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Document Number # QH-PCD-401-3-1:2014
Work health and safety policy

Personal protective equipment management procedure

1. Purpose
This procedure outlines the requirements and practices for the management of personal protective
equipment (PPE) to assist with the correct selection, supply, use, replacement, maintenance,
training and storage.

2. Scope
This procedure applies to all workers including staff, clients, contractors and others within the
Department of Health divisions, agencies and Health and Hospital Services that are not prescribed

3. Procedure

3.1. The need to use PPE shall be determined from the process of hazard
identification, risk assessment and development of risk control measures.

3.2. PPE shall conform to any legislative, Australian Standard and / or industry standard
requirements or guidelines.

3.3. Where possible, PPE should be purchased from suppliers on the standing
offer arrangement (SOA) list. Where required, suppliers of PPE should be
asked to provide and include the following services:
advice on PPE
information relating to performance testing results
advice on personal fitting, use, cleaning, maintenance, and storage of PPE
a range of sizes (where appropriate)
information on the availability and need for replacement parts
demonstration of the PPE
immediate replacement of any defective PPE.

3.4. Specific PPE may be required to be worn under particular circumstances. This may
include but is not limited to:
Head protection in the form of a safety helmet shall be worn where there is a
possibility that a person:
– may be struck on the head by a falling object

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Department of Health: Personal protective equipment selection and use procedure

– the person may strike their head against a fixed object

– is likely to have inadvertent head contact with an electrical hazard.
Full body protection where there is risk of dermal exposure to specific infection
agents or hazardous chemicals.
Eye protection / face shield where a risk of eye injury exists. Typical hazards
might include flying particles, dust, splashing substances, harmful gases, vapours,
aerosols, and high intensity radiation.
Hearing protection where a risk of noise induced hearing loss exists. The need for
hearing protection shall be assessed from the conduct of noise monitoring surveys
in potential noise hazard areas.
Respiratory protection where all other practicable measures have been taken to
provide control measures to ensure that no staff member is exposed to an
atmosphere that is or may be injurious to health.
Protective clothing and sunscreen for workers who work outdoors and are
exposed to the sun’s rays for continuous periods. Direct exposure of the skin to UV
radiation from outdoor work shall be minimised by providing hats, long sleeves /
trousers and an adequate supply of sunscreen.
Hand protection where there is an identified hazard with a potential for hand injury,
transmission of infection or absorption of substances via the skin.
Protective footwear (safety footwear) shall be provided where the nature of the
work exposes the employee to a medium to high risk of injury to feet (for example.
occupations such as workshop maintenance and gardening staff).
High visibility safety vests where there is a risk of injury associated with working
on or near roadways, near moving traffic or plant or other circumstances where high
visibility of the worker is required.
3.5. Compliance with any operational requirement to use PPE shall be monitored by the
supervisor of the functional area.
Any non-compliance shall be investigated to ascertain the reason(s) and further
consultation with the worker and other relevant persons such as the work, health
and safety practitioner, health and safety representative shall be undertaken to
ensure a satisfactory resolution.
3.6. All staff expected to use PPE shall be provided with training prior to
application of the PPE and be provided ongoing training where necessary.
3.7. The PPE management program of the functional area shall outline:
approved PPE items and when they shall be worn
who is required to wear PPE and whether it is provided for general or exclusive
how PPE will be issued
training and any ongoing instruction required

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Department of Health: Personal protective equipment selection and use procedure

ongoing cleaning, storage, maintenance and inspection requirements including

any specific precautions that may apply (for example, replacement of respirator
replacement arrangements
responsibilities for cleaning and/or servicing
signage required at the point of required use
supervision to be provided
record keeping requirements.
3.8. Where contractors are engaged, if the work being performed relates directly to the
conduct of the accountability area’s business, PPE shall be supplied by the
accountability area (for example, face masks, gloves for clinical workers). At all
other times contractors shall supply PPE unless by arrangement with, or requested
by the accountability area’s responsible officer.

4. Supporting documents
Authorising policy and standard/s:
QH-POL-xxx:2014 Work health and safety policy
QH-IMP-xxx-xx:2014 Work health and safety risk management implementation
Forms and templates:
Generic risk assessment form.

5. Related documents
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
How to Manage Work, Health and Safety Risks Code of Practice 2011
AS/NZS 1715:2009 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment
AS 4381-2002 Single-use face masks for use in health care
AS/NZS 1336:1997 Recommended practices for occupational eye protection
AS 2210.1:2010 Safety, protective and occupational footwear–Guide to selection and
AS/NZS2161.1:2000 Occupational protective gloves–Selection, use and maintenance
AS 4179: Single-use sterile surgical rubber gloves–Specification
AS/NZS 1269.3:2005 Occupational noise management–Hearing protector program
AS 1067:2003 Sunglasses and fashion spectacles
AS/NZS 4501.1:2008 Occupational protective clothing–guidelines on the selection, use,
care and maintenance of protective clothing
AS/NZS 4543.1:1999 Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation.

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Department of Health: Personal protective equipment selection and use procedure

6. Review
This policy is due for review on 01 May 2017 or subject to changes in legislation, organisational
activities, or Occupational Health and Safety performance. Notwithstanding this policy remains in
force until such time as it is revoked.
Date of last review: 30 April 2014
QH-PTL-275-16-1:2012 Personal Protective Equipment
QH-PTL-275-9-1:2012 Personal Protective Devices- Safe Possession and Use of
QH-IMP-275-17:2012 Additional Risk Categories
QH-GDL-275-12-2:2012 Confined Spaces Equipment Selection, Use and Maintenance

7. Business area contact

Organisational Health, Human Resources Branch, System Support Services Division

8. Definitions of terms used in the policy and supporting documents

Term Definition / explanation / details Source
Personal protective
Is safety clothing and equipment for specified Department of
circumstances or areas, where the nature of the work Health
involved or the conditions under which people are
working, requires the wearing of, or use for their personal
protection to minimise risk.

9. Approval and implementation

Policy custodian:
Theresa Hodges, Senior Director, HR Policy, Performance and Organisational Health
Responsible executive team member:
Susan Middleditch, Deputy Director-General, System Support Services Division
Approving officer:
Susan Middleditch, Deputy Director-General, System Support Services Division

Approval date: 01 June 2014

Effective from: 01 July 2014

Version control
Version Date Prepared by Comments
1.0 30/04/2014 Janet Robinson SMS review project 2013-2014

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