Sectionbcivil PDF
Sectionbcivil PDF
Sectionbcivil PDF
Compulsory Subjects
IC 402 Engineering Management
CV 403 Civil Engineering Materials and Construction Practices
CV 404 Geo-technical and Foundation Engineering
CV 405 Water Resources Systems
CV 406 Principles of Geo-informatics
CV 407 Analysis and Design of Structures
Optional Subjects
(Optional subjects or electives are to be selected by student himself. He may choose any
one group to his interest and select ANY 3 subjects from that group)
Group B
Financial management: Introduction to standard forms of financial statements,
ie., balance sheet, profit and loss, and income statement. Fixed and current asset items.
Fixed and current liability items. Linkage of two successive balance-sheets through
income or profit and loss statement. Funds flow statement. Financial ratios and their
Managerial economics: Concepts, theory of production, marginal productivity
and cost. Introduction to theory of firm.
Quality management: Quality definition, quality planning, quality control and
quality management, Total quality management, ISO 9000 systems, simple quality
control techniques like control charts and acceptance sampling.
Marketing management consumer behavior, market research, product design
and development pricing and promotion.
Project management: Introduction. Concept of a project, project management
concepts, project simulation, cost or project and means of financing, economic evaluation
criteria of the project, project implementation, project planning, scheduling and
monitoring, project control (PERT, CPM techniques including crashing). Project
Information technology and management. Role of information, management
information system and decision support system, Information technology-introduction to
e-business, ecommerce and integration tools like enterprise resource planning (ERP).
Group A
Introduction to civil engineering materials-stone, timber, cement, steel,
plastics, concrete. Engineering properties of materials-density, strength (compressive,
tensile, flexural, shear, etc.), modulus of elasticity, fatigue, limit, creep, shrinkage,
relaxation, permeability, fire resistance. Materials and environment-effect of environment
on materials. Classification of environment-temperature, humidity, rain, fire.
Steel: Manufacture, rolled sections, properties, classifications.
Cement: Manufacture-wet and dry processes, constituents and constitution,
properties setting, strength, durability, classification-high early strength, low alkali, rapid
Concrete: Constituents-coarse and fine aggregates, cement, water. Mineral
admixtures-fly ash, blast furnace, slag, silica fume. Chemical admixtures-air entraining,
set retarding and accelerating, super plasticising. Fresh concrete-workability, air content,
segregation. Hardened concrete-strength, hardness, modulus of elasticity, modulus of
rupture. Special concretes-fibre, reinforced, shortcrete, underwater, high strength.
Deterioration and durability-reinforcement, corrosion, carbonation, alkali aggregate
Group B
Bricks: Manufacture, classification. Other materials. Standardization and
standards-need to have standards and some common international standards. Relevant
Indian standards (commonly used standards to be listed with brief description). Quality
control. Nondestructive testing and evaluation.
Construction practices: Standards relevant to quality control at site. Safety
issues. Quantities and estimation. Tender document. Contracts-unit rate, lump sum,
turnkey. Project management-CPM, PERT, bar charts, pie diagrams, escalation,
Recommended Books
S K Jain and V P Singh. Water Resources Systems : Planning and Management.
S Vedula and P P Majumdar. Water Resources Systems.
Group A
Introduction to surveying: Objectives, classification of surveys, Indian
topographic series, map reading.
Linear measurements: Distance measurements with chain and tapes, corrections
to measured length, field survey by chains/tapes.
Compass surveying: True and magnetic bearings, local attraction, fore and back
bearing, various types of compasses and applications, detail plotting, adjustment of
compass traverse using graphical approach.
Leveling: Concepts of Geold, ellipsoid, MSL and level surface, methods of
leveling, determination of height, booking of leveling operation, types of levels,
sensitivity. of the bubble, trigonometric leveling, curvature and refraction effects.
Contouring: Guidelines for preparation of contour m;1ps, methods of contouring.
Plane Tabling (PT): Accessories in PT, methods of PT, re-section method ,
preparation of map.
Theodolites: Measurements of horizontal and vertical angles, differences in
Vernier and microplic theodolites, methods of recording angles.
Errors and adjustments: Accuracy and precision, propagation of
variance/covariance and adjustment of errors using observation equation and condition
equation approach (matrix based solution).
Tacheometric surveys: Principle and basic system, subtense bar, various types of
tachometers, plotting with tacheometers.
Curves: Classification, elements of simple circular, compound, reverse,
transition, vertical curves, setting of curves.
Group B
Triangulation: Purpose of triangulation and trilateration, classification, strength
of figure, well conditioned triangle, triangulation figures, reconnaissance and station
selection, intervisibility of stations, signal and towers, base lining, computation and
adjustment in triangulation, satellite station.
EDM: Principles and applications, instruments: Geodimeter, Tellurometer,
Distomat, etc.
Digital Theodolites/Total Station/GPS: Principles and applications.
Introduction to photogrammetry: Comparison of serial photographs and
topographic maps, definition of basic terms, perspective of near-vertical photograph,
scale and coordinates from photographs, stereoscopy, parallel bar measurements,
determination of heights, principle of radial line triangulation, assumption, limitations
and errors.
Introduction to remote sensing: Remote sensing system, data-acquisition and
processing, EMR and spectrum, atmospheric windows, Interaction mechanisms, multi-
concept, sensors and platforms. Interpolation of aerial photographs and satellite imagery
and their interaction.
Group A
Matrix analysis, displacement and force method: Computers and structural
analysis; brief discussion on analysis procedures with introduction to displacement and
force methods; basic structural system and mathematical model; coordinate systems, joint
displacement and joint loads; statically determinate and indeterminate structures;
kinematically determinate and indeterminate structures.
Member end load matrix: Member deformation matrix; influence coefficients;
global flexibility matrix; global stiffness matrix; local member flexibility and stiffness
matrices; plane frame members; space frame members.
Flexibility analysis of statically determinate structures; computer program for
flexibility analysis; flexibility analysis of statically indeterminate structures; computer
program for flexibility analysis for statically indeterminate structures.
Stiffness analysis method; computer program for stiffness analysis of
kinematically determinate systems; stiffness analysis of kinematically determinate plain
frame; stiffness analysis of kinematically indeterminate systems; assembly process for
obtaining global stiffness matrix from member stiffness matrices for plane truss, space
truss, plane frame and space frame.
Group B
Stress analysis and failure criteria. Analysis of stress and strain—principal
stresses and Strains, deviaioric stress and strain, stress and strain invariants; compatibility
conditions; and equilibrium equations. Failure criteria stress-strain relations for
anisotropic and isotropic elastic materials; yield (failure) criteria.
Stress concern ration. Fatigue failure.
Plates and shells; thin plate bending theory, thin plate bending solutions;
membrane theory of shells; bending theory—circular cylindrical shells.
Group A
Introduction to working stress and limit states/design. Working stress design of
rectangular beams.
Working stress design of T-beams. Design of tension members and compression
Limit states, design of beams.
Design of two-way slabs, design of circular slabs, and design of flat slabs.
Design of miscellaneous structures—staircase, curved beam, lintel, etc.
Group B
Limit state, design of columns. Design of members under combined bending and
direct stresses.
Design of footings and design of bridges.
Design of liquid retaining structures.
Design of pre-stressed concrete structures. Design of masonry structures.
Group A
Industrial buildings: Loads, classification and types of buildings, braced and
unbraced buildings.
Steel towers: Transmission line towers; microwave towers; guyed towers.
Group B
Multistoried buildings: Analysis, types of loads, and design.
Other miscellaneous topics: Steel bridges; pressure vessels; water tanks,
chimneys, etc.
Group A
Single degree of freedom systems: Equations of motion. Free vibrations,
damping. Response to harmonic excitation. Response to general dynamic loading.
Duhamel's integral. Numerical methods.
Response spectrum: Concept. Deformation, pseudo-velocity and pseudo-
acceleration response spectra. Analysis of SDOF systems using response spectrum.
Difference between response spectrum and design spectrum.
Group B
Multi degree of freedom systems: Equations of motion. Free vibrations, natural
frequencies and modes. Free vibration analysis for classically damped systems. Damped
matrix. Rayleigh damping. Modal analysis. Earthquake analysis of linear systems by
response spectrum method.
Continuous systems: Equations of motion. Natural frequencies and modes. Modal
orthogonality. Earthquake response spectrum analysis.
Group A
Characteristics of earthquake: Earthquake terminology. Magnitude. Intensity.
Measurement of ground motion. Frequency-magnitude relationship. Liquefaction.
Strong ground motion: Acceleration time histories. Peak parameters (peak ground
acceleration/velocity/ displacement). Response spectrum. Site effects.
Earthquake analysis of structures: Idealisation on structures. Response spectrum
analysis. Equivalent force concepts. Torsionally coupled systems.
Group B
Concepts of earthquake-resistant design: Objectives. Ductility, ductility reduction
factor, over strength, response reduction factor. Design response spectrum. Lateral
stiffness. Building configuration. Base isolation. Concept of structural control.
Building codes: Performance of buildings in past earthquakes. Historical
perspective on code development-Indian code (IS 1893) provisions for buildings.
Detailing of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings: Provisions of IS 13920,
IS 4326, IS 13827. Retrofitting and strengthening of buildings (IS 13935).
Other structures: Introduction to concept of seismic design for bridges and liquid
retaining tanks.
Group A
Environmental engineering: Introduction and scope. Ecology and environment—
definitions and interactions, anthropogenic effects.
Pollution and environmental quality: Air and water quality parameters, variation
of water quality in the hydrogeologic cycle, beneficial uses of water, water ity criteria and
standards for various beneficial uses, air quality criteria, ambient air standards.
Pollutants: Definition, significance, measurement (both air and water).
Wastes: Solid, liquid and gaseous, and their sources and characteristics.
Water and wastewater quality estimation: Population forecast, water demand for
various purposes, variation in quantity of water and wastewater.
Overview and elements of water supply scheme.
Group B
Water/wastewater quality enhancement: Unit operations and processes, physico-chemical
vs. biological methods, solid-liquid separation, grit removal, screening, commutation,
mixing, equalization, coagulation, flocculation, filtration, disinfection, aeration and gas
transfer, precipitation, softening, adsorption and ion exchange.
Surface and groundwater treatment: Sequencing of unit operations and processes,
plant layout, hydraulic considerations.
Rural water supply and sanitation.
Wastewater collection system and water distribution system: Review of analysis,
design and appurtenances.
Group A
Introduction: History of air pollution, air pollution systems, concepts of air
quality, air quality criteria and standards, atmospheric chemistry and philosophy of air
pollution control.
Air Pollution sources: Stationary—industrial, domestic, non-point Mobile: Petrol
and diesel driven vehicles.
Assessment of air pollution: Preparation of emission inventory, emission factors,
pollution loads.
Effects of air pollution: Human health, vegetation and property.
Air quality surveillance: Design of air quality monitoring network.
Meteorology: Physics of atmosphere—sun atmosphere, heat balance, wind speed,
direction, ventilation, mixing height, stability, class.
Group B
Transport and dispersion of pollutants: Turbulence, advection, diffusion equation,
Gaussian model and its variation, plume rise, fate process and migration pathways, dry
and wet deposition.
Engineering control: Setting chambers, inertial devices, bagfihers, dry and wet
scrubbers, mobile source control, two- and three-way catalytic converters.
Source sampling and monitoring: Isokinetic sampling. Air pollution legislations,
international treaties, emission standards. Global and regional air pollution issues.
Group A
Components of transportation.
Vehicle and driver characteristics.
Resistance to vehicles and power requirements; Perception-Reaction time of
drivers; Visual acquity of drivers; Driver comfort.
Pavement materials; Aggregates; Bitumen; Concrete.
Pavement design; Flexible pavements; Rigid pavements.
Railway track and structures; Design of formation, sleeper density, rail joints,
long welded rails; Properties of sleeper material, ballast, points and crossing, railway
signalling, interlocking of signals and points.
Geometric design; Horizontal alignment; Vertical i alignment; Sight distance.
Group B
Airport planning and design; Regional -planning; Airport site selection; Airport
capacity; Airport design; Runway orientation; Basic runway length and its corrections;
Taxiway system; Aircraft parking; Terminal building.
Public transportation, different alternatives and their usefulness.
Traffic flow fundamentals, traffic stream variables, relation between traffic stream
Traffic studies: Traffic volume studies, speed studies, Origin and destination
studies, traffic flow characteristics, traffic capacity study, parking study, accident studies.
Capacity and level of service analysis; Level of service analysis, capacity of
various traffic facilities like highways, freeways, signalized intersections.
Group A
Introduction to construction management. Construction industry and its practices.
Problems of construction industry. Management problems in construction. Methodology
of system design and techniques in construction. Elements of engineering economies.
Probability and statistics. Allocation models, coordination and inventory model. Queuing
model. Uncertainty principles. Simulation.
Engineering economics in construction management. Time value of money,
interest tables and rates of payment and return. Depreciation of capital assets. Evaluation
of feasibility. Public project analysis and evaluation. Case study modules.
Use of elementary statistics and probability theory. Statistical approach,
probability distributions, expected value analysis, parameter estimation, statistical
inference, quality control using statistical tools, regression and correlation analysis. Case
study modules.
Allocation models in construction. Transportation model and its solution.
Assignment model. Sequencing. Case study modules.
Group B
CPM and PERT network in construction. Applications in the field of construction,
planning of scheduling phase and control phase, optimisation studies, case study
Inventory management. Inventory costs, lead and economic order quantity,
inventory models, ABC analysis, inventory management.
Queuing models and applications in construction technology. Queues and queuing
theory, models of queues, case study modules.
Construction projects management. Organizational aspects of sectors such as
housing, institutional and commercial, industrial and heavy engineering. Contracts-theory
and practice. Human resources development and construction industry.