Eed Qpso
Eed Qpso
Eed Qpso
Abstract—In this research, quantum particle swarm to solve this multiobjective problem were goal programming
optimization (QPSO) is utilized to solve multiobjective [1], Newton-Raphson [2] and Lagrangian relaxation [3].
combined economic emission dispatch (CEED) problem Nanda et al. [1] explored coordination equation based
formulated using cubic criterion function considering a uni classical method to solve multiobjective CEED problem
wise max/max price penalty factor. QPSO is implemented on a considering line flow constraints. However, nonlinearities in
6-unit power generation system and compared with the actual power generating systems and many real-world
Lagrangian relaxation, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and complicating factors in multiobjective CEED problem make
simulated annealing (SA). The obtained results verified the it hard for the classical models to solve this problem
effectiveness and demonstrate the robustness of QPSO method.
This research suggests that QPSO can be used as an effective
and robust tool in other power dispatch problems. Intelligent techniques have emerged as a replacement of
the classical methods to solve the multiobjective CEED
Keywords-quantum particle swarm optimization; combined problem. Various stand-alone and hybrid intelligent
economic emission dispatch; cubic function; penalty factor; algorithms have been developed and exploited to get quality
multiobjective optimization solution with high computational efficiency. Genetic
algorithm (GA) [4], PSO [5], SA [6], differential evolution
I. INTRODUCTION (DE) [7] and their variants are some of the mostly used
In electrical power generation systems, economic load methods in this power dispatch problem. Hybrid techniques
dispatch (ELD) is one of the most crucial problems. The goal have been developed in order to combine the benefits of two
of ELD is to find an optimal combination of power or more algorithms and diminish each other’s limitations.
generation in order to minimize the generation cost by Many well-known methods have been hybridized to solve
satisfying the load demand and all other practical equal and CEED problem in a powerful way. Some of them are
unequal constraints. On the other hand, due to environmental differential evolution with biogeography-based optimization
pollution from the fossil fuels fired thermal plant, ELD as a (DE-BBO) [8], PSO with GA (PSO-GA) [9] and artificial
single objective is not sufficient to be considered alone. bee colony with simulated annealing (ABC-SA) [10].
Thus, reduction of emission from thermal plants is also a Recently, the idea of quantum computing (QC) is being used
crucial objective in power dispatch. Combined economic with existed intelligent techniques to develop
emission dispatch (CEED) is a multiobjective optimization computationally efficient and powerful algorithm. One of the
problem where the goal is to minimize the generation cost advantages of QC is that it can show massive quantum
and at the same time emission of pollutants from thermal parallelism, which makes it computationally very powerful
power generation system. and efficient. Some previous works regarding solving CEED
problem using quantum computational intelligence technique
Many techniques have been proposed to obtain an can be found in [11]. In this paper, QC integrated PSO
optimal solution with sound computational efficiency in technique (QPSO) is used to solve multiobjective CEED
multiobjective CEED problem. Some of the early approaches problem using cubic criterion function.
0 1 (8)
Initialize the Particles
In the above equation, α and β are complex numbers that
satisfy the equation
2 2 Compute Fitness of each particle
1 (9)
Spin up state is represented by |0> and spin down state is
Update pbest
represented by |1>. From (1), it can be seen that one qubit is
representing two state of information (|0> and |1>)
Calculate mbest
simultaneously. This superposition state can also be Gen = Gen + 1
expressed as
Update gbest
sin 0 cos 1 (10)
where the phase of the qubit is represented by θ. The
relation among α, β and θ can be defined as Update Position of the Particle
arctan( / ) (11)
The position of the particle in QPSO can be described as
L 1 Criteria Met?
xid pid ln( ) (12)
2 u Yes
where xid is the position of the ith particle, pid is the local
attractor of particle i that lies in between the pbest and gbest
and u is uniformly distributed random number in the range Figure 1. Flowchart of standard Quantum PSO
of [0, 1]. The value of L can be determined using the
following equation IV. RESULT AND ANALYSIS
L 2 | xid pid | (13)
where α is the only parameter of QPSO, which can be QPSO has been exploited in this research to solve CEED
problem for a 6-unit power generation system using cubic
calculated using the following equation
criterion function, where the total load demand is 150 MW.
tmax t Authors of this paper have implemented QPSO in
(1 0.5). 0.5 (14)
tmax MATLAB R2015a and executed with core i5-3470 CPU @
3.20 GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.2GHz and 4GB RAM personal
where t and tmax refer to number of iteration and maximum computer. Table I shows the parameter settings of QPSO
number of iterations, respectively. Equation (12) can be and PSO. Total 100 runs have been considered as a fair test
rewritten as of robustness, and the average of the outcomes of these runs
are reported in this section.
xid pid | xid pid | ln( ) (15)
and the local attractor p can be represented as below
p . pbest (1 ).gbest (16) Parameters Values
where φ refers to a uniformly distributed random number. Population Size 1000
The range of φ is [0, 1]. Maximum iterations 100
Fig. 1 depicts the flowchart of QPSO. In the first step,
Number of runs 100
algorithm parameters such as population size, particle
dimension and maximum number of iterations are initialized. Dimension 6
The second step evaluates fitness value for each particle and
records pbest and gbest. In the next step, particles are
updated using QPSO algorithm formula. The algorithm Tables II and III show the generator limit, fuel
coefficients and emission coefficients of 6-unit power
terminates and gives the optimal output if the algorithm
generation system respectively. All the data are taken from
SA [16] PSO [16] QPSO
P1 50.65 50 50 50.00
Figure 2. Convergence characteristics of PSO and QPSO for 6-unit CEED P5 21.3002 22.4910 20.6 20.04
dispatch problem
P6 21.1181 21.8940 22.31 22.03
2734.21 2702.7841 2701.796 2701.476
ai bi ci di ei fi gi hi Emission
2642.702 2607.4606 2593.1844 2583.6485
0.0010 0.0920 14.50 -136.00 0.0015 0.0920 14.0 -16.0 ($/h)
0.0004 0.0250 22.00 -3.50 0.0014 0.0250 12.5 -93.5 Total Cost
5007.941 4949.7958 4946.8 4944.5
0.0006 0.0750 23.00 -81.00 0.0016 0.0550 13.5 -85.0
0.0002 0.1000 13.50 -14.50 0.0012 0.0100 13.5 -24.5
0.0013 0.1200 11.50 -9.75 0.0023 0.0400 21.0 -59.0
0.0004 0.0840 12.50 75.60 0.0014 0.0800 22.0 -70.0 In this paper, QPSO technique is successfully
implemented to solve multiobjective CEED problem. Here,
A comparison with three other available methods, CEED is represented using cubic criterion function. Unit
namely Lagrangian relaxation [14], PSO [15] and simulated wise max/max price penalty factor is considered to convert
annealing (SA) [16], is done to evaluate and verify QPSO both objectives into a single objective. Simulation results
method. Table V shows the costs incurred by all these verify the effectiveness of QPSO in solving this
approaches. It demonstrates that QPSO successfully multiobjective problem by achieving reliable, robust and
outperforms the other three methods in terms of minimizing suitable solutions with fast convergence characteristics. The
the total cost, which shows the better performance of QPSO obtained results are compared with other well-known
in solving the multiobjective CEED problem than the methods like Lagrangian relaxation, PSO and SA which
others. One of the problems with PSO as well as other demonstrate QPSO’s superiority over these methods to
existing algorithms is that it sometimes trapped into the solve the CEED problem. Small number of generating units
local optima [17]. QPSO can avoid such local minima in have been considered in this research due to the
many cases, which helps to improve the performance. unavailability of data for large power generation systems.
Future work will be directed to use QPSO to solve Point Effect," in Swarm, Evolutionary, and
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with quantum computing phenomena. [11] F. P. Mahdi, P. Vasant, V. Kallimani, and M.
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