced by applicable part ial withdrawals, if any), or
Limited Pay & Regular Pay It is equal to Cover mult iple* X Annualised premium
*Cover multiple options may be checked from the section “Max Life Flexi Wealth Advantage Plan at a glance
• Fund value (As on date of intimat ion of death), or
• 105% of the Total Premiums received up to the date of death (Reduced by applicable partial
withdrawals, if any)
The Policy Terminates on the death of Life Insured.
Please note that the ‘applicable partial withdrawals’ mentioned above refers to all the partial made during the two years’ period
immediately preceding the death of the Life Insured.
Charges other than fund management charge, recovered subsequent to the date of death shall be added back to the fund value as available
on the date of intimation of death.
Further, if Waiver of Premium (WOP) Benef it is opted at inception and WOP cover is act ive on the date
of death of the policyholder:
On death of the policyholder subject to policy being inforce, the company shall fund all future outstanding Premiums
of the base Policy as and when due under the Policy and all committed Policy benefits shall continue as is.
Once the WOP benef it has been accepted under your Policy and future premium(s) are being funded by the Company,
then subsequently in case the life insured surrenders the base policy or dies, the company will pay the present value of
the future premiums (if any) in addition to the other payable base benefit (Surrender Value in case of surrender and
Death Benefit in case of death of life insured). The present value will be calculated at the discount rate of 6.00% p.a.
Plan at a glance
Criteria Specif icat ion
Maturity Benef it On maturity, you will be eligible to receive an amount, provided settlement option has not been exercised, equal
to the Fund Value as applicable on the date of maturity of the policy, where the Fund Value will be calculated as:
Fund Value = Summat ion of Number of Units in Fund(s) mult iplied by the respective NAV of the
Fund(s) as on the date of maturity.
Please Note: In case the Maturity Date is a non-working day for the markets then next working day’s NAV will be applicable.
Return of Charges You are eligible to get back the charges deducted under your policy basis the variant and premium
(RoC) amount opted by You, provided all due premiums have been paid.
i. Wealth Variant: RoC basis the charges deducted from inception till maturity will be paid on the date of maturity
ii. Whole Life Variant: RoC basis the charges deducted between incept ion and (PPT+10)th year will be
returned at end of (PPT+10th) year. Thereafter, the RoC basis the charges deducted during next f ive
years will be returned at the end of every 5 years or maturity, whichever is earlier
Premium Band Applicable f rom end of 8 th policy year Applicable f rom end of PPT+11 th
till PPT+10 th year policy year till maturity
Guaranteed loyalty additions percentage will be applied on the total fund value at the end of the respective
Policy Year (Before RoC are credited). The additional units shall be created in different funds in the same
proportion as the fund value on the date guaranteed loyalty additions are to be paid by the company.
Freelook You have a period of fifteen (15) days (30 days in case of electronic policies and policies obtained through
distance marketing mode) from the date of receipt of the policy, to review the terms and conditions of
the policy, where if you disagree with any of those terms and conditions, you have the option to return
the Policy stating the reasons for objection.The Policyholder shall be entitled to refund of Premiums
paid subject only to a deduct ion of proportionate risk Premium for the period of cover and the
expenses incurred by the insurer on medical examination of the proposer and stamp duty charges.
Surrender At any time during the Policy Term, you have the right to surrender the policy by advising the
company in writing. The surrender benef it is equal to Fund Value less applicable Surrender /
Discontinuance charges. Policy can be Surrendered / Discontinued at any time but the Surrender /
Discontinued value will be paid subjected to provision of the Policy.
Please note, policy once Surrendered, cannot be revived. For further details refer to the prospectus available on
Investment strategies
Under Flexi Wealth Advantage Plan, you have a range of 5 investment strategies to choose f rom. You may choose
only one of the f ive available investment strategies and there is no extra cost applicable for your choice made.
While one of these is a self-managed strategy which lets you choose any of the fund(s) in any proport ion and the other
four are automated strategies which let you have a hassle-f ree portfolio rebalancing based in a set and def ined manner.
1. Premium Allocat ion The premium allocation charge is levied as a % of each premium paid. The rate of premium allocation
Charge charge for different variants is as follows:
• Single Pay: 5% of Single Premium
• Limited Pay and Regular Pay: The premium allocat ion charges are as follows:
• Annual Mode
The product will be allowed for sale through offline and online modes.
• Non - annual Mode
A discount of 3% (absolute) on premium allocat ion charges shall be applicable for the first five
years if the policy is purchased via online channel or Insurance Self Network Platform (ISNP).
2. Policy Administration The Policy administrat ion charge (As a percentage of Annualized / Single Premium) will be
Charge (all years) deducted between year 6 and year 10 and will be capped at ` 500 per month.
The Policy administrat ion charge will inflate by 5% per annum from 73rd month onwards. From year
11 onwards, Policy administrat ion charge is equal to zero for all policies.
3. Fund Management This is a charge levied as a percentage of the value of assets and shall be appropriated, usually daily, by
Charge adjust ing the Net Asset Value of the Fund. The rate to be levied will be equal to the annual rate, as
given below, divided by 365 and multiplied by the number of days that have elapsed since the previous
unit valuation date. The charges specif ied below are guaranteed and shall not change during the
Policy lifet ime. The annual rate of Fund Management Charge is as below.
Sample rates are provided for your reference. Please visit our website or ask your f inancial advisor for the
rates applicable to you. Mortality charges are guaranteed throughout the Policy Term.
Sum at Risk (SAR) for the product during the settlement period is def ined as follows:
Max (105% of Total premiums paid – Total Fund Value, 0)
Please note that the ‘applicable partial withdrawals’ mentioned above refers to all the partial
withdrawals (except smart withdrawals) made during the two years’ period immediately preceding
the date of calculation of sum at risk.
5. Mortality Charge The mortality charge on WOP benef it will be levied, if Max Life Waiver of Premium benef it has
on Max Life Waiver been opted at incept ion, basis ‘Sum at Risk’ on every monthly anniversary by canceling units
of Premium (WOP) f rom the unit account. The charge will be on an attained age of the Policyholder and will be
benef it deducted during Premium Payment Term of the base policy. It shall stop once Max Life Waiver
of Premium benef it has been triggered.
Sum at Risk (SAR) for the WOP benef it is def ined as follows:
Present value of future ‘Waiver of Premiums’ benef it payable. Please note the present value of
these benef its will be calculated at a discount rate of 6.00% p.a.
6. Surrender / The surrender / discontinuance charges are expressed as the lower of (X% of Annualised
Discont inuance Premium, X% of Fund Value, ‘Y’ f ixed rupee amount) where X and Y vary according to the year
Charge of premium discontinuance / surrender.
1 2% 3,000 1% 6,000
2 1.5% 2,000 0.7% 5,000
3 1% 1,500 0.5% 4,000
4 0.5% 1,000 0.35% 2,000
5 and onwards Nil Nil Nil Nil
For example: If the Single Premium is ` 2 Lakhs and the Fund Value at the end of the first year is
2,10,000, then the Surrender / Discontinuance Penalty will be the lower of (2% of 2,00,000, 2% of
2,10,000, 3,000) which works out to be ` 3,000.
Limited / Regular Premium Policies
For example: If the Annualised Premium is ` 2 Lakhs and the fund value at the end of the first year is
` 2,40,000, then the discontinuance charge will be the lower of (6% of 2,00,000, 6% of 2,40,000, 6,000)
which works out to be ` 6,000.
8. Premium There is no charge for premium redirect ion. Unlimited premium redirections are allowed in any
Redirect ion Charge Policy Year.
9. Partial Withdrawal Part ial withdrawals are f ree of any charge. A maximum of twelve (12) part ial withdrawals are
Charge allowed in any Policy Year.
12. Alteration No charge is applicable for any alterat ion in Sum Assured, Premium Payment Term or Policy
Charges Term.
However, please note:
• All applicable taxes, cesses and levies as imposed by the Government from t ime to t ime will be levied
on all charges as per the prevailing laws
• Any further taxes and cess shall be passed on to you
Max Life Waiver of This benefit will be available for choice only at inception, for limited and regular pay policies, when
P r e m i u m B e n e fi t policyholder and life insured are different individuals. If opted for, on death of the policyholder provided the
(WOP Benef it) risk cover under the Policy is in-force and Waiver of Premium cover is active on the date of death of the
Policyholder, the Company will fund all future outstanding premiums of the base Policy as and when due
under the Policy. All future benefits under the Policy shall be paid to the Claimant, as and when due, as if
the Policyholder was alive and had paid the Premiums to us.
WOP benefit will be available for choice only at inception, for limited and regular pay policies and when
policyholder and life insured are different individuals.
a Min Entry age for Life assured is 0 years (91 days) and Max Entry age is 13 years
b Policyholder entry age plus the chosen premium payment term should be less than or equal to 65
years for Cover Multiple 15 and 70 years for Cover Multiple 7 & 10 respectively under Wealth variant and
65 years under Whole Life variant.
c Premium payment term of the base plan
In case the Life Insured is a minor as on the Date of Commencement of Risk, the term of the
WOP benef it shall be restricted to (18 less than age of the minor Life Insured at inception) years
Smart Withdrawals You can avail this feature, if you choose the whole life variant, to systemat ically withdraw money from your
fund value and plan a secondary income as per your need, if all due premiums under your Policy have been
paid. you can choose to withdraw a pre-determined percentage of the fund value from your funds
In any particular year, the amount of smart withdrawal equal to the chosen percentage of the fund, shall
happen only if the fund value is greater than or equal to Minimum Death Benef it. The Minimum Death
Benef it is def ined as higher of sum assured and 105% of total premiums paid.
Switch There is no limit on number of switches done in a policy year i.e., you may switch any number of t imes
without any charges being levied.
You may switch between available Funds at any time during the Policy Term, subject to a minimum
Switch amount of ` 5,000.
You shall not be allowed to exercise this opt ion during the period of discont inuance in f irst f ive years
of the policy. Switches will be allowed during the settlement period.
Premium There is no limit on number of premium redirect ions done in a Policy Year without any charges being levied.
Redirect ion You may redirect your future premiums between available Funds at any time by giving us a written notice
before the premium due date. You will need to not ify the Company of the amount / proportion of premium
to be paid into each fund at the time of redirection.
Partial Withdrawal You can make part ial withdrawals which will be affected by cancelling units subject to the following
condit ions:
Applicable for both Wealth variant and Whole Life variant:
i. No part ial withdrawals are allowed in the f irst f ive Policy Years and thereafter a maximum of twelve
(12) part ial withdrawals are allowed in any policy year
ii. The minimum amount of partial withdrawal allowed per transaction is ` 5,000
Increase or decrease An Increase or decrease is allowed in the Premium Payment Term under this plan subject to the following:
in Premium Payment • This feature is not applicable for single pay premium payment opt ion
Term • This will be allowed after complet ion of lock-in period, by notifying the company, provided
all due premiums have been paid, subject to the Premium Payment Term options available
under the variant chosen by you basis the boundary condit ions applicable at incept ion
Increase in An Increase in the Policy Term is allowed under this plan subject to the following:
Policy Term • This feature is not applicable for single pay premium payment opt ion and Whole Life Variant
• This will be allowed, af ter complet ion of lock-in period, by notifying the company,
provided all due premiums have been paid, subject to the policy term opt ions available
under the variant chosen by you
Decrease in Sum You can choose a lower cover mult iple as per the choices available at your entry age, provided you
Assured have completed at least 1 Policy Year and all due premiums of f irst Policy Year have been paid.
There will be no change in the premium payable due to the change in the cover mult iple.
Settlement Opt ion You may opt for a settlement option; in which case the policy will continue after the maturity date for a
period not exceeding 5 years from the maturity date.
The settlement option, if opted by you, shall entitle you to receive periodical payments of unit Fund Value,
by cancellation of Units at their prevailing NAV. The first instalment will be paid out on the Date of Maturity.
Units payable under each instalment will be equal to:
Number of units before payment of installment / Number of remaining installments
Premium Reduct ion After complet ion of f irst f ive Policy Years, you have an opt ion to decrease the premium up to 50%
your original Annualized Premium, subject to the minimum premium limit, provided all due
premiums have been paid.
Individual Death Claims Paid Ratio as per IRDAI Annual Report 2021-22 | *As per Public Disclosures 2022.
The Unit Linked Insurance Products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The policyholder will not be able to surrender / withdraw
the monies invested in Unit Linked Insurance Products completely or partially till the end of the fifth year.
The premium shall be adjusted on the due date even if it has been received in advance.
Max Life Insurance Company Limited is only the name of the insurance company and Max Life Insurance Flexi Wealth Advantage Plan | Unit Linked Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan (UIN:
104L121V02) is only the name of the unit linked insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns. Applicable taxes, cesses and levies as
imposed by the government from time to time will be deducted from the premiums received or from the funds, as applicable. Unit Linked Insurance Products (ULIPs) are different from the tradit ional
insurance products and are subject to the risk factors. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges from your Insurance agent or the Intermediary or policy document issued by the
insurance company. The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these funds, their future prospects or returns. Past
performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.
Guaranteed Loyalty Additions: These shall be added to your fund value start ing from the end of 8 th policy year and at the end of each year thereafter. GLA as a % of fund value for various
premium bands as a percentage of fund value are as mentioned in the prospectus. Please refer the prospectus for further details.
Auto Debit Boosters: Auto debit booster amount of 0.75% of premium will get added to your fund value at end of 5 th policy year, provided all due premiums t ill date have
been paid and the policy is in-force.
Return of Charges Wealth Variant: RoC basis the charges deducted from incept ion t ill maturity will be paid on the date of maturity. For details, please refer to the
Return of Charges Whole Life Variant: RoC basis the charges deducted between inception and (PPT+10 th ) year will be returned at end of (PPT+10 th ) year. Thereafter, the RoC basis the charges
deducted during next five years will be returned at the end of every 5 years or maturity, whichever is earlier. For details, please refer to the prospectus.
Please note that the above assumed rates of return @ 4% and 8% p.a. respect ively, for Balanced Fund, are only scenarios at these rates after recovering all applicable charges. These are not
guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of returns of the Funds selected in your policy, as the performance of the Funds is dependent on a number of factors including future investment
performance. For more information, please request for your policy specific benefit illustration. Benefits payable provided the risk cover under the Policy is in-force.
Annualised Premium means premium amount payable in a Policy Year, excluding any Rider Premiums, underwriting extra Premiums on riders and applicable taxes, cesses or levies, if any.
Net Yield @8% mentioned corresponds to the gross investment return @8%, net of all charges but does not consider mortality, morbidity charges, underwrit ing extra, if any, guarantee charges and
cost of riders, if deducted by cancellat ion of units. It demonstrates the impact of charges exclusive of taxes on the net yield.
You may be ent itled to certain applicable tax benef its on your premiums and policy benef its. Please note all the tax benef its are subject to tax laws prevailing at the t ime of payment of premium or
receipt of benefits by you. Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws.
Max Life Insurance Company Limited is a joint venture between Max Financial Services Limited and Axis Bank Ltd. Max Life Insurance Co. Ltd., Corporate Office: 11 th Floor, DLF Square Building, Jacaranda
Marg, DLF City Phase II, Gurugram - 122 002 (Haryana). Insurance is the subject matter of solicitat ion. For more details on the risk factors, Terms and Condit ions, please read the prospectus carefully
before concluding a sale. Trade logos displayed belongs to Max Financial Services Ltd. and A x i s B a n k L t d . r e s p e c ti v e l y a n d w i t h t h e i r c o n s e n t s , a r e u s e d b y M a x L i f e I n s u r a n c e C o . L t d .
Customer Helpline Number: 1860 120 5577.
Website: www.maxlifeinsurance.com, SMS 'LIFE' to 5616188.
ARN: Max Life/FCB/Brand Marketing/Flexi Wealth Advantage Plan/Leaf let/May 2023 IRDAI Regn. No. 104